AVSC 3400 International Flight Operations

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In the initial stages of operation for a new airline or a new aircraft type, the FAA will only allow a ___ minute diversion time for a single engine.


The ICAO common mark for Singapore is?


After ascending through the transition level, how should you adjust your altimeter?

the altimeter should remain at the QNE setting

After descending through the transition altitude, how should you adjust your altimeter?

the altimeter should remain at the QNH setting

A holding speed of 200 knots should be maintained if you are flying in what altitude range in a domestic holding pattern?

Surface - 6,000'

The Secretariat of ICAO is divided into which of the following bureaus?

Technical Assistance Legal Bureau Administration Air Transport Bureau Air Navigation

The United Kingdom and the United States met and negotiated a bilateral understanding of the development of international air transport.

The Bermuda Agreement

The International Conference on Civil Aviation is often called the:

The Chicago Conference

Which convention included most of the basic tenets established by the Paris Convention?

The Havana Convention

The wet footprint is the amount of time on either side of the Gsret during which, if specific range is degraded for any reason, the airplane will have to ditch.


When a member of state joins ICAO it agrees to support the organization worldwide which therefore makes the implementation of ICAO mandatory.


When interception of an civil aircraft is necessary, ICAO recommends this process take place in four phases.


With the present reliability level of jet engines, engine failure is a very likely occurrence along with other system problems that include, pressurization, fire, smoke, passenger medical, etc.


What act was the Federal Aviation Agency created in

Federal Aviation Act

What is the acronym for Global Navigation Satellite System?


What is the weather abbreviation for small hail and/or snow pellets?


What air-ground communications system is a high speed, two-way data communication link between a parked aircraft and a ground-based communications system?


According to the text, what are the first two principles of survival over the North Atlantic Ocean?

Protection and Location

If the aircraft is in the air, an altimeter with a ______ setting will display the height above the ground (without consideration for temperature).


If the aircraft is on the ground, an altimeter with a ______ setting will display an elevation reading of zero.


When cruising at a specific flight level, your altimeter will likely use the ______ setting.


If the aircraft is in the air, an altimeter with a ______ setting will display the actual elevation above sea level (without consideration for temperature).


What term best defines the farthest distance a pilot on the center line of a runway can see a light or runway marking further down the runway?

Runway Visual Range

What is the abbreviation for 3 or 4 oktas of cloud coverage?


On an international flight plan form the acronym for the SELCAL code is defined as


What technique using a unique address (24 bits ICAO address) for each aircraft has been developed to improve the aircraft identification and provide more aircraft position-related information.

SSR Mode S

On an international flight plan form the acronym for "reason for special handling by the ATS" is defined as


The main functional organization that does the day-to-day operations of ICAO is the


What section of the DOD catalog contains a general description of the scale, code, projection, size, purpose, style and information shown on all charts used for planning references and wall displays?

Section 4

A modern Inertial Navigation System is the only self-contained single source for all navigation data.


A special (SPECI) report is issued anytime weather conditions meet predetermined criteria.


Airspace sovereignty law evolution started within just a few years of the Wright Brothers' first flight.


All clock times should be entered in four digit figures when completing a flight plan form.


All two-engine airplanes and three- and four-engine passenger-carrying airplanes operated under part 121 are required to comply with 121.161.


An ETOPS maintenance entity is an entity that has been authorized to perform ETOPS maintenance and authorized by the certificate holder to complete ETOPS pre-departure service checks.


FAA's main objectives include, promoting safety in air commerce, encouraging and developing civil aeronautics, including new aviation technology, and supporting the requirements of national defense.


Flights within the free flow boundary area are approved along the track as designated daily by the ATC NOTAMs.


Forecast weather conditions can be categorized as prevailing or variable.


ICAO Annex 18 contains the general rules about how dangerous goods should be packed and transported and the responsibilities of various parties involved with their transportation.


ICAO has developed a system known as the World Area Forecast System.


ICAO stands for International Civil Aviation Organization


IFIM stands for the International Flight Information Manual created by ICAO.


If one system fails before takeoff a pilot may want to consider delaying departure, planning on special routes which are recommended for aircraft suffering partial loss of navigation capability and obtaining a clearance above or below MNPS airspace.


In computer data networking terminology, the infrastructure required to support the interconnection of automated systems is referred to as an internet.


Preparation can be categorized into readiness or advanced preparation, as well as specific trip preparation (route specific).


Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) Airspace is that which has been designated by international agreement, as airspace in which air traffic control (ATC) separates aircraft by a minimum of 1,000 feet vertically between FL290 and FL410 (inclusive). Typically, this airspace is designated in areas of very hight density traffic.


Since 1985, the acronym, ETOPS, has been defined as "Extended-range Twin-engine Operations" and has been limited to airplanes with only two engines. Current regulations have extended these applications to all passenger-carrying airplanes, and the acronym has now been redefined to mean "extended operations."


The Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue (AMVER) is an International Maritime Mutual Assistance program.


The JAA Training Organization is currently in operation today.


The acquisition and interpretation of weather information is an essential part of the preflight planning process.


The main shortcoming of the existing air-ground communications system is that the exchange of information between aircraft and ATC unit is mainly limited to voice only, and therefore is not reducibly usable by automated systems.


