BI105 Test2

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Theme of Ezra

First & Second Return of Israel: People Restored & Temple Rebuilt

Theme of Exodus

Formation of Israel as a Holy Nation

1 & II Chronicles purpose of the exile

Fulfillment of the covenant punishment for sin 70 years rest for the land

Abrahamic Covenant

Genesis 12

Promise of Hope

Genesis 3

In Judges, downward spiral of apostasy. deteriorating sprituality

Gideon idolatry Jepthah sacrificed daughter Samson: married Canaanite woman

Theme of Numbers

God Leads Israel in the Wilderness

Last words from Joshua

God has been faithful Israel is called to holy living?? God's promise is fulfilled the covenant is renewed

Theme of Deuteronomy

God's Covenant with Israel is Re-established

Theme of Esther

God's Protection over Israel During Exile

Solomon's punhiment

His son (Rehoboam) would lose half the kingdom

Northern Kingdom


Theme of Leviticus

Instructions for Israel as a Kingdom of Priests

Ezra rebuilt the people

Israel had fallen in to sin Prompted the people to confess & forsake their sin ( obedience to remain in the land)

Background of Judges

Israel served the Lord all the days of Joshua's generation After Joshua died, there was no formal leadership A remnant of Canaanites remained in the land ???

Capital of Judah


People's Commitment to the Covenant

Joshua 24

Southern Kingdom


a military leader who administers justice


Ruth - during the time of the ___


an absolute monarch who exercises controls of his subjects


1 & II Chronicles purpose of the exile reference

Leviticus 26, Jeremiah 25

God's response to David's repentance

Mercy & forgiveness

Esther's Uncle


Theme of Ruth

Preservation of the Messianic Line

one who minsters and meditates between God and man


one sent by God to deliver His message


Solomon's failure

Rejected God's commands for a king His heart to idols

Theme of 1 Kings

Rise & Decline of Israel

Capital of Israel


Last of the judges


First of the kings


people's choice of King (what they could see (the visible))


United Monarchy

Saul, David, Solomon


Second return/ spritual revival

Theme of Genesis

The Book of Beginnings

Theme of Joshua

The Entrance & Settlement of Canaan

Theme of 2 Chronicles

The Kingdom Divided & Exiled

Theme of 1 Chronicles

The Kingdom Established

governing of a people by divine guidance


Types of Israel's Leadership

Theocracy Prophet Priest Judge King

Israel's Leadership changed from _____ to _____ (1 Sam 8)

Theocracy to Monarchy

Theme of Nehmiah

Third Return of Israel: Walls Rebuilt


Third return/ wall rebuilt

As the priests stepped into the water, then God parted the water


Christ come through the King of David line


Ezra was a ready scribe, prepared to seek and do the law, and teach Israel


Hamman (King's servant) plotted to kill all Jews after being insulted by Mordecai (Esther's Uncle) Esther petitioned the King for deliverance Hamman was killed and the Jews were preserved


In Joshua, Israelites entered the land and God blessed obedience


In Joshua, Victory at Jericho shows God's blessing of obedience


In Judges, Israel disobeys God's command regarding the land


In book of Ezra 1-6, 1st return was led by Zerubbabel and Jeshua and rebuilt the temple


Joshua talks about new leadership for Israel


Kinsman redeemeer

a capable relative who comes to the aid of a needy family membeer

1 & II Chronicles living during the exile

a life of purpose, direction, prayer, peace, discernment, anticipation

Boaz's faithfulness shown by

actions demonstrate his obedience to the command of God Kinsman redeemer

David's failure

adultery, conspiracy, murder

Jeshua was

high priest

highlighted sin from Ezra

married strangers (gentile)

withholding what is deserved


1st prophet


Saul's failure

partial obedience to God's command to destroy the Amalekites

When crossing Jordan River, ___ went first


David's Covenant

promise of a house (right of succession), kingdom (a domain; place to rule), throne (future king)

doing what is right


Saul's response to his sin

shifted blame to his people

The pattern of the judges

sin (disobedience) servitude (oppression) supplication (pray) salvation (deliverance) submission (obedience)

God's response of Saul's response to his sin

the kingdom taken away

In Judges, what was the purpose of God's command

to avoid contamination of the "holy nation"

David conquered Jerusalem - became capital


David's Covenant is unconditional


David's sin> Saul's sin


God always has a righteous remnant


God instructs them how to live under a king


In Book of Ezra, God restores his people to the land


In Ezra, Decoration came from King Cyrus (Persia)


