Bill of Rights

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If the Houston Chronicle newspaper got in trouble for reporting the news or expressing an opinion agains the city mayor, it would be a violation of which amendment?

1st Amendment

This amendment prohibits the U.S. from creating a national government

1st Amendment

This amendment says US citizens have the freedom of religion, freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

1st Amendment

This amendment provides the right to keep and bear arms/weapons

2nd Amendment

Which amendment protects a person from unreasonable searches and seizures?

4th Amendment (this means that when police/government conduct a search of your home or person, the government must have a WARRANT -- a good reason -- to do the search

If the police forces a person to confess to committing a crime, and the confession was not freely given, then it is a violation of which amendment?

5th Amendment

This amendment protects a person accused of a crime from testifying against him/herself.

5th Amendment

This amendment provides for 'due process of the law', which means every person (no matter race, or gender) gets protection of the law

5th Amendment

This amendment does not allow an accused person on trial to be punished or put on trial twice for the same crime

5th Amendment. It's called the right to be protected from "Double Jeopardy"

This amendment allows for a speedy and fair trial and a right to a lawyer.

6th Amendment

This amendment also says a person who is accused of a crime can have an Impartial Jury made up of peers.

6th Amendment

This amendment gives the right to have a Fair and Reasonable Punishment (to fit the crime)

8th Amendment

Why were the Bill of Rights created?

People feared that the U. S. Constitution would give too much power to a central government so the Founding Fathers proposed adding 12 amendments that protect individuals' rights.

What makes up the Bill of Rights?

The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution make up the Bill of Rights

In addition to listing specific enumerated rights, what else did the Bill of Rights provide (hint: what do amendments 9 & 10 provide)?

Amendments 9 & 10 provides for unlisted rights, so it provided a way for amending Constitution -- if needed in the future -- creating a process of no violence or upheaval. By enumerating certain rights, without excluding unlisted rights (see amendments 9 and 10), Mason, Madison, Jefferson, and others sought to limit government and protect natural rights that they believed were granted by God.

True or False: The Bill of Rights are the first 12 amendments to the Constitution.

False. The Bill of Right are the first 10 amendments to the Constitution. The Founding Fathers proposed 12 amendments, but only 10 were ratified back in 1791.

True or False: The 5th Amendment provides rights of people who are accused of a crime.

True! Think of the 5th Amendment protecting people who are accused of a crime. The government must treat them fairly, even if accused of a crime. Remember the phrase "Innocent until proven guilty." That means an accused person cannot be tried twice for the same crime; does not have to testify against him/herself; and gets 'due process' of the law

True or False: The Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution to govern human nature. They understood that rulers usually want more power. So as the federal government grew, the Bill of Rights was added to protects the rights of the citizens of the United States, allowing them to demand their elected officials return to the Constitution for guidance and hold them accountable to it.


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