Bio 200 UMaine Final

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In some angiosperms, other floral parts contribute to what is commonly called the fruit. Which of the following fruits is derived mostly from an enlarged receptacle?


Soon after the coelom begins to form, a researcher injects a dye into the coelom of a deuterostome embryo. Initially, the dye should be able to flow directly into the...


Most amphibians and land-dwelling invertebrates

are ectothermic organisms.

An advantage of asexual reproduction is that

asexual reproduction enables the species to rapidly colonize habitats that are favorable to that species.

A phylogenetic tree that is "rooted" is one...

at whose base is located the common ancestor of all taxa depicted on that tree.

The apical bud of a pine tree inhibits the growth of lateral buds through the production of...


After some time, the tip of a plant that has been forced into a horizontal position grows upward. This phenomenon is related to...

auxin movement toward the lower side of the stem.

Beginning with fern spore, what is the sequence of structures that develop after germination?

gametophyte archegonium egg cell zygote sporophyte

In animal development, which of the following processes results in the formation of an endoderm and ectoderm layer?


In extremely cold regions, woody species may survive freezing temperatures by...

increasing cytoplasmic levels of specific solute concentrations, such as sugars.

Which of the following experimental procedures would most likely reduce transpiration while allowing the normal growth of a plant?

increasing the level of carbon dioxide around the plant

According to the acid growth hypothesis, auxin works by...

increasing wall plasticity and allowing the affected cell walls to elongate.

Animals with reproduction dependent on internal fertilization need not have

internal development of embryos.

Most of the neurons in the human brain are


Some plants extract and concentrate heavy metals from the soil. A current use for such plants is...

photoremediation of polluted sites.

All of the following are primary functions of flowers EXCEPT... A. pollen production. B. photosynthesis. C. meiosis. D. egg production. E. sexual reproduction.


Which of the following statements about the Pine tree life cycle is correct?

pine pollen grains contain male gametophytes.

Which of the following would be considered to be a multiple fruit?


Besides having seeds, which of the following characteristics is also unique to Gymnosperms and Angiosperms?


Choose the CORRECT matching of phyla and body symmetry

porifera=asymmetrical lophotrochozoa=bilateral Ecdysozoa=bilateral

In which animal group(s) does gas exchange occur completely without the use of a heart and circulatory system?

terrestrial insects

A primary response by the Leydig cells in the testes to the presence of luteinizing hormone is an increase in the synthesis and secretion of


An anthropologist discovers fossilized animal remains that give strong evidence that the organism had a large, well-formed, most likely 4-chambered heart, with no connection between the right and left sides. Which of the following could most reasonably be hypothesized from this observation?

that the animal had a high energy requirement and was endothermic

An oocyte released from a human ovary enters the oviduct as a result of

the wavelike beating of cilia lining the oviduct.

Plants with a dominant sporophyte are successful on land partly because

their gametophytes are completely enclosed within sporophyte tissue.

The various taxonomic levels (such as genera, classes, etc.) of the hierarchical classification system differ from each other on the basis of...

their inclusiveness

Asexual reproduction results in greater reproductive success than does sexual reproduction

when a species is in stable and favorable environments.

An example of a connective tissue is


During the day, the stomata of a CAM plant are...


The most immediate potential benefits of introducing genetically modified crops include...

increasing crop yield.

The male and female structures that consist mostly of erectile tissue include

penis and clitoris.

Chemical signals exchanged between potential reproductive partners are called


Which of the following are responsible for high levels of O2 in Earth's atmosphere?


Which part of a plant absorbs most of the water and minerals taken up from the soil?

root hairs

A cell that contains proteins enabling a hormone to selectively bind to its plasma membrane is called a(n)

target cell.

The scientific discipline concerned with naming organisms is called...


Which of the following is(are) an example(s) of the action of topic hormones?

- Stimulation of the adrenal glands via the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis -Stimulation of the gonads via the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal (HPG) axis

Which of the following statements is (are) true of fixed action patterns?

- They are highly stereotyped, instinctive behaviors. - They are triggered by sign stimuli in the environment and, once begun, are continued to completion. - An inappropriate stimulus can sometimes trigger them.

Without stomata a plant would not be able to

- bulk transport fluids - obtain carbon dioxide - take up water from the soil - get rid of waste oxygen

Which of the following statements about vascular tissue is/are TRUE?

- xylem and phloem cells are derived from vascular meristem - phloem contains companion cells - xylem cells are found in chains from the roots to the leaves - phloem cells are living cells

According to modern ideas about phototropism in plants...

-light causes auxin to accumulate on the shaded side of a plant stem. -auxin stimulates elongation of plant stem cells. -auxin is produced by the tip of the coleoptile and moves downward.

Which of the following are defenses that some plants use against herbivory?

-production of the unusual amino acid canavanine -release of volatile compounds that attract parasitoid wasps

Which two structures play direct roles in permitting bacteria to adhere to each other, or to other surfaces? 1. capsules 2. endospores 3. fimbriae 4. plasmids 5. flagella

1 and 3

The termite gut protist, Mixotricha paradoxa, has at least two kinds of bacteria attached to its outer surface. One kind is a spirochete that propels its host through the termite gut. A second type of bacteria synthesizes ATP, some of which is used by the spirochetes. The locomotion provided by the spirochetes introduces the ATP-producing bacteria to new food sources. Which term(s) is (are) applicable to the relationship between the two kinds of bacteria? 1. mutualism 2. parasitism 3. symbiosis 4. metabolic cooperation

1, 3, and 4

As a youngster, you drive a nail in the trunk of a young tree that is 3 meters tall. The nail is about 1.5 meters from the ground. Fifteen years later, you return and discover the tree has grown to a height of 30 meters. How many meters above the ground would you now find the nail?


