Barron's 800 with mnemonics

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(adj) showing intellectual penetration or emotional depth Example Sentence the differences are profound a profound insight a profound book a profound mind profound contempt profound regret (adj) of the greatest intensity; complete Example Sentence a profound silence a state of profound shock (adj) far-reaching and thoroughgoing in effect especially on the nature of something Synonyms : fundamental Example Sentence the fundamental revolution in human values that has occurred the book underwent fundamental changes committed the fundamental error of confusing spending with extravagance profound social changes (adj) coming from deep within one Example Sentence a profound sigh (adj) (of sleep) deep and complete Synonyms : heavy , sound , wakeless Example Sentence a heavy sleep fell into a profound sleep a sound sleeper deep wakeless sleep (adj) situated at or extending to great depth; too deep to have been sounded or plumbed Synonyms : unfathomed , unplumbed , unsounded Example Sentence the profound depths of the sea the dark unfathomed caves of ocean unplumbed depths of the sea remote and unsounded caverns Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary whatever professional or researchers found(read find) has to be deep.


(adj) showing little emotion Synonyms : phlegmatical Example Sentence a phlegmatic...and certainly undemonstrative man phlegmatic -> plleg (flag) when we hoist a FLAG we have the AUTOMATIC reaction be calm and unexcited.


(adj) showing pensive sadness Synonyms : pensive Example Sentence the sensitive and wistful response of a poet to the gentler phases of beauty Wistful and Wishful...Wistful = Full of longing or unfulfilled desire. Wishful = Seeking advancement or recognition.


(adj) similar or equivalent in some respects though otherwise dissimilar Synonyms : correspondent Example Sentence brains and computers are often considered analogous salmon roe is marketed as analogous to caviar (adj) corresponding in function but not in evolutionary origin Example Sentence the wings of a bee and those of a hummingbird are analogous remember analogous from analogy


(adj) so thin as to transmit light Synonyms : cobwebby , filmy , gauze-like , gauzy , gossamer , see-through , sheer , transparent , vaporous , vapourous Example Sentence a hat with a diaphanous veil filmy wings of a moth gauzy clouds of dandelion down gossamer cobwebs sheer silk stockings transparent chiffon vaporous silks remember this sentence. il bet ul never forget it in ur life " modern gowns are diaphanous" .i.e transparent


(adj) softly bright or radiant Synonyms : aglow , lambent , lucent Example Sentence a house aglow with lights glowing embers lambent tongues of flame the lucent moon a sky luminous with stars luminous = luminance ~ bright


(adj) sparing in consumption of especially food and drink Example Sentence the pleasures of the table, never of much consequence to one naturally abstemious (adj) marked by temperance in indulgence Synonyms : light Example Sentence abstemious with the use of adverbs a light eater a light smoker ate a light supper focus on 'abs' part of this word. Abs...To build a six-pack abs, eat n drink carefully


(adj) spreading or spread throughout Synonyms : permeant , permeating , permeative Example Sentence armed with permeative irony...he punctures affectations the pervasive odor of garlic an error is pervasive if it is material to more than one conclusion look the word carefully..PERVASI+VE....and doesn't it sound like PRAVASI BHARTIYA initiative by the Indian government to attract NON RESIDENT INDIANS who are SPREAD WIDELY ACROSS THE WORLD........


(adj) still in existence; not extinct or destroyed or lost Example Sentence extant manuscripts specimens of graphic art found among extant barbaric folk Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary Opposite of extinct is extant


(adj) straying from the right course or from accepted standards Example Sentence errant youngsters (adj) uncontrolled motion that is irregular or unpredictable Example Sentence an errant breeze Same as Aberrant ..


(adj) strong and sharp Synonyms : acrid Example Sentence the pungent taste of radishes the acrid smell of burning rubber (adj) capable of wounding Synonyms : barbed , biting , mordacious , nipping Example Sentence a barbed compliment a biting aphorism pungent satire remember pug dog of vodafone. It's very stingy.


(adj) stubbornly obstructive and unwilling to cooperate Synonyms : bloody-minded Example Sentence unions...have never been as bloody-minded about demarcation as the shipbuilders (adj) having a difficult and contrary disposition Synonyms : crotchety , ornery Example Sentence a cantankerous and venomous-tongued old lady split it into can+tanker+ous : read this as 'kaan' (ear in hindi)+ taker + us, one who is irritable will always have a one below ear (slap) from us.


(adj) stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing Synonyms : cussed , obstinate , unrepentant (adj) showing unfeeling resistance to tender feelings Synonyms : flint , flinty , granitic , stony Example Sentence his flinty gaze the child's misery would move even the most obdurate heart OB+DURA(RELATE IT TO WORD DURABILITY)..SO anything which has durability..has the resisting power, and something which can resist, is stubborn.


(adj) stubbornly resistant to authority or control Synonyms : fractious , refractory Example Sentence a fractious animal that would not submit to the harness a refractory child (adj) marked by stubborn resistance to authority Example Sentence the University suspended the most recalcitrant demonstrators re+calcit(looks like calcite) we know calcite is a hard mineral found in calcium carbonate which forms the major part of rocks, chalk and marble, is hard to break and likewise a recalcitrant person is also stubborn.


(adj) stubbornly resistant to authority or control Synonyms : recalcitrant , refractory Example Sentence a fractious animal that would not submit to the harness a refractory child (adj) easily irritated or annoyed Synonyms : cranky , irritable , nettlesome , peckish , peevish , pettish , petulant , scratchy , techy , testy , tetchy Example Sentence an incorrigibly fractious young man not the least nettlesome of his countrymen (adj) unpredictably difficult in operation; likely to be troublesome Example Sentence rockets were much too fractious to be tested near thickly populated areas fractious components of a communication system those who get their limbs get fractured...gets annoyed or bad tempered by taking bed rest for long


(adj) subject to or caused by an earthquake or earth vibration Synonyms : seismal Seismograph is an instrument measuring Earth quake so seismic is something related to Earth quake


(adj) submissive or fawning in attitude or behavior Example Sentence spoke in a servile tone the incurably servile housekeeper servile tasks such as floor scrubbing and barn work (adj) relating to or involving slaves or appropriate for slaves or servants Example Sentence Brown's attempt at servile insurrection the servile wars of Sicily servile work sounds like "SERVE" while serving you have to be submissive, or keep your head down.


(adj) suggesting the operation of supernatural influences Synonyms : eldritch , unearthly , weird Example Sentence an eldritch screech the three weird sisters stumps...had uncanny shapes as of monstrous creatures an unearthly light he could hear the unearthly scream of some curlew piercing the din (adj) surpassing the ordinary or normal Synonyms : preternatural Example Sentence Beyond his preternatural affability there is some acid and some steel his uncanny sense of direction un + cann(CAN'T).....something which you CAN'T understand and explain, is always mysterious to you.


(adj) suitable to your needs Example Sentence a congenial atmosphere to work in two congenial spirits mutual confidence and reciprocal virtues (adj) (used of plants) capable of cross-fertilization or of being grafted Genelia Desouza was suitable, appropriate ,compatible and pleasant for Jaane tu Janne na movie


(adj) surpassing the ordinary or normal Synonyms : uncanny Example Sentence Beyond his preternatural affability there is some acid and some steel his uncanny sense of direction (adj) existing outside of or not in accordance with nature Synonyms : nonnatural , otherworldly , transcendental Example Sentence find transcendental motives for sublunary action preter+natural. i.e. remember Spider man(PETER) who had super normal power.


(adj) taking delight in beauty Example Sentence the sensuous joy from all things fair SENSUOUS - indulging in excessive sensual PLEASURES.


(adj) temperamentally disinclined to talk Synonyms : untalkative (adj) cool and formal in manner Synonyms : restrained , unemotional (adj) reluctant to draw attention to yourself Synonyms : retiring , self-effacing Cent (Saint) is stereotypically reluctant to speak or draw attention to themselves.


(adj) tending to betray; especially having a treacherous character as attributed to the Carthaginians by the Romans Synonyms : punic , treacherous Example Sentence Punic faith the perfidious Judas the fiercest and most treacherous of foes treacherous intrigues per+FID+ious.. FID stands for fidelity.. i.e. loyalty.. hence perfidious is its opposite


(adj) tending to find and call attention to faults Synonyms : faultfinding Example Sentence a captious pedant an excessively demanding and faultfinding tutor First word that comes to mind -Captain, who will always find and call attention to Faults which must be altered.


(adj) tending to move away from a center Example Sentence centrifugal force (adj) tending away from centralization, as of authority Example Sentence the division of Europe into warring blocs produces ever-increasing centrifugal stress (adj) conveying information to the muscles from the CNS Synonyms : motor Example Sentence motor nerves Centrifugal = Central (CBI) + fugitive -- A fugitive always runs away from the CBI


(adj) tending to move toward a center Example Sentence centripetal force (adj) tending to unify Synonyms : unifying (adj) of a nerve fiber or impulse originating outside and passing toward the central nervous system Synonyms : receptive , sensory Example Sentence sensory neurons The petals of a flower are bound by a bud in the center, thus bending towards the center..Unifying


(adj) tending to promote physical well-being; beneficial to health Synonyms : good Example Sentence beneficial effects of a balanced diet a good night's sleep the salutary influence of pure air relate to you salute a person who even after many failures never gives up and always has THAT TENDENCY TO IMPROVE.


(adj) threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments Synonyms : baleful , forbidding , menacing , minacious , ominous , sinister , threatening Example Sentence a baleful look forbidding thunderclouds his tone became menacing ominous rumblings of discontent sinister storm clouds a sinister smile his threatening behavior ugly black clouds the situation became ugly Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary Minatory sounds like military--military people are very threatening most of the times.


(adj) transmitting light; able to be seen through with clarity Synonyms : crystal clear , crystalline , limpid , lucid , transparent Example Sentence the cold crystalline water of melted snow crystal clear skies could see the sand on the bottom of the limpid pool lucid air a pellucid brook transparent crystal (adj) (of language) transparently clear; easily understandable Synonyms : crystal clear , limpid , lucid , luculent , perspicuous Example Sentence writes in a limpid style lucid directions a luculent oration pellucid prose a crystal clear explanation a perspicuous argument PEL+LUCID...LUCID..MEANS CLEAR ....SO CLEAR IN MEANING.


(adj) unable to move or resist motion (adj) having only a limited ability to react chemically; chemically inactive Synonyms : indifferent , neutral Example Sentence inert matter an indifferent chemical in a reaction (adj) slow and apathetic Synonyms : sluggish , soggy , torpid Example Sentence she was fat and inert a sluggish worker a mind grown torpid in old age recollect your chemistry . INERT gases hardly react, therefore INERT means LACKIN ABILITY TO MOVE OR ACT.


(adj) unaffected by self-interest Dis-Interest...if a particular issue is not of any interest to me (dis-interest), i'll pass a biased free opinion about it...


(adj) uncertain how to act or proceed Example Sentence the committee was timid and mediocre and irresolute Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary (IR)not knowing... how to make resolutions.


(adj) unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech Synonyms : buttery , oily , oleaginous , smarmy , soapy , unctuous Example Sentence buttery praise gave him a fulsome introduction an oily sycophantic press agent oleaginous hypocrisy smarmy self-importance the unctuous Uriah Heep soapy compliments You can FOOL SOME people with excessive and insincere praise..


(adj) unrestrained, especially with regard to feelings Synonyms : excessive , extravagant , exuberant Example Sentence extravagant praise exuberant compliments overweening ambition overweening greed (adj) presumptuously arrogant Synonyms : uppity Example Sentence had a witty but overweening manner no idea how overweening he would be getting a little uppity and needed to be slapped down a person who wins over and over becomes arrogant. He now arrogantly presumes that he will always win.


(adj) used of riotously drunken merrymaking Synonyms : bacchanal , bacchic , carousing , orgiastic Example Sentence a night of bacchanalian revelry carousing bands of drunken soldiers orgiastic festivity (in hindi langauge) Baccha nali mein pada hai kyon ki vo drunken hai.


(adj) used of the voice Synonyms : booming sTEN + TORIAN {TONIAN} take it as tone ! so having ten tones which is like very loud


(adj) using or containing too many words Synonyms : long-winded , tedious , windy , wordy Example Sentence long-winded (or windy) speakers verbose and ineffective instructional methods newspapers of the day printed long wordy editorials proceedings were delayed by wordy disputes VER for verbal BOSE for boss; so you may say that your boss is excessively verbal.


(adj) very close or connected in space or time Synonyms : immediate Example Sentence contiguous events immediate contact the immediate vicinity the immediate past (adj) connecting without a break; within a common boundary Synonyms : conterminous Example Sentence the 48 conterminous states the contiguous 48 states (adj) having a common boundary or edge; abutting; touching Synonyms : adjacent , conterminous , neighboring Example Sentence Rhode Island has two bordering states; Massachusetts and Conncecticut the side of Germany conterminous with France Utah and the contiguous state of Idaho neighboring cities Each state in the United States is touching/adjacent to another; they are all continous, which sounds similar to contiguous


(adj) very great; limitless Example Sentence abysmal misery abysmal stupidity (adj) resembling an abyss in depth; so deep as to be unmeasurable Synonyms : abyssal , unfathomable Example Sentence the abyssal depths of the ocean a+bys(take dis as 20 i.e.bees in hindi)+mal(take it as mile) a 20 mile deep pit in the ground looks like its bottomless


(adj) very sophisticated especially because of surfeit; versed in the ways of the world Synonyms : worldly Example Sentence the blase traveler refers to the ocean he has crossed as `the pond' the benefits of his worldly wisdom (adj) uninterested because of frequent exposure or indulgence Synonyms : bored Example Sentence his blase indifference a petulant blase air the bored gaze of the successful film star (adj) nonchalantly unconcerned Example Sentence a blase attitude about housecleaning oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


(adj) very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold Synonyms : bony , cadaverous , gaunt , haggard , pinched , skeletal , wasted Example Sentence emaciated bony hands a nightmare population of gaunt men and skeletal boys eyes were haggard and cavernous small pinched faces kept life in his wasted frame only by grim concentration ema + ci + ate...consider ema as the name of a gal.. "ema..oh ! ci(she) ate but she still looks thin


(adj) wet through and through; thoroughly wet Synonyms : soppy Example Sentence stood at the door drenched (or soaked) by the rain the speaker's sodden collar soppy clothes SODDEN ...remove the 'o' and replace it with 'a',u get sadden(ed) when u are saddened u look so DULL


(adj) wild and menacing Synonyms : ferine , savage Example Sentence a pack of feral dogs feral , we can remember like fear+all =>we all will fear seeing a wild animal.


(adj) wilfully obstinate; stubbornly disobedient Example Sentence a contumaceous witness is subject to punishment Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary (In Hindi language) Break the word as CON - TU - MA - CI- OUS n tat can be read as Kaun Tu Ma Ki one who says this is disobedient


(adj) with little or no preparation or forethought Synonyms : ad-lib , extemporary , extempore , impromptu , off-the-cuff , offhand , offhanded , unrehearsed Example Sentence his ad-lib comments showed poor judgment an extemporaneous piano recital an extemporary lecture an extempore skit an impromptu speech offhand excuses trying to sound offhanded and reassuring an off-the-cuff toast a few unrehearsed comments TEMPORARILY done in haste and so not planned.


(adj) worthy of religious veneration Synonyms : sacred Example Sentence the sacred name of Jesus Jerusalem's hallowed soil "Halo"wed....Put a "halo" over something - Halo belongs to angels!


(adv) without knowledge or intention Synonyms : unknowingly , unwittingly Example Sentence he unwittingly deleted the references in + advertisements...without getting an idea from the advertisement we end up buying wrong product i.e. inadvertently


(noun) (Greek mythology) a woman who was turned into a kingfisher Synonyms : alcyone (noun) a large kingfisher widely distributed in warmer parts of the Old World Synonyms : genus halcyon (noun) a mythical bird said to breed at the time of the winter solstice in a nest floating on the sea and to have the power of calming the winds and waves (adj) idyllically calm and peaceful; suggesting happy tranquillity Example Sentence a halcyon atmosphere (adj) marked by peace and prosperity Synonyms : golden , prosperous Example Sentence a golden era the halcyon days of the clipper trade halycon can be considered as opposite of cyclone...just imagine a will understand what I mean


(noun) (Roman Catholic Church) one of a group of more than 100 prominent bishops in the Sacred College who advise the Pope and elect new Popes (noun) the number of elements in a mathematical set; denotes a quantity but not the order Synonyms : cardinal number (noun) a variable color averaging a vivid red Synonyms : carmine (noun) crested thick-billed North American finch having bright red plumage in the male Synonyms : cardinal grosbeak , cardinalis cardinalis , redbird , richmondena cardinalis (adj) serving as an essential component Synonyms : central , fundamental , key , primal Example Sentence a cardinal rule the central cause of the problem an example that was fundamental to the argument computers are fundamental to modern industrial structure (adj) being or denoting a numerical quantity but not order Example Sentence cardinal numbers 'cardinal' also means pertaining to the 'heart' and the heart is the 'most important' part of our body. It is responsible for the working of our body.


(noun) (botany) a plant lasting for three seasons or more (adj) lasting three seasons or more Example Sentence the common buttercup is a popular perennial plant (adj) lasting an indefinitely long time; suggesting self-renewal Example Sentence perennial happiness (adj) recurring again and again Synonyms : recurrent , repeated Example Sentence perennial efforts to stipulate the requirements Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary if you remember we have learnt about perennial rivers in social studies which means LONG LASTING rivers


(noun) (chemistry) a substance that initiates or accelerates a chemical reaction without itself being affected Synonyms : accelerator (noun) something that causes an important event to happen Example Sentence the invasion acted as a catalyst to unite the country CATA(LOOK like CATION..ions which has positive charge)like mn+2 which is a cation ,and cations SPEED UP THE RATE OF REACTION,that is how they BRING A CHEMICAL CHANGE IN A REACTION.


(noun) (ethics) the theory that the pursuit of your own welfare in the basis of morality (noun) concern for your own interests and welfare Synonyms : egocentrism , self-centeredness , self-concern , self-interest Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary how to u differentiate egoism and egotism:::::: egotism - the t in it indicates boastfulness


(adj) (chemistry, physics, biology) readily undergoing change or breakdown (adj) liable to change Example Sentence an emotionally labile person Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary LABILE it as "liable" to change,i.e UNSTABLE


(adj) (music) marked by or composed of disconnected parts or sounds; cut short crisply Synonyms : disconnected Example Sentence staccato applause a staccato command staccato notes (adv) separating the notes; in music Example Sentence play this staccato, please ++Imajeeth When the cat suddenly jumps on to the stack, it makes an abrupt sharp sound.


(adj) (of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves Synonyms : quiet , smooth , still , tranquil , unruffled Example Sentence a ribbon of sand between the angry sea and the placid bay the quiet waters of a lagoon a lake of tranquil blue water reflecting a tranquil blue sky a smooth channel crossing scarcely a ripple on the still water unruffled water (adj) not easily irritated Synonyms : equable , even-tempered , good-tempered Example Sentence an equable temper not everyone shared his placid temperament remained placid despite the repeated delays a student well PLACED in his college will sit calmly and compared to those who did not get placed.


(adj) (of animals) tending to form a group with others of the same species Example Sentence gregarious bird species (adj) instinctively or temperamentally seeking and enjoying the company of others Example Sentence he is a gregarious person who avoids solitude (adj) (of plants) growing in groups that are close together Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary remember AGGREGATION means gathering something together... similarily AGGREGATION -> GREGATION ->GREGARIOUS


(adj) (of conflict) within a group or organization Example Sentence an internecine feud among proxy holders (adj) characterized by bloodshed and carnage for both sides Example Sentence internecine war INTER (between) + NE (any) + CINE (sign) = in a relationship, when there is'nt ANY SIGN of love BETWEEN the two, it is MUTUALLY DESTRUCTIVE for the relationship.


(adj) (of language) transparently clear; easily understandable Synonyms : crystal clear , limpid , luculent , pellucid , perspicuous Example Sentence writes in a limpid style lucid directions a luculent oration pellucid prose a crystal clear explanation a perspicuous argument (adj) having a clear mind Example Sentence a lucid moment in his madness (adj) capable of thinking and expressing yourself in a clear and consistent manner Synonyms : coherent , logical Example Sentence a lucid thinker she was more coherent than she had been just after the accident (adj) transmitting light; able to be seen through with clarity Synonyms : crystal clear , crystalline , limpid , pellucid , transparent Example Sentence the cold crystalline water of melted snow crystal clear skies could see the sand on the bottom of the limpid pool lucid air a pellucid brook transparent crystal Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary when u LOOK(luc) the ID of micorsoft employee...u will " clearly,tranparently understand,that he is clever n inteligent


(adj) (of liquids) clouded as with sediment Synonyms : cloudy , mirky , muddy , murky Example Sentence a cloudy liquid muddy coffee murky waters Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary T+URBID(urban) we can see that the urban areas are still muddy.. and disturbed sediment.


(adj) (of political bodies) not controlled by outside forces Synonyms : independent , self-governing , sovereign Example Sentence an autonomous judiciary a sovereign state (adj) existing as an independent entity Example Sentence the partitioning of India created two separate and autonomous jute economies (adj) (of persons) free from external control and constraint in e.g. action and judgment Synonyms : self-directed , self-reliant Autonomous resembles automatic..somethin thats self governing doesn need or require help..


(adj) (of the voice) quivering as from weakness or fear Synonyms : quavering Example Sentence the old lady's quavering voice spoke timidly in a tremulous voice Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary TREMble+nervOUS-->Tremulous is trembling in nervousness or fear


(adj) (of theories etc) incapable of being defended or justified Synonyms : indefensible a child un(der) ten not able defense himself they need parents maintenance (under+ten+not able)


(adj) (sometimes followed by `of') having or showing knowledge or understanding or realization or perception Synonyms : aware , cognisant Example Sentence was aware of his opponent's hostility became aware of her surroundings aware that he had exceeded the speed limit COGNIZANT is a successful firm since it is cognizant of various policies being adopted by the rival firms


(adj) able to absorb fluids Example Sentence the partly porous walls of our digestive system compacting the soil to make it less porous (adj) full of pores or vessels or holes Synonyms : poriferous (adj) allowing passage in and out Synonyms : holey Example Sentence our unfenced and largely unpoliced border inevitably has been very porous pour-(porous)sounds like pour, so to pour we need a hole .................................


(adj) abnormally deficient in color as suggesting physical or emotional distress Synonyms : pale , wan Example Sentence the pallid face of the invalid her wan face suddenly flushed (adj) (of light) lacking in intensity or brightness; dim or feeble Synonyms : pale , sick , wan Example Sentence the pale light of a half moon a pale sun the late afternoon light coming through the el tracks fell in pale oblongs on the street a pallid sky the pale (or wan) stars the wan light of dawn (adj) lacking in vitality or interest or effectiveness Synonyms : pale Example Sentence a pale rendition of the aria pale prose with the faint sweetness of lavender a pallid performance pallid = pale + lid.(jus take the 1st four letters hence 'pale')


(adj) acted upon; influenced (adj) speaking or behaving in an artificial way to make an impression Synonyms : unnatural (adj) being excited or provoked to the expression of an emotion Synonyms : moved , stirred , touched Example Sentence too moved to speak very touched by the stranger's kindness affected.....past form of SOMETHING which has nothing to do with facts....or reality hence ARTIFICIAL AND THE KEY WORD HERE IS FACT...reality..and opposite of it artificial....


(adj) adapted for grasping especially by wrapping around an object Example Sentence a monkey's prehensile tail (adj) having a keen intellect Example Sentence poets--those gifted strangely prehensile men (adj) immoderately desirous of acquiring e.g. wealth Synonyms : avaricious , covetous , grabby , grasping , greedy Example Sentence they are avaricious and will do anything for money casting covetous eyes on his neighbor's fields a grasping old miser grasping commercialism greedy for money and power grew richer and greedier prehensile employers stingy with raises for their employees PRE(before)+HENS+ILE before the hens can escape we have to grasp & hold them.


(adj) affected by jaundice which causes yellowing of skin etc Synonyms : icteric , yellow (adj) showing or affected by prejudice or envy or distaste Example Sentence looked with a jaundiced eye on the growth of regimentation takes a jaundiced view of societies and clubs Jaundiced as we know is yellowed .. so when our eyes are also yellowed we cannot see correctly .. hence pejudiced


(adj) affecting or characteristic of the body as opposed to the mind or spirit Synonyms : bodily , corporal , corporeal Example Sentence bodily needs a corporal defect corporeal suffering a somatic symptom or somatic illness etymologically "SOMA" means body...and thus the word SOMATIC


(adj) affording no ease or reassurance Synonyms : unstable Example Sentence a precarious truce (adj) fraught with danger Synonyms : parlous , perilous , touch-and-go Example Sentence dangerous waters a parlous journey on stormy seas a perilous voyage across the Atlantic in a small boat the precarious life of an undersea diver dangerous surgery followed by a touch-and-go recovery (adj) not secure; beset with difficulties Synonyms : shaky Example Sentence a shaky marriage PRE+CARE+IOUS -> We have to take CARE while doing something risky so that it does not go wrong. ..


(adj) allowing fluids or gases to pass or diffuse through Example Sentence permeable membranes rock that is permeable by water Just remember permit permission


(adj) allowing light to pass through diffusely Synonyms : semitransparent Example Sentence translucent amber semitransparent curtains at the windows transparent for you not for all ; an object that allows light to pass through but is NOT TRANSPARENT.


(adj) arranged in a sequence of grades or ranks Synonyms : graded , ranked Example Sentence stratified areas of the distribution (adj) deposited or arranged in horizontal layers Synonyms : bedded Example Sentence stratified rock (adj) (used of society) socially hierarchical Synonyms : class-conscious Example Sentence American society is becoming increasingly stratified Stratified sounds like classified. divided into classes.


(adj) attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery Synonyms : bootlicking , fawning , sycophantic , toadyish (adj) attentive in an ingratiating or servile manner Example Sentence obsequious shop assistants or obse(ssed)-Qui( yes in frech)-ous=always obsessed with saying yes to it all


(adj) attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery Synonyms : bootlicking , obsequious , sycophantic , toadyish (adj) attempting to win favor by flattery Synonyms : bootlicking , sycophantic , toadyish relate it with FAN..imagine of a crazy FAN who ALWAYS TRY TO exhibit his affaction....AND COURT A favour to be with you whole day by flattering with you..


(adj) being of striking appropriateness and pertinence Synonyms : apt , pertinent Example Sentence the successful copywriter is a master of apposite and evocative verbal images an apt reply apposite=> opposite of OPPOSITE i.e. perfectly matched; appropriate; most suitable


(adj) bitter or scornful Example Sentence the face was saturnine and swarthy, and the sensual lips...twisted with disdain (adj) showing a brooding ill humor Synonyms : dark , dour , glowering , glum , moody , morose , sour , sullen Example Sentence a dark scowl the proverbially dour New England Puritan a glum, hopeless shrug he sat in moody silence a morose and unsociable manner a saturnine, almost misanthropic young genius a sour temper a sullen crowd Saturn = Shani, Shani = makes wrong things happen in one's life (astronomically) so meaning = gloomy, unhappy, morose.Just remember saturns rings-->glommy,dull,faroff planet .


(adj) brief and to the point; effectively cut short Synonyms : crisp , curt , terse Example Sentence a crisp retort a response so curt as to be almost rude the laconic reply; `yes' short and terse and easy to understand LAC..LACK, SO LACK OF WORDS in her speech, specify that she used very few words to portray her ideas.


(adj) capable of being corrupted Synonyms : bribable , corruptible , dishonest , purchasable Example Sentence corruptible judges dishonest politicians a purchasable senator a venal police officer ve + nal = we null ....we can be easily bribed when we are null in terms of money ...


(adj) capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are Synonyms : executable , feasible , practicable , workable (adj) capable of life or normal growth and development Example Sentence viable seeds a viable fetus SURVIVABLE ! got it?


(adj) changeable Synonyms : freakish Example Sentence a capricious summer breeze freakish weather (adj) determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason Synonyms : impulsive , whimsical Example Sentence a capricious refusal authoritarian rulers are frequently capricious the victim of whimsical persecutions ca(CAR) + PRIC(PRICE)...PRICE OF cars nowadays is becoming unpredictable with the launch of Tata's 1 lakh car.


(adj) characteristic of acting or a stage performance; often affected Synonyms : melodramatic Example Sentence histrionic gestures an attitude of melodramatic despair a theatrical pose histrionic-- sounds like history. We find that most of the plays performed on stage in the theatre are from history, hence the name histrionic, theatrical.


(adj) characterized by an inability to mask your feelings; not devious Synonyms : artless Example Sentence an ingenuous admission of responsibility (adj) lacking in sophistication or worldliness Synonyms : innocent Example Sentence a child's innocent stare his ingenuous explanation that he would not have burned the church if he had not thought the bishop was in it In+genuine- In genuine relationship people are naive and trusting to each other.


(adj) characterized by an inability to mask your feelings; not devious Synonyms : ingenuous Example Sentence an ingenuous admission of responsibility (adj) simple and natural; without cunning or deceit Example Sentence an artless manner artless elegance (adj) showing lack of art Example Sentence an artless translation (adj) (of persons) lacking art or knowledge Synonyms : uncultivated , uncultured Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary without the art of deception


(adj) characterized by assertion of unproved or unprovable principles Synonyms : dogmatical (adj) of or pertaining to or characteristic of a doctrine or code of beliefs accepted as authoritative (adj) relating to or involving dogma Example Sentence dogmatic writings Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary If you try to read "dogmatic" from back to front, you will get "i am god". the person who think that he is a god is arrogant and stubborn


(adj) characterized by attack on established beliefs or institutions (adj) destructive of images used in religious worship; said of religions, such as Islam, in which the representation of living things is prohibited icon = idol clash = fragments. So, one who destroys idols into pieces is iconoclast.


(adj) characterized by departure from accepted beliefs or standards Synonyms : dissident , heretical heterodox--hetero-means different+ dox --means opinion, so different or many opinions. Orthodox, heterodox are from the same root.


(adj) characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort Synonyms : backbreaking , grueling , gruelling , hard , heavy , laborious , operose , punishing , toilsome Example Sentence worked their arduous way up the mining valley a grueling campaign hard labor heavy work heavy going spent many laborious hours on the project set a punishing pace (adj) taxing to the utmost; testing powers of endurance Synonyms : straining , strenuous Example Sentence his final, straining burst of speed a strenuous task your willingness after these six arduous days to remain here (adj) difficult to accomplish; demanding considerable mental effort and skill Example Sentence the arduous work of preparing a dictionary arduous = read it as: "hard to do for us"


(adj) characterized by jokes and good humor Synonyms : jesting , jocular , joking JOCOSE = JOKE + OSE .The suffix OSE indicates this is an Adjective, therefore pertaining to jokes.


(adj) characterized by lust Synonyms : lubricious , lustful , prurient Example Sentence eluding the lubricious embraces of her employer her sensuous grace roused his lustful nature prurient literature prurient thoughts a salacious rooster of a little man (adj) suggestive of or tending to moral looseness Synonyms : lewd , obscene , raunchy Example Sentence lewd whisperings of a dirty old man an indecent gesture obscene telephone calls salacious limericks salacious involves SALA(abusive word for a characterless jeja) who is salacious for his SALI.


(adj) clear and bright Synonyms : liquid Example Sentence the liquid air of a spring morning eyes shining with a liquid luster limpid blue eyes (adj) transmitting light; able to be seen through with clarity Synonyms : crystal clear , crystalline , lucid , pellucid , transparent Example Sentence the cold crystalline water of melted snow crystal clear skies could see the sand on the bottom of the limpid pool lucid air a pellucid brook transparent crystal (adj) (of language) transparently clear; easily understandable Synonyms : crystal clear , lucid , luculent , pellucid , perspicuous Example Sentence writes in a limpid style lucid directions a luculent oration pellucid prose a crystal clear explanation a perspicuous argument limpid ..liquid...transparent...


