BIO 112 Test 4 Homework

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Insects are members of the group A - Arthropoda. B - Echinodermata. C - Arachnida. D - Annelida. E - Mollusca.

A - Arthropoda.

What mechanism do the bivalves (scallops, oysters, mussels, and clams) use for feeding? A - Bivalves use filter feeding. B - Bivalves suck the blood of larger animals. C - Bivalves are predatory carnivores. D - Bivalves feed by a forceful movement of water from the mantle cavity. E - Bivalves dig in the soil for particles of food.

A - Bivalves use filter feeding.

Members of the phylum ________ are characterized by having tube feet. A - Echinodermata B - Mollusca C - Annelida D - Platyhelminthes E - Arthropoda

A - Echinodermata

How is reproduction in fungi different from reproduction in plants and animals? A - Fungi produce spores. B - Fungi produce pollen. C - The sperm of fungi are unprotected. D - The egg of fungi is unprotected.

A - Fungi produce spores.

Most flatworms reproduce sexually but are hermaphroditic. What does this statement mean? A - Hermaphroditic flatworms possess both male and female sexual organs. B - The species must have male and female individuals for mating. C - The flatworm must have an intermediate host in its life cycle. D - Flatworms have ganglia to help them recognize external signals from the opposite sex.

A - Hermaphroditic flatworms possess both male and female sexual organs.

How is sexual reproduction in zygomycetes and animals similar? A - In both groups, there are different mating types. B - In both groups, sperm fertilize an egg. C - In both groups, fertilization is internal. D - In both groups, the product of mating is a zygote.

A - In both groups, there are different mating types.

Which of the following characteristics is associated with all animals that are bilaterally symmetrical at some point in their life cycle? A - Mesoderm B - Cephalization C - Lack of organs D - Gastrovascular cavity E - Coelom

A - Mesoderm

Which of the following characteristics are correctly associated with their type of symmetry? A - The number of tissue layers—animals with radial symmetry develop from two embryonic tissue layers. B - The number of tissue layers—animals with bilateral symmetry develop from two embryonic tissue layers. C - The location of the head—animals with radial symmetry have anterior cephalization. D - The location of the head—animals with bilateral symmetry have posterior cephalization.

A - The number of tissue layers—animals with radial symmetry develop from two embryonic tissue layers.

The photosynthetic component of a lichen is a(n) A - alga or cyanobacterium. B - arthropod or protist. C - small plant. D - ascomycetes. E - basidiomycete.

A - alga or cyanobacterium.

Assume you are observing an animal embryo and find a layer of mesoderm. Which of the following are you studying? A - an animal with bilateral symmetry B - an animal with radial symmetry C - an animal with no muscle, circulatory, and skeletal systems D - the anemones and corals E - a member of the Phylum Ctenophora (comb jellies)

A - an animal with bilateral symmetry

Which is the term used to describe the concentration of sensory organs and a brain in a defined head region? A - cephalization B - budding C - tunneling D - segmentation E - metamorphosis

A - cephalization

Within the mollusks, only the cephalopods have a A - closed circulatory system. B - radula. C - coelom. D - tubular gut. E - hinged shell.

A - closed circulatory system.

The antibiotic penicillin was originally derived from A - fungi. B - Archaea. C - chemical factories. D - bacteria. E - plants.

A - fungi.

The interwoven mass of cells that forms large structures such as an earthstar or a mushroom is a A - mycelium. B - root. C - spore. D - septum. E - hypha.

A - mycelium.

Assume that while viewing a fungus microscopically, you notice that the hypha do not appear to be composed of individual cells. What would you expect to find associated with this elongated cell upon closer inspection? A - numerous nuclei within each elongated cell B - spores C - food vacuoles D - septa E - no cell wall

A - numerous nuclei within each elongated cell

Mycorrhizae are symbiotic associations between A - plant roots and a fungus. B - algae and fungi. C - animals and fungi. D - algae and plant roots. E - fungi and plant stems.

