bio test 4

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Can you fill in the table about epithelial tissues?

A. Simple squamous epitheliumB. Lines esophagusC. Simple columnar epitheliumD. Simple cuboidal epithelium/ lines tubes in kidnet

Which of the following are examples of an organism attempting to maintain homeostasis?

After going outside in the cold without a jacket, you begin to shiver. After eating a squid, a seal's kidneys work to excrete the excess salt from its blood. The levels of the hormones insulin and glucagon change to maintain blood glucose levels in a penguin. Submit

Which of the following choices correctly describes an action potential?

An action potential is an all-or-none event moving in one direction. A stronger stimulus generates a faster frequency of action potentials moving to the central nervous system from the sensory structure.

Can you correctly place the labels in this table that summarizes the differences between B cells and T cells?

B cells develop within Bone marrow while T cells develop within thymus. B cell is responsible for humoral immunity while T cell is responsible for cell mediated immunity. B cells protect against free-floating antigens while T cell protect against infected body cells.

Can you use the terms to complete this paragraph that summarizes the organization of the vertebrate nervous system?

If you touch a hot stove, sensory receptors in your fingertip sense the dangerous heat and convert this stimulus into an electrical signal. This signal leaves your fingertip via nerve cells called sensory neurons. These nerves are part of an anatomical division of the nervous system called the peripheral nervous system. The signal travels along these nerves, and then to the spinal cord and brain. These two structures make up an anatomical division called the central nervous system. Within this part of the nervous system, specialized nerves called interneurons integrate this information, formulate a response, and then communicate these instructions as nerve impulses to motor neurons. These neurons bring the message to the muscles in your arm to pull your hand away.

Which statement is true?

It takes longer for hormones to be released into the bloodstream and be taken to target cells than it does for electrical signals to be transmitted. Submit

Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding the difference between lipid-soluble and water-soluble hormones?

Lipid-soluble hormones attach to receptors in the cytoplasm; water-soluble hormones attach to membrane-enclosed receptors.

Which statement regarding the nervous system is true?

Motor neurons convey signals from the CNS to effector cells.

Which of the following statements about the transmission across a typical chemical synapse is true?

Neurotransmitter molecules bind to receptors in the receiving neuron's plasma membrane.

What role do neurotransmitters play in neuron communication?

Neurotransmitters are chemical signals that carry information across a gap called the synaptic cleft and may or may not generate an action potential in neighboring neurons. Submit

Which of the following is an example of how the circulatory and respiratory systems work together?

Oxygen from the air we breathe is transported to skin cells by the blood. Submit

If the epithelium that lines the air sacs of your lungs were to gain a layer of cells, which of the following would likely occur to the rate of oxygen diffusion?

Oxygen will diffuse across the lung surface more slowly.

Can you match the terms to their definitions?

ResetHelp Anatomy is the study of an organism's structures. Physiology is the study of how an organism's structures function. A group of cells working together is a(n) tissue. A(n) organ is a group of tissues working together. Multiple organs that work together are called a(n) organ system. A(n) organism is made up of many organ systems functioning together. Homeostasis is the regulated balance of the internal environment of an organism.

Which statement about steroid hormones is true?

Steroid hormones bind to specific receptor proteins, and the complex acts as a gene activator.

How are steroids able to cross cell membranes and enter cells?

Steroids are able to pass through the phospholipid bilayer. Submit

What do you think is likely to happen if the sphincter at the base of the esophagus does not function properly?

Stomach acids will irritate the lining of the esophagus.

The heart has four valves that control the flow of blood. Two of the valves (the AV valves) normally prevent blood from flowing upwards. The other two valves (semilunar valves) normally prevent blood from flowing downwards. The AV valves and semilunar valves have different shapes. Which principle of anatomy and physiology does this example represent?

Structure is linked to function.

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) targets kidney cells and blood vessels, whereas growth hormone (GH) targets many different kinds of cells throughout the body. Which of the following is the best explanation for this observation?

The GH receptor is expressed in many different cells, whereas the receptor for ADH is expressed primarily in kidney select blood vessel cells.

Which of the following statements about the interactions between the circulatory and respiratory systems is/are true? Select all that apply.

The ability of oxygen to be carried in the blood is largely mediated by the presence of the protein hemoglobin. The interactions between alveoli and capillaries allow for gas exchange to occur.

