bible test Life of Christ

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It is important to understand that when Jesus is born in Bethlehem, God became a human in every way. This means God completely understands what it means to be a human being. This is called the _________.


The Old Testament prophet ________ foretold of a prophetic messenger from God who would prepare the people of Israel for their coming Messiah.


In the second temptation, Jesus was tempted by Satan to use His power to do something spectacular for no real reason. Satan dared Jesus to jump off the highest point of the temple then call ________ to save Him.


Herod the Great learned of the prophecy of the Messiah's birth after he was visited by the Magi from the East. The Magi were ______ from Persia who probably studied the stars for information.


John the Baptist was eventually put in prison when he openly criticized Herod Anitpas for divorcing his wife and unlawfully taking Herodias, the wife of his brother Herod Philip I. Eventually Herodias got Herod Antipas to execute John the Baptist by __________.


While the majority of Jews believed in the future resurrection of their _________ at some point, they did not expect Jesus to rise before the rest of Abraham's descendants.


One day while Jesus was teaching in Jerusalem, He predicted that the temple would be destroyed and rebuilt in three days. This infuriated the religious leaders because they thought he was talking about the physical temple. Even though the Romans eventually knocked down their temple in 70AD, Jesus was cryptically talking about the death, burial, and resurrection of his own _______.


While Jesus was eating His last Passover meal, He taught the disciples that the bread of this meal now represents Jesus' ________ given up for us and the _______ represents Jesus' blood poured out for us.

body, wine

Joseph of Arimathea was a wealthy man who owned a famiy burial ______ near Golgotha that he decided to first use as the burial tomb for Jesus.


Often times Peter gets labeled a coward for denying Jesus three times but we know that Peter is brave because he is willing to risk his own life to protect Jesus at His arrest. Peter is not a coward he is just ___________ . When Jesus teaches and models to Peter that they are not going to fight evil with the sword but instead with the ________ .

confused, cross

Most people don't realize this but Jesus had 4 brothers named James, Joseph, Simon and Judas and several sisters who are unnamed. Jesus' family originally thought He was ______ for saying and doing the things that were stirring up so much controversy and wanted to take him back home.


Jews valued the physical body, even after death. This is seen by the fact that they anointed the body with spices and did not __________ dead bodies like other cultures.


While in Jesus was teaching at the temple during the Passover festival, He infuriated the religious leaders so much that they were constantly trying to find a way to kill him. They could not do it publicly because they were afraid that the _________ would riot and Pilate would shut down the Passover sacrifices at the temple.


After the crowd yells that they want Barrabas released, they are incited to yell for Jesus to be __________.


One day when Jesus was teaching at a house, some people lowered a paralyzed man down through the roof hoping to get their friend to Jesus for healing. Jesus upset the Pharisees when He claimed to forgive the man's sin before He healed him. The Pharisees accused Jesus of blasphemy because only _____ could forgive sin and forgiveness of sin could only happen at the _____. They did not realize that Jesus was the Son of God and that his body was the temple.

God, Temple

The execution site in Jerusalem was located outside the city gate by a well-traveled Roman road. The site was referred to as _______, or the place of the skull.


All faithful Jews were required to travel to Jerusalem to observe the feast of Passover. Many Jews believed that on Passover God would deliver them from Roman oppression much like God delivered their forefathers from Egyptian oppression. Pilate tried to prevent any uprisings by telling Caiaphas that we would shut the _______ down if there were any revolts in the city during the feast.


When Jesus predicts that all of his followers will soon desert Him, a disciple in the group speaks up and promises to never fall way. Jesus responds by telling Him that before the rooster crows to announce the new day that this disciple will deny him ______ . times. This disciples name is

3, Peter

Peter followed Jesus to the sight of His trial and when asked by the crowd gathered if he knew Jesus, he denied it _____ times. After realizing that Jesus' prediction came true, Peter ran away and ______ bitterly.

3, wept

After the temple guard arrested Jesus, they bound him and first took him to ________ who was the father-in-law of Caiaphas, the High Priest that year. Then they brought him before Caiaphas and some of the members of the Sanhedrin.