The requirement to keep the aircraft in the tunnel is of the RNP type, translated into accuracy, integrity, continuity, and availability parameters.


Two levels of navigation are provided by the GPS: the Precise Positioning Service and the Standard Positioning Service.


Two predictable errors associated with spinning mass gyrocompasses are real drift and changes in magnetic variation.


While en route, the forecast weather for designated ETOPS alternates should remain at or above operating minima.


What letters should be inserted into the international flight plan form if no ICAO four-letter indicator has been assigned for an aerodrome?


During the alignment period, the Inertial Reference Unit (IRU) computer has determined true north by sensing the direction of the earth's ______.


What term best describes an airspace which is controlled airspace?

Control Area

The Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) was an associated body of the what particular conference?

European Civil Aviation Conference

What aviation authority is responsible for insuring safe and secure use of the United States airspace in military as well as civil aviation?


What is the weather abbreviation for fog?


A Terminal Aerodrome Forecast always starts with the 3-letter ICAO identifier and 3 numbers which represent the valid forecast period in the UTC.


All airports in a given country have international four-letter identifiers?


Global denotes operations over a large portion of the earth, giving the connotation of short-range flight navigation.


If unable to comply with specific provisions, the aircraft should leave its assigned route or track by turning 45 degrees to the right or left whenever this is possible.


In regards to airplane performance data: a certificate holder should dispatch an airplane on an ETOPS flight without making performance data available to its crew members and dispatchers that support all phases of ETOPS operations, including divert scenarios.


Since the adoption by ICAO more than 20 years ago, the use of Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) for surveillance has yet to spread throughout the world.


The Strapdown laser-gyro system utilizes inertial sensors that are fixed relative to the structure. These sensors consist of two or more ring laser gyros and two or more accelerometers.


The basic principles of an inertial accelerometer have changed drastically over the past several years.


The tunnel concept is a method of navigation which permits the aircraft to navigate along any desired flight path within the coverage of station-referenced navigation aids, or within the limits of the self-contained aids, or a combination of these.


What ancient navigational instrument that gave a close approximation of time was believed to have been invented in the 16th century?


The ICAO country code for Utah, USA is?

None of the above

Crews who decide to check or update their long-range navigation systems by reference to VOR's should remember that in the Canadian Northern Control Area, VORs are not aligned with reference to magnetic___


What is the acronym for ETOPS Pre-Departure Service Check?


The International Air Navigation Code is usually referred to as the:

Paris Convention

After descending through the transition level, how should you adjust your altimeter?

from the QNE to the QNH setting

After ascending through the transition altitude, how should you adjust your altimeter?

from the QNH to the QNE setting

An aircraft type with a maximum certificated takeoff mass of 7,000 kg (15,500 lbs) or less is defined as


What is the wake turbulence definition for the term "heavy?"

maximum certificated takeoff mass of 136,000 kg (300,000 lbs) or more.

Which of the following types of GPS receiver architectures are used to perform satellite tracking?

multiplex receivers continuous tracking receivers sequential tracking receivers

What time from a suitable alternate is allowed for operators who can show an acceptable engine failure rate.

120 minutes

A holding speed of 240 knots should be maintained if you are flying in what altitude range in a foreign holding pattern?

14,001' - FL200

The ICAO is composed of how many member states?


In what year did ICAO become a specialized agency of the United Nations?


In what year did ICAO establish the special committee on Future Air Navigations Systems (FANS).


What year was Advisory Circular 120-42 released?


What year did the FANS 1 Committee complete its work on phase one of FANS in May and urgently recommend that ICAO Council establish a new committee?


The GPS space system consist of how many operational satellites?


The ICAO council members are composed of how many contracting states?


How high should registration marks be painted or otherwise permanently affixed on the wings of an aircraft?

50 cm

Which of the following Annexes are part of ICAO

Aircraft Noise Rules of Air Air Traffic Services Security

Standard COM/NAV equipment is considered to be which of the following

All of the above

Which of the following signals are approved through ICAO for situations of distress?

An SOS signal in Morse code A signal made consisting of the group XXX Red glowing rockets or shells, fired one at a time Red parachute flare Repeated switching on and off of navigation lights

To achieve a cost effective safety system so as to contribute to an efficient civil aviation industry is the summarization for which JAA objective?

Business Effectiveness

What is the property of matter best described by Newton's first law of motion, which says "A body continues in a state of rest, or uniform motion in a straight line, unless acted upon by unequal external forces."


The first organized need for the promotion of an international conference to draft a code of private international aviation law was recognized publicly by the:

International Chamber of Commerce

Which of the following organizations offer services which pull together much of the international flight planning information?

Island Air Jeppesen Dataplan, Inc. CompuFlight, Inc.

The North Atlantic (NAT) Region comprises which of the following Flight Information Regions (FIR):

New York Oceanic Gander Oceanic Sondrestrom Santa Maria Oceanic

The place(s) where an aircraft enters and leaves oceanic control airspace is called:

coast-in point and coast-out point

What GPS segment consists of a master control station and a number of monitor stations located on the ground around the world?

control segment

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