A - plant roots and a fungus.

Molds easily contaminate foods because fungi A - produce huge numbers of airborne spores. B - have haploid bodies. C - produce temporary, visible reproductive structures. D - are unaffected by cooking. E - are not visible.

A - produce huge numbers of airborne spores.

In ascomycetes, the ascus functions in A - sexual reproduction. B - digestion. C - vegetative growth. D - asexual reproduction. E - photosynthesis.

A - sexual reproduction.

A zygosporangium is produced by A - the union of two haploid hyphae. B - mitosis of hyphae. C - the union of egg and sperm. D - meiosis of megaspores. E - meiosis of hyphae.

A - the union of two haploid hyphae.

A cnidarian, which is radially symmetrical, has ________ germ layer(s). A - two B - no C - four D - one E - three

A - two

The major difference between protostomes and deuterostomes is the A - way the body cavity forms. B - presence or absence of tissues. C - presence or absence of a coelom. D - presence or absence of cephalization. E - type of body symmetry.

A - way the body cavity forms.

________ are characterized by having a pseudocoelom. A - Annelids B - Cnidarians C - Chordates D - Roundworms E - Arthropods

D - Roundworms

A characteristic distinguishing invertebrates from vertebrates is __________. A - Invertebrates reproduce by budding; vertebrates do not. B - Invertebrates have an exoskeleton; vertebrates have an internal skeletal system. C - Vertebrates suckle their young; invertebrates do not. D - Vertebrates have a backbone; invertebrates do not. E - Vertebrates are bilaterally symmetrical; invertebrates are not.

D - Vertebrates have a backbone; invertebrates do not.

Which of the following is a fungus that forms a zygosporangium? A - Chytrids B - Glomeromycetes C - Basidiomycetes D - black bread mold E - Ascomycetes

D - black bread mold

Metamorphosis enables insects to______. A - be able to alternate between diploid and haploid generations B - avoid expending the energy required to build an exoskeleton as a juvenile C - hide from predators as juveniles D - lessen the competition for food sources between the juveniles and the adults

D - lessen the competition for food sources between the juveniles and the adults

Glomeromycete fungi form __________ with plants to create a beneficial relationship. A - septa B - mushroom fairy rings C - chytrid filaments D - mycorrhizae E - stinkhorns

D - mycorrhizae

Organisms that are radially symmetrical have ________ embryonic germ layers. A - six B - four C - three D - two E - five

D - two

________ form beneficial symbiotic relationships with plant roots. A - Zygomycetes B - Glomeromycetes C - Ascomycetes D - Basidiomycetes E - Chytrids

B - Glomeromycetes

How do arthropods grow while being contained in an exoskeleton, which is a rigid, heavy structure? A - Arthropods die when they grow too large for their exoskeleton. B - Arthropods molt, or shed, their exoskeleton and replace it with a bigger one. C - Arthropods leave their exoskeletons and find a larger, more suitable one left by another arthropod. D - Arthropods grow no larger than the size of their exoskeleton.

B - Arthropods molt, or shed, their exoskeleton and replace it with a bigger one.

Which of the following is an example of a parasitic fungal disease? A - Sleeping sickness B - Athlete's foot C - Malaria D - Herpes E - Trichinosis

B - Athlete's foot

How are fungi and animals similar? A - Both are autotrophs. B - Both are heterotrophs. C - Both are prokaryotic. D - Both have cell walls.

B - Both are heterotrophs.

Which of the following is an important characteristic of some members of the Zygomycetes fungi? A - They live exclusively in water. B - Haploid spores can be produced sexually or asexually. C - Haploid nuclei divide by mitosis and give rise to eight ascospores. D - They are called the "club fungi." E - They live in intimate contact with the roots of plants.

B - Haploid spores can be produced sexually or asexually.

Which of the following are among the first organisms to colonize barren habitats? A - Small mammals B - Lichens C - Fungi D - Plants E - Mushrooms

B - Lichens

Oysters are classified in the phylum A - Echinodermata. B - Mollusca. C - Annelida. D - Platyhelminthes. E - Arthropoda.