How are hormones distributed to tissues, and what determines which cells hormones will affect?

They are carried throughout the body in the bloodstream, and each hormone affects target cells that have receptors for it.

Can you complete this paragraph that summarizes key concepts about human nutrition?

Your diet provides fuel Your diet provides fuelfor ATP production, organic moleculesas raw materials to build your own molecules, and essential nutrients −substances you require but cannot make yourself. ∙The essential amino acidsmust be obtained from your diet, either by eating meat, eggs, or milk, or by consuming a variety of plant proteins.∙One of the essential fatty acidsis needed to make membrane phospholipids.∙Organic nutrients called vitaminsare required in very small amounts. Many of the B vitaminsfunction as coenzymes; vitamin Cis required for the production of connective tissue; and vitamins A, D, E, and Kare fat-soluble.∙Inorganic nutrients called mineralsfunction in various roles such as bone formation, nerve and muscle function, and enzyme cofactors. for ATP production, organic molecules Your diet provides fuelfor ATP production, organic moleculesas raw materials to build your own molecules, and essential nutrients −substances you require but cannot make yourself. ∙The essential amino acidsmust be obtained from your diet, either by eating meat, eggs, or milk, or by consuming a variety of plant proteins.∙One of the essential fatty acidsis needed to make membrane phospholipids.∙Organic nutrients called vitaminsare required in very small amounts. Many of the B vitaminsfunction as coenzymes; vitamin Cis required for the production of connective tissue; and vitamins A, D, E, and Kare fat-soluble.∙Inorganic nutrients called mineralsfunction in various roles such as bone formation, nerve and muscle function, and enzyme cofactors. as raw materials to build your own molecules, and essential nutrients − substances you require but cannot make yourself. ∙ The essential amino acids Your diet provides fuelfor ATP production, organic moleculesas raw materials to build your own molecules, and essential nutrients −substances you require but cannot make yourself. ∙The essential amino acidsmust be obtained from your diet, either by eating meat, eggs, or milk, or by consuming a variety of plant proteins.∙One of the essential fatty acidsis needed to make membrane phospholipids.∙Organic nutrients called vitaminsare required in very small amounts. Many of the B vitaminsfunction as coenzymes; vitamin Cis required for the production of connective tissue; and vitamins A, D, E, and Kare fat-soluble.∙Inorganic nutrients called mineralsfunction in various roles such as bone formation, nerve and muscle function, and enzyme cofactors. must be obtained from your diet, either by eating meat, eggs, or milk, or by consuming a variety of plant proteins.∙ One of the essential fatty acids Your diet provides fuelfor ATP production, organic moleculesas raw materials to build your own molecules, and essential nutrients −substances you require but cannot make yourself. ∙The essential amino acidsmust be obtained from your diet, either by eating meat, eggs, or milk, or by consuming a variety of plant proteins.∙One of the essential fatty acidsis needed to make membrane phospholipids.∙Organic nutrients called vitaminsare required in very small amounts. Many of the B vitaminsfunction as coenzymes; vitamin Cis required for the production of connective tissue; and vitamins A, D, E, and Kare fat-soluble.∙Inorganic nutrients called mineralsfunction in various roles such as bone formation, nerve and muscle function, and enzyme cofactors. is needed to make membrane phospholipids.∙ Organic nutrients called vitamins Your diet provides fuelfor ATP production, organic moleculesas raw materials to build your own molecules, and essential nutrients −substances you require but cannot make yourself. ∙The essential amino acidsmust be obtained from your diet, either by eating meat, eggs, or milk, or by consuming a variety of plant proteins.∙One of the essential fatty acidsis needed to make membrane phospholipids.∙Organic nutrients called vitaminsare required in very small amounts. Many of the B vitaminsfunction as coenzymes; vitamin Cis required for the production of connective tissue; and vitamins A, D, E, and Kare fat-soluble.∙Inorganic nutrients called mineralsfunction in various roles such as bone formation, nerve and muscle function, and enzyme cofactors. are required in very small amounts. Many of the B vitamins Your diet provides fuelfor ATP production, organic moleculesas raw materials to build your own molecules, and essential nutrients −substances you require but cannot make yourself. ∙The essential amino acidsmust be obtained from your diet, either by eating meat, eggs, or milk, or by consuming a variety of plant proteins.∙One of the essential fatty acidsis needed to make membrane phospholipids.∙Organic nutrients called vitaminsare required in very small amounts. Many of the B vitaminsfunction as coenzymes; vitamin Cis required for the production of connective tissue; and vitamins A, D, E, and Kare fat-soluble.∙Inorganic nutrients called mineralsfunction in various roles such as bone formation, nerve and muscle function, and enzyme cofactors. function as coenzymes; vitamin C Your diet provides fuelfor ATP production, organic moleculesas raw materials to build your own molecules, and essential nutrients −substances you require but cannot make yourself. ∙The essential amino acidsmust be obtained from your diet, either by eating meat, eggs, or milk, or by consuming a variety of plant proteins.∙One of the essential fatty acidsis needed to make membrane phospholipids.∙Organic nutrients called vitaminsare required in very small amounts. Many of the B vitaminsfunction as coenzymes; vitamin Cis required for the production of connective tissue; and vitamins A, D, E, and Kare fat-soluble.∙Inorganic nutrients called mineralsfunction in various roles such as bone formation, nerve and muscle function, and enzyme cofactors. is required for the production of connective tissue; and vitamins A, D, E, and K Your diet provides fuelfor ATP production, organic moleculesas raw materials to build your own molecules, and essential nutrients −substances you require but cannot make yourself. ∙The essential amino acidsmust be obtained from your diet, either by eating meat, eggs, or milk, or by consuming a variety of plant proteins.∙One of the essential fatty acidsis needed to make membrane phospholipids.∙Organic nutrients called vitaminsare required in very small amounts. Many of the B vitaminsfunction as coenzymes; vitamin Cis required for the production of connective tissue; and vitamins A, D, E, and Kare fat-soluble.∙Inorganic nutrients called mineralsfunction in various roles such as bone formation, nerve and muscle function, and enzyme cofactors. are fat-soluble.∙ Inorganic nutrients called minerals Your diet provides fuelfor ATP production, organic moleculesas raw materials to build your own molecules, and essential nutrients −substances you require but cannot make yourself. ∙The essential amino acidsmust be obtained from your diet, either by eating meat, eggs, or milk, or by consuming a variety of plant proteins.∙One of the essential fatty acidsis needed to make membrane phospholipids.∙Organic nutrients called vitaminsare required in very small amounts. Many of the B vitaminsfunction as coenzymes; vitamin Cis required for the production of connective tissue; and vitamins A, D, E, and Kare fat-soluble.∙Inorganic nutrients called mineralsfunction in various roles such as bone formation, nerve and muscle function, and enzyme cofactors. function in various roles such as bone formation, nerve and muscle function, and enzyme cofactors.

