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A. Health, safety, and welfare

1) What are the first and foremost responsibilities to the public an engineer must uphold? A. Health, safety, and welfare B. Land, liberty, and property C. Safety, easy of use, and transparency D. Health, safety, and fun

(D) All of the above

A licensed engineer has obligations to: (A) the public (B) their employer/client (C) other licensed engineers (D) All of the above

a) Yes, because they are indiscriminately criticizing the licensee

An engineer has been criticizing the work of another licensee without proving there is any fault in the design or that the design poses a danger to the public. Has this engineer broken their obligation to another licensee? a) Yes, because they are indiscriminately criticizing the licensee b) Yes, because they informed the other licensee of a believed flaw c) No, because there might be a flaw in the design after all d) No, because the engineer has no obligation to another licensee

d)both a and b

An engineer stumbles upon a project online that incorporates a design he has created. How can he/she protect their intellectual property? a)Patent b)Copyrights c)Nothing can be done d)both a and b

D. Do not sign the documents because they contain false information

The licensed engineer at the firm is provided documents to be signed off on that has false statements regarding the engineering practice. How should the individual proceed? A. Sign off on the documents anyways B. Don't sign off on the documents because the licensee did not do the work themself C. Never address the documents at all D. Do not sign the documents because they contain false information

B) Atmospheric Emissions

What consideration would not be part of the sustainable principles? A) Resource Allocation B) Atmospheric Emissions C) Quality of Life D) Public Health

(B) The Engineering profession itself controls who is admitted into the field by deciding the mandatory training and evaluation processes.

What is meant when it is said that Engineering is a self-regulating profession? (A) The professional and ethical problems present in the Engineering profession often require creative problem solving. (B) The Engineering profession itself controls who is admitted into the field by deciding the mandatory training and evaluation processes. (C) The Engineering profession is regulated by ethical standards. (D) The Engineering profession has an obligation to uphold public welfare.

b) Report the spill to authorities and try to mitigate damage if possible.

"On the job as a licensed engineer, you notice that toxic chemicals are leaking from a client's factory into a nearby river. The client seems unconcerned. What is the ethical duty you must perform?" a) Drop the client and don't look back. b) Report the spill to authorities and try to mitigate damage if possible. c) Demand a higher rate of compensation. d) Ignore the issue since it is not relevant to your assignment.

D. Graduate from an NHDSC accredited school

2) Which is not a reason that would determine eligibility for licensure? A. Satisfy the education criteria set forth by the board B. Satisfy the experience criteria set forth by the board C. Pass the applicable examinations set forth by the board D. Graduate from an NHDSC accredited school

D) Copyright

A ____________ is defined as a form of protection provided to the authors of "original works of authorship" including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works, both published and unpublished. A) Trademark B) Patent C) Trade Secret D) Copyright

C. Inform the firm that this discrepancy will endanger the public

A fellow registered engineer runs a competing engineering firm and has overlooked an aspect of a project that will endanger the public. You become aware of this issue? What should your next course of action be? A. Inform the State Licensing Board B. Say nothing so your company gets the bid next time C. Inform the firm that this discrepancy will endanger the public D. Berate this engineering firm on your burner Twitter account

B) acquire trademark protocol for the tool

A firm is currently selling a specialized tool that has a common industrial use. While the design of the tool itself is not unique to the company, and the general design for this tool has been around for a long time, the quality of materials and the stylization of the tool have led to the tools widespread success in the market. Because of this, many other companies have begun selling nearly identical tools at a low price with low quality materials. Without Changing the design, how can this firm preserve the intellectual property of its design and differentiate it from the competition? A) acquire a utility patent for the tool B) acquire trademark protocol for the tool C) acquire a copyright for the tool D) nothing can be done to separate the firms product from competition

B. Decline to answer because he is required by his contract to not disclose information about the process.

A licensed engineer finishes a project in which a new technique for extracting biomaterials is used. The contract states that the engineer may not disclose any information about the novel process for 5 years. The engineer is hired for a new project 18 months later and is asked "hypothetical" questions about new ways of extracting biomaterial. The engineer is required to: A. Answer any questions to the best of his ability because the new company is paying him to do so. B. Decline to answer because he is required by his contract to not disclose information about the process. C. Answer only in "hypotheticals." D. Do what he wants because we live in America and have freedom of speech.

