Bio test 5- Evolution & reproductive system

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DNA sequence

# of bases identical over total # looked at


(like the polar bear) give birth to well-developed young. inside embryo fetal evelopment

Six lines of evidence for evolution

1. Direct observation through artificial selection 2. Fossil evidence 3. Shared characteristics among living organisms 4. Similarities and differences in DNA 5. Biogeographic evidence 6. Common patterns of embryo development

order of developmement

1. Fertilization of the egg by a sperm in the oviduct. 2. Development of a blastula, a ball of about 100 cells. 3. Implantation of the blastocyst into the uterus. 4. Development of the embryonic beginnings of the central nervous system and heart. 5. Development of other embryonic organs, including ears, and eyes. 6. Growth of the fetus and further development of the brain and sensory organs.


A mammal that lays eggs

It is possible that modern humans may have commingled with which ancestor

Homo Neanderthalis

Which of the following are MOST closely related?

Homo erectus and Homo sapiens

The correct two-word Latin scientific name for modern humans is

Homo sapiens

What is the difference between MRSA and VRSA?

MRSA is a bacterial strain resistant to methicillin, VRSA is resistant to vancomycin..

Males and females both produce estrogens, progestogens, and androgens. Which of the following is accurate for typical males and females?

Males have more androgens than estrogens. Females have more estrogens than androgens.

Examine the skulls shown in the figure. What can be said regarding trends in braincase size and teeth over time?

More recent hominin fossils have larger braincases and generally smaller, more humanlike teeth.


The mineralized remains of formerly living organisms or the impressions of formerly living organisms

Which is NOT considered evidence for evolution?

The use of different DNA bases by very simple organisms compared to mammals.

How do birth control pills disrupt the human female menstrual cycle to prevent pregnancy?

They contain progesterone and estrogen. By increasing the levels of these hormones in the female system, a feedback loop is closed that tells the pituitary gland not to produce follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), so no eggs are released.

Genetic drift

a change in versions of genes in a population due to random differences in survival rates. Just by chance events! often causes differences; small populations. Bottleneck or founder effect

Genetic bottleneck

a drop in the size of a population, for a least one generation, that causes a loss of genetic variation.

DNA sequence similarity

a measure of how closely related two species are

When is fetal development initiated?

a. at the establishment of organ systems

If animal one shares a 96% DNA sequence similarity with humans, and animal two shares 50% DNA sequence similarity with humans, which animal is more closely related?

animal one


antibiotic #2

Biogeographic predictions

based on when it lived and what the earth looked like at the time.

Which of the following do you expect to share more DNA identity


extant eutherian mammals and most closely related to humans


Is it possible for Homo sapiens and Neanderthals to be related even if humans are not the direct descendants of Neanderthals?

d. Yes, because humans and Neanderthals share a common ancestor.

DNA from a fossil is found, and it is hypothesized that the mother was a neanderthal and the father was a human. what supports the hypothesis?

finding discernable amounts of mitochondrial and nuclear Neanderthal DNA along with nuclear human DNA

Disruptions to the development of a zygote can happen at any time during pregnancy. The most vulnerable time period in the development of a zygote/fetus/embryo is the ________ week.


Algae attach to a boat motor and are transported to a new lake where they establish a new colony. which process does this match?

founder effect

A tourist carries seeds to a new location. These seeds are able to breed with plants of the same species in this new location. which process does this match?

gene flow

why do humans make great fossils

lots of bones

1. Possums are found throughout much of Central and North America. Although their bodies are covered in hair, their tails and ears are hairless. They have many teeth and opposable clawless "thumbs" on their rear appendages. They produce poorly developed young that live in mom's pouch for about two and a half months before climbing on her back. Possums are


All mammals

milk-producing mammary glands for suckling their young.

mechanisms for evolution

mutation, genetic drift, gene flow, natural selection

An area consists of dark and light rocks. Mouse populations that live on the dark rocks tend to be darkly colored; mouse populations that live on the light rocks tend to be lightly colored. Which process does this match?

