BIO 111

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Based on the way natural selection works, what is the BEST way to make use of antibacterial soap?

Use it only when you need to be free of bacterial contamination, so bacteria will be less likely to evolve resistance to it.

Which list below contains the four postulates of natural selection?

differential survival or reproduction, selection, variation among individuals in a population, heritable variation

The experiments of Francesco Redi :

disproved the idea of spontaneous generation

Watson and Crick are credited with the discovery and description of the DNA:

double helix.

A cell that lacks organelles is an

prokaryotic cell

Which level of the energy pyramid has the greatest biomass?


What is the role of electron transport in ATP synthesis?

Electron transport helps creates a proton gradient that is used to supply energy for the synthesis of ATP.

How is electron transport related in chloroplasts and mitochondria?

Electron transport is used in each case to synthesize ATP, although the electron donors and acceptors differ.

Which of the following functions as a biological catalysts?


Animals have enzymes that break apart starch molecules but not cellulose, despite the fact both are made up glucose sub-units. Which enzyme characteristic BEST explains this?

Enzymes are highly specific

Instruction: Flu vaccine for or against and why

Every individuals immune system is different. These variances could be caused by your genetics or your health. You cannot change your genetics but you can improve your health by washing your hands with warm soap and water, eating high nutrient foods exercise , and take vitamin supplements

Radioactive isotopes are biological tools that are often used to:

detect brain tumors.

The genetic material in bacteria consists of:

one circular DNA molecule.

In the fungus Neurospora, a metabolic pathway synthesizes the amino acid Z (which is essential for its survival) from the precursor W. The intermediates X and Y are also produced in this pathway. The enzymes E1, E2, and E3 catalyze three reactions in the process, as shownX-ray radiation can be used to create a mutant strain of Neurospora that has a defective gene sequence for E2. W-X-Y-Z Based on this scenario, the mutant strain will survive on media that contain:

only Y or Z.

The information to synthesize all of the following except _____ is directly coded by the DNA.


The diffusion of water molecules across a selectively permeable membrane is called:


What is the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain?


The cells in the ________ layer of the leaf contain the majority of a leaf's chloroplasts.

palisade mesophyll layer

Humans contract bacterial infections such as tuberculosis or syphilis. What is this ecological relationship called?


Predation is similar to ________ in that both types of relationship benefit one of the interacting species while harming the other.


Researchers have been able to study the pathway of a secreted protein by "tagging" it with a fluorescent marker. Using this method, you would observe fluorescence moving from the ER to which organelle?

Golgi apparatus

Researchers have been able to study the pathway of a secreted protein by tagging it with fluorescent marker. Using this method, you would observe fluorescence moving from the ER to which organelle?

Golgi apparatus

Which cellular organelle packages enzymes and forms lysosomes?

Golgi apparatus

The majority of the leaf's chloroplasts are found in the mesophyll cells. True or False?


Hemophilia is a sex-linked recessive gene that causes a blood disorder. What are the chances that the daughter of a normal man and a heterozygous woman will have hemophilia?


At the start of a study, 200 spotted owls lived in an old-growth forest patch in western Oregon. During the next year, a biologist tracking the birds observed that 25 new birds hatched and 5 died. What was r for this year?


The photosystems are involved in the light reactions of photosynthesis. True or False?


The site of protein synthesis in the cytoplasm is the ribosome. True or False?


Under dry conditions, a C4 plant is more photosynthetically efficient than a C3 plant. True or False?


In biological membranes, the phospholipids are arranged in a:

bilayer with the fatty acids pointing toward one another.

The type of cell division carried out by prokaryotic cells is known as _____.

binary fission

A bacterial cell splits into two new cells by a process called:

binary fission.

What are the three main components of modern cell theory?

1. Every organism is made up of one ore more cells 2. The smallest organisms are single cells, and cells are the functional units of multicellular organisms. 3. All cells arise from preexisting cells

List four characteristics of living things, and give an example to illustrate each.

1.Acquire and use materials from the environment, materials acquired are known as nutrients. An example of this is our need for food. 2. Respond to external and internal stimuli. A plant on your windowsill that is growing at an angle toward the outside. 3.Reproduction. Child bearing 4. Growth and development. A baby grows and develops at a very fast pace.

The slowest rate of diffusion of dye particles in water will occur at:

10 C

Each of the following requires 12 carbons atoms. Which of the arrangements of carbon atoms has the greatest entropy?

12 molecules of carbon dioxide , CO2

Organisms contain thousands of different proteins composed of _______ different amino acids


Imagine that 1 milliliter of an experimental drug diluted in a saline solution is injected into 20 pregnant mice to determine possible side effects. Which of the following is a suitable control for this experiment?

20 pregnant mice injected with 1 milliliter of saline

The human genome contains between _____ and _____ genes.

20,000, 25,000

About ________% of the carbon dioxide produced by human activity is a result of deforestation.


Similar to a car, a human body is about ____ efficient in converting chemical energy to movement


Suppose one strand of a "mini-gene" has the base sequence TACCCGGATTCA. If we assume no introns are involved, how many amino acids does the polypeptide encoded by this gene have?


Imagine that you are studying a newly discovered bacterium from a hot springs in Yellowstone National Park. When you examine the nucleotide composition of this organism, you find that 10% of the nucleotides in its DNA are adenine (A). What percentage of nucleotides are guanine? Explain.

40%, because A pairs with T (accounting for 20% of the bases), leaving 80% of the nucleotides as G-C base pairs; half of 80% is 40%

In a typical human body cell, how many chromosomes are there?


A recessive allele on the X chromosome causes color blindness. A noncolor-blind woman (whose father is color blind) marries a color-blind man. What is the chance that their son will be color blind?


Most of the ATP produced during cellular respiration is generated in the mitochondrial ________ after the movement of hydrogen ions through ATP-synthesizing proteins in the inner membrane of the mitochondrion.

