Bio Exam 2 Clicker Questions

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How does phosphorus enter the biological portion of the cycle? a. Land plants take up dissolved phosphate from the soil water. b. Bacteria fix phosphate from the atmosphere. c. Consumers eat phosphate containing soil. d. Bacteria fix phosphate from water. e. Erosion of rocks moves phosphate into water, which consumers drink.

a. Land plants take up dissolved phosphate from the soil water.

For a given species, the maximum rate of increase per individual under ideal conditions is its _____. a. biotic potential b. carrying capacity c. environmental resistance d. density control

a. biotic potential

Biological magnification can be defined as the: a. concentration of a chemical in organisms increasing as the pollutant moves up a food chain. b. energy transfer increasing as it moves up a food chain. c. fixation of nutrients from the atmosphere. d. entrance into the biological portion of a biogeochemical cycle. e. increase in food web members in biologically diverse ecosystems.

a. concentration of a chemical in organisms increasing as the pollutant moves up a food chain.

Producers are at which trophic level? a. first b. second c. third d. fourth or higher e. The level varies with different ecosystems.

a. first

Most fresh water exists as: a. ice b. soil water c. aquifer water d. surface water (lakes, rivers) e. atmosphere

a. ice

Species richness is greatest in communities ____. a. near the equator b. in temperate regions c. near the poles d. at high elevations

a. near the equator

Species that usually colonize empty habitats are more likely to have traits that are favored by ____. a. r-selection b. k-selection

a. r-selection

When predators target large guppies, guppies that reproduce when ___ are at a selective advantage. a. youngest b. oldest

a. youngest

The human population is now over 7 billion. It reached 6 billion in ____. a. 2007 b. 1999 c. 1802 d. 1350

b. 1999

Suppose 200 fish are marked and released in a pond. The following week, 200 fish are caught and 100 of them have marks. How many fish are in this pond? a. 200 b. 400 c. 800 d. 1000

b. 400

A secondary plant compound might be used for which of the following? a. a new crop variety b. a new drug c. a soil nutrient d. a crop pest

b. a new drug

Eutrophication refers to what kind of change in a lake? a. an increase in depth b. an increase in nutrient concentrations c. an increase in species diversity d. a decrease in nutrient concentrations e. an increase in oxygen levels

b. an increase in nutrient concentrations

Global climate change is caused by _____ and other greenhouse gases. a. ozone b. carbon dioxide c. nitrogen d. oxygen e. argon

b. carbon dioxide

Most commonly, individuals of a natural population show a ___ distribution through their habitat. a. random b. clumped c. near uniform d. none of the above

b. clumped

The region where freshwater from a river and saltwater mix is a(n): a. limnetic zone b. estuary c. intertidal zone d. upper littoral zone e. profundal zone

b. estuary

By the currently favored hypothesis, species richness of a community is greatest when disturbances are of a(n) ____ intensity and frequency. a. low b. intermediate c. high d. variable

b. intermediate

An increase in infant mortality will ____ a population's replacement fertility rate. a. raise b. lower c. not affect

b. lower

Energy flow in an ecosystem is: a. cyclical b. one-way c. two-way d. reversible under different conditions e. exponential

b. one-way

Individuals and conservation groups have donated funds to buy land in the Monteverde Cloud Forest in Costa Rica. As a result, much of the forest is now protected as a private nature reserve. This is an example of: a. restoration b. preservation c. ecosystem creation d. ecosystem commercialization e. deforestation

b. preservation

The greatest concentration of nitrogen on the planet Earth is found in: a. living organisms, including bacteria b. the atmosphere c. soil minerals d. fossil fuels e. oceans

b. the atmosphere

In summer, the upper and lower levels of a lake are separated by the: a. limnetic zone b. thermocline c. littoral zone d. lentic zone e. eutrophic zone