B - Mollusca.

Which of the following groups is NOT a major taxonomic group of fungi? A - Ascotomycota B - Neocallimastigomycota C - Chytridiomycota D - Blastocladiomycota

B - Neocallimastigomycota

Which of the following animal phyla is distinguished by a lack of tissues? A - Flatworms B - Sponges C - Annelids D - Roundworms E - Echinoderms

B - Sponges

How are sponges different from other animals? A - Sponges do not move at any point in their life. B - Sponges do not have tissue-level organization. C - Sponges are the only unicellular animals. D - Sponges can undergo photosynthesis and are autotrophs.

B - Sponges do not have tissue-level organization.

What is the purpose of the specialized segment in arthropods known as the thorax? A - The thorax is the segment on arthropods that contains digestive structures. B - Structures used in locomotion are attached to the thorax. C - The thorax is responsible for gas exchange in arthropods. D - The thorax holds the compound eyes of arthropods. E - The thorax contains sensory and feeding structures.

B - Structures used in locomotion are attached to the thorax.

What would happen to a lichen if the cyanobacteria or green algae were to die? A - The fungi would move to another location. B - The fungi would die. C - The fungi would undergo asexual reproduction. D - The fungi would begin to undergo photosynthesis.

B - The fungi would die.

How does a plant benefit from an association between the plant's roots and a fungus? A - Fungi provide the mechanisms necessary for a terrestrial plant to live in an aquatic environment. B - The fungus processes soil nutrients and minerals and passes those from soil to the root cells of the plant. C - Fungi decrease the amount of water necessary for plant survival. D - With the help of fungi, the plant can adapt to inhospitable environments. E - The plant is better able to regulate the amount of sugar it produces.

B - The fungus processes soil nutrients and minerals and passes those from soil to the root cells of the plant.

A flatworm has no internal body cavity separating the gut and the body wall. The flatworm is a(n) ______. A - pseudocoelomate B - acoelomate C - coelomate D - procoelomate

B - acoelomate

Spiders are ______. A - insects B - arachnids C - myriapods D - crustaceans

B - arachnids

Between the organs and the body wall, complex animals have a body cavity called a A - mesoglea. B - coelom. C - cnidarian. D - mesoderm. E - thorax.

B - coelom.

Rusts and smuts are examples of A - lichens. B - fungal plant diseases. C - yeasts. D - mycorrhizae. E - human pathogens.

B - fungal plant diseases.

The body of a fungus is generally composed of A - mycorrhizae. B - hyphae. C - cellulose. D - mold. E - vascular tissue.

B - hyphae.

Ecdysozoans A - include mollusks, annelids, and flatworms. B - periodically shed their outer body covering. C - have trochophore larva. D - have a body cavity that forms from the digestive system. E - have a special feeding structure.

B - periodically shed their outer body covering.

Sponges have A - a nerve net. B - spicules. C - a gastrovascular cavity. D - muscles. E - an exoskeleton.

B - spicules.

An arthropod embryo has ________ germ layer(s). A - two B - three C - four D - no E - one

B - three

Single-celled fungi are known as A - prokaryotes. B - yeasts. C - spores. D - club fungi. E - chytrids.

B - yeasts.

What type of fungus forms a fairy ring, and what does the diameter of this ring indicate? A - A zygomycete; the extent to which the fungus is infected with a protist B - A lichen; the extent to which the fungus is in a symbiotic relationship with a cyanobacterium C - A basidiomycete; the age of the fungus D - An ascomycete; the amount of antibiotic the fungus has produced

C - A basidiomycete; the age of the fungus

In which environment would you most likely find chytrids? A - A basket of overripe fruit B - A well-used gym bag C - A warm swamp D - The back of the refrigerator

C - A warm swamp

Which invertebrate animal group is characterized by having a closed circulatory system? A - Nematoda B - Echinodermata C - Annelida D - Platyhelminthes E - Arthropoda

