Bio 189: Chapter 16 - Evolution and Diversity of Plants

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How do plants obtain sugars and energy to maintain and build their bodies?

assemble CO2 and H2O into sugars using sunlight


a flowering plant which forms seeds inside a protective chamber called an ovary.

Alternation of generations

a multicellular diploid generation alternates with a multicellular haploid generation

Select all the functions that rhizomes serve in seedless vascular plants

- in many species, leaves and roots arise from the rhizomes - rhizomes can store carbohydrates

Match the phylum name of nonvascular plants on the left with the common name of the phylum on the right

- marchantiophyta: liverworts - anthocerotophyta: hornworts - bryophyta: true mosses

Select the three phyla of bryophytes

- marchantiphyta (liverworts) - bryophyta (mosses) - anthocerotphyta (hornworts)

Select all of the following that are transported by vascular tissues in many types of plants

- minerals - water - sugar

In ___, the sporophyte is dependent on the larger gametophyte, whereas in ___ the gametophyte generation is dependent on the larger sporophyte generation

- mosses - gymnosperms and angiosperms

Select all of the examples of eudicots

- oaks - beans - roses - daises

Select all of the following that can deliver pollen to the female parts of a plant

- wind - animals

Ferns, club mosses, and horsetails have ___, but do not produce ___

- xylem and phloem - seeds

Seedless vascular plants have

both xylem and phloem

In what group of plants do materials move within the plant by osmosis and diffusion only, and not within specialized transport tissues?


In what plant group is the gametophyte the most prominent generation, and the sporophyte depends on it for nutrition?


Plants that seedless and lack vascular tissues are called the


Protist ancestors that resemble green algae called ___ likely gave rise to plants


In a plant's alternation of generation life cycle, haploid spores produced by the diploid sporophyte generation develop by mitosis into the


In plants, the multicellular ___ develops from haploid spores and is haploid


About 475 million years ago, plants most likely evolved from ancestors similar to ___, the closest relative to plants

green algae


green algae that are the closest relatives of land plants

Xylem is rich in a complex polymer called ___, which strengthens cell walls and allows vascular plants to grow tall and form branches


The food supply in a seed sustains the young plant from the time of germination until

photosynthetic structures develop

Eukaryotic, multicellular, autotrophs that use photsynthesis and that are present in nearly every ecosystem belong to kingdom


What are autotrophic, eukaryotic, and multicellular organisms?


In seed plants, the male gametophytes are called ___, which produces sperm cells


Male conifer cones produce microspores, which eventually become wind blown


The microspore mother cell is located in the ___ of the flower

pollen sac

After pollination in conifers, what structure grows through the ovule toward the egg and contains two sperm cells

pollen tube

In conifer ___, the male gametophytes are blown by the wind to the scales of female cones


In gymnosperms and angiosperms, a process called ___ is the transfer of pollen to the female parts of the plant



reproductive structure that produce pollen and egg cells

Although they lack true roots, bryophytes have hairlike extensions called ___ that cover the lower surfaces and anchor them to a substrate


What highly branched plant structure anchors the plant in the soil and is the site of water and mineral absorption?

root system

Gymnosperms and angiosperms are both able to produce ___, structures that consists of a dormant plant embryo and stored food packaged inside a protective coat.


In the conifer life cycle, the diploid embryo begins to grow into a new sporophyte when the

seed germinates

Lycopodiophyta and Pteridophyta are the two phyla of

seedless vascular plants

Spores, such as those produced by ferns and mosses, cannot be dispersed as far as ___ which are produced by gymnosperms and angiosperms


Select the correct statement about seed and sport dispersal

seeds can be dispersed farther than the spores of mosses and ferns and in drier conditions


the small openings on the undersides of most leaves through which oxygen and carbon dioxide can move

Most seedless vascular plants are



the tiny granules that contain the male gametophyte of seed plants

Many plants use ___ tissue to transport sugar, water, and minerals between organs


Cycads, ginkgos, conifers, gnetophytes, and angiosperms are all types of

vascular plants with seeds

Being able to grow upright, retain moisture, and reproduce without being in ___ are adaptations that allowed plants to successfully grow on land