b. thermocline

A population of worms is growing exponentially in a compost heap. Thirty days ago there were 400 worms and now there are 800. How many worms will there be thirty days from now, assuming conditions remain constant? a. 400 b. 800 c. 1600 d. 3200

c. 1600

Permafrost and low rainfall are characteristic of which biome? a. boreal forest b. coniferous forest c. arctic tundra d. desert e. chaparral

c. arctic tundra

Most of the energy within an ecosystem is lost: a. when organisms disperse b. when organisms die c. as a result of metabolism d. by organisms at the top of the food web e. by decomposers

c. as a result of metabolism

Producers fix carbon from ____ through the process of ____. a. carbon dioxide; metabolism b. carbon dioxide; cellular respiration c. carbon dioxide; photosynthesis d. oxygen; photosynthesis e. oxygen; cellular respiration

c. carbon dioxide; photosynthesis

The biome most closely associated with fire is the: a. desert b. tropical rain forest c. chaparral d. temperate deciduous forest e. boreal forest

c. chaparral

Which fields of study most specifically addresses the decline in biodiversity? a. biology b. ecology c. conservation biology d. wildlife biology e. molecular biology

c. conservation biology

California's native golden trout declined after European brown trout and eastern brook trout were introduced into California's mountain streams for sport fishing. This is an example of what type of threat? a. overharvesting b. commercial sporting c. invasive species d. endemic species e. habitat destruction

c. invasive species

Which two extinction risks may be a direct result of the pet trade? a. climate change and exotic species introduction b. habitat loss and overharvesting c. overharvesting and exotic species introduction d. habitat loss and climate change

c. overharvesting and exotic species introduction

Growth of a forest in an abandoned corn field is an example of ____. a. primary succession b. resource partitioning c. secondary succession d. competitive exclusion

c. secondary succession

Which biome is characterized by plants whose leaves drop off in the wintertime? a. coniferous forest b. tundra c. temperate deciduous forest d. tropical rain forest e. boreal forest

c. temperate deciduous forest

The biome with the most complex diversity of life forms is the: a. tundra b. taiga c. tropical rain forest d. desert e. grassland

c. tropical rain forest

What cycle includes movement of a nutrient from rocks and sediments, waters, and/or atmosphere into and out of food webs? a. sedimentary b. nitrogen c. water d. biogeochemical e. carbon

d. biogeochemical

The biome with the greatest range of daily temperature extremes is the: a. tundra b. taiga c. tropical rain forest d. desert e. grassland

d. desert

Four of the five answers listed below are common to a biome. Select the exception. a. no trees b. permafrost c. short growing seasons d. found in the rain shadows e. found above the Arctic Circle

d. found in the rain shadows

____ is a density-independent factor that influences population growth. a. resource competition b. infectious disease c. predation d. harsh weather

d. harsh weather

____ can lead to resource partitioning. a. mutualism b. parasitism c. commensalism d. intraspecific competition

d. intraspecific competition

Four of the five answers are correct statements about materials in biogeochemical cycles. Select the exception. a. They pass from environmental reservoirs to living organisms. b. They move slower than elements in living systems move. c. They eventually move from living organisms back into environmental reservoirs. d. They may include rocks and sediments, waters, and atmosphere reservoirs. e. They are unidirectional, moving from the environment to living organisms.

e. They are unidirectional, moving from the environment to living organisms.

The rate at which a population size grows or declines depends on the rate of _____. a. births b. deaths c. immigration d. emigration e. all of the above

e. all of the above

Four of the five answers listed below are characteristics of the tropical rain forest. Select the exception. a. year-long productivity b. great diversity c. structurally complex d. nutrient poor soil e. large herds of herbivores

e. large herds of herbivores

Four of these five choices are global consequences of warmer temperatures. Select the exception. a. rising sea levels b. more intense hurricanes c. periods of drought d. periods of heavy precipitation e. some species shifting ranges to lower latitudes and elevations

e. some species shifting ranges to lower latitudes and elevations

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