C. Report the correct project scope and title even though it doesn't accurately portray the work load

A licensed engineer is vying for the same job as another licensed engineer that they have previously worked with on a project. The project was a mess, largely because other members of the group neglected their responsibilities, and the engineer who held the project together feels the need to label themselves as a project manager even though all group members had the same title to accurately express the amount of effort they put into this project by comparison. How should they respond? A. Report the correct title but slightly exaggerate the project's scope to accurately portray the work load B. Report the correct project scope but designate themselves as the project manager to accurately portray the work load C. Report the correct project scope and title even though it doesn't accurately portray the work load D. Report a more exaggerated project scope and title to accurately portray the work load

D. Disclose the conflict by alerting the original company of their affiliation with the competitor before accepting work

A licensed engineer was contacted by a small, affluent company about potential contracted work. The work is within the engineer's jurisdiction/specialty and they are offering decent compensation. The company, however, is the direct competitor to another company owned by a close friend of the engineer. How should they respond? A. Accept the job regardless of the conflict and try their best to complete the work to the best of their ability B. Disclose information about the offer to their friend to allow them to contract them first C. Disclose the conflict by alerting the original company of their affiliation with the competitor after accepting work D. Disclose the conflict by alerting the original company of their affiliation with the competitor before accepting work

B) She can issue a statement if she clearly states who she represents, has their approval, and reveal any interests

A licensee wishes to state her criticisms regarding engineering matters after having a long discussion with her employer. A) She can't criticize engineering at all B) She can issue a statement if she clearly states who she represents, has their approval, and reveal any interests C) She can say whatever she wants. She has freedom of speech. D) She must harbor ill feelings silently and carry resentment for the remainder of her life

C) must not practice engineering, except under the supervision of a licensed engineer.

A person who has graduated from an engineering program at an accredited university, but has not obtained a license to practice engineering... A) must not practice engineering B) must follow the code of ethics, if the person practices engineering. C) must not practice engineering, except under the supervision of a licensed engineer. D) must follow the code of ethics of a technical society, if the person practices engineering.

C. Report the improper waste disposal to the client and to the proper authorities.

A professional engineer has observed that her client's manufacturing facility may have been improperly disposing of hazardous waste. She requests that her subordinate gather samples and test them, and after testing, her suspicion is confirmed. How should he or she proceed? A. Inform the client of their improper waste disposal and trust that they have corrected the issue B. Go to the local news and warn the public of the presence of hazardous waste. C. Report the improper waste disposal to the client and to the proper authorities. D. Report the issue directly to the client, but keep all details confidential.

(D) Aiding or assisting another person in violating any provision of this Act or the rules or regulations of the board

A professional engineer working at a tire company for over 10 years stamped and approved an unlicensed individual, unrelated to his/her firm, documents for another project. This unlicensed individual owns a tire firm that offers engineering services without any professional engineering license. According to the Model Rules of disciplinary action, which of the following would cause the board to suspend or revoke the professional engineer's license? (A) Any fraud or deceit in obtaining or attempting to obtain or renew a certificate of licensure (B) Knowingly making false statements or signing false statements, certifications, or affidavits in connection with the the practice of engineering or surveying (C) Providing engineering or surveying services outside any of the licensee's areas of competence (D) Aiding or assisting another person in violating any provision of this Act or the rules or regulations of the board

(A) he or she is competent in the area of modern control systems.

A professional engineer, originally licensed 30 years ago, is asked to act as a consultant on a newly developed computerized control system for a public transportation system. The engineer may accept this project if: (A) he or she is competent in the area of modern control systems. (B) his or her professional engineering license has not lapsed. (C) his or her original area of specialization was in transportation systems. (D) he or she has regularly attended annual meetings of a professional engineering society.

C. No, because under no circumstances should a licensed engineer accept gratuities and/or gifts.

After a registered engineer accepts a job from a contractor, they present the engineer and team with a gift basket. Is it ethical for the engineer to accept the gift basket? A. No, since the job the contractor hired the team for is not complete. B. Yes, it is encouraged to accept the gift because the job is already secured, so it is not considered a bribe. C. No, because under no circumstances should a licensed engineer accept gratuities and/or gifts. D. Yes, because the gift basket's contents are not worth an impressive monetary value, so it not considered ethical.