In mosses and ferns, ___ is required for the sperm to meet the egg, but not in angiosperms or gymnosperms



waxy, protects leaf from electromagnetic radiation and slows transpiration

In conifers, how do pollen grains reach the scales of female cones



wind or animals deliver pollen to female plant parts, eliminating the need for moisture in sexual reproduction

In angiosperms, the ovule develops into a seed

within the ovary, which becomes a fruit


are seedless plants that lack vascular tissue


"naked" a plant that produces seeds that are exposed rather than seeds enclosed in fruits


(diploid) generation, some cells undergo meiosis and produce haploid spores; these spores divide mitotically to form the gametophyte


(haploid); produced gametes by mitotic cell division, these sex cells fuse at fertilization

Through meiosis, each ovule of a female conifer cone produces ___ haploid megaspore(s), but only ___ will develop into the female ___ that includes two to six egg cells

- 4 - 1 - gametophyte

Select all the characteristics of angiosperms called monocots

- 70,000 species - pollen grain with one pore - one cotyledon

Select all the conditions presented by a land existence that plants had to overcome to be successful on land rather than water

- air dries out the exposed parts of a plant - sunlight only strikes the aboveground parts of the plant - air offers less physical support than did water

Select all of the types of vascular plants that have seeds and pollen

- angiosperms - gymnosperms

Select all the ways in which gymnosperms and angiosperms are similar

- both produce pollen - both produce seeds - the sporophyte is the conspicuous in both

Match each plant group to its correct description regarding size and independence of gametophyte and sporophyte generations

- bryophytes: sporophyte may be smaller than gametophyte and depends on gametophyte for nutrition - seedless vascular plants: gametophyte smaller than sporophyte and neither generation depends on the other for nutrition - vascular plants with seeds: gametophyte smaller than sporophyte and depends on sporophyte for nutrition

Match the name of the seedless vascular plants on the left with a characteristic of that group on the right.

- club mosses: small, scalelike leaves, sometimes called lycopods - whisk ferns: rhizomes but not roots, highly branched stems - horsetails: sometimes called scouring rushes, tissues contain silica - true ferns: largest group of seedless vascular plants, leaves are called fronds

Match each gymnosperm group on the left with its characteristics on the right

- cycads: mostly tropical, palm like leaves, large cones, many species near extinction - ginkgo: called maidenhair tree, fan shaped leaves, only one species in existence - conifers: contains the most familiar gymnosperms, cones and needlelike leaves, sometimes called evergreens - gnetophytes: botanists struggle with their classification, and example is ephedra

After the conifer seed forms, it is shed and ___ by wind or animals; when conditions are favorable, the seed ___

- dispersed - germinates

Select all the characteristics of bryophytes

- do not have vascular tissues - seedless - sperms swim to egg in water

Select all of the following that apply to animal pollination in angiosperms

- efficient pollination - brightly colored flowers - nectar - scented flowers

After fertilization in conifers, the ___ nourishes the developing diploid embryo, which soon becomes dormant as a ___

- female gametophyte tissue -seed

Select all of the following that describe leaves in different types of gymnosperms

- fernlike - needles - scales - flat blades

In angiosperm, a megaspore mother cell undergoes meiosis to produce ___ haploid megaspores, with only one persisting and undergoing mitosis to form the ___

- four - female gametophyte

Select all the features of bryophytes

- grow in moist, shady environments - hairlike rhizoids anchor the plant - have flattened leaf like areas

In plants, the gametophyte generation is ___ with respect to its chromosome number (ploidy level), whereas the sporophyte generation is ___ with respect to its chromosome number

- haploid - diploid

Select all the following that describe gymnosperms

- have seeds - use pollen grains for gamete transfer - first seed plants on earth

Select all the ways plants are important

- one of the gases produced by plants helps form ozone, which blocks ultraviolet radiation - plants provide food for other organisms - plants provide building material for humans - plants release oxygen gas, which animals and many other organisms use in aerobic respiration

Select all the following that take place during double fertilization in angiosperms

- one sperm nucleus fertilizes a pair of nuclei to produce the endosperm - one sperm nucleus fertilizes an egg