(adj) cleverly amusing in tone Synonyms : bantering , tongue-in-cheek Example Sentence a bantering tone facetious remarks tongue-in-cheek advice someone who makes funny faces Facetious>>>Face is not Serious


(adj) completely free from dirt or contamination Example Sentence pristine mountain snow (adj) immaculately clean and unused Example Sentence handed her his pristine white handkerchief sounds like priest(ine) means pertaining to priests which is to remain in pure state.


(adj) completely sealed; completely airtight HERMETIC-HERMET-HELMET...completely airtight(kind of...)


(adj) confined to and understandable by only an enlightened inner circle Example Sentence a compilation of esoteric philosophical theories HISTORIC things are known to few people


(adj) consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds Synonyms : assorted , miscellaneous , mixed , motley Example Sentence an arrangement of assorted spring flowers assorted sizes miscellaneous accessories a mixed program of baroque and contemporary music a motley crew sundry sciences commonly known as social SUNDARI (beautiful girl) ke peeche SEVERAL boys pade hai :P


(adj) conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry Synonyms : blatant , clamant , clamorous , vociferous Example Sentence blatant radios a clamorous uproar strident demands a vociferous mob (adj) of speech sounds produced by forcing air through a constricted passage (as `f', `s', `z', or `th' in both `thin' and `then') Synonyms : continuant , fricative , sibilant , spirant (adj) being sharply insistent on being heard Synonyms : shrill Example Sentence strident demands shrill criticism (adj) unpleasantly loud and harsh Synonyms : raucous Think of "stree"(wife) + "dant"(tooth). A girl's mouth is always loud and harsh - craving for supremacy or attention :)


(adj) constituting a separate entity or part Synonyms : distinct Example Sentence a government with three discrete divisions on two distinct occasions this crate (thats used to keep cold drink bottles ) that keeps the bottles separate n unconnected... so that they don break dis+crate


(adj) containing or based on a fallacy Synonyms : unsound Example Sentence fallacious reasoning an unsound argument (adj) intended to deceive Synonyms : deceitful , fraudulent Example Sentence deceitful advertising fallacious testimony smooth, shining, and deceitful as thin ice a fraudulent scheme to escape paying taxes (adj) based on an incorrect or misleading notion or information Example Sentence fallacious hope fallacious.split it like fallac+ious...if you just concentrate on look like FALSE, THINK that SOMETHING is based on a FALSE OR incorrect notion.....


(adj) containing or implying a slight or showing prejudice Synonyms : discriminatory Example Sentence discriminatory attitudes and practices invidious comparisons invi seems like "envy" check the meaning of envy and you will understand the mnemonic


(adj) contented to a fault with oneself or one's actions Synonyms : self-complacent , self-satisfied Example Sentence he had become complacent after years of success his self-satisfied dignity placement ... hogaya ab i am fully satisfied with myself


(adj) corresponding in size or degree or extent Example Sentence pay should be commensurate with the time worked SPLIT AS COMMON - ENSURED -RATE. WHICH MEANS, OUR RATE WILL BE EQUAL TO THE CHEAPEST PRODUCT!


(adj) curved or curving in and out Synonyms : sinuate , wiggly Example Sentence wiggly lines Two things: 1. "sin()" uous - like a sine wave, twisting and winding <br> 2. "sin"uous - a person who commits sins (by being dishonest).


(adj) curving inward consists of cave.. so hollow.. cave is always curved inwards


(adj) deficient in alertness or activity Synonyms : unenrgetic Example Sentence bullfrogs became lethargic with the first cold nights Sounds like alergic. When you have lack of interest in doing something i.e. alergy


(adj) derived from experience or the experience of existence Synonyms : experiential Example Sentence the rich experiential content of the teachings of the older philosophers formal logicians are not concerned with existential matters (adj) of or as conceived by existentialism Example Sentence an existential moment of choice (adj) relating to or dealing with existence (especially with human existence) existential related to existence of anything.


(adj) derived from experiment and observation rather than theory Synonyms : empiric Example Sentence an empirical basis for an ethical theory empirical laws empirical data an empirical treatment of a disease about which little is known (adj) relying on medical quackery Synonyms : empiric Example Sentence empiric treatment Empire...maintaining an empire requires much practical experiences and workouts....


(adj) deserving of respect or high regard (adj) deserving of esteem and respect Synonyms : good , honorable , respectable Example Sentence all respectable companies give guarantees ruined the family's good name (adj) may be computed or estimated Synonyms : computable Example Sentence a calculable risk computable odds estimable assets firstly... estimable -> estimate. able to calculate. secondly, estimable->esteem.. and esteem means respect.


(adj) determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason Synonyms : capricious , impulsive Example Sentence a capricious refusal authoritarian rulers are frequently capricious the victim of whimsical persecutions Whimsical sounds like comical...whimsical is , impulsive, playful...comical is amusing and funny.


(adj) deviating from the general or common order or type Example Sentence advanced forms of life may be anomalous in the universe anomalous means abnormal. Think of abnormal when you read the word anomalous


(adj) devoid of intelligence Synonyms : asinine , fatuous , inane , mindless (adj) devoid of significance or point Synonyms : empty , hollow Example Sentence empty promises a hollow victory vacuous comments (adj) devoid of matter Example Sentence a vacuous space (adj) void of expression Synonyms : blank Example Sentence a blank stare vacuous can be seen as vacuum which means, a region empty of matter.


(adj) devoid of intelligence Synonyms : asinine , inane , mindless , vacuous remembles ******* an ass is considered foolish


(adj) difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge Synonyms : abstruse , deep Example Sentence the professor's lectures were so abstruse that students tended to avoid them a deep metaphysical theory some recondite problem in historiography read recondite as "re conduct". The professor re coducted(repeated) the topic as the students could not understand properly.


(adj) disdainfully or ironically humorous; scornful and mocking Example Sentence his rebellion is the bitter, sardonic laughter of all great satirists a wry pleasure to be...reminded of all that one is missing sorry to comment but.. remember sardarji always people mock at them making jokes. so remember as sardonic


(adj) disinclined to work or exertion Synonyms : faineant , lazy , otiose , slothful , work-shy Example Sentence faineant kings under whose rule the country languished an indolent hanger-on too lazy to wash the dishes shiftless idle youth slothful employees the unemployed are not necessarily work-shy (adj) (of tumors, e.g.) slow to heal or develop and usually painless Example Sentence an indolent ulcer leprosy is an indolent infectious disease Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary indolent - in + dolent => jo dolta nahi hai(hilta nahi hai)


(adj) disposed or willing to comply Synonyms : conformable Example Sentence someone amenable to persuasion (adj) readily reacting to suggestions and influences Synonyms : tractable Example Sentence a responsive student (adj) open to being acted upon in a certain way Example Sentence an amenable hospitalization should not result in untimely death the tumor was not amenable to surgical treatment (adj) liable to answer to a higher authority Example Sentence the president is amenable to the constitutional court Amen is a word used in islam and christinity. meaning of which is i agree. So amenable means something able to be agreed.


(adj) disposed or willing to comply Example Sentence children compliant with the parental will Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary one who never complains and obeys everything is compliant !


(adj) disposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge Synonyms : revengeful , vengeful Example Sentence more vindictive than jealous love punishments...essentially vindictive in their nature (adj) showing malicious ill will and a desire to hurt; motivated by spite Synonyms : despiteful , spiteful Example Sentence a despiteful fiend a truly spiteful child a vindictive man will look for occasions for resentment vindictive=win+addictive obsessed about winning always having ill will against others


(adj) doing or producing good Example Sentence the most beneficent regime in history (adj) generous in assistance to the poor Synonyms : benevolent , eleemosynary , philanthropic Example Sentence a benevolent contributor eleemosynary relief philanthropic contributions Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary Simply think about beneficial(something gives benefit) which help people.


(adj) driven by lust; preoccupied with or exhibiting lustful desires Synonyms : lewd , libidinous , lustful Example Sentence libidinous orgies lascivious (lasci -lust vious -full) so --lustful


(adj) easily influenced Synonyms : ductile (adj) capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out Synonyms : ductile , pliable , pliant , tensile , tractile Example Sentence ductile copper malleable metals such as gold they soaked the leather to made it pliable pliant molten glass made of highly tensile steel alloy relate with meltable; so possible to reshape


(adj) easily irritated or annoyed Synonyms : cranky , fractious , irritable , nettlesome , peckish , peevish , pettish , scratchy , techy , testy , tetchy Example Sentence an incorrigibly fractious young man not the least nettlesome of his countrymen The pet - u - lent me is getting me irritated


(adj) easily managed (controlled or taught or molded) Synonyms : manipulable Example Sentence tractable young minds the natives...being...of an intelligent tractable disposition (adj) readily reacting to suggestions and influences Synonyms : amenable Example Sentence a responsive student Tractable sounds like tractor ,which makes it easy to manage a field .


(adj) elaborately or excessively ornamented Synonyms : aureate , flamboyant Example Sentence flamboyant handwriting the senator's florid speech (adj) inclined to a healthy reddish color often associated with outdoor life Synonyms : rubicund , ruddy , sanguine Example Sentence a ruddy complexion Santa's rubicund cheeks a fresh and sanguine complexion flo(wer) + rid(red)sounds like a flower that is in a red color.. Also, florid ~ flowery (french)


(adj) endowed with feeling and unstructured consciousness Synonyms : animate Example Sentence the living knew themselves just sentient puppets on God's stage (adj) consciously perceiving Example Sentence sentient of the intolerable load a boy so sentient of his surroundings Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary Sentimental people are sentinent.


(adj) evident without proof or argument Synonyms : self-evident , taken for granted Example Sentence an axiomatic truth we hold these truths to be self-evident (adj) containing aphorisms or maxims Synonyms : aphoristic Example Sentence axiomatic wisdom (adj) of or relating to or derived from axioms Synonyms : axiomatical , postulational Example Sentence axiomatic physics the postulational method was applied to geometry Earth is rotating on it's own AXIS,a MATHE matical statement,that need not be proved


(adj) excessively forward Synonyms : assuming , assumptive Example Sentence an assumptive person on a subject like this it would be too assuming for me to decide the duchess would not put up with presumptuous servants Focus on "Presum" (Presume)--> To overstep your boundaries by boldly PRESUMing/assuming something.


(adj) exhibiting an agreeably appropriate manner or style Example Sentence a felicitous speaker (adj) marked by good fortune Synonyms : happy Example Sentence a felicitous life a happy outcome Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary felicitous sounds like felicitation... in felicitation the person is praised with SUITABLE, APT , WELL CHOSEN remarks..


(adj) existing as an essential constituent or characteristic Synonyms : built-in , constitutional , inbuilt , integral Example Sentence the Ptolemaic system with its built-in concept of periodicity a constitutional inability to tell the truth (adj) in the nature of something though not readily apparent Synonyms : implicit in , underlying Example Sentence shortcomings inherent in our approach an underlying meaning in+ here


(adj) expressing sorrow Synonyms : mournful Plaintive can be split into plain(plane)+tive(relative). Suppose a relative dies in a plane crash, we mourn. Thus plaintive = mourn. Sorry for the sadistic mnemonic.


(adj) extremely impressive in strength or excellence Example Sentence a formidable opponent the challenge was formidable had a formidable array of compositions to his credit the formidable army of brains at the Prime Minister's disposal (adj) inspiring fear Synonyms : redoubtable , unnerving Example Sentence the formidable prospect of major surgery a tougher and more redoubtable adversary than the heel-clicking, jackbooted fanatic something unnerving and prisonlike about high grey wall FOR+ME+DEVIL...he is so strong...I'm afraid of him.


(adj) extremely painful Synonyms : agonising , agonizing , excruciating , torturesome , torturing , torturous harrow - sounds like sorrow and sorrow leads to agony, so........


(adj) feeding only on plants herb (herb) + i + vorous (boars). Imagine a boar eating herbs (plants).


(adj) feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses Synonyms : remorseful , rueful , ruthful Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary SPLIT AS cont (COUNT) - rite (RIGHT). COUNT THE CASH RIGHT, ELSE YOU WILL REGRET IT.


(adj) feeling or showing profound respect or veneration Example Sentence maintained a reverent silence (adj) showing great reverence for god Synonyms : godly , worshipful Example Sentence a godly man leading a godly life Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary reverent-divide as river end i.e we bath in the rivr end as a part of worship


(adj) filled with bewilderment Synonyms : at a loss , nonplused , puzzled Example Sentence at a loss to understand those remarks puzzled that she left without saying goodbye plussed........puzzled.


(adj) found in the ordinary course of events Synonyms : everyday , quotidian , routine , unremarkable , workaday Example Sentence a placid everyday scene it was a routine day there's nothing quite like a real...train conductor to add color to a quotidian commute (adj) concerned with the world or worldly matters Synonyms : terrestrial Example Sentence mundane affairs he developed an immense terrestrial practicality (adj) belonging to this earth or world; not ideal or heavenly Synonyms : terrene Example Sentence not a fairy palace; yet a mundane wonder of unimagined kind so terrene a being as himself monday, tuesday, wednesday....everyday


(adj) free of deceit Synonyms : transparent "guile" means to decieve guile+less means no deception, only honesty.


(adj) full of anxiety and concern Example Sentence solicitous parents solicitous about the future (adj) showing hovering attentiveness Example Sentence solicitous about her health made solicitous inquiries about our family Solicit means to request earnestly for something, but if you have to wait for it to happen then you are liable to become solicitous.


(adj) full of trivial conversation Synonyms : chatty , gabby , garrulous , talkative , talky Example Sentence kept from her housework by gabby neighbors it is derived from the root word 'loqua'... which refers to SPEECH or TALK


(adj) full of trivial conversation Synonyms : chatty , gabby , loquacious , talkative , talky Example Sentence kept from her housework by gabby neighbors Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary (garrulous can be related to girls when pronounced)and girls talk more than boys


(adj) fundamentally different or distinct in quality or kind Example Sentence such disparate attractions as grand opera and game fishing disparate ideas (adj) including markedly dissimilar elements Example Sentence a disparate aggregate of creeds and songs and prayers Dis(this) + parate(parrot) is different from the rest. But how?? It can talk!!!


(adj) given to examining own sensory and perceptual experiences Synonyms : introverted , self-examining intro means oneself spect is spectacles which is used for looking and hence introspect means looking within oneself


(adj) given to lying Example Sentence a mendacious child (adj) intentionally untrue Example Sentence a mendacious statement mendacious = requiring mending (correction)


(adj) habitual Synonyms : chronic Example Sentence a chronic smoker (adv) in a habitual and longstanding manner Synonyms : chronically Example Sentence smoking chronically In this word. we have a root ie.. veter--that have lasted a long time and seem likely to continue. This itself gives an idea of the meaning.


(adj) habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition Synonyms : headstrong , self-willed , wilful , willful Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary Somebody who frowns when you have a word with him, One who is disobedient and stubborn. Frow(n) + W(a)rd = FROWARD


(adj) habitually speaking the truth Example Sentence a veracious witness (adj) precisely accurate Synonyms : right Example Sentence a veracious account the root word 'VER' refers to true.. hence we can frame words like: veracious - truthful and verisimilitude - an appearence of truth.


(adj) hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough Synonyms : casual , cursory , passing Example Sentence a casual (or cursory) inspection failed to reveal the house's structural flaws a passing glance perfunctory courtesy (adj) as a formality only Synonyms : pro forma Example Sentence a one-candidate pro forma election Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary PARAI(other's)+FACTORY - if you are told to take care of somebody else's factory, you would casually care about it


(adj) having a proud and unbroken spirit (adj) willing to face danger Synonyms : game , gamey , gamy , gritty , spirited , spunky remember it by breaking it as ... mettlesome - mettle + some or metal + some.. some one who(who's spirit) is as strong as metal and hence courageous.


(adj) having a quality that provokes disbelief Example Sentence gave the teacher an implausible excuse (adj) highly imaginative but unlikely Synonyms : farfetched Example Sentence a farfetched excuse an implausible explanation implausible rhymes with impossible....something that is impossible is unlikely


(adj) having a relatively high resistance to flow Synonyms : syrupy (adj) having the sticky properties of an adhesive Synonyms : gluey , glutinous , gummy , mucilaginous , pasty , sticky , viscid Viscous is like mucus - both mean something sticky or gooey.


(adj) having a variety of colors Synonyms : varicolored , varicoloured varie(various)-gated(gates)... the gates are of various colors..


(adj) having an agreeably pungent taste Synonyms : savory , savoury , spicy , zesty (adj) engagingly stimulating or provocative Synonyms : salty Example Sentence a piquant wit salty language (adj) attracting or delighting Synonyms : engaging Example Sentence an engaging frankness a piquant face with large appealing eyes PI+QUANT Quant in GRE is more attracting and delighting than Verbal


(adj) having an unpleasant sound Synonyms : cacophonic Example Sentence as cacophonous as a henyard caco sounds like cactus and phonous like phone. So kindly try to remember it like this...a phone with a cactus makes irritating sounds.


(adj) having existed from the beginning; in an earliest or original stage or state Synonyms : aboriginal , primaeval , primal , primeval Example Sentence aboriginal forests primal eras before the appearance of life on earth the forest primeval primordial matter primordial forms of life "primordial" = "prime" + "order" =first in the order = existing at the beginning , rudimentary


(adj) having low density Synonyms : rare , rarified Example Sentence rare gasses lightheaded from the rarefied mountain air (adj) of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style Synonyms : elevated , exalted , grand , high-flown , high-minded , idealistic , lofty , noble-minded , rarified , sublime Example Sentence an exalted ideal argue in terms of high-flown ideals a noble and lofty concept a grand purpose rare(,,very less)+fied( field which means environment), hence environment where GAS is VERY LESS DENSE..


(adj) having many aspects Synonyms : many-sided , miscellaneous , multifaceted Example Sentence a many-sided subject a multifaceted undertaking multifarious interests the multifarious noise of a great city a miscellaneous crowd MULTIFARIOUS=MULTI+FARIOUS,farious rhymes with both multi and various means de same...VARIED and GREATLY DIVERSIFIED


(adj) having or covered with hair Synonyms : haired , hairy Example Sentence Jacob was a hairy man a hairy caterpillar Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary some one who wears a hir(hair)+sute(suit) someone who wears a suit of hairs to look like jamvant( a hindu mythological character)...who was very hairy)...


(adj) having or revealing keen insight and good judgment Example Sentence a discerning critic a discerning reader (adj) unobtrusively perceptive and sympathetic Synonyms : discreet Example Sentence a discerning editor a discreet silence (adj) quick to understand Synonyms : apprehensive Example Sentence a kind and apprehensive friend (adj) able to make or detect effects of great subtlety; sensitive Example Sentence discerning taste a discerning eye for color READ IT AS di-screening. A DUAL SCREENING PERSON, WHO KEEPS ON SCREENING EVERYTHING AROUND TWICE( VERY OBSERVANT, ALERT)


(adj) having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not easily aroused or excited Synonyms : impassive Example Sentence her impassive remoteness he remained impassive, showing neither interest in nor concern for our plight a silent stolid creature who took it all as a matter of course her face showed nothing but stolid indifference stone like It becomes 'T' SOLID. So someone very SOLID against 'T'(ears) or emo'T'ions.


(adj) having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not easily aroused or excited Synonyms : stolid Example Sentence her impassive remoteness he remained impassive, showing neither interest in nor concern for our plight a silent stolid creature who took it all as a matter of course her face showed nothing but stolid indifference (adj) deliberately impassive in manner Synonyms : deadpan , expressionless , poker-faced , unexpressive Example Sentence deadpan humor his face remained expressionless as the verdict was read Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary Impassive-> A person saying-"I m Passive(Not Active)", that means he has no feelings,emotions.


(adj) having or showing profound knowledge Synonyms : learned Example Sentence a learned jurist an erudite professor Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary taken from olden days people who were higly educated were basically very they were having profound knowledge of a subject they use to behave very rudely with less educated or illiterates people.


(adj) having the attention diverted especially because of anxiety Synonyms : distracted distrait:not straiGht.. someone who is not straightthinking is distracted and hence ABSSENT MINDED .


(adj) having thin consistency Example Sentence a tenuous fluid (adj) very thin in gauge or diameter Example Sentence a tenuous thread (adj) lacking substance or significance Synonyms : flimsy , fragile , slight , thin Example Sentence slight evidence a tenuous argument a thin plot a fragile claim to fame this word sound very close to TENNIS....and most of the female TENNIS PLAYERS ARE VERY SLIM AND THIN...


(adj) hellish Example Sentence Hence loathed Melancholy.../In Stygian cave forlorn (adj) dark and dismal as of the rivers Acheron and Styx in Hades Synonyms : acheronian , acherontic Example Sentence in the depths of an Acheronian forest upon those roseate lips a Stygian hue stygian... think it as one living in a sty(pen for pigs) .. it is expected to be be disgusting and therefore dark or dismal


(adj) highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious Synonyms : byzantine , convoluted , involved , knotty , tangled Example Sentence the Byzantine tax structure Byzantine methods for holding on to his chairmanship convoluted legal language convoluted reasoning the plot was too involved a knotty problem got his way by labyrinthine maneuvering Oh, what a tangled web we weave tortuous legal procedures tortuous negotiations lasting for months (adj) marked by repeated turns and bends Synonyms : twisting , twisty , voluminous , winding Example Sentence a tortuous road up the mountain winding roads are full of surprises had to steer the car down a twisty track (adj) not straightforward Example Sentence his tortuous reasoning a tortoise does not move in straight line... it keeps twisting and turning making path complicated.


(adj) ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearance Synonyms : loutish , neandertal , neanderthal , oafish , swinish Example Sentence was boorish and insensitive the loutish manners of a bully her stupid oafish husband aristocratic contempt for the swinish multitude boor means =bura .... ill mannered... so make adj boorish..!..:)


(adj) implied by or inferred from actions or statements Synonyms : silent , understood Example Sentence gave silent consent a tacit agreement the understood provisos of a custody agreement Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary tacit ~ take it; imagine you are giving permission to someone to take something from your room...but you didn't say it verbally but via your actions.


(adj) implied though not directly expressed; inherent in the nature of something Synonyms : inexplicit Example Sentence an implicit agreement not to raise the subject there was implicit criticism in his voice anger was implicit in the argument the oak is implicit in the acorn (adj) being without doubt or reserve Synonyms : unquestioning Example Sentence implicit trust impli+cit--- tacit(CIT) means understand without being expressed so IMPLICIT means implied without directly expressed


(adj) imposing in size or bulk or solidity Synonyms : massive , monumental Example Sentence massive oak doors Moore's massive sculptures the monolithic proportions of Stalinist architecture a monumental scale (adj) characterized by massiveness and rigidity and total uniformity Example Sentence a monolithic society a monolithic worldwide movement MONO(SINGLE) + LITHIC (related to ROCKS) --> like a SINGLE ROCK --> SOLID and UNIFORM


(adj) impossible to avoid or evade: Synonyms : inescapable , unavoidable Example Sentence inescapable conclusion an ineluctable destiny an unavoidable accident ineluctable -- in +luc(k)+table.. So, a person will be lucky or unlucky in his work on a particular day as per his luck-table, he can't escape from it, it's unavoidable.


(adj) impossible to surmount Synonyms : insurmountable (adj) incapable of being surmounted or excelled Synonyms : unconquerable Example Sentence insuperable odds insuperable heroes Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary


(adj) in a condition of biological rest or suspended animation Synonyms : hibernating , torpid Example Sentence dormant buds a hibernating bear torpid frogs (adj) (of e.g. volcanos) not erupting and not extinct Synonyms : inactive Example Sentence a dormant volcano (adj) lying with head on paws as if sleeping Synonyms : sleeping (adj) inactive but capable of becoming active Synonyms : abeyant Example Sentence her feelings of affection are dormant but easily awakened see the word DORMant, DORM is a dormitory a place to if you are sleeping you are inactive or lethargic..


(adj) incapable of being placated Example Sentence an implacable enemy Sounds like IMPLEASABLE -- some one who cannot be pleased or appeased -- not pacifiable


(adj) incapable of physical sensation Example Sentence insensible to pain insensible earth (adj) unaware of or indifferent to Synonyms : unaffected Example Sentence insensible to the suffering around him (adj) barely able to be perceived Synonyms : indiscernible , undetectable Example Sentence the transition was almost indiscernible an almost insensible change (adj) unresponsive to stimulation Synonyms : senseless Example Sentence he lay insensible where he had fallen drugged and senseless in (without..) +sensible (sense..)i.e. without sense we are UNCONSCIOUS or UNRESPONSIVE..


(adj) inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree, even to engage in law suits Synonyms : combative , disputatious , disputative , litigious Example Sentence a style described as abrasive and contentious a disputatious lawyer a litigious and acrimonious spirit (adj) involving or likely to cause controversy Example Sentence a central and contentious element of the book Contentious- (Contender+Serious) One who takes competition too serious always fights and quarrels)


(adj) inspiring fear Synonyms : formidable , unnerving Example Sentence the formidable prospect of major surgery a tougher and more redoubtable adversary than the heel-clicking, jackbooted fanatic something unnerving and prisonlike about high grey wall (adj) worthy of respect or honor Example Sentence born of a redoubtable family redoubtable can be re+doubt(able) if you have REpeated DOUBTs in any subject just before the exam, it might CAUSE FEAR


(adj) intended to attract notice and impress others Synonyms : pretentious Example Sentence an ostentatious sable coat (adj) (of a display) tawdry or vulgar Synonyms : pretentious it as perform stunts to attract attention, showy.


(adj) intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner Synonyms : busy , busybodied , interfering , meddlesome , meddling Example Sentence an interfering old woman bustling about self-importantly making an officious nuisance of himself busy about other people's business OFFICIOUS,the first part of the word sounds similar to office. Imagine a government office where people poke their nose in other's affairs, they are INTERFERING.


(adj) involving or constituting a cause; causing Example Sentence a causal relationship between scarcity and higher prices Causal == cause; i.e; something relating to cause


(adj) invulnerable to fear or intimidation Synonyms : brave , dauntless , fearless , hardy , intrepid , unfearing Example Sentence audacious explorers fearless reporters and photographers intrepid pioneers (adj) unrestrained by convention or propriety Synonyms : bald-faced , barefaced , bodacious , brassy , brazen , brazen-faced , insolent Example Sentence an audacious trick to pull a barefaced hypocrite the most bodacious display of tourism this side of Anaheim bald-faced lies brazen arrogance the modern world with its quick material successes and insolent belief in the boundless possibilities of progress (adj) disposed to venture or take risks Synonyms : daring , venturesome , venturous Example Sentence audacious visions of the total conquest of space an audacious interpretation of two Jacobean dramas the most daring of contemporary fiction writers a venturesome investor a venturous spirit audacious..auda(AUDIBLE)....IF YOU WANT to be audible to millions of people you have to be very daring and bold ,to go to the stage and deliver your message.


(adj) joyously unrestrained Synonyms : exuberant , high-spirited Your dad purchasing you a new 'Enfield Bullet' so you shpw ur 'Excitement' -> ebullient! :D


(adj) lacking in courage and manly strength and resolution; contemptibly fearful Synonyms : poor-spirited , unmanly Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary take it as PUSSY + ANIMAL = a pussy will always be dumb and cowardly, will always lack courage.


(adj) lacking orderly continuity Synonyms : confused , disconnected , disordered , garbled , illogical , scattered , unconnected Example Sentence a confused set of instructions a confused dream about the end of the world disconnected fragments of a story scattered thoughts (adj) taken apart at the joints Example Sentence a disjointed fowl (adj) separated at the joint Synonyms : dislocated , separated Example Sentence a dislocated knee a separated shoulder DIS (not) + JOINTED (connected) disjointed is disconnected or scattered.


(adj) lacking social polish Synonyms : graceless , unpolished Example Sentence too gauche to leave the room when the conversation became intimate their excellent manners always made me feel gauche Ghochu


(adj) lacking taste or flavor or tang Synonyms : bland , flat , flavorless , flavourless , insipid , savorless , savourless Example Sentence a bland diet insipid hospital food flavorless supermarket tomatoes vapid beer vapid tea (adj) lacking significance or liveliness or spirit or zest Example Sentence a vapid conversation a vapid smile a bunch of vapid schoolgirls Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary vapid sounds similar to rapid(~ very rapid)... If you cook in a rapid manner, you may spoil the taste of the food, or say, when you eat may not get the taste of the food.


(adj) lacking taste or flavor or tang Synonyms : bland , flat , flavorless , flavourless , savorless , savourless , vapid Example Sentence a bland diet insipid hospital food flavorless supermarket tomatoes vapid beer vapid tea (adj) lacking interest or significance or impact Synonyms : jejune Example Sentence an insipid personality jejune novel in+sip+id(it) in-'not, -ve prefix', so when you do not sip it, i.e a juice ,then it means the juice lacks flavor.


(adj) lacking worth or importance Synonyms : inconsequent Example Sentence his work seems trivial and inconsequential the quite inconsequent fellow was managed like a puppet (adj) not following logically as a consequence consequence means result- we are never worried about the result of inconsequential or worthless things.


(adj) large in number or quantity (especially of discourse) Synonyms : voluminous Example Sentence she took copious notes a subject of voluminous legislation (adj) affording an abundant supply Synonyms : ample , plenteous , plentiful , rich Example Sentence had ample food for the party copious provisions food is plentiful a plenteous grape harvest a rich supply By copying in an exam, some get a LOT of marks


(adj) like or relating to a prostitute Example Sentence meretricious relationships (adj) tastelessly showy Synonyms : brassy , cheap , flash , flashy , garish , gaudy , gimcrack , loud , tacky , tatty , tawdry , trashy Example Sentence a flash car a flashy ring garish colors a gaudy costume loud sport shirts a meretricious yet stylish book tawdry ornaments (adj) based on pretense; deceptively pleasing Synonyms : gilded , specious Example Sentence the gilded and perfumed but inwardly rotten nobility meretricious praise a meretricious argument Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary like a merit (meret) certificate.. flashy and attractive in a way.. but of no REAL value...


(adj) lofty in style Synonyms : magniloquent , tall Example Sentence he engages in so much tall talk, one never really realizes what he is saying (adj) puffed up with vanity Synonyms : overblown , pompous , pontifical , portentous Example Sentence a grandiloquent and boastful manner overblown oratory a pompous speech pseudo-scientific gobbledygook and pontifical hooey Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary GrandiloquentGRAND+ELOQUENT only an ELOQUENT speaker can deliver a POMPOUS/BOMBASTIC speech in front a HUGE/GRAND crowd


(adj) lying face upward Synonyms : resupine (adj) offering no resistance Synonyms : resistless , unresisting Example Sentence resistless hostages No other colony showed such supine, selfish helplessness in allowing her own border citizens to be mercilessly harried Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary remove 'u' => spine... lying on BACK facing upward.. as good as no resistance.......OR THINK OF SPINAL CORD(SPINE) YOU WILL AUTOMATICALLY REMEMBER


(adj) made smooth and bright by or as if by rubbing; reflecting a sheen or glow Synonyms : bright , burnished , shining , shiny Example Sentence bright silver candlesticks a burnished brass knocker she brushed her hair until it fell in lustrous auburn waves rows of shining glasses shiny black patents (adj) brilliant Example Sentence set a lustrous example for others to follow lustrous actors of the time (adj) reflecting light Synonyms : glistening , glossy , sheeny , shining , shiny Example Sentence glistening bodies of swimmers the horse's glossy coat lustrous auburn hair saw the moon like a shiny dime on a deep blue velvet carpet shining white enamel illustrate -> lustrous : hair illustration after using shampoo


(adj) made tough by habitual exposure Synonyms : enured , hardened Example Sentence hardened fishermen a peasant, dark, lean-faced, wind-inured our successors...may be graver, more inured and equable men someone INJURED again and again will become TOUGH


(adj) making or willing to make concessions Synonyms : compromising , flexible Example Sentence loneliness tore through him...whenever he thought of...even the compromising Louis du Tillet (adj) intended to placate Synonyms : conciliative Example Sentence spoke in a conciliating tone a conciliatory visit Heyy thz sounds like CONSOLING...which means soothing...