The type of neuron that when stimulated by the environment transmits an impulse to the central nervous system is __________.

a sensory neuron

To survive, all animals must have _____.

a way to obtain and digest nutrients

What would be the function of an epithelial cell with a relatively large amount of cytoplasm?

absorption and secretion

Which option correctly lists the direction carbon dioxide travels as it leaves the body of a human?

alveoli, bronchioles, bronchi, trachea, larynx, pharynx

Which of the following could be absorbed by cells lining the digestive tract?

amino acids

When digested, proteins are broken down into _____. When digested, fats are broken down into _____. Starch is a type of _____. Your small intestine can absorb ____ without their being further digested. Which of these enzymes begins the breakdown of starch? Starch can be broken down into the disaccharide known as _____. Protein digestion begins in the _____. What is the main component of gastric juice? _____ is secreted by the _____ and acts to emulsify _____ in the _____. What acid is responsible for stomach acidity?

amino acids both glycerol and fatty acids polysaccharide frutoses amylase maltose stomach water Bile ... liver ... fats ... small intestine hydrochloric acid

What is the name given to the starch-digesting enzyme secreted by salivary glands?


Which of these causes the release of neurotransmitter molecules? The space between an axon of one neuron and the dendrite of another neuron is called a(n) _____. Neurons store neurotransmitter molecules in vesicles located within _____.

an action potential reaching the end of the axon synaptic cleft synaptic terminals Submit

A target cell that is affected by a particular steroid hormone would be expected to have

an intracellular receptor protein that binds the hormone.

