BIO II Exam 4

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_____ is the interaction between two species as both attempt to use the same environmental resources that are in limited supply.


Which of the following statements about hormones is NOT true?

Hormones are released from exocrine glands. Correct: - Hormones usually affect a target organ. - Hormones may be classified as peptides or steroids. - Cells that react to a hormone have specific receptors for that hormone. - Hormones are secreted into the bloodstream.

Which of the following systems / organs are incorrectly matched with its role in maintaining homeostasis?

Liver - removes excess glycogen from the blood and stores it as glucose. Correct: - Digestive system - provides nutrient molecules to the cells. - Respiratory system - transports oxygen and carbon dioxide to the cells throughout the body. - Pancreas secretes insulin when the body has an elevated blood glucose level.

Which of the following organisms is mismatched with their organs of excretion?

Malpighian tubules - reptiles Correct: - Planarians - flame cells - Earthworms - nephridia - Kidneys - humans

All of the following animals are likely to undergo parthenogenesis EXCEPT

humans Correct: - fish - flatworms - lizards - insects

Which of the following best describes sensory transduction?

The conversion of a stimulus into a nerve impulse by using a receptor.

Damage to the matrix of a bone can result in which of the following complications?

There will be a decrease in available calcium phosphate which could result in decreased concentrations of calcium and phosphate ions in the blood.

Which statement about smell receptors is NOT true?

They are capable of responding to pressure as well as chemical changes. Correct: - They are chemoreceptors. - They are located in the roof of the nasal cavity in humans. - They send information to the brain by way of the olfactory bulb. - They can detect some molecules better than others.

Which is NOT true of human salivary glands?

They can become inflamed and cause tonsillitis. Correct: - They produce an enzyme to begin the digestion of starch. - There are three pairs that open by ducts into the mouth. - The production of saliva aids in the mechanical digestion process.

Both the neural and endocrine systems play a role in coordinating body activities.


Chemosynthetic producers obtain energy by the oxidation of ammonia, nitrites, and sulfides, using this energy to make organic compounds.


Homeostasis is ultimately controlled by the nervous system.


Organisms in all trophic levels may be consumed by decomposers.


The first species to begin secondary succession are called pioneer species, or colonizers.


The iron in a hemoglobin molecule is actually what binds the oxygen.


Chemical cycling may involve all but which of the following?

a geological component, in which chemicals move through the soil or the air Correct: - a reservoir unavailable to producers - an exchange pool as a source from which organisms can acquire chemicals - a biotic community in which chemicals move through food chains

What is parthenogenesis?

a modification of sexual reproduction in which an unfertilized egg develops into a complete individual

A very highly soluble nitrogenous waste, excreted into water by bony fishes, aquatic invertebrates, and aquatic amphibians is


Deamination of amino acids, in the excretory system, will initially result in the formation of


Which of the following associations between organism and nutrient source is incorrect?

humans - carnivores Correct: - bacteria - decomposers - raccoons - omnivores - cows - herbivores - earthworms - detritivores

What kind of receptors are involved in hearing?


Excretion is a process in which ____ is (are) removed from the body.

metabolic wastes

Trace the path of an inhaled air molecule in a human being.

nasal cavity-pharynx-glottis-larynx-trachea-bronchi-bronchioles-alveoli

Identify the correct pathway of an oxygen molecule as it goes from the nose to the alveolus.

nostril, nasal cavity, pharynx, glottis, larynx, trachea, bronchus, bronchiole, alveoli

Which would you find in the heart of a fish?

one atrium and one ventricle

Starting with the simplest and moving towards more complex, what is the correct evolutionary sequence of animals in regards to the complexity of their nervous systems?

sponges - hydras - planarians - annelids - molluscs - fish

The function of the human stomach is

storage of food and mixing with digestive fluids to continue chemical digestion

The nitrogenous waste material of an embryo that accumulates inside the eggshell of a bird or reptile is

uric acid

Energy flow in an ecosystem begins with


Which of the following sensations would involve a chemoreceptor?

smell and taste

Which of the following is not a function of the lymphatic system?

