AWS Developer Associate Questions Set 1

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Java, Go, Node.js, .NET

AWS provides SDKs for which of the following


AWS recommends that you use Multipart Upload for files larger than _____.

Set the imaging queue ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds attribute to 20 seconds.

Ajax, Inc. provides an online image recognition service and utilizes SQS to decouple system components. The SQS consumers poll the imaging queue as often as possible to keep end-to-end throughput as high as possible. However, Ajax, Inc. is realizing that polling in tight loops is burning CPU cycles and that empty responses are increasing costs. How can Ajax, Inc. reduce the number of empty responses?


Amazon S3 bucket names are stored in alphabetical order, or lexicographically.


An item stored in DynamoDB can have an unlimited number of _______

You are exceeding an individual partition's throughput capacity, even if you're not exceeding the overall table throughput capacity.

As you retrieve information from DynamoDB, you receive a ProvisionedThroughputExceededException error. Further investigation shows that you're not exceeding your table's read capacity throughput. What is causing this error?"


By default, how many Elastic IP addresses are you limited to per region?


By default, what event occurs if your CloudFormation receives an error during creation?


By default, what status message will you see if your CloudFormation stack encounters an error during creation?


A composite key comprising hash and range keys is the same thing as a composite key comprising partition and sort keys?

Take frequent snapshots of the EBS volume during business hours to ensure users' data is backed up

A recent increase in the amount of users of an application hosted on an EC2 instance that you manage has caused the instanceäó»s OS to run out of CPU resources and crash. The crash caused several usersäó» unsaved data to be lost and your supervisor wants to know how this problem can be avoided in the future. Which of the following would you not recommend?

FALSE (max 3,000 read / 1,000 write)

A single DynamoDB table partition can support a maximum of 5,000 read capacity units or 1,000 write capacity units.

The BatchWriteItem operation puts or deletes multiple items in one or more tables. BatchWriteItem checks for unprocessed items and submits a new BatchWriteItem request with those unprocessed items until all items have been processed.

Called in a loop, what does the BatchWrite Item operation do?


Can you use IPv6 with Amazon S3?


What is the size of one unit of read capacity?

The object's InstaceId.

When using the Ref function in CloudFormation, what do we get back if we pass in the logical ID of an AWS::EC2::Instance object?

The object's InstanceId

When using the Ref function in CloudFormation, what do we get back if we pass in the logical ID of an AWS::EC2::Instance object?


Which API call can tell you which Amazon Machine Images are available in your current region?


Which API call would you use to query an item by its primary key?


Which AWS service should you use to host MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, SQL Server, or PostgreSQL database where you do not need to manage the underlying operating system?


Which HTTP response code indicates that an API call was successful?

MissingSecurityHeader (400)

Which S3 error code does not correspond to HTTP status code 404?

AWS cloudformation list-stacks, AWS cloudformation describe-stacks

Which command line commands list all current stacks in your CloudFormation service


Which of the following AWS services can be used to record logs of API calls


Which of the following DynamoDB API calls does not consume capacity units?

PutItem, UpdateItem, DeleteItem

Which of the following DynamoDB write operations allow conditional writes?

Scan, BatchGetItem, GetItem, Query

Which of the following are DynamoDB read operations?

ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds, DelaySeconds, VisibilityTimeout

Which of the following attributes are always supported by the GetQueueAttributes action?

A JSON document with parameters like Message, Signature, Subject, Type.

Which of the following best describes the messages SNS sends to endpoints:,

Which of the following bucket names are invalid (Choose 2.)

S3 buckets per account, DynamoDB tables per account

Which of the following can be increased by contacting AWS support:

Intrinsic functions, Regular expressions, Parameters, YAML

Which of the following can be used when authoring a CloudFormation template?

Ruby statements

Which of the following cannot be used inside a CloudFormation template:


Which of the following is NOT a valid EC2 instance type?

