AutoCAD Chapter 8 questions
Objects must actually touch each other for the TRIM command to work
Fillet radius
The radius of a rounded intersection
BREAK command
Can convert a circle into an arc and turn a single object into multiple
JOIN command
Can convert an arc into a full circle
A fillet radius can be drawn between two parallel objects.
ERASE mode
A mode of the OFFSET command that deletes the source object after it is offset
Extend mode
A mode of the TRIM and EXTEND commands that allows you to trim or extend to implied intersections
LENGTHEN command
Allows you to display and modify the length of objects
Copies objects equidistantly along a path
Holding the <Shift> key during the CHAMFER command allows it to draw fillet curves.
Polar Array
Items copied in a circular pattern
Rectangular array
Items copied in a rectangular pattern of rows and columns
CHAMFER command
Moves objects a user-supplied distance and angle
The BREAK command converts rays into Xlines.
The BREAK command requires two separate points when breaking a circle
The EXTEND command can be used to trim objects
The JOIN command requires that line segments must lie end-to-end with no gaps or overlaps.
The LENGTHEN command doesn't work with arcs.
The OFFSET command cannot be used on closed objects
The eRase option of the TRIM and EXTEND commands will undo any changes made during the command