BIO377 Chapter 14

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What two hormones are mainly responsible for controlling calcium and phosphate balance? A. 1,25-(OH)2D and aldosterone B. parathyroid hormone and 1,25-(OH)2D C. aldosterone and parathyroid hormone D. vasopressin and cortisol E. calcitonin and vasopressin


Differences in the permeability of the nephron epithelium to water are partly based on the differential expression of membrane proteins that form water channels known as _________.


The maximum concentration gradient of the renal medullary interstitium is determined by the capacity of the active transport pumps in the _________ limb of the loop of Henle


When the atria walls are stretched due to increased blood volume, ____ ________ ______ is released and acts as an endogenous diuretic to lower blood volume

atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)

The enzyme responsible for catalyzing the conversion of carbon dioxide and water to carbonic acid is _______ _________

carbonic anhydrase

The fluid in the distal convoluted tubules passes through the __________ ______ to reach the minor calyx and renal pelvis

collecting ducts

An increase in the activity of renal sympathetic nerves ________ the afferent arterioles and _______ renin secretion by the juxtaglomerular cells


All of the renal corpuscles are located in the renal _____.


The primary site for K+ secretion in the nephron is _____ _________ _____

cortical collecting duct

The two general types of nephrons in the kidneys are _______ or ___________.


The mechanism of Na+ reabsorption from the nephron lumen into proximal tubule cells involves _________ of Na+ and organic nutrients, with Na+ moving ______ its concentration gradient and the organic molecule moving ______ its concentration gradient.


________ is an endogenous substance released into the blood by muscle cells that can be used as a clinical indicator to estimate the glomerular filtration rate


Under normal conditions in a healthy person, the daily intake of water and NaCl is ______ ___ their output

equivalent to

Under normal physiological conditions, the most important stimulator of brain thirst centers is an _______ in _______ ________

increase/plasma osmolarity

Mannitol is filtered into the nephron but is a solute which can't be reabsorbed, so it acts as a(n) ______ diuretic


The production of large volumes of urine due to the presence of unabsorbed solutes is called ______ ______

osmotic diuresis

When vasopressin levels are high, the kidneys produce a relatively _____ volume of urine that is _________ to plasma


The internal urethral sphincter is composed of _____ muscle and the external urethral sphincter is composed of _____ muscle


Most diuretics act to reduce the reabsorption of ______ and associated anions, which indirectly reduces the water reabsorption.


The most important determinant of the interstitial fluid and plasma volumes is the amount of total-body ________.


Aldosterone stimulates the reabsorption of ______, and the secretion of ______, in the cortical collecting duct


The glomerular filtrate normally contains _____ _______, but no cells and few ________.

small solutes/proteins

Put elements of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone cascade in order, from stimulus to end product. 1. Juxtaglomerular cells stimulated 2. Aldosterone release stimulated 3. Angiotensin II produced 4. Renin released 5. Increased sodium ion reabsorption


Osmolarity values in various regions of the nephron tubule... (in mOsmol/L) Near the end of the medullary collecting duct: End of the proximal convoluted tubule: Beginning of the distal tubule: Junction of the thick and thin ascending limb of the loop of Henle:


In the proximal tubule, the ratio of reabsorption of Na+ to reabsorption of water is approximately _____.


Arrange the steps of vasopressin action in the collecting duct. 1. adenylate cyclase produces cAMP 2. vasopressin binds to receptor on basolateral membrane 3. aquaporin 2 channels permit entry of water into collecting duct cells 4. protein phosphorylation increases fusion of aquaporin 2-containing vesicles with luminal membrane 5. protein kinase A is activated


Place structures in order from where urine is formed to where it is transported out of the body. 1. Renal pelvis 2. collecting duct 3. nephron 4. urinary bladder 5. ureter 6. urethra


Which is TRUE about filtration by the renal corpuscles? A. most of the plasma entering the kidney in the renal artery does not get filtered into Bowman's capsule B. most of the plasma entering the kidney in the renal artery is filtered into Bowman's capsule C. None of the plasma entering the kidney in the renal artery gets filtered into Bowman's capsule D. All of the plasma entering the kidney in the renal artery is filtered into Bowman's capsule