Given that the enzymes that catalyze nitrogen fixation are inhibited by oxygen, what are two "strategies" that nitrogen-fixing prokaryotes might use to protect these enzymes from oxygen? 1. couple them with photosystem II (the photosystem that splits water molecules) 2. package them in membranes that are impermeable to all gases 3. be obligate anaerobes 4. be strict aerobes 5. package these enzymes in specialized cells or compartments that minimize oxygen concentration

3 and 5

With the current molecular-based phylogeny in mind, rank the following from most inclusive to least inclusive. 1. ecdysozoan 2. protostome 3. eumetazoan 4. triploblastic

3, 4, 2, 1

Which of the following is the correct sequence that occurs during the excitation and contraction of a muscle cell? 1. Tropomyosin shifts and unblocks the cross-bridge binding sites. 2. Calcium is released and binds to the troponin complex. 3. Transverse tubules depolarize the sarcoplasmic reticulum. 4. The thin filaments are ratcheted across the thick filaments by the heads of the myosin molecules using energy from ATP. 5. An action potential in a motor neuron causes the axon to release acetylcholine, which depolarizes the muscle cell membrane.

5, 3, 2, 1, 4

You are conducting an experiment on plant growth. You take a plant fresh from the soil that weighs 5 kg. Then you dry the plant overnight and determine the dry weight to be 1 kg. Of this dry weight, how much would you expect to be made up of organic molecules?

960 grams

Why is it that some body cells respond differently to the same peptide hormones?

A target cell's response is determined by the product of a signal transduction pathway.

Which of these conclusions is supported by the research of both Went and Charles and Francis Darwin on shoot responses to light?

A chemical substance involved in shoot bending is produced in shoot tips.

Which of the following is a behavioral pattern that results from a proximate cause?

A female bird lays its eggs because the amount of daylight is decreasing slightly each day.

Which of the following taxa should produce the largest volume of dilute urine (after correcting for body size)?

A freshwater fish

Which of the following are not part of homeostasis promotion or maintenance?

A hormone is involved in a positive feedback loop.

In order for the human kidney to properly function lots of cellular energy is devoted to the active transport of NaCl. What would happen to the urine produced if these NaCl transport mechanisms stopped working?

A larger volume of urine would be produced.

When an organism dies, its muscles remain in a contracted state termed "rigor mortis" for a brief period of time. Which of the following most directly contributes to this phenomenon? There is no

ATP to break bonds between the thick and thin filaments.

The houseplants in a windowless room with only fluorescent lights begin to grow tall and leggy. Which of the following treatments would promote more normal growth?

Add some incandescent bulbs to increase the amount of red light.

Which of the following could be found on an incomplete flower? A. carpels B. Stamens C. Petals D. Sepals E. An incomplete flower lacks any one of these listed parts.

An incomplete flower lacks any one of these listed parts.

The secretion of hormone A causes a change in the amount of protein X in an organism. If this mechanism works by positive feedback, which of the following statements represents that fact?

An increase in A produces an increase in X which produces an increase in A.

Which of the following is NOT an example of a negative feedback that would result in homeostasis?

An increase in the length of daylight causes brown fat in hibernating bats to increase their heat output, which increases the body temperature of the bats.

If Archaeans are more closely related to eukaryotes than to Bacteria, then which of the following is a reasonable prediction?

Archaean ribosomes should be larger than typical prokaryotic ribosomes.

What would be a plant adaptation that increases exposure of a plant to light in a forest with a dense canopy?

apical dominance

What happens when beta cells of the pancreas release insulin into the blood?

Body cells take up more glucose.

Which of the following is the difference between how C3 and C4 plants fix carbon?

Both C3 and C4 plants involve carboxylation of ribulose-1,5- biphosphate by Rubisco, but in C3, the first stable intermediate is 3-phosphoglycerate, while in C4 it is oxaloacetate.

Which of the following is a TRUE statement about plant reproduction?

Both male and female Bryophytes produce gametangia.

The ancestors of land plants were aquatic algae. Which of the following is NOT an evolutionary adaptation to life on land?

C3 photosynthesis

Most of the dry weight of a plant is the result of uptake of...

CO2 through stoma.

Match the digestive organ with its main purpose

Colon - reabsorption of water

Which of the following is a correct statement about the cells of the human retina?

Cone cells can detect color, but rod cells cannot.

Which of these statements is TRUE of the pine life cycle?

Conifer pollen grains contain male gametophytes.

Which of the following is NOT an example (or component) of an excretory system? A. Kidneys B. Protonephridia C. Metaephridia D. Coprophangia E. Malpighian tubules


The villi of the small intestine is made of which of the following tissue types?

Epithelial tissue

Which of the following features do all gas exchange systems have in common?

The exchange surfaces are moist.

Dialysis patients, who will have blood withdrawn, dialyzed, then replaced, are always weighed when they enter the facility and then weighed carefully again before they leave. What is the most likely explanation for this requirement?

Even small changes in body weight may signify changes in blood volume and therefore blood pressure.

The apoplast is the cytoplasmic continuum linked by plasmodesmata. The symplast is the continuum of cell walls and extracellular spaces.


Which of the following statements regarding flowering plants is FALSE? A. The sporophyte is the dominant generation. B. Female gametophytes develop from megaspores within the anthers. C. Pollination is the placing of pollen on the stigma of a carpel. D. The food-storing endosperm is derived from the cell that contains two polar nuclei and one sperm nucleus. E. Flowers produce fruits within the ovaries.

Female gametophytes develop from megaspores within the anthers.

What would be the long-term effect if the lymphatic vessels associated with a capillary bed were to become blocked?

Fluid would accumulate in interstitial areas.

Which of the following statements about fruits is FALSE? A. Fruits form from microsporangia and integuments. B. Fruits that form after fertilization have seeds inside them. C. Green beans, corn, tomatoes, and wheat are all fruits. D. Fruits aid in the dispersal of seeds. E. During fruit development, the wall of the ovary becomes the pericarp.

Fruits form from microsporangia and integuments.

