Bio 103 Final Review (Chapters 7-13)

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When a DNA molecule is copied, how much of the original DNA is included in the new copy?


Of the 64 possible codons:

61 code for amino acids and 3 are stop codons

The electron transport chain in the chloroplast releases energy used to produce ______________.



An aerobic cellular process requires carbon dioxide.

two chromosomes with identical chromatids, one set red and the other set yellow

Interphase involves the replication of DNA. You should assemble (using the yellow and red beads)

Which one of the following people helped set the stage for Darwin by proposing that adaptations evolve as a result of interactions between organisms and their environments? Lamarck Buffon Wallace Aristotle Lyell



Light can be considered as being a continuous wave or discrete energy packages. These energy packages are called _______. (Watch the spelling!)

they are on the same chromosome

Linked genes tend to be inherited together because:


Most people born with recessive disorders are born to parents who are both _________ or carriers for the recessive allele.

Which of the following are produced by the Calvin cycle? NADP+, ADP+P, and G3P NADPH, ATP, and glucose NADPH, ADP+P, and glucose NADPH, ATP, and G3P glucose and oxygen

NADP+, ADP+P, and G3P

61 code for amino acids and 3 are stop codons

Of the 64 possible codons:


Only the pigment _____________________ participates directly in the light reactions.

water-splitting photosystem

Oxygen is produced during the:


People who are heterozygous with just one copy of an allele for a recessive disorder do not show symptoms of the disorder. They are considered to be _________ of the disorder.


People with type ____ blood show codominance because both alleles are expressed.

Which one of the following statements about photosynthesis is false? Photosynthesis uses the products of respiration Photosynthesis produces carbon dioxide and oxygen Photosynthesis uses energy from sunlight to split water and release oxygen into the atomosphere Photosynthesis boosts the energy in electrons uphill to join electrons to carbon dioxide

Photosynthesis produces carbon dioxide and oxygen


Plant cells lack


Plant cells lack:

Allium root tip

Plant cellular division can be viewed using the ____ slides.

RNA polymerase

RNA nucleotides are linked by the enzyme _____________.

RNA nucleotides are linked by the enzyme _____________.

RNA polymerase


RNA splicing involves teh removal of ______________ .


RNA uses the nitrogenous base ______________, which DNA does not use.

Which one of the following is NOT an assumption of natural selection? many traits are inherited Resources to support a population are unlimited Individuals in a population vary Populations typically produce more offspring than can survivie

Resources to support a population are unlimited

Which one of the following is NOT an assumption of natural selection? Resources to support a population are unlimited Populations typically produce more offspring than can survivie many traits are inherited Individuals in a population vary

Resources to support a population are unlimited

requires the fertilization of an egg by a sperm.

Sexual reproduction:

t/f Convergent evolution often produces structures that are homologous but NOT analogous.


t/f Dominant phenotypes are more common than recessive phenotypes.


t/f Genetic bottlenecks usually increase the genetic variability in a population.


t/f Inbreeding is less likely to produce offspring that are homozygous for a harmful recessive trait.


t/f Individuals evolve.


t/f Members of separate populations of the same species cannot interbreed.


t/f Mendel's work involved plants that showed incomplete dominance.


t/f The DNA molecule of a eukaryotic chromosome has a single replication origin.


t/f The breakup of Pangaea probably caused sympatric speciation in many animals.


t/f The most fit individuals tend to leave the fewest fertile offspring.


t/f The part of a tRNA molecule that binds to a codon is a parallel codon.


t/f When a trait exhibits codominance, both recessive phenotypes are expressed in heterozygotes with two dominant alleles.


The probability of crossover between two linked genes is greatest when the genes are:

farthest apart on the same chromosome

In the three-domain system, the new domains Bacteria and Archaea are:

groups that contain prokaryotic cells

What is the main cause of extinction today?

habitat destruction

All mammals _____.

have mammary glands

Most people born with recessive disorders are born to parents who are both _________ or carriers for the recessive allele.


Cladistics is based upon evolutionary relationships which generate ___________ structures.


The same sequence of genes is found on _____ chromosomes.


Which one of the following is a postzygotic reproductive barrier?

hybrid inviability

A mule, formed by teh hybridization of a horse and a male donkey, is an example of _____________, a form of reproductive isolation.

hybrid sterility sterility hybrid infertility

Daughter cells formed during typical cell division have:

identical sets of chromosomes with identical genes.

The genetic information in a chromosome is encoded:

in the nucleotide sequence of the molecule

The extensive folding of the inner thylakoid membrane is likely an adaptation to:

increase the surface area of the light reactions

The random segregation of one member of each homologous pair of chromosomes into gametes defines:

independent assortment

If the somatic cells of a species have 25 pairs of homologous chromosomes, the number of chromosomes in haploid gametes would be __________.

25, twenty-five, or twenty five

If Mendel's principle of independent assortment did not apply to the pea shape and color experiment, and the two traits in a dihybrid cross of heterozygous individuals were inherited together, what would be the expected phenotypic ratio of the F2 generation?



An organism's genotype is its genetic makeup. An organism's physical traits are its ___________.


Any change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA is a ____________.

T/F Mendel performed dihybrid crosses involving all seven of his pea characters and found 9:3:3:1 ratios in half of them.


T/F Most of the chromosmes in humans are sex chromosomes.


T/F The reaction center of a photosystem consists of a chlorophyll a molecule next to a primary electron acceptor.


T/F The stacking of thylakoid membranes into grana decreases the surface area for photosynthesis.


T/F Individuals evolve.

