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DeScribe what happens to Joseph when he is wearing the coach of a prisoner

Two men that Joseph walks by in their cells seem Jack did because they have the same dreams and Joseph helps them and he tells them what their dreams mean

Abrahamic Covenant

1)many descendants 2)inherit land 3)bless bless curse curse 4)all nations blessed

Abraham asked God six times to spare his nephew city if God could find how many righteous people?

10 at least

How old was Abraham when Isaac was born to him?

100 years old

How old was Joseph as this story begins?


Who did Abram take with him to save his nephew lot?

318 troops/trained men

How did Abraham attempt to have an heir?

Abraham claims Eliezer a servant born in this house as his heir but God told Abraham that his heir will not come from him not another Sara gives her maidservant have our Abraham for the purpose of having a son -Ishmael is born the father of the Arab nations but God tells Abraham that he is heir Will be born to Sarai

what is Abrahams deal with sodom and Gomorrah?

Abraham pleats that the cities will be spared if there are ten righteous individuals and God agrees to Abrahams proposal

Where did Sara die?

Arba or Hebron

Why does the man wrestling with Jacob rename him Israel?

Because he struggled with God and with man and he overcame them

Jacobs 12 sons

Billuh is Rachel's maidservant that had to have Jacob's children: Zilpah is Leah's maidservant that had another two of Jacobs children: Rachel had two children of Jacobs, Joseph and Benjamin

What did Abraham see when he looks down in the Jordan Valley?

Dense smoke

When Joseph's brothers returns to Canaan and told their father Jacob that Joseph was alive what finally convinced him that this was true?

Do you Jipson cars that Joseph had sent back to his father to carry him to Egypt

What did Abraham do with the offering of isaac?

God tests Abrahams faith by asking him to sacrafice his son Isaac at mt.moriah

What did God do in the form of a blazing torch?

He made a covenant with Abram

What was Esau's reaction when he learned of his brothers deceit?

He was better than Web then became enraged

What Vow did Jacob make with God?

If the Lord brings me back safely then he will be my God

How did affect Job to see God with his own eyes?

It made in repent in dust and ashes and he despises himself

Who are the patriarchs?

Job and Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and Joseph

What's Jobs discussion with his friends?

Joe's friends come to comfort him but Cindy is agony they wait to say word for an entire week Eliphaz bildad zophar and so far despite knowing's jobes righteousness assume that he has unconfessed sin and chastises him

How were Isaac's children born?

Like Sarah Rebecca is unable to have children but Issac praise to God for a child and God answers him with twins God says the older brother will serve the younger

What was very special about Jobs daughters?

Most beautiful of all the land

What hapoens to Isaac move back into Bersheba?

On the same day Isaac needs to Bersheba, got appears to Isaac that night

Why did Job offer a sacrifice for his sons and daughters?

Perhaps they had sinned

What is the division of soloman?


What did Potiphar do to Joseph when he heard his wife's accusations?

Puts Joseph in jail

What did Abram suggest he and lot do about the Quarelling?


What was Sara's response when she heard the news of her having a child later on?

She laughed

Who is the author of job?


What were Jacobs new wages that is uncle laben would pay him for his work?

Speckled animals

What is Gods concern of jobs attitude?

That Job will put his reputation above god

What why does Isaac tell the people of the land of Egypt?

That his wife is his sister

Who visited Abraham in mamre?how many men stood befor him?

The Lord; three

How was Jacob's name change to Israel?

The night before reuniting with Esau A man probably the angel of the Lord comes in wrestles with Jacob all night long the man also blesses him by changing his name to Israel

What Rebecca's concern when she was pregnant?

The two babies with and her were fighting

What did Joseph accuse his brothers of when they came to get food from him in Egypt?

They were spies

God allowed Satan to affect Job's health, too,but what did he say was unallowable?

To kill job

What was Jobs part and his friend sacrifice?

To pray for them

What are the lessons to be learned from job?

We may never understand exactly why painful things happen in life, but we can trust God that God is in control Do not be quick to judge others quote for the same way you judge others, you will be judged. "-Matthew 7:2

What was Joseph's new name? How old was he when he became ruler in Egypt?

Zaphenaeth-Paneah 30 years old

What was God's basic promise to Abram?

he will make a great nation

Even though the man does not tell Jacob/Israel his name who does Jacob think it was?


Who buried Abraham? Where was he buried

Isaac and Ishmael; cave of Machpela in Hebron

What was the one stipulation that Abraham made concerning his son Isaac?

Isaac must return

10 things you need to know about job

Lived in the land of Uz God suggest to Satan that he couldn't turn his loyal servant Job into the devil in the matter what he did Job has great wealth but Satan took it away Jobs Wife tells him to curse God and die when he has bad fortune from satan Jobes friends who assumes that Job had sinned but not told anybody Elihu is the young friend who gave good advice to Job God shows himself to Job through whirlwind God doubles everything that Job had before he was cursed Job only got seven sons and three daughters after God blessed him because his other 10 sons and daughters are in heaven

How did Abraham rescue lot?

Abrahams army of 318 men Rush to lots defense and save him On their return, Abraham gives a tenth of the spoils to Melchizek "a priest of God most high" and king of Jerusalem

What is the reversal of fortune between esau and jacob?

