BIO 116 Final

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Substrate-level phosphorylation accounts for approximately what percentage of the ATP formed by the reactions of glycolysis?


Starting with one molecule of glucose, glycolysis results in the net production of which of the following sets of energy-containing products?

2 NADH, 2 pyruvate, and 2 ATP

Arrange the following five events in an order that explains the mass (bulk) flow of materials in the phloem. Water diffuses into the sieve tubes. Leaf cells produce sugar by photosynthesis. Solutes are actively transported into sieve tubes. Sugar is transported from cell to cell in the leaf. Sugar moves down the stem.

2, 4, 3, 1, 5

If there are 40 centromeres total in a cell at anaphase of mitosis, how many chromosomes will be found in each daughter cell following cytokinesis?


In a diploid cell with 5 chromosome pairs (2n = 10), how many sister chromatids will be found in a nucleus at prophase of mitosis?


Starting with citrate, which of the following combinations of products would result from three acetyl CoA molecules entering the citric acid cycle?

3 ATP, 6 CO2, 9NADH, and 3 FADH2

What adaptations should one expect of the seed coats of angiosperm species whose seeds are dispersed by frugivorous (fruit-eating) animals, as opposed to angiosperm species whose seeds are dispersed by other means?

3 and 5

Double fertilization in angiosperm embryo sac produces endosperm, a food-storing tissue of the seed. The genetic makeup of endosperm is ________.


In a typical angiosperm, what is the sequence of structures encountered by the tip of a growing pollen tube on its way to the egg? ovule style ovary stigma

4 -> 2 -> 3 -> 1

If an ovary contains 50 ovules, what is the minimum number of pollen grains that must land to form 50 mature seeds?


Animals that consume Brazil nuts derive nutrition mostly from eating the tissue whose cells have nuclei having _____ chromosomes.


If this is a cell's image at Metaphase stage of Mitotic phase, how many chromosomes are shown in this picture below, and how many chromatids?

6 chromosomes, 12 chromatids

Starting with a fertilized egg ( which is a single cell called a zygote), a series of six cell divisions would produce an early embryo with how many cells?


Which of the following is a correct statement about sugar movement in phloem?

A and B

Plant hormonal regulation differs from animal hormonal regulation in that ________.

A and B but not C

An axillary bud in the stem can potentially form a ________ in a variety of plants based on evolutionary adaptations

All of the above

Endosymbiosis is an evolutionary theory that explains the origin of eukaryotes and suggests a specific order in which this might have occurred. Ancestral cells engulfed and then began to use the metabolic processes of the smaller cells. Based on shared-core processes and features, which statement most accurately describes the evidence for endosymbiosis theory for all organisms within domain Eukarya?

All of the above

Which of the following is a function of a fruit?

All of the above

Which of the following is the best description of an atom's physical structure?

Atoms are little bubbles of space with mass concentrated at the center of the bubble.

Which of the summary statements below describes the results of the following reaction? C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + Energy

C6H12O6 is oxidized and O2 is reduced

Cells from some advanced malignant tumors often have very abnormal chromosomes and an abnormal number of chromosomes. What might explain the association between malignant tumors and chromosomal abnormalities?

Cell cycle checkpoints are not in place to stop cells with chromosome abnormalities.

You have a small tree in your yard that is the height that you want it, but does not have as many branches as you want. How can you prune it to trigger it to increase the number of branches?

Cut off the tips of the main shoots.

Which one of the following hormones regulates cell division in plants?


Eukaryotic chromosomes are composed of which of the following macromolecules?

DNA and proteins

What is the ploidy level (think in terms of set/s of chromosomes) of a zygote?


Nitrogen (N) is more electronegative than hydrogen (H). Which of the following is a correct statement about the atoms in ammonia (NH3)?

Each hydrogen atom has a partial positive charge; the nitrogen atom has a partial negative charge.

If you were shipping green bananas to a supermarket thousands of miles away, which of the following chemicals would you want to eliminate from the plants' environment?


_________ is a regulatory mechanism in which the end product of a metabolic pathway inhibits an enzyme that catalyzes an early step in the pathway.

Feedback inhibition

Cell A has half as much DNA as cells B, C, and D in a mitotically active tissue. Cell A is most likely in __________.


Which of the following sequences correctly represents the flow of electrons during photosynthesis?

