bible exam 5

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the genealogies of 1 Chronicles trace the heritage of David back to which person?


Ezra and Nehemiah came to Jerusalem during the reign of which king?


the history addressed in Chronicles spans from the Hebrew united monarchy from the close of Saul's reign to which captivity?

Babylonian captivity

themes of Joshua

Covenant and land, the ban, divine warrior, sovereign involvement, corporate solidarity

what was Ezra's occupation? Nehemiah's?

Ezra was a priest

the book of Esther is read annually at what Jewish festival?

Feast of Purim

who is the antagonist in the book of Esther who plots to have all Jews in Persia killed?


Who took Esther as his own daughter after her parents died and forbad her from revealing her nationality?


themes of Esther

Purim, the people of god

Ezra and Nehemiah come from what Persian city?


who was the king in power during the events described in the book of Esther?


who was the king of Persia during this period?


themes of Ezra and Nehemiah

Yahweh as covenant keeper, restoration of period reforms and the seeds of Pharisaism

themes of exodus

Yahweh plagues, Passover, 10 commandments, presence of god

Who do scholars say is the author of Esther?

anonymous but could possibly be mordecai

other than Hebrew, in what language is Ezra written?


themes of 1-2 Samuel

ark of the covenant, kingship, Davidic covenant, assessment of Saul, assessment of David

themes of 1-2 Kings

assessment of king Solomon, preclassical and classical prophecy, dynastic succession and charismatic leadership, the golden calf cult

themes of numbers

census numbers, testing by Yahweh, revelation of God in Human culture, Balaam Oracles

themes of Genesis

covenant and election, monotheism, sin, origins

what was Nehemiah's occupation?

cupbearer to King Artaxerxes

whose proclamation in 536 BC allowed the Jews to return to their homeland?


does the text suggest the chronicler is likely educated or uneducated?


themes of Leviticus

holiness, sacrifice, Sabbath year and sabbatical year

themes of Ruth

kinsman-redeemer, hesed

was 1-2 Chronicles written early or late in Jewish History?


is it likely or unlikely that the name "Jew" replaced the name Hebrew as the common term designating Abraham's descendants during this period in history?


themes of judges

nature of charismatic leadership, spirit of the lord, Israel's apostasy

was the book of Esther intended to be performed as a play?


is anyone identified in 1 Chroniclers as the author, if so who?

no specific author identified

How many times does the book of Esther mention the name of God?


How many times does the word "god" appear in the book of Esther?

not at all

are Ezra and Nehemiah one book or two books in the Hebrew bible?

one book

the setting of the book of Esther is what empire during the mid fifth-century bc?


what concern does chronicles show for the temple and worship?

put emphasis on Yahweh's temple

what did the reforms of Ezra-Nehemiah include?

rebuild and reform postexilic Jerusalem, emphasis of Yahweh as covenant keeper, prevention of another Hebrew exile, preservation of the ethnic identity of the Israelites

Nehemiah undertook an initiative in Jerusalem to do what?

rebuild the wall of Jerusalem

Does the book of Esther demonstrate the prophetic theme of God's protection of his people or is it an anomaly in the sense?

shows protection of people

what does the name "Esther" mean?


how much knowledge of the operation of the Persian court does the author of Esther demonstrate?

sufficient knowledge

themes of Deuteronomy

the law, the Central Sanctuary, History of Theology, Retribution Principle

themes of 1-2 Chronicles

worship in the Old testament, the chronicler's vocabulary, typology

Does chronicles concentrate on the legitimization of the priestly and Levitical authority?


does 1-2 Chronicles cover the same period as 1-2 Samuel and 1-2 Kings?


is it true that Ezra and Nehemiah were treated as one book in the English bible until recently?


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