A) Yes, they will need to be examined by the licensing comity and educated in the rules, practices, and obligations of the jurisdiction that they now serve, but may receive licensure if the comity sees them as satisfactory.

An engineer was licensed in a foreign country and has moved to the United States intending to practice. The licensing institution of that country is similar to that of the United States, however, their responsibility is to their government first and must report all details of interactions with their clients to local magistrates. Is this individual capable of receiving licensure from a comity review?" A) Yes, they will need to be examined by the licensing comity and educated in the rules, practices, and obligations of the jurisdiction that they now serve, but may receive licensure if the comity sees them as satisfactory. B) Yes. The comity is mainly concerned with the technical knowledge of the engineer since ethical differences can be learned on the job. C) No, the engineer does not have licensure in the United States and must take the PE and FE to qualify. D) No, the comity will only consider applicants if their license is formally recognized by the NCEES. Simply having a license that is comparable to the NCEES does not count.

(C) Licensee's Obligation to the Public

An engineer with no previous background in playground safety is involved in building a playground for the local elementary school. A reporter approaches the engineer to speak on the local news about the playground to inform the public about the safety, duration, and the process of the project. The engineer accepts this request, even though this is his/her first time building a playground. Which section of the Model Rules code of ethics does this violate? (A) Licensee's Obligation to Other Licensees (B) Licensee's Obligation to Employers and Clients (C) Licensee's Obligation to the Public (D) Licensee's Obligation to Engineering Etiquette

c.) The board should have been contacted when you were informed of the new engineer attempting to injure your professional reputation.

An engineering firm hires a new engineer with similar qualifications and specialties as you, creating competition for the region that you both service. The firm begins bidding for projects that previously needed your specialties, but can now choose between you or the new engineer for hire. During a discussion with a potential client about a project, they inform you that the competing engineer mentioned your "overly expensive" and "unnecessary" design practices that allow you to profit more from the project. The opposing engineer told the potential client that they could do the design cheaper and better. At what point should you have contacted the board to discuss these recent findings?a.) The board should have been contacted when the new engineer was hired at the opposing firm.b.) The board should have been contacted when the opposing firm/new engineer began bidding for the same projects as you.c.) The board should have been contacted when you were informed of the new engineer attempting to injure your professional reputation.d.) The board should not be contacted because there was no discussion of the quantity of each firm's sealed bid.

E. All of the above.

An engineering firm is under the microscope due to multiple allegations of unethical conduct and surveying practices in a recent project. The board has requested that the firm must provide all proper documentation to confirm that all safety protocols were followed and decisions were made with the best interest of the client and public in mind. Your co-worker removes a few papers that indicate that safety protocols were not followed to the correct degree. What law(s) does this violate? A. Section 160.70, A4.: Failure to comply with any of the provisions of this Act or any of the rules or regulations of the board. B. Section 160.70, A6.: Failure to provide information requested by the board as a result of a formal or informal complaint to the board that alleges a violation of this Act. C. Section 160.70, A11.: Providing false testimony or information to the board. D. Only B and C E. All of the above.

B. 2 years

An individual who earns a doctoral degree in engineering acceptable to the board and who has passed the FE exam requires how many years of experience before they can take the PE exam? A. 1 year B. 2 years C. 3 years D. 4 years

b) Vacuum

An unlicensed individual wants to open a vacuum shop, which word is allowed to be part of the company name? a) Engineer b) Vacuum c) Surveyor d) Engineering

C) remove him/her from the consideration process AND contact the registration board

As a licensee for a firm, you become aware of an applicant who is providing false information of their experience and accomplishments. How should you handle the situation? A) keep the applicant in the consideration process but make him/her aware of the code of ethics B) remove him/her from the consideration process and carry on C) remove him/her from the consideration process AND contact the registration board D) rely on factual evidence of the applicant's information and ignore him/her when they make false claims.

d) Yes, if their education is shown to meet the NCEES Engineering Education Standard

Can an individual who attended a non-EAC/ABET- accredited program, receive a licensure as a professional engineer? a) No, they must have a bachelors from an EAC/ABET program b) Yes, if their undergrad was from a non-EAC/ABET program but then they received a masters or a doctorate from an EAC/ABET c) No, there is no way to obtain licensure without any degree from an EAC/ABET program d) Yes, if their education is shown to meet the NCEES Engineering Education Standard