False, populations evolve, not individuals

enables the cell to recycle NAD+

Fermentation is essentially glycolysis plus an extra step in which pyruvic acid is reduced to form lactic acid or alcohol and carbon dioxide. This last step _____.

enables the cell to recycle NAD+

Fermentation is essentially glycolysis plus an extra step in which pyruvic acid is reduced to form lactic acid or alcohol and carbon dioxide. This last step __________.

only one recessive allele, but a woman would have to inherit two.

For a sex-linked recessive allele to be expressed, a man would have to inherit:

What stage of the cell cycle is marked by the presence of sister chromatids and the preparation of the cell for division?


If one side of a DNA molecule has the bases CGAT, the opposite side would have the bases _____________.

GCTA G C T A gcta g c t a


If one side of a DNA molecule has the bases CGAT, the opposite side would have the bases _____________.


Sister chromatids remain attached at a region called the __________.

ATP molecules

Some prokaryotic and all eukaryotic cells use oxygen to harvest energy from food molecules. In which form is this energy available to power cellular work?

1 purple (400 nm) 2 blue (460 nm) 3 green (520 nm) 4 yellow (560 nm) 5 orange (620 nm) 6 red (700 nm)

Sort the colors of light starting with light containing the lowest energy!


Soy sauce, olives, pickles, sour cream, and yogurt are produced using lactic acid formed during fermentation

lactic acid

Sports physiologists at an Olympic training center wanted to monitor athletes to determine at what point their muscles were functioning anaerobically. They could do this by checking for a buildup of _____.

All of these describe plant cell division.

Which of the following describes the plant cell during cellular division? Cleavage furrowing occurs during telophase. A cell plate forms between the two "new" nuclei during telophase. The centrioles migrated to opposite ends of the cell. The spindle fibers form from the centrioles. All of these describe plant cell division.


T/F: Dominant phenotypes are more common than recessive phenotypes.


T/F: If the human reproductive cycle only included diploid cells, the offspring of each generation would have twice as much genetic material in each cell as the parent cells.


T/F: In polygenic inheritance of skin color, only the dominant alleles contribute to darker skin color.


T/F: In sexually reproducing organisms, cells entering mitosis have the same amount of DNA as cells entering meiosis.


T/F: In the human life cycle, somatic cells are diploid and gametes are haploid.


T/F: Inbreeding is less likely to produce offspring that are homozygous for a harmful recessive trait.


T/F: Inside chloroplasts, carbon dioxide is split to form hydrogen and oxygen.


T/F: Linked genes do not follow the typical patterns of inheritance.


T/F: Mendel used testcrosses to determine whether he had truebreeding varieties of plants.


T/F: Most people born with recessive disorders are born to parents who are both heterozygous or carriers for the recessive allele.


T/F: Photosynthesis produces carbon dioxide and oxygen.


T/F: RNA nucleotides are linked by the enzyme RNA polymerase.


T/F: Sex-linked human diseases do not occur in females.


T/F: Testcrosses are used to determine the genotype of an organism.


T/F: The backbone of DNA and RNA, polynucleotides consist of a repeating pattern of sugar, phosphate, sugar, phosphate.


T/F: The genetic information in a chromosome is encoded in the nucleotide sequence of the molecule.


T/F: The most common lethal genetic disease in the United States is cystic fibrosis.


T/F: The photosynthetic pigments work together to function almost like an antenna.


T/F: The probability of crossover between two linked genes is greatest when the genes are farthest apart on the same chromosome.


T/F: The set of rules relating nucleotide sequence to amino acid sequence is called the genetic code.

determining the amino acid sequence of the mRNA strand

Table 9-1 is used for:


Testcrosses are used to determine the ________________ of an organism.


The Calvin cycle depends on a supply of both ___________ and NADPH from the light reactions.


The Calvin cycle functions within the ____________ of a chloroplast.

two sets of membranes contain stacks of thylakoids (called grana) embedded in stroma

Which of the following describes the structure of a chloroplast?

sickle-cell disease

Which of the following is an example of pleiotropy in humans?


When a DNA molecule is copied, how much of the original DNA is included in the new copy?

A distinguishing feature of vertebrates is the presence of _____.

a backbone

CO2 and NADH are formed

When pyruvic acid is converted to acetyl CoA _____.

NADPH, ATP, and glucose

Which of the following are produced by the Calvin cycle? NADP+, ADP+P, and G3P NADPH, ATP, and glucose NADPH, ADP+P, and glucose NADPH, ATP, and G3P glucose and oxygen

T/F Chloroplast pigments are all located within the outer membrane of the chloroplast.


T/F Growth of an organism and maintenance of the body are the main roles of meiosis.


T/F Sex-linked human diseases do not occur in females.


T/F The lipids in chromosomes help control the activity of the genes.


T/F The two daughter cells produced by meiosis I do not undergo cytokinesis before meiosis II


T/F We can see only a small portion of the entire electromagnetic spectrum.



T/F: Dominant lethal alleles cause Huntington's disease.


"C" (cytosine) always pairs with

A male human somatic cell has:

22 pair of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes

Match the types of selection on the left to the descriptions on the right. 1 directional selection 2 stabiliaing selection 3 disruptive selection 4

1 selection favoring one extremem phenotype 2 selection favoring a particular trait within a narrow range 3 selection favoring two or more contrasting morphologies 4

Match the example to allopatric speciation or sympatric speciation. 1.A flock of birds is blown by a hurricane onto a remote Pacific island, where the birds remain isolated and become a new species. 2. A plant seed fails to undergo meiosis, fertilizing itself, and doubling the number of chromosomes in the next generation. These new plants do not interbreed with the parent species. 3. A long peninsula becomes a string of islands, separating several ant populations and evolving new ant species. 4. A glacier advances through the midwestern United States, splitting the populations of rabbits into eastern and western species. 5. Two species of moths hybridize, producing polyploid individuals that remain reproductively isolated and form a new polyploid species.