With regard to tubular reabsorption by the kidney, which of the following is generally incorrect? A. filtered loads of useful substances like organic nutrients and ions are so small that the reabsorption rates are quite small B. the reabsorption rate for water and many ions are under physiological control C. more than 90% of filtered organic nutrients and ions are normally reabsorbed D. filtered loads of most substances are significantly greater than the amounts taken into the body each day E. reabsorption rates of filtered waste products are generally much smaller than for organic nutrients and ions


The urinary bladder ________. (select all that apply) A. stores urine prior to micturition B. is an expandable, balloon-shaped chamber C. is located behind the abdominal cavity D. reabsorbs water and thus concentrates urine

A and B

Which accurately describe part of the homeostatic response to a decrease in total body Na+? (select all that apply) A. decrease in the amount of Na+ filtered B. increase in the amount of Na+ reabsorbed C. increase in the amount of Na+ excreted D. decrease in the amount of Na+ secreted E. increase in amount of Na+ secreted

A and B

In the process of reabsorbing filtered HCO3-, the secreted H+ ________. (select all that apply) A. combines with HCO3- in the lumen to ultimately become CO2 and H2 B. is secreted into the epithelial cells across the basolateral membrane from the peritubular capillaries C. is derived from H2CO3 generated by carbonic anhydrase within epithelial cells D. represents a net loss of H+

A and C

The secretion of renin increases in response to _________. A. total-body Na+ depletion B. increased blood volume and pressure C. decreased renal sympathetic nerve activation D. decreased NaCl delivery to the macula densa

A and D

Potassium-sparing diuretics act mainly one of two different ways; by _______ or by _________. (select all that apply) A. blocking epithelial Na+ channels in the cortical collecting duct B. inhibiting mesangial cells C. blocking reabsorption of water in the proximal tubule D. inhibiting release of renin from juxtaglomerular cells E. blocking the action of aldosterone F. blocking absorption of NaCl in loop of Henle

A and E

Examples of nonvolatile acids generated in the body include _____ (select all that apply) A. lactic acid B. phosphoric acid C. sulfuric acid D. carbonic acid


Which of these classes of drugs are used to treat hypertension? (select all that apply) A. angiotensin II receptor-blocking drugs B. drugs that inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme C. aldosterone receptor-blocking drugs D. drugs that stimulate conversion of angiotensinogen into angiotensin I E. drugs that stimulate aldosterone receptors


Increased activity of the renal sympathetic nerves ______. (select all that apply) A. stimulates the secretion of renin from the juxtaglomerular cells B. decreases the glomerular filtration rate C. dilates the afferent arterioles and constricts the efferent arterioles, increasing GFR D. stimulates vasoconstriction of the afferent arterioles E. occurs in response to an increase in body sodium and increase in blood pressure


Para-aminohippuric acid (PAH) is an exogenous molecule ________. (select all that apply) A. that is secreted into the proximal tubule from the peritubular capillaries B. that is completely removed from the renal plasma as it flows through the kidney C. is used to determine the glomerular filtration rate of the kidney D. that is used to measure renal plasma flow E. that is neither filtered nor secreted


Which conditions are commonly treated with diuretics? (select all that apply) A. hypertension B. congestive heart failure C. psoriasis D. edema E. eczema F. hypotension


Inulin _______. (select all that apply) A. has a renal clearance equal to the glomerular filtration rate B. is a plant compound C. is reabsorbed by the nephron D. is secreted by the nephron E. is filtered into Bowman's capsule


The 'reabsorption' of HCO3- in the proximal tubule is dependent on _________. (select all that apply) A. its facilitated diffusion from the tubular epithelial cells to the interstitial fluid B. the secretion of H+ C. its active transport from the lumen into the tubular epithelial cells D. a cotransport protein that moves H+ with Na+ from epithelial cells into the interstitial fluid E. carbonic anhydrase in the tubular epithelial cells


Which of the following are secreted by the renal tubule? (select all that apply) A. K+ B. foreign chemicals C. Na+ D. glucose E. H+