In Joshua, when crossing Jordan River, Rahab's faith was shown


In Josua, defeat at Ai shows God's chastisement for disobedience


In the BOok of Nehemiah, the people came back to God (8-13)


In the book of Nehemiah, the scripture was read from morning to midday, repentance and worship were emphasized The people repented & reaffirmed the covenant (obedience in the land)


Israel had no good kings


Judah had some good kings


Queen Vashti is dethroned King Ahsuerus held a beauty contest for choosing a new queen Esther is chosen to be the queen


Ruth - preservation of the Messianic Line is unconditional


Ruth's faith - a gentile expressing faith in the God of Heaven


The lord sustains His promise of hope through the time of the Kings


both Israel and Judah continued to rebel against God despite numerous warnings from prophets


if there's no absolute truth -> truth becomes irrelevation


obedience > sacrifice


In 1&2 Samuel, Israel rejected God's rulership

true saw God as insufficient to fight their battles adopted the world's reasoning for success: "like all the nations"

Southern Kingdom has __ tribes


Davidic Covenant

2 Samuel 7

Book of Joshua covers about __ years


Book of Joshua happens __ years after the Exodus


Joshua did 3 campaigns __ years after crossing Jordan river


REconstruction of the city walls by Nehemiah was completed in __ days (1-7)


Judah was taken captive by Babylon in ___ (2 Kings 17)


Israel was taken captive by Assyria in ___ (2 Kings 17)

722 BC

BOok of Ezra 7-11, 2nd return ledy by Ezra was about __ years after Zerubbabel





A Canaanite woman of Jericho who helped the Israelite spies escape.

In Judges, tribe of ___ nearly destroyed by the other tribes


Other name for Israel


Theme of 2 Samuel

Establishment of the Monarchy with David as King

Theme of 1 Samuel

Establishment of the Monarchy with Saul as King

a hebrew woman who married a Gentile, Ahasueras (King of Persia)


Mosaic Covenant

Exodus 19

Esther reference

Ezra 6-7

In Judges, Israel's Failure to obey God's command

Faith & obedience were replaced with idolatry & disobedience Everyman did that which was right in his own eyes

Rebuilding the temple was delayed __ years


Zerubbabel was

governor, a desendant of David

giving what is undeserved


Sabbatical year

every 7 years

Background of Book of Nehemiah

expressed concern for the work in Jerusalem Walls of Jerusalem remained broken 13 years after Ezra, Nehemia returned to Jerusalem


first return/ temple rebuilt

Rahab demonstrated her faith

"Joshua saved Rahab... she dwelleth in Israel"

Rahab expressed her faith

"The Lord your God, He is God"

God establishes His promise of hope through the formation of Israel

(Genesis - Deuteronomy)

God reinforces His promise of hope through the prophets of Israel

(Isaiah - Malachi)

God instructs humanity on living in light of His promised hope

(Job - Song of Solomon)

God sustains his hope through the history of Israel

(Joshua - Esther)

Division of the Kingdom

1 Kings 12

Divided Monarchy references

1 Kings 12 - II Kings 25

Israel Demand a King

1 Samuel 8

Israel has ___ tribes


__ years after Ezra, Nehemiah returned dto Jerusalem


God had planned for a king

Abraham & Sarah - Gen17 Jacob - Gen 35 Judah - Gen 49 Israel - Deut 17

Israel was taken captive by ________ (2 Kings 17)


Judah was taken captive by _______ (II Chronicles 36)


In Joshua, there are 3 campaigns at

Central Southern Northern

David's response to his sin

Confession & repentance

Theme of Judges

Cycles of Apostasy & Deliverance

God's choice of King (What He could see (the invisible))


Ruth (a gentile) becomes the great grandmother of King ____


Theme of 2 Kings

Decline & Fall of Israel

Land Covenant

Deuteronomy 28-30

Feast of Purim

commemorates survival of Jews (still being celebrated)

Nehemiah was

cupbearer to Artaxerxes, King of Persia

In Judges, what was God's command

destruction of the Canaanites

Saul's failure as a King

did not destroy the Amalekites shifted blame for his son

Rebuilding the temple by Zerrubabbel/ Jeshua

work stopped after foundation was laid Work completed after Haggai & Zachariah encouraged the people

Was Israel wrong in demaning a King?


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