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Some questions fall outside the realm of science. Which of the following questions could NOT be answered using the scientific method?

a. What is the function of the appendix in human beings? b. Why is it so difficult to quit smoking? c. Why do smokers develop lung cancer more frequently than nonsmokers? D). Why is it unethical to test newly developed drugs in animals?

The pH scale measures the

a. amount of water in a solution. b. likelihood that a solution will evaporate. C). concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution. d. number of atoms found within a molecule.

The central element found in organic molecules is

a. calcium. B). carbon. c. silicon. d. sodium.

A white blood cell (WBC) encounters bacteria in a scrape on the knee of a child who has fallen off of his bicycle. The WBC's job is to take the bacteria inside of itself and destroy the bacteria. If the bacteria cannot be moved across the WBC membrane, how will the WBC most likely take it in?

a. exocytosis b. pinocytosis c. facilitated diffusion D). phagocytosis

The highest concentration of free hydrogen ions is found in

a. household ammonia. b. lemons. c. human blood. D). stomach acid.

Sodium chloride (table salt) is formed when positively charged sodium ions and negatively charged chloride ions are chemically attracted to each other. This attraction is best described as a(n)

a. hydrogen bond. B. ionic bond. c. covalent bond. d. solution.

Phospholipids are large organic molecules with a hydrophilic, polar phosphate head connected to hydrophobic, nonpolar fatty acid tails. These molecules arrange themselves to form a mostly impermeable barrier between a liposome and its environment by lining up

a. hydrophilic head to hydrophilic head with the tails all facing outward from the center line of the membrane. B). hydrophobic tails facing each other at the center line of the membrane with the hydrophilic heads facing outward, away from the center line of the membrane. c. hydrophobic tails facing hydrophilic heads. d. hydrophilic tails facing hydrophobic heads with every other tail facing outward from the center line of the membrane.

The process shown in the figure below could produce two ________ cells.

a. identical skin b. genetically unique sperm c. cloned red blood D). identical prokaryotic

The subatomic particles that possess a single negative charge and surround the nucleus are the

a. isotopes. b. protons. c. neutrons. D). electrons.

Gametes are produced by meiosis rather than mitosis because

a. mitosis would produce too many sister cells. B). meiosis reduces the chromosome number so that zygotes produced will have one full genome. c. meiosis doubles the chromosome number so that each gamete has twice the usual number of genes. d. meiosis ensures that the gametes are identical to the cell that produced them.

If the concentration of sugar molecules in water on side "A" of a selectively permeable membrane is 5 percent, and the concentration of sugar molecules in water on side "B" of a selectively permeable membrane is 15 percent, the water will

a. mostly move from side "B" to side "A" because the water concentration is higher on side"B." B). mostly move from side "A" to side "B" because the water concentration is higher on side"A." c. mostly move from side "A" to side "B" because the water concentration is higher on side"B." d. not move at all because the water concentrations are isotonic.

In making her morning tea, Dorothy drops a sugar cube into the hot water. She stirs the mixture but no longer sees the sugar cube at the bottom of her mug. In this scenario, the sugar is

a. nonpolar. b. the solvent. c. an acid. D). a solute.

The three stages of cellular respiration (in order) are

a. photosynthesis, glycolysis, and oxidative phosphorylation. B). glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation. c. glycolysis, fermentation, and the Krebs cycle. d. photosynthesis, the Krebs cycle, and fermentation.

When examining the rapidly dividing cells of a fish embryo, a researcher notices a cell that seems to contain two nuclei. The middle of the cell is pinched inward. This cell must be in ________ of mitosis.

a. prophase B). telophase c. metaphase d. anaphase

In photosynthesis, the carbon used to make sugars is

a. provided by enzymes. B). provided by carbon dioxide. c. extracted from DNA. d. oxidized to make sugars.

Which of the following would be the best analogy for the function of the Golgi apparatus?

a. the machine that assembles a product B). a worker in a factory who places labels on products and then packs them into a shipping box c. the garbage truck that hauls away the wastes produced as a product is made d. the blueprints for making the product

Which of the following is a product of the light reactions of photosynthesis?

a. water b. carbon dioxide C). oxygen d. glucose

Match the following cellular structures with their primary function (you may need to use a function more than once).

-central vacuole - water and solute storage -nucleus - location of DNA -cytoskeleton - internal organization and structural support -mitochondrion - cellular respiration -ribosomes - protein synthesis -rough endoplasmic reticulum - tags proteins for movement -smooth endoplasmic reticulum - lipid synthesis -Golgi apparatus - cellular respiration -lysosome - enzymatic breakdown of large molecules -plasma membrane - regulate what moves in and out of cell -cell wall - structure and support for cell -chloroplast - photosynthesis

During a study session, a Biology classmate holds up a bottle of water and mentions that there are both hydrogen bonds and covalent bonds found within the liquid. Explain your classmate's statement by describing the types of bonds that are found within your bottle of water.


Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are linked metabolic processes in the sense that the products of one feed into the other. What are the products of each metabolic process that feed into the other?


Tim and Greg wanted to know which liqour got them more drunk, so Greg drank a shot of vodka every hour and Tim watched. The next day Greg repeated the process with gin. Once Greg started to stumble and slur Time recorded the number of shots. What is the Independant and Dependant variables.


Which processes associated with meiosis ensure genetic diversity in offspring? Name two processes that promote variation and explain how they operate.


Which of the following differentiates meiosis from mitosis?

A). Mitosis is used for the repair of cells, whereas meiosis creates cells for sexual reproduction. b. In mitosis four identical daughter cells are produced, whereas two genetically different cells are produced in meiosis. c. Meiosis is a form of asexual division, whereas mitosis is a form of sexual division. d. Mitosis occurs in prokaryotic cells, whereas meiosis occurs in eukaryotic cells.

The Krebs cycle produces

A). NADH, ATP, and FADH2. b. water and carbon dioxide. c. ADP and NADP+. d. acetyl CoA and sugars.

What type of reactions release energy by breaking down complex molecules?

A). catabolic b. anabolic c. photosynthetic d. dehydration synthesis

David Blehert and his research team captured 117 healthy bats to study in the laboratory and divided them into four groups. Group 1 was housed in an area free from the fungus Geomyces destructans. Group 2 was housed in an area that shared the same air as bats infected with WNS, but these bats did not have direct contact with the infected bats. Group 3 was housed in direct contact with other bats infected with WNS. Bats in group 4 were directly exposed to Geomyces destructans when it was applied to their wings. During the study period the bats were monitored for signs of WNS. Which group is the control group?

A). group 1 b. group 2 c. group 3 d. group 4

The capture and use of energy by living organisms involves numerous chemical reactions. Collectively these processes are known as

A). metabolism. b. respiration. c. anabolic reactions. d. catabolic reactions.

During the process of ________, water diffuses across a semipermeable membrane from an area where water is more concentrated to an area where water is less concentrated (it moves along the water concentration gradient).

A). osmosis b. simple diffusion c. facilitated diffusion d. pinocytosis

Glycolysis is an anaerobic process, indicating that the glycolytic reactions

A). require no oxygen. b. produce molecular oxygen. c. produce ATP. d. produce citric acid.

Examine the figure below. Assume each sugar molecule represents a percentage point of sugar dissolved in the solution. Over time, the solution level on the left side of the figure would ________, while the solution level on the right side of the figure would ________. This is because the solution on the left side of the figure is ________, while the solution on the right side of the figure is ________.

A). rise; decrease; hypertonic; hypotonic b. decrease; rise; hypertonic; hypotonic c. decrease; rise; hypotonic; hypertonic d. There will be no net movement of water because the solutions are isotonic.

_______transport of molecules across a selectively permeable membrane requires the input of energy from the cell, whereas ________ transport of molecules across a selectively permeable membrane does not require the use of cellular energy.

Active; passive

Photosynthesis and cellular respiration cycle the element ________ Incorrect through the environment. When a plant does photosynthesis, it takes this element from the air and produces sugars. When animals conduct cellular respiration, they break down sugars and exhale a gas that contains this element.


The smallest and most basic units of life are microscopic, self-contained units enclosed by a water-repelling membrane and are called _______


Indicate the basic subunits used to build each of the four major classes of macromolecules.

Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

Your instructors name is Miss ______

Samantha Mears

Describe Prophase.

The first stage of cell division.

What is the purpose of having cell cycle checkpoints? What are the consequences of not having them?

The purpose of having cell cycle checkpoints is to make sure everything is going smoothly and according to how everything should function. (she commented "cancer" underneath this)

A replicated chromosome consists of ________ sister chromatid(s).

a. 1 B). 2 c. 4 d. 6

If a plant has a total of 18 chromosomes, how many chromosomes would be present in each of its gametes?

a. 36 b. 18 C). 9 d. 6

Which of the following molecules carries electrons to the electron transport chain of oxidative phosphorylation?

a. ATP B). NADH c. CO2 d. ADP

Which of the following pairs of processes encompasses the entire cell cycle?

a. G1 phase and mitosis b. G1 phase and G2 phase c. interphase and metaphase D). cell division and interphase

According to the image below, during which phase of the cell cycle is the genetic material duplicated?

a. Region 1 B). Region 3 c. Region 4 d. Region 5

Which of the following would promote a cell to move through the G2 checkpoint?

a. The cell lacks necessary nutrients. B). The genetic information has been duplicated. c. The cell is too small in size. d. A chromosome has been damaged.

The Total Maginification is the comination of the Objective lens pus the ocular lens.

a. True B). False

Sister chromatids are held together at a constriction point called a


Nonpolar molecules that are repelled by water are known as _______ molecules.


When everything proceeds without error, the process of Incorrect produces ________ daughter cells that are genetically identical to the mother cell, while the process of ________ produces ________ daughter cells that have half the genetic information present in the mother cell.

mitosis; two; meiosis; four

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