BEH5041 Final Practice

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SDP signals that __________ is ________ for a specific bx.

punishment; available

Cultural selection is responsible for _________ while operant selection is responsible for ______________.

verbal behavior, individual verbal repertoires

A speaker might be called X and a listener might be called Y.

verbalizer, mediator

A conditional discrimination is a:

4 term contingency

A hot temperature increases the effect of a cold glass of iced tea as a reinforcer and evokes drinking a cold glass of iced tea. What is the value-altering effect? A. A cold glass of iced tea increased in effectiveness as a reinforcer B. A hot temperature C. Drinking a cold glass of iced tea

A cold glass of iced tea increased in effectiveness as a reinforcer

To qualify as verbal behavior the behavior needs _______ audience.

A trained audience

Which of the following is incorrect? A. Operant selection is responsible for the evolution of verbal behavior. B. Cultural selection is responsible for the evolution of verbal behavior. C. Operant selection involves when a person learns a language such as English. D. None of the above is correct.

A. Operant selection is responsible for the evolution of verbal behavior.

Which of the following is correct? A. The audience is composed of listeners who belong to a trained verbal community. B. The listeners is composed of learners who belong to a trained verbal community. C. The speaker relates to the concept of "receptive language." D. The speaker is the individual emitting the motor imitation.

A. The audience is composed of listeners who belong to a trained verbal community.

Eating an entire duck during the Chinese New Year party reduces Li ordering ducks. In relation to ordering ducks, eating an entire duck functioned as a(n):

AO for reinforcement

Establishing Operations relation to punishment have an ______________ effect on behavior.


Drinking cool milk tea quenches my thirst, and cools me off, so I stop drinking milk tea. Thus, in relation to drinking, having all that milk tea had an:

Abative Effect (decreased behavior)

Drinking cool milk tea quenches my thirst, and cools me off, so I stop drinking milk tea. Thus, in relation to drinking, having all that milk tea had an:

Abative Effect (decreased behavior)

Just coming back from Taiwan decreasing the effectiveness of Chinese food as a reinforcer. What type of effect?

Abolishing effect

The value-altering effect of an AO is referred to as an:

Abolishing effect

Effects of __________ are typically observed in the moment ("here and now"). Effects of _________ can only be observed through repeated measure across time.

Antecedents; Consequences

Which of the following is NOT an intraverbal?

Asking a question (mand)

In a chained schedule, the terminal reinforcer is provided:

At the end of a sequence of signaled reinforcement schedules

Saying, "Now I got it," after hearing Johnson described the directions for driving to Vegas. This is an example of:

C. Intraverbal (Preceding verbal SD, no point to point correspondence)

Which of the following is/are correct? A. All socially-mediated behavior is verbal behavior B. To qualify as verbal behavior the behavior needs a trained speaker C. To qualify as verbal behavior the behavior needs a trained audience D. All of the above are correct

C. To qualify as verbal behavior the behavior needs a trained audience

Poor Johnny's stepfather is an alcoholic. When he comes home drunk, he often announces "Here's Johnny!". This is usually followed by abusive behavior toward Johnny. Johnny now runs and hides in his room as soon as he hears his stepfather say "here's Johnny!" "Here's Johnny" functions as a _______.

CMO-R (Worsening condition so want to escape)

When Joe would hang out with his friends, they would often pick on him for being a wimp until he started a fight with someone in the neighborhood. Often, they were listening to Chinese opera when this occurred. One day, while listening to Chinese opera on his headphones, Joe picks a fight with someone, even though his friends are nowhere around. In relation to fighting, the Chinese opera functioned as a ______.


Usually, Dr. Jose's class finishes about 10 AM. It is 9:55 AM, Anthony starts to search for his car keys so he can drive to his home as soon as the class is done. In relation to the car keys, the fact that the class is almost done functioned as a _______.


A waiter brings me a hamburger and French fries. I notice there is no ketchup on the table. I immediately begin looking for the waiter so I can get his attention. In relation to the waiter, the fact that there is no ketchup on the table functioned as a _______.

CMO-T (Need the waiter to get the ketchup; The waiter doesn't pair with ketchup so it is not CMO-S; she/he brings the ketchup.)