Members of this phylum form arbuscular mycorrhizae:


The hypothalamic hormone that stimulates hormone secretion by the anterior pituitary gland is


Which of the following is NOT presently considered a major mechanism whereby hormones control plant development? A. Hormones affect cell respiration via regulation of the citric acid cycle. B. Hormones affect cell division via the cell cycle. C. Hormones affect cell elongation through acid growth. D. Hormones affect cell differentiation through altered gene activity. E. Hormones mediate short-term physiological responses to environmental stimuli.

Hormones affect cell respiration via regulation of the citric acid cycle.

Which of the following statements about animal hormones is incorrect? A. Hormones can be water or lipid soluble B. Hormones are produced in specialized cells C. Hormones are used to communicate between different organism D. Hormones cause biological effects on target cells E. Hormones are transported through the circulatory system.

Hormones are used to communicate between different organism

Which of the following is (are) true?

Hormones regulate cellular functions, and generally negative feedback regulates hormone levels.

Which of the following terms or structures is properly associated ONLY with animals?

Hox genes

Which of the following is NOT true for counter-current exchange? A. In the circulatory system of some animals, it can prevent the loss of heat from the extremeties B. In the respiratory system of some fishes, it can increase the diffusion of oxygen across the gills C. It maintains a concentration gradient across the entire length of some structures D. It requires the movement of a liquid (or gas) in the opposite direction of a second, but adjacent, liquid (or gas) E. In the digestive system of some ruminants, it allows for the efficient breakdown of cellulose

In the digestive system of some ruminants, it allows for the efficient breakdown of cellulose

Which of the following is an advantage of asexual reproduction?

It allows a rapid increase in population size in a stable environment.

Which of the following is an advantage of a reduced gametophyte stage?

It allows for the gametophyte to be protected in a moist microenvironment by sporophyte tissue

Which of the following statements describes pepsin?

It begins the hydrolysis of proteins in the stomach.

Which of the following statements regarding the endosperm is FALSE? A. Its nutrients may be absorbed by the cotyledons in the seeds of eudicots. B. It develops from a triploid cell. C. Its nutrients are digested by enzymes in monocot seeds following hydration. D. It develops from the fertilized egg. E. It is rich in nutrients, which it provides to the embryo.

It develops from the fertilized egg.

A perfect flower is fertile, but may be either complete or incomplete. Which of the following correctly describes a perfect flower?

It has both stamens and carpels.

A female cat in heat urinates more often and in many places. Male cats congregate near the urine deposits and fight with each other. Which of the following is a proximate cause of this behavior of increased urination?

It is a result of hormonal changes associated with her reproductive cycle.

Which of the following is TRUE about vegetative reproduction?

It produces clones.

Which of the following statements about the hypothalamus is incorrect? A. It functions as an endocrine gland. B. It is part of the central nervous system. C. It is subject to feedback inhibition by certain hormones. D. It secretes tropic hormones that act directly on the gonads. E. Its neurosecretory cells terminate in the posterior pituitary.

It secretes tropic hormones that act directly on the gonads.

If Penicillium typically secretes penicillin without disturbing the lichen relationship in which it is engaged, then what must have been true about its partner?

It should have lacked peptidoglycan in its cell wall.

Which of the following statements about xylem is INCORRECT? A. It transports mainly sugars and amino acids. B. It conducts materials within dead cells. C. It conducts material upward. D. It has a lower water potential than soil does. E. No energy input from the plant is required for xylem transport.

It transports mainly sugars and amino acids.

For this pair of items, choose the option that best describes their relationship. (A) the probability of damage by beetles to developing soybean pods with 10 trichomes per square mm (B) the probability of damage by beetles to developing soybean pods with 2 trichomes per square mm

Item (A) is less than item (B).

Which of the following are NOT a type of tissue? A. Vascular B. Epidermal C. Lignin D. Epithelial E. Nervous


A freshwater fish was accidentally placed in salt water. After several minutes in this saline water, it died. What is the most logical explanation for its death?

Loss of water by osmosis in cells in vital organs resulting in cell death and eventually organ failure.

A female cat in heat urinates more often and in many places. Male cats congregate near the urine deposits and fight with each other. Which of the following would be an ultimate cause of the male cats' response to the female's urinating behavior?

Male cats respond to the odor because it is a means of locating females in heat.

Undifferentiated cells that can divide and produce almost any kind of cell.

Meristematic cells

Which of the following Lophotrochozoan groups exhibit deuterostome development?

Molluscs and Rotifers

How does the digestion and absorption of fat differ from that of carbohydrates?

Most absorbed fat first enters the lymphatic system, whereas carbohydrates directly enter the blood.

Which feature of osmoregulation is found in both marine and freshwater bony fish?

gain of water through food

Regarding prokaryotic reproduction, which statement is CORRECT?

Mutation is a primary source of variation in pro

A plant developed a mineral deficiency after being treated with a fungicide. What is the most probable cause of the deficiency?

Mycorrhizal fungi were killed.

Which scientist formulated four questions that motivate the modern study of animal behavior?

Niko Tinbergen

In what way do nitrogen compounds differ from other minerals needed by plants?

Only nitrogen requires the action of bacteria to be made available to plants.

Which of the following groups include humans? A. Chondrichthys B. Osteichthys C. Actinopterygii D. Reptilia E. Echinodermata


The process where oxygen reacts with ribulose-1,5-biphosphate resulting in the formation of the products 3-phosphoglycerate and 2-phosphoglycolate


What is the difference between pollination and fertilization in flowering plants?

Pollination is the transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma. Fertilization is the fusion of haploid nuclei

Which of the following is NOT a plant adaptation to avoid self-fertilization? A. Being a dioecious species B. Different maturation times for carpels and stamens on an individual plant C. Different flowering heights for male and female flowers in monoecious plants D. Requiring a specific insect to move pollen from stamen to carpel E. Chemical signals that must be recognized between pollen and stigma before growth of the pollen tube can occur

Requiring a specific insect to move pollen from stamen to carpel

Diploid nuclei of the Ascomycete Neurospora crassa contain 14 chromosomes. A single diploid cell in an ascus will undergo one round of meiosis, followed in each of the daughter cells by one round of mitosis, producing a total of eight ascospores. Each of the eight ascospores present at the end of mitosis has the same chromosome number and DNA content (ng) as each of the four cells at the end of meiosis. What must have occurred in each spore between the round of meiosis and the round of mitosis?