1. allopatric speciation 2. sympatric speciation 3. allopatric speciation 4. allopatric speciation 5. sympatric speciation

What is the expected phentypic ratio of children from parents with the following blood genotypes? IAIA and IBIi

1/2 AB and 1/2 A

If a mating occurs between two parent plants that are both heterozygous for a trait with incomplete dominance, the expected ratio of phenotypes will be:


If a very short gene consisted of just 60 bases, the protein made from the gene would be about _________ amino acids long.


T/F Crossing over only occurs in mitosis


an autotroph eating a heterotroph This is impossible a consumer eating an autotroph This is impossible a heterotroph eating a producer This is a possible scenario but not the correct answer a consumer eating a heterotroph This is the correct answer a producer eating an autotroph This is impossible

A bird eats an insect. This is an example of ____. Match! Note that "eating" is used in the meaning of "ingesting", i.e. taking up food through the mouth. HINT: Consult the first few pages of Chapter 6 for information pertinent to answering this question.

human cells also perform glycolysis; the drug might also poison them

A chemist has discovered a drug that blocks an enzyme that catalyzes some of the reactions of glycolysis. He wants to use the drug to kill bacteria in people with infections. However, he cannot do this because _____.

3 or three

A codon consists of ____________ (how many) bases in an mRNA molecule?


A dark blue shirt will absorb ________________ light energy than a very light blue shirt.


A fixed quantity of light energy is a(n) ____________.

Which one of the following statements does NOT contribute to gene flow?

A giant redwood tree drops its seeds all around the base of its trunk

Which one of the following statements does NOT contribute to gene flow? A storm blows a flock of birds out to sea, where they land on an uninhabited island very light seeds are easily blown across several miles in high storm winds. A giant redwood tree drops its seeds all around the base of its trunk A river floods over into nearby ponds

A giant redwood tree drops its seeds all around the base of its trunk

22 pair of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes

A male human somatic cell has:

yellow, green, blue and purple light is absorbed, red is reflected

A red flower appears red because ____.

two subunits, each made up of proteins and rRNA

A ribosome consists of:

Which one of the following is a true difference between mitosis and meiosis? A single cell is divided into two cells in mitosis and four cells in meiosis Mitosis produces haploid cells, and meiosis produces diploid cells Mitosis involves two cellular divisions, and meiosis involves just one cellular division The chromosomes replicate before mitosis and meiosis, but in meiosis, they replicate again between the first and second division

A single cell is divided into two cells in mitosis and four cells in meiosis

an organism of unknown genotype and a homozygous recessive individual

A testcross is a mating between:

People with type ____ blood show codominance because both alleles are expressed.


The Calvin cycle depends on a supply of both ___________ and NADPH from the light reactions.


spindle fibers

As the chromosomes are being pulled apart in anaphase; they are being guided by the

spindle fibers

As the chromosomes are being pulled apart in anaphase; they are being guided by the:


Before a cell divides, it fuplicates its __________________.

1:CO2 enters the airspace inside the leaf through pores in the leaf surface (stomata) 2:CO2 enters the cell by diffusing through the cell wall and plasma membrane 3:CO2 diffuses across cytoplasm 4:CO2 diffuses through the outer chloroplast membrane 5:CO2 diffuses through the inner chloroplast membrane into stroma does not occur:CO2 enters into the thylakoids

CO2, a substrate for photosynthesis, travels from the air outside of leaves into chloroplasts. Sort the steps of this process!


Cells produce RNA by the process of ______________ and proteins by the process of translation.

harvests energy stored in sugars and other orgnaic molecules.

Cellular respiration:

participates directly in the light reactions

Chlorophyll b:

NOT - one glucose molecule reacts with two oxygen molecules to produce two water molecules and two carbon dioxide molecules

Choose the correct equation for cellular respiration! one glucose molecule reacts with six oxygen molecules to produce six water molecules and six carbon dioxide molecules six glucose molecules react with six oxygen molecules to produce six water molecules and six carbon dioxide molecules one glucose molecule reacts with one oxygen molecule to produce one water molecule and one carbon dioxide molecule twelve glucose molecule react with six oxygen molecules to produce six water molecules and six carbon dioxide molecules one glucose molecule reacts with two oxygen molecules to produce two water molecules and two carbon dioxide molecules

Which one of the following statements about chromosomes if false? Sister chromatids separate from each other when a cell divides. The number of chromosomes in a eukaryotic cell depends upon the species. Chromosomes are made of a combination of DNA, carbohydrate, and lipid molecules. Human body cells each typically have 46 chromosomes. Before a cell begins the division process, it duplicates all of its chromosomes.

Chromosomes are made of a combination of DNA, carbohydrate, and lipid molecules.


Consider a trait in which "T" represents the dominant and "t" represents the recessive alleles. Which of the following genotypes will exhibit the recessive phenotype?

DNA polymerase

Covalent bonds between the nucleotides of a new DNA strand are made by the enzyme _____________.

T/F Inside chloroplasts, carbon dioxide is split to form hydrogen and oxygen.


Covalent bonds between the nucleotides of a new DNA strand are made by the enzyme _____________.

DNA polymerase

two people getting divorced followed by each person remarrying

DNA replication is most like:

Which of the following is the correct molecular sequence in teh combined processes of transcription and translation?

DNA to mRNA to protein

IF adenine paired with guanine and cytosine paired with thymine in DNA then:

DNA would have irregular widths along its length

Which one of the following best represents the flow of genetic information in a cell?

DNA, transcription, RNA, translation, protein

in the cytosol

During respiration in a eukaryotic cell, reactions of glycolysis occur _____.

the fluid within the mitochondrion

During respiration in a eukaryotic cell, reactions of the Citric Acid cycle occur in _____.


