Balfour Declaration
When was the Balfour Declaration?
What was the Balfour Declaration?
It was a letter written by the British government to the Zionist Leader, Lord Rothschild which stated the governments intentions in delcaring a Jewish State in the Middle East.
What happened as a result of the Balfour Declaration?
Jews took the terms literally and emigrated to Palestine. The population had grown to 750 000 Jewish people in Palestine.
What was the controversy of the Balfour Declaration?
British government also promised support to an Arab independent nation through the McMahon-Hussein Correspondence.
How did the Jewish emigration have an effect on the Arab-Israeli conflict?
Palestinians felt threatened and in 1929 escalating tension between Palestinians and Jews led to violence. Britain responded by restricting Jewish emigration.
What was the effect of the Balfour Declaration?
Raised false hopes among both Jews and Arabs, and laid foundations for future frustration and conflict. Both Jews and Arabs felt betrayed.
What perspective does this event support?
Revisionist perspective - Political/International and Aggressive Nationalism.