H2O-NADPH-Calvin cycle

Which of the following is/are present in a shoot apical meristem region? I) the region of cell division II) immature buds and leaves III) cells that will give rise to the protoderm, ground meristem, and procambium

I, II and III

Which of the following are important components of the long-distance transport process in plants? I) the cohesion of water molecules II) a negative water potential III) the root parenchyma IV) the active transport of solutes V) bulk flow from source to sink

I, II, IV, and V

Use the figure to answer the question: At which of the numbered regions (I, II, III, IV or V) would you expect to find cells at metaphase stage of Mitotic phase in cell cycle?

III only

How is photosynthesis similar in C4 plants and CAM plants?

In both cases, Rubisco is not used to fix carbon initially

For a chemotherapeutic drug to be useful for treating cancer cells, which of the following characteristics is most desirable?

It specifically inhibits rapidly dividing cells.

Where are the proteins of the electron transport chain associated with cellular respiration in eukaryotic cells located?

Mitochondrial inner membrane

A plant developed a mineral deficiency after being treated with a fungicide. What is the most probable cause of the deficiency?

Mycorrhizal fungi were killed.

Which electron carrier(s) function in the citric acid cycle?


Which of the following is a type of local signaling in which a cell secretes a signal molecule that does not affect the cell secreting the signal, but it affects neighboring cells?

Paracrine signaling

Mammalian eyes sense light because the photoreceptor cells have molecules called opsins, which change structure when exposed to light. Which of the following plant molecules would be analogous to mammalian opsins in their light-sensing ability?

Pfr and phytochrome.

How is plant cell cytokinesis different from animal cell cytokinesis?

Plant cells deposit vesicles containing cell wall building blocks on the metaphase plate; animal cells form a cleavage furrow.

Which of the following statements regarding flowering plants/angiosperms is correct?

Pollination is the delivery of pollen from the anthers to the stigma of a carpel.

Which one of the following ions plays a critical role in the opening and closing of stomata?

Potassium (K+)

At which phase of the cell cycle do centrioles (inside centrosomes) begin to move apart in animal cells?


Which part of a plant absorbs most of the water and minerals taken up from the soil?

Root hairs

What are the two multicellular stages/generations of all plants that alternate?

Sporophyte and Gametophyte

Which of the following is true when comparing an un-catalyzed reaction to the same reaction in presence of a catalyst, for example, an enzyme?

The catalyzed reaction in presence of an enzyme will have the same ∆G.

Certain cell types normally have several nuclei per cell. How could such multinucleated cells be explained?

The cell underwent repeated mitosis, but cytokinesis did not occur.

Hormones are chemical substances produced in one organ that are released into the bloodstream and affect the function of a target organ. Which of the following conditions is required for the target organ to respond to a particular hormone?

The target organ must have receptors that recognize and bind the hormone molecule.

Which of the following statements about anabolic pathways is true?

They consume energy to build up polymers from monomers.

Why are the reaction centers of photosystems composed of several structurally different pigments?

This arrangement enables the plant to absorb light energy of a variety of wavelengths

Which of the following are examples of cell attachment that helps animal cells to form a multicellular organism?

Tight junctions, gap junctions and desmosomes

Which of the following are water-conducting cells that are dead at functional maturity

Tracheids and vessel elements

Can the atomic mass of an element vary?

Yes. Adding or losing neutrons will change the atomic mass without forming a different element.

Not all intercellular signals require transduction. Which one of the following signals would be processed without transduction?

a lipid-soluble signal.

A fruit is ___________.

a mature ovary

Through a microscope, you can see a cell plate beginning to develop across the middle of a cell and nuclei forming on either side of the cell plate. This cell is most likely _________.

a plant cell in the process of cytokinesis

One important difference between the anatomy of roots and the anatomy of leaves is that ________?

a waxy cuticle covers leaves but is absent from roots.

The oxygen consumed during cellular respiration is involved directly in which process or event?

accepting electrons at the end of the electron transport chain

Auxin enhances cell elongation in all of these ways except

acid-induced denaturation of cell wall proteins

Protein kinase is an enzyme that functions in which of the following ways?

activates or inactivates other proteins by adding a phosphate group to them.

What kinds of cells carry out ATP synthesis by chemiosmosis?

all respiring cells, both prokaryotic and eukaryotic, using either oxygen or other electron acceptors

Phosphorylation cascades involving a series of protein kinases are useful for cellular signal transduction because they ________?

amplify the original signal many times

Which of the following is correctly paired with its life cycle generation?


Plant meristematic cells ________.

are undifferentiated cells that produce new cells.