- Absorb fats and transport them to the bloodstream. - Produce and distribute lymphocytes. - Absorb excess tissue fluid and return it to the blood stream.

Which of the following statements about hormones is correct?

- Non-steroid hormones activate an enzyme cascade. - Steroid hormones regulate the production of a particular protein. - Non-steroid hormones are either modified amino acids, peptides, proteins, or glycoproteins. - Steroid hormones all have four carbon rings with different side chains.

Which of the following statements about the tongue is true?

- The tongue mixes food with saliva and assists in swallowing. - The tongue can detect taste, touch, and pressure. - The tongue consists of striated muscle under voluntary control.

The small intestines receive

- bile from the liver and gall bladder. - pancreatic juices from the pancreas. - chyme from the stomach.

Excluding humans, which group of organisms is most likely to change the abiotic factors within an ecosystem?

- detritivores - producers - herbivores

The functions of the human nervous system include

- sensory input. - integration. - generation of motor output. - detection of stimuli.

Which of the following features is not part of the ecological niche of a white-tailed deer?

- the number of acorns it consumes during the fall - the availability of woods for it to use as cover in order to escape from predators - the presence of a water source within its habitat

Approximately what percentage of the energy in one trophic level is incorporated into the next trophic level?


Which of the following is NOT an endocrine gland?

All are endocrine glands - pituitary - hypothalamus - testes

Which of the following statements about skeletons is NOT true?

All exoskeletons must be shed as the animal grows. Correct: - The skeleton of a clam is an exoskeleton. - The skeleton of an arthropod is an exoskeleton. - The skeleton of a vertebrate is an endoskeleton. - An earthworm has a fluid-filled cavity that acts as a hydrostatic skeleton.

Which of the following statements about parasitism is NOT true?

An efficient parasite usually kills its host. Correct: - Some organisms and all viruses are obligate parasites and must live inside a host. - Smaller parasites often live as endoparasites within the body of the host. - The host is generally larger than the parasite. - Ectoparasites are attached to the outside of the host's body by specialized organs.

Which is most closely associated with negative feedback?

As the temperature falls in a house, the heater comes on.

Which of the following statements about reproduction is NOT true?

Asexual reproduction is most advantageous when the environment is continually changing. True: - A hermaphrodite produces both male and female gametes in different specialized gonads. - Hydras may reproduce asexually by budding new individuals from the parent. - Gametes are produced by meiosis and may be specialized as eggs or sperm. - A starfish can be cut into several pieces, and each piece will regenerate all the other parts of the individual.

Which of the following statements about asexual reproduction is NOT true?

Asexual reproduction produces variation that allows the species to adapt quickly to changing environmental conditions. Correct: - A large number of offspring can be produced in this way in a short time. - Asexual reproduction can occur by budding or by division and regeneration. - Asexual reproduction occurs with only one parent. - Asexual reproduction is less commonly used by vertebrates.

Which of the following has a four-chambered heart like humans?

Birds and crocodiles

What is the body's response to a rise in temperature above 37.0 degrees C?

Blood vessels in the skin begin to dilate which increases blood flow to the surface of the skin. Environmental variables will help decrease the temperature of the blood. The nervous system also activates the sweat glands which help decrease temperature.

Which statement about chemoreceptors is NOT true?

Chemoreceptors are found all over the body surface in humans. Correct: - Chemoreceptors are concentrated on the auricles of the head in planaria. - Chemoreceptors are found on antennae and mouthparts in insects and other arthropods. - Chemoreceptors are universally found in animals. - Chemoreceptors are thought to be the most primitive sensory receptor to have developed in animals.

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of having an endoskeleton?

