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How many kilograms of biomass at the primary producer level would be required to support 20 kilograms of biomass at the tertiary consumer level?


If bird song promotes an individuals ability to attract a mate and reproduce, then the song has a ____ function


Biological clocks dependent on photoperiod may be used to detect

All of these choices

Which of the answer choices is reservoir of carbon?

Atmosphere, soil, organisms, oceans

There is a giant sequoia Sequoiadendron giganteum named Washington (after George Washington) that was believed to be the second largest tree in the world (at 253.7 ft. in height!) until it was struck by lightning in 2003. The lightning strike caused a fire at the top of the tree that reduced Washington's height to about 229 feet. The fire released carbon that had been sequestered in wood into the environment in the form of:


Which statement about the circadian clock is accurate?

Circadian clocks regulate daily rhythms such as feeding, sleeping, hormone production, and core body temperature

Many species of fish are found in schools, large groups of conspecifics all swimming with one another. Which of the terms best describes the distribution of schooling fish?


Which of the statements is true regarding CO2?

Co2 plays a vital role in maintaining temp, CO2 can be produced by natural and ma-made processess, CO2 is a greenhouse gas, CO2 is released as a product of respiration

A research is measuring atmosphere CO2 levels on cloudy and sunny days. He notices that on cloudy days, CO2 levels appear slightly higher than on sunny days. This is an example of:


Which of the statements about the concept of an ecological footprint is false?

Countries with the largest population sizes have the largest ecological footprints.

The role played by a species in its environment is called its:

Ecological niche

A species' niche is determined only by physical enviornment


Currently, atmospheric CO2 levels are the highest they have ever been in Earth's 4.6 billion-year history


K-strategists tend to inhabit "unpredictable" environments and also have population densities near the carrying capacity of an environment


Niche and habitat have the same meaning


Only humans have biological clocks


Song in White-Crowned Sparrows is learned by imprinting, and even if deprived of hearing the adult male song during the sensitive period, the young males will always sing the father's song


The United States experienced one of the worst droughts in its history in 2012. By itself, this severe drought is strong evidence for climate change.


When studying animal behavior, the mechanistic approaches that are used to evaluate causation and development are more useful than using an analysis of adaptive functions and evolutionary history.


To some extent, Earth's surface solar radiation (in the form of heat), which is subsequently absorbed by certain ______ gases in the atmosphere, such as methane and CO2.


A commercial tuna fisherman is very concerned that overfishing will result in a decrease in tuna population size, thus affecting his catches in future years. What strategy can he employ to make sure that the tuna population can be sustained in the long term?

He should only catch young, non-reproducing fish.

A heterotrophic organism that consumes primary consumers is called a


Which statement about the behavioral effects governed by forS and forR in Drosophilia is true?

In the presence of food, sitters remain stationary and eat, whereas rovers move all around the food and eat

Measuring the isotpoic composition of atmospheric CO2 shows that the burning of fossil fuels has led to _____ CO2 levels over the last 200 years


Consider the logistic growth equation:Nt = N1 + rN1(K - N1/K).Which of the choices will result in an increase in population size?

Increasing carrying capacity

The ability to process information from the enviornment

Is characteristic of all types of organism

Which of the statements is true regarding the mark-and-recapture method?

It can rely on members of a species being identified by physical characteristics (such as fin markings on whales)., It is used to estimate the size of a population of interest., It can be represented by the equation: N = (C/R) × M. It assumes that the size of the population of interest remains constant between the initial mark and subsequent recapture measurements,

G. Evelyn Hutchinson's definition of a niche is unique in that:

It describes the niche as a combination of an organisms habitat and how that organism functions in its enviornment

Which statement provides evidence that some insects are capable of learning?

Philanthus wasps can locate their underground hive entrance through recognition of local landmarks.

What is the importance of mark-recapture methods in determining population size?

Population size does not stay the same from year to year for most species. Mark-recapture provides an estimate of population size for species that are difficult to study

Consider a female firefly that produces pheromones, which in turn cause males of the same species to fly toward her. In this scenario, the male would be the _____ and the female the _____.

Receiver, sender

What is one "low-tech" method currently available to actively remove CO2 from the air?

Reforestation of previously cleared landscapes

Which statement about honeybee communication is true?

Returning foragers use the waggle dance to provide information about the direction of the food source in relationship to the sun

Which of the statements correctly describes antibiotic resistance?Which of the statements correctly describes antibiotic resistance?

Some diseases, such as tuberculosis, have strains that are so antibiotic resistant that they are essentially untreatable.

A gardener treats his plants with pesticides, killing all the aphids that are on the plants. Once the aphids die, what likely happens to the mutualistic bacteria inhabiting their digestive tracts?

The bacteria would likely die without their mutualistic aphids, as this is an example of an obligate relationship.

Which of the processes is responsible for the change scientists observed in atmospheric concentrations of 12C, 13C, and 14C over the last 200 years?

The burning of fossil fuels

Many closely related species of ducks have different courtship dances that are performed to solidify a pair-bond. If you were to cross individuals from each of these species what would you expect to see in the hybrid offspring if behaviors related to pair-bond formation were completely due to genetics?

There would be a mix of elements from the courtship dances from each parental species

At its earliest stages, a logisitic growth curve closely resembles an exponential growth curve


If all other aspects of their lifestyles were equivalent, a vegetarian would have a smaller ecological footprint than someone who consumes a large amount of meat.


The brightly colored patterns of a flower's petals act as signals to an insect that nectar and pollen are available, and in this way the sender manipulates the behavior of the receiver.


The evolution of biodiversity on the planet can be linked to patterns in the carbon cycle over time


The ocean, much like the atmosphere, can serve as a sink for man made CO2. In fact, both Earth's atmosphere and the ocean store roughly equal amount of Man-made CO2.