Which arrow shows the release of digestive enzymes by the pancreas?

arrow D

Why must some hormones bind to a membrane receptor on a target cell's surface in order to activate it?

because they cannot cross cell membranes Submit

Which of the following contributes to the the digestion of lipids?

bile salts

Which of the six major types of connective tissue has a rigid matrix made of collagen and calcium salts?


A stimulus triggers an action potential by _____.

causing sodium ions to enter the neuron

Epithelial tissues

cover both external and internal body surfaces

What is the name of the muscle that helps move air in and out of the lungs?

diaphragm Submit

Which of the following choices lists the organs of the bird digestive system in the correct order, from first to last contact with food material?

esophagus, crop, stomach, gizzard, intestine, anus

Compared to the endocrine system, the nervous system has a

faster response, but the signal does not last as long. Submit

Action potentials relay different intensities of information due to the

frequency of action potentials relative to the strength of the stimulus. Submit

Which of the following mechanisms helps keep the stomach lining in place despite the destructive force of gastric juice?

generation through mitosis of new cells to replace the stomach lining

Connective tissue is different from other major tissue types in that it

has cells that are sparsely scattered through a nonliving matrix.

How does a gastrovascular cavity differ from an alimentary canal? The gastrovascular cavity __________.

has only a single opening

Nervous system effector cells

include muscle cells and gland cells

Which of the following correctly lists in order the four stages of food processing in animals?

ingestion, digestion, absorption, elimination

The body's first line of defense from microbial infections is afforded by the _____ system.


Which organ gets first access to nutrients absorbed in the small intestine?


Epithelial cells lining the small intestine have surface projections that increase the rate of nutrient absorption. These projections are called


Structure in the living world is organized into hierarchical levels. Which of the following correctly lists these from least inclusive to most inclusive?

molecule, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism Submit

Which is the most abundant kind of tissue in an animal, such as a gorilla?


Organ systems are often interconnected, and these interconnections allow us to function normally. What two organ systems work directly together when someone runs and jumps? What

muscular and skeletal

The speed of impulse conduction along an axon may be increased by

myelin sheaths.

What are the four major categories of tissues?

nervous, epithelial, connective, and muscle

The cell that conducts an action potential in the nervous system is a(n) _____.

neuron Submit

Through chemical digestion, nucleic acids are broken down into


Which of the following correctly lists the order of the parts of the human digestive system, from first to last contact with food matter?

oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine

An organ system consists of

organs that collectively perform a vital body function.

Which of the following molecules is needed for cellular respiration to occur?


Which part of this diagram of a neuron depicts the axon?

part d

Which of the following is the primary function of the nervous tissue?

rapid communication of signals

Hormones as a general class are chemicals produced by the endocrine system that

regulate a variety of body functions, such as metabolism.

Sarah turns quickly and sees the soccer ball hurtling toward her face. She blinks and ducks for cover. During this reaction, Sarah perceived the ball, decided what to do, and then blinked. Which choice lists the cells that were involved in this process from first to last?

sensory neurons (part of the PNS), interneurons (part of the CNS), and motor neurons (part of the PNS)

The result of binding a signal molecule to its receptor is

signal transduction.

Tissues are composed of _____.

similar cells

You have voluntary control over the function of _____.

skeletal muscle

The largest variety of digestive enzymes function in the _____.

small intestine

In the digestive system, most nutrient absorption occurs in the

small intestine.

Regulation of the passage of food from the stomach is accomplished by


Because water-soluble hormones are unable to pass through the plasma membrane, the cellular action they initiate results from _____.

the activation of a signal transduction pathway by binding to a membrane receptor

The tracheal system of an insect is most like which of the following?

the air duct system in a building

What does the y-axis of this graph represent? What does the blue line on this graph represent? What does the first blue peak (around day 17) represent? What does the second blue peak (around day 40) represent? Is this statement supported or not supported by the graph? The primary immune response takes about 28 days to reach its peak. Is this statement supported or not supported by the graph? The secondary immune response is stronger than the primary immune response. Is this statement supported or not supported by the graph? A third exposure to antigen X will produce an even stronger immune response than the second exposure did. Is this statement supported or not supported by the graph? The primary immune response to antigen X occurred just as fast as the secondary immune response to antigen X. The primary immune response to antigen X occurred just as fast as the secondary immune response to antigen X.

the antibody concentration in the blood the concentration of antibodies to antigen X Submit the highest concentration of antibodies that occurs after the first exposure to antigen X Submit the peak of the secondary immune response to antigen X not supported supported cannot be det. not supported

digestion is the

the breaking down of food into molecules small enough for the body to absorb

During inhalation, From which structures do oxygen molecules move from the lungs to the blood? Which statement is correct? After blood becomes oxygenated, Hemoglobin

the diaphragm and rib muscles contract. alveoli In the blood, oxygen is bound to hemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells. Submit it returns to the heart, and is then pumped to body cells. is a protein that can bind four molecules of oxygen.