Endoskeletons provide protection for the outermost tissue layer of the organism. Correct: - Endoskeleton provides protection to the internal organs. - Endoskeletons can support the weight of a large animal. - Endoskeletons allow for more flexibility. - The skeleton grows with the animal.

Hurricanes and other severe precipitation events have started becoming weaker and less intense as a result of climate change.


In order for a community to reach the status of climax community, succession must always begin with pioneer species.


One of the major functions of the skeletal system is to store long term sources of energy for the body.


The relationship between plants and their pollinators is a good example of parasitism.


Which of the following statements about the colon is NOT true?

Feces consists of about 25% water and 75% solids that are mainly bacteria from the intestinal tract. Correct: - Cells in the walls of the large intestine absorb vitamin K that is produced by bacteria resident in the colon. - The colon is active in water absorption, removing about 95% of the water that enters it and returning it to the bloodstream. - The last section of the colon is the rectum, which terminates in the anus. - Insufficient absorption of water can result in diarrhea that may be life-threatening.

What is the mode of action of hormones?

Peptide hormones bind to cell-surface receptors and result in the activation of enzymes, while steroid hormones enter the cell, usually bind to receptors in the nucleus and result in the activation of certain genes.

Which of the following statements about ecological pyramids is true?

Pyramids built upon the biomass of organisms at each level eliminate size as a factor.

Which statement is NOT true about the human respiratory system?

The glottis is closed by the forward movement of the soft palate during swallowing. Correct: - Cilia and hairs in the nose help to filter out foreign materials in the air. - The glottis is the passageway through the larynx by which air enters the trachea. - Air reaching the lungs has been warmed to body temperature by passage through the nose and upper respiratory passageways. - Food and air both enter the pharynx, presenting a potential danger to respiration.

Which of the following statements about the insect exoskeleton is NOT true?

The insect exoskeleton grows with the organism. Correct: - The exoskeleton protects insects against predators and drying out. - The insect exoskeleton has muscles attached to it from the inside of the body. - The insect exoskeleton is made of a complex form of carbohydrate called chitin. - The insect exoskeleton is jointed and movable.

All the populations of all the different species interacting with one another in the same environment is called

a community

Oxygen-poor blood becomes oxygen-rich blood in the capillary beds of the


Consider the following food chain: hawk - rabbit - clover. Each species will contain a different amount of calories in its body (clover: 10 calories, rabbit: 500, and hawk: 1200). Each species has a different daily caloric requirement (clover: sunlight, rabbit: 100 calories, hawk: 300). How many rabbits, per day, does it take to support the hawk?

approximately 6

Consider the following food chain: hawk - rabbit - clover. Each species will contain a different amount of calories in its body (clover: 10 calories, rabbit: 500, and hawk: 1200). Each species has a different daily caloric requirement (clover: sunlight, rabbit: 100 calories, hawk: 300). How many clover plants, per day, does it take to support one hawk?

approximately 600 clover plants

Which of the following is NOT a nitrogenous waste product produced by the excretory systems of animals?

bile pigments Correct: - ammonia - urea - uric acid

Which of these white blood cells are phagocytic?

both neutrophils and macrophages

An ecosystem contains

both the biotic and the abiotic components of the local environment

Two communities may have exactly the same number of species, yet one might be measured as having a greater species diversity. What defines species diversity?

both the number of species and the evenness or relative abundance of individuals of the different species

Which of the following is NOT a greenhouse gas?

carbon monoxide Correct: - methane - CFCs - carbon dioxide - ozone

Which organ system does NOT play a role in acquiring materials and energy?

cardiovascular Correct: - muscular - skeletal - digestive

Which of the following is the most complex level of organization?

cardiovascular system

The correct sequence of increasing organizational complexity is

cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism.

Which of the following excretory structures is used by birds?


The frequent change in HIV surface proteins is a type of


Energy flow in an ecosystem is NOT cyclic because energy is

converted to heat, which is no longer useful.