During the ________ stage of the cell cycle, the chromosomes are duplicated.

a phosphate group, a nitrogenous base, a 5-carbon sugar

Each nucleotide you will be building should contain:

the last, all of them? Not sure the word to reflect that fits here ( stop?)

Elongation continues until a _______________ codon reaches the ribosome.

T/F Inbreeding is less likely to produce offspring that are homozygous for a harmful recessive trait.


T/F A sperm or egg has twice as many chromosomes as its parent cell.


T/F Chloroplasts use all wavelengths of light to drive photosynthesis.


Which one of the following statements abut gene flow is FALSE? Gene flow tends to increase genetic differences between populations Populations may gain or lose alleles through gene flow Gene flow occurs when fertile indivduals move between populations Modern transportation and the frequent relocation of people have increased gene flow in the human population

Gene flow tends to increase genetic differences between populations

Which one of the following statements abut gene flow is FALSE? Populations may gain or lose alleles through gene flow Gene flow occurs when fertile indivduals move between populations Gene flow tends to increase genetic differences between populations Modern transportation and the frequent relocation of people have increased gene flow in the human population

Gene flow tends to increase genetic differences between populations

Which one of the following is a product of the Calvin cycle?


Which one of the following is the correct way to capitalize the scientific name for humans?

Homo sapiens

DNA would have irregular widths along its length

IF adenine paired with guanine and cytosine paired with thymine in DNA then:


If Mendel's principle of independent assortment did not apply to the pea shape and color experiment, and the two traits in a dihybrid cross of heterozygous individuals were inherited together, what would be the expected phenotypic ratio of the F2 generation? 9:3:3:1 1:06:01 1:02:01 3:1 1:1


If a very short gene consisted of just 60 bases, the protein made from the gene would be about _________ amino acids long.


If the somatic cells of a species have 25 pairs of homologous chromosomes, the number of chromosomes in haploid gametes would be __________.


Immediately after completion of the Citric Acid cycle, most of the usable energy from the original glucose molecule is in the form of _____.


In DNA and RNA, the polymers are polynucleotides and the monomers are _____________.


In _____________ reproduction, the offspring and parent have identical genes.

carbon dioxide

In an experiment, mice were fed glucose (C6H12O6) containing a small amount of radioactive oxygen. The mice were closely monitored, and in a few minutes radioactive oxygen atoms showed up in _____.

the centromeres are separated creating daughter chromosomes

In anaphase, the strings are gently pulled until

a cap and tail are added, introns are edited out, and exons are joined together to maek mRNA

In eukaryotic cells, RNA transcribed from DNA undergoes processing before leaving the nucleus. In this processing: a cap and tail are added, introns are edited out, and exons are joined together to maek mRNA a cap and tail are removed, introns are edited out, and exons are joined together to make mRNA a cap and tail are added, exons are edited out, and introns are joined together to make mRNA a cap is removed, a tail is added, exons are edited out, and introns are joined together to make mRNA

the incidence of Down syndrome increases markedly with the age of the mother

In general:

add a P to ADP, making ATP

In respiration, which one of the following is not done directly by the electron transport chain (or its components)?

the same amount of DNA as cells entering meiosis

In sexually reproducing organisms, cells entering mitosis have:

looped around both centromeres of each chromosome

In student exercise 2, the four long strings are

looped around each centromere of each chromatid

In student exercise 2, the four long strings are

all of these are correct

In student exercise 3, you construct a each table assembles their set with another tables the nucleotide models have magnets embedded in them all of these are correct small DNA model you construct a large DNA model with other tables

all of these are correct

In student exercise 3, you construct a: each table assembles their set with another tables the nucleotide models have magnets embedded in them all of these are correct small DNA model you construct a large DNA model with other tables

create new genetic information

In the 1950s, scientists understood the functions of DNA to be all of the following except the capacity to:

diploid and gametes are haploid

In the human life cycle, somtic cells are:

Any change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA is a ____________.


connects the water-splitting photosystem with the NADPH-producing photosystem: electron transport chain molecule that (during light reactions) is the final acceptor of electrons and H+ that originate from the splitting of water: NADP+ special chlorophyll a molecule that, when it absorbs energy transferred from antenna pigments, donates an electron to a primary electron acceptor molecule: Antenna pigments cluster of a few hundred pigment molecules (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotenoids) located in the thylakoid membrane: Photosystem pigments of the photosystem that absorb light energy and pass on that energy (but not electrons) to the reaction center chlorophyll: Reaction center chlorophyll

Match light reaction terms with their definitions or functions!

Splitting of water Interior of the thylakoids Absorbance of light by antenna pigments Thylakoid membrane Binding of CO2 to RuBP Stroma Formation of NADPH by loading electrons and H+ onto NADP+ Electron transport chain between the two cooperating photosystems Thylakoid membrane H+ are pumped across Interior of the thylakoids

Match the processes of photosynthesis with their locations!

Water:Substrate (reactant) for light reaction Oxygen: Product of light reaction ATP: Product of light reaction and substrate (reactant) for Calvin cycle NADPH: Product of light reaction and substrate (reactant) for Calvin cycle Carbon dioxide: Substrate (reactant) for Calvin cycle Sugar: Product of Calvin cycle ADP: Product of Calvin cycle and substrate (reactant) for light reaction NADP+: Product of Calvin cycle and substrate (reactant) for light reaction

Match the reactants and products of photosynthesis with light reactions and the Calvin cycle!

Inner membrane of mitochondria:Electron Transport Matrix of mitochondria:Citric Acid cycle Cytoplasm:Glycolysis Electrons delivered by NADH (and FADH2) get transferred to oxygen:Electron Transport Each pyruvic acid molecule is broken down into 3 molecules of CO2:Citric Acid cycle Glucose is broken down into two moleculs with three carbon atoms each:Glycolysis

Match the steps of respiration with their location within the cell and the processes taking place!