Which of these hormones/substances are produced by the kidneys? (select all that apply) A. 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D B. erythropoietin C. cortisol D. epinephrine E. renin


Which of these would occur following a loss of Na+ and water from the body due to diarrhea? (select all that apply) A. a compensatory constriction of afferent renal arterioles B. a compensatory decrease in net glomerular filtration pressure C. a compensatory increase in glomerular filtration rate D. renal excretion of Na+ and water would be increased E. arterial blood pressure would decrease from normal


Which of the following are normally excluded from the filtrate entering Bowman's space? A. globulins B. charged ions, like Na+ and K+ C. albumins D. red blood cells E. glucose F. fatty acids bound to plasma proteins


Which are part of the reflexive compensation to severe sweating? (select all that apply) A. increased vasopressin secretion B. decreased vasopressin secretion C. increased aldosterone secretion D. increased GFR E. decreased GFR F. decreased aldosterone secretion


Routes by which body water is lost from the body include _______. (select all that apply) A. sweat and feces B. liquids and moist foods C. menstrual flow D. metabolic condensation reactions E. urine F. insensible routes


In which regions of the nephron does net reabsorption of urea occur? (select all that apply) A. bottom of the medullary collecting duct B. thin descending limb of the loop of Henle C. thin ascending limb of the loop of Henle D. proximal tubule E. distal tubule and cortical collecting duct


The renal clearance of glucose is normally zero because ______. A. the amount of glucose filtered into Bowman's capsule is normally zero B. the concentration of glucose in the urine is normally zero C. the rate of urine formation is normally zero D. the plasma concentration of glucose is normally zero


A net loss of H+ results from _______. A. elimination of HCO3- via diarrhea B. use of H+ for organic anion metabolism C. elimination of HCO3- in urine D. loss of any non-gastric digestive fluid E. a high protein diet


At a normal extracellular pH of 7.4, the hydrogen ion concentration is _______ mmol/L A. 80 B. 0.00004 C. 0.0074 D. 7400 E. 40


During the reabsorption of filtered HCO3-, the HCO3- molecules that enter the renal interstitial fluid and capillaries _______. A. diffuse from the lumen to the interstitial fluid via HCO3- ion channels B. originate from the dissociation of H2CO3 in the tubular epithelial cells C. move all the way from the lumen via bulk flow D. originate from the dissociation of H2CO3 within the filtrate


For a person who is maintaining pH homeostasis, the amount of H+ from nonvolatile acids generated in the body is equal to __________. A. the amount of H+ bound to H2PO4- excreted in the urine B. the amount of new HCO3- added to the plasma by the kidneys C. the amount of NH4+ excreted in the urine D. the amount of HCO' filtered at the glomerulus


If a person drinks an excess of water, what alterations in renal handling mechanisms will compensate to return the person to a homeostatic state? A. secretion of water will decrease and reabsorption of water will increase B. filtration of water will increase and reabsorption of water will decrease C. secretion of water will decrease and reabsorption of water will decrease D. filtration of water will decrease and reabsorption of water will increase E. filtration of water will increase and secretion of water will decrease


The net gain of H+ to the body in a day can be estimated by summing __________. A. the amount of filtered bicarbonate plus the amount of secreted bicarbonate B. the amount of urinary ammonium plus the amount of H+ bound to buffers like HPO4- in the urine C. the total amount of H+ secreted in all regions of the nephron D. the amount of bicarbonate in the urine plus the amount of H+ in the urine


Which best describes human salt appetite? A. it's tightly regulated; excess salt consumption commonly occurs when it's cheap and readily available B. it's strongly hedonistic; excess salt consumption commonly occurs when it is cheap and readily available C. it's tightly regulated; when body Na+ levels increase, there's strong inhibition of salt appetite D. it's strongly hedonistic; when body Na+ levels increase, there's strong inhibition of salt appetite


Which of the following is NOT a mechanism by which water and solutes are moved from the nephron tubule into the renal interstitium? A. diffusion B. bulk flow C. osmosis D. mediated transport


Which variable is normally NOT a significant determinant of the net glomerular filtration pressure? A. protein osmotic pressure in glomerular capillaries B. protein osmotic pressure in Bowman's capsule C. hydrostatic pressure in glomerular capillaries D. hydrostatic pressure in Bowman's capsule