C - Annelida

Which of these groups is characterized by having a true coelom? A - Roundworms B - Cnidarians C - Arthropods D - Flatworms E - Sponges

C - Arthropods

In general, which of the following does NOT describe an animal? A - Multicellular B - Ingests nutrients C - Autotroph D - Heterotroph

C - Autotroph

Which polysaccharide is produced by both fungi and arthropods? A - Glucose B - Fructose C - Chitin D - Cellulose E - Glycogen

C - Chitin

Hydra, anemones, and jellyfish are in the phylum A - Flagellates. B - Platyhelminthes. C - Cnidaria. D - Porifera. E - Protista.

C - Cnidaria.

Which of the following is a reproductive adaptation of chytrids? A - Alternation between haploid and diploid life cycles B - Mass spawning of sperm and eggs C - Flagellated swimming spores D - Sperm that are encased in hard seeds

C - Flagellated swimming spores

Among myriapods, what differentiates a millipede from a centipede? A - Millipedes have more eyes. B - Centipedes have more eyes. C - Millipedes have more legs. D - Centipedes have more legs.

C - Millipedes have more legs.

Increased amounts of acid rain directly affect the saprophytes. How would the death of this group affect an entire ecosystem? A - Energy would not be produced and made available to other organisms. B - Water would not be recycled and made available to other organisms. C - Nutrients would not be recycled and made available to other organisms. D - Oxygen would not be recycled and made available to other organisms.

C - Nutrients would not be recycled and made available to other organisms.

Which of the following animals uses a radula to scrape food into its mouth? A - Scallop B - Rat C - Snail D - Octopus E - Starfish

C - Snail

What makes up the structure of fungi? A - The body is made of septa, which create an interwoven mass of mycelium filaments. B - The body is made of hyphae, which create an interwoven mass of septa filaments. C - The body is made of a mycelium, which is an interwoven mass of hyphae. D - The body is made of cellulose, which forms an interwoven mass of subsurface roots.

C - The body is made of a mycelium, which is an interwoven mass of hyphae.

________ are the most important and pervasive fungal contributions to the human food supply. A - Mushrooms B - Worts C - Yeasts D - Truffles

C - Yeasts

An arthropod exoskeleton is composed of A - silica. B - cellulose. C - chitin. D - lignan. E - calcium carbonate.

C - chitin.

The currents of water (containing food) that pass through a sponge are maintained by A - a water-vascular system. B - the osculum. C - collar cells. D - medusae. E - ganglia.

C - collar cells.

What part of the fungal body is typically visible to the unaided eye? A - rhizoids B - sporangium C - differentiated reproductive structures D - hyphae E - septa

C - differentiated reproductive structures

Humans are most related to ______. A - cephalopods B - arachnids C - echinoderms D - roundworms

C - echinoderms

Both bacteria and fungi digest food by A - photosynthesis. B - ingesting previously decomposed molecules. C - secreting enzymes and then absorbing the smaller molecules. D - eating only small organisms that they can engulf. E - forming food vacuoles through phagocytosis.

C - secreting enzymes and then absorbing the smaller molecules.

One trend in the evolution of animals is the increase in the number of tissue (germ) layers during embryonic development. Flatworms and more complex animals have ________ layers. A - two B - five C - three D - four E - six

C - three

Which of the following is a characteristic of the cnidarians (jellyfish and others)? A - Cnidarians have a complex nervous system. B - Cnidarians have bilateral symmetry. C - Cnidarians have a circulatory system. D - All cnidarians are carnivorous predators. E - All cnidarian life cycles include both polyp and medusa stages.

D - All cnidarians are carnivorous predators.