(adj) marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning especially its trivial aspects Synonyms : academic , donnish Can u smell the word <b>'PANDIT'</b>( "Scholar" in english) from "Pedantic"? PANDITs are usually very strict about the bookish stuff.


(adj) marked by blithe unconcern Synonyms : casual , nonchalant Example Sentence an ability to interest casual students showed a casual disregard for cold weather an utterly insouciant financial policy an elegantly insouciant manner drove his car with nonchalant abandon was polite in a teasing nonchalant manner insouciant: sounds like In-soup-ant or in-sauce-ant. Suppose the waiter serves you a soup with an ant in it and he is not even concerned about removing it, is insouciant.


(adj) marked by care and persistent effort Synonyms : assiduous Example Sentence her assiduous attempts to learn French assiduous research sedulous pursuit of legal and moral principles to seduce a woman, man needs to be diligent and persistent and off course Hardworking ;)


(adj) marked by care and persistent effort Synonyms : sedulous Example Sentence her assiduous attempts to learn French assiduous research sedulous pursuit of legal and moral principles assiduous+ass+in+the+dust.a donkey working hard in the dust.meaning hard working or industrious or diligent


(adj) marked by excessive self-indulgence and moral decay Synonyms : decadent Example Sentence a decadent life of excessive money and no sense of responsibility a group of effete self-professed intellectuals when you walk for longer distances on your feet, you feel completely worn if you are lacking in power .......


(adj) marked by harshly abusive criticism Synonyms : scathing Example Sentence his scathing remarks about silly lady novelists her vituperative railing vitu (bite you) + perative (operator) => when you feel so pissed off on a unkind operator, you would say harshy abusive remarks like "I'll bite you operator" :-)


(adj) marked by keen caution and watchful prudence Example Sentence they were wary in their movements a wary glance at the black clouds taught to be wary of strangers (adj) openly distrustful and unwilling to confide Synonyms : leery , mistrustful , suspicious , untrusting Wary and worry sound the same... you become wary (cautious) if you have too many worries in life.


(adj) marked by lack of definite plan or regularity or purpose; jumping from one thing to another Example Sentence desultory thoughts the desultory conversation characteristic of cocktail parties De-result...Obviously a haphazard or desultory approach will result to nothing.


(adj) marked by lack of intellectual depth Example Sentence glib generalizations a glib response to a complex question (adj) having only superficial plausibility Synonyms : pat , slick Example Sentence glib promises a slick commercial (adj) artfully persuasive in speech Synonyms : glib-tongued , smooth-tongued Example Sentence a glib tongue a smooth-tongued hypocrite Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary glib sounds like Ghalib..his shayeri was slick and fluent.


(adj) marked by obliqueness or indirection in speech or conduct Synonyms : roundabout Example Sentence the explanation was circuitous and puzzling a roundabout paragraph hear in a roundabout way that her ex-husband was marrying her best friend (adj) deviating from a straight course Synonyms : devious , roundabout Example Sentence a scenic but devious route a long and circuitous journey by train and boat a roundabout route avoided rush-hour traffic Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary circuit-ous -> like circuit;


(adj) marked by precise accordance with details Synonyms : meticulous Example Sentence meticulous research punctilious in his attention to rules of etiquette it is very close to word PUNCTUAL...and you pay attention to even a person who is 1 second late, that shows that you care for even very minute things too.


(adj) marked by precise accordance with details Synonyms : punctilious Example Sentence meticulous research punctilious in his attention to rules of etiquette (adj) marked by extreme care in treatment of details Example Sentence a meticulous craftsman almost worryingly meticulous in his business formalities it sounds like matriculation(admission to a college).To get matriculation we should be as a meticulous(careful) aspirant to clear the exam.


(adj) marked by the appetites and passions of the body Synonyms : animal , carnal , fleshly Example Sentence animal instincts carnal knowledge fleshly desire a sensual delight in eating music is the only sensual pleasure without vice (adj) sexually exciting or gratifying Synonyms : sultry Example Sentence sensual excesses a sultry look a sultry dance SENSUAL indulging in PHYSICAL pleasures that also excite the MENTAL status of a person.


(adj) marked by the appetites and passions of the body Synonyms : animal , fleshly , sensual Example Sentence animal instincts carnal knowledge fleshly desire a sensual delight in eating music is the only sensual pleasure without vice (adj) of or relating to the body or flesh Example Sentence carnal remains Nowadays cars are used (as a place) to satisfy carnal desires.


(adj) meeting the proper standards and requirements and training for an office or position or task Example Sentence many qualified applicants for the job (adj) limited or restricted; not absolute Example Sentence gave only qualified approval (adj) holding appropriate documentation and officially on record as qualified to perform a specified function or practice a specified skill Synonyms : certified Example Sentence a registered pharmacist a registered hospital (adj) restricted in meaning; (as e.g. `man' in `a tall man') Synonyms : restricted (adj) contingent on something else Synonyms : dependant , dependent Primary meaning qualified :above a given standard(quality) Secondary meaning:limited in quality(just the opposite)


(adj) morally degraded Synonyms : seamy , seedy , sleazy , squalid Example Sentence a seedy district the seamy side of life sleazy characters hanging around casinos sleazy storefronts with...dirt on the walls the sordid details of his orgies stank under his very nostrils the squalid atmosphere of intrigue and betrayal (adj) unethical or dishonest Synonyms : dirty Example Sentence dirty police officers a sordid political campaign (adj) foul and run-down and repulsive Synonyms : flyblown , squalid Example Sentence a flyblown bar on the edge of town a squalid overcrowded apartment in the poorest part of town squalid living conditions sordid shantytowns (adj) meanly avaricious and mercenary Example Sentence sordid avarice sordid material interests (SORDID)SORry I DID this FILTHY, VILE thing.


(adj) naive and easily deceived or tricked Synonyms : fleeceable , green Example Sentence at that early age she had been gullible and in love (adj) easily tricked because of being too trusting Example Sentence gullible tourists taken in by the shell game Gullible = Gull + ible = girl/galli + able A girl who is able to be tricked or deceived easily.


(adj) no longer in force or use; inactive Example Sentence a defunct law a defunct organization (adj) having ceased to exist or live Example Sentence the will of a defunct aunt a defunct Indian tribe de (means without) + funct(function) something without a functioning is considered DEAD.


(adj) not active or activated Example Sentence the quiescent level of centimeter wave-length solar radiation (adj) marked by a state of tranquil repose Example Sentence the quiescent melancholy of the town (adj) being quiet or still or inactive (adj) (pathology) causing no symptoms Example Sentence a quiescent tumor quiescent => quies ~ quiet = motionless


(adj) not admitting of passage or capable of being affected Synonyms : imperviable Example Sentence a material impervious to water someone impervious to argument im(not)+pravesh(enter) so unpenetrable...


(adj) not easily borne; wearing Synonyms : burdensome , taxing Example Sentence the burdensome task of preparing the income tax return my duties weren't onerous; I only had to greet the guests a taxing schedule Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary it sounds like on+er+us..that is ONUS.. when something is ON US ..we feel burdensome


(adj) not easily perturbed or excited or upset; marked by extreme calm and composure Synonyms : unflappable Example Sentence hitherto imperturbable, he now showed signs of alarm an imperturbable self-possession unflappable in a crisis imperturbabble--im + pertur (like tur tur) + babble ( just talking foolishly..). So, the person who never do any tur-tur and never babbles is a very cool, calm and peaceful guy.


(adj) not forming an essential part of a thing or arising or originating from the outside Example Sentence extrinsic evidence an extrinsic feature of the new building that style is something extrinsic to the subject looking for extrinsic aid Something extrinsic is EXTRa or EXTRaneous, therefore it is not necessary.


(adj) not having enough money to pay for necessities Synonyms : hard up , in straitened circumstances , penniless , penurious , pinched pecu (read as pesu means money). impec(s)unious who doesn't have money.


(adj) not in agreement or harmony Example Sentence views discordant with present-day ideas (adj) lacking in harmony Synonyms : disharmonious , dissonant , inharmonic FOCUS ON disco-RDANT. dISCOs ARE always inharmonious. same as cacophonous


(adj) not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society Synonyms : indecent , indecorous , unbecoming , uncomely , unseemly Example Sentence was buried with indecent haste indecorous behavior language unbecoming to a lady unseemly to use profanity moved to curb their untoward ribaldry (adj) contrary to your interests or welfare Synonyms : adverse , inauspicious Example Sentence adverse circumstances made a place for themselves under the most untoward conditions conditions which are not towards me are ==> untoward


(adj) not injurious to physical or mental health (adj) not causing disapproval Synonyms : unobjectionable Example Sentence it was an innocuous remark confined himself to innocuous generalities unobjectionable behavior (adj) lacking intent or capacity to injure Synonyms : innocent Example Sentence an innocent prank Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary in(not)+nocuous(noxious)........ means not noxious......something which is not noxious is harmless...


(adj) not pertinent to the matter under consideration Synonyms : immaterial , impertinent , orthogonal Example Sentence an issue extraneous to the debate the price was immaterial mentioned several impertinent facts before finally coming to the point (adj) not essential Example Sentence the ballet struck me as extraneous and somewhat out of keeping with the rest of the play (adj) not belonging to that in which it is contained; introduced from an outside source Synonyms : foreign Example Sentence water free of extraneous matter foreign particles in milk (adj) coming from the outside Synonyms : external , outside Example Sentence extraneous light in the camera spoiled the photograph relying upon an extraneous income disdaining outside pressure groups Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary Think of news channels....EXTRA+NEWS...In order to get TRP, news channels show irrelevant or unrelated things hence the news are most of the times EXTRANEOUS


(adj) not precisely determined or established; not fixed or known in advance Synonyms : undetermined Example Sentence of indeterminate age a zillion is a large indeterminate number an indeterminate point of law the influence of environment is indeterminate an indeterminate future (adj) having a capacity for continuing to grow at the apex Example Sentence an indeterminate stem (adj) of uncertain or ambiguous nature Example Sentence the equivocal (or indeterminate) objects painted by surrealists (adj) not capable of being determined Example Sentence the indeterminate number of plant species in the jungle (adj) not leading to a definite ending or result Example Sentence an indeterminate campaign take it as 'determine output of this expression' means find a precise value so indeterminate means not precise / uncertain


(adj) not pretended; sincerely felt or expressed Synonyms : genuine , true Example Sentence genuine emotion her interest in people was unfeigned true grief Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary un(not)-feigned(fined): you are left unfined if you are HONEST, and this is a GENUINE fact.


(adj) not straightforward or candid; giving a false appearance of frankness Synonyms : artful Example Sentence an ambitious, disingenuous, philistine, and hypocritical operator, who...exemplified...the most disagreeable traits of his time a disingenuous excuse INGENUOUS(can be remembered as genuine) IS SINCERE, INNOCENT AND SOPHISTICATED. AND disingenuous IS not naive, insincere


(adj) not subject or susceptible to change or variation in form or quality or nature Synonyms : changeless Example Sentence the view of that time was that all species were immutable, created by God mutation implies changes in genes etc. Therefore, it is im(non) + mutable ie cannot change


(adj) not tractable; difficult to manage or mold Example Sentence an intractable disposition intractable pain the most intractable issue of our era intractable metal Intractable: things which can not be brought in the right track... opposite of tractable.


(adj) not varying Example Sentence an equable climate (adj) not easily irritated Synonyms : even-tempered , good-tempered , placid Example Sentence an equable temper not everyone shared his placid temperament remained placid despite the repeated delays Equable rhymes like Equally stable, any one who is equally stable is not easily irritated.


(adj) occupied with or fond of the pleasures of good company Synonyms : good-time Example Sentence a convivial atmosphere at the reunion a woman of convivial nature he was a real good-time Charlie Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary somewhat close to carnival which also implies festivity.


(adj) of an appropriate or pertinent nature (adv) at an opportune time Synonyms : seasonably , timely , well-timed Example Sentence your letter arrived apropos (adv) introducing a different topic; in point of fact Synonyms : by the bye , by the way , incidentally Example Sentence incidentally, I won't go to the party Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary apropos sounds like "Propose" This issue is faced by many teenage boys/girls :) When is the right time to propose to a Girl/Boy you love? Hence apropos is an opportune moment or right moment/time.


(adj) of no real value Example Sentence a nugatory law No+guarantee, i.e a product which has no guarantee, is worthless.


(adj) of or relating to gustation Synonyms : gustative , gustatorial disgusting means tasteless.


(adj) of or relating to marriage or to the relationship between a wife and husband Synonyms : connubial Example Sentence connubial bliss conjugal visits in Indian music we have JUGALbandi, which is harmony of 2 different intruments...can imply marriage frm it


(adj) of or relating to olfaction Synonyms : olfactive ol(oil) people are CONCERNED ABOUT THE SMELL THAT COMES FROM THE OIL FACTORY.


(adj) of or relating to or characteristic of Plato or his philosophy Example Sentence Platonic dialogues (adj) free from physical desire Example Sentence platonic love Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary Platonic - Plato (disciple of Socrates) wrote all the theoretical philosophies.


(adj) of or relating to or inhabiting the land as opposed to the sea or air Synonyms : tellurian , telluric , terrene (adj) of or relating to or characteristic of the planet Earth or its inhabitants Synonyms : planetary Example Sentence planetary rumblings and eructations the planetary tilt this terrestrial ball (adj) operating or living or growing on land (adj) concerned with the world or worldly matters Synonyms : mundane Example Sentence mundane affairs he developed an immense terrestrial practicality (adj) of this earth Synonyms : sublunar , sublunary Example Sentence transcendental motives for sublunary actions fleeting sublunary pleasures the nearest to an angelic being that treads this terrestrial ball Terrestrial which is pertaining to the earth is the opposite of Celestial or Astral which refer to the stars and the constellation.


(adj) of or relating to the practice of pathology Synonyms : pathologic Example Sentence pathological laboratory (adj) caused by or evidencing a mentally disturbed condition Example Sentence a pathological liar a pathological urge to succeed (adj) caused by or altered by or manifesting disease or pathology Synonyms : diseased , morbid , pathologic Example Sentence diseased tonsils a morbid growth pathologic tissue pathological bodily processes This PATH of LOGICAL behaviour of the Harmons will lead to new breakthrough of the disease


(adj) of or relating to the sartorius muscle (adj) of or relating to a tailor or to tailoring sounds like sari tore and you need a tailor to fix it, thus sartorial pertains to tailoring


(adj) of or relating to the sky Synonyms : heavenly Example Sentence celestial map a heavenly body (adj) relating to or inhabiting a divine heaven Synonyms : heavenly Example Sentence celestial beings heavenly hosts (adj) of heaven or the spirit Synonyms : ethereal , supernal Example Sentence celestial peace ethereal melodies the supernal happiness of a quiet death Celestial sounding more like Galaxial


(adj) of or relating to the stars or constellations Example Sentence sidereal bodies the sidereal system (adj) (of divisions of time) determined by daily motion of the stars Example Sentence sidereal time SIDEREAL is pronounced as SY-DEE-RIAL and not SIDE+REAL, therefore CELESTIAL is a more appropriate suggestion, as it not only rhymes with sidereal, it also has the same meaning-relating to the stars or the constellation.


(adj) of superficial relevance if any Synonyms : digressive Example Sentence a digressive allusion to the day of the week a tangential remark (adj) of or relating to or acting along or in the direction of a tangent Example Sentence tangential forces Word Tangent(ial) taken from maths. A tangent is a line that touches a circle with a 90`degree angle. So the meaning comes from there only slightly connected, not central, preipheral.


(adj) of the most contemptible kind Synonyms : low , low-down , miserable , scummy , scurvy Example Sentence abject cowardice a low stunt to pull a low-down sneak his miserable treatment of his family You miserable skunk! a scummy rabble a scurvy trick (adj) most unfortunate or miserable Example Sentence the most abject slaves joined in the revolt abject poverty (adj) showing utter resignation or hopelessness Synonyms : unhopeful Example Sentence abject surrender (adj) showing humiliation or submissiveness Example Sentence an abject apology Abject sounds like REJECT. Poor people are like REJECTED (Abject) people in the society. poor people or people lacking pride (abject people) are rejected in society


(adj) of very poor quality or condition Synonyms : deplorable , miserable , woeful , wretched Example Sentence deplorable housing conditions in the inner city woeful treatment of the accused woeful errors of judgment (adj) unequivocally detestable Synonyms : abominable , detestable , odious Example Sentence abominable treatment of prisoners detestable vices execrable crimes consequences odious to those you govern (adj) deserving a curse Synonyms : damnable Example Sentence her damnable pride Execrable = exe + cr + able; this *.exe file is a 'crappy' virus and is 'able' to badly harm your computer.


(adj) offensively malodorous Synonyms : foetid , foul , foul-smelling , funky , ill-scented , noisome , smelly , stinking Example Sentence a foul odor the kitchen smelled really funky when fat people "bomb", its all stinking and foul-smelling .. just to remember


(adj) offensively self-assured or given to exercising usually unwarranted power Synonyms : autocratic , bossy , dominating , high-and-mighty , magisterial Example Sentence an autocratic person autocratic behavior a bossy way of ordering others around a rather aggressive and dominating character managed the employees in an aloof magisterial way a swaggering peremptory manner (adj) not allowing contradiction or refusal Example Sentence spoke in peremptory tones peremptory commands (adj) putting an end to all debate or action Example Sentence a peremptory decree Remember it with pre-empty, i.e something which is already empty, needs to be filled, it demands...


(adj) only partly in existence; imperfectly formed Synonyms : incipient Example Sentence incipient civil disorder an incipient tumor a vague inchoate idea choate seems like "chote"..for example "chote bachche" means not fully grown up or in the initial stage of life.


(adj) open to doubt or debate Synonyms : debatable , problematical Example Sentence If you ever get married, which seems to be extremely problematic (adj) making great mental demands; hard to comprehend or solve or believe Synonyms : baffling , elusive , knotty , problematical , tough Example Sentence a baffling problem I faced the knotty problem of what to have for breakfast a problematic situation at home (Doubt)you always have doubts with while solving problems.


(adj) open to two or more interpretations; or of uncertain nature or significance; or (often) intended to mislead Synonyms : equivocal Example Sentence an equivocal statement the polling had a complex and equivocal (or ambiguous) message for potential female candidates the officer's equivocal behavior increased the victim's uneasiness popularity is an equivocal crown an equivocal response to an embarrassing question (adj) having more than one possible meaning Example Sentence ambiguous words frustrated by ambiguous instructions, the parents were unable to assemble the toy (adj) having no intrinsic or objective meaning; not organized in conventional patterns Example Sentence an ambiguous situation with no frame of reference ambiguous inkblots ambi means two/both..guous sounds like guess..both are wild guess so its doubtful


(adj) ostentatiously lofty in style Synonyms : bombastic , declamatory , large , orotund , tumid Example Sentence a man given to large talk tumid political prose (adj) abnormally distended especially by fluids or gas Synonyms : intumescent , puffy , tumescent , tumid Example Sentence hungry children with bloated stomachs he had a grossly distended stomach eyes with puffed (or puffy) lids swollen hands tumescent tissue puffy tumid flesh Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary


(adj) ostentatiously lofty in style Synonyms : bombastic , declamatory , large , orotund , turgid Example Sentence a man given to large talk tumid political prose (adj) abnormally distended especially by fluids or gas Synonyms : intumescent , puffy , tumescent , turgid Example Sentence hungry children with bloated stomachs he had a grossly distended stomach eyes with puffed (or puffy) lids swollen hands tumescent tissue puffy tumid flesh (adj) of sexual organs; stiff and rigid Synonyms : erect tumid has the first three letters common with TUMOUR, which is a swollen mass or ball of cells. So tumid is swollen, or distended.


(adj) ostentatiously lofty in style Synonyms : declamatory , large , orotund , tumid , turgid Example Sentence a man given to large talk tumid political prose Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary BOMBS and firecrackers are used to impress people and they cause high sound


(adj) plausible but false Synonyms : spurious Example Sentence a specious claim spurious inferences (adj) based on pretense; deceptively pleasing Synonyms : gilded , meretricious Example Sentence the gilded and perfumed but inwardly rotten nobility meretricious praise a meretricious argument It sounds like 'suspicious'.


(adj) potentially existing but not presently evident or realized Example Sentence a latent fingerprint latent talent (adj) (pathology) not presently active Example Sentence latent infection latent diabetes regroup the words and spell it as talent.. many people have POTENTIAL(talent..)but undeveloped..where as some people HIDE their talent..


(adj) powerful Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary to satisfy the pussy.... u need to be powerful...haha... no hard feelings


(adj) preventing especially liquids to pass or diffuse through Example Sentence impermeable stone an impermeable layer of scum a coat impermeable to rain im(no)+permeable(permission)that means no permission for seepage.


(adj) produced under conditions involving intense heat Synonyms : pyrogenic , pyrogenous Example Sentence igneous rock is rock formed by solidification from a molten state; especially from molten magma igneous fusion is fusion by heat alone pyrogenic strata (adj) produced by the action of fire or intense heat Synonyms : eruptive Example Sentence rocks formed by igneous agents (adj) like or suggestive of fire Synonyms : fiery Example Sentence a fiery desert wind an igneous desert atmosphere Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary ignite is to fire. "ign" in general as a prefix refers to fire.


(adj) producing no result or effect Synonyms : ineffectual , otiose , unavailing Example Sentence a futile effort the therapy was ineffectual an otiose undertaking an unavailing attempt (adj) unproductive of success Synonyms : bootless , fruitless , sleeveless , vain Example Sentence a fruitless search futile years after her artistic peak a sleeveless errand a vain attempt futile is not fertile.. hence not fruitful


(adj) promoting health; healthful Synonyms : good for you , healthy Example Sentence a healthy diet clean healthy air plenty of healthy sleep healthy and normal outlets for youthful energy the salubrious mountain air and water carrots are good for you (adj) favorable to health of mind or body Example Sentence not the most salubrious campsite one of the less salubrious suburbs (related to bollywood)remember salman khan........all health and all.......


(adj) providing carefully for the future Example Sentence wild squirrels are provident a provident father plans for his children's education (adj) careful in regard to your own interests Example Sentence the prudent use and development of resources wild squirrels are provident to remember this, think about 'LIC PROVIDENT FUND POLICY'which is kept for future use.


(adj) providing protective supervision; watching over or safeguarding Synonyms : custodial , tutelar Example Sentence daycare that is educational and not just custodial a guardian angel tutelary gods "Tute Le Rahi" mam jab tutorials leti hain to v r in her custody... but she is very sweet like an angel.


(adj) quickly aroused to anger Synonyms : choleric , hot-tempered , hotheaded , quick-tempered , short-tempered Example Sentence a hotheaded commander (adj) characterized by anger Synonyms : choleric Example Sentence a choleric outburst an irascible response Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary concentrate on rasc- a rascal is one who is irritable, choleric, shor-tempered & hotheaded


(adj) radiating or as if radiating light Synonyms : beaming , beamy , effulgent , radiant Example Sentence the beaming sun the effulgent daffodils a radiant sunrise a refulgent sunset refulgent sounds like detergent.. use detergent to make things shine


(adj) recurring in scattered and irregular or unpredictable instances Example Sentence a city subjected to sporadic bombing raids sporadic== opposite of periodic, we know periodic things occur regularly.


(adj) relating to or included in a category or categories Synonyms : categoric (adj) not modified or restricted by reservations Synonyms : categoric , flat , unconditional Example Sentence a categorical denial a flat refusal assume that there are two categories A & B and you have to put an object in one of when you put that object in a are ABSOLUTEly sure that it belongs there.


(adj) relating to the Elysian Fields (adj) being of such surpassing excellence as to suggest inspiration by the gods Synonyms : divine , inspired Example Sentence her pies were simply divine the divine Shakespeare an elysian meal an inspired performance souds like 'malasia' u seen tat ad 'malasia truly asia' they potray it like heaven.


(adj) repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse Synonyms : commonplace , hackneyed , old-hat , shopworn , stock , threadbare , timeworn , tired , trite , well-worn Example Sentence bromidic sermons his remarks were trite and commonplace hackneyed phrases a stock answer repeating threadbare jokes parroting some timeworn axiom the trite metaphor `hard as nails' Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary abey nal to roz hi kholte hain...


(adj) resembling a uncle in kindness or indulgence (adj) being or relating to an uncle split the word like av + UNCUL(UNCLE) + AR...SO related to an uncle or suitable to an uncle..avUNCULar..uncle.


(adj) rolled longitudinally upon itself Synonyms : convolute Example Sentence a convolute petal (adj) highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious Synonyms : byzantine , involved , knotty , tangled , tortuous Example Sentence the Byzantine tax structure Byzantine methods for holding on to his chairmanship convoluted legal language convoluted reasoning the plot was too involved a knotty problem got his way by labyrinthine maneuvering Oh, what a tangled web we weave tortuous legal procedures tortuous negotiations lasting for months Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary Convolution theorem was very hard to understand!!


(adj) rude and boorish (adj) having a bad disposition; surly Example Sentence churlish as a bear chur(church)+lish(wish)-church wishes always not to behave rude,boorish


(adj) serving to bring to mind Synonyms : redolent , remindful , reminiscent , resonant Example Sentence cannot forbear to close on this redolent literary note a campaign redolent of machine politics Provocative- cause to start something (provoke). Evocative- an effect of something (evoke). Provoke:evoke::cause:effect


(adj) serving to expound or set forth Synonyms : expositive Example Sentence clean expository writing EXPOSitory comes with EXPOS(e) means to allow something to be seen. Something that is expository allows it to be seen or to be clear and thereby to be EXPLANATORY.


(adj) severely simple Synonyms : severe , stark , stern Example Sentence a stark interior (adj) of a stern or strict bearing or demeanor; forbidding in aspect Synonyms : stern Example Sentence an austere expression a stern face (adj) practicing great self-denial Synonyms : ascetic , ascetical , spartan Example Sentence Be systematically for no other reason than that you would rather not do it a desert nomad's austere life a spartan diet a spartan existence AUS-australia TERE-tear(sorrow). like the recent beatings of Australians in INDIA. so one should deny oneself from going there


(adj) showing a brooding ill humor Synonyms : dark , dour , glowering , glum , moody , saturnine , sour , sullen Example Sentence a dark scowl the proverbially dour New England Puritan a glum, hopeless shrug he sat in moody silence a morose and unsociable manner a saturnine, almost misanthropic young genius a sour temper a sullen crowd in hindi it is like MOR(peacock) RO(weep) SA raha hai-means it is in sorrow and hence brooding ill humoured


(adj) showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others Synonyms : obliging Example Sentence to close one's eyes like a complaisant husband whose wife has taken a lover the obliging waiter was in no hurry for us to leave com + plais(please) + ant come and please the a(u)


(adj) showing extreme cupidity; painfully desirous of another's advantages Synonyms : envious , jealous Example Sentence he was never covetous before he met her jealous of his success and covetous of his possessions envious of their art collection (adj) immoderately desirous of acquiring e.g. wealth Synonyms : avaricious , grabby , grasping , greedy , prehensile Example Sentence they are avaricious and will do anything for money casting covetous eyes on his neighbor's fields a grasping old miser grasping commercialism greedy for money and power grew richer and greedier prehensile employers stingy with raises for their employees covetous = split it as cove(love) + to + US ; because of excessive greed and the love for money covetous people go to USA. i remembered like that.


(noun) (immunology) the attraction between an antigen and an antibody (noun) (anthropology) kinship by marriage or adoption; not a blood relationship (noun) (biology) state of relationship between organisms or groups of organisms resulting in resemblance in structure or structural parts Synonyms : phylogenetic relation Example Sentence in anatomical structure prehistoric man shows close affinity with modern humans (noun) a close connection marked by community of interests or similarity in nature or character Synonyms : kinship Example Sentence found a natural affinity with the immigrants felt a deep kinship with the other students anthropology's kinship with the humanities (noun) the force attracting atoms to each other and binding them together in a molecule Synonyms : chemical attraction Example Sentence basic dyes have an affinity for wool and silk (noun) inherent resemblance between persons or things (noun) a natural attraction or feeling of kinship Example Sentence an affinity for politics the mysterious affinity between them James's affinity with Sam affinity (replace the second f with k), and then the expansion goes like this: A F(eeling of) K(inship &) similar)ITY.


(noun) (law) a formal objection to an opponent's pleadings Synonyms : demurral , demurrer (verb) take exception to Synonyms : except Example Sentence he demurred at my suggestion to work on Saturday (verb) enter a demurrer Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary sounds a little like Damn U R wrong!! I object!


(noun) (law) an explanation of the fundamental reasons (especially an explanation of the working of some device in terms of laws of nature) Synonyms : principle Example Sentence the rationale for capital punishment the principles of internal-combustion engines rationale- fundamental A rationcard is a fundamental thing necessary for showing as proof


(noun) (logic) a statement that is necessarily true Example Sentence the statement `he is brave or he is not brave' is a tautology (noun) useless repetition Example Sentence to say that something is `adequate enough' is a tautology Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary pronounce tautology in this way "tau-tau-logy". Here u see that 'tau' is repeated twice so u can say tautology means "UNNECESSARY REPETITION"


(noun) (mathematics) calculation of the value of a function outside the range of known values (noun) an inference about the future (or about some hypothetical situation) based on known facts and observations During election time many news channels show extrapole of elections they just try to make predict who will going to win election based on current known information extrapolation is similar


(noun) (music) the distinctive property of a complex sound (a voice or noise or musical sound) Synonyms : quality , timber , tone Example Sentence the timbre of her soprano was rich and lovely the muffled tones of the broken bell summoned them to meet Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary Timbre reminds us of timber or wood. Also most of our traditional musical instruments are made of wood.In cricket when a batsman gets bowled , it hits the timber and produces a distinguised quality sound called "timbre".


(noun) (philosophy) a philosophical theory as to what is beautiful Synonyms : esthetic Example Sentence he despised the esthetic of minimalism (adj) relating to or dealing with the subject of aesthetics Synonyms : esthetic Example Sentence aesthetic values (adj) concerning or characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste Synonyms : aesthetical , esthetic , esthetical Example Sentence the aesthetic faculties an aesthetic person aesthetic feeling the illustrations made the book an aesthetic success (adj) aesthetically pleasing Synonyms : artistic , esthetic Example Sentence an artistic flower arrangement aes + thetic opposite of "pathetic"..means beauty


(noun) (physiology) metabolic equilibrium actively maintained by several complex biological mechanisms that operate via the autonomic nervous system to offset disrupting changes split it as homeo+status...i.e if you take homeo medicine then your status will be stable or the body system will maintain relative stability.


(noun) (psychoanalysis) a Freudian term for sexual urge or desire Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary sounds like Dildo, hence the mnemonic


(noun) European strong-scented perennial herb with grey-green bitter-tasting leaves; an irritant similar to poison ivy Synonyms : herb of grace , ruta graveolens (noun) leaves sometimes used for flavoring fruit or claret cup but should be used with great caution: can cause irritation like poison ivy (noun) sadness associated with some wrong done or some disappointment Synonyms : regret , ruefulness , sorrow Example Sentence he drank to drown his sorrows he wrote a note expressing his regret to his rue, the error cost him the game (noun) (French) a street or road in France (verb) feel remorse for; feel sorry for; be contrite about Synonyms : regret , repent rue sounds similar to ruin...when you ruin your life you LAMENT and REGRET it


(noun) a (usually) large and scholarly book when you are asked to read a really Large Book, Then you say with surprise "TO ME"??? .. ;)


(noun) an auxiliary activity Synonyms : by-line , hobby , pursuit , sideline , spare-time activity AVOCATION-->in a vacation. u do very little /minor work only....hence avocation implies minor occupation


(noun) an ecclesiastical censure by the Roman Catholic Church withdrawing certain sacraments and Christian burial from a person or all persons in a particular district (noun) a court order prohibiting a party from doing a certain activity Synonyms : interdiction (verb) destroy by firepower, such as an enemy's line of communication (verb) command against Synonyms : disallow , forbid , nix , prohibit , proscribe , veto Example Sentence I forbid you to call me late at night Mother vetoed the trip to the chocolate store Dad nixed our plans INTER(between) + DICT(speak) = when you speak in between, you PROHIBIT someone else from speaking.


