Behavior Analysis Exam 2 Prac. Q's

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Which of the following data pairs reflects a conditioning session that has the most powerful suppression ratio?

10 pre-condition responses; 0 conditioned responses

In a classical conditioning session, the CS bell has an associative value of 3 and the CS light has an associative value of 12. What is the maximum associated value of the US chocolate cake?


Which of the following indicates overshadowing by a bell stimulus for an unconditioned stimulus with a maximum value of 12?

Bell (V=10); Tone (V=2)

The postconditioning presentation of the unconditioned stimulus (US) at a different level of intensity, which subsequently alters the strength of response to the previously conditioned CS is known as

US revaluation

According to the Rescorla-Wagner theory, which of the following food stimuli would have the greatest associative value for child subjects?

a cookie

In a classical conditioning demonstration, the neutral stimulus of a loud metronome is paired with the unconditioned stimulus of food for a dog. Through repeated pairings, the metronome comes to elicit salivation just as the food did. This process of pairing and strengthening the conditioned response of salivation in the dog is called


Every time Helen wants to smoke a cigarette, she snaps a small rubber band against the inside of her wrist, creating a sharp twinge of pain. This is an example of

aversion therapy

Olivia is working to condition a dog to flinch when hearing a bell. She sprays slightly acidic water in the dog's face. While the spray is still occurring, she rings the bell. She then turns off the spray and keeps ringing the bell for a brief time. Which of the following describes the procedure Olivia is using?

backward conditioning

Gabe is a kindergartener, who has already established a reputation as a "trouble-maker" in his class. When the teacher steps out of the classroom for a couple of minutes, Eric tries to feed the fish in the aquarium and proceeds to knock the display down that is over the aquarium. As the teacher enters the room, she immediately looks at Gabe and accusing him of knocking down the display. Gabe's established role as the "class trouble-maker" interferes with the teacher associating Eric with the current "display disaster." This real-life example illustrates the classical conditioning phenomenon known as


When you were bitten by a dog while jogging, the pain of the bite was paired simultaneously with the appearance of the dog and its growling. Thus, the growling and the appearance of the dog would be considered a(n)

compound stimulus

Your cat meows whenever he is given cat food. The rattling sound of the cat food box when you shake it has been paired so often that this rattling sound now elicits your cat's meowing. Recently, you switched to feeding your cat soft pouches of food that do not make a rattling sound. For a short while, your cat continues to meow to the sound of any rattling box, such as the sound of a cereal box rattling. However, since the rattling sound is no longer paired with the cat food, your cat will soon stop meowing to the rattling sound due to a process known as


Which of the following terms reflects the process of pseudoconditioning?


Javier is hosting an open house for a home he is trying to sell near the airport. As he points out the back yard, a jet roars overhead. Before the buyer can comment, Javier says, "Yes, the planes are loud. But believe me, after a while you won't even notice them." What is Javier describing?


Many advertisers use celebrities to sell their products so that consumers will associate their positive emotional responses for the famous people to the products they are selling. This type of advertising utilizes the process known as

higher-order conditioning

A researcher who removes an unconditioned stimulus to influence a subject's response is conducting

inhibitory conditioning

Jasmine cannot tolerate large amounts of external stimulation and tends to withdraw from such stimulation. She also develops anxiety-type symptoms when stressed; and during conditioning experiments, she tends to condition very easily. According to Eysenck's theory of personality, Jasmine would best be described as a(n)


Why is a reflex more likely than a complex behavior to be an unconditioned response?

it is innate

Experiments have revealed that people with schizophrenia have abnormal attentional processes and tend to condition more easily to familiar stimuli, thus, displaying lower levels of

latent inhibition

Stephanie is at her friend Anna's house when Anna receives a call from her husband Jack. Because Anna is washing dishes, she talks to Jack over the speaker phone. After Anna finishes the call, Stephanie expresses her concerns to Anna regarding Jack's disrespectful tone during this conversation. Anna replies that she did not hear any disrespect in Jack's comments. However, Stephanie as well as Anna's other friends have heard numerous disrespectful comments made to Anna by Jack in recent months. Anna's inability to recognize Jack's disrespect for her illustrates which classical conditioning phenomenon?

latent inhibition

Which of the following stimuli has the highest potential for habituation by a person who is regularly exposed to them?

light bulb humming in the hall

Which of the following terms best describes the effect of opponent-process mechanism on emotional responses?