Accounts can have a maximum of 100 buckets.

Which of the following is a default limit in S3?

EC2 instances poll the SQS queue for messages.

Which of the following is an accurate description of the interaction between SQS and an EC2 instance?


Which of the following is not a common S3 API call?


Which of the following is not a common S3 request header?


Which of the following is not a common S3 response header?

my-S3bucket, mys3_bucket

Which of the following is not a valid S3 bucket name?

It uses AES-256 encryption.

Which of the following is true about S3 server-side encryption?

SSL endpoints using the HTTPS protocol, HTTP endpoints using HTTPS protocol

Which of the following methods will allow you to *securely* upload/download your data to the S3 service? Pick all that apply.


Which of the following operations will re-assemble the individual parts of a Multipart Upload?

Erlang, Oracle WebLogic

Which of the following platforms are not supported in ElasticBeanstalk (Choose 2)?

Node.js, Go, Single Container Docker, Preconfigured Docker

Which of the following platforms are supported in ElasticBeanstalk


Which of the following sections is required for a CloudFormation template to be valid?

AWS VPC, AWS AutoScaling

Which of the following services are offered at no cost? (Choose two answers.)


Which of the following services can be used to host a static web site?

DynamoDB uses conditional writes for consistency.

Which of the following statements about DynamoDB is true:

DynamoDB uses optimistic concurrency control.

Which of the following statements about DynamoDB is true?

Messages will be delivered one or more times, and message delivery order is indeterminate

Which of the following statements about SQS is true:

Humans can perform a decision task.

Which of the following statements about amazon SWF is not true?

S3-Standard provides 11-nines durability, S3-RRS provides 99.99% durability, S3-standard provides 99.99% availability.

Which of the following statements are true?

The template contains invalid JSON syntax

Which of the following will not make a CloudFormation stack deployment to 'rollback'?

A template that contains invalid JSON syntax (error during template validation)

Which of the following will not result in a CloudFormation rollback?

Fn::Join" : ["".[http://",{Fn::GetAtt":["ElasticLoadBalancer","DNSName"]}]]

Which of these CloudFormation snippets of code will return an address that can be used to access our application from our browser if we're using a resource type of AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer with Logical ID "ElasticLoadBalancer"?


Which section of a CloudFormation template allows you to set up differing instance types based on environment type (e.g. 'Production' or 'QA')?

IncompleteSignature, InvalidParameterValue

While working with the DynamoDB API, you receive an HTTP Status Code 400. Which of the following errors can explain this result?


While working with the S3 API you receive an error: 404 Not Found. What is the most likely cause for this error?

IncompleteBody, InvalidBucketName, InvalidDigest

While working with the S3 API, you receive an error: 400 Bad Request. Which of the following error codes Can explain this error?


While working with the S3 API, you receive an error: 403 forbidden. Which of the following error codes corresponds with this error?


While working with the S3 API, you receive an error: 409 Conflict.


While working with the S3 API, you receive an error: 409 Conflict. Which of the following error codes can explain this error?

MissingAction, Missing Parameter

While working with the SQS API, your application returns HTTP status code 400. Which of the following errors might explain this result?

Shutdown the EC2 instance and detach the EBS volume, then take the snapshot.

You are a system administrator and you need to take a consistent snapshot of your EC2 instance. Your application holds large amounts of data in cache that is not written to disk automatically. What would be the best approach to taking an application consistent snapshot?

Fn Join http:// Ref demo s3-website- Ref AWS Region

You are creating a CloudFormation template in the Singapore region which will create an S3 website bucket. You have created a parameter "demo" which is used to store the name of your S3 bucket, and you are hoping to create output from your template which will list the URL of the S3 website. Which of the following Join statements will provide the URL of your S3 website? Choose a correct answer from the options below

You're attempting to delete a bucket without first removing the contents of the bucket.

You are working with the S3 API and receive an error: 409 Conflict. What is a possible cause of this error?