It is amazing that the Son of God entered into the world in such humble circumstances. This is seen by the fact that Jesus was born in barn in city of Bethlehem, which is also called the City of ______.


Joseph, Mary, and Jesus fled to _______ after being warned in a dream that Herod the Great was going attempt to eliminate the Messiah by ordering the killing of all male children below the age of two years old in the town of Bethlehem.


God sent the messenger angel ________ to visit Mary and inform her that she would have God's child in a miraculous way.


Jesus grew up in the Northern region of Israel know as _________.


Judas leads the temple guard to arrest Jesus in his favorite spot on the Mount of Olives called the Garden of ___________.


We know that God did not abandon Jesus on the cross because He sends several cosmic signs for the witnesses gathered at the scene. Several of the cosmic signs include: bringing total _______ in the middle of the day, causing an _______ ,ripping the enormous _______ at the temple's Holy of Holies, and activating the ___________ of many holy people in the city of Jerusalem.

darkness, earthquake, curtain, resurrection

When Jesus made his final arrival into Jerusalem, he road on an animal and the people laid down palm branches while hailing Him as the Messiah. Hundreds of years earlier, the Old Testament prophet Zechariah predicted that the Jewish Messiah would ride into Jerusalem on a _______.


Pilate's wife, Claudia, had a _______ about the injustice being done to Jesus and warned her husband to let Him go.


Jesus knew what it would like to be rejected by those close to Him. As Jesus began to do and say things that caused more and more controversy in the Jewish religious world, His own _______ came to try and stop him.


The Sadducees had unique beliefs within Judaism that included only reading the first _____ books of the Old Testament, not believing in any kind of ______ and not believing in the _____ of the dead.

five, afterlife, resurrection

Even though Pilate knows that Jesus is innocent, he tries to appease Caiaphas by ordering Jesus to be given 40 lashes with a whip and then be released. This is referred to as ________.


While hanging on the cross, some Jews in the crowd begin to mock and taunt Jesus. History informs us that most criminals being crucified often hurled down insults on the people who are performing the execution. Instead, Jesus prays for the Roman soldiers and the crowd by uttering the famous words, "Father, ________ them, they know not what they do."


Once Herod the Great dies, the people of Israel sense an opportunity to gain their _______ and a series of revolts break out against Rome. The Roman brutally crush the rebellions and crucify thousands of Jews.


One Sabbath Jesus when to his hometown of Nazareth and read a verse from the scroll of Isaiah that talked about the Messiah and what He would do when He came to earth. After reading the verse, He told the crowd that the verse was being ______ through Him and his ministry. They people became so furious at Jesus' claim they tried to kill Him but Jesus slipped away.


When Caiaphas still demands the death penalty, Pilate remembers the tradition that Rome will release one Jewish prisoner at the Passover Feast as a ______ gesture toward the Jewish people.


Caiaphas decided to try and embarrass Jesus in front of the crowds so that the people would see that he was too dumb to be the Messiah. One day the religious leaders tried to trap Him by asking whether the Jews should pay taxes to Caesar or not. Jesus responds brilliantly by saying to "give to Caesar's what is Caesar's and give to God what is God's." Jesus's statement recognizes that _________ has a right to exist but one should never put their ultimate _______ in anything but God.

government, faith

Jesus responds to Malchus, the servant of the High Priest, by _________ his ear.


After Judas realizes that Jesus has been sentenced to death, he returns the thirty pieces of silver then makes the decision to _______ himself. Many think that Jesus would have forgiven him if he would have asked.


Since it was dark in Garden of Gethsemane, Judas told them that Temple guard that He would _______ Jesus on the cheek so that they would arrest the correct person.


One day Jesus encountered a man with a highly contagious skin disease. While everyone else avoided a man like this for fear of becoming unclean, Jesus touched the man and healed him. This disease was known as _______.


In order to get the full meaning of Psalm 22, the reader must read the entire Psalm, not just the first line. While it appears that David has been forsaken in the beginning verses, the end of the Psalm declares that God has not "despised or scorned the suffering of the afflicted one; he has not hidden his face from him but has ________ to his cry for help."


