Basic Care & Prevention of Athletic Injury Exams 1-3

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Which of the following is NOT considered a vital sign? a. pulse b. skin temperature c. respirations d. pupillary response to light

D. pupillary response to light

True or False? Clinicians have an ehtical responsibility to keep accurate and factual records.


True or False? Licensure laws define the role of the athletic trainer and set the legal parameters under which the athletic trainer can practice within the state.


True or False? The pupils are extremely sensitive to conditions that affect the CNS.


Which of the following structures would present the symptom of tinnitus? a. ears b. nasal cavity c. TMJ d. eyes

a. ears

Which type of orthotic is designed to control motion? a. semi-rigid b. rigid c. soft d. none of the above

b. rigid

A test used to determine the degree of balance difficulties indicative of a concussion is the a. tinel test b. romberg test c. babinski test d. thompson test

b. romberg test

True of False? Informed consent is only required in the treatment of minors.


True or False? Cantilevered shoulder pads are often used by the quarterback or receivers who must raise their arms above the head ot throw or catch a ball.


True or False? Hypoesthesia is characterized by a loss of sensation.


True or False? If an athlete provides their own protective equipment, the athletic trainer is not responsible for ensuring that it fits correctly and maintained properly.


True or False? If the time from a lightning flash to thunder is with 60 seconds, all outdoor activity should end and participants should seek shelter.


True or False? In recurrent anterior glenohumeral dislocations, the forces needed to produce the injury are increased.


True or False? Normal respiration for a child is 10-25 respirations per minute.


True or False? Partial paralysis of a muscle leading to a weakened contraction is called paresthesia.


True or False? Passive movement involves joint motion performed voluntarily by the individual through muscular contraction.


True or False? Scar tissue is fibrous, elastic, and highly vascular and thus is just as functional as the original tissue.


True or False? A myotome is a group of muscles primarily innervated by a single nerve root.


True or False? A potential advantage of neoprene is its' ability to provide therapeutic heat.


True or False? A tendon begins to develop tears when it is stretched approximately 5 to 8% beyond normal length.


True or False? Acclimatization is the single most important factor in preventing the onset of heat illness and altitude sickness.


True or False? Although the most rapid bone growth occurs prior to adulthood, bones continue to grow in diameter throughout most of the life span.


True or False? An anterior acute compartment syndrome is a medical emergency.


True or False? An emergency plan for any facility should be developed cooperatively by the facility manager, athletic trainer, sports supervisor, an physician working together with the local emergency medical service.


True or False? Longitudinal bone growth continues only as long as the bone's epiphyseal plates continue to exist.


True or False? One of the most important universal safety precautions to prevent the spread of disease is the regular use of latex gloves when working with blood or bodily fluids.


True or False? Pain during palpation of the inferior surface of the calcaneus in the middle of the heel may indicate a possible heel bruise.


True or False? Strengthening the peroneal muscles can aid in the prevention of inversion ankle sprains.


True or False? Tensile loading that involves a tendon or ligament pulling a small chip of bone away from the rest of the bone is called an avulsion fracture.


True or False? The critical part of using the SAC instrument is to collect baseline normative data that can be used for comparison purposes in the event of a concussion to determine the severity of injury and follow the individual's recovery.


True or False? The point at which the clavicle changes shape and contour presents a structural weakness, and the largest number of fractures to the bone occurs at this point.


True or False? The preparticipation examination should determine the general health, maturity, and fitness level of an individual and detect those at risk for injury or those who may have conditions that may limit particpation.