: matrix

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease that leads to the production of excessive, thick mucus in the respiratory tract, causing frequent and serious respiratory infections. The defect is due to the production of a faulty membrane protein for the transport of the chloride ion. The protein exists in membranes, but it doesn't function normally.Based on this scenario, what is occurring at the molecular level in a person with cystic fibrosis?

A channel protein is being adversely affected.

A duplicated eukaryotic chromosome contains __________.

A duplicated eukaryotic chromosome contains __________.

Chemiosmosis in mitochondria directly results in the synthesis of:


In the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis the difference in hydrogen ion concentration across the thylakoid membrane is used to generate _____.


The energy-harvesting reactions of glycolysis produce four molecules of _____, two molecules of _____, and two molecules of _____.

ATP, NADH, pyruvate

The movement of molecules across a cell membrane in which no energy is required (i.e., diffusion) is called ________ transport, and the movement of molecules across a cell membrane in which energy (i.e., ATP) is required is called ________ transport.

Active, Passive

A "mini-gene" has the base sequence TACCCGTGCACG. If the T at the beginning of the sequence is deleted, what will be the consequence?

All of the codons after that point will be changed.

Anne Boleyn, King Henry VIII's second wife, was beheaded because she did not provide him with a son as an heir. Explain why King Henry should have blamed himself and not his wife.

All of the eggs that females produce contain an X chromosome, so their genetic contribution to the child does not determine its sex.

A 57 year old women was admitted to a hospital with a infected toe, and the infection was spreading rapidly. The damage was being caused by an unknown microorganism that could not be cultured in the lab. Doctors observed that antibiotics, which kill only prokaryotes, were ineffective. They suspected that the microbe was a fungus, so they tried the drug Amphotercin, which targets the ergosterols in fungal cells. Because animal cells cholesterols, not ergosterols they are unaffected by the drug. Shortly after receiving Amphorotericin, the patient improved, her infect ceased, and she was released from the hospital. In this scenario what was the hypothesis?

Antibiotics will not kill the microbe because it is a fungal species.

Scientists recommend a diet rich in in antioxidants to stay healthy. What occurs at the atomic level to explain this recommendation?

Antioxidants stop the chain reaction of cellular damage caused by free radicals.

Which of the following contains four types of nucleotides but no uracil?


To make insect-resistant, transgenic plants, ________ are first inserted into ________.

Bt genes; disabled Ti plasmids

Which of the following molecules functions to transfer genetic information from one generation to the next?


For the DNA sequence G-C-C-T-A-T in one polynucleotide chain, the sequence found in the other polynucleotide chain must be:


The overall equation for glucose metabolism is C6H12O6 + 6O2 ?6CO2+ 6H2O + ATP and heat. The carbon atoms in the CO2 molecules in this equation come from _____ during reactions of __________.

C6H12O6, the Krebs cycle

The ________ in prokaryotic cells may help some pathogenic bacteria evade their host's immune system and attach to host cells.


Mitochondria and chloroplasts share all of the following characteristics except that they

Capture the energy of sunlight to meet metabolic demands

Which of the following occurs during the Calvin cycle of photosynthesis?

Carbon dioxide is converted to chemicals that can be used to make sugars.

Why is carbon dioxide a key molecule in the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis?

Carbon dioxide, together with water, is the raw material for the synthesis of sugars, which are the key products of the light-independent reactions.

Which four elements make up approximately 96% of living matter?

Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Oxygen

Describe the bio medical properties of a biological catalyst.

Catalysts speed up reactions by lowering that activation energy required for the reaction to begin. They can speed up both exergonic and endergonic reactions they cannot make an endergonic reaction occur spontaneously. Catalysts are not consumed or permanently changed by the reactions they promote.

Which of the following situations has occurred in insect pests in Florida due to natural selection?

Cockroaches now avoid the poison bait that used to be very effective at killing them.

Complementary base pairs are held together by:

Complementary base pairs are held together by:

Most biological molecules are joined by:

Covalent bonds

Most of the cell's metabolic activities occur in the ________.


Most of the cells metabolic activities occur in the


Ligase enzymes are used to covalently bind together pieces of DNA. True or False?


Transformation is the process by which foreign _____ is/are taken up from a cell's environment, permanently changing the characteristics of a cell and its offspring


________ is the process whereby a molecule of DNA copies itself.

DNA Replication

Which of the following is NOT involved in the DNA replication process?

DNA replicase

Analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) is a rapid way to examine differences in the _____.

DNA sequence of individuals

Which of the following is an example of adaptive radiation?

Darwin's finches

What is the genotype of a dominant individual if some of its offspring show the recessive phenotype?


Many biological molecules are formed by the connection of monomer units in a _________ reaction (removal of water ); the reverse process occurs via an______reaction(addition of water)

Dehydration synthesis, Hydrolysis reaction

Which group has prokaryotic individuals?

Domain Archaea

A keystone species is the most numerous species in an ecosystem. True or False?


A recombinant plasmid contains only human and bacterial DNA. True or False?


A strand of DNA is a polymer of nucleotides held together by hydrogen bonds. True or False?


Eukaryotic chromosomes are made up of only DNA. True or False?


Interspecific competition is a density-independent factor. True or False?


Males always inherit sex-linked traits from their fathers. True or False?


Minerals that are needed in only trace amounts are macronutrients. True or False?


Only males can express sex-linked traits. True or False?


Parasites kill their hosts, but predators do not. True or False?


Populations that have been relatively undisturbed by man normally grow with no limits set by their environments. True or False?


Restriction enzymes are "restricted" in the sense that they normally work on only bacterial DNA. True or False?


Restriction enzymes have the ability to cut DNA at specific nucleotide sequences. True or False?


The number of subunits in a DNA molecule is more important to its function than the sequence of these subunits. True or False?