C. Appeasing the nearby communities

Engineers are tasked to delivery solutions that are economically feasible as well as socially and environmentally feasible. Which of the following is NOT an environmental consideration? A. Collection and processing of waste B. Air and water pollution C. Appeasing the nearby communities D. Protection of ecosystems

d)4 years

How many years of practice are required when seeking a professional engineering license for an individual with a doctoral degree in engineering & has elected not to take the FE exam? a)1 year b)2 years c)3 years d)4 years

D. No, only the registered engineer in that area and the registered supervisor who oversaw the plans can sign off.

If you are apart of an interdisciplinary team that works on very complex medical device projects from multiple areas of engineering, including mechanical, electrical, biomedical, and software/computer, can any one of the team sign off/ approve plans for any specific section regardless of their expertise? All members and the team supervisor are registered engineers. A. No, only the team's registered supervisor can sign off on plans they oversaw being done by a registered member in that area. B. Yes, any member from any expertise can sign off since they are all working on the same project. C. No, only the member in that expertise can sign off on the plans. D. No, only the registered engineer in that area and the registered supervisor who oversaw the plans can sign off.

d. 20 years

In the U.S. how long does a patent last from the date on which it was filed? a. 10 years b. 15 years c. 17 years d. 20 years

C. The licensed engineer who stamped and signed the plans.

In the event of a project, signed and sealed by a licensed engineer, that fails and causes serious damage, who is responsible? A. The person who did the calculations and design but was not a PE and therefore did not stamp them. B. The engineering firm as an entity for hiring the engineers who designed it. C. The licensed engineer who stamped and signed the plans. D. The construction company that did not stray from the original plans.

a. The circumstances are fully disclosed and agreed to in writing by all interested parties.

Licensees shall not accept compensation, financial or otherwise, for more than one party for services pertaining to the same project, unless____. a. The circumstances are fully disclosed and agreed to in writing by all interested parties. b. The original party verbally tells the licensee that they can use the same project for another party. c. The two parties are under different jurisdictions. d. The second party agrees to the same cost as the first party.

A. Utility

On your senior design team, you and your team invent a novel process to extract RNA that could be used for many applications like mRNA vaccine development. Your team decided to file this useful process for a patent, which type of patent would this be classified as? A. Utility B. Design C. Goods D. Plant

B Utilize the Newest or Most Interesting Materials Possible

Sustainable approaches during planning, design, and construction or manufacture will carry forward throughout a project's or product's operation and maintenance to end-of-life. Sustainable principles do not include consideration of: A Safety B Utilize the Newest or Most Interesting Materials Possible C Non-renewable Resources D Public Health

A)Life-cycle analysis

The catalytic converter is an exhaust emission control device that reduces toxic gases and pollutants in exhaust gases from an internal combustion engine into less-toxic pollutants by catalyzing a redox reaction. By 1975 most gasoline-powered cars were equipped with catalytic converters at the behest of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). A vehicle with a three-way catalyst must run at the stoichiometric point which means it produces 10% more CO2 emissions than a lean-burn engine. Although three-way catalytic converter was revolutionary for its time, the engineers did not take into account its ___________________. A)Life-cycle analysis B)Cost of Manufacturing C)Required Resources D)None of the Above

C) Engineer

The term __________, within the intent of this Act, shall mean an individual who is qualified to practice engineering by reason of engineering education, training, and experience in the application of engineering principles and the interpretation of engineering data. A) Engineer Intern B) Board C) Engineer D) Managing Agent Engineer

b) using a confusingly similar mark

Trademarks can be used to prevent others from _______ . a) selling the same goods b) using a confusingly similar mark c) using a clearly different mark d) making the same goods

A. Never

Under what circumstances should a registered engineer turn a blind eye to errors, discrepancies, or miscalculations done by another licensee in the same firm? A. Never B. Only when they don't feel superior or accomplished enough to challenge others. C. When they want to be loyal to the firm and protect the image. D. Only if the suspected has a history of malpractice.

D) the creative product of the intellect and normally includes inventions, symbols, literary works, patents, and designs.

What is intellectual property? A) rules of professional conduct, if any, promulgated by the board as authorized by this Act .B) is a word, name, symbol, or device that is used in trade with goods to indicate the source of the goods and to distinguish them from the goods of others. C) the product of many years of hard academic work. D) the creative product of the intellect and normally includes inventions, symbols, literary works, patents, and designs.

