Beowulf, 1-24a

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18 Beowulf wæs breme (blæd wide sprang), 19 Scyldes eafera Scedelandum in.

Beowulf, the son (eafera: "son" ds) of Scyld (gs), was (wæs: "is" pret 3s) famous (breme: "famous" adj ns) in Scandinavia (Scedelandum in) (his renown (blæd: "renown" mns) spread (sprang: "spread" pret 3s) widely (wide: "widely" adv)).

7b He þæs frofre gebad, 8 weox under wolcnum, weorðmyndum þah, 9 oð þæt him æghwylc þara ymbsittendra 10 ofer hronrade hyran scolde, 11a gomban gyldan.

He (He: "he" m1s) experienced (gebad: "experience" pret 3s) relief (frofre: "relief" as) for that (þæs: "for that"), grew (weox: "grow, thrive" pret 3s) under (under: "under" wd (rest) the sky (wolcnum: "sky" dp), prospered (þah: "prosper" pret 3s) in worldly honors (weorðmyndum: "glory, worldly honor" dp), until (oð þæt: "until" conj) each one (æghwylc: "each (one)" nsm) of those (þara: "the, that" gpm) neighboring peoples (ymbsittendra: "neighboring peoples" gp) had to (scolde: "must, have to" pret 3s) cross (ofer: "over, across" wa (motion)) the ocean (hronrade: "ocean, whale's riding-place" fds) to obey (hyran: "obey" inf) him (him: "him" mas), to pay (gyldan: "pay" inf) tribute (gomban: "tribute" fas).

14b fyrenðearfe ongeat, 15 þe hie ær drugon aldorlease 16a lange hwile.

He saw (ongeat: "see" pret 3s) their painful need (fyrenðearfe: "extreme distress, painful need" fas), that (þe: "that" rp) they (hie: n3p) suffered (drugon: "suffer" pret 3p) previously (ær: "previously" adv) lacking a lord (aldorlease: "lacking a lord" adj npm) for a long (lange: "long" adj asf) time (hwile: "while, space of time" fas).

1 Hwæt! We Gardena in geardagum, 2 þeodcyninga, þrym gefrunon, 3 hu ða æþelingas ellen fremedon.

Listen! We (We: "we" fnp) of the spear-Danes (Gar-dena: "spear-Danes" ns-gp) have heard (gefrunon: "hear of" pret 1p) of the glory (þrym: "glory" as) of the kings of the people (þeodcyninga: "king of the people" gp), how (hu: "how" adv, conj) those (ða: "those") noble lords (æþelingas: "princes, noble lords" np) performed (fremedon: "do, perform" pret 3p) deeds of courage (ellen: "deads of courage" as).

4 Oft Scyld Scefing sceaþena þreatum, 5 monegum mægþum, meodosetla ofteah, 6 egsode eorlas syððan ærest wearð 7a feasceaft funden.

Often (Oft: "often" adv) Scyld Scefing took (ofteah: "deprived, take away from" pret 3s) the mead hall seats (meodosetla: "mead-hall seats" gp) away from many (monegum: "many" dpm) nations (mægþum: "nation" dp), troops (þreatum: "troop, company" dp) of ravagers (sceaþena: "foe, ravager" gp), terrified (egsode: "terrify" pret 3s) nobleman (eorlas: "nobleman, warrior" ap) after (syððan: "after, when, since" conj) he was (wearð: "is" pret 3s) first (ærest: "first" adv) found (funden: "find" p ptc) destitute (feasceaft: "destitute, wretched" adj nsm).

16b Him þæs liffrea, 17 wuldres wealdend, woroldare forgeaf;

That (þæs: "that") Lord of Life (liffrea: "lord of life" mns), Ruler (wealdend: "ruler, lord" mns) of Glory (wuldres: "glory" ngs), gave (forgeaf: "give" pret 3s) to him (him: "(to) him") worldly honor (woroldare: "worldly honor" fas);

11b þæt wæs god cyning!

That was a good king!

20 Swa sceal geong guma gode gewyrcean, 21 fromum feohgiftum on fæder bearme, 22 þæt hine on ylde eft gewunigen 23 wilgesiþas, þonne wig cume, 24a leode gelæsten;

Thus (Swa: "so, thus" adv) must (sceal: "must" pret-pres 3s) a young (geong: "young" adj nsm) warrior (guma: "man, warrior" ns) bring about (gewyrcean: "bring about (that)" inf) good deeds (gode: "good actions, good deeds" n ds) with pious (fromum: "pious, zealous" dpf) gifts of treasure (feohgiftum: "gift of treasure, treasure-giving" fdp) from (on) his father's (fæder: "father" mgs) possession (bearme: "possession" mds), so that (þæt: "so that") in old age (on ylde: "in old age" fds) dear companions (wilgesiþas: "dear companion" mnp) will stand by (gewunigen: "stand by" pres subj 3s) him (hine: "him" as) in return (eft: "back, in return" adv) when (þonne: "when" rp) war (wig: "war" nns) comes (cume: "come" pres subj 3s), the people (leode: "man" m ds) will support (gelæsten: "stand by, be of service" pres sub 3p) him;

12 ðæm eafera wæs æfter cenned, 13 geong in geardum, þone god sende 14a folce to frofre;

To him (ðæm: "to him" dsm) a son (eafera: "son" ns) was (wæs: "is" pret 3s) born (cenned: "give birth to" p ptc) afterwards (æfter: "afterwards" adv), young (geong: "young" imp s) in the courts (geardum: "dwelling, precinct" dp), whom (þone: "that" asm) God (god) sent (sende: "send" pret 1s) as a relief (frofre: "to comfort, relief" fds) to the people (folce: "folk, people, troop" nds);

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