The use of antibiotics caused the mutation that produced MRSA. True or False?


tRNA is necessary for transcription to occur. True or False?


To test the effect of vitamin D on growth, two groups of rats raised under identical conditions and fed the same diet. One of the groups received daily injections of Vitamin D. The other group received injections of saline, which did not contain vitamin D. All the rats were weighed weekly for to months in this experiment, the control was the:

Group receiving Saline

The replacement electrons for the reaction center of photosystem II come from:


Where does the O2 released during photosynthesis come from?


Which of the following represents a molecule characterized by polar covalent bonding?


Suppose that a meteorite crashes on earth and a sample of it is taken to local research lab for analysis. Embedded several inches within the rocky structure, a microscopic cluster of dormant , spore -like structures is found. The scientist culture some of this material in a standard microbiological nutrient broth, and they are surprised to find many single-celled organisms moving around, growing, and reproducing in the broth. The organisms behave the same in both daylight and dark conditions, do not require oxygen, and persist under a wide range of temperatures and ph levels. They stop moving, growing and reproducing, however, when fewer nutrients are available in medium. In this scenario the organisms most closely resemble

Heterotrophic species of Archaea

The process of homeostasis is

How organisms maintain a contant internal environment.

Molecules that electronically attracted to water molecules are


How does anaphase of mitosis differ from anaphase I of meiosis?

In anaphase of mitosis, sister chromatids separate, but in anaphase I of meiosis, homologous chromosomes separate.

In the karyotype of a person with Down syndrome, or trisomy 21, an extra copy of chromosome 21 is apparent. This abnormality affects roughly 1 of every 700 children born and is the most common serious birth defect in the United States. People affected by Down syndrome often have mental retardation and shortened life spans. Based on this scenario and your understanding of meiosis, what is the most likely basis for the extra chromosome in people with Down syndrome?

In the karyotype of a person with Down syndrome, or trisomy 21, an extra copy of chromosome 21 is apparent. This abnormality affects roughly 1 of every 700 children born and is the most common serious birth defect in the United States. People affected by Down syndrome often have mental retardation and shortened life spans. Based on this scenario and your understanding of meiosis, what is the most likely basis for the extra chromosome in people with Down syndrome?

Based on this pedigree, which individual was a carrier for hemophilia but did not suffer from the disease?


How does using wood derived from trees as a source of fuel for cooking affect the carbon cycle?

It both decreases the uptake of CO2 from the atmosphere by killing trees and releases CO2 into the atmosphere by burning wood.

Which of the following is NOT true of chlorophyll?

It is found in mitochondria.

Why does water so greatly resist increases in temperature?

It takes great energy to break the huge number of hydrogen bonds that hold water molecules together

Which molecule functions is the most dense?

Liquid water

Why are genes inserted into bacterial plasmids during the gene cloning process?

Large amounts of the gene can be produced when the bacteria multiply.

Why is photosynthesis considered an endergonic reaction?

Low-energy reactants are converted to high-energy products.

How does a cell rid itself of defective or malfunctioning organalles?

Lysosomes assist in the removal of defective organelles by digesting them

How does a cell rid itself of defective or malfunctioning organelles?

Lysosomes assist in the removal of defective organelles by digesting them.

Which of the following would you expect to occur in a captive population of guppies collected from Trinidad, if you allowed them to breed for many generations in an aquarium without any predators?

Male guppies that are brightly colored will have better reproductive success than dull males.

What is a major difference between mitosis and meiosis?

Meiosis produces haploid cells, whereas mitosis produces diploid cells.

The organelles responsible for the bulk of ATP production via cellular respiration are the ________.


Which of the following represents the products of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis? For what process are these products needed?

NADPH and ATP; Calvin-Benson cycle

________ is used by cells to consume large particles such as bacteria.


RNA carries information for protein synthesis from the DNA in the nucleus to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm. To get from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, RNA must pass through ________ in the nuclear membrane.

Nuclear pores

RNA carries information for protein synthesis from the DNA in the nucleus to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm. To get from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, RNA must pass through __________ in the nuclear membrane

Nuclear pores

The basic subunits of DNA are the ________.


What certain molecules are pumped across biological membranes against a concentration gradient via active transport , ATP is used. In the body cells, for example, sugars are actively transported and metabolized within the the membrane-enclosed mitochondria. Prokaryotes, in contrast, lack mitochondria but are none the less able to metabolize the same sugars. Based on the details provided in this scenario which of the following statements are expected to be true?

Overall, prokaryotes will gain more ATP per sugar molecule metabolized than will eukaryotes

Why does death result from any situation that prevents a person from breathing?

Oxygen is needed for cellular respiration, so lack of oxygen prevents cells from making sufficient ATP.

Which of these experiments would best test the following hypothesis: "Bacteria do not arise spontaneously on meat; they carried onto meat by droplets of water?"

Place the meat in two separate containers: Add water to one container and no water to the second container. Cover the containers and compare the growth of bacteria in the two containers.

Which of the following biological molecules are composed of amino acid sub units?


Which of the following may possess primary, secondary tertiary, and quaternary structures?


Which of the following can be used to detect genetic disorders?

RFLPs and DNA probe arrays only

The genetic material of some viruses, such as HIV, is not normal DNA but is instead:


The copying of chromosomes occurs during _____.

S phase

Explain how a saturated fat is structurally different from unsaturated fat.

Saturated fat are straight and unsaturated fat has kinks in the chains

Describe the differences between saturated and unsaturated fat. Which is most likely to be solid at room temperature? Why?

Saturated fatty acids can be packaged closely together, thus forming a solid at room temperature.

Covalent bonds

Share electrons with another atom

The collective group of all individuals of similar, interbreeding organisms that exist in the world is defined as


Which of the following provides long-term energy storage for plants


If the quantities of the four bases in a DNA molecule are measured, we find that:

T = A and C = G.