In gymnosperms, each scale of a female cone bears two sporangia called ___, each of which produces four haploid ___ by meiosis

- ovules - megaspores

In vascular plants, sugars are transported by vascular tissue called ___, and water and minerals are transported by vascular tissue called ___

- phloem -xylem


- phylum anthocerotophyta - shaped like tapered horns


- phylum bryophyta - closest living relative to the vascular plants - brown or green sporophyte looks nothing like the gametophyte


- phylum cycadophyta - lives primarily in tropical and subtropical regions - palm like leaves - produces large cones - near extinction in the wild because of slow growth, low reproductive rates, and shrinking habitats


- phylum ginkgophyta - maidenhair tree, has distinctive, fan shaped leaves - male and female organs on separate plants


- phylum gnetophyta - was used for weight loss remedies - a close relationship with the flowering plants, but molecular evidence places these puzzling plants with conifers

Club mosses

- phylum lycophyta - small plants with simple leaves that resemble scales or needles - club shaped reproductive structures - sometimes called lycopods


- phylum marchantiophyta - flat to upright and "leafy" - closely related to ancestral land plants


- phylum pinophyta - pine trees - needlelike or scalelike leaves - produce egg cells and pollen in cones - "evergreens"


- phylum pteridophyta - grow along or at the borders of forests - produce branched rhizomes, which gives rise to green aerial stems bearing spores at their tips - also called scouring rushes because their stems and leaves contain abrasive silica particles

True ferns

- phylum pteridophyta - make up the largest group of seedless vascular plants, with about 11,00 species - fronds or leaves, of ferns are their most obvious feature - the remains form most coal deposits

Whisk ferns

- phylum pteridophyta - simple plants that have rhizomes but not roots - highly branched stems, which resemble whisk brooms

Place the following events of angiosperm reproduction in order, beginning with pollination at the top

- pollination - double fertilization to form zygote and endosperm - formation of seed and fruit around developing embryo - germination of the seed - development of seedling into mature sporophyte

Place the following events of angiosperms reproduction in order, beginning with pollination at the top.

- pollination - double fertilization to form zygote and endosperm - formation of seed and fruit around developing embryo - germination of the seed - development of seedling into mature sporophyte

Select the two main roles that wind and animals have angiosperm reproduction

- pollination - fruit and seed dispersal

Select the characteristics used by biologists to classify the different types of plants

- presence or absence of vascular tissue - presence or absence of flowers and fruits - presence or absence of seeds

Select all the plants that are monocots

- rice - ginger - grasses - bananas - corn

Select all the adaptations of plants that enable them to live successfully on land

- roots for support and absorption of water and nutrients - cuticle to minimize water loss - vascular tissue for transport of water and nutrients

Select the four main groups of plants

- seedless vascular plants - bryophytes: nonvascular plants - gymnosperms: vascular plants with seeds - angiosperms: flowering plants

In the sporophyte stage of the fern life cycle, ___ on the underside of each frond produce ___

- sporangia - spores

In the plant life cycle, haploid ___ arise from the sporophyte generation by meiosis, and haploid ___ arise from the gametophyte generation by mitosis

- spores - gametes

Which of the following can be the main food storage molecules in the endosperm of seeds?

- starch - oil

The opening and closing of pores called ___ in the epidermis of plant tissues is controlled by two ___ cells

- stomata - guard

Place the stages of a fern's life cycle in the correct order, beginning with the production of haploid spores at the top

- the sporophyte generation produces haploid spores by meiosis - spores germinate and develop into heart shaped gametophytes - gametophytes produce sperm and egg cells - sperm swim to egg cells, and the gametes fuse to form a zygote - the zygote divides by mitosis to form the sporophyte generation.


- two cotyledons - branched leaf venation - a ring of vascular bundles - flower parts in fours or fives (or multiples) - a taproot system.

Double fertilization

- two fertilization events in angiosperms - one sperm fuses with the egg, forming the zygote - whereas the other sperm fuses with the polar nuclei, forming endosperm

What is included within the female gametophyte of an angiosperm?

- two nuclei in a central cell - one haploid egg cell

Which of the following are produced from a single pollen grain of male conifer cone?