S phase (DNA replication)

If you captured an anadromous salmon while it was breeding in a freshwater river and then released it back into the ocean, which of the following would result?

Severe dehydration

Which of the following is a TURE statement about growth in plants?

Some plants lack secondary growth.

Which of the following is NOT considered a modified leaf? A. Spines B. Tendrils C. Stomata D. Bracts E. Storage leaves


Which of the following organisms exert the LEAST amount of energy maintaining osmotic balance?

Terrestrial tetrapods with keratinous coverings

Why is the respiratory system of a bird more efficient than the human respiratory system?

The bird respiratory system does not mix exhaled air with inhaled air.

What do results of research on gravitropic responses of roots and stems show?

The effect of a plant hormone can depend on the tissue.

During a field trip, an instructor touched a moth resting on a tree trunk. The moth raised its forewings to reveal large eyespots on its hind wings. The instructor asked why the moth lifted its wings. One student answered that sensory receptors had fired and triggered a neuronal reflex culminating in the contraction of certain muscles. A second student responded that the behavior might frighten predators. Which statement best describes these explanations?

The first explanation refers to proximate causation, whereas the second refers to ultimate causation.

Imagine that you bought three identical young tomato plants. One you put to grow in the sunny location in quiet part of your garden, one on the windy and sunny hill nearby, and one in the shady part of the garden. How these plants will look in two months' time?

The first one will be a medium size, the second one will be short with small leaves, and the third one will be spindly with big leaves.

Why is the lifecycle of sexually reproducing animals (diploid adults and haploid gametes) NOT considered an "alteration of generation" like it is in plants?

The haploid "generation" is not multicellular in animals

Birds have negative pressure breathing, but it differs from that of mammals and is more efficient because of which of the following reasons?

The maximum PO2 is significantly higher in bird lungs.

Darwin observed an orchid on Madagascar that produces flowers with very long spurs. The pollinator was not known to Darwin but he speculated that it would have a structure that matched the length of the spur. What led him to this conclusion?

The reward for the moth involved into pollination is the carbohydrate rich nectar at the bottom of the flower spur

Which of the following is NOT an important component of the long-distance transport process in plants?

The root parenchyma.

Which of these is INCORRECRTLY paired with its life-cycle generation? A. anther-gametophyte B. pollen-gametophyte C. embryo sac-gametophyte D. stamen-sporophyte E. embryo-sporophyte


A marine sea star was mistakenly placed in freshwater and it died. What is the most likely explanation for its death?

The sea star is hyperosmotic to the freshwater, and it could not osmoregulate.

Why is the velocity of blood flow the lowest in capillaries?

The total surface area of the capillaries is larger than the total surface area of the arterioles.

As flowers develop, which transition does not occur? A. The microspores become pollen grains. B. The ovary becomes a fruit. C. The petals are discarded. D. The tube nucleus becomes a sperm nucleus. E. The ovules become seeds.

The tube nucleus becomes a sperm nucleus.

Which of the following occurs with the exhalation of air from human lungs?

The volume of the thoracic cavity decreases.

Which of the following supports your understanding that sugar translocation into phloem is an active (energy requiring) process?

There is a higher concentration of sucrose in phloem cells than in the mesophyll cells where it is produced

The male wasp Campsoscolia ciliata transfers pollen from one orchid to another orchid of the same species. What "reward" does the male wasp receive from the orchid plants for helping with the orchid pollination?

There is no reward. The male wasp is deceived by the flower shape and odor.

Which of the following is a characteristic of fungi that have hyphae?

They are able to grow towards their food source.

What are the sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodes?

They are clusters of cells responsible for coordinating contraction in atria and ventricles of the heart

Which of the following statements is TRUE of deuteromycetes?

They are the group of fungi that have, at present, no known sexual stage.

What statement is true about prokaryotes?

They divide by binary fission, without mitosis or meiosis.

Why are cattle able to survive on a diet consisting almost entirely of plant material?

They have cellulose-digesting, symbiotic microorganisms in chambers of their stomachs.

Desert mammals whose main challenge is to conserve water (such as the Australian hopping mouse) have which of the following adaptations?

They have very long Loops of Henle

Which of the following statements about hormones is incorrect?

They travel through a dedicated pathway.

Which of the following best explains why CAM plants are not tall?

They would be unable to move water and minerals to the top of the plant during the day.

Plant hormonal control differs from animal hormonal control in that there are no separate hormone producing organs in plants as there are in animals.


The rapid leaf movements resulting from a response to touch (thigmotropism) involve transmission of electrical impulses called action potentials.


Root hairs are most important to a plant because they...

increase the surface area for absorption.

Different species of turtle can secrete either ammonia, uric acid, or urea as nitrogenous waste. Which of the following correctly pairs the form of waste with the reason it is advantageous over the other options?

Uric acid in desert environments because it requires the least volume of urine

__________ is to xylem as __________ is to phloem.

Vessel element; sieve-tube member

Why is gas exchange more difficult for aquatic animals with gills than for terrestrial animals with lungs?

Water contains much less O2 than air per unit volume.

A soil well suited for the growth of MOST plants would have all of the following properties EXCEPT... A. abundant humus. B. air spaces. C. good drainage. D. high cation exchange capacity. E. a high pH.

a high pH.

A chemical produced by an animal that serves as a communication to another animal of the same species is called

a pheromone.

In the territorial behavior of the stickleback fish, the red belly of one male elicits attack from another male by functioning as

a sign stimulus

Diffusion rate is proportional to the square of the distance molecules/ions travel. Which of the following would therefore be preferable for a mid-size multicellular organism?

a system to circulate gases, nutrients, and wastes to and from cells

One important difference between the anatomy of roots and the anatomy of leaves is that...

a waxy cuticle covers leaves but is absent in roots.