A population of rabbits introduced into an island grew rapidly for a few years and then the growth slowed down. Why did the population become stable?

The carrying capacity was reached.

How do fatigued human muscle cells repay an "oxygen debt"?

The cells convert lactate back to pyruvate.

Which of the following statements about the chromosomes of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells is true?

The chromosome of a prokaryotic cell is a circular DNA double helix, but the chromosomes of eukaryotic cells are linear DNA double helices.

How does a Paramecium survive in fresh water?

The contractile vacuole expels water from the cell.

Which of the following is not true regarding the human ecological footprint?

The current human ecological footprint has not yet reached the Earth's biocapacity.

In nature, DNA recombination occurs but it is random and undirected. True or False?


Image that you self-pollinate heterozygous purple-flowered, long-pollened pea plants and get mostly purple-flowered, short-pollened plants and white-flowered, long-pollened plants, with a very few purple-flowered, long-pollened or white-flowered, short-pollened plants. What is the most likely explanation?

The genes are linked.

Increased population densities and increased competition lead to increased emigration. True or False?


If there is a high concentration of oxygen on one side of a biological membrane, what will happen?

The oxygen will diffuse across the membrane until the concentration of oxygen on each side is the same.

When winemakers produce wine, they use yeast to convert the sugary carbohydrates in grapes, such as sucrose and fructose, into alcohol. The yeasts, which are a type of fungus, cannot digest polysaccharides but can easily digest monosaccharides and a variety of disaccharides. The alcohol is a metobolic waste product of yeasts digestion. Beer makers use the same yeast to make alcohol from grains, such as barley. The predominant carbohydrate in grains, however is starch not sugar. Beer makers, then must rely on some basic chemistry to get the alcohol they desire. In this scenario, what is the most likely procedure beer makers use to produse alcohol from starchy grains?

The polysaccharide is enzymatically broken down into mono-and or disaccharides before use

What happens when diffusion moves molecules across the plasma membrane?

The process is relatively slow and is driven by concentration gradients

The insecticide rotenone inhibits one of the steps of the electron transport system in mitochondria. What is a likely immediate result?

The rate of fermentation will increase.

The hydrolysis of sucrose to glucose and fructose is a spontaneous reaction. However if you dissolve sucrose in water and keep the solution overnight at room temperature, there is no detectable conversion to glucose and fructose. Why not?

The reaction requires a catalyst

Carbon-14 is often used for carbon dating, where scientists measure the rate of carbon-14 decay to determine the age of items. Carbon 14-contains six protons and eight neutrons becomes a proton and an electron is emitted. Which of the following is the best explanation that has occurred?

The resulting atom is now a different element because the number of protons has changed.

What do differences in restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) banding patterns between samples indicate?

The two different DNA molecules being tested have different base pair sequences.

What are two main functions of carbohydrates in a living system? Give an example of each.

The two main functions of carbs are energy and storage. Give an example of each Carbohydrates include sugars such as glucose, from which cells derive most of their energy. Glycogen is used for short term energy storage. Athletes often carb load on potatoes and pasta before competing. Both animals and humans body's will store fat for energy at a later time for when food constraints may be an issue.

What is the relationship between codons and amino acids?

There are more codons than amino acids.

According to the fluid mosaic model of cell membranes, which of the following is a TRUE statement about membrane phospholipids?

They form a viscous fluid through which proteins shift and flow.

Most prokaryotes reproduce via a form of asexual reproduction called binary fission. True or False?


What is the function of the cyclin-dependent kinases?

They help control the eukaryotic cell cycle.

What happens if a baby has only one X chromosome, and no Y?

This baby would be a female with Turner syndrome.

Mutations may be detrimental, beneficial, or neutral to the cell or organism in which they occur. True or False?


Osmosis is the diffusion of water molecules across selectively water-permeable membranes. True or False?


During DNA replication, the continuous daughter strand is the leading strand. True or False?


In eukaryotic cells, chromosomes are composed of both DNA and proteins. True or False?


A cell is placed in a hypotonic solution. What will happen?

Water will move into the cell.

The bacterium Vibrio cholerae releases a toxin that blocks a channel protein in the membranes of cells that line the intestine. This toxin prevents the movement of positively charged sodium ions out of the intestine and into these cells. If the sodium ions could not move into the cells, how would this affect the movement of water?

Water would leave the cells and enter the intestines by osmosis.

Instructions: Review the stories above, clicking on the ones that interest you the most. As you explore the stories, we challenge you to find other topics related to the chapter and the companion questions below. Discovering new connections between the chapter and the questions below may increase your understanding of biology and the interaction with the physical world. Instructions: Review the stories above, clicking on the ones that interest you the most. As you explore the stories, we challenge you to find other topics related to the chapter and the companion questions below. Discovering new connections between the chapter and the questions below may increase your understanding of biology and the interaction with the physical world.

Well I already have had several tests done on myself, my son and my mother. She died of breast so before she died we had to tested her to see if it was genetic and it was not. However that I know that doctors are just practicing medicine and the does not mean that I will not get breast cancer. I personally suffer from auto immune disorders and have already had my son tested. I also have had genetics testing done while I was pregnant. I don't know if I would manipulate the traits of my child or not maybe if I thought I could keep the getting a disease, I might. I have saved the cord blood for possible usage of stem cells in the case of illness.

Which statement is TRUE regarding the light reactions?

Without water, the system would shut down

Which of the following conditions causes may cause infertility in a human?


The DNA of chromosomes is composed of two strands wound about each other in the shape of a ________.

a double helix

The carrying capacity was reached.

a keystone species.

