BIO Exam 3

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Most mutations:

are random, meaning they are unrelated to how useful or harmful they might be to the organism in which they occur.

Birds are grouped with turtles, lizards, snakes, alligators, and crocodiles. Birds, however, have feathers and can generate their own body heat, which other reptiles cannot do. Which of the following likely explains the original evolutionary function of feathers in early reptiles?

behavioral displays

Which of the following characteristics defines a chordate?

bilateral symmetry, defined tissues, and gut develops from back to front

Which species concept is based on the degree of reproductive isolation between populations of species?

biological species concept

.When a sudden change in the environment, such as a flood or fire, reduces the size of a population, the survivors' collective gene pool will be only a limited representation of what was present before the disaster. This phenomenon is called the:

bottleneck effect.

The development of jaws allowed fishes to:

capture and kill prey.

All cnidarians have tentacles that are armed with rows of stinging:


Nearly one-third of amphibian populations are facing extinction. Which of the following does not attribute to the universal decline in amphibian populations?

competition from mammals

Scientists have evidence that earth formed:

4.5 billion years ago.

The three domains of life are:

Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.

Australia is a largely isolated habitat filled with unique organisms. Given the fact that placental mammals are not commonly found in Australia, which of the following would best explain this phenomenon?

Biogeography best explains this phenomenon since Australia is a large, isolated habitat with a unique biogeographic pattern.

Genetic drift is best described as:

evolutionary change due to random events.

Which of the following is the correct organization of life?

Domain > Kingdom > Phylum > Class > Order > Family > Genera > Species

.True or false: Animals with backbones are more evolutionarily successful than organisms without backbones.

False. Each species exhibits adaptations that best suit their environment.

Mass extinctions occur mostly because of:

extraordinary and sudden changes to the environment

Three major distinguishing features of the primates are that they have binocular vision, arms that can rotate in their sockets, and __________.

fingers that can grasp objects.

Which of the following statements is true?

More than 95% of the animal kingdom is made up of invertebrates.

What is the relationship between coral and zooxanthellae?

Mutually symbiotic; zooxanthellae provide the coral with nutrition, while the coral provide zooxanthellae with carbon dioxide.

Which of the following is a correct statement about sympatric or allopatric speciation?

Polyploidy is a type of sympatric speciation.

During gene flow, where do the genes flow to?

The genes flow into and out of the population due to migration of individuals from one population to another.

A dog and a pig attempt to mate. We are aware that these are two different animal species. But what is the best explanation for the barrier that makes it impossible for them to successfully mate?

There is a prezygotic barrier between the two animals: the male's reproductive cell cannot fertilize the female's reproductive cell.

Which of the following is true of all animals?

They are capable of movement at some stage of their life cycle.

In the Urey-Miller experiment, the electrical sparks served what purpose?

They were used to simulate lightning in earth's early atmosphere.

Which statement best describes evolution?

a change in allele frequencies in a population

A new animal is discovered with a prominent muscular foot that attaches to underwater rocks. The animal also has a one-piece shell. To which of the following animal groups does this new animal belong?


Which one of the following is not an agent of evolutionary change?

genetic shift

Which of the following would not be classified as an arthropod?

giant clam

Horses and donkeys can breed and produce sterile offspring known as mules. Horses and donkeys remain separate species because of this hybrid sterility, which is:

a postzygotic barrier to reproduction

Charles Darwin spent time on the Beagle:

after graduating from college, while serving as the companion to the captain on the surveying ship.

The figure represents an evolutionary tree of the:


A population

is a group of organisms of the same species living in the same geographic region.

In the 1790s, Georges Cuvier found the fossil remains of mastodons. This conflicted with the prevailing worldview in Europe because:

it meant that extinction must occur, since nothing resembling mastodons existed on earth at that time.

Which of the following is not necessary for the evolution of a trait by natural selection?

large population size

An air environment, gravity, and desiccation are three challenges that were addressed in the evolution of reptiles. What three evolutionary innovations addressed these challenges?

lungs, better limb support, and the amniotic egg

Which of the following characteristics is common to all mammals?

mammary glands

The origin of all genetic variation is:


Background extinctions occur mostly due to

natural selection

In dry years in the Galápagos Islands, finches had to eat large, hard seeds. In wet years, however, finches could eat smaller, soft seeds. The alternation between dry and wet years in the habitat of these Galápagos finches illustrates that:

natural selection does not march simply toward an optimized endpoint.

Which node in this diagram represents the most recent common ancestor of mice, rats, humans, and birds?

node B

Directional selection favors:

one extreme phenotype.

Which terrestrial problem correctly matches its evolutionary solution?

oxygen in the air: lungs

Which characteristic is unique to lobe-finned fish?

pelvic and pectoral fins

Complete the sentence: __________ evolve; ___________ do not.

populations; individual organisms


refers both to the process by which organisms become better matched to their environment and to the features of an organism that make it more fit than other individuals.

Which groups grow by molting?

roundworms and arthropods

Which is the only animal phylum to not possess true tissues?


Evolution can occur when certain individuals in a population are born with characteristics that make them more likely to:

survive and reproduce compared to other individuals in the population.

Which of the following types of worms include species that are internal parasites?


they exhibit movement as juveniles.

they exhibit movement as juveniles.

The difference between macroevolution and microevolution is that:

they take place on different time scales

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