Periods of deep breathing alternating with periods of apnea is termed a. Cheynes- Stokes breathing b. bradypnea c. ataxic breathing d. Biot's breathing

a. Cheynes- Stokes breathing

Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. Ligaments resist large tensile loads from directions other than along their long axis b. Ligaments resist large tensile loads along their long axis c. Ligaments contain more elastin than tendons d. Ligaments resist small tensile loads from directions other than along their long axis

a. Ligaments resist large tensile loads from directions other than along their long axis

An individual with ________ often describes a sensation of having a stone in the shoe that worsens when standing. a. Morton's neuroma b. plantar fascitis c. paronychia d. hallux valgus

a. Morton's neuroma

After sustaining a head injury an athlete's skin becomes pale and clammy. What condition should be suspected? a. shock b. cerebral concussion c. expanding subdural hematoma d. obstructed airway

a. shock

The process of acclimating to the heat is complete after _____ days of moderate exercise during hot weather. a. 203 b. 10-14 c. 3-5 d. 7-10

b. 10-14

Strains and sprains that produce moderate discomfort, tenderness, swelling, ecchymosis, detectable joint instability, and/or muscle weakness are categorized as a. 4th degreee injuries b. 2nd degree injuries c. 1st degree injuries d. 3rd degree injuries

b. 2nd degree injuries

A runner reports with chronic shin pain. Upon observation the athletic trainer notes that the athlete has overpronation on the affected leg. What type of shoe should be suggested for this athlete? a. a shoe with a minimum heel wedge of 15 mm b. a shoe with greater control on the medial side c. a shoe with increased side to side stability d. a shoe with high rigid arches

b. a shoe with greater control on the medial side

After being struck on the head, an athlete presents with Battle's sign. What injury should be suspected? a. cerebral concussion b. basilar fracture c. epidural hematoma d. occipital contusion

b. basilar fracture

Failure to receive informed consent from an athlete could result in a. gross negligence b. battery c. misfeasance d. malpractice

b. battery

Which of the following terms refers to a structure on both sides of the body or body part? a. lateral b. bilateral c. contralateral d. ipsilateral

b. bilateral

An athlete reports, head turned to the right side, supporting the right arm with the left arm. What injury should be suspected? a. torn biceps tendon b. clavicular fracture c. scapular fracture d. brachial plexus injury

b. clavicular fracture

Nearly all injuries at the SC joint result from a. bending b. compression c. tension d. shear

b. compression

The common mechanism of injury for a muscle contusion is a. shear b. compression c. torsion d. tension

b. compression

Bursitis is most likely to result from a. axial loading force b. compressive force c. resilient force d. tensile force

b. compressive force

A____ is an injury away from the actual injury site due to rotational components during acceleration. a. diffuse injury b. countrecoup injury c. coup injury d. focal injury

b. countrecoup injury

Each of the following is a sign of heat cramps except a. thirst b. elevated body temperature c. normal pulse and respiration d. moist and cool skin

b. elevated body temperature

Following head trauma, an athlete appears fine, but within 10 to 20 minutes starts to exhibit signs and symptoms of neurologic deterioration, such as drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, & decreased level of consciousness. What injury should be suspected? a. concussion b. epidural hematoma c. basilar fracture d. subdural hematoma

b. epidural hematoma

A situation in which danger is apparent, or should have been apparent, resulting in an unreasonable unsage condition is called a. misfeasance b. foreseeability of harm c. contributory negligence d. nonfeasance

b. foreseeability of harm

Immediate swelling of the knee after acute injury usually indicates a. fibular collateral ligament injury b. intraarticular injury c. tibial collateral ligament injury d. extraarticular injury

b. intraarticular injury

The bones cells that form new bone tissue are called a. osteoclasts b. osteablasts c. Sharpey's fibers d. periosteum cells

b. osteoblasts

Hyperextension of the MTP joint fo the great toe is called a. claw toe b. turf toe c. hammer toe d. paronychia

b. turf toe

Replanting a tooth must be done within ___ to have a high success rate. a. 6 to 8 hours b. 12 hours c. 2 hours d. 30 minutes

c. 2 hours

In evaluating a head injury, which of the following techniques can be used by the athletic trainer to assess ability to concentrate? a. ask the individual about the time, place, person, and situation b. while the individual's eyes are open and their arms are out to the side, instruct the individual to touch the index finger of one hand to the nose and then alternate with the other hand to the nose c. recite three digits, and ask the individual to recite them backward d. name three words or identify three objects, ask the individual to recall these words or objects

c. recite three digits, and ask the individual to recite them backward

Following head trauma, inability to recall events that took place earlier in the day is an example of a. disorientation b. vertigo c. retrograde amnesia d. anterograde amnesia

