Bio 103 exam 1

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the maximum number of hydrogen atoms in the fatty acid chains

A molecule of a saturated triaclglycerol contains:


What type of molecule carries the hereditary information of an organism?


What is a branching diagram that depicts the relationships among organisms based on shared characteristics?

Populations changing over time

Which process is most directly associated with the theory of evolution?

the hydrogen bonds break

as water boils and turns to steam, what happens to the hydrogen bonds?


What are units of hereditary information?


All of the genes present in a population make up its gene pool.

vitamin A

Most animals convert carotenoids to which vitamin


Similar families of organisms are next grouped together in the same:

soil, water, sun, and zucchini seeds

Suppose we want to examine the effect of a fertilizer on the size of zucchini produced, and therefore, we need to establish the experimental and control groups. The control group for this experiment would be defined under which conditions?


To which phylum do humans belong?


To which phylum do humans belong?



an organ

When tissues organize, what do they form?


what type of protein accelerates the thousands of different chemical reactions that take place in an organism?


when a acid undergoes hydrolysis, the resulting subunits are:


Changing your view of reality involves a paradigm shift.


Using the Linnaean system of nomenclature, corn is named Zea mays. What is the specific epithet in this name?


a liquid with a ph of 7 is a ----- solution?

All living organisms are composed of basic units called cells.

Which statement best describes the cell theory?


a phosphate group is weakly acidic

it can transfer some of its energy to other chemicals

why is ATP important in living organisms?



To ensure that the results observed in the experimental group is due to the variable being tested

During an experiment, what is the purpose of a control group?

premises; conclusions

In deductive reasoning, we begin with ____ and make ____ based on that information.

nucleic acid




a radioisotope emits radiation

what is the difference between a stable isotope and a radioisotope?

nucleic acide



An organism that reproduces asexually produces genetically variable offspring.

genes, hormones, and neurotransmitters

Information in living organisms is transmitted by which mechanism(s)?

hydrogen bonds

The cohesiveness between water molecules is due largely to what?


cyclic AMPis a type of nucleotide

by its number of protons

how can we identify a particular element?

calcium ions

in the muscle cell are required for molecule contraction

nuetrons only

isotopes differ from each other with respect to the number of:


Cyclic AMP is a type of nucleotide


In living organisms, chemical reactions responsible for growth, repair, and nutrition are collectively referred to as:


by definition geometic isomers are mirror images of each other

monomers are joined by a glycosidic linkage



sometimes referred to as animal starch


specific heat refers to the amount of energy required to change 1 gram of a substance from the liquid phase to the vapor phase


sulfer has 6 valence electrons. how many covalent bonds does a sulfer atom typically form?

hydrogen and oxygen hare an electron pair

the covalent bond between a hydrogen atom and the oxygen atom in water is formed when:

carbon dioxide

What is an end product of cellular respiration?


a solution having a ph of 8 is slightly acidic


nucleic acid

6 amu

what is the atomic mass of the atom identified as A in the accompanying figure?


which atom would would most likely be involved in an ionic bond?


A DNA molecule is made up of:


A falsifiable hypothesis cannot be tested.


Adaptation involves changes in ecosystem rather than in individual organism.


All members of the same species occupying the same area at the same time constitute a(n):


An organism that is neither prokaryotic nor photosynthetic, and must obtain its nutrients by secreting digestive enzymes into the environment, belongs to which group of organisms?

Biological organisms are interdependent.

Consider the statement "biological systems interact." What does this mean?

organisms living today descended from previously existing forms

One of the conclusions drawn from Darwinʼs theory of evolution is that:


Oxidation occurs when the atom gains one or more electron


Suppose a particular protein is produced in excess of the cellʼs needs. What kind of mechanism will intervene to stop production?


Systems biology is also called integrative biology.

R or variable groups

The primary difference between the amino acids commonly found in proteins is in their:

maintain a constant internal environment

The primary purpose of homeostasis is to:


The scientific name for coffee is Coffea arabica. More specifically, the species name is arabica.


The two domains of prokaryotes are Bacteria and Fungi

Taxonomy Memory

What is a subspecialty of systematics and is the science of naming and classifying organisms?


What is the smallest chemical unit that retains the characteristic properties of a given element?

The science of life

What statement best describes "biology"?

All life would eventually cease due to a lack of available nutrients.

What would be the ultimate effect on an ecosystem if decomposers were eliminated?


When glucose and fructose condensation, maltose is produced asa product.

two sex cells combine to form a fertilized cell.

Which best describes a result of sexual reproduction?

prokaryotic cells

Which cells do not have a nucleus or other membrane-enclosed organelles?

The interaction of the genes from both parents allows genetic variation.

Which is a benefit of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction?


Which is a byproduct of photosynthesis?

It is unchangeable.

Which statement concerning a scientific theory is FALSE?


Which stimulus most directly causes the Venus flytrap to catch an insect?


Which tool is used by researchers to rapidly and inexpensively edit genetic material?


With deductive reasoning, you draw conclusions from specific observations.


You discover an organism that is eukaryotic, unicellular, and photosynthetic. Based on this evidence, to which group would you assign this organism?


You isolate a compound that is insoluble in water, has alternating dingle and double bonds and has a bright orange color. You correctly conclude that this compound is a:


a pyrimidine is a double ring molecule

six carbon atoms

a steroid consists of carbon atoms arranged in four attached rings. how many carbon atoms do three of the rings contain?

six carbon atoms

a steroid of carbon atoms arranged in four attached rings. How many carbon atoms do three of the rings contain?

The quaternary structure of a protein

assume that the shaded portion of the molecule in the accompanying figure each represent different polypeptide chains. what does this represent?

the quaternary structure of a protein

assume the shaded portion of the molecule in the accompanying figure each represent different polypeptide chains. what does this represent?



hydrogen bonds

consider the aquatic insects pictures in the accompanying figure. which characteristic of water molecules directly contributes to their remarkable "water walking" "success"?

carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, nitrogen

list 4 of the chemical elements found in living organisms and identify an important biological function of each

an ion has an unequal number of protons and electrons, while a neutral atom has an equal number

what is the difference between an electrically neutral atom and an ion?

to assist the folding to other molecular proteins

what is the purpose of molecular chaperones?


what substance is removed during a condensation reaction?

acting as a buffer

when a small amount of hydrochloric acid is added to a solution of na2HPO4 the ph of the solution does no change remarkably. The ph also does not change drastically when a small amount of sodium hydroxide is added to the same solution. based on this the compound na2hpo4 is:

functional groups

when we know what kinds of---- are present in a organic compound, we can predict its chemical behavior.


which compound is the oxidizing agent in the following chemical reaction? 4 Fe + 3 02 2Fe203


which element forms the backbone of organic molecules?

sweat evaporating from the skin

which event illustrates evaporative cooling


which functional group in cysteine residues can form bridges that help stabilize a proteins tertiary structure?

unsaturated fatty acids

which of the following fatty acids include one or more adjacent pairs of carbon atoms joined by a double bond?


which of the following is a covalent compound


which of the following is sometime referred to as an animal starch?

nucleic acid- phosphodiester linkage

which pair matches the correct macromolecule with the bond that joins its subunits

a substance that cannot be broken into a simpler substance

which statement best describes an atom?

it is the substance generated by the reaction

which statement best describes the product of a chemical reaction?

lemon juice

which substance is an example of a very strong acid?

The covalent bonds between hyderogen and carbon are nonpolar

why are hydrocarbons considered hydrophobic?

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