We see that Jesus both rejects violence and is voluntarily going to the cross when He responds to Peter actions by uttering the famous words, "Put your sword back in its place, for all who _______ by the sword will ______ by the sword. Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?"

live, die

when Jesus teaches and models to Peter that they are not going to fight evil with the sword but instead with the ________ enough in his faith to realize that they are fighting in a different way.


Once the Jewish religious leaders get Judas to agree to take them to the place where Jesus stays at night, they send the ______ guard to arrest him while the crowds are not around.


We don't know much about Jesus' childhood but we do know that he was aware of His special relationship with God. One Passover, Joseph and Mary lost Jesus in Jerusalem but eventually found Him at the ________ conversing with the religious leaders. Jesus told his stressed out parents that he had to be "in His Father's house."


After being beaten, the Roman guards mock Jesus's claim to be a King by placing a crown of _________ on his head and putting a purple _______ around His shoulders.

thorns, robe

Jesus's biggest problem with the Pharisees is that they developed their own ______ about keeping the Law of Moses that eventually began to be seen as equal to the Law of Moses. This mistaken focus caused many of the Pharisee's _______ not to develop into the type of hearts that God desires for His followers.

traditions, hearts

We know that the Jewish religious leaders broke their own laws and traditions during the unjust trial of Jesus when they held a death penalty trial against Him at night, in private instead of public, on the eve of the Sabbath, and on the eve of a feast day. This helps us understand that Jesus can relate to people who are treated _________.


During Pilates public trial in the Praetorium, the Jewish leaders made sure that many of Jesus' supporters were not able to enter the courtyard so that their ________ would be drowned out by those in favor of Jesus being crucified.


Jesus' humanity is most clearly seen as he prays to the Father in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus knows the difficult road ahead and becomes very anxious. After wrestling with God in prayer, Jesus resolves to go to the cross by uttering the famous words to God, "not my ______ but yours be done."


Pilate agrees to have a conversation with Jesus. When Pilate asks Jesus if He is a king, Jesus responds by saying that His Kingdom is not "from this ______." Essentially Jesus tells Pilate that his Kingdom won't be launched with violence like every other kingdom but through the hearts of people willing to sacrifice like He will do on the the cross.


In the third temptation, Satan asked Jesus to ______ him in order to gain authority over all the kingdoms of the world. By accepting this ______ to becoming a King, Jesus would have found an easier way to rule the world instead following God's plan of going to the cross.

worship, shortcut

Many mistakenly think that God abandoned Jesus while He was on the cross. When Jesus says, "Father, why have You forsaken me" the Jews in the crowd would have known that he was quoting the first line of the well-known Psalm __.


After Herod the Great's death in 4BC, the Romans attempted to control the Jews through his son Herod _______.


Pilate decides to allows the people to decide which prison will be released. The crowd will be allowed to choose between Jesus and a well-known leader of rebellions named _______.


Mary and Joseph were required to travel to Joseph's hometown of _________ late in her pregnancy because Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a ______ should be taken of the entire Roman world.

Bethlehem, census

Caiaphas reminds Pilate that ______ will not be pleased with him if word get back to Rome that he cannot keep the peace in Jerusalem. The scare tactic used by Caiaphas works on Pilate because he wants to be _______ to even higher ranks in the Roman empire.

Caesar, promoted

The high priest during the time of Jesus was a Sadducee named ________.


The gospels tells us that two significant things happened to Jesus after being baptized by John the Baptist. The first was that heaven opened and the _______ _______ descended on him in bodily form like a dove and the second is that a voice from heaven said "You are my _____, whom I love; with you I am well pleased."

Holy Spirit, Son

Jesus was still thinking of other people even in the most difficult moment of His life. We see this clearly when while hanging on the cross, Jesus tells the disciple ______ to take care of his mother, Mary, after He passes away.


The prophet spoken of by Isaiah would call the people of Israel to repent from their sin so that they could receive their long awaited Messiah. The messenger God sent was named _________ the Baptist and he immersed people in the ______ River.