If a strong fungicide is released and eliminates all the fungi in an ecosystem, which of the following is likely to happen? A - Increased rate of photosynthesis B - Faster breakdown of leaf litter C - Improved soil fertility D - An accumulation of dead and discarded plant and animal tissues E - Improved growth of plant species

D - An accumulation of dead and discarded plant and animal tissues

Of all of the invertebrate phyla, only members of the phylum ________ can fly. A - Annelida B - Platyhelminthes C - Cnidaria D - Arthropoda E - Nematoda

D - Arthropoda

What group of animals has more biomass than any other animal group on Earth? A - Cephalopods B - Cnidarians C - Annelids D - Arthropods

D - Arthropods

What type of symmetry does the animal in the figure have? A - No symmetry B - Radial symmetry C - Bilateral symmetry D - Bilateral as larvae, radial as adults

D - Bilateral as larvae, radial as adults

How are lichens and mycorrhizae similar? A - Both parasitize live plants, eventually killing them. B - Both are saprophytes that decompose dead materials. C - Both are pioneer species that colonize bare rock. D - Both form symbiotic relationships with photosynthetic species.

D - Both form symbiotic relationships with photosynthetic species.

Which fungal group produces swimming, flagellated spores? A - Zygomycetes B - Basidiomycetes C - Ascomycetes D - Chytrids E - Glomeromycetes

D - Chytrids

What distinguishes cnidarians from other animals? A - Cnidarians have no symmetry. B - Cnidarians alternate between haploid and diploid generations. C - Cnidarians live strictly in watery environments. D - Cnidarians have cnidocytes, stinging cells that eject poisonous filaments into prey.

D - Cnidarians have cnidocytes, stinging cells that eject poisonous filaments into prey.

How are fungi useful in organ transplantation? A - They provide a symbiotic relationship, unifying the transplanted organ and the recipient. B - They provide extra nutrients to the recipient. C - They produce toxins at a low level that are safe for the recipient but kill off bacteria that might cause infection. D - Cyclosporin, a drug derived from fungi, suppresses immune function.

D - Cyclosporin, a drug derived from fungi, suppresses immune function.

Which animal has bilateral symmetry? A - Sea anemone B - Coral C - Jellyfish D - Flatworm

D - Flatworm

Which of the following is a characteristic of an Ascomycete? A - Some members produce haploid or diploid flagellated spores. B - Two haploid nuclei in a basidium fuse to form a diploid nucleus. C - The fungus forms mycorrhizae, which are symbiotic associations with plant roots. D - Two hyphae fuse forming a zygosporangium that contains haploid nuclei from two parents. E - An ascus forms to produce a diploid nucleus, which divides by meiosis to produce four haploid nuclei, which then divide by mitosis to produce eight ascospores.

E - An ascus forms to produce a diploid nucleus, which divides by meiosis to produce four haploid nuclei, which then divide by mitosis to produce eight ascospores.

Which of the following features are characteristic of fungi? A - Cell walls, photosynthesis, and usually filamentous bodies B - No cell walls, parasitic, heterotrophic C - Cell walls, chemosynthetic, heterotrophic D - No cell walls, feeding by absorption, chemosynthesis E - Cell walls, feeding by absorption, and usually filamentous bodies

E - Cell walls, feeding by absorption, and usually filamentous bodies

Which of the following phyla expresses radial symmetry? A - Mollusca B - Arthropods C - Annelida D - Chordata E - Cnidaria

E - Cnidaria

Spiders belong to the A - cnidarians. B - echinoderms. C - mollusks. D - chordates. E - arthropods.

E - arthropods.

The specialized reproductive structures of sac fungi are called A - basidia. B - mycelia. C - toadstools. D - zygospores. E - asci.

E - asci.

The worldwide die-off of frogs has been traced to infection by A - basidiomycetes. B - zygomycetes. C - ascomycetes. D - glomeromycetes. E - chytrids.

E - chytrids.

A(n) ________ provides support and protection to arthropods. A - shell B - hydrostatic skeleton C - epidermis D - cytoskeleton E - exoskeleton

E - exoskeleton

What is the principle way fungi reproduce? A - sexual reproduction without spore formation B - fusion of spores C - binary fission D - fragmentation E - spore production

E - spore production

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