c. retrograde amnesia

Which of the following is not electrolyte? a. chloride b. potassium c. thiamin d. magnesium

c. thiamin

Which of the following best illustrates a symptom? a. crepitation b. ecchymosis c. tinnitus d. deformity

c. tinnitus

A wrong done by an individual whereby the injured party seeks a remedy for damages is called a(n) a. gross negligence b. act of omission c. tort d. act of commission

c. tort

For every pound of water lost during exercises, _____ of fluid should be ingested. a. 6 oz b. 10 oz c. 13 oz d. 24 oZ

d. 24 oz

A pulse pressure greater than ___ mmHg indicates intracranial bleeding. a. 30 b. 20 c. 40 d. 50

d. 50

The organization that awards the ATC credential is the a. American Medical Association b. Athletic Trainers of America Board of Certification c. American College of Sports Medicine d. Board of Certification

d. Board of Certification

The brachial plexus is made from what spinal nerves? a. C4-T2 b. C5- T2 c. C6- T1 d. C5-T1

d. C5-T1

A mild acromioclavicular sprain is treated with: I. Ice application II. NSAIDs III. Immobilization with a sling IV. Referral to a physician V. Activity as tolerated a. I, II, and III b. I and III c. II and IV d. I, II, and V

d. I, II, and V

An excellent tool for visualizing the CNS, musculoskeletal system and cardiovasuclar system is a(n) a. CT scan b. ultrasonic imaging c. myelogram d. MRI

d. MRI

Dilated pupils are associated with each of the following conditions except a. cardiac arrest b. hemorrhage c. shock d. use of opiate-based drug

d. use of opiate-based drug

In order to find an individual liable, the injured person must prove that there was a. a duty of care b. a breach of duty c. harm d. harm resulting from breach of duty e. all of the above must be present

e. all of the above must be present

True or False? Sweat production by itself results in heat loss from the skin.


True or False? The Tanner scale of maturation is based on age, height, body composition, and pubic hair development.


True or False? The extent of ankle swelling is an accurate indicator of the severity of the injury.


True or False? The iliotibial band is a medial stabilizer of the knee.


True or False? Thirst is an accurate indicator of water needs during exercise.


True or False? When a force is sustained by the tissues of the human body, the amount of injury is solely determined by the material properties of the involved tissues.


True or False? Eversion and dorsiflexion injuries can lead to a fracture of the lateral malleolus.


True or False? History of syncope, dizziness, shortness of breath and chest pains is part of the cardiac history.


True or False? Ideally, the PPE should be done 6 weeks before the start of any practice session.


True or False? The foundation of concussion management is physical cognitive rest until symptoms resolve, and then a graduated program of exertion prior to medical clearance and return to play.


True or False? The knee is directly affect by motions and forces coming from the foot, anke, and lower leg.


True or False? The muscles in the anterior compartment of the lower leg are responsible for dorsiflexion of the ankle.


Diagnosis of concussion involves the assessment of clinical signs and symptoms in each of the following areas, EXCEPT: a. biomechanical b. physical c. sleep d. cognitive

a. biomechanical

The ability of a muscle to stretch is called a. tensibility b. contractility c. extensibility d. elasticity

c. extensibility

The single most important factor to prevent altitude sickness is a. acclimatization b. arrive two days before competition c. inhale oxygen prior to competition d. eat a diet high in protein and salt

a. acclimatization

In an athletic program, which of the following is NOT a role of the team physician? a. apply therapeutic modalities b. review policies/ procedures to ensure compliance with school/ athletic guidelines c. dispense medications d. review preseason physical examinations

a. apply therapeutic modalities

In assessing urine to determine an individual's hydration status, which of the following would suggest inadequate hydration? a. dark yellow uring of small volume and strong odor b. dark yellow urine of normal volume c. light colored urine of above normal volume d. light colored urine of normal volume

a. dark yellow urine of small volume and strong odor

Which of the following best illustrates a diagnostic sign? a. edema b. nausea c. blurred vision d. headache

a. edema

Stretching the _____ helps decrease shortening of the plantar fascia. a. gastrocnemius b. peroneal brevis c. posterior tibialis d. anterior tibialis