Inner membrane of mitochondria:Electron Transport Matrix of mitochondria:Citric Acid cycle Cytoplasm:Glycolysis Electrons delivered by NADH (and FADH2) get transferred to oxygen:Electron Transport Each pyruvic acid molecule is broken down into 3 molecules of CO2:Citric Acid cycle Glucose is broken down into two moleculs with three carbon atoms each:Glycolysis

Match the steps of respiration with their location within the cell and the processes taking place! 1 Inner membrane of mitochondria 2 Matrix of mitochondria 3 Cytoplasm 4 Electrons delivered by NADH (and FADH2) get transferred to oxygen 5 Each pyruvic acid molecule is broken down into 3 molecules of CO2 6 Glucose is broken down into two moleculs with three carbon atoms each a Electron Transport b Citric Acid Cycle c: Glycolysis

the Citric Acid cycle

Most of the NADH that delivers electrons to the electron transport chain comes from _____.


T/F A gene may consist of thousands of nucleotides.


T/F Before crossing over occurs, sister chromatids are identical.


T/F Cellular respiration occurs in plant and animal cells in organelles called chloroplasts.


T/F Chloroplast pigments are all located within the outer membrane of the chloroplast.


T/F Crossing over only occurs in mitosis


T/F Different codons may code for the same amino acid.


T/F Growth of an organism and maintenance of the body are the main roles of meiosis.


T/F If the human reproductive cycle only included diploid cells, the offspring of each generation would have twice as much genetic material in each cell as the parent cells.


T/F Inside chloroplasts, carbon dioxide is split to form hydrogen and oxygen.


T/F Interphase typically lasts for most of a cell cycle.


T/F Mendel performed dihybrid crosses involving all seven of his pea characters and found 9:3:3:1 ratios in half of them.


T/F Mendel's work involved plants that showed incomplete dominance.


T/F Most ATP is generated during the process of glycolysis.


T/F Most of the chromosmes in humans are sex chromosomes.


T/F Photosynthesis uses light energy from the sun to power chemical processes that build inorganic molecules.


T/F Plant cells use G3P to make glucose and other organic molecules they need.


T/F Some highly specialized cells do not undergo a cell cycle.


T/F Soy sauce, olives, pickles, sour cream, and yogurt are produced using lactic acid formed during fermentation.


T/F The DNA molecule of a eukaryotic chromosome has a single replication origin.


T/F The cap and tail on an mRNA molecule protect mRNA from enzymes.


T/F The light reaction does not produce sugar.


T/F The lipids in chromosomes help control the activity of the genes.


T/F The part of a tRNA molecule that binds to a codon is a parallel codon.


T/F The part of a tRNA molecule that binds to a codon is a parallel codon.


T/F The terminator sequence indicates the end of a gene.


T/F The two daughter cells produced by meiosis I do not undergo cytokinesis before meiosis II


T/F The two daughter cells produced by meiosis I do not undergo cytokinesis before meiosis II


T/F We can see only a small portion of the entire electromagnetic spectrum.


T/F When a trait exhibits codominance, both recessive phenotypes are expressed in heterozygotes with two dominant alleles.


T/F: A codon consists of 5 bases in a mRNA molecule?


T/F: A dark blue shirt will absorb less light energy than a very light blue shirt.


T/F: A family pedigree is used to assemble information about the occurrence of heritable characters in parents and their offspring across several generations.


T/F: A male human somatic cell has 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes.


T/F: A single cell is divided into four cells in mitosis and two cells in meiosis.


T/F: A testcross is a mating between an organism of unknown genotype and a homozygous recessive individual.


T/F: Although organisms result from a combination of genetic and environmental factors, only genetic factors are passed on to the next generation.


T/F: An organism's genotype is its genetic makeup. An organism's physical traits are its phenotype.


T/F: Any gene located on a sex chromosome is a sex-linked gene.


T/F: Cells produce RNA by the process of transcription and proteins by the process of translation.


T/F: Chromosomes are made of a combination of DNA, carbohydrate, and lipid molecules.


T/F: Daughter cells formed during typical cell division have different sets of chromosomes with identical genes.


The M phase of the cell cycle includes __________ and cytokinesis.


The amount of DNA is duplicated in the


The amount of DNA is duplicated in the:

sugar, phophate, sugar, phosphate

The backbone of DNA and RNA, polynucleotides consist of a repeating pattern of:


The chromosomes can be found in the middle of the cell during which phase?

Which one of the following statements about meiosis is FALSE? Cells dividing by meiosis undergo two consecutive divisions Homologous chromosomes exchange segments before separating from each other Homologous chromosomes separate during meiosis I Sister chromatids separate during meiosis II The chromosomes replicate before meiosis and between meiosis I and meiosis II

The chromosomes replicate before meiosis and between meiosis I and meiosis II

Which one of the following statements about Darwin's voyage on the Beagle is false?

The concept of natural selection came quickly to Darwin when he discovered 13 species of finches on the Galapagos.

increase the surface area of the electron transport system

The extensive infolding of the inner mitochondrial membrane is likely an adaptation to:

extract usable energy from glucose

The function of cellular respiration is to _____.

in the nucleotide sequence of the molecule

The genetic information in a chromosome is encoded:

"D" - deoxyribose sugar and "R" - ribose sugar

The letters "D" and "R" are designated to represent what?


