Behavior analysis chapter 11

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One troubling aspect of sex differences in response to media violence is that while ______ are more likely to become violent as a result of such exposure, ______ may be more likely to become ______ of violence.

Males; females; victims.

A rule can be defined as a _______ ______ of a _______.

Verbal; description; contingency.

Rules are extremely useful in that they allow us to learn about appropriate patterns of behavior in a setting ______ direct exposure to the contingencies operating in that setting.


You may watch cooking shows on television and learn how to perform complex culinary feats. Translating that knowledge into a gourmet meal is the difference between _____ and _____.

Acquisition; performance.

An important aspect of gaining information about a modeled behavior is the extent to which we ______ to the model.


Not only are you more likely to ______ to a model's behavior if you see the model's behavior reinforced, you are also more likely to ______ that behavior.

Attend; perform.

Teachers often directly reinforce the behavior of paying ______, sometimes accompanied by the use of ______, such as "Look at what I'm doing."

Attention; prompting.

In fear conditioning, the expressions of fear in other people may function as _____ that elicit the same emotional response in ourselves.

CSs & USs.

From a classical conditioning perspective, smiles, giggles, and laughs are ______ that can elicit ______ _______ ______ in observers.

CSs; vicarious emotional responses.

A second factor that influences whether we will perform a modeled behavior is the ______ we receive for performing the behavior.


In general, the extent to which we follow instructions-as well as the specific instructions we choose to follow-depends largely on the ______ we have received for following instructions.


When you repeat an off-color joke to your friends, they laugh heartily; but when you tell the same jokes to your parents, you are met with frowns. Due to ______ reinforcement, you soon learn to tell such jokes only when you are with your friends.


The result is that most children acquire a _______ tendency to follow instructions.


As an example of the above, experimental subjects who are told to press a button to earn money sometimes display a _____ of responding on an FI schedule of reinforcement, which is ______ the type of responding typically shown on such schedules by animals.

High rate; different from.

A third factor that influences our performance of a modeled behavior is out _______ of ______ for performing modeled behaviors.

History of reinforcement.

Watching a model demonstrate violent behavior has been shown to lead to an ______ in violence by observers; observing the reinforcement of violent behavior further _____ the amount of violence displayed by observers.

Increase; increased.

A second problem with rule-governed behavior is that such behavior is sometimes surprisingly _____ to the actual contingencies of reinforcement in a particular setting.


A rule that also indicates how you should behave with response to a contingency is an ______.


One problem with rule-governed behavior is that it is often _____ efficient than behavior that has been shaped by natural _____.

Less; contingencies.

In observational learning, the person performing a behavior is the _____; the person watching the behavior is the ______.

Model; observer.

If a young gorilla learns to gather tasty wild ginger plants by watching his mother forage, we can say that he has demonstrated ______ learning.


_______ _______ rules indicate the specific process by which a task is to be carried out. The formulation of such rules tend to _____ the likelihood that the task will be accomplished. Such rules have also been called ________ _______.

Personal process; increase; implementation intentions.

A ______ rule is a description of a contingency that we verbalize to ourselves in influence our own behavior.


Children learn to follow instructions because they are often ______ for following instructions. As well, they learn that following instructions is usually a _____ way to actually accomplish a task.

Praised; good.

Although children in Bandura's study exhibited somewhat less violent behavior if the model's behavior had been ______, their levels of violence increased again if they were later offered a(n) _____ for behaving violently.

Punished; incentive.

You are more likely to pay attention to a model whose behavior is _____, who is _____ to you, who is _____, and who is a noted ______ in that activity.

Reinforced; similar; admired; authority.

Behavior that is generated through exposure to rules is known as ______ ______ behavior.


A close match between what we say we are going to do and what we actually do at a later point in time is called a ______-______ _______.

Say-Do correspondence.

People who have been trained to display a high level of ______ ______ correspondence can more effectively use personal rules to influence their behavior.


The problem with the media giving equal air time to those who are ______ about the effects of media violence on violent behavior is that the public is then misled into thinking that the evidence for such effects is _______ than it actually is.

Skeptical; weaker.

The average person is unlikely to pay much attention to the precise moves of a grand master in chess simply because the average person does not have the _____ to benefit from that type of modeling.


Joe has also purchased a new computer and is trying to access the internet. He watches his friend Daryl as he accesses the internet and notices that he uses a couple of applications to do so. Joe opens those applications himself and then plays around with the settings until he figures it out. Joe's behavior is best described as an example of _______.

Stimulus enhancement.

Longitudinal studies have shown that exposure to violent media is ______ correlated with ______ and ______ behavior.

Strongly; aggressive; antisocial.

Jessica had just purchased a new computer and is trying to learn how to use the modem to access the internet. She asks her friend Jill to show her how to do it. Jill performs a complicated series of clicks and keystrokes, and Jessica watches closely. If Jessica then connects to the internet on her own using the same actions as Jill, Jessica's behavior is best described as an example of ______.

True imitation.

The aggressive behavior of children in Bandura's studies was so similar to the model's behavior that it can be considered as an example of ______ ______.

True imitation.

Copying a new behavior to achieve a particular result is _____; having one's attention drawn to a particular place or thing is _______.

True imitation; stimulus enhancement.

David watches a television infomercial about a new product guaranteed to promote weight loss. The audience members are smiling, laughing, and enthusiastic in their praise for the product. Later, David decides that he will buy the product, even though he initially viewed it with skepticism. David's buying decision is probably motivated by ______ _____ conditioning that occurred during exposure to the infomercial.

Vicarious emotional.

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