BIBL 105 friday

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List the 3 primary purposes of Hebrew poetry (what does poetry do better than prose...) (9 points)?

Express emotion, facilitate worship, instruct in wisdom.

List 3 of the promises of the New Covenant from Jeremiah and/or Ezekiel (6 points).

The Promises of the New Covenant - - Regeneration (Jer. 31:33; Ez. 36:26) - Forgiveness of sin (Jer. 31:34; Ez. 36:25) - Indwelling of the Holy Spirit (Ez. 36:27) - The Knowledge of God (Jer. 31:34) - A will to obey (Jer. 31:33; Ez. 36:27; 37:23-24)

List 4 out of the 5 predominant themes found within the book of Job (8 points).

Themes of prevailing retribution, all suffering is due to sin thus Job is a sinner. Theme: Job continually states that God has afflicted him and that God is his enemy Theme: Job asking God "why"? Theme: Job affirms his innocence over and over again. Theme: Job desires to have his day in court with God.

3 Prominent areas of guilt or indictment that the prophets call the people out for as they for fill their roles as forth tellers.

Idolatry (Spiritual adultery) Social injustice Religious hypocrisy

List 2 reasons why we should accept an early date of composition for Daniel (6 points).

Internal Evidence Jesus believed that Daniel was a prophet (Matt 24:15). Not all predictive prophecy with the book was fulfilled between 400 and 150 BC. External Evidence The Aramaic section of the book (2:4b-7:28) favors an early date. The Dead Sea Scrolls have a large representation from Daniel. It is unlikely that Daniel would have had such a large influence among the Qumran community in only a few decades. The rejection of an early date is primarily based upon an a priori rejection of predictive prophecy rather than real hard evidence. The early Jewish communities accepted an early date and historical Daniel.

List 2 reasons why we should accept a unified authorship for Isaiah (6 points).

N.T. Quotations Attributed to Isaiah (John 12:38/Isaiah 53:1; John 12:39-40/Isaiah 6:10) - John attributes quotes from both sections of Isaiah to Isaiah the Prophet External Evidences The Septuagint (LXX) and the Dead Sea Scrolls both present a unified Isaiah

The prophets as for tellers predicting the future, predict the future in three different realms or categories:

Now Later Much Later

List 4 out of the 7 hermeneutical guidelines for reading the Proverbs (8 points).

Proverbs concentrate primarily on practical issues, not theological issues. 2. Proverbs are best studied topically, not contextually. 3. Proverbs were meant to be memorized, and therefore contain rich examples of figurative language. 4. Proverbs continually present a sharp contrast between the life of wisdom and the life of folly. 5. Proverbs are general truths, not promises or legal guarantees from God. 6. Proverbs usually employ a literary device known as parallelism. An understanding of parallelism will enrich one's appreciation of the Proverbs. 7. Proverbs need to be understood within their own cultural context, and then transferred to our modern culture. See especially the traits and activities of the "excellent wife" of Proverbs 31.

List the 3 basic kinds of parallelism and provide a brief definition of each (9 points).

Synonymous parallelism: The thoughts in each line correspond synonymously (saying the same thing with different words). Antithetical parallelism - The thoughts in each line are contrasting by way of correspondence. Synthetic parallelism - The primary thought in the first line is developed and enriched by the corresponding second line.

List 5 out of the 7 key themes (motifs) in the book of Ecclesiastes (10 points).

The "Vanity" of Life Life Under the Sun The Value of Wisdom The Sovereignty of God and the Existence of Eternity The Inevitability of Death. Enjoy Life! Remember God

List 4 topics found in the book of Proverbs (8 points).

Whom Should You Marry? Wealth and Poverty The Power of the Tongue Principles on Childrearing In the Pursuit of Ruin - Proverbs on Being Lazy What Goes into Being a Good Friend? Inner Attitudes are Destructive

List 2 reasons why we should not interpret the Song of Songs allegorically.

a) Not being quoted in the NT b) Christ would not think of the church in the terms expressed in the Song

List 4 types of psalms and provide one characteristic of each (12 points).

• Wisdom Psalms- God imparting his wisdom on us • Psalms of Lament- Usually begins with a complaint addressed to God based on present circumstances and Usually ends with an expression of trust based upon remembering the past acts of God. • Psalms of Thanksgiving- A call to remember God as a divine warrior, one who will defend the people of his covenant. • Psalms of Praise- Hymns which praise the Lord in accompaniment with all kinds of music. • Penitential Psalms Take note of the mercies of God which follow confession and repentance. • Imprecatory Psalms- The Psalm curses his enemies and those are the implied enemies of God. • Messianic Psalms Many of the messianic psalms are actually royal psalms typologically reflecting God's coming Davidic King (Psalm 45, 89)

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