What is NOT a function of modified leaves?

absorbing O2 for photosynthesis

To leave the digestive tract, a substance must cross a cell membrane. During which stage of food processing does this take place?


Where do air-breathing insects carry out gas exchange?

across the membranes of cells

All of the following could be considered advantages of asexual reproduction in plants EXCEPT... A. success in a stable environment. B. increased agricultural productivity. C. cloning an exceptional plant. D. production of artificial seeds. E. adaptation to change.

adaptation to change.

Hyphae form a covering over roots. Altogether, these hyphae create a large surface area that helps to do which of the following?

aid in absorbing minerals and ions

The evolution of vascular tissue in plants...

allowed for an increase in height

An alimentary canal possesses some distinct advantages over the digestion systems of Cnidarians. For instance, alimentary canals are the only digestive system that:

allows you to eat again before completely digesting a previous meal

The relationship between Charophytes and modern land plants is similar to the relationship between Choanoflagellates and...


The value for Ψ in root tissue was found to be -0.15 MPa. If you take the root tissue and place it in a 0.1 M solution of sucrose (Ψ = -0.23), net water flow would...

be from the tissue into the sucrose solution.

Fish gills, tree roots, mammalian lungs, and the brush border of the vertebrate small intestine all possess incredible surface area for their size...

because they are all involved in diffusion

What is the role of calcium in muscle contractions?

bind to the troponin complex, which leads to the exposure of the myosin-binding sites

Most plants close their stomata at night. What color of light would be most effective in promoting stomatal opening in the middle of the night?


Plants do not have a circulatory system like that of some animals. If a given water molecule did "circulate" (that is, go from one point in a plant to another and back), it would require the activity of...

both the xylem and the phloem.

Vascular plant tissue includes all of the following cell types EXCEPT A. vessel elements. B. sieve cells. C. tracheids. D. companion cells. E. cambium cells.

cambium cells.

All of the following normally enter the plant through the roots EXCEPT... A. carbon dioxide. B. nitrogen. C. potassium. D. water. E. calcium.

carbon dioxide

The ovary is located in the...


Most of the organelles in a neuron are located in the

cell body.

External stimuli would be received most quickly by a plant cell if the receptors for signal transduction were located in the...

cell membrane.

Cranial nerves originate in the brain. They belong to which system?

central nervous system

The junction of the upper vagina and the uterus is called the


All of the following are plant, or plant parts, consumed by humans. Which on is botanically a dry fruit?


All of the following cellular structures are functionally important in cells of the gametophytes of both angiosperms and gymnosperms, EXCEPT... A. haploid nuclei. B. mitochondria. C. cell walls. D. chloroplasts. E. peroxisomes.


At which developmental stage should one be able to FIRST distinguish a protostome embryo from a deuterostome embryo?


A researcher is trying to construct a molecular-based phylogeny of the entire animal kingdom. Assuming that none of the following genes is absolutely conserved, which of the following would be the best choice on which to base the phylogeny?

collagen genes

Fossil fungi date back to the origin and early evolution of plants. What combination of environmental and morphological change is similar in the evolution of both fungi and plants?

colonization of land and loss of flagellated cells

What is the major function of nitrogen in plants?

component of DNA and RNA

Cephalization is MOST CLOSELY associated with which of the following?

concentration of sensory structures at the anterior end

Golden rice is a variety of rice that...

contains genes from other organisms that when expressed in its endosperm, produce beta carotene (a precursor of vitamin A in humans)

All of the following are responses of plants to cold stress EXCEPT... A. the production of a specific solute "plant antifreeze" that reduces water loss. B. excluding ice crystals from the interior walls. C. conversion of the fluid mosaic cell membrane to a solid mosaic one. D. an alteration of membrane lipids so that the membranes remain flexible. E. increasing the proportion of unsaturated fatty acids in the membranes.

conversion of the fluid mosaic cell membrane to a solid mosaic one.

For the 10 days following ovulation in a nonpregnant menstrual cycle, the main source of progesterone is the

corpus luteum.

Choose the adaptation below that best meets this particular challenge for life on land: protection from desiccation...


In vertebrate animals, spermatogenesis and oogenesis differ, in that

cytokinesis is unequal in oogenesis, whereas it is equal in spermatogenesis.

When growing plants in culture, IAA is used to stimulate cell enlargement. Which plant growth regulator has to now be added to stimulate cell division?


Axillary buds...

develop from meristematic cells left by the apical meristem.

You are studying a plant from the arid southwestern United States. Which of the following adaptations is least likely to have evolved in response to water shortages?

development of large leaf surfaces to absorb water

Countercurrent exchange in the fish gill helps to maximize which of the following?


Active transport involves all of the following EXCEPT the... A. diffusion of solute through the lipid bilayer of a membrane. B. pumping of solutes across the membrane. C. hydrolysis of ATP. D. transport of solute against a concentration gradient. E. a specific transport protein in the membrane.

diffusion of solute through the lipid bilayer of a membrane.

Which of the following types of plants is NEVER able to self-pollinate?


Which of the following types of plants is NOT able to self-pollinate? A. dioecious B. complete C. monoecious D. Wind-pollinated E. Animal-pollinated


Environmental cues that influence the timing of reproduction generally do so by

direct effects on hormonal control mechanisms.

In general, which of the following is NOT a plant response to herbivores? A. domestication, so that humans can protect the plant B. attracting predatory animals, such as parasitoid wasps C. chemical defenses, such as toxic compounds D. physical defenses, such as thorns E. production of volatile molecules

domestication, so that humans can protect the plant

If you gently twist your ear lobe it does not remain distorted because it contains

elastin fibers.

In which of the following pairs are the two terms equivalent?

embryo sac-female gametophyte

Which of the following is not a trait common to Charophytes and most land plants?