(noun) an established line of travel or access Synonyms : path , route (noun) a guidebook for travelers Synonyms : travel guidebook (noun) a proposed route of travel Synonyms : travel plan the car i10 is rarely used to plan a trip in it...


(noun) an evasion of the point of an argument by raising irrelevant distinctions or objections Synonyms : cavil , quiddity (verb) evade the truth of a point or question by raising irrelevant objections (verb) argue over petty things Synonyms : bicker , brabble , niggle , pettifog , squabble Example Sentence Let's not quibble over pennies mnemonic in hindi.. read it as qui(kyun)+bble(bill)..KYUN BILL ITNA ZYADA HAI?, you OBJECT to reading of meter & COMPLAIN to the authorities..


(noun) an event or situation that happens at the same time as or in connection with another Synonyms : accompaniment , attendant , co-occurrence (adj) following or accompanying as a consequence Synonyms : accompanying , attendant , consequent , ensuant , incidental , resultant , sequent Example Sentence an excessive growth of bureaucracy, with attendant problems snags incidental to the changeover in management attendant circumstances the period of tension and consequent need for military preparedness the ensuant response to his appeal the resultant savings were considerable con(together) + comitant(sounds like commitment) if we have committed to each other, we'll go together.


(noun) an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose Synonyms : camp , coterie , ingroup , inner circle , pack sounds like 'click'..imagine that u click on a picture in which small grp(QUE i.e a specific type of group) of people are there


(noun) an exorbitant or unlawful rate of interest Synonyms : vigorish (noun) the act of lending money at an exorbitant rate of interest USURY reminds me of TREASURY - Lending money from the treasury at a very high rate of interest


(noun) an expert able to appreciate a field; especially in the fine arts Synonyms : cognoscente (In Hindi Language) Connoisseur sounds like kaun inse sure nahi hoga, kaun nahi sure.. Ye to expert hai. He is connoisseur. He is EXPERT.


(noun) an expression of approval and commendation Synonyms : congratulations , extolment , praise Example Sentence he always appreciated praise for his work KUDO(to jump in Hindi). one JUMPS with joy on recieving an HONOUR.


(noun) an ideal instance; a perfect embodiment of a concept Synonyms : beau ideal , idol , perfection (noun) model of excellence or perfection of a kind; one having no equal Synonyms : apotheosis , ideal , nonesuch , nonpareil , nonsuch , saint Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary paragon which is a slipper brand makes products which are models for perfection


(noun) an illegal action inciting resistance to lawful authority and tending to cause the disruption or overthrow of the government Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary seidition = said+i+shun he said i will shun u.. reisitance 2 authority


(noun) an imperial decree that becomes part of the fundamental law of the land Synonyms : pragmatic sanction (adj) concerned with practical matters Synonyms : matter-of-fact , pragmatical Example Sentence a matter-of-fact (or pragmatic) approach to the problem a matter-of-fact account of the trip (adj) of or concerning the theory of pragmatism Synonyms : pragmatical (adj) guided by practical experience and observation rather than theory Synonyms : hard-nosed , hardheaded , practical Example Sentence a hardheaded appraisal of our position a hard-nosed labor leader completely practical in his approach to business not ideology but pragmatic politics PRA + gma + TIC = PRA + c + TIC + al


(noun) an impression in a surface (as made by a blow) Synonyms : dent , ding , nick (noun) and edge tool with a blade like a trough for cutting channels or grooves (noun) the act of gouging (verb) force with the thumb Synonyms : force out Example Sentence gouge out his eyes (verb) obtain by coercion or intimidation Synonyms : extort , rack , squeeze , wring Example Sentence They extorted money from the executive by threatening to reveal his past to the company boss They squeezed money from the owner of the business by threatening him (verb) make a groove in Synonyms : rout In slang language we call goggles as gouge - So when you buy a pair of branded gouge, which are expensive, you think the shopkeeper is overcharging you.


(noun) an inclination to do something Synonyms : leaning , tendency Example Sentence he felt leanings toward frivolity (noun) a natural inclination Synonyms : leaning , proclivity Example Sentence he has a proclivity for exaggeration (noun) a disposition to behave in a certain way Synonyms : aptness Example Sentence the aptness of iron to rust the propensity of disease to spread now a days people are inclined towards "CITY" dats y thery r migrating from villages....


(noun) an increase by natural growth or addition Synonyms : accumulation (noun) something contributing to growth or increase Example Sentence he scraped away the accretions of paint the central city surrounded by recent accretions (noun) (astronomy) the formation of a celestial object by the effect of gravity pulling together surrounding objects and gases (noun) (biology) growth by addition as by the adhesion of parts or particles (noun) (geology) an increase in land resulting from alluvial deposits or waterborne sediment (noun) (law) an increase in a beneficiary's share in an estate (as when a co-beneficiary dies or fails to meet some condition or rejects the inheritance) Accretion sounds like Errection,,, so u r dik grows in size during an errection


(noun) an inoffensive or indirect expression that is substituted for one that is considered offensive or too harsh Assuming: females are milder than males as they are more emotionally inclined. It reads like E(xpress) U(yourself) Phemism(like feminism).


(noun) an instance of questioning Synonyms : enquiry , inquiry , interrogation , question Example Sentence there was a question about my training we made inquiries of all those who were present (verb) pose a question Synonyms : question query is to enquiry


(noun) an insufficient quantity or number Synonyms : dearth pau - paav as in paav bhaji and only one "paav" for the whole obviously it will be scarce


(noun) an intricate and confusing interpersonal or political situation Synonyms : embroilment (noun) a very embarrassing misunderstanding Imbroglio = I+M+bro+gigolo = I am brother of a gigolo (male prostitute).. which can be a very embarrassing or difficult situation.


(noun) an occurrence that involves the production of a union Synonyms : merger , unification (noun) the state of being combined into one body Synonyms : coalition (noun) the merging of adjacent sounds or syllables or words (noun) a nuclear reaction in which nuclei combine to form more massive nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy Synonyms : nuclear fusion , nuclear fusion reaction (noun) the combining of images from the two eyes to form a single visual percept Synonyms : optical fusion (noun) correction of an unstable part of the spine by joining two or more vertebrae; usually done surgically but sometimes done by traction or immobilization Synonyms : spinal fusion (noun) the act of fusing (or melting) together Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary Having problem with fission & fusion reaction? Fusion is the one with 'U' which stands for unite.


(noun) an unbroken period of time during which you do something Synonyms : stretch Example Sentence there were stretches of boredom he did a stretch in the federal penitentiary (noun) smallest American sandpiper Synonyms : erolia minutilla , least sandpiper (noun) an individual's prescribed share of work Example Sentence her stint as a lifeguard exhausted her (verb) subsist on a meager allowance Synonyms : scrimp , skimp Example Sentence scratch and scrimp (verb) supply sparingly and with restricted quantities Synonyms : scant , skimp Example Sentence sting with the allowance 'stin't is moderately 'stin'gy


(noun) anger produced by some annoying irritation Synonyms : annoyance , chafe (noun) the psychological state of being irritated or annoyed Synonyms : annoyance , botheration , irritation (noun) something or someone that causes anxiety; a source of unhappiness Synonyms : concern , headache , worry Example Sentence New York traffic is a constant concern it's a major worry (noun) the act of troubling or annoying someone Synonyms : annoyance , annoying , irritation vexation:very anxious action.


(noun) any chemical substance that burns or destroys living tissue (adj) harsh or corrosive in tone Synonyms : acerb , acerbic , acid , acrid , bitter , blistering , sulfurous , sulphurous , virulent , vitriolic Example Sentence an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose a barrage of acid comments her acrid remarks make her many enemies bitter words blistering criticism caustic jokes about political assassination, talk-show hosts and medical ethics a sulfurous denunciation a vitriolic critique (adj) of a substance, especially a strong acid; capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action Synonyms : corrosive , erosive , mordant , vitriolic caustic soda is very common and its "harmful " for health if taken in large quantity....therefore caustic means harmful or burning. Since its a soda its somehow related with chemistry as well..


(noun) any long and tedious address or recital Example Sentence the patient recited a litany of complaints a litany of failures (noun) a prayer consisting of a series of invocations by the priest with responses from the congregation Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary split the word LIT+ANY You are hoping god is going to show you light in the dark to show you the path in these wretched times. LIGHT ANY path..


(noun) any of the early patriarchs who lived prior to the Noachian deluge Synonyms : antediluvian patriarch (noun) a very old person Synonyms : ancient (adj) of or relating to the period before the biblical flood Synonyms : antediluvial Example Sentence antediluvian man (adj) so extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period Synonyms : antiquated , archaic Example Sentence a ramshackle antediluvian tenement antediluvian ideas archaic laws Antediluvian = Aunty+de+luv..; Usually, Loving and Caring Aunties are OLD... very Old.. and hence the meaning..


(noun) any of various members of the genus Bos (adj) of or relating to or belonging to the genus Bos (cattle) Synonyms : bovid (adj) dull and slow-moving and stolid; like an ox Example Sentence showed a bovine apathy basically this word is taken from BOV..means cow..and cow generally remains calm, placid..and dull


(noun) any system of principles or beliefs Synonyms : creed credo-- personal code of break it c+redo= codes u redo again nd again


(noun) any word or group of words functioning as a noun (adj) having a firm basis in reality and being therefore important, meaningful, or considerable Synonyms : substantial Example Sentence substantial equivalents (adj) defining rights and duties as opposed to giving the rules by which rights and duties are established Synonyms : essential Example Sentence substantive law (adj) being on topic and prompting thought Synonyms : meaty Example Sentence a meaty discussion substantive = substance of any poem is always essential to understand the motif of the theme.


(noun) anything short-lived, as an insect that lives only for a day in its winged form Synonyms : ephemeron (adj) lasting a very short time Synonyms : fugacious , passing , short-lived , transient , transitory Example Sentence the ephemeral joys of childhood a passing fancy youth's transient beauty love is transitory but it is eternal fugacious blossoms sounds like e-funeral. Electric funeral is SHORT


(noun) assets that are saleable though not material or physical Synonyms : intangible asset (adj) (of especially business assets) not having physical substance or intrinsic productive value Example Sentence intangible assets such as good will (adj) incapable of being perceived by the senses especially the sense of touch Synonyms : impalpable Example Sentence the intangible constituent of energy (adj) hard to pin down or identify Example Sentence an intangible feeling of impending disaster (adj) lacking substance or reality; incapable of being touched or seen Synonyms : nonphysical Example Sentence that intangible thing--the soul can be understood as in+toungue+able -> when we put some food in the mouth (tongue) we can only feel the taste but cannot perceive it by touch...


(noun) assistance in time of difficulty Synonyms : ministration , relief , succour Example Sentence the contributions provided some relief for the victims (verb) help in a difficult situation Synonyms : succour Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary Succour in hindi sounds like sukkar(IYA)....SUKKARIYA.....means to whom do we say sukkariya or thanks??...obviously to someone who HELPS or ASSISTS us in OUR DIFFICULT TIME ..OR in a time of difficulty.


(noun) audacious (even arrogant) behavior that you have no right to Synonyms : assumption , presumption , presumptuousness Example Sentence he despised them for their presumptuousness for every discussion he comes to the FRONT and a rude manner.


(noun) being twofold; a classification into two opposed parts or subclasses Synonyms : duality Example Sentence the dichotomy between eastern and western culture can be think as di + cut _ ... so dichotomy is cutting into two parts


(noun) capacity or power to produce a desired effect Synonyms : efficaciousness Example Sentence concern about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine effic(EFFICIENT)+AC(Y) just check out if your AC has the efficiency to PRODUCE DESIRED cooling .


(noun) compensation (given or received) for an insult or injury Example Sentence an act for which there is no reparation (noun) (usually plural) compensation exacted from a defeated nation by the victors Example Sentence Germany was unable to pay the reparations demanded after World War I (noun) the act of putting something in working order again Synonyms : fix , fixing , fixture , mend , mending , repair (noun) something done or paid in expiation of a wrong Synonyms : amends Example Sentence how can I make amends Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary compare it with making repairs.i.e compensating for wrong doing


(noun) complete and confirmed integrity; having strong moral principles Example Sentence in a world where financial probity may not be widespread he enjoys an exaggerated reputation for probity PRO(pahle)+beti(ladkiya) sounds like girls first 'something having high morale'


(noun) concluding state of pregnancy; from the onset of contractions to the birth of a child Synonyms : childbed , confinement , labor , labour , lying-in , parturiency Example Sentence she was in labor for six hours (noun) use of physical or mental energy; hard work Synonyms : effort , elbow grease , exertion , sweat Example Sentence he got an A for effort they managed only with great exertion (verb) work hard Synonyms : dig , drudge , fag , grind , labor , labour , moil , toil Example Sentence She was digging away at her math homework Lexicographers drudge all day long TRAVel - AIL...Imagine someone ailing after a long travel...repenting over the large physical and mental pain and tiredness after the travel


(noun) correct or appropriate behavior Synonyms : correctitude , properness divide the word as propr+iety ..propr(sounds like PROPER)..hence it refers to being PROPER or CORRECT IN CONDUCT..


(noun) courtesy towards women Synonyms : gallantry , politesse (noun) the medieval principles governing knighthood and knightly conduct Synonyms : knightliness chi+valryVALR(VALOR)which means brave


(noun) cultivated land that is not seeded for one or more growing seasons (adj) left unplowed and unseeded during a growing season Example Sentence fallow farmland (adj) undeveloped but potentially useful Example Sentence a fallow gold market Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary after plowing farmer fallow(fall-low) of money so, he left it without seeding(uncultivated)


(noun) deductive reasoning in which a conclusion is derived from two premises Change the "s" to "c" and you'll find the word "logic."


(noun) diagram of an electrical or mechanical system Synonyms : schematic drawing (adj) represented in simplified or symbolic form Synonyms : conventional , formal Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary SCHEMATIC or SIMPLISTIC - simplified or in the form of a diagram.


(noun) emblem usually consisting of a rectangular piece of cloth of distinctive design (noun) a listing printed in all issues of a newspaper or magazine (usually on the editorial page) that gives the name of the publication and the names of the editorial staff, etc. Synonyms : masthead (noun) plants with sword-shaped leaves and erect stalks bearing bright-colored flowers composed of three petals and three drooping sepals Synonyms : fleur-de-lis , iris , sword lily (noun) a rectangular piece of fabric used as a signalling device Synonyms : signal flag (noun) flagpole used to mark the position of the hole on a golf green Synonyms : pin (noun) stratified stone that splits into pieces suitable as paving stones Synonyms : flagstone (noun) a conspicuously marked or shaped tail (verb) communicate or signal with a flag (verb) provide with a flag Example Sentence Flag this file so that I can recognize it immediately (verb) droop, sink, or settle from or as if from pressure or loss of tautness Synonyms : droop , sag , swag (verb) decorate with flags Example Sentence the building was flagged for the holiday (verb) become less intense Synonyms : ease off , ease up , slacken off white flag is used to indicate surrender as in a war, a white flag is used to indicate acceptance of defeat. thus low in vigour, grow feeble


(noun) especially fine or decorative clothing Synonyms : array , regalia (verb) provide with clothes or put clothes on Synonyms : apparel , clothe , dress , enclothe , fit out , garb , garment , habilitate , tog Example Sentence Parents must feed and dress their child sounds like the Raymond brand which is famous for its garments.


(noun) extravagant exaggeration Synonyms : exaggeration hyper(beyond the limit)+bole(means speak) someone who gives the statement beyond his limit..overstating basically.


(noun) extravagant self-praise (verb) show off Synonyms : blow , bluster , boast , brag , gas , gasconade , shoot a line , swash , tout WHY+AUNT...why do you call me aunty.....i still look young....a kind of bragging


(noun) extreme excess Synonyms : embarrassment , overplus , superfluity Example Sentence an embarrassment of riches like if you go home after many days, your mother will insist that you eat more. What she will say is "Pe Le + Thoda Aur Le" ultimately, aisai lene se, it will become an excess at the end. You will be full :)


(noun) fanciful but graceful asymmetric ornamentation in art and architecture that originated in France in the 18th century (adj) having excessive asymmetrical ornamentation Example Sentence an exquisite gilded rococo mirror ro(w)+coco- you arrange and decorate coconuts in a row.


(noun) feeling an inappropriate lack of seriousness (noun) a manner lacking seriousness lev(leave)+it+y(.yaar) casually leave things without any seriousness


(noun) feelings of great warmth and intensity Synonyms : ardor , ardour , fervency , fervidness , fervour , fire Example Sentence he spoke with great ardor (noun) the state of being emotionally aroused and worked up Synonyms : excitation , excitement , fervour , inflammation Example Sentence his face was flushed with excitement and his hands trembled he tried to calm those who were in a state of extreme inflammation Fervor - relate it to exam fever. U become so much ardent and enthusiastic to study for that one night to get good marks.. U have an intense feeling to study.. Hope this helps


(noun) flattery intended to persuade Synonyms : cajolery , palaver (noun) the act of urging by means of teasing or flattery Synonyms : wheedling BLANDISHMENT- Remember it like Brandy to an Irish women, this is like a flattery and later u can get wht u want frm the IRISH woman


(noun) flesh of any of various grouse of the family Tetraonidae; usually roasted; flesh too dry to broil (noun) popular game bird having a plump body and feathered legs and feet (verb) hunt grouse (verb) complain Synonyms : beef , bellyache , bitch , crab , gripe , holler , squawk Example Sentence What was he hollering about? Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary spouse .... complain a lot


(noun) flesh of quail; suitable for roasting or broiling if young; otherwise must be braised (noun) small gallinaceous game birds (verb) draw back, as with fear or pain Synonyms : cringe , flinch , funk , recoil , shrink , squinch , wince Example Sentence she flinched when they showed the slaughtering of the calf If you fail in exam, you loose your heart and quail before your dad :)


(noun) formal and explicit approval Synonyms : countenance , endorsement , imprimatur , indorsement , warrant Example Sentence a Democrat usually gets the union's endorsement (noun) a mechanism of social control for enforcing a society's standards (noun) official permission or approval Synonyms : authorisation , authority , authorization Example Sentence authority for the program was renewed several times (noun) the act of final authorization Example Sentence it had the sanction of the church (verb) give sanction to Synonyms : approve , o.k. , okay Example Sentence I approve of his educational policies (verb) give authority or permission to (verb) give religious sanction to, such as through on oath Example Sentence sanctify the marriage u can read it like sanction ~~ SANG SONG so u sing song when u have been approved or accepted it's like being approved to USA..


(noun) freedom to act or judge on one's own (noun) knowing how to avoid embarrassment or distress Synonyms : circumspection , discreetness , prudence Example Sentence the servants showed great tact and discretion (noun) refined taste; tact Synonyms : delicacy (noun) the power of making free choices unconstrained by external agencies Synonyms : free will (noun) the trait of judging wisely and objectively Synonyms : discernment Example Sentence a man of discernment discrete... means separate..that is we are separate & are not dependent on any one, hence we have the FREEDOM OF ACTION OR JUDGEMENT...


(noun) gay or light-hearted recreational activity for diversion or amusement Synonyms : caper , frolic , play , romp Example Sentence it was all done in play their frolic in the surf threatened to become ugly (verb) play boisterously Synonyms : cavort , disport , frisk , frolic , lark , lark about , rollick , romp , run around , skylark , sport Example Sentence The children frolicked in the garden the gamboling lambs in the meadows The toddlers romped in the playroom gambol : game-ball, in a football game you have to skip the ball playfully because if you don't do it the opposite player will tackle you quickly.


(noun) good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence Synonyms : longanimity , patience (noun) a delay in enforcing rights or claims or privileges; refraining from acting Example Sentence his forbearance to reply was alarming FOR BEARing something such as requires PATIENCE


(noun) hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; once sought by the alchemists Synonyms : catholicon , cure-all , panacea (noun) patent medicine whose efficacy is questionable Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary put RUM in the cure cold.... ? - questionable medicine


(noun) identifying word or words by which someone or something is called and classified or distinguished from others Synonyms : appellative , denomination , designation "j'me appelle ....." means "my name is ..... "in appellation means name or title by which u call someone


(noun) idle or foolish and irrelevant talk Synonyms : blether , chin music , idle talk , prate (verb) speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly Synonyms : blab , blabber , chatter , clack , gabble , gibber , maunder , palaver , piffle , prate , tattle , tittle-tattle , twaddle Remember stone cold steve austin who is also called "Rattle snake".. who comes, always drinks beer and talks...


(noun) idle or foolish and irrelevant talk Synonyms : blether , chin music , idle talk , prattle (verb) speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly Synonyms : blab , blabber , chatter , clack , gabble , gibber , maunder , palaver , piffle , prattle , tattle , tittle-tattle , twaddle prate: pee-rate, some guys were talking about the rate at which they pee *such a foolish talk, these people are really idle.


(noun) inflammation of the laminated tissue that attaches the hoof to the foot of a horse Synonyms : laminitis (noun) a person who founds or establishes some institution Synonyms : beginner , father , founding father Example Sentence George Washington is the father of his country (noun) a worker who makes metal castings (verb) fail utterly; collapse Synonyms : fall flat , fall through , flop Example Sentence The project foundered (verb) sink below the surface (verb) break down, literally or metaphorically Synonyms : break , cave in , collapse , fall in , give , give way Example Sentence The wall collapsed The business collapsed The dam broke The roof collapsed The wall gave in The roof finally gave under the weight of the ice (verb) stumble and nearly fall Example Sentence the horses foundered founder = fo + under = go + under = sink


(noun) informal terms for money Synonyms : boodle , bread , cabbage , clams , dinero , dough , gelt , kale , lettuce , lolly , loot , moolah , pelf , scratch , shekels , simoleons , sugar , wampum (noun) the excess of revenues over outlays in a given period of time (including depreciation and other non-cash expenses) Synonyms : earnings , net , net income , net profit , profit , profits Pronounce it as 'Locker'.and Lockers in banks store money.


(noun) lack of self-confidence Synonyms : self-distrust , self-doubt it is like opposite of confidence means you are shy not confident


(noun) lewd or obscene talk or writing Synonyms : bawdry Example Sentence it was smoking-room bawdry they published a collection of Elizabethan bawdy (adj) humorously vulgar Synonyms : off-color , ribald Example Sentence bawdy songs off-color jokes ribald language Bawdy = Rowdy!


(noun) liberality in bestowing gifts; extremely liberal and generous of spirit Synonyms : largess , largesse , munificence , openhandedness magNANIMAous, NANI MA in hindi, is always "generous" to us


(noun) light teasing repartee Synonyms : backchat , give-and-take , raillery (verb) be silly or tease one another Synonyms : chaff , jolly , josh , kid Example Sentence After we relaxed, we just kidded around you often tease your brother by saying "Bander-Bander".


(noun) lining consisting of material with a high melting point; used to line the inside walls of a furnace Synonyms : furnace lining (adj) not responding to treatment Synonyms : stubborn Example Sentence a stubborn infection a refractory case of acne stubborn rust stains (adj) temporarily unresponsive or not fully responsive to nervous or sexual stimuli Example Sentence the refractory period of a muscle fiber (adj) stubbornly resistant to authority or control Synonyms : fractious , recalcitrant Example Sentence a fractious animal that would not submit to the harness a refractory child refractory--means factor ,who always factors the law into piece,means don't follow the law.


(noun) liveliness and eagerness Synonyms : briskness , smartness Example Sentence he accepted with alacrity the smartness of the pace soon exhausted him take the suffix crity we can link it with creativity.creative people are so eager to learn n create things differently.


(noun) longing for something past nostalgia. sounds like no hostel gia.. so he feels home sick..remembers home


(noun) loss due to not showing up Example Sentence he lost the game by default (noun) act of failing to meet a financial obligation Synonyms : nonpayment , nonremittal (noun) loss resulting from failure of a debt to be paid Synonyms : nonpayment , nonremittal (noun) an option that is selected automatically unless an alternative is specified Synonyms : default option (verb) fail to pay up Synonyms : default on Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary Separate FAULT : Fault is a mistake and due to a mistake the person looses by default.


(noun) man with strong sexual desires Synonyms : lech , lecher , letch (noun) one of a class of woodland deities; attendant on Bacchus; identified with Roman fauns Synonyms : forest god SAT+Yr. = Any 1 who SAT AT HOME FOR A YR. becomes a half goat n half man.... (u sit for 2yrs, u becum full goat/beast :P)


(noun) mixed feelings or emotions Synonyms : ambivalency matches with "ambulance" . In case of severe emergency, inside an ambulance, you have mixed emotions.. bachega ya nahi!


(noun) noisy quarrel Synonyms : affray , altercation Fracas-(fraud + cause), a fraud will generally cause a quarrel or brawl.


(noun) obstreperous and defiant aggressiveness Synonyms : truculency truc(sound like truck) + cull(means to kill animals) + ance(hence).. the truck driver culled some of the animal while driving, hence the villagers are angry with him and are agressively barring him from entering the village.


(noun) official approval (noun) official recognition or approval Ap+PROBATION: You get CONFIRMATION/APPROVAL in your job after your Probation period


(noun) one praying humbly for something Synonyms : petitioner , requester , supplicant Example Sentence a suppliant for her favors (adj) humbly entreating Synonyms : supplicant , supplicatory Example Sentence a suppliant sinner seeking forgiveness Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary God, please SUPPLY me what I wANT.. a humble request!


(noun) one who lives in solitude Synonyms : hermit , solitary , solitudinarian , troglodyte (adj) withdrawn from society; seeking solitude Synonyms : reclusive , withdrawn Example Sentence lived an unsocial reclusive life re+close . Closed=hermit


(noun) one who stays for only a short time Example Sentence transient laborers (noun) (physics) a short-lived oscillation in a system caused by a sudden change of voltage or current or load (adj) of a mental act; causing effects outside the mind Synonyms : transeunt (adj) lasting a very short time Synonyms : ephemeral , fugacious , passing , short-lived , transitory Example Sentence the ephemeral joys of childhood a passing fancy youth's transient beauty love is transitory but it is eternal fugacious blossoms remember transient light and transient current.... that we studied in physics.....which produce an effect for a very short time...


(noun) one whose behavior departs substantially from the norm of a group (adj) markedly different from an accepted norm Synonyms : deviant , deviate Example Sentence aberrant behavior deviant ideas (Tag: Global) ab (away) + err (error) + ant : focus on ERR and ANT. Ants normally move together in a queue. imagine all these ants moving randomly like a group of honey bees. That would be abnormal behaviour.


(noun) periapsis in Earth orbit; the point in its orbit where a satellite is nearest to the Earth Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary it has opposite meaning with APOGEE


(noun) persistent petty and unjustified criticism Synonyms : faultfinding If you will ping with your car horn, people will shout at you...they will complain... carping...


(noun) pleasantness resulting from agreeable conditions Synonyms : agreeableness Example Sentence a well trained staff saw to the agreeableness of our accommodations he discovered the amenities of reading at an early age amenity sound like "men at ease." Men at ease need a lot of amenities.


(noun) position in which the dancer has one leg raised behind and arms outstretched in a conventional pose (noun) an ornament that interlaces simulated foliage in an intricate design remember arab. in Arab there are heavily decorated stuff wid ornaments and then dance the belly dance so u will also remeber it as a dance position.


(noun) propriety in manners and conduct Synonyms : decorousness "decor um"; decor them to make them more proper and correct


(noun) prudence in avoiding waste Synonyms : frugalness frugal means avoiding waste... read it as free+girl...if a girl comes for free,it saves waste of money


(noun) religious zeal; the willingness to serve God Synonyms : cultism , devotion , veneration (noun) the worship of idols; the worship of images that are not God Synonyms : idol worship combination of idol+ adulatory(adulation) gives the meaning


(noun) reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth (personified as one of the deadly sins) Synonyms : avaritia , covetousness , greed , rapacity (noun) extreme greed for material wealth Synonyms : avariciousness , covetousness , cupidity avarice- a + very + rich > a strong greed to be 'a very rich' person.


(noun) residence that is a place of religious seclusion (such as a monastery) Synonyms : religious residence (noun) a courtyard with covered walks (as in religious institutions) (verb) surround with a cloister, as of a garden (verb) surround with a cloister Example Sentence cloister the garden (verb) seclude from the world in or as if in a cloister Example Sentence She cloistered herself in the office Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary cloister....close+sister...where sisters (nuns) are getting closed or where sisters are resides.....


(noun) righteousness by virtue of being pious Synonyms : piousness Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary Pie+tea if we get a pie and a tea when we are hungry we thank god and devout to him. Or else when we need them we devout to god...


(noun) rule of personal conduct Synonyms : principle (noun) a doctrine that is taught Synonyms : commandment , teaching Example Sentence the teachings of religion he believed all the Christian precepts its a rule to PRE SET(cept)the oven before cokking


(noun) separation into component parts Synonyms : disintegration (noun) the process of going into solution Synonyms : dissolving Example Sentence the dissolving of salt in water (noun) dissolute indulgence in sensual pleasure Synonyms : dissipation , licentiousness , looseness , profligacy (noun) the termination of a meeting Synonyms : adjournment (noun) the termination or disintegration of a relationship (between persons or nations) Synonyms : breakup dissolution is the opposite of resolution. When you make a resolution you make a promise, when you make a dissolution you BREAK or dissolve the promise!


(noun) shedding of flowers and leaves and fruit following formation of scar tissue in a plant (noun) the act of cutting something off Synonyms : cutting off Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary It had the word sciss(scissors) in it.Scissors are used for Cutting,seperating..