You are writing an AWS CloudFormation Template to create a static S3 website configuration. The resources section of this template will be used for access control of the bucket and is defined in the 5th line of the below code snippet. What should the value of "AccessControl" be so that the owner of the bucket gets full control and all users get READ access only."Resources" : { "S3Bucket" : { "Type" : "AWS::S3::Bucket", "Properties" : { "AccessControl" : "ANSWER TO THE QUESTION", "BucketName": { "Ref" : "BucketName" }, "WebsiteConfiguration" : { "IndexDocument" : "index.html", "ErrorDocument" : "error.html" } } }

You can use intrinsic functions only in specific parts of a template. Currently, you can use intrinsic functions in resource properties, outputs, metadata attributes, and update policy attributes. You can also use intrinsic functions to conditionally create stack resources.

You are writing an AWS CloudFormation template and you want to assign values to properties that will not be available until runtime. You know that you can use intrinsic functions to do this but are unsure as to which part of the template they can be used in. Which of the following is correct in describing how you can currently use intrinsic functions in an AWS CloudFormation template?


You can stop and restart a multi-part upload.


You have an Amazon S3 bucket that you use to store objects. You'd like to encrypt some of the new objects you upload to this bucket. Which header do you need to use in order to request server-side encryption when using the REST API?

Design the application to use multipart upload, so that the file is split into multiple parts which are then uploaded simultaneously, Utilize S3 Transfer Acceelration.

You have designed an application that stores large videos in S3. These videos are usually larger than 100Mb in size. You need to maximize upload performance. Select two answers that will achieve this end.

You attempted to create more than one table with a secondary index at the same time.

You have invoked the CreateTable operation to create several DynamoDB tables for a new project. While doing so, you receive a LimitExceededException error. You have not exceeded your maximum number of tables per account, and the table state is "creating." What could account for this error?

Have the software use cURL or GET to access the instance metadata.

You have software on an EC2 instance that needs to access both the private and public IP address of that instance. What's the best way for the software to get that information?

Send a single message, but customize the text in the SNS message field so that each device gets only the information that is appropriate for them.

You need to announce an emergency downtime for a production AWS web application. This downtime notification requires different sets of instructions for different devices. All of the application users signed up to receive SNS notifications from the äóědowntimeäóť topic when they began using the application and they are currently subscribed to this topic. What are appropriate ways for you to provide timely, device-specific instructions to end users when announcing this downtime?


You need to attach an EBS volume to an EC2 instance. Which API call should you use?

Remove public read access and use a signed URL with an expiry date.

You run an ad-supported photo sharing website using S3 to serve photos to visitors of your site. At some point, you find out that other sites have been linking to the photos on your site, causing financial loss to your business. What is an effective method to mitigate this?

Yes. U.S. Standard has read-after-write consistency, which means you will have access to the object immediately.

You store a new object in the U.S. Standard region in Amazon S3 and receive a confirmation that it has been successfully stored. You then immediately make another API call attempting to read this object. Will you be able to read this object immediately?

Upload an index document to your S3 bucket, Enable static website hosting in your S3 bucket properties, Select the 'Make Public' permission for your bucket's objects.

You would like to set up a static website on S3 with the least possible effort. The URL of the website is unimportant to you. Which of the following steps are necessary?

Parameters Section

You're using CloudFormation templates to build out staging environments. What section of the CloudFormation would you edit in order to allow the user to specify the PEM key-name at start time?


You're using CloudFormation templates to build out staging environments. Which section of the template would you edit in order to allow the user to specify the SSH key-name at start time?

A composite key with UserID as the partition key and the timestamp as the sort key.

You've created an online forum to which your users post questions and comments. The thread table has many users, and each user has many posts, each marked by a timestamp. Which primary key configuration would be best suited to see all posts by a particular user in chronological order?