The longest part of the cycle for a cell in spent in


The longest part of the cycle for a cell in spent in:

farthest apart on the same chromosome

The probability of crossover between two linked genes is greatest when the genes are:

random assortment

The random segregation of one member of each homologous pair of chromosomes into gametes defines:


The same sequence of genes is found on _____ chromosomes.

amino acids

The sequence of nucleotides of the RNA molecule dictates the sequence of __________ of the polypeptide (protein).

genetic code

The set of rules relating nucleotide sequence to amino acid sequence is called the ______________.

a spiral staircase

The shape of a DNA molecule is most like the shape of:


The site of crossing over is called a __________.

ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide

What is/are the endproduct(s) of alcoholic fermentation?


What stage of the cell cycle is marked by the presence of sister chromatids and the preparation of the cell for division?


The wavelengths of light least used by plants form the color ____________.

Which one of the following statements about radiation is false? Waves in the electromagnetic spectrum carry energy The electromagnetic spectrum is the full range of radiation A wavelength is the distance between the crests of two adjacent waves The wavelengths of visible light we see were absorbed by what we are looking at

The wavelengths of visible light we see were absorbed by what we are looking at

Which one of the following statements about mitosis is FALSE? During prophase, the sister chromatids are clearly seen, the nuclear envelope breals up, and the mitotic spindle begins to form Toward the end of prophase, the sister chromatids replicate again, but remain attached to each other During metaphase, the chromosomes line up in the middle of the mitotic spindle At the start of anaphase, the sister chromatids are pulled apart and start to move toward opposite spindle poles Telophase is like the opposite of prophase: The nuclear envelope re-forms, the chromosomes uncoil, and the spindle disappears

Toward the end of prophase, the sister chromatids replicate again, but remain attached to each other

T/F If the human reproductive cycle only included diploid cells, the offspring of each generation would have twice as much genetic material in each cell as the parent cells.


T/F The light reaction does not produce sugar.


The light reaction does not produce sugar.


half old and half new

Upon completion of DNA replication the original DNA molecules is said to be:

half old, half new

Upon completion of DNA replication the original DNA molecules is said to be:

an RNA pyrimidine

Uracil is

an RNA pyrimidine

Uracil is:

Which one of the following people also suggested the idea of natural selection in addition to Darwin? Lamarck Lyell Aristotle Wallace Buffon


1/2AB & 1/2A

What is the expected phentypic ratio of children from parents with the following blood genotypes? IAIA and IBIi

ATP Synthase

What is the name of the enzyme located in the inner mitochondrial membrane that adds a phosphate group to ADP? (Use same spelling as in text book!)

DNA to mRNA to protein

Which of the following is the correct molecular sequence in teh combined processes of transcription and translation? DNA to mRNA to protein mRNA to DNA to protein DNA to protein to mRNA mRNA to protein to DNA

a Morel (a type of fungus)

Which of the following organisms in not capable of photosynthesis?

Clean all optic surfaces with paper towels or the table rags that are provided by the instructor.

Which of the following statements does not describe the proper use of a microscope?

Clean all optic surfaces with paper towels or the table rags that are provided by the instructor.

Which of the following statements does not describe the proper use of a microscope? Carry the microscope with two hands. The iris diaphragm should be almost closed all the way to view light colored objects. Clean all optic surfaces with paper towels or the table rags that are provided by the instructor. Adjusting the binoculars will help bring the object in better view. Never the coarse adjustment knob on high power will focus the specimen's image.

Proteins are manufactured in the nucleus.

Which of the following statements is false? Transcription uses a 3 nucleotide base system referred to as a codon. DNA, through the use of RNA molecules, controls protein synthesis. Proteins made during translation can act as enzymes. DNA replication happens in the S phase of interphase. Proteins are manufactured in the nucleus.

Proteins are manufactured in the nucleus.

Which of the following statements is false? Transcription uses a 3 nucleotide base system referred to as a codon. DNA, through the use of RNA molecules, controls protein synthesis. Proteins made during translation can act as enzymes. DNA replication happens in the S phase of interphase. Proteins are manufactured in the nucleus.

both DNA strands serve as the template for one RNA

Which one of teh following statements about transcription is false?

the RNA molecule is built one nucleotide at a time

Which one of teh following statements about transcription is false? both DNA strands serve as the template for one RNA in RNA, U, rather than T, pairs with A the RNA molecule is built one nucleotide at a time transcription begins when RNA polymerase attaches to the promoter as the RNA molecule is produced, it peels away from its DNA template

Electrons are pumped across a membrane by active transport.

Which one of the following best describes the electron transport chain?

Electrons pass from one carrier to another, releasing a little energy at each step.

Which one of the following best describes the electron transport chain?

DNA, transcription, RNA, translation, Protein

Which one of the following best represents the flow of genetic information in a cell? DNA, transcription, RNA, translation, protein RNA, transcription, DNA, translation, protein DNA, transcription, protein, translation, RNA DNA, translation, RNA, transcription, Protein

6 molecules of oxygen

Which one of the following is NOT produced because of the breakdown of a single glucose molecule by cellular respiration.

A single cell is divided into two cells in mitosis and four cells in meiosis

Which one of the following is a true difference between mitosis and meiosis?

crossing over

Which one of the following processes can result in the separate inheritance of linked genes?


Which one of the following serves primarily as a high energy electron-carrier molecule in cells?

When your muscles use fermentation, glucose is produced

Which one of the following statements about fermentation is FALSE?

The chromosomes replicate before meiosis and between meiosis I and meiosis II

Which one of the following statements about meiosis is FALSE?

The chromosomes replicate before meiosis and between meiosis I and meiosis II

Which one of the following statements about meiosis is FALSE? Cells dividing by meiosis undergo two consecutive divisions Homologous chromosomes exchange segments before separating from each other Homologous chromosomes separate during meiosis I Sister chromatids separate during meiosis II The chromosomes replicate before meiosis and between meiosis I and meiosis II

Toward the end of prophase, the sister chromatids replicate again, but remain attached to each other

Which one of the following statements about mitosis is FALSE?