(noun) someone from whom you are descended (but usually more remote than a grandparent) Synonyms : ancestor , ascendant , ascendent , root (noun) a preceding occurrence or cause or event (noun) anything that precedes something similar in time Synonyms : forerunner Example Sentence phrenology was an antecedent of modern neuroscience (noun) the referent of an anaphor; a phrase or clause that is referred to by an anaphoric pronoun (adj) preceding in time or order ante(before) + ced("to go"). root "ced" means "to go" .hence antecedent means "that which goes before"


(noun) someone or something that is abnormally large and powerful Synonyms : colossus , giant , goliath , monster (noun) a person of exceptional importance and reputation Synonyms : colossus , giant , heavyweight , titan behemoth = Mammoth


(noun) someone to whom private matters are confided Synonyms : confidant (verb) give to understand Synonyms : adumbrate , insinuate Example Sentence I insinuated that I did not like his wife (verb) imply as a possibility Synonyms : suggest Example Sentence The evidence suggests a need for more clarification (adj) marked by close acquaintance, association, or familiarity Example Sentence intimate friend intimate relations between economics, politics, and legal principles (adj) having or fostering a warm or friendly and informal atmosphere Synonyms : cozy , informal Example Sentence had a cozy chat a relaxed informal manner an intimate cocktail lounge the small room was cozy and intimate (adj) having mutual interests or affections; of established friendship Synonyms : familiar Example Sentence on familiar terms pretending she is on an intimate footing with those she slanders (adj) involved in a sexual relationship Synonyms : sexual Example Sentence the intimate (or sexual) relations between husband and wife she had been intimate with many men he touched her intimate parts (adj) innermost or essential Synonyms : inner , internal Example Sentence the inner logic of Cubism the internal contradictions of the theory the intimate structure of matter (adj) thoroughly acquainted through study or experience Synonyms : knowledgeable , versed Example Sentence this girl, so intimate with nature knowledgeable about the technique of painting intimate=hint(barrons meaning)....a bf said to his gf"lets get intimate..." that means he is HINTING that lets get on the bed...:)


(noun) someone who buys tickets to an event in order to resell them at a profit Synonyms : ticket tout (noun) someone who advertises for customers in an especially brazen way Synonyms : touter (noun) one who sells advice about gambling or speculation (especially at the racetrack) Synonyms : tipster (verb) advertize in strongly positive terms Example Sentence This product was touted as a revolutionary invention (verb) show off Synonyms : blow , bluster , boast , brag , gas , gasconade , shoot a line , swash , vaunt tout: shout to promote (to publicly praise or promote)


(noun) someone who dislikes people in general Synonyms : misanthropist "misien"in greek means " to hate" and "anthropos" means "mankind" so misanthrope means one who hates mankind


(noun) someone who exhibits great independence in thought and action Synonyms : rebel (noun) an unbranded range animal (especially a stray calf); belongs to the first person who puts a brand on it (adj) independent in behavior or thought Synonyms : irregular , unorthodox Example Sentence she led a somewhat irregular private life maverick politicians Mave+"RICK" sounds like Ricky Ponting who is rebellious and non-conformist as he does not believe in umpire descisions during India's Cricket match


(noun) someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs Synonyms : doubter , sceptic Skeptic-just remove 'K' -Septic-When a person is Wonded/Injured he always have doubt whether it is going to get septic or not. So he is doubtful.:)


(noun) someone who has the power of clairvoyance (adj) perceiving things beyond the natural range of the senses (adj) foreseeing the future Synonyms : precognitive , second-sighted Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary take it like this.......clair----clear for voyant derive meaning from voyage which means a long journey so clairvoyant is a person who can take a clear journey into the future and see whats in there


(noun) someone who has won first place in a competition Synonyms : champ , title-holder (noun) someone who fights for a cause Synonyms : fighter , hero , paladin (noun) a person who backs a politician or a team etc. Synonyms : admirer , booster , friend , protagonist , supporter Example Sentence all their supporters came out for the game they are friends of the library (noun) someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field Synonyms : ace , adept , genius , hotshot , maven , mavin , sensation , star , superstar , virtuoso , whiz , whizz , wiz , wizard (verb) protect or fight for as a champion Synonyms : defend (adj) holding first place in a contest Synonyms : prizewinning Example Sentence a champion show dog a prizewinning wine Champions are like super man who has capability to support and defend there friends [Secondary Meaning]


(noun) someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field Synonyms : ace , adept , champion , genius , hotshot , maven , mavin , sensation , star , superstar , whiz , whizz , wiz , wizard (noun) a musician who is a consummate master of technique and artistry (adj) having or revealing supreme mastery or skill Synonyms : consummate , masterful , masterly Example Sentence a consummate artist consummate skill a masterful speaker masterful technique a masterly performance of the sonata a virtuoso performance One who has many "virtues" is called a virtuoso.


(noun) someone who is drafted into military service Synonyms : draftee , inductee (verb) enroll into service compulsorily Example Sentence The men were conscripted CONSCRIPT = forced to CONSent and sign a SCRIPT (contract) to join the military.


(noun) someone who practices self denial as a spiritual discipline Synonyms : abstainer (adj) pertaining to or characteristic of an ascetic or the practice of rigorous self-discipline Synonyms : ascetical Example Sentence ascetic practices (adj) practicing great self-denial Synonyms : ascetical , austere , spartan Example Sentence Be systematically for no other reason than that you would rather not do it a desert nomad's austere life a spartan diet a spartan existence someone who leaves all AESTHETICs is an ascetic


(noun) someone who prays to God Synonyms : prayer (noun) one praying humbly for something Synonyms : petitioner , requester , suppliant Example Sentence a suppliant for her favors (adj) humbly entreating Synonyms : suppliant , supplicatory Example Sentence a suppliant sinner seeking forgiveness One who says ..SUPPLy me I CANT get it on my own..


(noun) someone who selects according to the eclectic method Synonyms : eclecticist (adj) selecting what seems best of various styles or ideas eclectic or elect means, chosing the best from many sources which is the meaning of the word eclectic


(noun) someone who spends money prodigally Synonyms : scattergood , spend-all , spender (adj) recklessly wasteful Synonyms : extravagant , prodigal , profligate Example Sentence prodigal in their expenditures Spendthrift is actually a misnomer...split it as SPEND+THRIFT. Thrifty means, careful use of resources, so a spendthrift should actually mean someone who carefully spends money, but it means SOMEONE WHO WASTES MONEY.


(noun) something added to another thing but not an essential part of it (noun) a person who is an assistant or subordinate to another (noun) a construction that can be used to extend the meaning of a word or phrase but is not one of the main constituents of a sentence (adj) furnishing added support Synonyms : accessory , adjuvant , ancillary , appurtenant , auxiliary Example Sentence an ancillary pump an adjuvant discipline to forms of mysticism The mind and emotions are auxiliary to each other (adj) of or relating to a person who is subordinate to another Synonyms : assistant add + junc .. its added as junc but not very useful


(noun) something hard to endure Synonyms : grimness , hardship , rigor , rigorousness , rigour , rigourousness , severeness , severity Example Sentence the asperity of northern winters (noun) harshness of manner Synonyms : sharpness Asperity can be thought of as A spear with severity. i.e Sharpness


(noun) something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress Synonyms : balk , baulk , check , handicap , hinderance , hindrance , impediment (adj) tending to deter Example Sentence the deterrent effects of high prices DETER + RENT. A high rent IS ALWAYS A discouraging factor FOR TENANTS.


(noun) something located at a time when it could not have existed or occurred Synonyms : misdating , mistiming (noun) an artifact that belongs to another time (noun) a person who seems to be displaced in time; who belongs to another age you know about chronometer- means clock. Anything with "chron" is related to time. Anachronisim-an+chron+ism> here an is used in negative sense> so anachronism means something or someone that is not in its correct time


(noun) sordid dirtiness Synonyms : sordidness , squalidness squalor~parlour; Girls wil never go to a parlour that is squalor (that is in neglected state, leftover hairs,used wax,spilled sticky facial mask spread in the floor -> looks like filth !)


(noun) speech you make to yourself Synonyms : monologue (noun) a (usually long) dramatic speech intended to give the illusion of unspoken reflections Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary soliloquy.soli(soul).loquy( or speech)now we must have seen in a play or movie.a person talking to his soul(talking to himself that is audible to everyone of us)


(noun) state of disgrace resulting from public abuse Synonyms : obloquy (noun) a state of extreme dishonor Synonyms : infamy Example Sentence a date which will live in infamy the name was a by-word of scorn and opprobrium throughout the city If you take OPIUM(banned drug) you will be criticized, humiliated & put to shame.


(noun) steadiness of mind under stress Synonyms : calm , calmness , composure Example Sentence he accepted their problems with composure and she with equanimity EQUAL+ENEMY(ity) Seeeing enemy as a friend i.e., with CALMNESS OF TEMPERAMENT.


(noun) stock phrases that have become nonsense through endless repetition Synonyms : buzzword (noun) a slope in the turn of a road or track; the outside is higher than the inside in order to reduce the effects of centrifugal force Synonyms : bank , camber (noun) a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves) Synonyms : argot , jargon , lingo , patois , slang , vernacular Example Sentence they don't speak our lingo (noun) insincere talk about religion or morals Synonyms : pious platitude (noun) two surfaces meeting at an angle different from 90 degrees Synonyms : bevel , chamfer (verb) heel over Synonyms : cant over , pitch , slant , tilt Example Sentence The tower is tilting The ceiling is slanting monks will be ChANT ing mantras . its known only for saints and monks


(noun) subtly skillful handling of a situation Synonyms : delicacy , diplomacy , discreetness Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary fine-ness...


(noun) supernatural forces and events and beings collectively Synonyms : supernatural Example Sentence She doesn't believe in the supernatural (noun) supernatural practices and techniques Synonyms : occult arts Example Sentence he is a student of the occult (verb) cause an eclipse of (a celestial body) by intervention Synonyms : eclipse Example Sentence The Sun eclipses the moon today Planets and stars often are occulted by other celestial bodies (verb) become concealed or hidden from view or have its light extinguished Example Sentence The beam of light occults every so often (verb) hide from view Example Sentence The lids were occulting her eyes (adj) hidden and difficult to see Example Sentence an occult fracture occult blood in the stool (adj) having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence; beyond ordinary understanding Synonyms : mysterious , mystic , mystical , orphic , secret Example Sentence mysterious symbols the mystical style of Blake occult lore the secret learning of the ancients diffiCULT to understand


(noun) temporary cessation or suspension Synonyms : suspension a+beyance .. here concentrate on beyance.. it sounds like buoyancy which which suspends objects above the ground level..


(noun) the act of branching out or dividing into branches Synonyms : branching , fork , forking (noun) a part of a forked or branching shape Synonyms : branch , leg Example Sentence he broke off one of the branches (noun) a development that complicates a situation Synonyms : complication Example Sentence the court's decision had many unforeseen ramifications (noun) an arrangement of branching parts Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary Bhagwan Ram and his brothers were subdivided, i.e., two were sent to the jungle and while the other two stayed in the kingdom. So, ramification means subdivision.


(noun) the act of calling down a curse that invokes evil (and usually serves as an insult) Synonyms : malediction Example Sentence he suffered the imprecations of the mob (noun) a slanderous accusation IMPRECATION=IM-PRAY-cation. The prefix IM- means opposite. The opposite of PRAY is CURSE (The latin root word "precari" means pray).


(noun) the act of entering some territory or domain (often in large numbers) Example Sentence the incursion of television into the American living room (noun) an attack that penetrates into enemy territory Synonyms : penetration (noun) the mistake of incurring liability or blame Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary when you are on a excursion you go to places for fun but when you are incursion then you dont just visit you invade it temporarily.... so incursion is opposite of excursion


(noun) the act of killing someone painlessly (especially someone suffering from an incurable illness) Synonyms : mercy killing "youth in asia" nowadays agree with mercy killing.


(noun) the act of operating on living animals (especially in scientific research) Vivisection means disection.


(noun) the act of transgressing; the violation of a law or a duty or moral principle Synonyms : evildoing Example Sentence the boy was punished for the transgressions of his father (noun) the spreading of the sea over land as evidenced by the deposition of marine strata over terrestrial strata (noun) the action of going beyond or overstepping some boundary or limit Trans + aggression....imagine the army of Pakistan aggressively crossing the Line of Control (LOC) and hence violating the law trans(=across) border.


(noun) the apical end of the style where deposited pollen enters the pistil (noun) a symbol of disgrace or infamy Synonyms : brand , mark , stain Example Sentence And the Lord set a mark upon Cain (noun) an external tracheal aperture in a terrestrial arthropod (noun) a skin lesion that is a diagnostic sign of some disease Stigma (STICK + MAA) Imagine someone hitting his MAA with a STICK. How disgraceful it will be !!!


(noun) the belief in magical spells that harness occult forces or evil spirits to produce unnatural effects in the world Synonyms : black art , black magic , sorcery (noun) conjuring up the dead, especially for prophesying NECRO- (or negro) means black. NECROMANCY means Black Magic


(noun) the branch of anthropology that studies prehistoric people and their cultures Synonyms : archaeology Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary Archaic+logy(study) so study of old and historic matters


(noun) the branch of zoology that studies insects Synonyms : bugology Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary ent(sounds like ant...and ants come under insects)+ logy(means study) studying about insects.


(noun) the cause of a disease Synonyms : aetiology (noun) the philosophical study of causation Synonyms : aetiology ET-ology...Remember the scene in the movie E.T. when Elliot's sickness causes E.T. to be sick.


(noun) the characters that were once kept in bottom half of a compositor's type case Synonyms : lower-case letter , lowercase , small letter (noun) a small cursive script developed from uncial between the 7th and 9th centuries and used in medieval manuscripts (adj) of or relating to a small cursive script developed from uncial; 7th to 9th centuries Synonyms : minuscular (adj) lowercase Synonyms : little , small Example Sentence little a small a e.e.cummings's poetry is written all in minuscule letters (adj) very small Synonyms : miniscule Example Sentence a minuscule kitchen a minuscule amount of rain fell Mini scale indicating very small


(noun) the closing section of a musical composition Synonyms : finale ie ,conclusive part of the lunch ,is done by soda(coda) by watching music on television.


(noun) the courage to carry on Synonyms : heart , nerve , spunk Example Sentence he kept fighting on pure spunk you haven't got the heart for baseball METTLE - sounds like 'MEET' + 'HELL' To MEET HELL one should have the COURAGE TO CARRY ON


(noun) the exercise of self constraint in sexual matters Synonyms : continency (noun) voluntary control over urinary and fecal discharge sounds like "abstinence" which is to stay away or to restrain.


(noun) the form of a word that is used to denote a singleton Synonyms : singular form (adj) unusual or striking Synonyms : remarkable Example Sentence a remarkable sight such poise is singular in one so young (adj) beyond or deviating from the usual or expected Synonyms : curious , funny , odd , peculiar , queer , rum , rummy Example Sentence a curious hybrid accent her speech has a funny twang they have some funny ideas about war had an odd name the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves something definitely queer about this town what a rum fellow singular behavior (adj) being a single and separate person or thing Example Sentence can the singular person be understood apart from his culture? every fact in the world might be singular...unlike any other fact and sole of its kind (adj) composed of one member, set, or kind (adj) grammatical number category referring to a single item or unit (adj) the single one of its kind Synonyms : unique Example Sentence a singular example the unique existing example of Donne's handwriting a unique copy of an ancient manuscript certain types of problems have unique solutions anyone who is SINGULAR(single) in a crowd is UNIQUE AND ODD


(noun) the highest point (of something) Synonyms : acme , peak , vertex Example Sentence at the peak of the pyramid (noun) the point on the celestial sphere toward which the sun and solar system appear to be moving relative to the fixed stars Synonyms : apex of the sun's way , solar apex Apex Climex (climax) gets me high of heights.


(noun) the human face (`kisser' and `smiler' and `mug' are informal terms for `face' and `phiz' is British) Synonyms : countenance , kisser , mug , phiz , physiognomy , smiler (noun) the appearance conveyed by a person's face Synonyms : countenance Example Sentence a pleasant countenance a stern visage VISion of AGE. How can you visualise someone's age? By his/her face.


(noun) the human face (`kisser' and `smiler' and `mug' are informal terms for `face' and `phiz' is British) Synonyms : countenance , kisser , mug , phiz , smiler , visage break into [physio+ know+ my(me)] .u asked physio that do u know me implies my face.


(noun) the intended meaning of a communication Synonyms : intent , spirit (noun) the pervading meaning or tenor Synonyms : drift Example Sentence caught the general drift of the conversation (verb) have the often specious appearance of being, intending, or claiming Example Sentence The letter purports to express people's opinion (verb) propose or intend Synonyms : aim , propose , purpose Example Sentence I aim to arrive at noon PURPORT:PURPOSE


(noun) the literary intelligentsia jise literature ata (liter-ati) wahi uske bareme bol sakta hai...comments kar sakta hai


(noun) the making of maps and charts Synonyms : mapmaking Carto-graphy is making CHARTS and GRAPHS and maps.


(noun) the marked and rapid transformation of a larva into an adult that occurs in some animals Synonyms : metabolism (noun) a striking change in appearance or character or circumstances Synonyms : transfiguration Example Sentence the metamorphosis of the old house into something new and exciting (noun) a complete change of physical form or substance especially as by magic or witchcraft meta ..means many + morp(..derived from morphic)means shape or form..


(noun) the means of connection between things linked in series Synonyms : link (noun) a connected series or group there is connection in between we and next to us.


(noun) the mental attitude that something is believable and should be accepted as true Synonyms : acceptance Example Sentence he gave credence to the gossip acceptance of Newtonian mechanics was unquestioned for 200 years (noun) a kind of sideboard or buffet Synonyms : credenza sounds like "confidence". If you have the confidence in someone, you have belief in him. People believe you after seeing your CREDENCE+tial = credential


(noun) the metal bob of a plumb line Synonyms : plumb , plumb bob (verb) drop sharply Synonyms : plump Example Sentence The stock market plummeted plummet rhymes with "comet" which falls so sharply.


(noun) the metal bob of a plumb line Synonyms : plumb bob , plummet (verb) measure the depth of something (verb) weight with lead (verb) examine thoroughly and in great depth (verb) adjust with a plumb line so as to make vertical (adj) exactly vertical Example Sentence the tower of Pisa is far out of plumb (adv) completely; used as intensifiers Synonyms : clean , plum Example Sentence clean forgot the appointment I'm plumb (or plum) tuckered out (adv) conforming to the direction of a plumb line (adv) exactly Synonyms : plum Example Sentence fell plumb in the middle of the puddle Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary plumb--plumber who tests the pipe to see whether it is exactly vertical or not.


(noun) the mistake of not following suit when able to do so Synonyms : revoke (verb) fail to fulfill a promise or obligation Synonyms : go back on , renege on , renegue on Example Sentence She backed out of her promise renege : made of re+nege nege is a root for negative, go negative on ones own said words, which is the meaning.


(noun) the outcome of a complex sequence of events (noun) the final resolution of the main complication of a literary or dramatic work de + NOUncEMENT(ANNOUNCEMENT)..SO you are making an annoucement of your company's FINAL OUTCOME report.DEAL + ANOUNCEMENT


(noun) the philosophical theory of knowledge Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary The epistemologist Ren Descartes spoke in EPIgrams, like, "I think; therefore, I am."


(noun) the popular taste at a given time Synonyms : style , trend Example Sentence leather is the latest vogue he followed current trends the 1920s had a style of their own (noun) a current state of general acceptance and use remember provogue brand


(noun) the power to entice or attract through personal charm Synonyms : allurement , temptingness (verb) dispose or incline or entice to Synonyms : tempt Example Sentence We were tempted by the delicious-looking food allure= allu+ re= if a beautiful girl sells alu by shouting allu re, all guys will get attracted


(noun) the process of bubbling as gas escapes (noun) the property of giving off bubbles Synonyms : bubbliness , frothiness most of u guys might have done ur chemistry labs wer we come across effervescece of various liquids wen heated like how they produce the gas along witht the bubbles


(noun) the property of being physically malleable; the property of something that can be worked or hammered or shaped without breaking Synonyms : malleability Plasticity-plastic-by heating plastic we can mould it to any shape pretty easily without any breakage.


(noun) the property of being smooth and shiny Synonyms : gloss , glossiness , polish (verb) polish and make shiny Synonyms : buff , furbish Example Sentence buff the wooden floors buff my shoes Remember Varnish - used on wooden things to make them shine


(noun) the quality of disagreeing; being unsuitable and inappropriate Synonyms : incongruousness IN+CONGRess+no UnITY...take it as fun ppl..;)


(noun) the rate of flow of energy or particles across a given surface (noun) a flow or discharge Synonyms : fluxion (noun) a substance added to molten metals to bond with impurities that can then be readily removed (noun) excessive discharge of liquid from a cavity or organ (as in watery diarrhea) (noun) a state of uncertainty about what should be done (usually following some important event) preceding the establishment of a new direction of action Synonyms : state of flux Example Sentence the flux following the death of the emperor (noun) the lines of force surrounding a permanent magnet or a moving charged particle Synonyms : magnetic field , magnetic flux (noun) (physics) the number of changes in energy flow across a given surface per unit area Synonyms : flux density (noun) in constant change Example Sentence his opinions are in flux the newness and flux of the computer industry (verb) move or progress freely as if in a stream Synonyms : flow Example Sentence The crowd flowed out of the stadium (verb) become liquid or fluid when heated Synonyms : liquefy , liquify Example Sentence the frozen fat liquefied (verb) mix together different elements Synonyms : blend , coalesce , combine , commingle , conflate , fuse , immix , meld , merge , mix Example Sentence The colors blend well flux means flow, something that flows, undergoes through change.


(noun) the result of mathematical differentiation; the instantaneous change of one quantity relative to another; df(x)/dx Synonyms : derived function , differential , differential coefficient , first derivative (noun) a compound obtained from, or regarded as derived from, another compound (noun) a financial instrument whose value is based on another security Synonyms : derivative instrument (noun) (linguistics) a word that is derived from another word Example Sentence `electricity' is a derivative of `electric' (adj) resulting from or employing derivation Example Sentence a derivative process a highly derivative prose style Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary Deriv - Drive / ative - Relative Mng:obtaining from the other source.


(noun) the shape of something rotating rapidly Synonyms : convolution , swirl , whirl (noun) a powerful circular current of water (usually the result of conflicting tides) Synonyms : maelstrom , whirlpool Vertex is the higher point .Vortex is lower point caused by the whirlpool.


(noun) the state capital and largest city located in south central Arizona; situated in a former desert that has become a prosperous agricultural area thanks to irrigation Synonyms : capital of arizona (noun) a large monocotyledonous genus of pinnate-leaved palms found in Asia and Africa Synonyms : genus phoenix (noun) a legendary Arabian bird said to periodically burn itself to death and emerge from the ashes as a new phoenix; according to most versions only one phoenix lived at a time and it renewed itself every 500 years (noun) a constellation in the southern hemisphere near Tucana and Sculptor As the Immortal bird in Harry Potter


(noun) the state of being held in low esteem Synonyms : disrepute Example Sentence your actions will bring discredit to your name because of the scandal the school has fallen into disrepute (verb) cause to be distrusted or disbelieved Example Sentence The paper discredited the politician with its nasty commentary (verb) damage the reputation of Synonyms : disgrace Example Sentence This newspaper story discredits the politicians (verb) reject as false; refuse to accept Synonyms : disbelieve U will give the credit card to that person whom u have confidence.Dis means not having confidence


(noun) the state of being isolated or detached Synonyms : detachment , insularism , insulation Example Sentence the insulation of England was preserved by the English Channel Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary we insulate electrical wires.. by insulating , we are ISOLATING the wires from the environment...


(noun) the state of being sober and not intoxicated by alcohol Synonyms : soberness (noun) moderation in or abstinence from alcohol or other drugs Synonyms : dryness (noun) a manner that is serious and solemn Synonyms : graveness , gravity , soberness , somberness , sombreness (noun) abstaining from excess Synonyms : temperance Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary sobr..sounds like SOBER..AND a sober person is always serious about his life, therefore seriousness is the state of being sober.


(noun) the study of methods of improving genetic qualities by selective breeding (especially as applied to human mating) euGENICS = study of genes that makes human race better


(noun) the taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth Synonyms : flavor , flavour , nip , relish , sapidity , savour , smack , tang (verb) derive or receive pleasure from; get enjoyment from; take pleasure in Synonyms : bask , enjoy , relish , savour Example Sentence She relished her fame and basked in her glory (verb) have flavor; taste of something Synonyms : savour , taste (verb) taste appreciatively Synonyms : savour Example Sentence savor the soup (verb) give taste to Synonyms : savour SAVOR and FLAVOR are rhyming words. You savor (feel the taste) the flavor (taste) of the food you eat.


(noun) the time between two reigns, governments, etc. reg stands for king or kingly styles (e.g. in regicide,regalia etc.) so inter regnum = in between two kings(referring to their ruling period).


(noun) the trait of abstaining (especially from alcohol) Synonyms : abstention (noun) act or practice of refraining from indulging an appetite ABS THIN ence. A person maintained abstinence when he restrained from pleasant things like food and drinks!!!


(noun) the trait of being intransigent; stubbornly refusing to compromise Synonyms : intransigency intransigence -- can be thought of as in-transit....lacking movement when you are stubborn


(noun) the trait of being resolute Synonyms : firmness , firmness of purpose , resoluteness , resolution Example Sentence his resoluteness carried him through the battle it was his unshakeable resolution to finish the work (noun) a formal expression by a meeting; agreed to by a vote Synonyms : declaration , resolution (verb) bring to an end; settle conclusively Synonyms : adjudicate , decide , settle Example Sentence The case was decided The judge decided the case in favor of the plaintiff The father adjudicated when the sons were quarreling over their inheritance (verb) reach a conclusion after a discussion or deliberation Synonyms : conclude (verb) reach a decision Synonyms : purpose Example Sentence he resolved never to drink again (verb) understand the meaning of Synonyms : answer Example Sentence The question concerning the meaning of life cannot be answered (verb) make clearly visible Example Sentence can this image be resolved? (verb) find the solution Synonyms : solve Example Sentence solve an equation solve for x (verb) cause to go into a solution Synonyms : break up , dissolve Example Sentence The recipe says that we should dissolve a cup of sugar in two cups of water If u r SOLVING problems in a chapter AGAIN & AGAIN then u have determination to do that chapter in exams


(noun) the use of tricks to deceive someone (usually to extract money from them) Synonyms : chicane , guile , shenanigan , trickery , wile chicanery sounds like shikari who uses means of deception to trick animals into his traps.


(noun) the way two individuals relate to each other Synonyms : chemistry , interpersonal chemistry Example Sentence their chemistry was wrong from the beginning -- they hated each other a mysterious alchemy brought them together (noun) a pseudoscientific forerunner of chemistry in medieval times alchemy ~ ALL + CHEMIcal :related to chemistry


(noun) the whole amount Synonyms : sum , total , totality (noun) material such as sand or gravel used with cement and water to make concrete, mortar, or plaster (noun) a sum total of many heterogenous things taken together Synonyms : congeries , conglomeration (verb) amount in the aggregate to (verb) gather in a mass, sum, or whole Synonyms : combine (adj) formed of separate units gathered into a mass or whole Synonyms : aggregated , aggregative , mass Example Sentence aggregate expenses include expenses of all divisions combined for the entire year the aggregated amount of indebtedness (adj) composed of a dense cluster of separate units such as carpels or florets or drupelets Example Sentence raspberries are aggregate fruits aggregate- a gre gate - all of us need gre "total" score to reach gate of university


(noun) thunderous verbal attack Synonyms : fulmination diatribe = di-tribe = two tribes fighting...criticize


(noun) tightly woven fabric with raised cords (noun) a sudden outburst of anger Synonyms : irritation , temper Example Sentence his temper sparked like damp firewood (verb) cause to feel resentment or indignation Synonyms : offend Example Sentence Her tactless remark offended me pique can be split as pi+que.. so imagine you are standing in a QUE(ue) in a Pie shop (cake) for a long time you get ANNOYED ,IRRITATED and you tend to show RESENTMENT


(noun) toiletry consisting of any of various substances in the form of a thick liquid that have a soothing and moisturizing effect when applied to the skin Synonyms : cream , ointment (adj) having a softening or soothing effect especially to the skin Synonyms : demulcent , salving , softening divide it as e + moll(..mole which is a black spot)+ ient. If we find a black spot on our skin, we quickly start searching for a SOOTHING REMEDY to remove it.


(noun) traveling or wandering around remove 1st 3 letter egrination sounds like migration, which means the same


(noun) uneasiness about the fitness of an action Synonyms : misgiving , scruple (noun) a mild state of nausea Synonyms : queasiness , squeamishness opposite of Calm


(noun) using words that imitate the sound they denote oh no maa! top(cannon in hindi) fire aaya : dishdhambush


(noun) very hard native crystalline carbon valued as a gem Synonyms : diamond (adj) impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, reason Synonyms : adamantine , inexorable , intransigent Example Sentence he is adamant in his refusal to change his mind Cynthia was inexorable; she would have none of him an intransigent conservative opposed to every liberal tendency Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary A+DAM+ant...A DAM IS GENERALLY INFLEXIBLE AND HARD so vehicles can pass through it.


(noun) worthless or dangerous material that should be removed Synonyms : impurity Example Sentence there were impurities in the water (noun) the scum formed by oxidation at the surface of molten metals Synonyms : scoria , slag close to gross....worthless


(verb) add details to Synonyms : aggrandise , aggrandize , blow up , dramatise , dramatize , embroider , lard , pad (verb) be beautiful to look at Synonyms : adorn , beautify , deck , decorate , grace Example Sentence Flowers adorned the tables everywhere (verb) make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc. Synonyms : adorn , beautify , decorate , grace , ornament Example Sentence Decorate the room for the party beautify yourself for the special day (verb) make more beautiful Synonyms : beautify , fancify , prettify emBELLish--we add BELL to the Christmas tress to adorn it


(verb) add details to Synonyms : aggrandise , blow up , dramatise , dramatize , embellish , embroider , lard , pad grand- this resembles to somthing huge,great,wealthy.


(verb) add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing Synonyms : dilate , elaborate , enlarge , expand , exposit , expound , flesh out , lucubrate Example Sentence She elaborated on the main ideas in her dissertation expatiate - ex + pati (husband in hindi) + ate - your ex husband ate your brain talking some nonsense tried to convince you to remarry him, means he talked at length.


(verb) admonish or counsel in terms of someone's behavior Synonyms : discourage , monish , warn Example Sentence I warned him not to go too far I warn you against false assumptions She warned him to be quiet (verb) warn strongly; put on guard Synonyms : caution , monish (verb) take to task Synonyms : reprove Example Sentence He admonished the child for his bad behavior in the add of "eak choti si love story" monisha koiralla on orkut and she shall admonish u/warn u for doing so


(verb) appoint to a clerical posts Synonyms : ordain , order , ordinate Example Sentence he was ordained in the Church (verb) give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause Synonyms : commit , dedicate , devote , give Example Sentence She committed herself to the work of God give one's talents to a good cause consecrate your life to the church (verb) dedicate to a deity by a vow Synonyms : vow (verb) render holy by means of religious rites Synonyms : bless , hallow , sanctify (adj) solemnly dedicated to or set apart for a high purpose Synonyms : consecrated , dedicated Example Sentence a life consecrated to science the consecrated chapel a chapel dedicated to the dead of World War II Consecrate = Con + Secrate (sounds like SACRED).SACRED is "holy". It refers to holiness when one dedicates his life to "god".


(verb) argue in protest or opposition (verb) present and urge reasons in opposition Synonyms : point out (verb) censure severely or angrily Synonyms : bawl out , berate , call down , call on the carpet , chew out , chew up , chide , dress down , have words , jaw , lambast , lambaste , lecture , rag , rebuke , reprimand , reproof , scold , take to task , trounce Example Sentence The mother scolded the child for entering a stranger's car The deputy ragged the Prime Minister The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup ...sounds like remember it like when you are demonstrative you can protest for something.


(verb) ask for and get free; be a parasite Synonyms : bum , grub , mooch , sponge (verb) obtain or seek to obtain by cadging or wheedling Synonyms : schnorr , scrounge , shnorr Example Sentence he is always shnorring cigarettes from his friends cadge....sounds like cage....some1 in d cage begging to get out !!!!!!


(verb) attract strongly, as if with a magnet Synonyms : bewitch , magnetise , magnetize , mesmerise , spellbind Example Sentence She magnetized the audience with her tricks (verb) induce hypnosis in Synonyms : hypnotise , hypnotize , mesmerise mess memory


(verb) attribute or credit to Synonyms : ascribe , assign , attribute Example Sentence We attributed this quotation to Shakespeare People impute great cleverness to cats (verb) attribute (responsibility or fault) to a cause or source Example Sentence The teacher imputed the student's failure to his nervousness Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary im(put)e... put the blame to somebody


(verb) avoid responsibilities and duties, e.g., by pretending to be ill Synonyms : skulk MAL(bad)+LINGER(stay in a place longer than necessary)...when you linger on the ramp badly you malinger


(verb) bar from attention or consideration Synonyms : brush aside , brush off , discount , disregard , ignore , push aside Example Sentence She dismissed his advances (verb) cease to consider; put out of judicial consideration Synonyms : throw out Example Sentence This case is dismissed! (verb) stop associating with Synonyms : drop , send away , send packing Example Sentence They dropped her after she had a child out of wedlock (verb) terminate the employment of; discharge from an office or position Synonyms : can , displace , fire , force out , give notice , give the axe , give the sack , sack , send away , terminate Example Sentence The boss fired his secretary today The company terminated 25% of its workers (verb) end one's encounter with somebody by causing or permitting the person to leave Synonyms : usher out Example Sentence I was dismissed after I gave my report (verb) declare void Synonyms : dissolve Example Sentence The President dissolved the parliament and called for new elections DIS(these)-MISS(girls) are careless drivers , they ELIMINATE FROM CONSIDERATION the traffic around & so are REJECTED @ licence interview..!!