D. No, because licensee's shouldn't exaggerate their degree of responsibility in prior assignments.

When a registered engineer is being asked in an interview about their responsibility in prior assignments, they exaggerate their degree of responsibilities. Is this response ethical? A. Yes, because work done on an assignment is done as a whole, so even if they didn't do it themselves, they can assume responsibility. B. No, because the people involved in the project didn't say they could take responsibility for said work. C. Yes, because it's appropriate to exaggerate to obtain a position which the registered engineer is qualified for. D. No, because licensee's shouldn't exaggerate their degree of responsibility in prior assignments.

A. Only submit one bid no matter what other engineering firms or individual engineers bid afterwards

When submitting a bid for a prospective client for engineering projects, an engineer/firm can: A. Only submit one bid no matter what other engineering firms or individual engineers bid afterwards B. Withdraw a bid due to other engineering firms being asked to offer a bid. C. Change the composition of the staff of engineers after submitting a bid when the change is relevant to the project. D. Bargain with the client for the cost of the work

d. all of the above

Which example below is an example of unlicensed individual? a. someone who uses bribery to obtain an engineering license b. a person who falsifies a certificate of licensure c. someone who impersonates a licensed engineer d. all of the above

(C) Have a swanky seal ready to stamp all of your work

Which is not one of the five requirements to meet eligibility or liscensure? A Submit 5 references acceptable to the board B Pass the applicable examinations set forth by the board (C) Have a swanky seal ready to stamp all of your work D Be of good character and reputation

D. Recipe Patent

Which of the following is NOT considered an intellectual property protection category: A. Plant patent B. Copyright C. Trademark D. Recipe Patent

b) The wealth of the individual

Which of the following is NOT used to determine the amount of fines the board can charge an unlicensed person. a) The severity of the violation and the risk of harm to the public b) The wealth of the individual c) The economic benefits gained by the violator as a result of noncompliance d) The interest of the public

C) a civil engineer with little electrical experience signing the plans for an electric generator.

Which of the following is an ethics violation ? A) safeguarding the health, safety, and welfare of the public when performing services for clients and employers. B) not partnering, practicing, or offering to practice with any person or firm that they know is engaged in fraudulent or dishonest business or professional practices. C) a civil engineer with little electrical experience signing the plans for an electric generator. D) none of the above

d. Licensee's Obligation to Employers

Which of the following is not a major section of the Model Rules? a. Licensee's Obligation to the Public b. Licensee's Obligation to Other Licensees c. Licensee's Obligation to Employers and Clients d. Licensee's Obligation to Employers

B. Holding a Master's degree in some facet of engineering as determined by the board

Which of the following is not a requirement for licensure? A. Passing of the necessary examinations set forth by the board B. Holding a Master's degree in some facet of engineering as determined by the board C. Being of good character and reputation D. Submitting a minimum of five references to be deemed acceptable by the board

c. landscape aesthetics

Which of the following is not a sustainable principle used for consideration? a. safety b. resource allocation c. landscape aesthetics d. public health

C. Bachelor's degree from ABET-accredited program + FE exam + Master's degree from ABET-accredited program

Which of the following is not a valid path towards licensure? A. Bachelor's degree from ABET-accredited program + FE exam + 4 years of experience under a Professional Engineer advisor B. Degree from a non-ABET-accredited program that meets the Engineering Education Standard set forth by the board C. Bachelor's degree from ABET-accredited program + FE exam + Master's degree from ABET-accredited program D. Comity

c) Real Estate

Which of the following is not considered a type of intellectual property? a) Literary works b) Designs c) Real Estate d) Inventions

c) culinary work

Which of the following is not considered an "original works of authorship" that would be protected under a copyright? a) literary work b) musical work c) culinary work d) artistic work

D) Licensee's Obligation to Board

Which of the following is not one of the three major sections of the Model Rules? A) Licensee's Obligation to the Public B) Licensee's Obligation to the Employers and Clients C) Licensee's Obligation to Other Licensees. D) Licensee's Obligation to Board

D. To safeguard the health, safety, and welfare of the public when performing services.

Which of the following is the primary responsibility of an engineer? A. To make the most money for their employer B. To make the most money for themselves C. To report engineering or surveying violations to the board D. To safeguard the health, safety, and welfare of the public when performing services.