Sperm cells are stored within human males in the


Which of the following is not a function of the plasma membrane proton pump?

equalizes the charge on each side of a membrane

Prior to ovulation, the steroid hormone secreted by the growing follicle is


The ripening of fruit and the dropping of leaves and fruit are principally controlled by...


Humans can lose, but cannot gain, heat through the process of


The proximate causes of behavior are interactions with the environment, but behavior is ultimately shaped by


A "resting" motor neuron is expected to

exhibit a resting potential that is more negative than the "threshold" potential.

Which of the following could you find in the lumen of a transverse tubule?

extracellular fluid

In terms of alternation of generations, the internal parts of the pollen grains of seed-producing plants are MOST similar to a...

fern gametophyte bearing only antheridia.

A botanist discovers a new species of plant in a tropical rain forest. After observing its anatomy and life cycle, the following characteristics are noted: flagellated sperm, xylem with tracheids, separate gametophyte and sporophyte generations with the sporophyte dominant, and no seeds. This plant is probably most closely related to...


Which of the following are the only vertebrates in which blood flows directly from respiratory organs to body tissues without first returning to the heart?


The last common ancestor of all animals was probably a...

flagellated protist.

If you are looking for structures that transfer water and nutrients from a bryophyte gametophyte to a bryophyte sporophyte, then on which part of the sporophyte should you focus your attention?


What is the function of the integument of an ovule?

form a seed coat

Regeneration, the regrowth of lost body parts, normally follows


In which animal does blood flow from the pulmocutaneous circulation to the heart before circulating through the rest of the body?


Fungi had an important role in the colonization of land by plants because...

fungi greatly increased the ability of terrestrial plants to gather nutrients

Carl Woese and collaborators identified two major branches of prokaryotic evolution. What was their basis for dividing prokaryotes into two domains?

genetic characteristics such as ribosomal RNA sequences

The common housefly belongs to all of the following taxa. Assuming you had access to textbooks or other scientific literature, knowing which of the following should provide you with the most specific information about the common housefly?

genus Musca

In attempting to make a seed break dormancy, one logically could treat it with...


This hormone is secreted directly from a structure in the brain:

gonadotropin-releasing hormone

Penicillin is an antibiotic that inhibits enzymes from catalyzing the synthesis of peptidoglycan, so which prokaryotes should be most vulnerable to inhibition by penicillin?

gram-positive bacteria

The surgical removal of the seminal vesicles would likely

greatly reduce the volume of semen.

Secondary growth in a plant is characterized by...

growth in width

The pathway leading to the perception of sound by mammals begins with the

hair cells of the organ of Corti, which rests on the basilar membrane, coming in contact with the tectorial membrane.

What distinguishes a coelomate animal from a pseudocoelomate animal is that coelomates...

have a body cavity completely lined by mesodermal tissue, whereas pseudocoelomates do not.

Blood isolated from an individual who has fasted for 24 hours would...

have higher levels of glucagon when compared to a non-fasting sample.

Gymnosperms differ from both extinct and extant ferns because they...

have pollen.

During metamorphosis, echinoderms undergo a transformation from motile larvae to a sedentary (or sometimes sessile) existence as adults. What differentiates echinoderm adults, but not their larvae? Adults should...

have radial symmetry, or something close to it.

Microbial symbionts are especially important for nutritional support in which of the following?

herbivores and omnivores

Sexual reproduction patterns include the example of


In most fungi, karyogamy does not immediately follow plasmogamy, therefore...

heterokaryotic or dikaryotic cells form.

Blood samples taken from an individual who had been fasting for 24 hours would have which of the following?

high levels of glucagon and low levels of insulin

Species that are NOT closely related and that DO NOT share many anatomical similarities can still be placed together on the same phylogenetic tree by comparing their...

homologous genes that are highly conserved.

Many biologists claim that there will never be a cleanly resolved tree of life that accounts for the relationship among all living organisms with neatly splitting branches because...

horizontal gene transfer can occur between unrelated groups

When a human zygote splits in two before the blastula forms, it results in twins. The same does not happen in snails because...

humans are deuterostomes and snails are protostomes

Which of the following is responsible for the cohesion of water molecules?

hydrogen bonds between the oxygen atom of one water molecule and a hydrogen atom of another water molecule

Neurotransmitters categorized as inhibitory would are expected to

hyperpolarize the membrane.

The temperature-regulating center of vertebrate animals is located in the


What is the first step in the germination of a seed?

imbibition of water

In a plant that can experience secondary growth, where would you find the vascular cambium?

in a hollow cylinder between the xylem and phloem

The hormone progesterone is produced

in the ovary and acts directly on the uterus.

Blood is classified as a tissue, which at first might seem odd, but blood is actually very similar to other connective tissues in that it...

is composed of few cells in a largely acellular matrix

Compared to the seawater around them, most marine invertebrates are


"Hot" peppers taste this way because of capsaicin. It is said to taste hot because

it activates the same receptors as something heated.

Blood is best classified as connective tissue because

its cells can be separated from each other by an extracellular matrix.

The correct sequence, from the most to the least comprehensive, of the taxonomic levels listed here is

kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

Which of the following cannot grow indeterminately? A. shoot B. root C. stem D. leaf E. None of the above


Most angiosperms have alternate phyllotaxy. What allows each leaf to get the maximum exposure to light and reduces shading of lower leaves?

leaf emergence at an angle of 137.5 degrees from the site of previous leaves

Which of the following vary tremendously from each other in morphology and belong to several fungal phyla?


Bones are held together at joints by


The following are all adaptations to life on land EXCEPT... A. multicellularity. B. specialized cells and tissues. C. lignified vascular tissue. D. walled spores in sporangia. E. a reduced, dependent sporophyte.

lignified vascular tissue

Bryophytes have all the following characteristics EXCEPT... A. a gametophyte that can live independently B. a multicellular diploid stage C. lignified vascular tissues D. specialized cells and/or tissues E. Cells that undergo mitosis

lignified vascular tissues

The following are common to both Charophytes and land plants EXCEPT...


The primary function of the corpus luteum is to

maintain progesterone and estrogen synthesis after ovulation has occurred.