(verb) be a hindrance or obstacle to Synonyms : hinder Example Sentence She is impeding the progress of our project (verb) block passage through Synonyms : block , close up , jam , obstruct , obturate , occlude Example Sentence obstruct the path impede from impedance meaning resistance


(verb) be adjacent or come together Synonyms : meet Example Sentence The lines converge at this point (verb) approach a limit as the number of terms increases without limit (verb) move or draw together at a certain location Example Sentence The crowd converged on the movie star (verb) come together so as to form a single product Example Sentence Social forces converged to bring the Fascists back to power Co- together Verge- become one


(verb) be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly Synonyms : bedevil , befuddle , confuse , discombobulate , fox , fuddle , throw Example Sentence These questions confuse even the experts This question completely threw me This question befuddled even the teacher (verb) mistake one thing for another Synonyms : confuse Example Sentence you are confusing me with the other candidate I mistook her for the secretary CONfusion FOUND == CONFOUND


(verb) be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withhold information Synonyms : beat around the bush , equivocate , palter , tergiversate divide is as pre(..before)+var(truth..)+icate(..gate) ..i.e. before truth, you have kept a gate. Hence you are LYING or HIDING THE TRUTH..


(verb) be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withhold information Synonyms : beat around the bush , palter , prevaricate , tergiversate equi(equal) vocal(sound)... if we make similar sounds then it would be ambiguous(unclear) to distinguish!!


(verb) be false to; be dishonest with Synonyms : deceive , delude , lead on (verb) act with artful deceit (verb) cheat or trick Example Sentence He cozened the money out of the old man Instead of a DOZEN, he took 13 bananas, cheating the shopkeeper.


(verb) be in contradiction with Synonyms : belie , contradict (verb) deny the truth of Synonyms : contradict , contravene (verb) prove negative; show to be false Synonyms : contradict (verb) make ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of Synonyms : neutralise , neutralize , nullify Example Sentence Her optimism neutralizes his gloom This action will negate the effect of my efforts ne=no + gate=door, so there is no entrance through that door


(verb) be in contradiction with Synonyms : contradict , negate (verb) represent falsely Synonyms : misrepresent Example Sentence This statement misrepresents my intentions belie has lie.


(verb) be undecided about something; waver between conflicting positions or courses of action Synonyms : hover , oscillate , vibrate Example Sentence He oscillates between accepting the new position and retirement (verb) move or sway in a rising and falling or wavelike pattern Synonyms : fluctuate , waver Example Sentence the line on the monitor vacillated sounds like something which moves from one position to another position.


(verb) be undecided about something; waver between conflicting positions or courses of action Synonyms : hover , vacillate , vibrate Example Sentence He oscillates between accepting the new position and retirement (verb) move or swing from side to side regularly Synonyms : vibrate Example Sentence the needle on the meter was oscillating we always oscillate who will be the winner of next Oscar prize


(verb) beat with a cane Synonyms : cane , flog , lambast (verb) censure severely or angrily Synonyms : bawl out , berate , call down , call on the carpet , chew out , chew up , chide , dress down , have words , jaw , lambast , lecture , rag , rebuke , remonstrate , reprimand , reproof , scold , take to task , trounce Example Sentence The mother scolded the child for entering a stranger's car The deputy ragged the Prime Minister The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary lambaste sounds like namaste(in hindi), which is a respectful greeting. lambaste is precisely opposite of that


(verb) become wider Synonyms : dilate Example Sentence His pupils were dilated (verb) cause to expand as it by internal pressure Example Sentence The gas distended the animal's body (verb) swell from or as if from internal pressure Example Sentence The distended bellies of the starving cows Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary try to relate it with dis means distance and extend means to expand.


(verb) block passage through Synonyms : block , close up , impede , jam , obstruct , obturate Example Sentence obstruct the path when you include someone they are welcome and the gates are always open but when you OCCLUDE(rhymes with EXCLUDE), they are unwelcome and hence the gates are SHUT or CLOSED on them.


(verb) burst inward Synonyms : go off Example Sentence The bottle imploded ex-'out'+plode-'burst' im-'in,inwards'+plode-'burst'... so implode means burst inwards


(verb) call forth Synonyms : breed , spawn (verb) make children Synonyms : beget , bring forth , father , generate , get , mother , sire Example Sentence Abraham begot Isaac Men often father children but don't recognize them Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary when two gender's male & female end up together .. they produce or give rise to a CHILD..


(verb) call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses) Synonyms : arouse , enkindle , evoke , fire , kindle , provoke , raise Example Sentence arouse pity raise a smile evoke sympathy (verb) deduce (a principle) or construe (a meaning) Synonyms : draw out , educe , evoke , extract Example Sentence We drew out some interesting linguistic data from the native informant (verb) derive by reason Example Sentence elicit a solution implicit - which is understood .. explicit - means specifically told/derived so elicit - explicit


(verb) cancel officially Synonyms : annul , countermand , lift , overturn , repeal , reverse , revoke , vacate Example Sentence He revoked the ban on smoking lift an embargo vacate a death sentence rescind reminds us of "resign", where resign is to cancel your appointment and rescind is to cancel an agreement.


(verb) cast off Synonyms : disown , renounce Example Sentence She renounced her husband The parents repudiated their son (verb) refuse to acknowledge, ratify, or recognize as valid Example Sentence The woman repudiated the divorce settlement (verb) refuse to recognize or pay Example Sentence repudiate a debt (verb) reject as untrue, unfounded, or unjust Example Sentence She repudiated the accusations he ate the PUDDING AGAIN.. When his mother asked him if he ate the pudding, he tried to REPUDIATE (deny eating it)... :)


(verb) cause (a chemical compound, vapour, solution, magnetic material) to unite with the greatest possible amount of another substance (verb) infuse or fill completely Synonyms : impregnate Example Sentence Impregnate the cloth with alcohol SATURATE or INTEGRATE - to fill or supply completely.


(verb) cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of Synonyms : appease , assuage , conciliate , gentle , gruntle , lenify , mollify , pacify Example Sentence She managed to mollify the angry customer PL + ac + ATE = a PLATE full of tasty food to SATISFY someone.


(verb) cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of Synonyms : appease , assuage , conciliate , gentle , gruntle , lenify , pacify , placate Example Sentence She managed to mollify the angry customer (verb) make more temperate, acceptable, or suitable by adding something else; moderate Synonyms : season , temper Example Sentence she tempered her criticism (verb) make less rigid or softer mollify sounds like just think of nullifying something...nullifying your temper


(verb) cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of Synonyms : appease , conciliate , gentle , gruntle , lenify , mollify , pacify , placate Example Sentence She managed to mollify the angry customer (verb) satisfy (thirst) Synonyms : allay , quench , slake Example Sentence The cold water quenched his thirst (verb) provide physical relief, as from pain Synonyms : alleviate , palliate , relieve Example Sentence This pill will relieve your headaches Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary ass-usage in the toilet gives huge relief


(verb) cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of Synonyms : assuage , conciliate , gentle , gruntle , lenify , mollify , pacify , placate Example Sentence She managed to mollify the angry customer (verb) overcome or allay Synonyms : quell , stay Example Sentence quell my hunger (verb) make peace with Synonyms : propitiate appeaseapp(appeal)+pease(peace) appeal for peace..when war was going on in kasmirour prime minister appealed people to maintain peace in the region.


(verb) cause to become widely known Synonyms : broadcast , circularise , circularize , circulate , diffuse , disperse , distribute , pass around , propagate , spread Example Sentence spread information circulate a rumor broadcast the news dis + seminate seminate could be taken as seminar, so for a seminar people gather at a place. Hence disseminar could be understood as the scattering of people.


(verb) cause to lose courage Synonyms : dash , frighten away , frighten off , pall , scare , scare away , scare off Example Sentence dashed by the refusal daunt = haunt = if you are frightened you will be discouraged to go into the haunted house.


(verb) cause to lose one's composure Synonyms : discompose , disconcert , untune , upset discomfit- resembles discomfortable, wen u are discomfartable ,u tend to get frustrated and defeated. If ucan check the word Fit ,u can add a meaning ,by assuming,-if u are not fit(disfit) u are defeated and put to embarrasment.


(verb) cause to seem less serious; play down Synonyms : belittle , derogate , minimize Example Sentence Don't belittle his influence (verb) charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone Synonyms : asperse , besmirch , calumniate , defame , slander , smear , smirch , sully Example Sentence The journalists have defamed me! The article in the paper sullied my reputation focus on the 'nigrate' part of this word and relate it to '******' (which means people who have black skin) no racism plz...


(verb) censure severely Synonyms : castigate , chastise , correct , objurgate Example Sentence She chastised him for his insensitive remarks (verb) restrain Synonyms : moderate , temper (verb) correct by punishment or discipline Synonyms : subdue , tame relate it with upper one "Chaste" as to keep ur viginity you have to be disciplined .. so for chaste and chasten go hand in hand


(verb) change from a liquid to a thickened or solid state Synonyms : clot Example Sentence coagulated blood (verb) cause to change from a liquid to a solid or thickened state Synonyms : clot (adj) transformed from a liquid into a soft semisolid or solid mass Synonyms : coagulated , curdled , grumose , grumous Example Sentence coagulated blood curdled milk grumous blood Colgate - think about the "thick" paste


(verb) charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone Synonyms : asperse , besmirch , calumniate , denigrate , slander , smear , smirch , sully Example Sentence The journalists have defamed me! The article in the paper sullied my reputation de(do away with) + taking away somebody's fame...defaming someone.


(verb) claim as due or just Synonyms : demand Example Sentence The bank demanded payment of the loan (verb) take as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs Synonyms : claim , take Example Sentence the accident claimed three lives The hard work took its toll on her (adj) marked by strict and particular and complete accordance with fact Example Sentence an exact mind an exact copy hit the exact center of the target (adj) (of ideas, images, representations, expressions) characterized by perfect conformity to fact or truth ; strictly correct Synonyms : accurate , precise Example Sentence a precise image a precise measurement I want the EXACT amount! nothing more nothing less! very demanding


(verb) command against Synonyms : disallow , forbid , interdict , nix , prohibit , veto Example Sentence I forbid you to call me late at night Mother vetoed the trip to the chocolate store Dad nixed our plans When you want a magazine, you PREscribe(subscribe) it. Similarly when you want to stop it, you will have to PROSCRIBE. SO PROSCRIBE = prohibit


(verb) complain bitterly Synonyms : rail (verb) speak against in an impassioned manner Synonyms : declaim Example Sentence he declaimed against the wasteful ways of modern society Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary its pronunciation is similar to envy...if u envy someone u *utter invectives* about that person


(verb) contain or include Example Sentence This new system subsumes the old one (verb) consider (an instance of something) as part of a general rule or principle Synonyms : colligate subsume -- sub + sum + e. Sum -- summing. summing something means adding up and hence to include everything.


(verb) corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality Synonyms : corrupt , debase , debauch , demoralise , demoralize , deprave , misdirect , pervert , profane , subvert Example Sentence debauch the young people with wine and women Socrates was accused of corrupting young men Do school counselors subvert young children? corrupt the morals (verb) make imperfect Synonyms : deflower , impair , mar , spoil Example Sentence nothing marred her beauty (verb) take away the legal force of or render ineffective Synonyms : invalidate , void Example Sentence invalidate a contract Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary vitiate is vish + ate, vish in the hindi language means poison..if you make anyone eat poison it's an IMMORAL ACT and the person will be in an IMPERFECT condition.


(verb) corrupt, debase, or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance; often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones Synonyms : debase , dilute , load , stretch Example Sentence adulterate liquor (adj) mixed with impurities Synonyms : adulterated , debased Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary dull+the+rate = impure, means to decrease the rate


(verb) decorate tastelessly (verb) dress up garishly and tastelessly Synonyms : dizen bad design dress!


(verb) destroy completely, as if down to the roots Synonyms : eradicate , exterminate , root out , uproot Example Sentence the vestiges of political democracy were soon uprooted root out corruption (verb) pull up by or as if by the roots Synonyms : deracinate , root out , uproot Example Sentence uproot the vine that has spread all over the garden (verb) surgically remove (an organ) Lord Rama destroyed Ravana by shooting a tir-teer(arrow) in his pate(belly)....


(verb) disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed Synonyms : cark , disorder , disquiet , distract , trouble , unhinge Example Sentence She was rather perturbed by the news that her father was seriously ill (verb) disturb or interfere with the usual path of an electron or atom Example Sentence The electrons were perturbed by the passing ion (verb) cause a celestial body to deviate from a theoretically regular orbital motion, especially as a result of interposed or extraordinary gravitational pull Example Sentence The orbits of these stars were perturbed by the passings of a comet (verb) throw into great confusion or disorder Synonyms : derange , throw out of kilter Example Sentence Fundamental Islamicists threaten to perturb the social order in Algeria and Egypt perturb sounds like "disturb"


(verb) do away with Synonyms : eliminate , rid of (verb) prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening Synonyms : avert , avoid , debar , deflect , fend off , forefend , forfend , head off , stave off , ward off Example Sentence Let's avoid a confrontation head off a confrontation avert a strike Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary obviate - viate sounds like deviate, deviate yourself from studying(happen something)....


(verb) establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts Synonyms : affirm , confirm , corroborate , support , sustain Example Sentence his story confirmed my doubts The evidence supports the defendant (verb) represent in bodily form Synonyms : body forth , embody , incarnate Example Sentence He embodies all that is evil wrong with the system The painting substantiates the feelings of the artist (verb) make real or concrete; give reality or substance to Synonyms : actualise , actualize , realise , realize Example Sentence our ideas must be substantiated into actions (verb) solidify, firm, or strengthen Example Sentence The president's trip will substantiate good relations with the former enemy country Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary provide substantial evidence.


(verb) estimate the value of Synonyms : extrapolate (verb) insert words into texts, often falsifying it thereby Synonyms : alter , falsify Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary INTER(between) + POLATE(like plate) = INSERT the plate BETWEEN two other plates.


(verb) excuse, overlook, or make allowances for; be lenient with Synonyms : excuse Example Sentence excuse someone's behavior She condoned her husband's occasional infidelities if u use condom u will be forgiven by health and family welfare department


(verb) expel through adjuration or prayers Synonyms : exorcize Example Sentence exorcise evil spirits remember the movie which priest WHO DRIVE OUT EVIL SPIRITS suicides in the end


(verb) express a negative opinion of Synonyms : belittle , pick at Example Sentence She disparaged her student's efforts dispa-rage can be read as display a rage. When you display your RAGE on your juniors you BELITTLE them in front of the others.


(verb) express discontent Imagine on Christmas, your friend brings pine tree instead of Christmas tree, so you will repine...


(verb) face with defiance or impudence Example Sentence brazen it out (adj) unrestrained by convention or propriety Synonyms : audacious , bald-faced , barefaced , bodacious , brassy , brazen-faced , insolent Example Sentence an audacious trick to pull a barefaced hypocrite the most bodacious display of tourism this side of Anaheim bald-faced lies brazen arrogance the modern world with its quick material successes and insolent belief in the boundless possibilities of progress (adj) made of or resembling brass (as in color or hardness) Split the word brazen as Bra + Zen. Suppose you went out with your friends and saw a girl in a Zen car wearing only a bra. How was the attempt of the girl? Really bold and brazen!


(verb) fill quickly beyond capacity; as with a liquid Synonyms : deluge , flood , swamp Example Sentence the basement was inundated after the storm The images flooded his mind (verb) fill or cover completely, usually with water Synonyms : deluge , submerge I+NUN +DATE....I asked the NUNs for a DATE and i was FLOODED with letters from christian societies for violating the social norms.


(verb) fill to satisfaction Synonyms : fill , replete , sate Example Sentence I am sated (verb) overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself Synonyms : binge , englut , engorge , glut , gorge , gormandise , gormandize , gourmandize , ingurgitate , overeat , overgorge , overindulge , pig out , scarf out , stuff Example Sentence She stuffed herself at the dinner The kids binged on ice cream (adj) supplied (especially fed) to satisfaction Synonyms : satiated Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary I SAT & ATE till I was full!


(verb) fill with sublime emotion Synonyms : exalt , exhilarate , inebriate , thrill , tickle pink Example Sentence The children were thrilled at the prospect of going to the movies He was inebriated by his phenomenal success (verb) make blessedly happy (verb) declare (a dead person) to be blessed; the first step of achieving sainthood Example Sentence On Sunday, the martyr will be beatified by the Vatican A cosmetologist beautifies someone living; the Pope beatifies someone dead.


(verb) formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure Synonyms : abjure , forswear , resile , retract Example Sentence He retracted his earlier statements about his religion She abjured her beliefs Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary RE (again) + CANT (cannot) = "I have told you this AGAIN and AGAIN, it CANNOT be done, it has been REJECTED."


(verb) formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure Synonyms : abjure , recant , resile , retract Example Sentence He retracted his earlier statements about his religion She abjured her beliefs formally swear to renounce..


(verb) formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure Synonyms : forswear , recant , resile , retract Example Sentence He retracted his earlier statements about his religion She abjured her beliefs Abjure think it like injure. so once you are injured you will give up. so abjure means give up


(verb) free somebody (from an erroneous belief) story: like a girl fall in love with a rascal, and her father comes to know. what he will do is abuse the boy and disabuse the girl about the boy. simple naa.


(verb) generate and separate from cells or bodily fluids Synonyms : release Example Sentence secrete digestive juices release a hormone into the blood stream (verb) place out of sight; keep secret Example Sentence The money was secreted from his children Secret+e which is to be concealed or hidden


(verb) give expression to Synonyms : express , show Example Sentence She showed her disappointment Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary sounds like evidence which means to show clearly.


(verb) give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause Synonyms : allow , earmark , reserve , set aside Example Sentence I will earmark this money for your research She sets aside time for meditation every day (verb) take possession of by force, as after an invasion Synonyms : capture , conquer , seize Example Sentence the invaders seized the land and property of the inhabitants The army seized the town The militia captured the castle (adj) suitable for a particular person or place or condition etc Example Sentence a book not appropriate for children a funeral conducted the appropriate solemnity it seems that an apology is appropriate appropriate = a + property + iate.. i.e. to make it your own property .. by force if required.. And also when you are appropriating it your self you are "allocating" it to yourself.


(verb) give up, such as power, as of monarchs and emperors, or duties and obligations Synonyms : renounce Example Sentence The King abdicated when he married a divorcee ab+dicate dicate sounds like dictator. Dictator is an authoritarian ruler who has lot of power. To remember better,ab normal is opposite to normal.So,abdicate is opposite to dictator (ie)losing power.


(verb) grow and flourish Example Sentence The burgeoning administration The burgeoning population Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary Burge+on sounds like Bulge which means growing big


(verb) grow by addition Example Sentence The interest accrues (verb) come into the possession of Synonyms : fall Example Sentence The house accrued to the oldest son sounds like AKDU(hindi...means haughty) a person becomes akdu when he gains a lot


(verb) grow rapidly Example Sentence Pizza parlors proliferate in this area (verb) cause to grow or increase rapidly Example Sentence We must not proliferate nuclear arms Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary life rate=its always increasing


(verb) have force or influence; bring about an effect or change Example Sentence Politeness militated against this opinion being expressed Military action often influences others to argue against the invasion.


(verb) impinge or infringe upon Synonyms : encroach , entrench , trench Example Sentence This impinges on my rights as an individual This matter entrenches on other domains (verb) advance beyond the usual limit Synonyms : encroach , infringe impinge- im + ping(e)..Someone continuously pinging you while chatting means he or she wants to influence you and then touch your heart.


(verb) increase Synonyms : heighten , raise Example Sentence This will enhance your enjoyment heighten the tension (verb) make better or more attractive Example Sentence This sauce will enhance the flavor of the meat when you are given a chance you try to improve more... that is ENHANCE


(verb) influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering Synonyms : blarney , cajole , coax , palaver , sweet-talk , wheedle Example Sentence He palavered her into going along inveigle sounds like in veil. SO something that is concealed by a veil. Outward appearances are sometimes deceptive.


(verb) inform (somebody) of something Synonyms : advise , apprize , give notice , notify , send word Example Sentence I advised him that the rent was due (verb) make aware of Synonyms : apprize , instruct Example Sentence Have the students been apprised of the tuition hike? (verb) gain in value Synonyms : appreciate , apprize , revalue Example Sentence The yen appreciated again! (verb) increase the value of Synonyms : appreciate , apprize Example Sentence The Germans want to appreciate the Deutsche Mark Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary one who will inform will get the prize


(verb) introduce or insert (oneself) in a subtle manner Example Sentence He insinuated himself into the conversation of the people at the nearby table (verb) give to understand Synonyms : adumbrate , intimate Example Sentence I insinuated that I did not like his wife The girl has lost her memory. The boy telling her - This is the INStitute IN which U ATE. He is trying to HINT, IMPLY to her.


(verb) keep from happening or arising; make impossible Synonyms : forbid , foreclose , preclude , prevent Example Sentence My sense of tact forbids an honest answer Your role in the projects precludes your involvement in the competitive project (verb) act in advance of; deal with ahead of time Synonyms : anticipate , counter , foresee Fore means before. Stall means to stop. Hence Forestall == Before Stop. i.e to stop something before it happens.


(verb) lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of Synonyms : extenuate , palliate Example Sentence The circumstances extenuate the crime (verb) make less severe or harsh Example Sentence mitigating circumstances Mitigate > "Gate pe kutte ki potty pe mitti daal do" why? so that the intensity of bad odour will lessen.


(verb) lessen the intensity of or calm Synonyms : ease , relieve , still Example Sentence The news eased my conscience still the fears (verb) satisfy (thirst) Synonyms : assuage , quench , slake Example Sentence The cold water quenched his thirst allay allay allay rote nhi chup ho jaao


(verb) maintain or assert Synonyms : postulate Example Sentence He contended that Communism had no future (verb) have an argument about something Synonyms : argue , debate , fence (verb) to make the subject of dispute, contention, or litigation Synonyms : contest , repugn Example Sentence They contested the outcome of the race (verb) come to terms with Synonyms : cope , deal , get by , grapple , make do , make out , manage Example Sentence We got by on just a gallon of gas They made do on half a loaf of bread every day (verb) compete for something; engage in a contest; measure oneself against others Synonyms : compete , vie (verb) be engaged in a fight; carry on a fight Synonyms : fight , struggle Example Sentence the tribesmen fought each other Siblings are always fighting Militant groups are contending for control of the country contend...sounds very similar to content....when the content of your essay is not good, you have less chances of COMPETEING WITH the other's essay.


(verb) make a concoction (of) by mixing (verb) prepare or cook by mixing ingredients Synonyms : cook up Example Sentence concoct a strange mixture (verb) invent Synonyms : trump up Example Sentence trump up charges (verb) devise or invent Synonyms : dream up , hatch , think of , think up Example Sentence He thought up a plan to get rich quickly no-one had ever thought of such a clever piece of software coct - resembles a cocktail, prepared by mixing and combining. A conman is preparing it, in a concert disguised(make up) as a bartender.


(verb) make amends for Synonyms : aby , abye , atone Example Sentence expiate one's sins Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary Rhymes as Ex Pirate. An ex-pirate always tries to expiate his guilt.Ex pirate becomes pious.


(verb) make believe with the intent to deceive Synonyms : affect , feign , pretend , sham Example Sentence He feigned that he was ill He shammed a headache (verb) hide under a false appearance Synonyms : cloak , mask Example Sentence He masked his disappointment (verb) behave unnaturally or affectedly Synonyms : act , pretend Example Sentence She's just acting The word sounds like "resemble"...the person/ a thing of tat type can be in disguise...


(verb) make concrete and real (verb) represent in bodily form Synonyms : body forth , embody , substantiate Example Sentence He embodies all that is evil wrong with the system The painting substantiates the feelings of the artist (adj) possessing or existing in bodily form Synonyms : bodied , corporal , corporate , embodied Example Sentence what seemed corporal melted as breath into the wind an incarnate spirit `corporate' is an archaic term (adj) invested with a bodily form especially of a human body Example Sentence a monarch...regarded as a god incarnate Incarnate=In+Carna(l)te thus in carnal or in flesh as carnal=flesh.... so something in flesh or given bodily form, or personified


(verb) make dull or stupid or muddle with drunkenness or infatuation Synonyms : besot (verb) be a mystery or bewildering to Synonyms : amaze , baffle , beat , bewilder , dumbfound , flummox , get , gravel , mystify , nonplus , perplex , pose , puzzle , stick , vex Example Sentence This beats me! Got me--I don't know the answer! a vexing problem This question really stuck me (verb) make senseless or dizzy by or as if by a blow Synonyms : stun Example Sentence stun fish remember it like stupidify..


(verb) make easier Synonyms : alleviate , ease Example Sentence you could facilitate the process by sharing your knowledge (verb) be of use Synonyms : help Example Sentence This will help to prevent accidents (verb) increase the likelihood of (a response) Example Sentence The stimulus facilitates a delayed impulse when you provide FACILITIES(facilit+ ate).. it makes things less difficult.


(verb) make insensitive or callous; deaden feelings or morals Synonyms : cauterise , cauterize (adj) emotionally hardened Synonyms : indurate , pachydermatous Example Sentence a callous indifference to suffering cold-blooded and indurate to public opinion (adj) having calluses; having skin made tough and thick through wear Synonyms : calloused , thickened Example Sentence calloused skin with a workman's callous hands Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary callous sounds like khallas so jiski sub kuch khallas ho gayi hai..that person becomes hard, insensitive and unfeeling.


(verb) make into a whole or make part of a whole Synonyms : integrate Example Sentence She incorporated his suggestions into her proposal (verb) include or contain; have as a component Synonyms : comprise , contain Example Sentence A totally new idea is comprised in this paper The record contains many old songs from the 1930's (verb) form a corporation (verb) unite or merge with something already in existence Example Sentence incorporate this document with those pertaining to the same case (adj) formed or united into a whole Synonyms : incorporated , integrated , merged , unified IN CORPORATE life you have to integrate and to become united to have greater profits


(verb) make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret Synonyms : break , bring out , disclose , discover , expose , give away , let on , let out , reveal , unwrap Example Sentence The auction house would not disclose the price at which the van Gogh had sold The actress won't reveal how old she is bring out the truth he broke the news to her unwrap the evidence in the murder case Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary A girl asks u what is that bulge ( rhymes with vulge) in your pant ,then u reveal or show it


(verb) make less active or intense Synonyms : slack , slake (verb) become less in amount or intensity Synonyms : die away , let up , slack , slack off Example Sentence The storm abated The rain let up after a few hours rebate means discount... i.e reducing the price.. abate and rebate are rhyming words


(verb) make peace with Synonyms : appease Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary PROf+PITI- if you want professor's pity then you would have to appease him/her.


(verb) make plain and comprehensible Synonyms : explain Example Sentence He explained the laws of physics to his students (verb) elaborate, as of theories and hypotheses Synonyms : develop , formulate Example Sentence Could you develop the ideas in your thesis make explicit comments... means to elaborate..


(verb) make worse Synonyms : aggravate , exasperate , worsen Example Sentence This drug aggravates the pain (verb) exasperate or irritate Synonyms : aggravate , exasperate Latin ex+acerb+ate; Latin acerb- means bitter, harsh; So exacerbate means to make bittter, to worsen.


(verb) make worse or less effective Example Sentence His vision was impaired (verb) make imperfect Synonyms : deflower , mar , spoil , vitiate Example Sentence nothing marred her beauty Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary Opposite of Repair.Repair is to mend, Impair is to Injure..


(verb) mix together different elements Synonyms : blend , combine , commingle , conflate , flux , fuse , immix , meld , merge , mix Example Sentence The colors blend well (verb) fuse or cause to grow together Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary coal- combination of wood and charcoal.


(verb) move or draw apart Example Sentence The two paths diverge here (verb) have no limits as a mathematical series (verb) extend in a different direction Example Sentence The lines start to diverge here Their interests diverged (verb) be at variance with; be out of line with Synonyms : depart , deviate , vary The Driver DIVER(GE)TED into different directions


(verb) move outward Synonyms : fan out , spread , spread out Example Sentence The soldiers fanned out (verb) spread or diffuse through Synonyms : imbue , interpenetrate , penetrate , permeate , pervade , riddle Example Sentence An atmosphere of distrust has permeated this administration music penetrated the entire building His campaign was riddled with accusations and personal attacks (verb) cause to become widely known Synonyms : broadcast , circularise , circularize , circulate , disperse , disseminate , distribute , pass around , propagate , spread Example Sentence spread information circulate a rumor broadcast the news (adj) spread out; not concentrated in one place Example Sentence a large diffuse organization (adj) (of light) transmitted from a broad light source or reflected Synonyms : diffused , soft (adj) lacking conciseness Example Sentence a diffuse historical novel Wen there is a bomb in the building we SPREAD this news WIDELY and call the bomb (DIFFUSE)ing squad


(verb) organize into a code or system, such as a body of law Example Sentence Hammurabi codified the laws a program ll work only when the codes are arranged in correct order


(verb) overthrow by argument, evidence, or proof Synonyms : rebut Example Sentence The speaker refuted his opponent's arguments (verb) prove to be false or incorrect Synonyms : controvert , rebut refute rhymes with refuse, when you DISAPPROVE OF something, or if something is false or refute it or disapprove..


(verb) place side by side Example Sentence The fauvists juxtaposed strong colors Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary juxtapose..just place something just next to something.


(verb) praise, glorify, or honor Synonyms : exalt , extol , glorify , proclaim Example Sentence extol the virtues of one's children glorify one's spouse's cooking O, Lord! Let me laud You for all your help


(verb) preserve by removing all water and liquids from Synonyms : dehydrate Example Sentence carry dehydrated food on your camping trip (verb) remove water from Synonyms : dehydrate Example Sentence All this exercise and sweating has dehydrated me (verb) lose water or moisture Synonyms : dehydrate , dry up , exsiccate Example Sentence In the desert, you get dehydrated very quickly (adj) lacking vitality or spirit; lifeless Synonyms : arid , desiccated Example Sentence a technically perfect but arid performance of the sonata a desiccate romance a prissy and emotionless creature...settles into a mold of desiccated snobbery Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary desi cake is always dried up.


(verb) pronounce not guilty of criminal charges Synonyms : acquit , assoil , clear , discharge , exonerate Example Sentence The suspect was cleared of the murder charges Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary exculpate sounds like ex-culprit = culprit...but now he has been cleared of the charges.


(verb) prove to be of unsound mind or demonstrate someone's incompetence Example Sentence nobody is legally allowed to stultify himself (verb) cause to appear foolish Example Sentence He stultified himself by contradicting himself and being inconsistent (verb) deprive of strength or efficiency; make useless or worthless Synonyms : cripple Example Sentence This measure crippled our efforts Their behavior stultified the boss's hard work Stultify sounds like STUNT+IFY. When one guy who tries to be a stunt man and fails then he looks stupid.Stultify=stunt+failed.