John, Jordan

God sent the messenger angel Gabriel to visit ________ and inform him that Mary had not been unfaithful to him and that he should support Mary in this seemingly scandalous situation.


The Jewish religious leaders saw the disciple named _________ as the weak link among the disciples. They convinced him to tell them were Jesus stayed at night by telling him that they only wanted to talk with Jesus and by offering him _________ pieces of silver. He agreed to the deal only to learn later that the religious leaders had lied to him about just wanting to talk with Jesus and that they really wanted to execute Him.

Judas, 30

When Caiaphas asks Pilate what charge will be written on the sign above Jesus's cross, Pilate orders that the phrase _______ of the _______" be written in Aramaic, Latin, and Greek so that all the Jews who have traveled to Jerusalem from other empires for the Passover can read the charge. This infuriates the Jewish leaders but Pilate refused to change the words on the sign.

King, Jews

The Pharisees taught that the _________ of ______ would come when all of Israel was purified though intensified observance of the Jewish law.

Kingdom of God

As Jesus and His disciples headed to Jerusalem to celebrate the final Passover before His death, they stopped in a village just outside of the city called Bethany. When he found out that one of his good friends named ________ died four days earlier, He went to the tomb and raised him from the dead.


While the rest of Jesus' followers are in hiding somewhere in Jerusalem, the three main characters that come to witness Jesus' death on the cross are _______ the mother of Jesus, Mary _________ and the disciple ________.

Mary, Magdalene, John

Roman oppression of the Jewish people meant that they taxed the Jews at an unfairly high rate. The Romans hired Jewish tax collectors to collect the money and also allowed them to collect more than required. The corrupt tax collectors where hated by their fellow Jews and seen as traitors and sell-outs. One day Jesus and his disciples came across a tax collector named _________ or Levi, and Jesus invited him to repent and become his disciple. .


Based on the prophecy from Daniel, the Jewish people hoped for the arrival of their long-awaited redeemer who would be anointed by God to bring freedom from Roman oppression. This person was referred to by the title of the _________.


Jesus grew up in a town within the region of Galilee named __________.


One of the members of the Sanhedrin, a Pharisee named __________ came out to the Mount of Olives at night to talk with Jesus because he did not want any other members of the council to know that he secretly admired Jesus and thought that He may be the Messiah.


The two Jewish men who come to claim Jesus' body are sympathetic members of the Sanhedrin named ___________ and __________ of Arimathea.

Nicodemus, Joseph

While Jesus is hanging on the cross, two convicted criminals are also being crucified to His right and left. One criminal demands that Jesus save all of them while the other criminal defends Jesus and declares that He is innocent while they are getting what they deserve. Jesus tells that man defending His innocent that, "Today, you will be with Me in _________."

Paradise, paradise

As soon as the Temple guard begins to arrest Jesus, the disciple _______ rushes to defend Jesus with his sword by cutting off the ear of Malchus, servant of the Jewish High Priest Caiaphas.


The first disciple to openly confess Jesus as the Messiah was ______.


One night Jesus told the disciples to get in a boat and meet Him on the other side of the Sea of Galilee. The disciples got caught in a storm so violent that they feared for their life until they saw Jesus coming toward them walking on the water. Jesus called ______ out of the boat and he walked on the water until he took his ________ off Jesus. Jesus immediately rescued him and taught him to stay focused on Him in order to become the leader that would needed once Jesus left the earth.

Peter, eyes

The ______ were a group of Jewish religious leaders who taught in the synagogues throughout Israel and were loved and admired by the common people.


The Roman Empire worked with Herod Antipas and the Jewish High Priest to ensure peaceful Roman rule in the region. The Roman emperor sent the ruthless Pontius __________ to be the Roman governor over the area of Judea.


The ______ were a minority group of rich Jewish aristocrats who controlled the Temple in Jerusalem and were very concerned that the Jewish people did not upset the Romans in any way.


The ______ was a group of Sadducees and Pharisees that were considered the highest ruling council in Judaism and the final authority on Jewish law.