- two sperm - pollen tube

The ___ of mosses and ferns take less energy to produce but they are short lived compared with the ___ of gymnosperms and angiosperms, which require more energy but can remain dormant for years

-spores -seeds

Place the description of sexual reproduction in a moss in the correct order, beginning at the top with the stage that undergoes meiosis

1 - a sporophyte stalk grows on top of the gametophyte and produce haploid sports by meiosis 2 - haploid spores germinate and become the gametophyte 3 - gametes form by mitosis in separate sperm and egg structures 4 - sperm swim to eggs on a think layer of water 5 - fertilization begins the sporophyte generation

Green algae and plants have similar ___, indicating that they are closely related

DNA sequences

In coniders, the female gametophyte

arises from one megaspore and houses two to six egg cells

In bryophytes, the sporophyte is

a stalk attached to the gametophyte


a structure that develops within the ovary of a seed plant and contains the female gametophyte.

The ___ life cycle in plants is characterized by multicellular diploid stage that alternates with a multicellular haploid stage

alternation of generations

About 95% of plant species are ___, which produce unique reproductive structures called flowers and fruits


Offspring and pollen of ___ are dispersed and protected by fruits and flowers


The name of the plant group that has two groups known as the eudicots and monocots is



angiosperms that have only one seed leaf

If flowers are brightly colored, scented, and contain nectar, the plant is likely pollinated by



complex polymer that hardens cell walls of some vascular tissues in plants


conducts water and dissolved from the roots to the leaves

What structure in conifers houses the sporangia that produce megaspores and microspores?



contains seeds

The ___ is a waxy coating that minimizes water loss from the aerial parts of a plant.


The waxy coating of a plant that is impermeable to water, CO2 and O2 is called the ___


In an angiosperm process called ___, one sperm nucleus fertilizes an egg and the other sperm nucleus fertilizes a pair of nuclei in the female gametophyte, forming the triploid endosperm.

double fertilization

The female gametophyte of an angiosperm is called a(n)

embryo sac

When a sperm cell fertilizes a pair of nuclei in the angiosperm egg, a triploid tissue called ___ is formed, which acts as a source of nutrients for the germinating seedling


The specialized reproductive organs of angiosperms are called


___ are the reproductive structures of angiosperms that produce pollen and egg cells


Select all the adaptations that are unique to angiosperms and helped them become the most successful groups of plants

flowers and fruits

After fertilization in angiosperms, part of the flower develops into a ___, which contains the seeds and helps protect and disperse them.


After fertilization occur in an angiosperm, the wall of the ovary develops into ___, which helps protect and disperse the seeds


The seeds of gymnosperms are not enclosed in a ___, which is why they are called gymnosperms, "naked seeds" plants


The structure in angiosperms that protects and disperses the seeds is the ___


Seedless vascular plants

have xylem and phloem but do not produce seeds


is a dormant plant embryo packaged with a food supply; a tougher outer coat keeps the seed's interior from drying out

In the conifer life cycle, male gametophytes arise from


Humans use a bryophyte called peat ___ as a potting mix, cooking fuel, and energy source


Marchantiophyta, Anthocerotophyta, and Bryophyta are the phyla of the

nonvascular plants

After the wind carries pollen from a male conifer cone to a female conifer cone, fertilization

occurs about 15 months after pollination

Once the pollen tube reaches the egg cell in conifers

one sperm cell fertilizes the egg cell to form the zygote and the other sperm cell disintegrates


organs that bear the reproductive structures

The fruits of angiosperms develop from the


What characteristic of bryophytes allows each cell to absorb water and minerals directly from the surroundings

small, compact size

Vascular tissue

specialized tissue in plants that carries water and nutrients

Because seedless vascular plants have ___ that require a film of water to reach the egg, these plants live in moist habitats


The ___ generation in a plant's alternation of generation develops from a zygote and is diploid


The ___ are openings in the epidermis of stems and leaves and are used for gas exchange with the atmosphere



the first leaf structure that arise in the embryo of an angiosperm

The diploid sporophyte generation is formed by

the fusion of gametes


tissue that provides nourishment to the developing embryo of flowering plants


transports sugars produced in photosynthesis to the roots and other nongreen parts of the plant

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