(verb) provide physical relief, as from pain Synonyms : assuage , palliate , relieve Example Sentence This pill will relieve your headaches (verb) make easier Synonyms : ease , facilitate Example Sentence you could facilitate the process by sharing your knowledge ALL (all)+ EVI (evil)+ ATE (has been eaten up) so hence you are relieved of the pain and you feel relief


(verb) provide with choice or abundant food or drink Synonyms : treat Example Sentence Don't worry about the expensive wine--I'm treating She treated her houseguests with good food every night re+gale(remember chris gayle )if he comes to bat again he always provides entertainment to audience


(verb) refer to another person for decision or judgment Synonyms : pass on , submit Example Sentence She likes to relegate difficult questions to her colleagues (verb) assign to a lower position; reduce in rank Synonyms : break , bump , demote , kick downstairs Example Sentence She was demoted because she always speaks up He was broken down to Sergeant (verb) expel, as if by official decree Synonyms : banish , bar Example Sentence he was banished from his own country (verb) assign to a class or kind Synonyms : classify Example Sentence How should algae be classified? People argue about how to relegate certain mushrooms relegate..split it like rele(relatives+gate)your relatives are crying at THE GATE because you are not allowing them to enter your house, you have put them in a worse place i.e the GATE WHICH IS ALMOST LIKE A FOOTPATH.


(verb) regard with feelings of respect and reverence; consider hallowed or exalted or be in awe of Synonyms : fear , revere , reverence Example Sentence Fear God as your father We venerate genius ven(..when)U RATE someone higher.. you TREAT THEM WITH RESPECT .


(verb) remove impurities from, increase the concentration of, and separate through the process of distillation Synonyms : make pure , purify , sublimate Example Sentence purify the water (verb) undergo the process of distillation Synonyms : distil (verb) extract by the process of distillation Synonyms : distil , extract Example Sentence distill the essence of this compound (verb) undergo condensation; change from a gaseous to a liquid state and fall in drops Synonyms : condense , distil Example Sentence water condenses The acid distills at a specific temperature (verb) give off (a liquid) Synonyms : distil Example Sentence The doctor distilled a few drops of disinfectant onto the wound Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary distilled water...distilleries...


(verb) repeat an earlier theme of a composition Synonyms : recapitulate , repeat , reprize REPEAT PERFORMANCE because it has got RE-PRISE


(verb) report or maintain Synonyms : allege , say Example Sentence He alleged that he was the victim of a crime He said it was too late to intervene in the war The registrar says that I owe the school money (verb) to declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true Synonyms : affirm , assert , avow , swan , swear , verify Example Sentence Before God I swear I am innocent A VERy confident statement!


(verb) run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along Synonyms : absquatulate , bolt , decamp , go off , make off , run off Example Sentence The thief made off with our silver the accountant absconded with the cash from the safe Abscond ab + scond. Absent in a second. When you will absent in a second? =when u STEAL OFF & HIDE, or when u DEPART secretly.


(verb) show the form or outline of Synonyms : define Example Sentence The tree was clearly defined by the light The camera could define the smallest object (verb) determine the essential quality of Synonyms : define , delimit , delimitate , specify (verb) trace the shape of Synonyms : limn , outline (verb) make a mark or lines on a surface Synonyms : describe , draw , line , trace Example Sentence draw a line trace the outline of a figure in the sand (verb) describe in vivid detail (adj) represented accurately or precisely Synonyms : delineated , represented Delineate = (Diligently and neatly) portrayed painting.


(verb) speak unfavorably about Synonyms : badmouth , drag through the mud , traduce Example Sentence She badmouths her husband everywhere (adj) evil or harmful in nature or influence Example Sentence prompted by malign motives believed in witches and malign spirits gave him a malign look a malign lesion (adj) having or exerting a malignant influence Synonyms : evil , malefic , malevolent Example Sentence malevolent stars a malefic force Ma(bad) Lign(language) bad language


(verb) speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way Synonyms : articulate , enounce , pronounce , say , sound out Example Sentence She pronounces French words in a funny way I cannot say `zip wire' Can the child sound out this complicated word? (verb) express or state clearly Synonyms : articulate , vocalise , vocalize e+nun+ciate....sounds like A NUN CITEd....something she proclaimed about the church rules and regulations...and that is what the word means....citing means announcing something to be true..or proclaiming something.


(verb) specify as a condition or requirement in a contract or agreement; make an express demand or provision in an agreement Synonyms : condition , qualify , specify Example Sentence The will stipulates that she can live in the house for the rest of her life The contract stipulates the dates of the payments (verb) give a guarantee or promise of Example Sentence They stipulated to release all the prisoners (verb) make an oral contract or agreement in the verbal form of question and answer that is necessary to give it legal force staple+it-- Staple the documents, so that it GUARANTEES that they stay together permanently!


(verb) split or divide into two (verb) divide into two branches Example Sentence The road bifurcated (adj) resembling a fork; divided or separated into two branches Synonyms : biramous , branched , forficate , fork-like , forked , pronged , prongy Example Sentence the biramous appendages of an arthropod long branched hairs on its legson which pollen collects a forked river a forked tail forked lightning horseradish grown in poor soil may develop prongy roots after killing the cat (tiger) ,, the 2 hunters divided the fur into 2 equal parts


(verb) spur on or encourage especially by cheers and shouts Synonyms : barrack , cheer , inspire , pep up , root on , urge , urge on Example Sentence The crowd cheered the demonstrating strikers (verb) force or impel in an indicated direction Synonyms : press , urge , urge on Example Sentence I urged him to finish his studies Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary My friend EXHORTED us that we go for the EXORCIST movie and we EXCORIATED him for such an EXECRABLE idea.but then we EXCULPATED him.


(verb) stop the flow of a liquid Synonyms : halt , staunch , stem Example Sentence staunch the blood flow stem the tide stanch = ST(op)+AN(d)+CH(eck)


(verb) strive to equal or match, especially by imitating Example Sentence He is emulating the skating skills of his older sister (verb) imitate the function of (another system), as by modifying the hardware or the software (verb) compete with successfully; approach or reach equality with Example Sentence This artist's drawings cannot emulate his water colors Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary Grandma gave me an 'Amulet' so that one day I can 'Emulate' Zidane.


(verb) take away possessions from someone Synonyms : deprive , strip Example Sentence The Nazis stripped the Jews of all their assets (verb) deprive of status or authority Synonyms : disinvest Example Sentence he was divested of his rights and his title They disinvested themselves of their rights (verb) reduce or dispose of; cease to hold (an investment) Synonyms : disinvest Example Sentence The company decided to divest the board of trustees divested $20 million in real estate property There was pressure on the university to disinvest in South Africa (verb) remove (someone's or one's own) clothes Synonyms : disinvest , strip , undress Example Sentence The nurse quickly undressed the accident victim She divested herself of her outdoor clothes He disinvested himself of his garments opposite to invest; di + vest; vest means an inner garment; divest is to remove it.


(verb) take exception to Synonyms : challenge , dispute Example Sentence She challenged his claims she has (Gain)ed weight but is not (say)ing it which means, she is denying the fact.


(verb) take the place or move into the position of Synonyms : replace , supercede , supersede , supervene upon Example Sentence Smith replaced Miller as CEO after Miller left the computer has supplanted the slide rule Mary replaced Susan as the team's captain and the highest-ranked player in the school Sounds like: sub + plant....i.e substitute + plant... <br> it is taking the place of the other plant or superseding it. Root out one plant and grow another.


(verb) take the place or move into the position of Synonyms : replace , supercede , supervene upon , supplant Example Sentence Smith replaced Miller as CEO after Miller left the computer has supplanted the slide rule Mary replaced Susan as the team's captain and the highest-ranked player in the school when a SUPER new thing arrives, we REPLACE /SET ASIDE the old thing because it is OBSOLETE..


(verb) to bring or combine together or with something else Synonyms : commix , mingle , mix , unify Example Sentence resourcefully he mingled music and dance (adj) joined together into a whole Synonyms : amalgamated , coalesced , consolidated , fused Example Sentence United Industries the amalgamated colleges constituted a university a consolidated school suppose you are shy girl and you have a+ male+game+mate (amalgamate)what you should do ? of course combine or unite with your mate against other groups


(verb) to make better Synonyms : amend , better , improve , meliorate Example Sentence The editor improved the manuscript with his changes (verb) get better Synonyms : better , improve , meliorate Example Sentence The weather improved toward evening Ameli (Imli) improves the taste of food.


(verb) trace the shape of Synonyms : delineate , outline (verb) make a portrait of Synonyms : depict , portray Example Sentence Goya wanted to portray his mistress, the Duchess of Alba limn: Think of 'Film' i.e. Picture, Drawing.


(verb) treat or speak of with contempt Example Sentence He derided his student's attempt to solve the biggest problem in mathematics de -ride -- riding a horse upside down.. ppl will make fun of you ( ridicule)


(verb) treat with contemptuous disregard Synonyms : scoff Example Sentence flout the rules (verb) laugh at with contempt and derision Synonyms : barrack , gibe , jeer , scoff Example Sentence The crowd jeered at the speaker FLOUT... FOUL + OUT. When a player is sent out by foul, the player shows his contempt to the referee.


(verb) try to stir up public opinion Synonyms : agitate , stir up (verb) bathe with warm water or medicated lotions Example Sentence His legs should be fomented Foam starts to appear once you profusely foment (stir up) a soapy hot water bucket(2nd meaning ).


(verb) weaken mentally or morally (verb) disturb the composure of Synonyms : faze , unnerve , unsettle Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary ENERV(w)asTE whwn you waste you energy you become weak


(verb) weaken the consistency of (a chemical substance) Synonyms : rarefy (verb) become weaker, in strength, value, or magnitude (adj) reduced in strength Synonyms : attenuated , faded , weakened Example Sentence the faded tones of an old recording Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary If tenu(=you) eat(ate) less you will attenuate


(verb) wear off or die down Synonyms : lessen Example Sentence The pain subsided (verb) sink to a lower level or form a depression Example Sentence the valleys subside (verb) sink down or precipitate Synonyms : settle Example Sentence the mud subsides when the waters become calm (verb) descend into or as if into some soft substance or place Synonyms : sink Example Sentence He sank into bed She subsided into the chair imagine there is a violent mob.the police comes to make them settle down.there first dialogue to the mob will be SUB SIDE ho..


(noun) a barrier consisting of a horizontal bar and supports Synonyms : railing (noun) short for railway Example Sentence he traveled by rail he was concerned with rail safety (noun) a bar or pair of parallel bars of rolled steel making the railway along which railroad cars or other vehicles can roll Synonyms : rails , runway , track (noun) a horizontal bar (usually of wood or metal) (noun) any of numerous widely distributed small wading birds of the family Rallidae having short wings and very long toes for running on soft mud (verb) complain bitterly Synonyms : inveigh (verb) enclose with rails Synonyms : rail in Example Sentence rail in the old graves (verb) provide with rails Example Sentence The yard was railed (verb) separate with a railing Synonyms : rail off Example Sentence rail off the crowds from the Presidential palace (verb) convey (goods etc.) by rails Example Sentence fresh fruit are railed from Italy to Belgium (verb) travel by rail or train Synonyms : train Example Sentence They railed from Rome to Venice She trained to Hamburg (verb) lay with rails Example Sentence hundreds of miles were railed out here (verb) fish with a handline over the rails of a boat Example Sentence They are railing for fresh fish (verb) spread negative information about Synonyms : revile , vilify , vituperate Example Sentence The Nazi propaganda vilified the Jews (verb) criticize severely Synonyms : fulminate Example Sentence He fulminated against the Republicans' plan to cut Medicare She railed against the bad social policies rail sounds like rail or train so when you missed your rail, your father scolded you for not reaching on time....


(noun) a benefice to which no spiritual or pastoral duties are attached (noun) an office that involves minimal duties 7 crores ... baithe baithe hi 7 crores mil jate ...


(noun) a broken piece of a brittle artifact Synonyms : fragment , sherd s + is very HARD to join the broken FRAGMENTS OF POTTERY.


(noun) a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves) Synonyms : argot , cant , jargon , lingo , slang , vernacular Example Sentence they don't speak our lingo (noun) a regional dialect of a language (especially French); usually considered substandard (Sounds like potato) Some say patois, some say potato and some say aloo while all seem that round vegetable only difference of language.


(noun) a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves) Synonyms : cant , jargon , lingo , patois , slang , vernacular Example Sentence they don't speak our lingo argot - it is the j'ar'gon that we 'got' here that no other person understands


(noun) a classification of organisms into groups based on similarities of structure or origin etc (noun) (biology) study of the general principles of scientific classification (noun) practice of classifying plants and animals according to their presumed natural relationships ppl r classified to wich TAX slab they belong to....depending on their income...hence TAXONOMY means classification


(noun) a closed political meeting (verb) meet to select a candidate or promote a policy cau + cus sounds like can collector come to discuss..... lets get together in a group and discuss about who will be elected ...


(noun) a collection containing a variety of sorts of things Synonyms : assortment , miscellanea , miscellany , mixed bag , mixture , potpourri , salmagundi , smorgasbord , variety Example Sentence a great assortment of cars was on display he had a variety of disorders a veritable smorgasbord of religions (noun) a garment made of motley (especially a court jester's costume) (noun) a multicolored woolen fabric woven of mixed threads in 14th to 17th century England (verb) make something more diverse and varied Synonyms : variegate , vary Example Sentence Vary the menu (verb) make motley; color with different colors Synonyms : parti-color (adj) consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds Synonyms : assorted , miscellaneous , mixed , sundry Example Sentence an arrangement of assorted spring flowers assorted sizes miscellaneous accessories a mixed program of baroque and contemporary music a motley crew sundry sciences commonly known as social (adj) having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly Synonyms : calico , multi-color , multi-colored , multi-colour , multi-coloured , multicolor , multicolored , multicolour , multicoloured , painted , particolored , particoloured , piebald , pied , varicolored , varicoloured Example Sentence a jester dressed in motley the painted desert a particolored dress a piebald horse pied daisies If you and your friend goto shopping, he would suggest you in Hindi "Yeh Dress Math (MOT-Don't) LEY (take),Joker ki thara dhikegha". It didnt suit u as it was multi-coloured!


(noun) a collection containing a variety of sorts of things Synonyms : assortment , miscellanea , mixed bag , mixture , motley , potpourri , salmagundi , smorgasbord , variety Example Sentence a great assortment of cars was on display he had a variety of disorders a veritable smorgasbord of religions (noun) an anthology of short literary pieces and poems and ballads etc. Synonyms : florilegium , garland Miscellany is similar to Miscellaneous which consists of the stuff that cannot be categorized into any specific area, essentially because it contains a mixture of various stuff.


(noun) a collection of live animals for study or display (noun) the facility where wild animals are housed for exhibition Synonyms : zoo , zoological garden to MANAGE JERRY u keep then in zoo. simple!


(noun) a comedy characterized by broad satire and improbable situations Synonyms : farce , farce comedy (noun) a composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way Synonyms : burlesque , charade , lampoon , mockery , parody , pasquinade , put-on , sendup , spoof , takeoff (verb) make a travesty of If u think Bra(tra) as vest then it is a travesty.


(noun) a comic verse of irregular measure Synonyms : doggerel verse , jingle Example Sentence he had heard some silly doggerel that kept running through his mind look for the dog word here.....and now try to imagine about the song......WHO LET THE DOGS OUT.............ISN'T IT FUNNY.......SO SOMETHING COMICAL......THIS WORD IS ASSOCIATED WITH COMICAL...SO A COMIC ..SONG..COMIC VERSE...


(noun) a conflict of people's opinions or actions or characters Synonyms : disagreement , dissension (noun) the auditory experience of sound that lacks musical quality; sound that is a disagreeable auditory experience Synonyms : noise , racket Example Sentence modern music is just noise to me (noun) disagreeable sounds dis-sonance::DIS RESONANCE--not not in harmony


(noun) a confused multitude of things Synonyms : clutter , fuddle , jumble , mare's nest , muddle , smother (verb) toss, roll, or rise and fall in an uncontrolled way Example Sentence The shipwrecked survivors weltered in the sea for hours (verb) roll around, Synonyms : wallow Example Sentence pigs were wallowing in the mud (verb) be immersed in Example Sentence welter in work I would remember it as 'world tour'. so you are planning for a world tour, but 'confused' as where to start from, because there are quite a lot countries to be covered. Hence 'confused due to multiple things'.


(noun) a country person Synonyms : peasant , provincial (noun) a short poem descriptive of rural or pastoral life Synonyms : eclogue , idyl , idyll (adj) (used with regard to idealized country life) idyllically rustic Synonyms : arcadian , pastoral Example Sentence a country life of arcadian contentment a pleasant bucolic scene charming in its pastoral setting rustic tranquility (adj) relating to shepherds or herdsmen or devoted to raising sheep or cattle Synonyms : pastoral Example Sentence pastoral seminomadic people pastoral land a pastoral economy bucolic sounds a bit like bullock which is used in the "country side"...


(noun) a courteous expression (by word or deed) of esteem or regard Synonyms : respect Example Sentence his deference to her wishes was very flattering be sure to give my respects to the dean (noun) courteous regard for people's feelings Synonyms : respect , respectfulness Example Sentence in deference to your wishes out of respect for his privacy (noun) a disposition or tendency to yield to the will of others Synonyms : complaisance , compliance , compliancy , obligingness if there is no DIFFERENCE between you and him, then you will respect his wishes.


(noun) a date; usually with a member of the opposite sex Synonyms : rendezvous (noun) a secret rendezvous (especially between lovers) Synonyms : assignation TRY TO MEET SECRETLY the girl told her boyfriend. TRYST = try to meet secretly.


(noun) a deceptive maneuver (especially to avoid capture) Synonyms : artifice ruse: re+ use, in a shop the shopkeeper reused the old goods, which is deceptive


(noun) a decorative pin worn by women Synonyms : breastpin , brooch (verb) bring up a topic for discussion Synonyms : initiate When a Boy appROACH a girl for the first time,he needs to BROACH.


(noun) a deliberately misleading fabrication Remember Kannad movies...their fighting is so unreal..false... so remember canard as being a false portrayal.


(noun) a device (such as a rhyme or acronym) used to aid recall (adj) of or relating to or involved the practice of aiding the memory Synonyms : mnemotechnic , mnemotechnical Example Sentence mnemonic device How can you not know this ...


(noun) a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions Synonyms : disagreement , divergence , variance Example Sentence a growing divergence of opinion (noun) an event that departs from expectations Synonyms : variance , variant break into dis+creep+fancy= this is creep and this is fancy what an inconsistency with this item .i.e fancy and creep are different


(noun) a difficult problem Synonyms : brain-teaser , enigma , riddle drum ke andar kaun hai


(noun) a disease that is constantly present to a greater or lesser degree in people of a certain class or in people living in a particular location Synonyms : endemic disease (noun) a plant that is native to a certain limited area Example Sentence it is an endemic found only this island (adj) of or relating to a disease (or anything resembling a disease) constantly present to greater or lesser extent in a particular locality Synonyms : endemical Example Sentence diseases endemic to the tropics endemic malaria food shortages and starvation are endemic in certain parts of the world (adj) native to or confined to a certain region Example Sentence the islands have a number of interesting endemic species (adj) originating where it is found Synonyms : autochthonal , autochthonic , autochthonous , indigenous Example Sentence the autochthonal fauna of Australia includes the kangaroo autochthonous rocks and people and folktales endemic folkways the Ainu are indigenous to the northernmost islands of Japan simple think of epidemic as an epidemic desease that spreads a vast area and endemic disease as a disease that spreads only a confined area


(noun) a disparaging remark Synonyms : slur Example Sentence in the 19th century any reference to female sexuality was considered a vile aspersion it is difficult for a woman to understand a man's sensitivity to any slur on his virility (noun) an abusive attack on a person's character or good name Synonyms : calumny , defamation , denigration , slander (noun) the act of sprinkling water in baptism (rare) Synonyms : sprinkling Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary Sounds like ass-person, if you defame someone you make them look like an ass. <br><br> Another way to the say the same thing: <br> Make a person look like an ass by defaming them.


(noun) a disposition to be friendly and approachable (easy to talk to) Synonyms : affability , affableness , amiability , amiableness , bonhomie Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary geniality-genial+lite+y genial-means genelia who always takes thing lite and looks cheerful


(noun) a dissolute person; usually a man who is morally unrestrained Synonyms : debauchee , rounder (adj) unrestrained by convention or morality Synonyms : debauched , degenerate , degraded , dissipated , dissolute , fast , profligate , riotous Example Sentence Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society deplorably dissipated and degraded riotous living fast women Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary LIBERTINE=liberti+ne=LIBERTY IN Excess can make you irresponsible and immoral.


(noun) a drug that causes contraction of body tissues and canals Synonyms : astringent drug , styptic (adj) sour or bitter in taste Synonyms : acerb , acerbic (adj) tending to draw together or constrict soft organic tissue Example Sentence astringent cosmetic lotions aStringent- stringent means harsh , we can probly remember like this..


(noun) a drug that induces sleep Synonyms : hypnotic (adj) sleep inducing Synonyms : hypnagogic , hypnogogic , somniferous , somnific , soporiferous (adj) inducing mental lethargy Synonyms : narcotic , soporiferous Example Sentence a narcotic speech (in hindi) 100(soo) puri kha kar I felt soporific.


(noun) a false accusation of an offense or a malicious misrepresentation of someone's words or actions Synonyms : calumniation , defamation , hatchet job , obloquy , traducement (noun) an abusive attack on a person's character or good name Synonyms : aspersion , defamation , denigration , slander calumny, sounds like kalmuhi, which is a harsh remark given by a saas to her bahu. So its a kind of slander.


(noun) a farewell oration (especially one delivered during graduation exercises by an outstanding member of a graduating class) Synonyms : valediction , valedictory address , valedictory oration (adj) of or relating to an occasion or expression of farewell Example Sentence a valedictory address valedictory praise for his uniformly manly course a suitable valedictory gesture (adj) of a speech expressing leave-taking Example Sentence a valedictory address vale= be well (as in goodbye take care)+ dictory= words, so farewell speech


(noun) a feeling of alarm or dread Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary Intrepid is fearless, so Trepid is fearfull....:P


(noun) a feeling of deep regret (usually for some misdeed) Synonyms : remorse , self-reproach come + puncture..(punch). You will say "come and punch me" only if you are in deep regret of having done something wrong.


(noun) a feeling of evil to come Synonyms : boding , foreboding , presentiment Example Sentence a steadily escalating sense of foreboding the lawyer had a presentiment that the judge would dismiss the case (noun) an early warning about a future event Synonyms : forewarning Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary pre(before hand) + monition (remember adMONISH, which means to warn) warning which is before hand is premonition


(noun) a feeling of great (usually exaggerated) elation Synonyms : euphory relate it to an album released by the Euphoria which most of the songs give a message to live happily.


(noun) a feeling of intense dislike Synonyms : aversion , distaste (noun) the object of a feeling of intense aversion; something to be avoided Example Sentence cats were his greatest antipathy CAN REMEMBER IT AS OPPOSITE OF sympathy. RHYMING n OPPOSITE WORDS - antipathy n sympathy


(noun) a feeling of strong eagerness (usually in favor of a person or cause) Synonyms : ardour , elan , zeal Example Sentence they were imbued with a revolutionary ardor he felt a kind of religious zeal (noun) intense feeling of love Synonyms : ardour (noun) feelings of great warmth and intensity Synonyms : ardour , fervency , fervidness , fervor , fervour , fire Example Sentence he spoke with great ardor Our-"darr" is of falling in intense love!!


(noun) a fervent and even militant proponent of something Synonyms : drumbeater , zealot (noun) an ardent and enthusiastic supporter of some person or activity Synonyms : enthusiast , partizan (noun) a pike with a long tapering double-edged blade with lateral projections; 16th and 17th centuries Synonyms : partizan (adj) devoted to a cause or party Synonyms : partizan parti(think of a political party)+san(son) a father who is favouring his son's political party, instead of a good party.


(noun) a feud in which members of the opposing parties murder each other Synonyms : blood feud Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary Ven (when)- d (the)- etta (attack)....when they attack each other they are in vendetta.


(noun) a figure of speech that expresses a resemblance between things of different kinds (usually formed with `like' or `as') simile = similar


(noun) a final climactic stage Synonyms : culmination Example Sentence their achievements stand as a culmination of centuries of development (noun) apoapsis in Earth orbit; the point in its orbit where a satellite is at the greatest distance from the Earth Apogee = Up+ho+gee (ho ji -> like in hindi).. So what is up, is at the highest point


(noun) a flock of coots (noun) a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something Synonyms : concealment , cover , screen Example Sentence a screen of trees afforded privacy under cover of darkness the brush provided a covert for game the simplest concealment is to match perfectly the color of the background (adj) secret or hidden; not openly practiced or engaged in or shown or avowed Example Sentence covert actions by the CIA covert funding for the rebels (adj) (of a wife) being under the protection of her husband Example Sentence a woman covert Covert sounds like "covered [covert = cover + t or covered + t] and something which is covered can be considered a secret.


(noun) a follower of Machiavelli's principles (adj) of or relating to Machiavelli or the principles of conduct he recommended Example Sentence Machiavellian thinking sounds like mafia villain. A villain is always crafty and double dealing.


(noun) a foreboding about what is about to happen (noun) a sign of something about to happen Synonyms : omen , portent , prodigy , prognostic , prognostication Example Sentence he looked for an omen before going into battle (verb) indicate by signs Synonyms : augur , auspicate , betoken , bode , forecast , foreshadow , foretell , omen , portend , predict , prefigure , prognosticate Example Sentence These signs bode bad news pre+sage- a SAGE has the power to PRE-tell the future.


(noun) a formal exposition focus on TREATI..almost same as remember treaty between two nations, so it must be a formal written document


(noun) a formal expression by a meeting; agreed to by a vote Synonyms : declaration , resolve (noun) the ability of a microscope or telescope to measure the angular separation of images that are close together Synonyms : resolving power (noun) the trait of being resolute Synonyms : firmness , firmness of purpose , resoluteness , resolve Example Sentence his resoluteness carried him through the battle it was his unshakeable resolution to finish the work (noun) finding a solution to a problem Synonyms : solving (noun) something settled or resolved; the outcome of decision making Synonyms : closure , settlement Example Sentence they finally reached a settlement with the union they never did achieve a final resolution of their differences he needed to grieve before he could achieve a sense of closure (noun) analysis into clear-cut components Synonyms : resolving (noun) (computer science) the number of pixels per square inch on a computer-generated display; the greater the resolution, the better the picture (noun) the subsidence of swelling or other signs of inflammation (especially in a lung) (noun) (music) a dissonant chord is followed by a consonant chord (noun) a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem Synonyms : answer , result , solution , solvent Example Sentence they were trying to find a peaceful solution the answers were in the back of the book he computed the result to four decimal places (noun) a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner Example Sentence he always wrote down his New Year's resolutions resolution reminds me of revolution, so during American Revolution, America determined to win.


(noun) a formal expression of praise Synonyms : encomium , eulogy , paean , pean (adj) formally expressing praise Synonyms : encomiastic , eulogistic , panegyrical pane sounds like paean means praise and gyric sounds like lyric, so panegyric means expression of praise


(noun) a formal expression of praise Synonyms : encomium , eulogy , panegyric , pean (noun) (ancient Greece) a hymn of praise (especially one sung in ancient Greece to invoke or thank a deity) Synonyms : pean it is pronounced exactly as P.N. remember it by 'Priase Number'=praise song.


(noun) a formal expression of praise Synonyms : eulogy , paean , panegyric , pean Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary INCOME - People of high INCOME are formally praised for their large donations.


(noun) a formal expression of praise for someone who has died recently Synonyms : eulogium (noun) a formal expression of praise Synonyms : encomium , paean , panegyric , pean eulogy = eu-'good' + log 'root: logue [dialogue, talk, speech]' => Good speech


(noun) a formal reception of visitors or guests (as at a royal court) (noun) a pier that provides a landing place on a river (noun) an embankment that is built in order to prevent a river from overflowing levee..(sounds like level..) we LEVEL the land ,with LEVEE so that there is no seep of water(..flooding..)


(noun) a gathering of the minimal number of members of an organization to conduct business for status quo, u need a minimum number of people


(noun) a gauze fabric with an extremely fine texture (noun) filaments from a web that was spun by a spider Synonyms : cobweb (adj) characterized by unusual lightness and delicacy Synonyms : ethereal Example Sentence this smallest and most ethereal of birds gossamer shading through his playing (adj) so thin as to transmit light Synonyms : cobwebby , diaphanous , filmy , gauze-like , gauzy , see-through , sheer , transparent , vaporous , vapourous Example Sentence a hat with a diaphanous veil filmy wings of a moth gauzy clouds of dandelion down gossamer cobwebs sheer silk stockings transparent chiffon vaporous silks GO+SAMMER(summer) - we wear clothes of light fabric


(noun) a goat's horn filled with grain and flowers and fruit symbolizing prosperity Synonyms : horn of plenty (noun) the property of being extremely abundant Synonyms : profuseness , profusion , richness Example Sentence the profusion of detail the idiomatic richness of English corn + copia copia is similar to copius meaning plentiful, cornucopia thus means plenty of corn(grains/fruits).


(noun) a group of military officers who rule a country after seizing power Synonyms : military junta Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary junta ka raj- democracy .


(noun) a high bid that is intended to prevent the opposing players from bidding Synonyms : pre-empt , preemptive bid (verb) acquire for oneself before others can do so (verb) take the place of or have precedence over Synonyms : displace Example Sentence live broadcast of the presidential debate preempts the regular news hour discussion of the emergency situation will preempt the lecture by the professor (verb) gain possession of by prior right or opportunity, especially so as to obtain the right to buy (land) (verb) make a preemptive bid in the game of bridge PRE+EMPTY = force to empty a place in order to occupy a prior right to buy.


(noun) a laborer who moves from place to place as demanded by employment Synonyms : gipsy , gypsy Example Sentence itinerant traders (adj) traveling from place to place to work Example Sentence itinerant labor an itinerant judge sounds like itenary( plan of a trip).. so a traveller..keeps on wandering\ travelling... hope its hlpful


(noun) a large formal assembly Example Sentence political convention (noun) something regarded as a normative example Synonyms : formula , normal , pattern , rule Example Sentence the convention of not naming the main character violence is the rule not the exception his formula for impressing visitors (noun) (diplomacy) an international agreement (noun) orthodoxy as a consequence of being conventional Synonyms : conventionalism , conventionality (noun) the act of convening Synonyms : convening A group of people who agree upon the Christian practice of tranditional worship CONVENE (gather together) every Sunday in church. They are adhering to a CONVENTION.


(noun) a legal proceeding in a court; a judicial contest to determine and enforce legal rights Synonyms : judicial proceeding Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary lawsuit; N. litigant: one party in a lawsuit; V. litigate (litter at gate...DUDE wtf m suing you ass hole)


(noun) a legal right guaranteed by the 15th amendment to the US Constitution; guaranteed to women by the 19th amendment Synonyms : right to vote , vote Example Sentence American women got the vote in 1920 SUFFRAGE after u reach super age (18) you get voting right


(noun) a legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or judge) Synonyms : decree , edict , order , rescript Example Sentence a friend in New Mexico said that the order caused no trouble out there Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary "fiat" is such a good car that it has a "command" on the other cars :)


(noun) a legislator who gives long speeches in an effort to delay or obstruct legislation that he (or she) opposes Synonyms : filibusterer (noun) (law) a tactic for delaying or obstructing legislation by making long speeches (verb) obstruct deliberately by delaying something that is filled to burst the final outcome (which delays the outcome)


(noun) a liquid substance capable of dissolving other substances Synonyms : dissolvent , dissolver , dissolving agent , resolvent Example Sentence the solvent does not change its state in forming a solution (noun) a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem Synonyms : answer , resolution , result , solution Example Sentence they were trying to find a peaceful solution the answers were in the back of the book he computed the result to four decimal places (adj) capable of meeting financial obligations 3 solvent, 1 sounds like solve (able to solve debts, pay bills). 2 sounds like dissolve (able to dissolve other substances). 3 sounds like solve(an answer solving or telling how to solve).