A net gain of hydrogen ions results from _____. (select all that apply) A. hyperventilation B. loss of HCO3- in urine C. hypoventilation D. vomiting

B and C

Active transport of Na+ out of tubular epithelial cells via primary active transport ______. (select all that apply) A. alters the permeability of these cells to Na+ at the apical surface B. lowers the intracellular concentration of Na+ C. establishes a concentration gradient for movement of Na+ into the cells from the tubular fluid D. is balanced by primary active transport of Na+ into the cells from the tubular fluid

B and C

Aldosterone increases Na+ reabsorption in which TWO regions of the nephron? A. proximal convoluted tubules B. cortical collecting ducts C. distal convoluted tubules D. loop of Henle

B and C

Angiotensin II ______. (select all that apply) A. inhibits aldosterone secretion B. causes constriction of arterioles C. stimulates aldosterone secretion D. decreases systemic blood pressure E. is secreted by juxtaglomerular cells

B and C

Respiratory acidosis can result from ________. (select all that apply) A. elimination of CO2 faster than it is produced B. retention of CO2 C. hypoventilation D. lowered PCO2

B and C

Which two of these provide the major inputs to neurons that secrete vasopressin? A. juxtaglomerular cells B. baroreceptors C. osmoreceptors D. chemoreceptors E. macula densa

B and C

At any given net glomerular filtration pressure, the glomerular filtration rate is directly proportional to _________. (select all that apply) A. the concentration of proteins in the blood plasma B. the surface area of the filtration barrier C. the hydrostatic pressure in Bowman's capsule D. the permeability of the filtration barrier E. the number of transport proteins in the glomerulus

B and D

In response to alkalosis _______. (select all that apply) A. urinary ammonium concentration increases B. there is little or no excretion of H+ on nonbicarbonate buffers in the urine C. tubular epithelial cell glutamine metabolism increases D. tubular secretion of H+ is reduced

B and D

Increased arterial blood pressure reduces Na+ reabsorption by ______. (select all that apply) A. inhibiting the release of vasopressin B. inhibiting the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system C. activating the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system D. stimulating pressure natriuresis

B and D

When the kidney is compensating for acidosis ______. (select all that apply) A. H+ is eliminated as glutamine B. H+ is excreted as H2PO4- and NH4+ C. the rate of filtration of HCO3- at Bowman's capsule increases D. all of the HCO3- that enters the renal capillaries originated in the filtrate E. all filtered HCO3- is reabsorbed

B and E

Juxtamedullary nephrons __________. (select all that apply) A. are more numerous than cortical nephrons B. have longer loops of Henle than cortical nephrons C. have their renal corpuscles near the cortical-medullary junction D. have loops of Henle that are responsible for generating an osmotic gradient in the medulla E. have their renal corpuscles very near the outer capsule of the kidney


Tubular reabsorption of Na+ from the proximal tubule involves which of the following mechanisms? (select all that apply) A. primary active transport from the cytosol of epithelial cells into the tubule lumen B. primary active transport from epithelial cells into the interstitial fluid C. cotransport with glucose and amino acids from the filtrate into epithelial cells D. countertransport with H+, with Na+ moving from the filtrate into epithelial cells E. facilitated diffusion from epithelial cells into the interstitial fluid F. countertransport with glucose and amino acids, with Na+ moving from epithelial cells into the interstitial fluid


Which of the following are used in the equation for calculating the renal clearance of a given substance? (select all that apply) A. molecular weight of the substance B. urine volume per unit time C. concentration of substance in plasma D. concentration of substance in urine E. glomerular filtration rate


To compensate for acidosis, the kidneys __________. (select all that apply) A. produce urine that is more alkaline than normal B. secrete H+ into the tubular fluid C. minimize excretion of HCO3- in urine D. increase excretion of HCO3- in the urine E. synthesize and add new HCO3- into plasma


Fluid that is filtered from the plasma in the kidneys first enters ________ ______