D. Submit 4 references acceptable to the board

Which of these is not a requirement for licensure? A. Be of good character and reputation B. Satisfy the education criteria set by the board C. Satisfy the experience criteria set by the board D. Submit 4 references acceptable to the board

C. An engineer intern with 4 years of experience

Who below can take the PE exam: A. A college senior B. A medical doctor C. An engineer intern with 4 years of experience D. A person who recently passed the FE exam

C) Influences such as finances may cause you to support a product that is not good for the health, safety, or welfare of the people.

Why should licensees not speak on a matter promoted by a third party, such as a business or investor, unless fully disclosing their involvement with the third party? A) It's in the handbook. B) If something bad happens with the product or movement you are promoting, it will reflect badly on your employer. C) Influences such as finances may cause you to support a product that is not good for the health, safety, or welfare of the people. D) Your coworkers may complain about you getting paid extra for promoting a business.

B) Yes, I may design in electrical engineering to complete the job if I feel competent and the electrical portion is insignificant to the overall job

You are a professional engineer who took the NCEES FE licensing exam for chemical engineering.A job you have already taken on requires that you design in electrical engineering to finish the job.Can you design in electrical engineering for the job? A) Yes, I may design in electrical engineering to complete the job if I feel competent based on prior electrical experience B) Yes, I may design in electrical engineering to complete the job if I feel competent and the electrical portion is insignificant to the overall job C) No, I may not design in electrical engineering to complete the job because I received my certification in Chemical D) Yes, I may design in electrical engineering, but only if another engineer in the same firm checks the electrical engineering work

D) Accept Bid A and return the tickets

You are a structural engineer in charge of receiving and accepting bid offers on behalf of your firm. In order to eliminate prejudice, you are the only person in the firm to know the amounts of all bids considered and who they came from. Out of the final two bids you are considering for the firm, Bid A is higher than Bid B, but Bid B came with two tickets to a concert you and your significant other have been trying to get tickets to for months. What should you do? A) Accept Bid B and decline Bid A B) Accept Bid A and keep the tickets C) Tell your boss D) Accept Bid A and return the tickets

A) Do not accept the job because it is outside of your expertise

You are asked to work on a project that is outside of your expertise as a registered engineer. The project is to design a faster way to mechanically separate a chicken's head from its body. You have absolutely no knowledge about chickens. The pay is high and your family really needs the money. What is the ethical thing to do? A) Do not accept the job because it is outside of your expertise B) Hire your friend, he has owned a chicken before, but stamp your seal on his work C) Eat your family D) Accept the project and wing it

d.) Decline the change and request the necessary material in the original design.

You are designing a structure to support a high-traffic public area. The final design is over budget and your client suggests swapping the main material for something cheaper. This material will support the traffic and ensure the project is completed within budget, but it will break down in about four years and will need to be replaced. What do you decide to do? a.) Accept the change. It will do no immediate harm to the public and the project will get completed within budget. b.) Leave the decision to the client, after informing them of the replacement needed in four years. c.) Leave the decision to the client without informing them of the replacement needed in four years. d.) Decline the change and request the necessary material in the original design.

B. Agree to testify in the case.

You are registered as a professional engineer in Louisiana and Texas. A defense attorney would like you to testify in a case regarding an accident that occured in Kentucky. You are asked to give your expert opinion in the trial. How should you proceed?A. Request compensation for your testimony.B. Agree to testify in the case.C. Report the incident to the Kentucky ethics board. D. Wait to testify until you have registered as a PE in Kentucky as well.

C) Attempt to inform the other licensed engineer about their error.

You are reviewing a fellow licensed engineer's calculations after they have already submitted their plan for building a new bridge, but you notice a slight error when reviewing their determination for choice of materials. What do you have an ethical obligation to do? A) Inform the builder that the material selection poses a risk to the safety of the public and should, therefore, be reconsidered. B) Submit a formal complaint to the board indicating the other engineer's error. C) Attempt to inform the other licensed engineer about their error. D) Nothing, as these calculations do not pertain to any of your firm's projects.

b) do not seek it

You are seeking a contract from a local governmental body, but an official at your firm is a member of the body. a) seek the contract b) do not seek it c) request your firm member withdraw from the body d) go to a new firm

A) Snitch. Tell the board.