The diet of many birds consists of hard seeds that need to be broken up for digestion. What part of the bird digestive system that is not found in many other vertebrates probably is responsible for this function?

the gizzard

Which of the following best describes a nerve signal?

the passage of ions through the membrane of a neuron Submit

Which type of epithelial tissue shown is a stratified tissue?

tissue d

What is the main digestive function of the pancreas?

to produce digestive enzymes and an alkaline solution

The difference between neurotransmitters and hormones has become blurred in recent years, but a chemical is currently classified as a hormone if it _____.

travels in the blood and has an effect on a remote tissue Submit

Can you match each hormone-related term with its description?

1. A hormone is a chemical substance used for communication that is produced at one site in the body and then carried in the blood to another. 2. An organ that produces and releases hormones is called a endocrine gland. 3. Taken together, all of the cells of the human body that produce and secrete hormones are called the endocrine system. 4. A target cell is a cell that has receptors for a specific hormone and will therefore be affected by that hormone. 5. A nerve cell that can communicate via both hormones and electrical signals is called a neurosecretory cell.

Can you match the following terms about gas exchange to their descriptions?

1. A respiratory surface is usually a thin, moist layer of cells that provides a large surface area for gas exchange with the environment. 2. Gas exchange between an organism and its environment takes place by diffusion. 3. Earthworms are skin-breathers--their entire outer body surface functions in gas exchange. 4. Aquatic animals often exchange gases through gills, which are extensions of the body surface. 5. Tracheal systems are the respiratory structures of insects. These networks of finely branched air tubes extend throughout the body, allowing for gas exchange directly with body cells. 6. Most terrestrial vertebrates have lungs, which are internal, subdivided sacs lined with moist epithelium. 7. Except in insects and some small or very thin animals, gases are transported through an animal's body by a circulatory system.

Can you match the following terms about nutrient absorption and processing to their descriptions?

1. During the process of digestion, large food molecules are broken down into small components that can be absorbed into cells that form the lining of the small intestine. 2. Circular folds, villi, and microvilli--tiny projections from the surfaces of cells--increase the surface area for absorption. 3. After moving into cells of the intestinal lining, fatty acids and glycerol are recombined into fats, coated with proteins, and transported into lymph vessels, which eventually empty into large veins. 4. Sugars and amino acids pass from the intestinal epithelium and into blood capillaries. 5. The nutrient-laden blood from the intestines is carried in the hepatic portal vein to the liver. 6. The liver removes excess glucose from the blood and stores it as glycogen. 7. The liver also converts nutrients to other essential substances, such as plasma proteins, cholesterol, and fats.

Can you match the terms to their definitions?

1. The circulatory system transports substances to all cells of the body. 2. The respiratory system serves to exchange gases with the environment. 3. Tiny sacs in the lungs involved in gas exchange are called alveoli. 4. The protein that binds oxygen in red blood cells is hemoglobin. 5. The gas oxygen is inhaled and transported to the cells of the body; it is required for normal cellular function. 6. The gas carbon dioxide is a waste product of cellular respiration and is exhaled into the environment. 7. Cells produce ATP via the process of cellular respirationwhich is used to power cellular activity.

Can you match the terms with their descriptions?

1. surface area2. digestive system3. respiratory system4. urinary system5. circulatory system6. interstitial fluid

Can you fill in the table about connective tissues?

A. Liquid matrix, functions in transportB. BoneC. CartilageD. Adipose tissue/ fat storage; pads and insulates the bodyE. Fibrous connective tissueF. Loose weave of fibers, holds organs in place

Hormones help the body maintain homeostasis, or relatively constant internal conditions. Can you label the steps in a homeostasis pathway? To review the process of homeostasis, watch this BioFlix animation: Homeostasis: Regulating Blood Sugar.

A. Negative feedbackB. Endocrine cellC. HormoneD. Blood vessel

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