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How did the Israelites become enslaved in Egypt?

A Pharaoh came to power who didnt know Joseph & what he had done for Egypt.

The four great patriarchs in Genesis are:

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph.

Genesis also emphasizes the importance of the_covenant, which gave Israel a right to the land (Gen 15:18-21).


The global extent of the flood is indicated by the fact that

All of the above.

The book of Lamentations is a series of 5 separate laments over the fall of Jerusalem to the __________.


In his 1st vision, Zechariah saw a flying scroll that measured 30 ft by 15 ft & was covered w/written curses against those who had broken God's commandments


Amos was a prophet to the southern kingdom of Judah.


Ezekiel was transported into exile as part of the first Babylonian deportation


Immanuel prophecy in Isaiah makes clear that this isnt a typical human child because he is described as a "Prince of Heaven."


Immanuel prophecy in Isaiah makes clear that this isnt a typical human kid b/c he is described as a "Might Savior."


In Isaiah, Christ is pictured as a stumbling block for the Jews.


In Isaiah, Christ is pictured as the true vine.


Isaiah is the most referenced Old Testament book in the New Testament, w/ approximately 100 citations and 500 allusions.


King Cyrus's decree granted permission but not resources for rebuilding the temple. So, the returnees & their leaders began the project seeking necessary resources.


Lamentations reveals that, as the Divine Warrior, the Lord poured out His anger on the city of Jerusalem. However, He wouldnt abandon the Temple for it was His own sanctuary.


Malachi prophesied in the postexilic period before the rebuilding of the temple & the reinstitution of the sacrifices & rituals associated with the temple.


Nahum delivered his messages during the reign of Josiah around the same time Daniel commenced his prophetic ministry.


The English Bible groups the six poetic books together.


The Immanuel prophecy depicts one whose gov is marked by grace and truth.


The book of Nahum relates the destruction of Edom.


The enormity of the temple rebuilding process, economic hardships, & opposition from the surrounding ppls stalled the project for sixteen months.


asked "how can God use the Babylonians to punish Judah


commanded by God to marry a promiscuous woman


Habakkuk's second question was:

How can God use the Babylonians to punish Judah?"

Despite God's promise that Abraham would have a son from his"own body," Sarah insisted they use Hagar their Egyptian slave as a surrogate ma. Together Abraham & Hagar had a child named_became the ancestor of the Arab ppls.


commissioned as a prophet in the year of king Uzziah's death


The book of Lamentations is an anonymous composition but early tradition identifies ___________ as the author of the book.


associated a plague of locusts with the day of the lord


From Jacob's son ______________ would come the messianic line of Christ.


The book of Nahum is a message against _____________.


The book of_tells the story of the wilderness journey. It serves as a travel diary of the Israelites after the exodus.


The_represented how God was to dwell among His ppl & how the nation would fellowship with God


Acc to the textbook, Jeremiah's temple sermon (Jer. 7:1-15)was 1of the defining and critical moments in his ministry.


According to Lamentations, Jerusalem's fate was worse than that of Sodom.


According to our textbook, the overall theme of Daniel is God's sovereignty over the people of Israel and the nations of the world.


Altogether the book of Malachi raises twenty-three questions.


Daniel & his 3 friends were given Babylonian names in order to acclimate them to Babylonian life and culture


Daniel's three friends were Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah.


During Hosea's life Israel's political size and economic stability increased, these were not indicators of spiritual vitality.


During an extravagant banquet Belshazzar desecrated the temple vessels taken fromJerusalem.


Eventually, King Nebuchadnezzar would go temporarily insane & behave in an animal-like manner.


Ezekiel delivered an extensive message of judgment against Tyre, the capital of Phoenicia.


Habakkuk's message is a personal one in which the prophet laments & dialogues w/the Lord over the justice of His ways in using the Babylonians to punish Judah's sins.


Haggai encouraged some of the older ppl who still remembered the glorious 1st temple & felt like giving up when they considered the inferiority of the new temple.


Hosea charged Israel w/3 separate indictments. 1 of these indictments indicated that"Lord has a charge to bring against u who live in the land."(Hos 4:1)


Hosea charged Israel w/3 separate indictments. 1 of these indictments indicated that"They have broken the covenant; they were unfaithful to me there." (Hos. 6:7)


Immanuel prophecy depicts 1whose government is from the throne of David.