You have a friend who is a licensed engineer at a firm. You witness the firm money laundering. Your friend tells you that if you snitch you will "get stitches". What do you do? A) Snitch. Tell the board. B) Tell your friend to pay up so you will shut up C) Tell your friend he is no longer your BFF for life and hang up D) Don't say anything

D) No, because you have been granted inactive status and have not been otherwise exempted.

You have been asked to assist in the redesign of a parking garage that you helped design originally 30 years ago. You attend regular engineering meetings to stay informed about the state of your previous projects, but you have been granted inactive status since you have not been actively engaged in practice in a few years. Are you allowed to assist on this project? A) Yes, since you are well-informed in this jurisdiction and already assisted on the original project. B) No, because engineering meetings do not count towards years of practice. C) Yes, because you have only been granted inactive status within the last 5 years. D) No, because you have been granted inactive status and have not been otherwise exempted.

D) unethical, you have not graduated from the ABET accredited program or passed the FE exam for certification

You have finished your second year of studies in an ABET accredited engineering program. Over the summer, you plan to work an internship with an engineering firm. In this role, using the title "Engineer Intern" would be: A) Ethical, you are an engineering student hired as an intern B) ethical, the company hired you to an "engineer intern" position C) unethical, you have not been certified or given permission from your school D) unethical, you have not graduated from the ABET accredited program or passed the FE exam for certification

C) Decline the offer. It would be unethical for you to accept a contract from this government body for your firm since you are a member of the governmental body.

You work for a civil engineering firm and specialize in bridge construction and repair. Due to your expertise in this area, you have also been placed on your state's Board of Infrastructure. When a major bridge in your city is damaged in a natural disaster, your boss asks if your firm would accept a contract to repair it. They are impressed with your work and expertise and they want your department of the firm to lead repairs. How should you respond to the offer? A) Accept the offer. You have sufficient expertise in the area of bridge repair and you have a capable team of engineers at your firm. B) Accept the offer, but encourage your boss to be open to other contract bids. C) Decline the offer. It would be unethical for you to accept a contract from this government body for your firm since you are a member of the governmental body. D) Decline the offer, but assist your boss in selecting a different private firm.

B. Decline the interview

You work for an engineering firm that offers a wide range of services. Your job deals mostly with consultation on bridge construction. A competing firm designed a sewage system that overflowed, causing millions of dollars in damage. A local journalist is investigating the incident and asks you for your opinion on the sewage system. You should _______: A. Look up "sewage systems," and do 30 minutes of research before the interview. B. Decline the interview C. Ask your friend, who lost his car due to flooding, about what he thinks before the interview

A) Go directly to the board

Your friend, a PE has come to you (a PE) for advice on a project, but he is not authorized by his client to disclose any information with you, but he believes the client could be in the wrong and not adhering to professional standards. What do you do? A) Go directly to the board B) Look at the plans anyway and see if what he thinks is true, and if it is, tell him to go to the board. C) Tell him to brush it off because they are the ones paying him. D) Tell him to bring it up to the company and see what they say.

B. Section 240.15, A8.: Licensees who have knowledge or reason to believe that any person or firm has violated any rules or laws applying to the practice of engineering or surveying shall report it to the board, may report it to appropriate legal authorities, and shall cooperate with the board and those authorities as requested.

ne of your co-worker's previous bosses (John) has officially retired after twenty years of gaining expertise in automatic electrical systems. Recently, you have been assigned to a project that focuses on these types of systems. Upon 'completion' of your project, your current boss (Megan) refuses to "sign-off" on some of your calculations and circuitry configurations due to a small safety hazard. Your co-worker ignores Megan's notion and goes to John for a seal of approval - he does so. What law does this violate? A. Section 240.15, C1.: Licensees shall not falsify or permit misrepresentation of their, or their associates', academic or professional qualifications. B. Section 240.15, A8.: Licensees who have knowledge or reason to believe that any person or firm has violated any rules or laws applying to the practice of engineering or surveying shall report it to the board, may report it to appropriate legal authorities, and shall cooperate with the board and those authorities as requested. C. Section 150.10, A7.: Knowingly making false statements or signing false statements, certifications, or affidavits in connection with the practice of engineering or surveying D. A and B.

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