Facilitated diffusion requires __________.

a membrane transport protein and a concentration gradient

A hormone circulating in the bloodstream would most likely bind to __________.

a receptor protein

When-if ever-do molecules stop moving

absolute zero (-273.15 C)

Many metabolic poisons work by inhibiting ATP production. Which type of transport would be most affected?

active transport

The concentration of sodium ions is lower in the cytoplasm of a heart muscle cell than it is in the extracellular fluid. By what mechanism does the cell maintain this difference?

active transport

The cytoplasm of a certain cell, such as a neuron, already has a high concentration of K+ ions. How can K+ ions continue to enter the cell?

active transport

Which of the following requires adenosine triphosphate?

active transport

The nitrogenous base uracil pairs with:


Which of the following is NOT a use for biotechnology?

altering the intelligence levels of newborn infants

Which of the following is represented by ferns and other plants?

alternation of generations

The process that obtains fetal cells from the watery environment surrounding the developing fetus is called __________.


A nucleolus is:

an area in the nucleus where ribosomes are made.

The Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, begun in 2000, has already resulted in:

an improvement in water quality.

Which organism spends most of its life cycle in a diploid state?


Where would you most likely have to go to encounter a geothermal vent that spews hydrogen sulfide, which is ingested by sulfur bacteria?

aphotic zone

Science assumes that the natural laws (such as the law of gravity)

apply uniformly through space and through time

Active transport requires all of the following EXCEPT:


In prokaryotes, the term "binary fission" specifically refers to:

asexual reproduction.

All of the following factors influence the rate of photosynthesis EXCEPT:

atmospheric N2 levels.

Which of the following types of membrane proteins are responsible for connecting cells to one another?

attachment proteins

The elaborate courtship rituals of many bird species help to preserve their genetic isolation through:

behavioral isolation.

In the soil, ________ convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can use.


Adult sea turtles are primarily threatened by:

beach development and hunting.

Interbreeding two different species of lovebirds produces offspring that are unable to build a nest after they mature because they lack the appropriate innate knowledge needed to carry the nesting materials and build a nest. This limits genetic mixing between the species due to:

behavioral isolation.

What is the term for manipulating the molecular basis of inheritance via recombinant DNA technology?


The genetic recombination of ________ caused massive, widespread epidemics that affected the global human population several times in the 20th century.

bird flu viruses and human flu viruses

An insect population grows exponentially until an early winter freeze kills almost all the insects. The next spring the population grows exponentially again. This type of population growth is called:

boom-and-bust cycles.

Instructions: Review the stories above, clicking on the ones that interest you the most. As you explore the stories, we challenge you to find other topics related to the chapter and the companion questions below. Discovering new connections between the chapter and the questions below may increase your understanding of biology and the interaction with the physical world Is cancer due to genetics, environment or both?


Which of the following processes does a cell use to take up molecules against their concentration gradient?

both active transport and endocytosis

In the carbon cycle, carbon (C) is returned to the atmosphere by __________.

both burning of fossil fuels and respiration of plants and animals

In which of the following molecules would rearranging the order of the sub units have an effect on molecular function?

both protein and DNA

Which of the following is an ecosystem service provided free of charge by Earth's diverse ecosystems?

both soil production and plant pollination

Enzymes are required during which of the following reactions?

both the light reactions and the Calvin cycle

How are large organic molecules (macromolecules) synthesized?

by dehydration reaction utilizing monomers

In animal cells, spindle microtubules originate from structures called:


The word evolution means


Mitochondria and chloroplasts share all of the following characteristics EXCEPT that they:

capture the energy of sunlight to meet metabolic demands.

The capacity for forming the peptide bond between two amino acids resides in the __________.

catalytic site of the large subunit

A certain species of animal represents just 3% of the biomass in its ecosystem. We might classify this as a keystone species if its removal:

caused the diversity of the plant community to decline by 40%

What is the longest-lasting phase of the prokaryotic cell cycle?

cell growth

Which pathway produces the most ATP per glucose molecule?

cellular respiration

The fiber in your diet is actually


All of the following are important to the theory of evolution except

changes in individuals within their lifetime

Light energy is initially captured by "photosystems" within thylakoid membranes. Photosystems are organized arrays of __________.

chlorophyll molecules, pigment molecules such as carotenoids, and proteins

Which of the following is capable of converting light energy into chemical energy?


As predator and prey species acquire new adaptations to help them survive the constant "arms race" between them, what evolutionary phenomenon is occurring.


The process by which two species evolve adaptations in response to one another, such that evolutionary change in one species produces an evolutionary change in the other, is called _____.


In green plants, the primary function of the Calvin cycle is to:

construct the building blocks of simple sugars from carbon dioxide.

When unrelated organisms living under similar environmental demands evolve superficially similar structures, it is called:

convergent evolution.

Restriction enzymes are useful in recombinant DNA studies because they:

cut DNA only at specific locations.

Cdk's are activated only when they bind to:


Your tongue does not grow hair because:

different genes are expressed in different tissues.

Radioactive isotopes are biological tools that are often used to

detect brain tumors

Some predators feed preferentially on the most abundant prey. This is an example of ________ predation.


In DNA, phosphate binds to:


Mendel's law of segregation concludes that __________.

each gamete will contain only one allele from the parent's pair

Hemophilia is a genetic disease that has plagued the royal houses of Europe since the time of Queen Victoria, who was a carrier. Her granddaughter, Alexandria, married Nicholas II, the last czar of imperial Russia. Alexandria was a carrier for hemophilia, but Nicholas was normal. Their son, Alexis, was afflicted with the disease. Alexis and his four sisters were all killed in 1917. Based on this scenario, it is most likely that:

each of the sisters had a 50% chance of being a carrier of the gene.

One species of fish feeds in the muddy bottom of a lake. A second species eats insects that land on the water surface. This is an example of:

ecological isolation.

A biologist who investigates how organisms interact with one another and with their nonliving environment is studying:


A human sperm cell possesses autosomes and:

either an X or a Y chromosome.