Telophase is like the opposite of prophase: The nuclear envelope re-forms, the chromosomes uncoil, and the spindle disappears

Which one of the following statements about mitosis is FALSE? During prophase, the sister chromatids are clearly seen, the nuclear envelope breals up, and the mitotic spindle begins to form Toward the end of prophase, the sister chromatids replicate again, but remain attached to each other During metaphase, the chromosomes line up in the middle of the mitotic spindle At the start of anaphase, the sister chromatids are pulled apart and start to move toward opposite spindle poles Telophase is like the opposite of prophase: The nuclear envelope re-forms, the chromosomes uncoil, and the spindle disappears

NOT all of the above

Which part of the breakdown of glucose requires molecular oxygen (O2)? fermentation glycolysis the Citric Acid cycle the electron transport chain all of the above

The two-carbon acetic acid binds to a four-carbon molecule that is restored at the end of the cycle to be used again in the Citric Acid cycle.

Why is the Citric Acid cycle called a cycle?

In eukaryotic cells, RNA transcribed from DNA undergoes processing before leaving the nucleus. In this processing:

a cap and tail are added, introns are edited out, and exons are joined together to maek mRNA

Which one of the following organisms has the greatest Darwinian fitness? a mother robin that has two chicks, both of which live to reproduce the largest mother robin in the entire population, who lays one large egg a robin that finds more food than any other female robin, but lays no eggs a mother robin that lays eight eggs, but none of them hatch a mother robin that has six chicks hatch, but only one that lives to reproduce

a mother robin that has two chicks, both of which live to reproduce

Which one of the following is the smallest unit of evolution? an ecosystem a species a cell an individual organism a population

a population

The shape of a DNA molecule is most like the shape of:

a spiral staircase

A feature of bony fish not found in sharks is _____.

a swim bladder

The sequence of nucleotides of the RNA molecule dictates the sequence of __________ of the polypeptide (protein).

amino acids

A testcross is a mating between:

an organism of unknown genotype and a homozygous recessive individual

Structures that are _________ to each other are similar in function.


Homologous structures have evolved from the same structure in a common ____________.


The photosynthetic pigments work together to function most like:


In _____________ reproduction, the offspring and parent have identical genes.


Two closely ralted species of tree frogs in Illinois cannot be distinguished from each other except for the male's chirping calls, used during the breeding season. This is an example of the two species separated by:

behavioral isolation

Carolus Linnaeus suggested a system that gives each species a two-part name, or _________.

binomial nomenclature

Which one of teh following statements about transcription is false?

both DNA strands serve as the template for one RNA

Sympatric speciation:

can occur in a single generation

People who are heterozygous with just one copy of an allele for a recessive disorder do not show symptoms of the disorder. They are considered to be _________ of the disorder.

carriers or carrier

Dominant lethal alleles:

cause Huntington's disease

Sister chromatids remain attached at a region called the __________.


The site of crossing over is called a __________.

chiasmata or chiasma

Only the pigment _____________________ participates directly in the light reactions.

chlorophyll a

An animal has segments, bilateral symmetry, pharyngeal slits, a post-anal tail, and a notochord. It must be a member of the phylum _____.


Before a cell divides, it fuplicates its __________________.

chromosomes or DNA

Similar genes in two species suggest that the genes have been inherited from a _____________.

common ancestor

The wavelengths of light least used by plants form the color ____________.


In the 1950s, scientists understood the functions of DNA to be all of the following except the capacity to:

create new genetic information

Which one of the following processes can result in the separate inheritance of linked genes? crossing over polygenic inheritance incomplete dominance pleiotropy independent assortment

crossing over

In the human life cycle, somtic cells are:

diploid and gametes are haploid

Which of the following is the correct sequence of taxonomic groups moving from most general to most specific?

domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species

Which one of teh following statements about sex chromosomes is FALSE? each human gamete contains both sex chromosomes humans have 44 autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes in humans, a male inherits an X and Y sex chromosome most sex-linked genes unrelated to sex determination are found on the X chromosome

each human gamete contains both sex chromosomes

A generation-to-generation change in a population's frequencies of alleles defines ________________.


The total collection of alleles in a population at any one time is the ______________.

gene pool

Although organisms result from a combination of genetic and environmental factors, only _______ factors are passed on to the next generation.


The set of rules relating nucleotide sequence to amino acid sequence is called the ______________.

genetic code

The founder effect and bottleneck effect are examples of ____________, an evolutionary mechanism by which the gene pool of a small population changes due to chance.

genetic drift

Testcrosses are used to determine the ________________ of an organism.


Consider the following list of animals: giant squid, earthworm, largemouth bass, snail, tapeworm, coral, and sea star. The two that belong to the same phylum are the _____, and their phylum is _____.

giant squid and snail ... Mollusca

The sugar molecule produced by photosynthesis is ____________.


Which one of the following parts of a mitochondrion functions most like the thylakoid membrane?

inner mitochondrial membrane

The majority of animal species are _____.


RNA splicing involves teh removal of ______________ .


ATP and NADPH, produced by the:

light reaction, are used to reduce carbon dioxide to form glucose.

The gill flap, or operculum, was an important adaptation for fish because it helps with _____.

maintaining a supply of oxygen

The M phase of the cell cycle includes __________ and cytokinesis.


In his book The Origin of Species, Charles Darwin developed two main points. These were that:

modern species descended from ancestral species and organisms evolve by natural selection.

A dark blue shirt will absorb ________________ light energy than a very light blue shirt.


In DNA and RNA, the polymers are polynucleotides and the monomers are _____________.


