Basic French Family
le chien d'Anna
Anna's dog
In English we say my mother and my father.
In French you'd say mon père and ma mère, because words like my and your change based on the gender of the word after them!
Ma femme s'appelle Alice.
My wife's name is Alice.
C'est la fille de Julia.
This is Julia's daughter.
une femme et une fille
a woman and a girl
Before vowels, de becomes d'.
Fille can mean either
girl or daughter.
masculine mon père, ton frère,son fils
my father, your brother, his/her son
feminine ma mère, ta sœur, sa fille
my mother, your sister, his/her/ daughter
Femme can mean
woman or wife.
In English, we say Marie's cat
But in French, you'd switch the word order and say le chat de Marie.