BIO 139

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Effects of aging on the kidneys include which of the following?

a loss of glomerular function; a gradual decrease in size of the kidneys; a gradual decrease in blood flow through the kidneys

match the term for each kidney with the appropriate letter.

a- major calyx b- minor calyx c- renal pelvis

Match each arrow with the correct nephron structure name.

a- proximal tubule b- distal tubule c- descending limb of nephron loop d- ascending limb of nephron loop

The ability of the kidney to maintain a relatively constant glomerular filtration rate is called ______.


Urine produced in the nephron will pass through all of the following structures. Place them in the correct order, with the structure closest to the nephron at the top

calyces; renal pelvis; ureter; urinary bladder; urethra

Name the tube that collects urine from several nephrons and conveys it down the renal pyramid to the renal papilla.

collecting duct

The tubular structure that collects urine directly from several nephrons is called a ______.

collecting duct

What is the function of renin?

convert angiotensinogen to angiostensin I

Tubular fluid flows from which renal tubular segment into the collecting duct?

distal tubule

Which tubule is shorter and less coiled than others?

distal tubule

identify the three main parts of a renal tubule

distal tubule; proximal tubule; nephron loop

An increase in urine volume is called


True or false: A very small percentage (<10%) of the original glomerular filtrate will be reabsorbed as the fluid flows through the nephrons and collecting ducts.


Pores, called ______, are located in the walls of glomerular capillaries and are important in allowing glomerular filtration.


The process by which blood pressure forces fluid through the glomerular capillary walls into the glomerular capsule is called glomerular


In which direction do substances move during tubular reabsorption?

from the tubular fluid into the peritubular capillaries

Pores, called fenestrae, are found in the walls of the ______ and are important in allowing glomerular filtration.

glomerular capillaries

Where does glomerular filtration occur?

glomerular capillaries

Within the renal corpuscle, the colloid osmotic pressure (COP) is a pressure drawing fluid into what?

glomerular capillaries

If someone's renal clearance is abnormally low, it might indicate which type of condition?

glomerular damage

Urine formation begins with a process called ______, in which water and other small dissolved molecules and ions are moved from the glomerular capillary plasma into the glomerular capsule.

glomerular filitration

The process by which the glomerular capillaries filter plasma is called

glomerular filtration

What is the most important factor in determining GFR?

glomerular hydrostatic pressure

The indicated cluster of blood vessels is called a(n)


The greater the filtration pressure within a glomerulus, the ______ the rate of filtration will be.


What is the main driving force behind glomerular filtration?

hydrostatic pressure of blood

Like filtration in the systemic capillaries, the main force that moves substances through the glomerular capillary wall is the ______ pressure of the ______ inside.

hydrostatic; blood

Due to the reabsorption of water and sodium from the proximal tubule, the tubular fluid is ______ to peritubular capillary blood plasma by the time it reaches the end of the proximal tubule.


The process of expelling urine from the urinary bladder is called urination or


Reabsorption of water in the proximal tubule occurs by which mechanism?


Water is reabsorbed from the proximal tubule by the process of


Water is reabsorbed from the proximal tubule by the process of ______ as it follows sodium reabsorption. The result is a(n) ______ in tubular fluid volume.

osmosis; decrease

Leading away from the capsular space, glomerular filtrate first enters the ______

proximal tubule

The segment of renal tubule that receives filtrate from the glomerular capsule is the

proximal tubule

In the picture, arrow A is pointing to the ______ and arrow B is pointing to the ______.

proximal tubule; ascending limb of nephron loop

Place the segments of the renal tubule of a nephron in the correct order, with the region closest to the glomerulus at the top.

proximal tubule; nephron loop; distal tubule

Movement of materials from the renal tubule into the peritubular capillaries is called tubular


The enzyme that is released by the kidneys, called ______, acts to convert angiotensinogen to angiotensin I.


Which of the following stimulates the release of renin?

sympathetic stimulation; decrease in blood pressure; decreased amount of sodium sensed by the macula densa

What are the two main variables that affect the filtration rate?

the surface area available for filtration; hydrostatic pressure of blood

The composition of glomerular filtrate is most like that of which body fluid?

tissue fluid

During tubular reabsorption, materials that are useful to the body are moved from the ______ into the ______.

tubular fluid; blood

What is the process by which substances move out of the peritubular capillary and move into the renal tubule?

tubular secretion

The tube conveying urine from one of the kidneys to the urinary bladder is a(n)


The tubular organ carrying urine from the renal pelvis to the urinary bladder is the ______.


What is the hollow muscular organ that lies just posterior to the symphysis pubis?

urinary bladder

The excreted fluid that contains wastes, along with excess water and electrolytes is called


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