BIO 151 Exam 2 Study Guide

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Place the prokaryotic characteristic into the appropriate category.

Common to all prokaryotes: Not common to all prokaryotes:

Indicate whether each of the following statement about protein structure is true or false.

1. A distinctive and recurrent sequence of structural elements within a protein, such as helix-turn-helix, is called a domain. -False 2. Many proteins are composed of several different regions that are specialized to carry out specific functions. -True 3. Specific functional regions within a protein are called motifs. -False 4. As a polypeptide chain folds, each domain takes its proper shape more or less independently of the others. -True 5. If we replace one domain of a protein with a domain from a different protein using molecular biology techniques, then the entire protein will become inactive -False

Complete the sentences using the words provided.

1. All carbohydrates are composed of one or more ____. -Monosaccharides 2. A protein is composed of one or more long, unbranched chains called _________ which are coiled and folded into a specific 3-dimensional shape. -polypeptides 3. A polypeptide is composed of monomers called ______ -amino acids 3. Nucleic acids are composed of monomers called ___. -nucleotides 4. Triglycerides are composed of glycerol and _______. -fatty acids 5. Glucose, starch, and cellulose are all example of ___. -Carbohydrates 6. RNA and DNA are examples of ________. -nucleic acids 7. Fats, steroids, and terpenes are examples of ______. -lipids 8. Polymers are formed by linking monomers together through _______ reaction. -condensation 9. Breaking the bonds between the subunits of a polymer involves ______ reactions. -hydrolysis 10. During a hydrolysis reaction, a molecule of water is _. -broken down. 11. During a condensation reaction, a molecule of water is ______. -formed

Indicate whether each of the following statements about protein structure is true or false.

1. If a protein's environment is altered, the protein Amy change its shape or even unfold completely, a process called dissociation. -False 2. Proteins can denature when the pH, temp., or ionic concentration of the surrounding solutions change. -True 3. Denature proteins are usually biologically active. -False 4. When normal environmental conditions are reestablished after protein denaturation, almost all proteins can spontaneously refold into their natural shape. -False 5. If the 3-D structure of a protein depends only on it primary structure and the surrounding environmental conditions, then when the protein is denatured. and. subsequently returned to its native conditions it will spontaneously refold back to its native structure. -True 6. Proteins have a narrow range of conditions in which they fold properly; outside the range, proteins tend to renature. -False 7. Some proteins require other proteins called chaperones in order to correctly fold into their normal 3-D shape. -True 8. Cells use chaperones both to accomplish the original folding of some proteins and to restore the structure incorrectly folded ones. -True 9. Some diseases may occur because a protein with the correct amino acid sequence fails to correctly fold into its functional form. -True 10. During a process called dissociation, the polypeptides of a protein with quaternary structure separate and unfold, losing their individual tertiary structure. -False 11. The final 3-D shape of a protein is determined entirely by its primary structure. -False

Match the organelles with its function

1. Nucleus:contains instructions for protein synthesis and cell reproduction; contains genetic information 2. Endoplasmic reticulum:intracellular compartment forms transport vesicles; participate in lipid synthesis of membrane or secreted proteins. 3. Golgi Apparatus:packages proteins for export from cell; forms secretory vesicles. 4. Lysosomes:digest worn-out organelles and cell debris; digest material taken up by endocytosis 5. Vacuole:Carries out a variety of functions including regulating water levels in plant cells. 6. Peroxisome:involved in the breakdown of fats and contain the enzyme catalase.

A DNA molecule with 24% guanine would have how much adenine?


The movement of vesicles along microtubules involves which of the following? Check all that apply.

ATP Dynein Kinesin

For each characteristic, identify if it is present in bacteria, archaea, or both.

Bacteria: -unique cell wall containing peptidoglycan Archaea: Both bacteria & archaea

Match each example or description with the corresponding level of protein structure.

Primary Structure: -The sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide chains -Ala-Gly-Try-Lys-Met-Trp-Phe Secondary Structure: -alpha-helix -beta-pleated sheet -results from hydrogen bonds between polar groups in the polypeptide backbone. -repeated pattern of coiling or folding within a polypeptide chain. Tertiary Structure: -the overall 3-D shape of a polypeptide chain that occurs due to a variety of interactions between the amino acid side chain. Quanternary Structure: -refers to the way several different polypeptide chains fit together to form the final protein. -only found in proteins composed of more than one polypeptide chain.

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