After Jesus' baptism, the gospels tell us that the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the solitude of the wilderness. Many think that the time Jesus spent in solitude, focusing and trusting God to provide for his needs, allowed him to be spiritually strengthened for his upcoming temptations by _______.


Even though God revealed to Peter that Jesus was the long-awaited Messiah , Peter still didn't understand that Jesus was going to conquer ________ not Rome, by the power of the ________ instead of the sword.

Satan, cross

Jesus wanted to become a human so that He could win the ultimate victory for all of humanity by defeating the forces aligned against human development. The force on the outside of humanity is ________ while the force on the inside of humanity is our _________ _________, or the part of us that tends to turn away from God.

Satan, sinful natures

As Jesus carries His cross through the streets of Jerusalem, He becomes so weak that the guards force a Jew named _______ of Cyrene to carry the cross the rest of the way to the execution site.


After many false accusations, Caiaphas told Jesus that we was charged with blasphemy and then directly asked Him if He was the Son of God. Jesus responds by quoting Daniel 7:13 and telling the council that He is the _________ of _______ who will come with the clouds of heaven to rule just like Daniel predicted hundreds of years earlier.

Son, Man

The ______ were a group of Jews who believed that violent revolution against Roman rule was the best way to usher in the Kingdom of God.


After Jesus miraculously fed the 5,000 in the wilderness, the people tried to make him King by force. In other words, they wanted him to be a _______ Messiah who would overthrow the Romans with an army. Jesus rejected this expectation of the people and simply walked away.


After riding into Jerusalem on a donkey, Jesus went to the temple and turned over the tables of the money changers and those selling animal sacrifices. He told the people that "'My house will be a house of _________ but you have made it 'a den of __________

prayer, robbers or thieves

Caiaphas was so outraged after Jesus claimed to be the Son of Man that He torn his priestly robe, which is the highest form of ________ in Jewish culture.


Jesus waited until John the Baptist was put in prison before launching his _________ ministry.


Caiaphas met with Pilate to tell him that Jesus must be executed immediately because He and his followers are a threat to incite a ________ during the Passover Feast.

rebellion; riot; uprising; revolt

Today, most churches who take the Lord's Supper or the Communion weekly or quarterly do it in honor of the command that Jesus gave his disciples at the last supper to "do this in ________ of Me."


Even though Jesus had not sinned, He submitted to John's baptism as a ______ that he recognized God's desire to work through the prophet John until it was the right time to launch His own public ministry.


While Jesus was eating His last Passover meal with the disciples began to reveal to them the future. He was trying to get them to understand that just as the Israelites had to put the blood of a lamb on their doorposts to avoid the death angel back in Egypt, so now He will be the new lamb of God slain for them. By Jesus trusting God even through the experience of death, this will enable humanity to escape its most oppressive enemy, the ______ _______.

sinful nature

When Jesus became fully human at His birth, He was born with a corrupted human nature just like us. Jesus is unique among all humans because instead of activating the corrupted human nature inside of Him, He trusted God at every point in His life and thus He never _________.


One day the Jewish religious leaders caught a women in the act of adultery and were about to publicly stone her in accordance with the Law of Moses. When the Pharisees asked Jesus what He thought they should do, He told them, "He who has not _________ cast the first stone." Once the men dropped their stones, He told the women to "go and _____ no more."

sinned, sin

Jesus trusted God to the very end, even as He was experiencing the most severe death and humiliation. We know this to be true when Jesus' final words on the cross are, "Father, into you hands I commend my __________."

spirit, Spirit

In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus asks the disciples to pray for him but they all eventually fall asleep. This causes Jesus to utter the famous words, "the _____ is willing but the ________ is weak."

spirit, flesh

Jesus was tempted by Satan to use His power to serve himself. The first temptation was to turn a _______ into _______ and relive his hunger.

stone, bread

The Sanhedrin, the supreme court of Jewish elders, ruled that Jesus was guilty of blasphemy and should face the Jewish death penalty of being _________. Out of fear that the crowds would revolt, Caiaphas decided to get the Roman governor Pontius Pilate to enact the Roman death penalty of __________.

stoned, crucifixion

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