The two types of schedules of reinforcement that encompass all others are:

CRF & Extinction

You hand your boss a finished report and ask politely if you can speak to her. She smiles and says, "yes". You go in and ask for a day off next week. Your asking for a day off in this case is probably on a _______.

Chained schedule of Sr+

Saying, "Cookie", as a result of seeing the word "cookie". Is this an example of:


A bird gets reinforcement if it presses the lever only when a light is on and a tone is sounding. This is an example of:

Conditional Discrimination

A discrimination in which reinforcing a response is contingent on another stimulus is:

Conditional Discrimination

Zoey receives treats when she meows if Li is alone in the kitchen. However, Zoey doesn't receives treats when she meows if Li and Jacob both are in the kitchen. This is an example of:

Conditional Discrimination

An MO is an antecedent condition, operation or stimulus that: A. alters the effectiveness of another antecedent B. has a momentary effect on a dimension of behavior C. alters the effectiveness of a consequence D. B & C but not A E. A & B but not C

D. B & C but not A

Li only gives Zoey treats when she makes eye contact, or stays with Jacob. However, she won't earn treats when she is under the bed. This is an example of:


Based on the experiences in the past, now Zoey meows more for food when she sees Li but she walks away and doesn't meow at all when she sees Jacob because he doesn't respond to her meowing bx at all. This is an example of:


When my learner begins teasing his younger sister, the mom says "If you don't knock it off, you won't play iPad for a week! " In the past, when the mom has made this kind of statement, if my learner continued to tease his sister, the mom followed through and took away the iPad . My learner immediately stops teasing his sister. The statement, which abated my learner's teasing, functioned as a ________.

Discriminative Stimulus for punishment (SDp)

Choose the correct Verbal Operant. Kramer sees "Seinfeld" in the newspaper and write "Seinfeld" in his notebook.

Duplic (Copying text)

Saying, "what's up" upon hearing "what's up." This is an example of:

Duplic (echoic)

Which Verbal Operant? I say "hello" and you say "hello". Your response is a(n):

Duplic (echoic/Point to point + formal similarity)

Choose the correct. A. The person engages in the verbal response is called, speaker. B. Verbal behavior needs a trained audience. C. All of behavior maintained by socially-mediated reinforcement is verbal behavior. (Crying) D. The listener only provides consequences but not antecedents for the speaker's verbal behavior. (listener usually provides Antecedent + Consequence) E. A & B F. All of the above are correct

E. A & B

This evokes responding: A. SD B. SDP C. SΔ D. SΔP E. A & D

E. A & D

I have a splitting headache. My eyes hurt, and my head is throbbing. I go to the medicine cabinet and take some pain relievers, and the headache eventually subsides. The headache functions as an ____________.

EO for negative reinforcement

Walking in the street in Taiwan during a 95 degree summer day made me very hot! When I saw a tea shop, I immediately went in to order a cup of milk tea and drank it. Thus, the heat served as a:

EO for positive reinforcement

My alarm clock is set for 7:00AM. I wake up and see that it is 6:59AM, and that the alarm signal is on (the alarm is set). I switch the alarm setting to "off" and the signal disappears. The alarm signal, in conjunction with 6:59AM functions as an_______.

EO: specifically a CEO-RSr-

The value-altering effect of an EO is referred to as an:

Establishing effect

Establishing Operations relation to reinforcement have an ______________ effect on behavior.


Walking in the street in Taiwan during a 95 degree summer day made me very hot! When I saw a tea shop, I immediately went in to order a cup of cool milk tea and drank it. In relation to my getting milk tea, the heat had an:

Evocative Effect (Increase behavior-effect on bx)

A motivating operation has ________ effect on behavior?

Evocative or abative

_____ and _____ are the two behavior effects of antecedent stimuli.

Evoke; abate

What is the effect of onset of painful stimulation on behavior?

Evokes escape behavior

If I plan to establish/strengthen Sonny's going to bed before 8 pm, which schedule will be effective?


EOs always evokes behavior while AOs always abate behavior.


Is the following an example of stimulus generalization? I reinforced Zoey's stay in my bed instead of hiding inside of the closet. Then now she plays toys in the living room, comes out for sunlight bath and sits in the couch with me.