One of the major differences between the hearts of mammals and the hearts of amphibians is:

mammals do not mix blood in the ventricle that is returning from the systemic and pulmonary circuits, but amphibians do

Organisms categorized as osmoconformers are most likely


Where does meiosis occur in flowering plants?


A particular population of whiptail lizards are all female and reproduce by parthenogensis. Therefore, these female lizards rely on...

meiosis followed by chromosomal doubling in their eggs

The breakdown and discharge of the soft uterine tissues that occurs if no egg is fertilized is called


Land plants are composed of all the following tissue types EXCEPT... A. mesodermal. B. epidermal. C. meristematic. D. vascular. E. ground tissue.


Water potential is generally most negative in which of the following parts of a plant?

mesophyll cells of the leaf

Which of the following characteristics are found in organisms of all three domains?

metabolic pathways allowing synthesis of organic molecules from precurors using energy from sunlight or inorganic compounds

In the life cycle of an angiosperm, which of the following stages is diploid?


Which of the following is the CORRECT sequence of events in a pollen sac?

microsporocyte-meiosis-microspores-mitosis-two haploid cells per pollen grain

If mayflies lay eggs on roads instead of in water, this behavior could involve which of the following?

misdirected response to a sign stimulus

Where and by which process are sperm cells formed in plants?

mitosis in male gametophyte pollen tube.

What kind of evidence has recently made it necessary to assign the prokaryotes to either of two different domains, rather than assigning all prokaryotes to the same kingdom?


A taxon, all of whose members have the same common ancestor, is


Muscle cells are stimulated by neurotransmitters released from the synaptic terminal of

motor neuron axons.

Which function associated with muscle would be most directly affected by low levels of calcium?

muscle contraction

The symbiotic associations involving roots and soil fungi are considered


Which of the following does not form part of the thin filaments of a muscle cell?


Without functioning parietal cells, which of the following would you expect for an individual?

not to be able to initiate protein digestion in the stomach

At the time of fertilization, the complete maturation of each oogonium has resulted in

one secondary oocyte.

In angiosperm reproduction, the term double fertilization refers to...

one sperm cell fertilizing the egg and a second sperm fusing with both polar nuclei

What impact would a nonfunctioning statocyst have on an earthworm? The earthworm would not be able to

orient with respect to gravity.

The part of the fruit seen, develops most directly from the...


The Bohr shift on the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve is produced by changes in


Some molecular data place the giant panda in the bear family (Ursidae) but place the lesser panda in the raccoon family (Procyonidae). The morphological similarities of these two species are probably MOST LIKELY due to...

possession of analogous structures.

A toxin that binds specifically to voltage-gated sodium channels in axons would be expected to

prevent the depolarization phase of the action potential.

Drinking alcohol makes you urinate more than drinking an equivalent volume of water because it...

prevents the aquaporin channels in the collecting duct from allowing osmosis

Internal and external fertilization both

produce zygotes.

All of the following are commercial uses of transgenic crops EXCEPT... A. inserting Bt toxin genes into cotton, maize, and potato. B. developing plants that tolerate herbicides. C. producing plants that resist attack by certain viruses. D. developing plants that produce increasing quantities of Vitamin A. E. producing plants that contain genes for making human insulin.

producing plants that contain genes for making human insulin.

Which of the following statements about prokaryotes is true?

prokaryotes do not reproduce by mitosis or meiosis

Which of the following glandular secretions involved in digestion would be most likely released initially as inactive precursors?

protein-digesting enzymes

A person working with plants may remove apical dominance by doing which of the following?


In which of the following would you expect to find an enlarged cecum?

rabbits, horses, and herbivorous bears

In which of the following organisms would you expect the lowest blood pressure in the arteries supplying the muscles with oxygen, and why?

ray-finned fishes because of their single-circuit circulatory system

Based on studies of plant evolution, which flower part is NOT a modified leaf?


Increasing and holding the temperature of the scrotum by 2°C, near the normal body-core temperature, would

reduce the fertility of the man by impairing spermatogenesis.

A contraceptive pill that continuously inhibits the release of GnRH from the hypothalamus will

reduce the secretion of gonadotropins from the anterior pituitary gland.

Which of the following is an ongoing trend in the evolution of land plants?

reduction of the gametophyte phase of the life cycle

The hypothalamus controls the anterior pituitary by means of

releasing hormones.

The seed coat's MOST important function is to provide...

resistance to dessication.

If you cut the stalk of an umbrella plant and place it in a beaker of blue water, the colored water will move up the stem and into the leaves. You might be able to explain this phenomenon using all of the following words, EXCEPT... A. hydrogen bonds B. evaporation C. xylem D. root pressure E. water potential

root pressure

What is the main cause of guttation in plants?

root pressure

One is most likely to see guttation in small plants when the...

root pressure exceeds transpiration pull.

The transduction pathway that activates systemic acquired resistance in plants can be initially signaled by...

salicylic acid.

Which of the following have thick, lignified walls that help support mature, nongrowing parts of the plant?

sclerenchyma cells

What tissue makes up most of the wood of a tree?

secondary xylem

Human sperm cells first arise in the

seminiferous tubules.

can produce diverse phenotypes that may enhance survival of a population in a changing environment.

sexual reproduction

The Ascomycetes get their name from which component of their life cycle?

sexual structures

Which of the following are sugar-transporting cells in angiosperms?

sieve-tube elements

The epithelium type with the shortest diffusion distance is

simple squamous epithelium.

Which of the major senses responds by means of a very large gene family?


The operation of the sodium-potassium "pump" moves

sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions into the cell.

In seed plants, which part of a pollen grain has a function most like that of the seed coat?


The structural integrity of bacteria is to peptidoglycan as the structural integrity of plant spores is to...


The microsporangia is located in the...


What part(s) of the digestive system have secretions with a pH of 2?


Photosynthesis begins to decline when leaves wilt because...

stomata close, preventing CO2 entry into the leaf.

