BIBL 105 - Quiz 7

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The closing verses of 1-2 Kings record the ________________of Jerusalem in 586 BC.


1 and 2 Kings do not form a single literary unit.


According to the beginning Esther 4, the Jews rejoiced greatly after hearing of the King's first decree.


All of Ezra was written in Hebrew.


Esther was included among the findings of the Dead Sea Scrolls.


The book of Ezra focuses on the final group of Jews returning to Jerusalem from Persia.


Who said, "I told them how the gracious hand of my God had been on me, and what the king had said to me"?


How did Ezra begin when he led the nation of Israel in covenant renewal?

Prayer of Confession

The first major section of 1 Kings puts ___________ under covenant inspection.


The first chapter of Esther describes how God providentially arranged for Vashti's dismissal as Xerxes's queen so that Esther, who would be the divine instrument of Jewish deliverance, could be elevated to the position of queen in Vashti's place.


The miraculous healing of the leprous Naaman of Aram shows God's supremacy and grace to all people, even those outside the covenant community.


Xerxes issue another decree that stated that the Jews could defend themselves against anyone that would try to harm them based on the previous decree.


Who was the queen before Esther?


What was Ezra's occupation?


Jewish tradition indicates that Ezra was a disciple of_______________, who acted as Jeremiah's scribe.


Whose name is short for Azariah, which means "Yahweh has helped"?


What two leaders did God use to begin the building of the Temple?

Jeshua and Zerubbabel

Under which king's rule was the temple constructed?


A kings failure to maintain the standards of God's covenant ultimately brought the curses of the covenant on both Israel and Judah.


According to Esther 4, Esther asked the Jews in Susa to fast for 3 days on her behalf.


God used Babylon as a means to punish His people, and then used the religious tolerance of the Persians to return His people to the promised land.


Haggai and Zechariah were the two prophets that God raised to exhort the people to resume the building of the temple.


It is possible that Jeremiah used Baruch as his scribe to help compile the inspired record of 1-2 Kings.


Nebuchadnezzar is referenced in Ezra 1 as the king who taken items from the temple/ house of the Lord.


The book of Esther is a continuous story that contains six banquets and seven decrees.


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