Esau sells his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of stew Rebecca hatches a plan to give Jacob a Esau's blessing so she dresses Jacob in ESAU's clothes to check his father Jacob barely check his father and receive the blessing of the first born

Rachel said Jacob when she became jealous of her sister having babies?

Give me children or I will die

What is Abrahams covenant reaffirmed?

God appeared as a flaming fire which passed between the animals

What are the lessons learned from the patriarchs?

Have faith in God's promises Abraham is the biblical model for this be willing to wait on God for his timing - B patients and all things work together for good to those who trust in God

What significant thing did Abram do in verse six that was counted to him as righteousness?

He believed God

What part did Melchizedek Play in the this story of Abram saving his nephew?

He blessed Abraham and gave him 10% of his wealth

When Jacob found out the number of men who were with his brother what action did you take to ensure the safety of at least some of his family?

He divided everyone and everything in 2 groups

So difficult to understand how Jacob read his animals what was the outcome of his unusual methods?

He got lots of animals

What is the story of Jacob?

He said I was born first, covered with red hair like for Jacob was born second, holding onto Esau's heel - he is smooth skin

10 things to know about Abraham

His hometown is Ur/Haran Abrahams descendants will be as numerous as the stars in the sky in the sand on the seashore Sarai is the wife of Abraham and Lot is the nephew of Abraham When in Egypt Abraham lied about Sarah being his wife Got appears as a flaming torch in the midst of Abrahams animals Abraham slept with Hagar to get a son Ishmael The angels of the Lord visit Abraham and tell him that Sara is going to have a son Angels visit lot in Sodom and Gomorrah but they are threatens to be raped so he takes them into his house and offers his daughters and instead Abraham has a son Isaac and goes to sacrifice him on the mountain of Moriah but God stops him since he proved his loyalty

Describe what happens to Joseph when he is wearing the coat of the servant

His masters wife tries to seduce him Joseph refuses she was your husband Joseph is going to prison

What was Abrams plan for the future since he had no children?

His servant would be his heir

What item did Joseph have his servants hide in Benjamin's bag?

His silver drinking cup

Describe what Jacob was doing when he was born

Holding onto the Esau's heel

How does God restate the covenant to Isaac?

Isaac use his fathers all check my wife is my sister with Abimelech Isaac reclaims all his fathers old Wells when he is kicked out from Egypt but runs into trouble with the local farmers

Joseph and his coat of many colors

Israel makes a prestigious to tunick for Joseph Joseph so I can dream is the sun and the moon in the 11 stars down down to him Ruben convinces his brother not to kill Joseph up and said to sell him into slavery

How does Jacob marry his wives?

Jacob needs his uncle Laban and falls in love with his beautiful and youngest daughter Rachel after working seven years for the hands of Rachel live in tricks Jacob into marrying leah his oldest daughter

Describe what is happening to Joseph when he is wearing the coat of royalty

Joseph explains that the dreams of seven skinny cows swallowing the seven fat cows and the same with the ears of corn represent seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine then Farrow put Joseph in charge of all the kingdom in order to fill store houses of grains to use as reserves for later on during the famine

Summarize Joseph's second dream

Joseph's brothers "stars quote and his parents "sun and moon "bowed to him

Which brother saw the Ishmaelites and talk to the others into selling Joseph's it into slavery 20 shekels of silver?


10 things to know about Isaac

Laughter is what Isaac's name means Mount moriah is where Isaac was almost killed by his father Hebrews 11:17 through 19 is the verse talked about how Abraham believes that God will resurrect Isaac Abraham sons a servant to find a wife for Isaac Rebecca is the wife that the servant found for Isaac Raven is Rebecca's brother who is Jacob's uncle and father in law Isaac digs up his fathers Wells but gets kicked out of everyone he digs up Isaac's wealth rejection travels bring him to Bersheba where he about where he kicks the bucket

Describe a Leah and describe rachel

Leah had week Eyes and Rachel had lovely form

What price did you saw so his birthright to his brother Jacob for?

Lentil stew

What mountain region to God one Abraham to travel to in order to sacrifice Isaac?


Which brother attempted to save Josephs from the other brothers killing him?


Before Jacob greeted her what did he do for us? How did Jacob greeted this relative?

Roll the stone; kissed and hugged and wept on her

How did Jobs family encourage him?

Sat and had dinner with him and gave him silver and gold

What was the reaction of Job's wife when she knew Job was being cursed?

She told Abraham to curse God and die

Is the set up of Job?

Since Joe continues to praise the name of the Lord in his tough times, Satan strikes him with boilover his entire body into despair Job still blessed the Lord though his wife tells him to "curse God and die"

What two things does God compare the number of Abraham's future descendants?

Stars in the sky and sand on the seashore

What story did the brothers formulate to cover the sin to their father?

That Joseph was eaten by a wild animal

What happened on the night Isaac and his family arrived in Bersheba?

The Lord appeared to them

Is the key verse of Job?

The Lord gave in the Lord has taken away the Septuagint records Job as being the king of Edom, jobab job lived in the land of Uz the territry of edom

How did choosing a wife for Isaac go?

The serving has his own prayer for how everything will work when he arrived; - she will be willing to provide both he and his camels with water from the spring which is quite a labor for a stranger

What does Job despairingly wish for?

To die

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