When we examine the fossil record, we find that:

older fossils are in strata below younger fossils

For a sex-linked recessive allele to be expressed, a man would have to inherit:

only one recessive allele, but a woman would have to inherit two.

Chlorophyll b:

participates indirectly in the light reactions by transferring light energy to chlorophyll a

An organism's genotype is its genetic makeup. An organism's physical traits are its ___________.


A fixed quantity of light energy is a(n) ____________.


Which one of the following is teh general sequence of energy transfer during photosynthesis? Light energy in a photon is transferred first to:

pigment molecules, then to chlorophyll a, and finally to a primary electron acceptor

Oxygen is produced during the:

water-splitting photosystem

According to te "biological species concept," what keeps species separate?

reproductive barriers

Sexual reproduction:

requires the fertilization of an egg by a sperm.

During the ________ stage of the cell cycle, the chromosomes are duplicated.


A female bird preferring to mate with more brightly colored feathers on a male illustrates:

sexual selection

Which of the following is an example of pleiotropy in humans?

sickle-cell disease

Organisms that are very closely related are more likely to have:

similar genes and many homologous structures

Human birth weights are kept in the range of 3-4 kilograms by ____________ selection.


Carbon dioxide enters the leaf, and oxygen exits, through tiny pores called _______________.


Elongation continues until a _______________ codon reaches the ribosome.


The Calvin cycle functions within the ____________ of a chloroplast.


The backbone of DNA and RNA, polynucleotides consist of a repeating pattern of:

sugar, phophate, sugar, phosphate

Most of the plant species we grow for food are the result of _______________ speciation.


In North America, some rare salamanders are triploid, possessing three copies of every chromosome. It is believed that these salamanders formed when the sperm from one species fertilized a diploid egg of another species. This evolutionary scenario is an example of:

sympatric speciation (the same answer was given twice. For my quiz, the correct one was the top option)

In his book Principles of Geology, Lyell argued that:

the Earth is ancient, sculpted by gradual geologic processes that continue today.

Imagine that a global disease spread quickly across Earth, killing every human except teh people in your biology class. Although the future human populaton might someday recover, future generations would not represent the current diversity of all humans living today. This loss of diversity and change in the gene pool would be an example of:

the bottleneck effect

In arthropods, molting is necessary because _____.

the chitinous exoskeleton cannot grow

Your teacher takes your class on a spectacular field trip to study marine mammals, but your ship encounters a terrific storm. Your class and ship's crew land on a remote and uninhabited Pacific island where you live and prosper, never again making contact with other humans. Over many generations, the appearance of your island population takes on its own charactersitics, representing the process of:

the founder effect

In general: the absence of a Y chromosome results in maleness the presence of only a single X chromosome results in maleness a human embryo with an abnormal number of chromosomes is usually normal nondisjunction occurs only in males of sexually reproducing diploid organisms the incidence of Down syndrome increases markedly with the age of the mother

the incidence of Down syndrome increases markedly with the age of the mother

The hierarchical system used to classify life is most like:

the many ranks of the military

In sexually reproducing organisms, cells entering mitosis have:

the same amount of DNA as cells entering meiosis

Linked genes tend to be inherited together because:

they are on the same chromosome

A codon consists of ____________ (how many) bases in an mRNA molecule?

three or 3

Photosynthesis commonly occurs when sunlight hits chlorophyll pigments in the:

thylakoid membrane of a chloroplast in a cell of a leaf

Cells produce RNA by the process of ______________ and proteins by the process of translation.


T/F A family pedigree is used to assemble information about the occurrence of heritable characters in parents and their offspring across several generations.


T/F Any gene located on a sex chromosome is a sex-linked gene.


T/F Before crossing over occurs, sister chromatids are identical.


T/F Both cellular respiration and photosynethesis have ATP synthases that use the energy stored by an H+ gradient.


T/F Interphase typically lasts for most of a cell cycle.


T/F Linked genes do not follow the typical patterns of inheritance.


T/F Mendel used testcrosses to determine whether he had truebreeding varieties of plants.


T/F Plant cells use G3P to make glucose and other organic molecules they need.


T/F Some highly specialized cells do not undergo a cell cycle.


t/f A DNA molecule may contain thousands of genes.


t/f A gene may consist of thousands of nucleotides.


t/f According to the biological species concept, the evolution of reproductive barriers is the key to the origin of new species.


t/f All humans belong to the same species.


t/f An adaptation in one environment may be useless or harmful in different circulstances.


t/f Different codons may code for the same amino acid.


t/f Genetic bottlenecks usually increase the genetic variability in a population.


t/f In 1766, Buffon suggested that certain fossil forms might be ancient versions of similar living species.


t/f In polygenic inheritance of skin color, only the dominant alleles contribute to darker skin color.


t/f Members of a biological species CANNOT successfully interbreed with members of other species.


t/f Some human diseases are more abundant in small populations due to genetic drift.


t/f The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium demands that all individuals in a population be equal in their ability to survive and reproduce.


t/f The cap and tail on an mRNA molecule protect mRNA from enzymes.


t/f The different beaks of the many Galapagos finch species are homologous because they are variations of a common ancestral body plan.


t/f The first part of the scientific name of several species in the same genus will all be the same.


t/f The most common lethal genetic disease in the United States is cystic fibrosis.


t/f The terminator sequence indicates the end of a gene.


Consider a trait in which "T" represents the dominant and "t" represents the recessive alleles. Which of the following genotypes will exhibit the recessive phenotype? TT Tt tT tt more than one of these


DNA replication is most like:

two people getting divorced followed by each person remarrying

A ribosome consists of:

two subunits, each made up of proteins and rRNA

RNA uses the nitrogenous base ______________, which DNA does not use.


Darwin suggested that the animals on the Galapagos Islands had become new species because they:

were adapting to new, local environments

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