The ______ name of an MO refers to the effect of the MO has on the consequence. The _____ name of an MO refers to the specific type of consequence whose effectiveness if being altered.

First; Last

The Skinnerian analysis of language takes a _____ approach by focusing on verbal behavior in relation to the environment.


Unconditioned establishing operation is the term for a motivating operation that ______ the value of a consequence due to _________.

Increases; phylogenic provenance

Skinner (1953) states: In reinforcing one operant we often produce a noticeable increase in the strength of another. Training in one area of a skilled behavior may improve performance in another. This is a definition of:

Induction (Response generalization)

In the math class. Li says 1. Mandy say 2, 3, 4, 5... This is an example of:


Choose the correct verbal operant. Saying, "Cookie", solely as a result of being food deprived and seeing a person who has given him cookies in the past.


The only verbal operant under the antecedent control of motivation operations is the

Mand (EO)

She said, "water," as a result of seeing a person holding a bottle of water and walking toward her after she has not drunk for 24 hours in a dessert. This is an example of:


Which of the following is not one of the nine main human UMOs?


The first time Liyu took Subway in Taiwan. She observed people scanning their passes in front of the gate, then the gate would automatically open. Therefore, Liyu scanned her pass too. Is this an example of:

Motor Imitation

Pure mand or multiple control? Li wrote, "chip," in her notebook as a result of feeling hungry and hear her learner said, "chip."

Multiple control (Mand-Codic)

When you are driving, the sunlight evokes you putting on your sunglasses. The bright sunlight is an EO for:

Negative reinforcement

Is this an intraverbal? Saying, "Hello", as a result of seeing a friend approaching who has not seen you.

No (Mand/EO)

Choose the correct Verbal Operant. Getting oneself a cookie solely as the result of being food deprived.

Not a verbal behavior

Li was invited by her friend to help children with behavior problems in Korea. In order to succeed in her project, she started to learn Korean one year before she visited Korean and continued to learn this language when she was working on her project in Korea. What type of selection involved when Li learned Korean.

Operant Selection (Individual's learning, doesnt pass generation to generation)

Pure mand or multiple control? Signing, "food," solely as a result of feeling hungry.

Pure mand

Going to kitchen and bringing a cup when asked. This is an example of:

Receptive Language/ Non-Verbal Listener Behavior

When my cats want to go my backyard, first they stand by the door. If I don't open it, they then begin to scratch the door. If I still don't open it, they begin to meow loudly. This is an example of:

Response class hierarchy

Differentiation is the opposite of ___________ generalization; Discrimination is the opposite of _________ generalization.

Response; Stimulus

In the past, when you have attempted to log into Adobe 10 minutes before class time, you have been successful with being able to get into the classroom and played the hangman game with Li. However, when you have tried logging in 20 minutes before class, a message appears that states "Class is not currently in session, try again closer to your class time." Thus, you have increased attempting to log in 10 minutes before class, and have decreased logging in 20 minutes before class. In relation to logging into Adobe, 10 minutes before class time functions as a :


Under what condition is behavior most likely to occur?

SD and EOSR+

When Jacob's friend Chris hears Sally whimper, he yells "no" which startles Sally. Whimpering decreases in Chris' presence. In relation to the whimpers, the sight of Chris functions as a:______________

SDP+ (Signal availability of positive punishment)

When I go to my favorite sushi restaurant and Chef Lee is working, I order the spicy tuna salad since he adds avocado in it. When I go to the same sushi restaurant and Chef Chris is working, I don't order the spicy tuna salad since he never puts avocado in it. In relation to ordering the spicy tuna salad, the presence of Chef Lee likely functioned as a:

SDR+ (Discriminative Stimulus for Positive Reinforcement)

When Sally is put in her crate for time-out she immediately starts to whimper. When Li hears her whimper, she takes her out of the crate and the whimpering stops. The overall rate of whimpering has increased. When Jacob hears Sally whimper, he never lets her out of the crate and rather waits for a few moments of silence. Eventually, Sally whimpers only with Li and never with Jacob. In relation to the dog whimpering, Li functioned as a?