You've enabled website hosting on a bucket named "" in the US-East-1 (US standard region). Select the URL you'll receive from AWS as the URL for the bucket.

Create a secondary index.

Your "forums" table has a primary key of "id". Using DynamoDB, you're able to query the data based on the "id" primary key. You need to be able to query the forums table by userId. What would you add to the table during table creation time?

Take snapshots of the EBS volumes and terminate the instances, Sell the unused instances on the AWS Reserved Instance Marketplace.

Your AWS environment contains several reserved EC2 instances dedicated to a project that has just been cancelled. You need to recoup the cost of these reserved instances, and you need to preserve the data for future use. What can you do to minimize charges for these instances?

It will fail. The 512KB message size exceeds the size limit of 256KB.

Your EC2 instance has an IAM role that allows it to write to an SQS queue. The instance is attempting to write a 512KB message to the SQS queue. What will the result of this attempt be?


Your EC2 instance receives a message from SQS and the visibility timeout begins. Which API operation must be called to prevent the message from becoming visible again?

Use the ReceiveMessage API call to retrieve the message, the ChangeMessageVisibility API call to increase the visibility timeout, and the DeleteMessage API call to delete the message

Your application instance takes 40 seconds to process instructions received in an SQS message. Assuming the SQS queue is configured with the default Visibility Timeout, what is the best way to configure your application to ensure that no other instances retrieve a message that has already been processed or is currently being processed?

You cannot fix this, as the maximum size of an S3 object is 5TB.

Your application is trying to upload a 6TB file to S3 and you receive an error message telling you that your proposed upload exceeds the maximum allowed object size. What is the best way to accomplish this file upload?

Use an SQS FIFO queue to process the jobs.

Your applications needs to process large numbers of job requests, and you need to ensure that they are processed in order, and that each request is processed only once. How would you deploy SQS to achieve this end?

Use the SQS Extended Client Library for Java to send a message in SQS that contains a reference to a message payload in Amazon S3

Your distributed, decoupled application needs to store messages in SQS. However, the messages your application generates exceed the maximum allowable size for an SQS message. How might you overcome this restriction?

Create an IAM role that can be assumed by an app that allows federated users.

Your mobile application needs to read data from DynamoDB. What is the best way to give mobile devices permissions to read from DynamoDB?

The application authenticates against LDAP, and retrieves the name of an IAM role associated with the user. The application then calls the IAM Security Token Service to assume that IAM Role. The application can use the temporary credentials to access the S3 keyspace. Develop an identity broker which authenticates against LDAP, and then calls IAM Security Token Service to get IAM federated user credentials. The application calls the identity broker to get IAM federated user credentials with access to the appropriate keyspace.

Your new web app is deployed within an Amazon VPC, and is connected to your corporate data center via IPSec VPN. The application must authenticate against the on-premise LDAP server to give authenticated, logged-in users access to an S3 keyspace specific to the user. Which two of the following methods will give your users the access they need?


Your supervisor asks you to find a solution for scheduling a sequence of tasks. The sequence may take several months to complete and it's very important that no tasks are processed more than once. Which AWS service would you recommend?

Your supervisor has not responded to the confirmation email sent from SNS when you added a subscription for her email address, Billing alerts are not configured, The SNS subscription is not configured for email alerts.

Your supervisor calls you wanting to know why she has not been receiving email notifications for AWS billing alerts. What do you suspect the problem might be? (Choose 3 answers.)

You can delete the subscription from the SNS topic responsible for the emails, He can use the unsubscribe information provided in the emails.

Your supervisor is upset about the fact that SNS topics that he subscribed to are now cluttering up his email inbox. How can he stop receiving email from SNS without disrupting other users' ability to receive email from SNS? (Choose two.)

Can only be used to launch EC2 instances in the same AWS region as the AMI is stored.

EC2 instances are launched from Amazon Machine Images (AMIs). A given public AMI:


Each AWS account can own a maximum of how many buckets?