In an experiment, a researcher introduces a flashing light which will eventually cause the subject to behave in a particular manner. At the beginning of the experiment, what is the light called?

neutral stimulus

Luisa wishes that she hadn't asked her sister Maya to babysit Trevor after pre-school. Maya is afraid of small animals. Whenever Maya took Trevor to the park, she would flinch and scream at squirrels, chipmunks, and birds. Now Trevor cries whenever he sees these animals, even on TV. What likely caused Trevor's phobia?

observational learning

Ten-year-old Max and eight-year-old Cindy have learned to be on their best behavior and to play quietly in their rooms or in the yard when their mother takes out the suitcases to pack for the family vacation. The children know that whenever their mother is packing for the family vacation, she tends to be stressed and more likely to fuss at them. Thus, seeing suitcases out of the closet is a signal to Max and Cindy that it is time to avoid their mother during her "packing frenzy." This real-life example illustrates which classical conditioning phenomenon?

occasion setting

Vanita wants her dog Spot to sit when she claps her hands twice. Vanita claps, presses down on Spot's rump, and gives him a treat. This is considered one trial. To ensure that Spot fully learns this behavior, what training regimen should Vanita follow?

one trial every five minutes over an hour, for two days

In a session with two conditioned stimuli, the conditioned response decreases when the stimuli are combined into a compound stimulus. This process is known as


Casey was in a movie theater when a small fire broke out. Nobody was hurt, but the evacuation was chaotic and a bit distressing. Now Casey is fearful of being in any enclosed room with a large group of people. What played a role in Casey's phobia?


You are walking through the woods when you are pricked by the thorns of a plant. The pain of being pricked will be associated with many aspects of the plant, including the color of the flower and leaves, the height of the plant, and the presence of thorns. However, the presence of thorns on the plant will probably be a more salient feature and will be more readily conditioned than a less salient feature, such as the height of the plant. This illustrates which type of specificity in classical conditioning?


Which of the following slogans best fits the process of in vivo flooding for phobia treatment?

perform your fears

In which of the following classical conditioning models does the subject's sense of anticipation play a role?

preparatory-response theory

Which of the following correctly pairs a phobic conditioning factor with a key related concept?

preparedness - phobia type

What is the critical component of systematic desensitization as a treatment for phobias?


Which of the following initiates a fixed action pattern?


Driving home from the hospital where her mother died after a long illness, Rachel got into a minor car accident. Since then, she has been fearful of driving. Rachel has been driving for a long time and had a few small accidents over the years. She can't understand why the experience now seems frightening. What likely played a role in the formation of Rachel's driving phobia?

selective sensitization

Abigail is afraid to fly and becomes anxious when she hears the word airplane. She also becomes anxious when she hears the words jet, airliner, or aircraft. Abigail is exhibiting

semantic generalization

Janie just broke up with her boyfriend Chuck and is so angry and hurt that she wants to avoid him at all costs. Since the break-up, Janie has also avoided driving by Chuck's place of employment as well as the pizza restaurant where she met Chuck. The discomfort Janie feels and her avoidance of places previously associated with Chuck illustrate the phenomenon known as

sensory preconditioning

Nathan is fast asleep. Which of the following scents will awaken him due to adaptive significance of the stimulus?


Which of the following is a defining characteristic of the reflex arc?


After her traumatic car accident, Carmen was extremely fearful of driving a car. After several months, Carmen began to drive her car without fear. Then, while driving in the rain, another car barely missed hitting her car; and Carmen's fear of driving returned. This reappearance of her fear demonstrates the phenomenon of

spontaneous recovery

The first night that Danielle slept in her own apartment, she heard a strangle clanking noise in the hallway. Her stomach clenched. What did Danielle experience?

startle response

Four-year-old Tony is afraid of his grandfather's Labrador retriever named Buddy because Buddy tends to jump up on Tony and knock him down when they play. However, Tony readily plays with his grandmother's Collie named Lady, because this dog tends to play less aggressively with Tony. Tony's fear of Buddy the dog but not Lady the dog illustrates the classical conditioning concept of

stimulus discrimination

Which of the following is likely most common to veterans who experience post-traumatic stress syndrome?

stimulus generalization

Which of the following perspectives has been discredited for oversimplifying the process of classical conditioning?

stimulus-substitution theory

Which of the following factors influencing phobic conditioning can be inherited?


Two conditioned stimuli each have a value equal to the maximum associated value of the unconditioned stimulus. When the conditioned stimuli are combined to form a compound stimulus, what happens to the values of each stimulus?

they are diluted

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