In Isaiah, Christ is pictured as the coming conqueror.


Isaiah ministered in to the southern two tribes known as Judah.


Jeremiah prophesied during the reign of Judah's last five kings.


Jeremiah's 2 visits to the potter were prophetic sign acts that visualized how the covenantal relationship btw the Lord & His ppl had reached a breaking pt.


Jesus quoted from both"halves"of Isaiah & attributed them to Isaiah the prophet.


Jonah is scandalized that the Lord would show the same grace he has shown to Israel to the people of Nineveh.


Matthew 8:17 quotes from Isa 53:4(He took up our infirmities & carried our diseases") as evidence that Jesus is Isaiah's suffering servant.


The Immanuel prophecy depicts one whose government is noted for peace without end.


The Lord commissioned Isaiah as a prophet in the year of King Uzziah's death.


The book of Ezekiel ends w/a vision of an eschatological temple where God dwells with his people and a life-giving river flows out from this temple.


The book of Malachi is structured around disputations in which the Lord dialogues with His people in a series of questions and answers.


The extended message of salvation at the center of the book of Micah, as well as the emphasis on salvation at the end of each sect, reflects Micah's focus on the hope of Israel's future salvation.


The judgment of the Edomites is a reminder that God stands opposed to all forms of human arrogance and pride.


Zechariah was a postexilic prophet who foretold the coming of Israel's true & final King.


Zechariah's book can be divided up into 8 visions, 4 messages, & 2 burdens.


Zephaniah highlights the judgment of God by detailing how God will reverse his work of creation and destroy all living things.


What was the major turning point in Moses' life?

When he encountered God at a burning bush

_saw a flying scroll that measured 30 ft by 15 ft & was covered w/written curses against those who had broken God's commandments


In the final sect of the book of Micah, God's relationship to His ppl is presented as

a divine lawsuit.

Amos concluded his prophecies of unrelenting judgment with a message of hope concerning Israel's future restoration. God promised:

agricultural productivity

The dispersion of the nations occurred

at Babel

God gave Israel the Ten Commandments

at Mount Sinai

The scapegoat

bore the sins of the nation & was released into the wilderness.

God accomplished Israel's complete liberation from Egypt

by allowing them to pass through the Red Sea & then drowning the Egyptian army.

Eight of the Minor Prophets are focused on the southern kingdom of Judah.


In Ecclesiastes there is a search for the meaning of love.


The English Bible includes twelve books of the Major Prophets.


The book of Malachi deals with the theme, "rebuild the Temple."


The last3Minor Prophets are focused on the Jewish exiles who have returned from Babylon to rebuild the tabernacle and reestablish Jerusalem.


The thematic focus of Ezra is rebuilding the wall


In Moses'_sermon in Deuteronomy, he seeks to invoke covenant renewal on the part of the 2nd generation by reminding them of what God did for Israel.


Acc to Leviticus, there were_sacrifices that guarantee the children of God had ongoing fellowship with their God.


In Malachi, God denounces His people by raising the question of


pronounced a message of judgement against Nineveh


pronounced judgement on Edom


Amos concluded his prophecies of unrelenting judgment with a message of hope concerning Israel's future restoration. God promised:

permanent settlement in the land

Amos opened his book of prophecies with the startling image of God as a _. Rather than protecting them, Yahweh would roar out in judgment against them

roaring lion

Ezekiel portrayed the siege of Jerusalem through a series of four __________ in order to show the exiles that the fall of Jerusalem was near,

sign acts

Shema involves loving God with all one's heart & the totality of one's being &

teaching the covenant to one's children

Of paramount significance in the Tabernacle was the

the veil separating the holy place from the most holy place.

Amos concluded his prophecies of unrelenting judgment with a message of hope concerning Israel's future restoration. God promised:

to make Israel victorious over her enemies

Deuteronomy provides instructions for the new generation of Israelites as they prepare to enter Canaan in fulfillment of God's promises.


The book of Hosea underscores God's unquenchable love.


The book of Micah presents a divine lawsuit.


The books of 1-2 Chronicles offers a priestly perspective.


The messages of the Major Prophets remind us that God holds all nations accountable for their behavior and policies.


The thematic focus of Esther centers around the rescuing of the Israelite ppl.


Ezekiel's role as a Prophet is compared to the work of a "_____________."


was a postexilic prophet


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