SDR- (Discriminative Stimulus for Negative Reinforcement)

Lilly has not eaten any food for 3 hours. She brought her talking device to her mother and swiped to food page. She pointed to one of icons, Chicken, and looked at her mother. Is Lilly's behavior an example of:

Selection-Based verbal behavior

When Li is in the kitchen near cat food but Jacob is around, Zoey is unlikely to get any treats even she meows. In relation to asking for treats, which is the SΔ?

Sight of Jacob close to Li in the kitchen

Cooper learned to say, "Daddy", and received juice and smiles from his dad. Now he says, daddy, to all of male therapists. This is an example of:

Stimulus Generalization

Li gives Zoey treats if she sleeps on Li's bed instead of sleeping inside closets. After two weeks later, Zoey starts sleeping on Jacob's bed. When her owner, Larissa, takes her back, she even sleeps on her bed. This is an example of:

Stimulus Generalization

Li gives Zoey treats if she sleeps on her bed instead of sleeping inside closets. After two weeks later, Zoey starts sleeping on Jacob's bed. When her owner, Larissa, takes her back, she even sleeps on her bed. This is an example of:

Stimulus Generalization

Fill the blanks: ______________ is the tendency of a ______ response to occur in the presence of stimuli which were not _______ during training but which either have similar physical properties to the SD or have been associated with the SD.

Stimulus Generalization; learned; presence

The traditional view of language takes a _____ approach by focusing on the formal properties of language.


Under what condition is behavior least likely to occur?

SΔ and AO SR+

When I go to my favorite sushi restaurant and Chef Lee is working, I order the spicy tuna salad since he adds avocado in it. When I go to the same sushi restaurant and Chef Chris is working, I don't order the spicy tuna salad since he never puts avocado in it. In relation to ordering the spicy tuna salad, the presence of Chef Chris likely functioned as a:

SΔR+ (Extinction from Positive Reinforcement)

Choose the correct Verbal Operant. I hear a loud sound over my school. I go outside and see boys playing. Jack run up to me and says, "we just saw a really fast helicopter". Jack's behavior is a:


Choose the correct Verbal Operant. Saying, "bitter", solely as a result of tasting a cup of coffee without adding sugar and cream.


Having a headache increase the effective of the removal of the headache as a reinforcer and evokes taking the pain reliever. What is the value-altering effect?

The removal of the headache increased the effectiveness as a reinforcer

Zoey is likely to get treats if she meows when Li is in the kitchen around her treat containers. Zoey is unlikely to get treats if she meows when Li is in her room and away from the cat food. In relation to meowing for food, which is the SD?

The sight of Li in the kitchen

Jessica wanted to cook for Dr. Kang so she asked him, "what is your favorite food?" Dr. Kang has severe sore throat and was not able to talk so he wrote Chinese food in a piece of paper. Dr. Kang's behavior is an example of:

Topography-Based verbal behavior

American Sign language is a form of verbal behavior.


Is the following an example of response generalization? I reinforced Zoey's stay in my bed instead of hiding inside of the closet. Then now she plays toys in the living room, comes out for sunlight bath and sits in the couch with me.


Just finishing an entire duck has an effect on the value of food. This is an example of:

Unconditioned Abolishing Operation (UAO)

Having not eaten for 10 hours has an effect on the value of food. This is an example of:

Unconditioned Establishing Operation (UEO)

The term "unconditioned" in UMOs means the behavior is:


When Janet gets a hundred-dollar Macy's gift card from her mom on her birthday, Macy's department store becomes an effective form of reinforcement. What type of motivating operation effect does this demonstrate?

Value-altering (MO)

Is this a mand? Saying, "give me an apple", solely as the result of being required to teach a child to discriminate between apples and oranges.


Solely as a result seeing a rat, Jessica screams, "Rat." Is this a tact?


I said, Mike, "Put some plates on the table and you can eat your bacon right away". He puts plates on the table. My statement was _____ & his behavior was _____.

a mand; receptive language

Fill the blanks: SD _________ behavior because in the _____ that behavior has been __________ in the presence.

evokes; past; reinforced

What is the value-altering effect of onset of painful stimulation?

increase the effectiveness of pain reduction as a reinforcer

SΔ is correlated with _________ of availability of _______.

lack; reinforcement

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