In the cells of many eukaryotic species, the nuclear envelope has to disappear to permit which of the following events in the cell cycle?

attachment of microtubules to kinetochores of the sister chromatids.

Experiments on the positive phototropic response of plants indicate that ________.

auxin can move to the shady side of the stem.

The value for Ψ in root tissue was detected to be -0.15 MPa. If you take the root tissue and place it in a 0.1 M solution of sucrose (Ψ = -0.23 MPa), the net water flow would ________?

be from the tissue into the sucrose solution.

How does a noncompetitive inhibitor decrease the rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction?

by binding to an allosteric site, thus changing the shape of the active site of the enzyme

What is the name of the microtubule-organizing center found in animal cells as an identifiable structure present during all phases of the cell cycle?


The drug cytochalasin B blocks the function of actin microfilaments. Which of the following aspects of the animal cell cycle would be most disrupted by the drug cytochalasin B?

cleavage furrow formation and cytokinesis.

A neutral atom has two, eight, eight electrons in its first, second, and third energy levels. This information ________.

does not tell us about the atomic mass of the element

A chemical reaction that has a positive ΔG is best described as ________.


In plant roots, the Casparian strip ________.

ensures that all water and dissolved substances must pass through a cell membrane before entering the vessels

When you wash your cloth, you add detergent. What is the purpose of the detergent in cleaning your cloth?

get rid of potential oil contamination on your cloth by the amphipathic property of the detergent

Which of the following is broken when water evaporates?

hydrogen bonds

Plants produce more seeds when they reproduce asexually than sexually. Yet most plants reproduce sexually in nature. What is the probable explanation for the prevalence of sexual reproduction? Sexual reproduction ________.

makes offspring that are genetically different , contributing to variation in a species

The M phase checkpoint ensures that all chromosomes are attached to the mitotic spindle. If this does not happen, cells would most likely be arrested in ________.


Sperm cells (male gametes) are formed in plants by ________.

mitosis in the male gametophyte

During the alternation of generations in plants, ________.

mitosis produces gametes.

The free energy for the oxidation of glucose to CO2 and water is -686 kcal/mol and the free energy for the reduction of NAD+ to NADH is +53 kcal/mol. Why are only two molecules of NADH formed during glycolysis when it appears that as many as a dozen could be formed?

most of the free energy available from the oxidation of glucose remains in pyruvate, one of the products of glycolysis

G1 (or first gap phase of Interphase) is associated with which of the following cellular events?

normal growth and cell function

Double fertilization means that ________.

one sperm is needed to fertilize the egg, and a second sperm is needed to fertilize the two polar nuclei.

A covalent chemical bond is one in which ________.

outer-shell electrons of two atoms are shared so as to satisfactorily fill their respective orbitals

Which of the following flower parts typically develops into the pulp of a fleshy fruit?


Carbon dioxide (CO2) is released during which of the following stages of cellular respiration?

oxidation of pyruvate to acetyl CoA and the citric acid cycle

Shoots that grow vertically toward the sun can be characterized as ________.

positive for phototropism and negative for gravitropism.

The rapid leaf movements resulting from a response to touch (thigmotropism) primarily involve ________.

potassium channels.

Which of the following mechanisms is the correct sequence of events that takes place during the plant responses to internal and external signals?

reception, transduction, and response

Which of the following does NOT occur during the Calvin cycle?

release of oxygen

Which of the following does not occur during mitosis?

replication of the DNA

One is most likely to see guttation in small plants when the ________.

root pressure exceeds transpirational pull.

The mitotic spindle plays a critical role in which of the following processes?

separation of sister chromatids

What is the maximum number of hydrogen atoms that can be covalently bonded in a molecule containing two carbon atoms?


If you were able to walk into an opening cut into the center of a large redwood tree, when you exited from the middle of the trunk (stem) outward, you would cross, in order, ________.

the annual rings of old xylem, new xylem, vascular cambium, phloem, and periderm

In a plant, which of the following reactions produce molecular oxygen (O2)?

the light reactions alone

What is the function of proton pumps localized in the plant plasma membrane?

to create a membrane potential

In the transmembrane route for transport within plant tissue, ________.

water and solutes move out of one cell, across the cell wall, and into the neighboring cell.

When are atoms most stable?

when all of the electron orbitals in the valence shell are filled

Which of the following is the correct sequence of the zones in the primary growth of a root, moving from the root cap inward?

zone of cell division, zone of elongation, zone of differentiation

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