a. gastrocnemius

The leading cause of loss of consciousness in a sports activity is a. head injuries b. spinal injuries c. heat stroke d. metabolic disturbances

a. head injuries

The main function of the rotator cuff muscles is to a. hold the head of the humerus in the glenoid fossa b. facilitate scapulothoracic motions c. perform abduction and internal rotation d. perform abduction and external rotation

a. hold the head of the humerus in the glenoid fossa

An athlete has sustained an acute ankle sprain. The force producing this injury is a. macrotrauma b. anisotropic c. resilient d. microtrauma

a. macrotrauma

A common sign of a facial fracture of the maxilla or mandible or a temporomandibular dislocation is a. malocclusion b. nosebleed c. sunken eye d. raccoon eyes

a. malocclusion

Closed- chain exercises for the knee include a. mini-squats b. straight leg raises c. terminal knee extensions d. leg curls

a. mini-squats

During a weight training session, the coach left the room to work with some players in the gymnasium. While the coach was out of the room, an athele sustained an injury using the equipment. The coach is at risk for: a. negligence b. lack of product liabilit c. failure to warn d. malpractice

a. negligence

Questions concerning head injury, unconsciousness, repeated headaches, seizures, and unexplained muscle weakness are part of the a. neurological examination b. cardiovascular examination c. gastrointestinal examination d. musculoskeletal examination

a. neurological examination

An athletic trainer suspects that a football player has a neck injury but does not use a rigid backboard to stabilize the individual. What type of legal liability could result from the athletic trainer's actions? a. nonfeasance b. misfeasance c. gross negligence d. malfeasance

a. nonfeasance

Abnormal oscillating movements of the eye is termed a. nystagmus b. double vision c. tinnitus d. pupillary light reflex

a. nystagmus

Visual analysis of overall appearance, symmetry, general motor function, posture, and gait is called a. observation b. proprioceptive input c. symptom d. inspection

a. observation

Hypotension is caused by each of the following except a. oral contraceptives b. shock c. internal injury d. heart attack

a. oral contraceptives

Which of the following professionals may NOT be a member of the primary sports medicine team? a. physical therapist b. primary physician c. coach d. athletic trainer

a. physical therapist

Decorticate rigidity is posturing characterized by a. marked extension of the legs only b. marked extension of the legs and marked flexion of the elbows, wrists, and fingers c. marked extension of the elbows wrists, and fingers and marked flexion in the toes d. marked extension of all four extremities

b. marked extension of the legs and marked flexion of the elbows, wrists, and fingers

___ is a hallmark sign of interdigital neuroma. a. pain that decreases with extension of the MTP and IP joints b. pain that is relieved when barefooted c. pain that increases during non-weight-bearing d. proximal radiating pain

b. pain that is relieved when barefooted

Which of the following is not characteristic of "jumper's knee"? a. pain with resisted knee extension b. point tenderness at the superior pole of the patella c. pain after prolonged sitting d. pain with passive knee flexion beyond 120 degrees

b. paint tenderness at the superior pole of the patella

Which of the following is NOT part of the neurological examination within the PPE? a. deep tendon reflex testing b. precordial auscultation c. PEARL d. cranial nerve assessment

b. precordial auscultation

The muscles in the deep posterior compartment include each of the following EXCEPT: a. flexor hallucis longus b. soleus c. flexor digitorum longus d. tibialis posterior

b. soleus

The ___ bursa may be irritated when repeatedly compressed during the overhand throwing motion. a. subscapularis b. subacromial c. subcoracoid d. biceps

b. subacromial

Delayed signs and symptoms days or even weeks after head trauma are most likely to be associated with which of the following injuries? a. concussion b. subdural hematoma c. occipital contusion d. epidural hematoma

b. subdural hematoma

While stretching for an overthrown ball a first baseman strained an adductor muscle. What type of force would have produced this injury? a. axial b. tensile c. shearing d. compressive

b. tensile

Ligamentous injuries are usually caused by a ____. a. shearing force b. tensile force c. elastic force d. compression force