What are Tinbergen's four questions?

What is the cause of a certain behavior? Does a behavior have any adaptive function? What is the evolutionary history of a behavior? How does a certain behavior develop?

Which factors contribute most to intraspecific competition?

a species' rate of reproduction and the carrying capacity of the environment

A habitat patch is synonymous with:

an ecological island.

A species that is involved in a facultative mutualism with another:

can utilize different resources outside of the mutualism.

Species diversity on ecological islands reflects the rate of:Select all that apply.

colonist species extinction, new species arrival

An interaction in which one partner benefits with no effect on the other is called a


Barnacles on the bellies of whales or on the shells of mollusks are examples of:


Which type of interaction is not antagonistic?


An ecological _____ is the set of all populations of all species found in a given area.


Which of the answer choices is a type of interaction in which both parties are harmed?


Because the products of photosynthesis are used as the reactants of respiration, photosynthesis and respiration are considered:


As a population approaches its carrying capacity, its growth rate:


Nearly 150 years ago, man-made CO2 was introduced into the atmosphere primarily through _______. Currently, is the main contributing factor to increased levels of human-produced CO2 in the atmosphere.

deforestation; respiration

Increased phosphate levels in the Everglades has led to

displacement of native plants by phosphate-loving introduced plants.

According to MacArthur and Wilson's theory of island biogeography, both the land area of an island and the _____________________ contribute to species diversity.

distance of the island from neighboring land masses

Which of the choices would be considered density-independent factors that could affect the growth of a population?


A community or organisms and the physical enviornment it occupies are known together as an


Symbiotic relationships between species do not change over time.


A paleontologist is trying to understand the niche of Triceratops during the Cretaceous Period. What could she study to characterize Triceratops' niche?

fossilized Triceratops excrement to determine what this animal ate, tooth marks on fossilized Triceratops bones to determine what animals preyed on Triceratops, fossilized plant matter found near Triceratops fossils and dating from the same period, soil or rock samples dating from the Cretaceous Period, which could yield some information regarding climate during that time

A species' _____ niche comprises the full range of climate conditions and food resources that permit the individuals in a species to live.


Eutrophication describes:

he process in which added nutrient levels lead to the growth of algae and cyanobacteria populations, eventually causing oxygen availability to decline.

Which of the choices is responsible for the loss of amphibian populations around the world?

herbicides, pesticides, fungal diseases, habitat loss

A dead zone has been documented off the coast of Oregon. Which of the options could contribute to the formation of the dead zone?

high nitrogen levels in the area

Which of the following organisms would likely be a K-strategist?


Approximately how long would it take for CO2 levels to return to nineteenth century levels if we cut emissions by 90% immediately?

hundreds or thousands of years

How can crop yields be increased?

increasing use of machinery, converting more land, increasing fertilizer, using geeteically modified crops

A severe drought is an example of a density-_____ factor that can influence population size. The availability of nest sites is an example of a density-_____ factor.

independent; dependent

A population that is decreasing in size will have an age-structure histogram shaped like a(n)

inverted pyramid, with a narrow base representing a small number of young individuals.

An invasive species:

is any non-native species that becomes established in a new ecosystem.

Which of the answer choices best describes a species' niche?

its habitat and how it uses available resources in that habitat

A species that has a disproportionately large effect on a community is called a(n) _____ species.


Sea stars, otters, and beavers, through their influence on prey populations and habitat modification, are considered __________ species


A behavior that depends on experience has been


Some bacteria in the human intestine aid in the digestion and absorption of nutrients, while utilizing these nutrients themselves as well. This is an example of:


The evolution of flowers and sweet-tasting fruits in response to animal pollinators and dispersers are examples of _____ relationships.


The "Anthropocene Period":

named to reflect the impact of humans on the planet

______ allows populations to adapt to the abiotic and biotic condiitons where they live.

natural selection

Which of the answer choices is most likely to lead to resource partitioning?

niche overlap

Which of the organisms would likely be an r-strategist?

pine trees

The _____ of box turtles in the united states includes all of the individual box turtles that reproduce


The mathematic expression ΔN/ Δt/N1, where N denotes the size of a population and t represents time, is used to calculate:

populations growth rate

to which group do herbivores belong?

primary consumers

Cynobacteria, milkweed plants, and oak trees are all considered:

primary producers

The broadest level in a trophic pyramid is primarily composed of:

primary producers

The _____ of a species is usually the result of predation, competition, and other types of interaction between species

realized niche

In general, a species' _____ niche will be smaller than its _____ niche due to interactions with other organisms in the community.

realized; fundamental

Which of the following would be considered a density-independent factors that could affect the growth of a population


Decomposers are vital components of a food web because they:

return carbon as (CO2 to the atmosphere)

Following a disturbance, the process by which species replace each other over time is called:


_____ describes the number of individuals in a species that survive from one life cycle stage to the next.


In the silkworm moth of the genus Bombyx, pheremones are released by

the female so a male can follow the trail to find a mate

The life history of an organism takes into account:

the resource trade-offs that the organism makes during its lifetime.

Which feature of amphibians makes them more susceptible to environmental toxins and pollutants than other animals?

thin, permeable skin

Humans add about 150,000,000 tons of fixed nitrogen to the biosphere each year, primarily:

through use of fertilizer

Symbiotic relationships are subject to natural selection.


whereas food chains show linear energy transfer between organisms, food webs depict more realistically what occurs in an ecosystem


Which scenario is an example of communication?

two male elk standing next to one another, pheromones produced by a termite queen attracting workers, bright red flowers or a poinsettia, the waggle dance

Which of the choices best describes the Green revolution

use of modern technology to increase crop production

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