A substance with specific properties that cannot be broken down or converted into another substance is called an


Which of the following transport processes require(s) energy?


Prokaryatic cell do not contain

endoplasmic recticulam

Prokaryotic cells do not contain _____.

endoplasmic reticulum

The conservation organization TAMAR has had some success in protecting sea turtles by:

engaging the local community in conservation efforts.

Adaptions include all of the following except

enlarged leg muscles in horses, in response to pulling heavy wagon loads

During endocytosis, the contents of the endocytic vesicle __________.

enter the cell

What are restriction enzymes?

enzymes that cleave DNA at a specific sequence

Yeast in a bottle of champagne produces ________ and ________.

ethanol, carbon dioxide

Suppose an organism has an enzyme that repairs DNA errors. The result is a decrease in mutations. This trait would definitely influence the organisms ability to


Which of the following occurs as an enzyme produced by a cell is secreted from the cell?


The secretion of excess water via the contractive vacuole of a Paramecium cell is an example of:


Glucose is a six-carbon sugar that diffuses slowly through artificial phospholipid bilayers. The cells lining the small intestine, however, rapidly move large quantities of glucose from the glucose-rich food into their glucose-poor cytoplasm. Given this information, which transport mechanism is most probably functioning in the intestinal cells?

facilitated diffusion

Phospholipids have hydropholic tail regions and hydrophobic head regions


The end product of a biosynthetic pathway often acts to block the initial step in that pathway. This phenomenon is called

feedback inhibition

During which of the following processes is ATP NOT produced?

fermentation by itself

In vertebrate animal cells, where does the synthesis of lactate occur?

fluid portion of the cytoplasm

From the beginning of glycolysis to the end of the Krebs cycle, what has the cell gained from the breakdown of each molecule of glucose?

four molecules of ATP, 10 of NADH, and two of FADH2

The formation of ions involves the

gain or loss of electrons

The formation of ions involves the:

gain or loss of electrons.

For a mutation to affect the evolution of an animal species, it must occur within:


One method of protecting the genetic isolation of a population is the inability of sperm to fertilize eggs of a different species. This is called:

gametic incompatibility.

Protein channels that provide passage for hormones and nutrients between animal cells are termed:

gap junctions.

Which of the following is characterized by random changes in allele frequencies?

genetic drift

The diversity of life is mainly due to

genetic variations

The genetic makeup of an individual is the:


Which of the following is the first step in the process of allopatric speciation?

geographic isolation

Which of the following most closely matches the correct order of the main events of cellular respiration?

glycolysis, Krebs cycle, ETC, major ATP production

Which of the following North American biomes has been almost completely destroyed by agricultural use?


Which of the following events is the leading cause of extinction?

habitat change

According to the law of segregation, in an organism with the genotype Aa:

half the gametes have A and half have a.

ISO membranes are inside-out membrane vesicles used by researchers in membrane studies. As a molecule diffuses into the vesicle, it will encounter the layers of the membrane in the following order:


Conserving electricity by using fluorescent or LED lights instead of incandescent lights and turning off lights and appliances when not in use __________.

helps reduce greenhouse gas production because the majority of electricity in this country is still produced by fossil-fuel-powered generating plants. Because these plants produce carbon dioxide when they operate, conserving electricity reduces greenhouse gas production.

In pea plants, yellow pods are recessive to green pods. If you see yellow pods, then the genotype of that plant must be __________ for pod color.

homozygous recessive

One goal of conservation biology is to prevent extinction caused by:

human activity.

When some hybrid organisms do not live long, it is an example of:

hybrid inviability.

The two polynucleotide chains in a DNA molecule are attached to each other by:

hydrogen bonds between bases.

Complementary base pairs are held together by:

hydrogen bonds.

The phospholipids that make up the plasma membrane have ________ heads and ________ tails.

hydrophilic; hydrophobic

The X-ray diffraction pattern for DNA suggested to Wilkins and Franklin all of the following features about DNA EXCEPT:

in a DNA molecule, A pairs with T and G pairs with C.

Where do the dark reactions take place?

in the stroma

Phosphorus, which is often a limiting nutrient in ecosystems, is very important because it:

is needed for molecules such as ATP, cell membranes, and nucleic acids.

Environmental resistance may limit the size of populations by:

increasing death rates and/or decreasing birth rates.

Which area contains aquatic organisms that can tolerate exposure to air?

intertidal zone

Atoms or Molecules that have gained or lost electrons are called:


If glucose is metabolized under completely anaerobic conditions, then pyruvate:

is converted by fermentation to CO2 and ethanol or to lactate.

The point at which a substance is evenly dispersed within a fluid __________.

is referred to as dynamic equilibrium and happens when net diffusion is zero

The ________ portion of the cell membrane is responsible for the isolating function of the membrane, while the ________ portion regulates exchange and communication with the environment.

lipid; protein

Fat accumulates in our bodies when we over eat. This is because ____________

lipids are a form of long term energy storage.

The compounds in biological membranes that form a barrier to the movement of materials across the membrane are:


The information to synthesize proteins is carried to the ribosome by _____.


Which parts of the mitochondria are directly involved in the synthesis of ATP during chemiosmosis?

matrix and inner membrane

The Great Dane and the chihuahua are both domestic dogs (the same species), but mating between them is limited because of:

mechanical incompatibility.

Mendel's law of segregation states that:

members of a pair of alleles move away from each other during gamete formation.

During which phase of mitosis do the centromeres line up along the cell equator?


Aerobic metabolism occurs in the


Aerobic metabolism occurs in the:


Science cannot answer certain moral questions because

moral values differ among individuals

A random change in the DNA nucleotide base sequence is called a ________.


Birds follow animal herds to catch insects that are disturbed as the large herbivores like water buffalo walk through the grass. The birds fly into the air and make warning calls when large predators like lions are near. What is the ecological relationship between the birds and the herbivores called?


