Basic CompTIA A+ - Lesson 3 Quiz

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Cindy plans to install a video card she pulled out of a computer into her old computer. Where should she store the card until she's ready to do the installation?

In an antistatic bag.

If you use an antistatic wrist strap with a clip, where do you attach the clip?

Into the back of the power supply.

Steve in accounting was rearranging his cubicle and knocked his new monitor off the side of the desk, breaking the frame and cracking the screen. As the tech on site, what should you do?

Prepare an incident report to send to your supervisor.

If you do not receive an MSDS with a product, where can you obtain one aside from directly from the manufacturer?

The Internet.

What type of fire extinguisher should you use to put out a PC fire?

Type C.

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