The only heterotrophs required in an ecosystem are


Which of the following pairings of organisms and their method of obtaining nutrients is incorrect?

detritivores - inorganic matter Correct: - carnivores - other animals - autotrophs - chemosynthesis - herbivores - algae

An animal with a brain and a single ventral solid nerve cord is the


Which organism has hemoglobin located in the fluid portion of the blood, giving it a red appearance?


A failure in the lymphatic valves located in the left subclavian vein may result in

edema in the left arm and left ventral chest wall

As food is swallowed it is prevented from entering the trachea by the


Food is prevented from entering the trachea by the


The tubular structure that moves food by peristalsis from the mouth to the stomach is the


Ecologist Robert MacArthur observed that five species of similar warblers coexisted on spruce trees because they

foraged in different places of the tree canopy.

All of the abiotic conditions under which a species can survive when adverse biotic conditions are absent is known as its

fundamental niche

Which of the following statements concerning homeostasis in body temperature is NOT true? The body reacts to

heat by constricting the blood vessels in the skin. Correct: - heat by stimulating the sweat glands. - cold by contracting skeletal muscles in shivering. - cold by rerouting blood away from the skin.

Which of the following associations is incorrect?

herbivore - eats producers and performs photosynthesis Correct: - detritivore - feeds on decomposing organic matter - carnivore - feeds on other consumers - omnivore - eats both producers and consumers - autotroph - performs photosynthesis or chemosynthesis

An animal with a simple netlike nervous system is the


Most of the lymph fluid is returned to the bloodstream through the thoracic duct to the

left subclavian vein

Homeostasis is the

maintenance of normal internal conditions by means of self-regulating mechanisms.

What gland, located in the brain, produces melatonin?

pineal gland

Which of the following groups of organisms will all possess hydrostatic skeletons?

planaria, hydras and earthworms

An animal with a ladder-like nervous system is the


Is it possible that the carbon atoms in your body may have once made up the living tissues of another person or animal in earlier times? This is

possible since carbon cycles through the biosphere

Which type of succession would occur after a volcanic eruption?


The liver functions in digestion by

producing bile

Which of the following functions is NOT a function of the human skeletal system?

provides the ATP for muscles to use in contraction Correct: - acts as a structure against which muscles can contract - acts as a storage site for calcium and phosphorus ions - protects internal organs - acts as the site of blood cell production in adults

The actual conditions under which an organism exists in nature constitute its

realized niche

Which of the following associations between structure and function is NOT correct?

sensory neuron - take nerve impulses from the CNS to muscles or glands Correct: - interneuron - convey nerve impulses between various parts of the CNS - dendrites - receive signals and transmit them to the cell body - axons - conduct signals away from the cell body - cell body - contains nucleus and organelles

All of the following statements about sensory receptors are true EXCEPT

sensory receptors for taste are found in the nose and mouth. Correct: - sensory receptors monitor the internal environment of the body. - photoreceptors include rod and cone cells. - chemoreception is believed to be a primitive sense in animals. - the retina of the eye contains photoreceptors that are sensitive to light.

The function of canine teeth in humans is


The level of carbon dioxide in the blood is monitored by nerve tissue. If you exercise strenuously, the increase in cellular respiration consumes oxygen from the blood and produces surplus carbon dioxide removed in the blood. Since this physical exertion requires faster breathing to replenish oxygen supplies and carry away carbon dioxide, the carbon dioxide sensors result in signals from the brain to increase breathing rate. After you have rested, and carbon dioxide levels are back to normal, your breathing rate decreases too. This is an example of

the dynamic interplay between events that tend to change the internal environment and events that tend to keep it the same.

Primary succession takes much longer than secondary succession because it involves

time for development of the soil.

What would you find in the heart of most reptiles?

two atria and a partially divided ventricle

What would you find in the heart of an amphibian?

two atria and one ventricle

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