In the comparison of a DNA molecule to a twisted ladder, the rungs of the ladder are:

nitrogenous bases linked together.

In reference to diffusion, "passive" really means:

no energy required.

The atomic number of an atom is defined as the:

number of the protons in atomic nucleus

DNA recombination __________.

occurs during sexual reproduction

During the process of meiosis, DNA is replicated _____, followed by _____ nuclear divisions.

once, two

Some people trying to lose weight have gone on the "Atkins diet," in which they eat mostly high-protein, low-carbohydrate foods such as meat, cheese, and eggs. The amino acids in these protein-rich diets, such as alanine, glycine, and serine, can be converted to pyruvate by deamination (removal of the amino group). Based on this scenario as well as your knowledge of cellular respiration, how many ATP, NADH, and FADH2 molecules will be generated from one molecule of alanine during the mitochondrial matrix reactions?

one FADH2, four NADH, and one ATP

Which process accounts for the movement of solids into some animal cells?


Kinases are responsible for the addition of ________ to other proteins.


Specialized cell junctions include all of the following EXCEPT:


The main lipids found in cell membranes are:


When all vegetation is removed from a site by human activities or by natural forces such as volcanoes or glaciers, _____ species are the first to colonize the sites.


Cytokinesis following mitosis differs in animal and plant cells because __________.

plant cells have cell walls

Which of the following contain ribosomes?

plant cells, animal cells, bacterial cells, mitochondria, and chloroplasts

Foods that are high in fiber are most likely to be derived from


Which of the following structures is/are found in all cells? Select the best answer.

plasma membrane and ribosomes

The hydrogen bond between two water molecules forms because water is


Skin color in humans is determined by at least three genes, each with a pair of incompletely dominant alleles. This is an example of _____.

polygenic inheritance

Researchers must design short pieces of DNA that are complementary to DNA on either side of the segment to be amplified by PCR. These small pieces are called _____.


Imagine that the short DNA base sequence GGCTGC is transcribed and then translated by a ribosome. The following activated tRNA molecules are available in the cytoplasm: What resulting dipeptide will form?


Which phase of mitosis is a "preparatory" step involving the development of spindle microtubules?


Keratin silk are examples of ________, where as glucose and maltose are examples of ____________.

proteins; carbohydrates

An atom's nucleus is composed of

protons and neutrons

Mutations are important because they:

provide variation that can result in evolutionary chang

Which of the following statements about the functions of RNA is correct?

rRNA is an important component of ribosomes.

A scientist is studying the metabolism of proteins in yeast and wants to follow the formation of proteins from the earliest possible point. In her experiment she will feed the yeast radioactive nutrients and follow the fate of the radioactivity in the cells. Which of the following atoms will allow her exclusively follow the proteins in the cell?

radioactive sulfur

Sickle-cell anemia is caused by a:

recessive autosomal gene.

Which type of cell would you expect to burst when placed in a hypotonic solution?

red blood cell

Suppose that you are experimenting with different types of lighting for your indoor green plants. Which of the following colors of light will be most effective?


Cells use exocytosis to:

release substances from the cell.

Within a year of abandoning agriculture on a plot of prairie land, the previously bare soil is overrun with annual weeds. Light, carbon dioxide, and mineral nutrients are readily available, but soil moisture is limiting. Still, some species appear to coexist very close to one another. Upon closer examination, two such species, smartweed and bristly foxtail, are observed to have very different root systems and ways of managing water. Smartweed has a very deep taproot, extending about a meter beneath the surface, tapping (literally) into a continuous deep water supply. Bristly foxtail has a much shallower and spreading fibrous root system, reaching less than 20 cm down. However, the latter plant is able to tolerate periods of drought and rapidly take up water after a rain. This example is a clear case of _____.

resource partitioning

You observe a plant on your window sill that is growing at an angle toward the outside. This is an example of a living thing:

responding to stimuli

Inbreeding is defined as:

sexual reproduction among closely related individuals.

Carbon has atomic 6. Carbon most likely

share electrons

Each substance needs a different type of transport to get into a cell. Pick the answer choices that accurately match the type of transport needed to convey each of the following substances into a cell.oxygen, water, sodium ions, potassium ions, bacteria (Note that sodium ions are more concentrated outside cells than inside; potassium ions are more concentrated inside cells than outside.)

simple diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion, active transport, endocytosis

The gases O2 and CO2 enter or leave a plant cell by:

simple diffusion.

In gel electrophoresis, DNA is separated based on charge and ________.


The minimum viable population is the:

smallest number of organisms capable of maintaining a population.

All of the following are dependent on Cilia except the:

sperm of animals

All of the following are dependent on cilia EXCEPT the:

sperm of animals.

Kentucky bluegrass is a C3 plant whereas spiky crabgrass is a C4 plant. Which plant(s) would survive better in the hot and dry conditions of summer? Explain your answer.

spiky crabgrass

In one butterfly species, the colors of individuals range from white to black, with many shades of gray in between. If the butterflies in a mountain population become more and more similar in color over several generations (for example, if most butterflies are the same shade of gray), what kind of evolutionary force is likely acting on the population?

stabilizing selection

Cells that have the characteristics of self-renewal and the ability to differentiate into a variety of cell types are known as __________.

stem cells

Burning coal and oil to release energy also releases ________, which are overloading Earth's nutrient cycles.

sulfur, carbon, and nitrogen

The concept of evolution is based on:

survival and successful reproduction in organisms with favorable variations

All of the following are true statements about ATP EXCEPT that it is:

synthesized only within mitochondria.

During which phase of the eukaryotic cell cycle does DNA and chromosome replication occur?

the S phase of interphase

In osmosis, water diffuses from the side of the membrane with a higher concentration of water to the side with a lower concentration of water. What determines the concentration of water in a solution?

the amount of molecules other than water dissolved in the solution

A population grows exponentially when:

the birth rate exceeds the death rate and immigration exceeds emigration.