b. tensile force

Which one of the following is NOT a rotator cuff muscle? a. Teres minor b. Supraspinatus c. Pectoralis major d. Subscapularis

c. Pectoralis major

___ explains that bones remodel and adapt to forces placed upon them. a. theory of specificity b. Grotthus- Drapper law c. Wolff's law d. Hunting response

c. Wolff's law

The management for second impact syndrome is a. immediate referral to a physician b. removal from activity and monitoring of individual every 15 minutes c. activation of EMS d. application of crushed ice and compression bandage

c. activation of EMS

Each of the following can overload the plantar fascia except a. obesity b. excessive tightness in Achilles tendon c. age over 40 years d. excessive or prolonged pronation

c. age over 40 years

Cervical collars or neck rolls cannot decrease the incidence of cervical injuries due to a. lateral rotation b. hyperextension c. axial loading d. circumduction

c. axial loading

Malfeasance is defined as a. failing to perform one's legal duty of care b. committing an act that is one's responsibility to perform, but using the wrong procedure c. committing an act that is not one's responsibility to perform d. committing an act that another minimally competent professional would do in the same circumstance

c. committing an act that is not one's responsibility to perform

For a muscle to shorten, it must: a. contract eccentrically b. remain in a static position c. contract concentrically d. contract isometrically

c. contract concentrically

The most frequent sign or symptom associated with concussion is: a. loss of consciousness b. sensitivity to noise c. headache d. retrograde amnesia

c. headache

An athlete exhibits signs of disorientation, shallow breathing, hot, dry, reddish skin, and rapid, strong pulse. These characteristics suggest a. dehydration b. heat exhaustion c. heat stroke d. hypothermia

c. heat stroke

Visceral pain results from a. referred pain b. injury to ligaments, muscle, or skin c. injury to an organ in the thoracic cavity d. injury to bone

c. injury to an organ in the thoracic cavity

Each fo the following signs and symptoms indicate a ruptured Achilles tendon EXCEPT a. individual hears or feels a popping sensation b. inability to stand on the toes c. limps with the foot and leg internally rotated d. excessive passive dorsiflexion

c. limps wiht the foot and leg internally rotated

When asking about the characteristics of symptoms, the athletic trainer should determine a. location, onset, limb position, direction of force b. previous injuries, congenital abnormalities, family history c. location, onset, severity, frequency, duration d. limitations in sport, occupational, and ADLs

c. location, onset, severity, frequency, duration

In assessing a potentially serious neck injury, an athletic trainer removed the helmet of the injured athlete. What type of legal liability could result from the athletic trainer's actions? a. misfeasance b. gross negligence c. malfeasance d. nonfeasance

c. malfeasance

A common sign of a facial fracture to the maxilla or mandible is a. TMJ dislocation b. Raccoon eyes c. malocclusion d. nosebleed

c. malocclusion

The most important tool of the PPE is the a. musculoskeletal examination b. vision examination c. medical history d. cardiovascular examination

c. medical history

Most internal heat is generated during ______. a. metabolism b. cardiovascular output c. muscular activity d. neurovascular stimulation

c. muscular activity

Which of the following best describes a stage 2 tendinitis? a. chronic, unremitting pain, even at rest b. pain after activity only c. pain during activity and does not restrict performance d. pain during activity and restricts performance

c. pain during activity and does not restrict performance

A highly specialized band of tissue on the plantar surface of the foot that provides support for the longitudinal arch is the a. plantar sesamoidtis b. plantar vulgaris c. platar fascia d. plantar ligament

c. plantar fascia

Localized area of blindness and migraine headaches are common symptoms of: a. postconcussion syndrome b. basilar fracture c. posttraumatic headaches d. second-impact syndrome

c. posttraumatic headaches

The best way to avoid heat illness is to a. overhydrate b. wear cotton- based clothing c. practice acclimatization d. wear light-colored clothing

c. practice acclimatization

The beginning of the acute inflammatory phase is marked by: a. epithelial cell migration b. vasodilation c. vasoconstriction d. fibroblast proliferation