natural selection

vestigal traits

nonfunctional or greatly reduced traits- homologous traits

natural selection is

one cause of evolutionary change.

hormone partially responsible for initiating labor contractions


Natural selection

population with variety. Environmental conditions can cause in the population to have a reproduction advantage or disadvantage


pouched mammal (like a kangaroo)

Mutations are not directed by the environment, rather mutations are


In order to contribute to the evolution of one's species, an individual must survive in its environment long enough to


Which of the following anatomical changes was an especially important contributor to the development of full bipedalism in hominins?

restructuring of the pelvis accompanied by a change in the angle of knee joints that support body weight

which of the following do sponges lack that some other animals have

segmented body plan, symmetrical body plan, backbone

evolution is

strongly supported by scientific evidence


the evolutionary process by which a population becomes better matched to its environment over time


the fuzzy white growth with blue spores growing on this petri dish, secretes the antibiotic penicillin into the agar medium surrounding it.

In the last few weeks of pregnancy, the level of estrogen in the woman's blood rises. This increase causes

the muscles of the uterus to become more sensitive to the hormone oxytocin

Significant weight gain and the growth of hair on the head are events that occur during which trimester of pregnancy?

third trimester

Unlike sexually reproducing species, bacteria do not need a second individual to reproduce. They can, however, ____________________ and pass on an advantageous trait

transfer genes horizontally

Unlike sexually reproducing species, bacteria do not need a second individual to reproduce. They can, however, _______________and pass on an advantageous trait.

transfer genes horizontally

Which of the following is an example of the last segment of an arthropod's body having evolved into a beneficial trait?

wasp abdomen with stinger

If a female's mitochondrial DNA was sequenced and compared to the sequence of mitochondrial DNA isolated from her mother's paternal grandmother (the mother of her mom's dad), she likely ________be a significant match because ________

would not; a person's mitochondrial DNA is inherited from her mom who inherited it from her mom

Ramona is pregnant and she would like to find out the biological sex of the baby before her delivery date. Because this is her first baby, she doesn't know when she should have an ultrasound to determine the baby's sex. At what point during development should she get an ultrasound?

Around the third month of pregnancy, at the beginning of fetal development.

what about sexual reproduction in animals is true?

Both parents contribute genes to the offspring.

The following is NOT a mechanism of evolution

Male mitochondrial DNA

Your friend Tula, who is pregnant, learns that you are studying biology and tries to quiz you about your knowledge of pregnancy. She tells you that her baby has just starting kicking, and she asks you to guess how far along she is. Based on your understanding of life in the womb, you would answer that she is in about her ________trimester


Why is the emergence of VRSA so alarming?

The clear zone represents the area where the antibiotic has seeped into the medium from the antibiotic-soaked paper disk and killed off the bacteria. The bacteria cannot grow here, so all you see is the growth medium in the dish, with no bacteria growing on it. The rest of the dish is covered by bacteria and appears opaque.

Gene flow

The exchange of genetic material among populations Gene transfer in prokaryotes. often stops new differences between groups

Breeding programs for farm-raised chickens result in a variety of unusual colors and feathers. Is this an example of evolution?

Yes; the change in chicken coloration is a genetic change in the population over time.

Staphylococcus aureus

a benign bacteria commonly found on human skin •It is a common cause of hospital infections and can be treated with penicillin


a body plan in which segments repeat, enabled the evolution of diverse uses of appendages, shown here in a lobster.

Mitochondrial DNA

comes only from your mom (not from your dad)

Overfishing results in an endangered fish population with a very small population size for a few generations. which process does this match?

genetic bottleneck

animals are

heterotrophic eukaryotes

It is possible that modern humans may have comingled with these other ancestors?

homo neanderthalis


how we got variety


like the platypus lay eggs instead of giving birth to live young.


methicillin antibiotic #1

homologous trait

when one species splits into two, the two resulting species share similar features

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