BGS Exam 2

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Many rapid changes in technology over the past few decades were facilitated by:

all of the above

Richard M. Locke argues that global supply chains are best managed through a combination of public and private governance because:

all of the above

As a stakeholder, suppliers' interests include:

both earning income and utilizing productive capacity efficiently

Employees in the United States have a legal right to:

both of these

When a lead firm invests in supplier resources or offers training, this is an example of:

supplier development

A living wage has been defined as a wage that:

supports half the basic needs of an average-sized family, based on local prices

The act that requires lenders to inform borrowers of the annual rate of interest to be charged, plus related fees and services charges is called:

the truth in lending act

Which stage of corporate environmental responsibility focuses on the full life cycle of a product?

product stewardship stage

Every environmental regulation must be initially evaluated for its costs and benefits in a process called:

regulatory impact analysis

A person's entitlement to protection from invasion of one's personal life is called the:

right to privacy

Studying the underlying cause of repeated supplier violations is called:

root cause analysis

One action a company can take to effectively manage diversity and inclusion is:

set up a diversity council to monitor the company's goals

Some studies have shown that the burden of complying with safety regulations falls hardest on:

small businesses

Private governance is most likely to emerge under which of these conditions?

small lead firms have leverage over larger suppliers?

The digital divide describes the gap between those:

individuals who ave internet access through technology and those who do not

The "right to be heard" promises that consumers' interests will:

receive full and sympathetic consideration

Child care assistance in the workplace is accurately described by:

all of the above

Which of the following statements is not true about the organization Consumer Reports?

it is supported bu the federal gov

In the United States, the federal government regulates which of the following major areas of environmental protection?

All of the above

The EU's 2018 General Data Protection Regulation applies to:

companies anywhere who provide services to european

Possible costs of environmental regulation include all of the following except:

corporate restructuring

This U.S. agency enforces the laws prohibiting deceptive advertising:

federal trade commission

As of 2017 the volume of global spam email messages has declined primarily due to:

increased anti-spam protections

The annual EPA report Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) is an example of which environmental policy type?

information disclosure

The information phase of technology primarily requires:

intellectual and electronic skills

Which of these is not a current consumer law that protects individual privacy?

internet do not track rules

Which law eliminated certain time restrictions for filing pay discrimination lawsuits?

lilly ledbteer fair pay act of 2009

Under U.S. laws, who has the right to hold an election to choose what union they want to represent them, if any:

most private and public workers

Organizations with strong positive reputations are generally more successful because they:

often get the benefit of the doubt in uncertain circumstances

The practice of using fake business emails in order to trick users into divulging personal data, such as usernames and passwords, is called:


Environmental justice is a movement to:

prevent inequitable exposure to risk

Invasion of privacy through technology is best exemplified by:

your car's GPS tracking you at every location

According to the new social contract:

companies try to attract workers by giving them interesting and challenging work

Building a positive and ethical reputation requires a firm to:

convey a compelling story about the firm and what it stands for

The phase of technology that focuses on building material goods and manual labor is:


What is one drawback of conducting supplier audits?

on-site inspections are expensive

The corporate reputation of distinction must be built:

over time

During crisis management, doing the right thing should include:

both accepting responsibility and expressing regret

The way organizational members believe others see the organization is called the corporate:


The lack of jurisdiction of home country governments over supplier behavior is exemplified by:

The United States Department of Labor having no control over safety in Indonesia.

Which country has made the greatest progress in reducing its solid waste stream?

United States?

The corporate reputation is accurately described by which statement(s)?

all of the above

The growing diversity in the U.S. workforce is due to:

all of the above

Which of the following is (are) true regarding a recognizable brand?

all of the above

Which of the following represents a type of corporate crisis?

all of the above

Why does the inclusion of women on corporate boards improve company performance?

all of the above

Rules in the United States that prohibit competitors from secretly dividing up the market amongst themselves are called:

antitrust laws

A compulsion to engage in rewarding behaviors, despite negative consequences is called:

behavioral addiction

One type of digital currency that operates outside the banking system using encrypted technology is:


The International Labor Organization (ILO) identifies child labor by which factors?

both a child's age and the work hours

The major federal consumer protection agencies are authorized by law to:

both of these

The primary goal(s) of the Food and Drug Administration include:

both of these answers

Companies can combat sexual and racial harassment—and protect themselves from expensive lawsuits—by:

both of these are correct

The purpose of the media relations department is to manage a firm's:

both relationship with a public and public issue

Studies have shown that green marketing has been most successful at what level?