c. vasoconstriction

___ has established minimum standards for football helmets and their use. a. NATA b. OSHA c. NFL d. NOCSAE


The organization that defines impact standards for football and baseball/softball helmets is the a. Canadian Standards Association b. American Society for Testing and Material c. Equipment Certification Council d. National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment

d. National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment

Range of motion is measured quantitatively with a. a sphygmomanometer b. general observation c. a tape measure d. a goniometer

d. a goniometer

Which of the following measures would help prevent the onset of hyperthermia? a. ingest a cola soda pop prior to exercising b. eat high carbohydrate foods c. ingest water only after exercise is completed d. acclimate to the enviroment

d. acclimate to the environment

Treatment for an epidural hematoma is a. rest and observation b. after completing special tests, return them to play c. ice on the injured area and re-evaluate in 20 minutes d. activation of EMS

d. activation of EMS

In the absence of the athletic trainer, it is the responsibility of the coach to a. supervise the fitting of athletic equipment b. inspect practice environments for hazards c. evaluate the daily status of participants d. all of the above e. none of the above

d. all of the above

What ligament is often injured during a cutting maneuver, sudden deceleration, or landing in an off-balance position after a jump? a. fibular collateral b. tibial collateral c. posterior cruciate d. anterior cruciate

d. anterior cruciate

During initial evaluation of an athlete who complains of breathlessness you find the athlete to have wheezing-like breathing. What might this indicate? a. hypoxia b. chest injury c. spasms of the larynx d. asthma

d. asthma

Headache, confusion, nausea, cramping, bloated stomach, altered consciousness, significant mental compromise, swelling in the extremities are signs and symptoms of a. heat syncope b. heat exhaustion c. heat stroke d. exertional hypoatremia

d. exertional hypoatremia

The amount of "give" within a joint's supportive tissue is termed a. accessory movement b. instability c. passive movement d. laxity

d. laxity

Excessive or prolonged pronation in running, which leads to pain in the distal third of the medial tibial border not associated with a stress fracture, is typically a. exercise-induced compartment syndrome b. Achilles tenosynovitis c. plantar fasciitis d. medial tibial stress syndrome

d. medial tibial stress syndrome

Movement of an affected part by another person or device without effort by the athlete is ___ exercise. a. resistive b. active c. assistive d. passive

d. passive

The immediate assessment occurring on the field when a life- threatening injury is present is called a. CPR b. Babinski test c. secondary survey d. primary survey

d. primary survey

Questioning an athlete after a head injury regarding their means of arrival to the game, the quarter of their injury, and the day of the week is testing the individual's a. anterograde memory b. level of consciousness c. mental acuity d. retrograde memory

d. retrograde memory

The final authority to clear an athlete for participation rests with the a. coach b. athletic trainer c. parent d. supervising physician

d. supervising physician

The advantages of having an individual's primary care physician administer a PPE include all of the following except: a. a more thorough and comprehensive exam can be performed b. the setting provides greater privacy c. a potentially closer examiner-athlete relationship d. the cost of the exam

d. the cost of the exam

A condition in which nerves and/or vessels become compressed in the root of the neck or axilla, leading to numbness in the arm is called a. dead arm syndrome b. Little League shoulder c. impingement syndrome d. thoracic outlet syndrome

d. thoracic outlet syndrome

An individual reports numbness in the side of the neck, which extends across the shoulder and down the medial arm to the ulnar aspect of the hand, accompanied by weakness in grasp and atrophy of hand musculature. What injury should be suspected? a. acromiclavicular separation b. rotator cuff tear c. cervical plexus injury d. thoracic outlet syndrome

d. thoracic outlet syndrome

Which of the following should NOT be done when managing epistaxis? a. apply finger pressure to the affected nostril for 5 minutes b. lie on the same side as the bleeding septum c. place a cold compress over the nasal junction d. tilt the head back to decrease bleeding

d. tilt the head back to decrease bleeding

True or False? The team physician is the final authority to determine the mental and physical fitness of athletes in organized sports programs.


True or False? The vastus medialis oblique (VMO) is the dynamic stabilizer that resists lateral displacement of the patella.


True or False? When an athlete has sustained a clavicle fracture, he/she will support their arm with the unaffected arm.


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