The repeating sequence of cells dividing, growing, and dividing again is called:

the cell cycle.

No two species can occupy the same ecological niche in the same place at the same time. This statement is known as __________.

the competitive exclusion principle

In his 1961 paper, "The Paradox of the Plankton," ecologist G. E. Hutchinson noted that several species of algae coexist, sharing the same few mineral nutrient resources in homogeneous open-water systems. Because there is little chance of resource partitioning and niche differentiation in such a situation, the paradox of their coexistence is an apparent violation of:

the competitive exclusion principle.

Which step produces the most ATP?

the electron transport chain

In eukaryotes, during the process of chemiosmosis, ATP is produced as hydrogen ions move from _____ to _____, passing through _____.

the intermembrane compartment, the matrix, an ATP synthase

Human chromosomes range in size dramatically, with the smallest (sex chromosome Y) being many times smaller than the largest (autosomal chromosome 1). What is responsible for determining the size of a chromosome?

the length of the DNA molecule in it

In experiments done using pea plants, two purple-flowered plants are cross-fertilized. Some of the F1 generation plants have white flowers. In order for this to occur __________.

the parental plants must both have been heterozygous

The difference between smooth ER (SER) and rough ER (RER) is __________.

the presence of ribosomes on the RER

Which of the following is not an example of sustainable development?

the present commercial harvest of fish

When a drop of food coloring is placed in a glass of water, the spreading out of the molecules of food dye is caused by __________.

the random movement of molecules

Over the past century, sagebrush has dramatically expanded its range over the Colorado Plateau's grasslands. This development has been attributed to the overgrazing of the area's grasses by cattle and sheep. This example indicates that:

the range of sagebrush is normally limited by competition with grasses.

The majority of the energy on Earth originates from:

the sun

A hypothetical atom has one electron shell that can hold 10 electrons. This atom has seven protons and is electronically neutral. How many covalent bonds can this atom form?


In certain types of genetic engineering, DNA is injected into the nucleus of a recipient animal cell. What is the fewest number of membranes that must be pierced by the microscopic needle in order to inject the DNA? (Note that the needles used are not small enough to pass through a nuclear pore.)


What is an anticodon?

three consecutive bases in tRNA

Which cell junctions function to make the connections between cells leakproof?

tight junctions

RNA complementary to DNA is produced via _____.


One way transcription differs from DNA replication is that __________.

transcription requires only one enzyme whereas DNA replication requires several

Forests influence local climates by:

transpiring water into the atmosphere.

Yellow-seeded pea plants may be homozygous or heterozygous. To find out which, we can cross the plants with:

true-breeding green-seeded plants.

Permafrost is associated with which of these biomes?


Bacterial cells have only one DNA molecule, which is double stranded and is replicated in essentially the same fashion as in eukaryotes. Imagine that, following the techniques of other scientists studying DNA, you created a bacterial cell that contains only radioactive nitrogen in its DNA. You then place the cell in a culture medium containing only "regular" (nonradioactive) nitrogen, Based on this scenario and your knowledge of DNA structure and replication, how many cells will contain some DNA with radioactive nitrogen after four rounds of cell replication?


Bacterial cells have only one DNA molecule, which is double stranded and is replicated in essentially the same fashion as in eukaryotes. Imagine that, following the techniques of other scientists studying DNA, you created a bacterial cell that contains only radioactive nitrogen in its DNA. You then place the cell in a culture medium containing only "regular" (nonradioactive) nitrogen,Based on this scenario and your knowledge of DNA structure and replication, how many cells will contain some DNA with radioactive nitrogen after four rounds of cell replication?


At the end of glycolysis, the original carbons of the glucose molecule form:

two molecules of pyruvate.

The best description of a coupled reaction is:

two reactions that involve one providing energy for the other

Imagine that it is 1965 and the bacterium Thermus aquaticus has not yet been discovered. As a geneticist interested in forensics applications, you are attempting to develop a gene-amplifying technique similar to PCR. In a test tube, you place a DNA sample, free nucleotides, human DNA polymerase, and the appropriate primers for the DNA sequence being analyzed. You first heat the sample to 90°C, then cool it to 50°C, and then reheat it to 70°C. Based on this scenario and your knowledge of how modern PCR works, the result of these procedures will be:

unsuccessful, because the enzyme will denature during the first step (heating).

Unsustainable farming practices include:

using herbicides and pesticides.

The Golgi apparatus packages materials into _______ for transport or export.


The Golgi apparatus packages materials into ________ for transport or export.


The human appendix is an example of a(n):

vestigial structure.

A poisonous frog with bright and colorful body markings is an example of _____.

warning coloration

On many coral reefs in the Pacific, large fish bearing parasites will visit "cleaning stations" where species of small fish, known as cleaner wrasses, remove parasites and loose scales from the larger fish. The cleaner fish may even enter the mouth and gills of the larger fish to clean parasites from the soft tissues. The cleaner fish are recognized by their coloration, black with a bright blue or yellow stripe, and by a little "dance" that invites the larger fish in to be cleaned. Also on the reef, however, is a small fish known as the saber-tooth blenny. Looking and acting very much like the cleaner wrasse, the blenny also attracts the larger fish, but instead of cleaning away parasites, the blenny bites small bits of flesh from the larger fish. Which of the following types of interaction is not demonstrated in this scenario?

warning coloration

During photosynthesis, electrons are continuously lost from the reaction center of photosystem II. What source is used to replace these electrons?


Which type of molecule is most abundant in a typical cell


C3 plants are adapted to ________ environmental conditions, whereas C4 plants are adapted to ________ conditions.

wet; dry

The function of the promoter is to signal the RNA polymerase:

where to start transcribing the DNA

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