Reads of a DynamoDB table, unless you specify otherwise.

Eventual consistency applies to which of the following:

Perl, Erlang

For which of the following does AWS not provide an SDK (select two answers)?


From the command line, which of the following should you run to get the public hostname of an EC2 instance?

Contact AWS and request an increase. (>200)

How do you increase the number of CloudFormation stacks you are allowed to have in a given region?

14 days

How long can a message be retained in an SQS Queue?


How many local secondary indexes may a DynamoDB table contain?

There is no cost

How much Cloudformation does cost per hour?


In AWS CloudFormation, the intrinsic function Fn::Join appends a set of values into a single value, separated by the specified delimiter. If a delimiter is the empty string, the set of values are concatenated with no delimiter.Keeping the above in mind what value will the following example return?"Fn::Join" : [ "-", [ "the", "demo", "app" ] ]

FALSE (create and manage tables)

In DynamoDB, Control plane operations let you perform create, read, update, and delete (also called CRUD) actions on data in a table.


In DynamoDB, Data plane operations let you perform create, read, update, and delete (also called CRUD) actions on data in a table.

2048 bytes

In DynamoDB, what is the maximum length of a partition key value?

1024 bytes

In DynamoDB, what is the maximum length of a sort key value?


In which of the following increments are SQS messages billed to your AWS account?


It is best practice to use Access Keys whenever possible, rather than IAM Roles.


Of the 6 available sections on a CloudFormation template (Template Description Declaration, Template Format Version Declaration, Parameters, Resources, Mappings, Outputs), which is the only one required for a CloudFormation template to be accepted?


One DynamoDB read capacity unit is equal to one strongly consistent read per second.

Create a new IAM user with the required credentials and delete that user after the developer has finished his work.

One of your junior developers has never had AWS Access before, and he needs access to an Elastic Load Balancer in your custom VPC. This is the first and only time he will need access. Which of the following choices is the most secure way to grant this access?


S3 Multipart upload is required for files larger than ____?


S3 bucket names may only contain lower case letters, periods, numbers, and dashes.

Make messages immediately available for processing.

Setting the SQS visibility timeout to "0" will do which of the following:

Thirty seconds

The default visibility timeout for an item in an SQS queue is?

It will ask you to provide the name of an existing EC2 KeyPair to use.

The following code snippet is the parameters section of a CloudFormation template that you have written."Parameters" : { "KeyName": { "Description" : "answer to the question", "Type": "AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName", ... }}Which of the the following is the best description of what this section will do once you run your CloudFormation template?

From the parameters section of your CLoudFormation template.

The following code snippet is the resources section of a CloudFormation template that you have written."Resources" : { "EC2Instance" : { "Type" : "AWS::EC2::Instance", "Properties" : { "InstanceType" : { "Ref" : "InstanceType" }, "SecurityGroups" : [ { "Ref" : "InstanceSecurityGroup" } ], "KeyName" : { "Ref" : "KeyName" }, "ImageId" : { "Fn::FindInMap" : [ "AWSRegionArch2AMI", { "Ref" : "AWS::Region" }, { "Fn::FindInMap" : [ "AWSInstanceType2Arch", { "Ref" : "InstanceType" }, "Arch" ] } ] } }},You have used the reference function to define your instance type as follows."InstanceType" : { "Ref" : "InstanceType" },The referencing function is referencing the instance type. Where is this value most likely coming from?

None of the above

The minimum visibility timeout for an SQS message can be changed with which of the following actions?


To change the visibility timeout of an SQS message, you should use which of the following actions?


To get a list of all your DynamoDB tables, you should use which of the following operations?

Set the SQS visibility timeout to "0".

To make an SQS message immediately available for processing, you should do which of the following?


True or False: is a valid S3 bucket name.


True or False: A DynamoDB item is a collection of key-value attributes.


True or False: A FIFO SQS queue will end with the .fifo suffix.