An identifying marker placed on a user's computer hard drive used to build profiles of their behavior over time is called a:


Groups that collect and combine data from various sources into individual profiles that are sold to retailers and advertisers are called:

data aggregators

Since the mid-1950s the proportion of American workers represented by unions has:


The leading cause of death on the job is due to:

vehicle accidents

An argument against affirmative action is:

it is inconsistent with the principles of fairness and equality

In the United States, the right to free speech:

must be weighed against the consequences for the community

Which of these statements is not true about supply chain transparency?

brand loyalty among consumers is reduced by a firms revelations

Which of the following is not a potential source of personal private data?

broadcast radio

Businesses can reduce income inequality by which action?

commit to paying a living wage to all employees

Seeking to restore the firm's reputation takes place during this effective crisis management step:

followup and where appropriate make amends to those affected

Scenario-based press releases, key discussion points, and procedures to activate the organization's website are all part of which step in an effective crisis management plan?

get ready before the crisis hits

Warning consumers about the possible side effects of pharmaceutical drugs is an example of consumer protection against:

hazardous products

As shown in Figure 2, in 2015 the countries with the highest and lowest percentages of unionized labor, respectively, were:

iceland, turkey

The Toxic Substances Control Act is accurately described by which of the following?

it established a national policy, restrict, and if necessary, ban toxic chemical

One argument in favor of affirmative action is:

it levels the playing field to correct past discriminatory hiring practices

Romantic relationships in the workplace are described by which statement?

many companies allow managers to become romantically involved with subordinates, so long as they do not supervise them directly

Many executives believe that a diverse workforce boosts innovation because:

many unique perspectives contribute to a better solution

According to the textbook, Asian American men now have higher median weekly earnings than white American men primarily because:

most asians had earned a bachelor's degree or higher

According to the Institute for Crisis Management this industry is among the top crisis-prone industries because of sophisticated technology found in its products:


States that have adopted right-to-work laws:

prevent unions from requiring all workers they represent to pay fees or dues

Age, ethnicity, gender, mental or physical abilities, race, and sexual orientation fall under which dimension of diversity?


This type of audit is perceived by stakeholders as more objective and reliable:

third party

A reason for an increase in employee monitoring does not include:

to reduce the employer's health insurance premiums

Microsoft launched a program in 2017 to bring the Internet to more of rural America using:

unused broadcast channels

A prime social responsibility of business is to safeguard consumers:

while continuing to supply them with goods and services they want

Variation in the important human characteristics that distinguish people from one another is called:


Under U.S. sentencing guidelines, how would firms facing environmental violations typically be treated if they had an active compliance program and fully cooperated with investigators?

their sentence would likely be lighter

Which type of supplier is hired to provide products or services directly to a lead firm?


According to a 2016 survey of senior supply chain managers, what is the leading reason to invest in supplier social responsibility?

to create a positive image and enhance brand equity

Sustainability leaders have found that the most effective environmental management approach involves:

a team of line managers from across the business organizations

Why does a diverse and inclusive workforce benefit a firm supporting a global market?

a variety of language skills serves the global customer base well?

Which of these statements is true regarding lead firms and their suppliers in the wake of the global financial crisis?

all of the aboce

A firm can affect the general public's opinion of its reputation through:

all of the above

Emission fees are accurately characterized by which statement(s)?

all of the above

Environmental regulations stimulate some sectors of the economy by:

all of the above

Social impacts of global supply chains include:

all of the above

Being able to continue their activities indefinitely, without altering the carrying capacity of the Earth's ecosystem, is a characteristic of:

ecologically sustainable organizations

How can a lead firm improve a supplier's performance when the cost to replace the supplier is high?

engage the supplier in capability building

Global businesses that have extended their public relations strategies worldwide should:

ensure that communications with local media take place in the area's negative language

The practice of adapting the job to the worker is called:


The right to a safe and healthy workplace is accurately described by which statement?

extensive training and careful precautions are necessary to avoid accidents

Consumers owe more money on their home loans (mortgages) than on any other kind of household debt. After mortgages, what makes up the largest portion of household debt?

student loans

The self-reinforcing feature of technology means that:

technology acts as a multiplier to encourage its own faster development

Which of these channels represents a traditional media outlet?


The Occupational Safety and Health Act gives workers the right to a job:

that is free from recognized hazards that are likely to cause death

Consumers have become more dependent on businesses for product quality because:

the complexity of products makes choices complicated for consumers

Benefits of managing diversity and inclusion effectively includes all except:

the federal government provides tax breaks

What is one reason why woman and minorities fail to move into executive or board positions?

the old boys network

The Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) is accurately described by which statement(s)?

Both are correct

The fastest growing region for Internet usage growth from 2000 to 2017, was:


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