All skeletal muscle fibers are both

striated and voluntary.

Fruits that develop from a normal fertilization event must have...

structures derived from the ovary

Meiosis occurs within all of the following flower parts EXCEPT the...


Phloem transport is described as being from source to sink. Which of the following would most accurately complete this statement about phloem transport as applied to most plants in the late spring? Phloem transports __________ from the __________ source to the __________ sink.

sugars; leaf; apical meristem

Which of the following elements is INCORRECTLY paired with its function in a plant? A. nitrogen - component of nucleic acids, proteins, hormones, coenzymes B. magnesium - component of chlorophyll C. phosphorus - component of ATP D. potassium - involved in osmosis E. sulfur - component of DNA

sulfur - component of DNA

All of the following are plant adaptations to life on land EXCEPT... A. tracheids and vessels. B. root hairs. C. the cuticle. D. the Calvin cycle of photosynthesis. E. collenchyma.

the Calvin cycle of photosynthesis.

Ruminants ferment plant material in the stomach; hoatzins ferment plant material in the avian crop; grasshoppers ferment plant material in the midgut; and horses, rabbits, and waterfowl ferment plant material in the intestines (cecum) because:

the ability to ferment plant material has evolved independently multiple times within different animal groups and animals require the use of mutualistic bacteria to digest cellulose.

Animals produce nitrogenous waste primarily as a result of...

the catabolism of proteins and nucleic acids

During angiosperm embryogenesis...

the cells that will eventually become dermal, ground, and vascular tissues develop

In humans, the follicular cells that remain behind the ovary following ovulation become...

the corpus luteum

Most birth control pills contain some chemical that mimics the action of progesterone, which breaks down the positive feedback cycle in the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal axis responsible for follicular development and ovulation. By doing so, this method of contraceptive is mimicking the action of...

the corpus luteum

Positive feedback differs from negative feedback in that

the effector's response in positive feedback is in the same direction as the initiating stimulus rather than opposite to it.

The result of heterospory is...

the existence of male and female gametophytes.

Which of the following is an example of countercurrent exchange?

the flow of water across the gills of a fish and that of blood within those gills

All of the following involves active transport across membranes EXCEPT... A. the movement of mineral nutrients from the apoplast to the symplast. B. the movement of sugar from mesophyll cells into sieve-tube members in maize. C. the movement of sugar from one sieve-tube member to the next. D. K+ uptake by guard cells during stomatal opening. E. the movement of mineral nutrients into cells of the root cortex.

the movement of sugar from one sieve-tube member to the next.

The sexual reproduction cycle of many fungi is unique relative to other multicellular eukaryotes because in fungi...

the nuclei of the two gametes can remain separate for an extended period after their cytoplasm has fused.

In the sequence of permeability changes for a complete action potential, the first of these events that occurs is

the opening of voltage-gated sodium channels.

Which of the following is controlled by the magnitude of a receptor potential?

the rate of production of an action potential

The perceived pitch of a sound depends on

the region of the basilar membrane where the signal originated.

You have been given the assignment of locating living members of the phylum Glomeromycota. Where is the most obvious place to look for these fungi?

the roots of vascular plants

After a seed germinated, what was originally the terminal cell is now...

the seed coat

In close comparisons, external fertilization often yields more offspring than does internal fertilization, but internal fertilization offers the advantage that

the smaller number of offspring produced often receive a greater amount of parental investment.

Juniper berries are not considered fruit because...

they are not derived from the ovary of a flower.

Mature human sperm and ova are similar in that

they both have the same number of chromosomes.

The mature human sperm and ova cells are similar becuase

they contain the same number of chromosomes

Bryophytes never formed forests (mats, yes, but not forests) because...

they lack lignified vascular tissue.

How are the vascular plants that have mycorrhizae and the photosynthetic cells that are contained in lichen alike?

they provide organic molecules to their fungal partners.

Many plants and animals can reproduce asexually. An advantage of asexual reproduction over sexual reproduction might be...

to allow a rapid increase in population size

All of the following are adaptations that help reduce water loss from a plant except... A. transpiration. B. sunken stomata. C. C4 photosynthesis. D. small, thick leaves. E. crassulacean acid metabolism.


Which of the following is a characteristic of both hemoglobin and hemocyanin?

transports oxygen

An adult animal that possesses bilateral symmetry is most certainly also...


Stomata are formed by _____ and open and close as a result of changes in ____.

two guard cells/turgor pressure

In flowering plants, a mature male gametophyte contains...

two sperm nuclei and one tube cell nucleus.

Jams, jellies, preserves, honey, and other foodstuffs with a high sugar content hardly ever become contaminated by bacteria, even when the food containers are left open at room temperature. This is because bacteria that encounter such an environment

undergo death by plasmolysis

The traditional three- or five-Kingdom phylogenetic classifications of life have been modified with a three-Domain system because...

unicellular organisms are no monophyletic

Among human males, both semen and urine normally travel along the


Which sequence of blood flow can be observed in either a reptile or a mammal?

vena cava -> right atrium -> ventricle -> pulmonary circuit

The amount and direction of movement of water in plants can ALWAYS be predicted by measuring which of the following?

water potential (Ψ)

In the movie "Finding Nemo" Nemo's father is a clownfish who has become a widower after his "wife" dies in a predator attack. Since clownfish are sequential hermaphrodites, if this movie were biologically realistic...

when Nemo's mother died, his dad would turn into a femal

An organism that lacks integration centers

will not be able to interpret stimuli.

The main way that pine trees disperse their offspring is by using...

windblown seeds.

Damage to the sinoatrial node in humans

would disrupt the rate and timing of cardiac muscle contractions.

Choose the adaptation below that best meets this particular challenge for life on land: transport of water, minerals, and nutrients...

xylem and phloem.

Active transport of various materials in plants at the cellular level requires ALL of the following EXCEPT... A. a proton gradient. B. ATP. C. membrane potential. D. transport proteins E. xylem lipid membranes.

xylem lipid membranes.

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