True or False: A Region is another name for an Edge Location.


True or False: A global secondary index is an index with a primary key that differs from that of the table.


True or False: A local secondary index has the same sort key as the table, but a different partition key.


True or False: A local secondary index is an index that has the same partition key as the table, but a different sort key.


True or False: A message is considered to be in flight after it's received from a queue by a consumer, but not yet deleted from the queue.


True or False: A unit of read capacity represents one eventually consistent read per second or two strongly consistent reads per second.


True or False: All reads of a DynamoDB table are eventually consistent.


True or False: Although GETS, UPDATES, and DELETES of items in Dynamo DB consume capacity units, updating the table via the UpdateTable API call consumes no capacity units.


True or False: Amazon S3 does not generally handle error codes with HTTP responses.


True or False: Amazon SQS follows the Publish-Subscribe messaging paradigm.


True or False: Both Amazon SQS and SNS now offer FIFO message processing.


True or False: Classic ELB's support IPv6 as well as IPv4.


True or False: In DynamoDB, a primary key can either be a single-attribute partition key or a composite partition/sort key.


True or False: In terms of performance, Querying a DynamoDB table is more efficient than scanning it.


True or False: One DynamoDB read capacity unit is equal to one eventually consistent read per second.


True or False: S3 bucket names are transferrable.


True or False: S3 does not support website redirects.


True or False: The failure of an Availability Zone will result in the loss of an SNS message originating in that AZ.


True or False: The only SNS notification event supported by S3 is S3:ReducedRedundancyLostObject.


True or False: While the UpdateTable operation is executing, the table status changes from ACTIVE to UPDATING, and you cannot issue another UpdateTable request until the table returns to the ACTIVE state.


True or False: You can define a maximum of 5 local secondary indexes and 5 global secondary indexes per DynamoDB table.


True or False: You can use your existing Microsoft Windows Server licenses with an Amazon EC2 shared tenancy instance


True or False: You cannot stop and restart a Multipart upload without data loss.


True or False: You should store your Access Leys in an AMI.

FALSE (max 10)

True or False: an SQS request can contain up to 20 individual messages, as long as the total size of the request does not exceed 256KB.


True or False: in addition to XML, JSON, and unformatted text, an SQS message may contain certain Unicode characters.


True or False: there is a cost associated with transfering from Amazon S3 to an EC2 instance in the same Region.


True or False: with a global secondary index, the partition and sort keys can both be different from those of the table


True or False: you can create multiple DynamoDB tables with secondary indexes in one go.


True or false: A global secondary index is characterized by an index key value that differs from that of the table's primary key.


True or false: A multi-part upload can be executed while the file is still being created.


True or false: A unit of read capacity represents one strongly consistent read per second or two eventually consistent reads per second.


True or false: DynamoDB supports cross-table joins.


True or false: The parts of a multi-part upload will not be reassembled until the CompleteMultipartUpload operation is called.


True or false: when naming an S3 bucket, you may use capital letters:


What is the Uptime SLA for Amazon EC2 and EBS within a given region?


What is the availability of S3 - IA


What is the default behavior of a CloudFormation stack if creation fails?

There are no limits to the number of templates

What is the default limit for CloudFormation templates per region?

There is no limit to the number of CloudFormation Templates per Region.

What is the default limit for CloudFormation templates per region?

An EBS backed instance can be stopped and restarted.

What is the main difference between an EBS-backed instance and an instance store-backed instance?

1 year

What is the maximum life-span of an SWF task or workflow execution?

31536000 seconds

What is the maximum life-span of an SWF workflow?


What is the maximum number of items you can retrieve with the BatchGetItem operation?


What is the maximum size of an S3 object?

0 bytes

What is the minimum size of an S3 object?

A change to a DynamoDB attribute will only be written if that attribute's value has not changed since it was last read.

What is the primary advantage of a conditional write?

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