(noun) a long narrow depression in a surface Synonyms : chap , crack , cranny , crevice (noun) a long narrow opening Synonyms : cleft , crack , crevice , scissure (noun) (anatomy) a long narrow slit or groove that divides an organ into lobes (verb) break into fissures or fine cracks Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary fissure - fission, means split the nuclei- so a crack


(noun) a long wandering and eventful journey (noun) a Greek epic poem (attributed to Homer) describing the journey of Odysseus after the fall of Troy have decided to travel all seas with odd plannig...hence odyssey is a long journey


(noun) a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion Synonyms : rant , ranting (verb) deliver a harangue to; address forcefully HARANGUE can be split as har + ang + u + when YOU are ANGry with HAR(her), she is subjected to a long or intensive verbal attack.


(noun) a loud harsh or strident noise Synonyms : blare , blaring , cacophony , din (noun) loud and persistent outcry from many people Synonyms : clamoring , clamour , clamouring , hue and cry Example Sentence he ignored the clamor of the crowd (verb) make loud demands Synonyms : clamour Example Sentence he clamored for justice and tolerance (verb) utter or proclaim insistently and noisily Synonyms : clamour Example Sentence The delegates clamored their disappointment (verb) compel someone to do something by insistent clamoring Example Sentence They clamored the mayor into building a new park CLAMOR rhymes wit glamourous....whenever de crowd sees a glamour girl they become NOISY


(noun) a lyric poet (noun) an ornamental caparison for a horse (verb) put a caparison on Synonyms : barde , caparison , dress up Example Sentence caparison the horses for the festive occasion bard sounds like beard!! so poets will b havin beard usually!!


(noun) a male member of a religious order that originally relied solely on alms Synonyms : friar (noun) a pauper who lives by begging Synonyms : beggar (adj) practicing beggary Example Sentence mendicant friars Mandi me chant karta hua bhikhari


(noun) a man-made object taken as a whole Synonyms : artefact art +factory--man made factory of art


(noun) a massive inexorable force that seems to crush everything in its way Synonyms : steamroller (noun) an avatar of Vishnu Synonyms : jagannath , jagannatha , jagganath (noun) a crude idol of Krishna At the festival, the crowd at Jagannath temple in India is juggernaut. Actually this word came into use from the British rule. On the day of festival a british officer saw the crowd and mispronounced Jagannath as juggernaut.


(noun) a medicine used to relieve pain Synonyms : analgesic , pain pill , painkiller (adj) capable of relieving pain Synonyms : analgesic , analgetic Example Sentence the anodyne properties of certain drugs an analgesic effect Ann will not die from pain if she gets some aspirin.


(noun) a medicine used to relieve pain Synonyms : anodyne , pain pill , painkiller (adj) capable of relieving pain Synonyms : analgetic , anodyne Example Sentence the anodyne properties of certain drugs an analgesic effect Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary anal(anus) + ges(gas).. when gas is released from anal we feel it is something which gives relief..


(noun) a member of an ancient Jewish sect in Judea in the first century who fought to the death against the Romans and who killed or persecuted Jews who collaborated with the Romans (noun) a fervent and even militant proponent of something Synonyms : drumbeater , partisan zealot -- zeal + lot one who shows a lot of zeal....


(noun) a mentor in spiritual and philosophical topics who is renowned for profound wisdom (noun) aromatic fresh or dried grey-green leaves used widely as seasoning for meats and fowl and game etc (noun) any of various plants of the genus Salvia; a cosmopolitan herb Synonyms : salvia (adj) having wisdom that comes with age and experience (adj) of the grey-green color of sage leaves Synonyms : sage-green If one knows meaning of saga,dat is any legend, one can easily remember sage.a saga will b a wise person,sensible.


(noun) a message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence Synonyms : conjecture , guess , hypothesis , speculation , surmisal , surmise (noun) a hypothesis that is taken for granted Synonyms : assumption , supposal Example Sentence any society is built upon certain assumptions (noun) the cognitive process of supposing Synonyms : supposal akin to "suppose".


(noun) a message that departs from the main subject Synonyms : aside , divagation , excursus , parenthesis (noun) a turning aside (of your course or attention or concern) Synonyms : deflection , deflexion , deviation , divagation , diversion Example Sentence a diversion from the main highway a digression into irrelevant details a deflection from his goal (noun) wandering from the main path of a journey Synonyms : excursion because of depression ...we move or wander away from the path or subject of remorse.


(noun) a mild rebuke or criticism Example Sentence words of reproach (noun) disgrace or shame Example Sentence he brought reproach upon his family (verb) express criticism towards Synonyms : upbraid Example Sentence The president reproached the general for his irresponsible behavior Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary divide it as re(again..)+proach(..approach).. you ask someone to APPROACH AGAIN & AGAIN since you DISAPPROVE OF HIS WORK..(eg during submissions)


(noun) a miniature model of something micro = small + cosmos = universe


(noun) a misanthrope who dislikes women in particular Synonyms : woman hater mis=to hate, and gyne=female as in gyneocologist


(noun) a mixture containing two or more metallic elements or metallic and nonmetallic elements usually fused together or dissolving into each other when molten Synonyms : metal Example Sentence brass is an alloy of zinc and copper (noun) the state of impairing the quality or reducing the value of something Synonyms : admixture (verb) lower in value by increasing the base-metal content Synonyms : debase (verb) make an alloy of sounds like ALLOW, two metals are allowed to combine together


(noun) a mixture of nectar and pollen prepared by worker bees and fed to larvae Synonyms : beebread (noun) any of numerous chiefly North American weedy plants constituting the genus Ambrosia that produce highly allergenic pollen responsible for much hay fever and asthma Synonyms : bitterweed , ragweed (noun) fruit dessert made of oranges and bananas with shredded coconut (noun) (classical mythology) the food and drink of the gods; mortals who ate it became immortal Synonyms : nectar Aam Ka rasia (Mango Juice) the food of the God.


(noun) a mournful poem; a lament for the dead Synonyms : lament E(a)-LEGY(legendry) if a legendry person dies......people sing a mournful poem or people lament or regret for his death.....


(noun) a mural done with watercolors on wet plaster (noun) a durable method of painting on a wall by using watercolors on wet plaster (verb) paint onto wet plaster on a wall Fresco = Fresh + Coat. A fresh coat of paint.


(noun) a newly invented word or phrase Synonyms : coinage , neology (noun) the act of inventing a word or phrase Synonyms : coinage , neology 'neo' means 'new' and 'logos' means 'word'; so 'neologism' means inventing new word.


(noun) a paste-up made by sticking together pieces of paper or photographs to form an artistic image Synonyms : montage Example Sentence he used his computer to make a collage of pictures superimposed on a map (noun) any collection of diverse things Example Sentence a collage of memories collage -- college, it is a place where different mentalities/cultures of different individuals mix together...


(noun) a person skilled in telling anecdotes Synonyms : anecdotist "reckon" means think. raconteur is one who thinks (writer/storyteller).


(noun) a person who dissents from some established policy Synonyms : contestant , dissenter , objector , protester (adj) characterized by departure from accepted beliefs or standards Synonyms : heretical , heterodox (adj) disagreeing, especially with a majority Synonyms : dissentient , dissenting ASSENT = agree; DISSENT = disagree; DISSIDENT = a person who dissents/disagrees.


(noun) a person who habitually pretends to be something he is not Synonyms : poser pose+ur -> pose ur stuff to impress others :)


(noun) a person who inhabits a particular place Synonyms : dweller , habitant , indweller , inhabitant (noun) a plant or animal naturalized in a region Example Sentence denizens of field and forest denizens of the deep this word rhymes with the word citizen (which can be related to the above meaning)


(noun) a person who is tricked or swindled Synonyms : victim (verb) fool or hoax Synonyms : befool , cod , fool , gull , put on , put one across , put one over , slang , take in Example Sentence The immigrant was duped because he trusted everyone You can't fool me! duplicates(in movies) are used to fool people....


(noun) a person who is voluntarily absent from home or country Synonyms : exile , expat Example Sentence American expatriates (verb) expel from a country Synonyms : deport , exile Example Sentence The poet was exiled because he signed a letter protesting the government's actions (verb) move away from one's native country and adopt a new residence abroad read EXPATRIATE as EX-PATRIOT, now no more a patriot, as the person withdrew from his native land and settled somewhere else.


(noun) a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage Synonyms : ass-kisser , crawler , lackey , sycophant (verb) try to gain favor by cringing or flattering Synonyms : bootlick , fawn , kotow , kowtow , suck up , truckle Example Sentence He is always kowtowing to his boss Sir, "TODAY"(toady) you look very ...... (this an act of pleasing someone in order to gain a personal advantage.)


(noun) a person without moral scruples Synonyms : miscreant (verb) reject (documents) as invalid (verb) abandon to eternal damnation Example Sentence God reprobated the unrepenting sinner (verb) express strong disapproval of Synonyms : condemn , decry , excoriate , objurgate Example Sentence We condemn the racism in South Africa These ideas were reprobated (adj) deviating from what is considered moral or right or proper or good Synonyms : depraved , perverse , perverted Example Sentence depraved criminals a perverted sense of loyalty the reprobate conduct of a gambling aristocrat reprobate: rep(repeatedly)+rob+ate.. a person who again and again robs other peoples food and eats it up has no moral values.


(noun) a person without moral scruples Synonyms : reprobate god created them by mistake. Who? The VILLAINS


(noun) a petty disparagement Synonyms : petty criticism (noun) the act of discrediting or detracting from someone's reputation (especially by slander) Example Sentence let it be no detraction from his merits to say he is plainspoken consider it as an opposite of attraction. The one who doesn't attract, we slander that.


(noun) a pillow that is often put across a bed underneath the regular pillows Synonyms : long pillow (verb) support and strengthen Synonyms : bolster up Example Sentence bolster morale (verb) prop up with a pillow or bolster (verb) add padding to Synonyms : pad Example Sentence pad the seat of the chair RELATE TO BOLT>> USED TO SUPPORT OR REINFORCE


(noun) a plant that is found in an area where it had not been recorded previously (noun) any new participant in some activity Synonyms : entrant , fledgeling , fledgling , freshman , newbie , newcomer , starter (noun) a new convert being taught the principles of Christianity by a catechist Synonyms : catechumen split the word into "neo = the matrix hero" and "phyte = fight". Thus neo fights in matrix movie as a beginner or new commer to save the revolution.


(noun) a pointed instrument that is used to prod into a state of motion Synonyms : prod (noun) a verbalization that encourages you to attempt something Synonyms : goading , prod , prodding , spur , spurring , urging Example Sentence the ceaseless prodding got on his nerves (verb) give heart or courage to Synonyms : spur (verb) urge with or as if with a goad (verb) stab or urge on as if with a pointed stick Synonyms : prick (verb) goad or provoke,as by constant criticism Synonyms : needle Example Sentence He needled her with his sarcastic remarks goad tells you to "GO And Do [it]"


(noun) a political system governed by a few people Example Sentence one of his cardinal convictions was that Britain was not run as a democracy but as an oligarchy the big cities were notoriously in the hands of the oligarchy of local businessmen Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary oligo basically means a few people.. as used in oligopoly..


(noun) a political system governed by the wealthy people pLUTOcracy...society jo LOOT leti hai or sounds like AUTOCRACY


(noun) a political unit governed by a deity (or by officials thought to be divinely guided) (noun) the belief in government by divine guidance theo(means god)+cracy..(goverment...)..goverment by god.....or religious people....


(noun) a powerful circular current of water (usually the result of conflicting tides) Synonyms : vortex , whirlpool mal(= bad) strom (storm) bad storm like a whirpool


(noun) a precipitated solid substance in suspension or after settling or filtering (verb) bring about abruptly Example Sentence The crisis precipitated by Russia's revolution (verb) separate as a fine suspension of solid particles (verb) fall from clouds Synonyms : come down , fall Example Sentence rain, snow and sleet were falling Vesuvius precipitated its fiery, destructive rage on Herculaneum (verb) fall vertically, sharply, or headlong Example Sentence Our economy precipitated into complete ruin (verb) hurl or throw violently Example Sentence The bridge broke and precipitated the train into the river below (adj) done with very great haste and without due deliberation Synonyms : hasty , overhasty , precipitant , precipitous Example Sentence hasty marriage seldom proveth well hasty makeshifts take the place of planning rejected what was regarded as an overhasty plan for reconversion wondered whether they had been rather precipitate in deposing the king Precipitate -> Pre + anticipate. That means you dont think/anticipate before you do something. You do it in RASH or HASTE.


(noun) a preliminary introduction to a statute or constitution (usually explaining its purpose) (verb) make a preliminary introduction, usually to a formal document PRE(before) + AM (i) + BOL(tell): in a meeting political leaders will say: what I want to say before I start my lecture is bla bla bla. All this will take 1 hour. :) . This is what preamble is.


(noun) a pressing or urgent situation Example Sentence the health-care exigency (noun) a sudden unforeseen crisis (usually involving danger) that requires immediate action Synonyms : emergency , pinch Example Sentence he never knew what to do in an emergency exigency ~ exit + emergency; you remember the emergency exit, only when at the time of an urgent situation.


(noun) a proud stiff pompous gait Synonyms : prance , swagger (noun) brace consisting of a bar or rod used to resist longitudinal compression (verb) to walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others Synonyms : cock , prance , ruffle , sashay , swagger , tittup Example Sentence He struts around like a rooster in a hen house Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary rhymes with SLUT - imagine the way she walks...pompous, with head erect and chest thrown out.


(noun) a psychological state characterized by delusions of grandeur mega means big .. mania means craze.. for doing things... therefore MEGALOMANIA means a CRAZE for doing things in a BIG way with a show of wealth and power etc.


(noun) a publication containing a variety of works Synonyms : collection (noun) a concise but comprehensive summary of a larger work CUM(hindi for less) PEN use karke u can just write summary of topic.


(noun) a quick reply to a question or remark (especially a witty or critical one) Synonyms : comeback , counter , rejoinder , replication , retort , return Example Sentence it brought a sharp rejoinder from the teacher (noun) (fencing) a counterattack made immediately after successfully parrying the opponents lunge (verb) make a return thrust Example Sentence his opponent riposted (verb) answer back Synonyms : come back , rejoin , repay , retort , return Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary RIPOSTE = REPLY + POST. When someone POSTS a message on your facebook wall, you REPLY with a RIPOSTE.


(noun) a radical supporter of political or social revolution Synonyms : revolutionary , revolutionist , subverter (adj) in opposition to a civil authority or government Synonyms : insurgent , seditious subversive--->reversive--->go against established rule.Revert (to cause downfall) from inside.


(noun) a reappearance of an earlier characteristic Synonyms : reversion , throwback Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary by ATAVISM you should remember AVATAR, i.e. you are an avatar(incarnation) of one of your ancestors...


(noun) a recklessly extravagant consumer Synonyms : profligate , squanderer (adj) recklessly wasteful Synonyms : extravagant , profligate , spendthrift Example Sentence prodigal in their expenditures prod(rodies) +gals(girls)=extravagance. If you are with girls of rodies then you have to be extravagant..


(noun) a reeling sensation; a feeling that you are about to fall Synonyms : dizziness , giddiness , lightheadedness sounds like WHERE-2-GO.. so when you dont know where to go, u feel a SEVERE DIZZINESS out of confusion


(noun) a religious doctrine that is proclaimed as true without proof Synonyms : dogma TENET rhymes with the tenants were given a set of DOCTRINE by the owner before they could occupy the house


(noun) a rule or especially body of rules or principles generally established as valid and fundamental in a field or art or philosophy Example Sentence the neoclassical canon canons of polite society (noun) a priest who is a member of a cathedral chapter (noun) a ravine formed by a river in an area with little rainfall Synonyms : canyon (noun) a contrapuntal piece of music in which a melody in one part is imitated exactly in other parts (noun) a complete list of saints that have been recognized by the Roman Catholic Church (noun) a collection of books accepted as holy scripture especially the books of the Bible recognized by any Christian church as genuine and inspired sounds like canun -> kanun -> set of laws; so canon is the set of books containing kanun


(noun) a salt or ester of fulminic acid (verb) criticize severely Synonyms : rail Example Sentence He fulminated against the Republicans' plan to cut Medicare She railed against the bad social policies (verb) come on suddenly and intensely Example Sentence the disease fulminated (verb) cause to explode violently and with loud noise fulminate sounds like full + illuminate During an explosion or lightning, everything is illuminated completely.


(noun) a seductive woman who uses her sex appeal to exploit men Synonyms : flirt , minx , prickteaser , tease , vamp , vamper (verb) talk or behave amorously, without serious intentions Synonyms : butterfly , chat up , coquet , dally , flirt , mash , philander , romance Example Sentence The guys always try to chat up the new secretaries My husband never flirts with other women Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary woman says to man "COCK EAT"... just decipher...


(noun) a segment of the trunk of a tree when stripped of branches (noun) the exponent required to produce a given number Synonyms : logarithm (noun) a written record of messages sent or received Example Sentence they kept a log of all transmission by the radio station an email log (noun) a written record of events on a voyage (of a ship or plane) (noun) measuring instrument that consists of a float that trails from a ship by a knotted line in order to measure the ship's speed through the water (verb) enter into a log, as on ships and planes (verb) cut lumber, as in woods and forests Synonyms : lumber every mobile has a LOG FILE, in which all your call RECORDS are stored...


(noun) a sermon on a moral or religious topic Synonyms : preachment HOME+SILLY....when we do SILLY things at HOME ,our parents get angry and give preaches


(noun) a servant employed to do a variety of jobs focus on totum : total meaning all


(noun) a severe scolding Synonyms : bawling out , chewing out , dressing down , earful , going-over , upbraiding (noun) verbal punishment Synonyms : chastisement In olden days lower CAST people were severely criticized...


(noun) a shackle for the ankles or feet Synonyms : hobble (verb) restrain with fetters Synonyms : shackle when divided fett+er....fett sounds like FEET....SO your feets are tied with something like a chain .....and thus you restrained to go somewhere ....but basically (this word is derived from Middle English word feter, from Old English; akin to Old Eng


(noun) a shelter from danger or hardship Synonyms : refuge , sanctuary (noun) a hospital for mentally incompetent or unbalanced person Synonyms : insane asylum , institution , mental home , mental hospital , mental institution , psychiatric hospital asylum sounds like slum...people living in slums need place for shelter,refuge, or protection during rainy season from rain.


(noun) a short pithy instructive saying Synonyms : aphorism , apophthegm APOlogize THE GM(general manager) because he only says things short-has no time to explain things fully


(noun) a simplified cursive form of the ancient hieratic script Synonyms : demotic script Example Sentence Demotic script was eventually replaced by Greek (noun) the modern Greek vernacular Synonyms : romaic (adj) of or written in or belonging to the form of modern Greek based on colloquial use (adj) of or for the common people Example Sentence demotic entertainments demotic speech a poet with a keen ear for demotic rhythms demo means relating to people like in a democracy.


(noun) a small or minor detail Example Sentence he had memorized the many minutiae of the legal code it will only take a MINUTe to fix the minutia


(noun) a small or moderate or token amount Example Sentence England still expects a modicum of eccentricity in its artists MODICUM=MODERATE+INCOME


(noun) a soft wet area of low-lying land that sinks underfoot Synonyms : mire , morass , quag , slack Take into consideration the First three words QUAgmire. The words resemble earth QUAKE. So earth quake is an awkward predicament, where soil sinks under your feet.


(noun) a song or hymn of mourning composed or performed as a memorial to a dead person Synonyms : coronach , lament , requiem , threnody Dirge - di means die, so when you die and have done good things for people in life, a song of grief or lament will be sung for you.


(noun) a speech of violent denunciation Synonyms : broadside , philippic sounds like tired.. your mom gets tired after a TIRADE..i.e. LONG ANGRY DENUNCIATORY SPEECH..


(noun) a spirit that lives in or frequents the woods Synonyms : silvan (adj) relating to or characteristic of wooded regions Synonyms : silvan Example Sentence a shady sylvan glade van---> jungle n jungle is full of woods.....


(noun) a state of comatose torpor (as found in sleeping sickness) Synonyms : lethargy , sluggishness (noun) a feeling of lack of interest or energy Synonyms : languor , listlessness (noun) weakness characterized by a lack of vitality or energy Synonyms : inanition , lethargy , slackness After a heavy lunch, if you drink a glass of LASSI, you will go into a lassitude i.e. weariness, lethargy and ultimately go to sleep.


(noun) a state of extreme poverty or destitution Synonyms : indigence , need , pauperism , pauperization Example Sentence their indigence appalled him a general state of need exists among the homeless pen+ru(pee) rupee to buy a pen


(noun) a state of extreme poverty or destitution Synonyms : need , pauperism , pauperization , penury Example Sentence their indigence appalled him a general state of need exists among the homeless Indica + Zen (Cars)&#8230;Cars owned by poor people. Antonym:"Opulence" which means "Rich" Mnemonic :Opel Astra(Its a car owned by very rich people)


(noun) a state of inactivity or disuse desuetude --- de sue can be remembered as Disuse.


(noun) a state of lawlessness and disorder (usually resulting from a failure of government) Synonyms : lawlessness Anarchy-Sounds like 'monarchy' (like tibet was ruled by monarchy), absenceof government


(noun) a state of motor and mental inactivity with a partial suspension of sensibility Synonyms : torpidity Example Sentence he fell into a deep torpor (noun) inactivity resulting from lethargy and lack of vigor or energy Synonyms : listlessness , torpidity , torpidness Well its quite opposite to what is a topper who is naturally diligent


(noun) a statistic characterizing human populations (or segments of human populations broken down by age or sex or income etc.) (adj) of or relating to demography Example Sentence demographic surveys Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary Demos-People; Gk-graphikos- writing, drawing.


(noun) a strong liking Synonyms : predilection , preference , taste Example Sentence my own preference is for good literature the Irish have a penchant for blarney p+enchant- something that enchants you, you have a strong liking for that.


(noun) a stubborn person of arbitrary or arrogant opinions Synonyms : dogmatist (adj) stubbornly insistent on theory without regard for practicality or suitability Some Doctors are arrogant on their opinions when a junior suggest them.


(noun) a substance from which another substance is formed (especially by a metabolic reaction) (noun) a person who goes before or announces the coming of another Synonyms : forerunner (noun) something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone Synonyms : forerunner , harbinger , herald , predecessor "precursor" = pre(before) + cursor(that points out) == something that points out in advance == forerunner :)


(noun) a sudden violent change in the earth's surface Synonyms : catastrophe (noun) an event resulting in great loss and misfortune Synonyms : calamity , catastrophe , disaster , tragedy Example Sentence the whole city was affected by the irremediable calamity the earthquake was a disaster it is a CATASTROPHE in the earth's surface.


(noun) a support usually of stone or brick; supports the wall of a building Synonyms : buttressing (verb) reinforce with a buttress Example Sentence Buttress the church (verb) make stronger or defensible Example Sentence buttress your thesis remember by your BUTT or BUTTOCKS ! what do they do? They provide you with a padding when ypu sit, giving support.. :)


(noun) a sweet flavored liquid (usually containing a small amount of alcohol) used in compounding medicines to be taken by mouth in order to mask an unpleasant taste (noun) hypothetical substance that the alchemists believed to be capable of changing base metals into gold Synonyms : philosopher's stone , philosophers' stone (noun) a substance believed to cure all ills Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary lix-resembles licks(tongue lick)..licking in animals cure them from all minor wounds naturally


(noun) a theatrical performer Synonyms : actor , histrion , player , role player (adj) of or relating to drama Example Sentence the movie director had thespian cooperation pronouncing thespian gives u a feeling of the (e)spn which is a sports never shows drama so thespian is opposite of espn which shows drama


(noun) a trinket or piece of jewelry usually hung about the neck and thought to be a magical protection against evil or disease Synonyms : amulet Talisman sounds like Tilism(hindi word), which also refers to a magical charm (most probably a locket or an amulet) that helps protect its bearer.


(noun) a trinket or piece of jewelry usually hung about the neck and thought to be a magical protection against evil or disease Synonyms : talisman amul-et amulya(hindi)--amulet which is wor in the neck is precious


(noun) a trite or obvious remark Synonyms : banality , bromide , cliche , commonplace flat + attitude: something flat does not attract us as it is very common. So you will obviously give trite remarks.


(noun) a twisting force Synonyms : torsion TORQUE and ROCK (as of in dance) are rhyming words. They both refer to a production of an oscillatory movement.


(noun) a unit of angular distance equal to 60 degrees (noun) a measuring instrument for measuring the angular distance between celestial objects; resembles an octant For proper sex, you have to be in proper longitude and latitude to each other..(Sorry for scurrilous mnemonic)


(noun) a very small person (resembling a Lilliputian) (noun) a 6-inch tall inhabitant of Lilliput in a novel by Jonathan Swift (adj) tiny; relating to or characteristic of the imaginary country of Lilliput Example Sentence the Lilliputian population (adj) very small Synonyms : bantam , diminutive , flyspeck , midget , petite , tiny Example Sentence diminutive in stature a lilliputian chest of drawers her petite figure tiny feet the flyspeck nation of Bahrain moved toward democracy (adj) (informal) small and of little importance Synonyms : fiddling , footling , little , niggling , petty , picayune , piddling , piffling , trivial Example Sentence a fiddling sum of money a footling gesture our worries are lilliputian compared with those of countries that are at war a little (or small) matter a dispute over niggling details limited to petty enterprises piffling efforts giving a police officer a free meal may be against the law, but it seems to be a picayune infraction lilliputian is a also a brand of clothes for small childrens.


(noun) a volatile substance; a substance that changes readily from solid or liquid to a vapor Example Sentence it was heated to evaporate the volatiles (adj) evaporating readily at normal temperatures and pressures Example Sentence volatile oils volatile solvents (adj) liable to lead to sudden change or violence Synonyms : explosive Example Sentence an explosive issue a volatile situation with troops and rioters eager for a confrontation (adj) marked by erratic changeableness in affections or attachments Synonyms : fickle Example Sentence fickle friends a flirt's volatile affections (adj) tending to vary often or widely Example Sentence volatile stocks volatile emotions volatile memory is a computer memory which gets erased when power is turned off, i.e., changed suddenly like RAM, so VOLATILE means Lliable tochange


(noun) a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity Synonyms : bacchanal , bacchanalia , debauch , drunken revelry , orgy , riot , saturnalia remember butcher,a person who kill animals for food.Hence after killin,there is a wild party


(noun) a word or phrase used to complete a grammatical construction (noun) a complete number or quantity Example Sentence a full complement (noun) number needed to make up a whole force Synonyms : full complement Example Sentence a full complement of workers (noun) something added to complete or embellish or make perfect Synonyms : accompaniment Example Sentence a fine wine is a perfect complement to the dinner wild rice was served as an accompaniment to the main dish (noun) one of a series of enzymes in the blood serum that are part of the immune response (noun) either of two parts that mutually complete each other (verb) make complete or perfect; supply what is wanting or form the complement to Example Sentence I need some pepper to complement the sweet touch in the soup It sounds like Complete it men


(noun) a writ issued by court authority to compel the attendance of a witness at a judicial proceeding; disobedience may be punishable as a contempt of court Synonyms : subpoena ad testificandum (verb) serve or summon with a subpoena Example Sentence The witness and her records were subpoenaed Its pretty simple... read it as COURT MEIN "SABOOT POST KARNA"!!!


(noun) a zoologist who studies birds Synonyms : bird watcher orni+logist... so orni sounds like morni(peacock in english) n thologist who studies, therefore person who studies birds


(noun) abnormal narrowing of a bodily canal or passageway Synonyms : stenosis (noun) severe criticism STRICTURE rhymes with strict a sir who is always strict CRITICEZES SEVERELY. And also constricts (limits)


(noun) abusive or venomous language used to express blame or censure or bitter deep-seated ill will Synonyms : vitriol , vituperation ENVY + ACTIVE or Active jealousy can cause you to ABUSE the other person.


(noun) accuracy with which an electronic system reproduces the sound or image of its input signal (noun) the quality of being faithful Synonyms : faithfulness look for the root word fid...means faith, words like fidelity, confide, diffident, bonafide, fiduciary..all have fid in it and all these words are related to involving trust or faith, similarly fidelity..


(noun) all the animal life in a particular region or period Synonyms : zoology Example Sentence the fauna of China the zoology of the Pliocene epoch (noun) a living organism characterized by voluntary movement Synonyms : animal , animate being , beast , brute , creature Fauna & Flora sound similarly. Fauna = animals <> Flora = plants


(noun) all the plant life in a particular region or period Synonyms : botany , vegetation Example Sentence Pleistocene vegetation the flora of southern California the botany of China (noun) (botany) a living organism lacking the power of locomotion Synonyms : plant , plant life sounds like FLOWER ...flower is from plant


(noun) an abject coward Synonyms : poltroon , recreant (adj) lacking even the rudiments of courage; abjectly fearful Synonyms : recreant Example Sentence the craven fellow turned and ran a craven proposal to raise the white flag this recreant knight craven -- is the opposite of 'brave'.


(noun) an absence of emotion or enthusiasm (noun) the trait of lacking enthusiasm for or interest in things generally Synonyms : indifference , numbness , spiritlessness consider pathy==sympathy, there are two words. 1. antipathy = dislike 2. apathy = disinterested Since "anti" is stronger than "a".. disliking is 1 step above disinterested..


(noun) an act of gerrymandering (dividing a voting area so as to give your own party an unfair advantage) (verb) divide unfairly and to one's advantage; of voting districts Relate it with Jerry of 'Tom and Jerry' cartoon in which Jerry divided everything partially with Tom and quarrels with him... so possessing a Jerry's mind - Gerrymander.


(noun) an acute insufficiency Synonyms : famine , shortage (noun) an insufficient quantity or number Synonyms : paucity earth is big. de-earth.....(read as dearth) means small...small in quantity..or scarcity


(noun) an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect Synonyms : barb , dig , gibe , shaft , shot , slam Example Sentence his parting shot was `drop dead' she threw shafts of sarcasm she takes a dig at me every chance she gets (verb) be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics Synonyms : agree , check , correspond , fit , gibe , match , tally Example Sentence The two stories don't agree in many details The handwriting checks with the signature on the check The suspect's fingerprints don't match those on the gun (verb) shift from one side of the ship to the other Synonyms : change course , gybe , jib Example Sentence The sail jibbed wildly ji+be : means you ji(agree) with someone.


(noun) an analytic or interpretive literary composition (noun) a tentative attempt (verb) make an effort or attempt Synonyms : assay , attempt , seek , try Example Sentence He tried to shake off his fears The infant had essayed a few wobbly steps The police attempted to stop the thief He sought to improve himself She always seeks to do good in the world (verb) put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to Synonyms : examine , prove , test , try , try out Example Sentence This approach has been tried with good results Test this recipe ESSAY can mean ASSAY (i.e., to try).sorry i cheated


(noun) an ape or monkey (adj) relating to or resembling an ape Example Sentence simian features Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary simian like simi(lar)/SAME + an ( only one) and nearly similar to mankind is the monkey or ape and that is why simian.


(noun) an architectural ornament consisting of a horizontal sculptured band between the architrave and the cornice (noun) a heavy woolen fabric with a long nap very difficult to keep mnemonics...but remember like freeze(refrigerator) can be used as decoration so frieze is also for decoration....


(noun) an artful or simulated semblance Synonyms : pretence , pretense , pretext Example Sentence under the guise of friendship he betrayed them Disguise means a false appearance...therefore GUISE ! :)


(noun) an authoritative rule of conduct or procedure (noun) an explanation or definition of an obscure word in a text Synonyms : gloss (noun) directions for the conduct of Christian church services (often printed in red in a prayer book) (noun) a heading that names a statute or legislative bill; may give a brief summary of the matters it deals with Synonyms : statute title , title Example Sentence Title 8 provided federal help for schools (noun) a title or heading that is printed in red or in a special type (noun) category name Example Sentence it is usually discussed under the rubric of `functional obesity' (verb) adorn with ruby red color BRICKS are usually in red in color and and every brick has a company name on it(title) on it..

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