Bowman's space

Most reabsorption of filtered calcium ions occurs in the ______. A. distal tubule B. cortical collecting duct C. proximal tubule D. medullary collecting duct E. loop of Henle


Osmosis of water from the lumen of the proximal tubule into the renal interstitium is driven by _______. A. proteoglycans manufactured by mesangial cells, which exclude water from the filtrate by hydrophobic interactions B. hydrostatic pressure generated in the proximal tubule by the large quantity of filtrate entering Bowman's capsule C. reabsorption of Na+ and other solutes, such as glucose, amino acids, and HCO3- D. oncotic pressure of proteins, which are in much higher concentration in the renal interstitium than in the filtrate


What powers the countercurrent multiplier system of the kidney? A. the amount of water in the filtrate B. the hydrostatic pressure in the renal medullary interstitium C. the active transport pumps of the thick segment of the ascending limb D. the capacity of the peritubular capillaries to absorb water E. the concentration of potassium in the extracellular fluid


Which is NOT one of the factors contributing to the countercurrent multiplier system that creates the concentrated renal medullary interstitium? A. The countercurrent anatomy of the loop of Henle of juxtamedullary nephrons B. Hairpin loops of vasa recta that minimizes solute washout from the medullary interstitium C. The isosmotic reabsorption of Na+ and water from the proximal convoluted tubules of juxtamedullary nephrons D. Reabsorption of NaCl in the ascending limbs of the loops of Henle of juxtamedullary nephrons E. Impermeability to water of the ascending limbs of the loops of Henle of juxtamedullary nephrons F. Trapping of urea in the medulla


Which region of the nephron is always impermeable to water? A. collecting duct B. proximal convoluted tubule C. ascending limb of the loop of Henle D. descending limb of the loop of Henle


Why does glucose appear in the urine in a person with poorly-controlled diabetes mellitus? A. because the rate of renal reabsorption is greater than the normal filtered load B. because there is a decreased transport maximum for glucose reabsorption compared to normal C. the plasma glucose concentration exceeds the normal renal threshold D. the rate of excretion exceeds the normal rate of reabsorption


Substance Z has a filtration rate of 10 ml/min, a secretion rate of 0 ml/min and a reabsorption rate of 0 ml/min. Its excretion rate will be _______. (select all that apply) A. 0 ml/min B. equal to osmotic gradient C. 10 ml/min D. equal to GFR

C and D

The brush border of proximal tubule epithelial cells _____. (select all that apply) A. is composed of microvilli found on the basolateral membrane B. increases the surface area for movement of substances between the cytosol and interstitial fluid C. increases the surface area for movement of substances between the tubular fluid and cytosol D. is composed of microvilli found on the apical membrane

C and D

Which TWO are effects resulting from increased vasopressin? A. increased Na+ reabsorption B. decreased arterial blood pressure C. widespread arteriolar constriction D. increased aldosterone secretion E. decreased excretion of water

C and E

Rank substances according to their rate of excretion by the kidney from slowest to fastest... A. Substance C: freely filtered into Bowman's space, and 98% of amount filtered is reabsorbed B. Substance T: freely filtered into Bowman's space, and 100% of the amount not filtered is secreted C. Substance V: freely filtered into Bowman's space, and 100% of amount filtered is reabsorbed


Potassium ions are _____ (select all that apply) A. reabsorbed in the cortical collecting duct B. secreted into the loop of Henle C. secreted into the cortical collecting ducts D. freely filtered by glomerular capillaries E. reabsorbed from the proximal tubule


Which are actions of parathyroid hormone on the kidneys? (select all that apply) A. increases reabsorption of urea B. decreases reabsorption of Ca2+ C. activates hydroxylation that activates vitamin D D. decreases reabsorption of phosphate E. increases reabsorption of Ca2+


Tubular reabsorption of bicarbonate occurs in the ________. A. distal convoluted tubule B. medullary collecting duct C. proximal convoluted tubule D. cortical collecting duct E. descending limb of the loop of Henle F. ascending limb of the loop of Henle


The major extracellular fluid buffering system is the ___/___ system


Complete the equation: Na+ excreted = __________ A. Na+ secreted - Na+ filtered B. Na+ secreted - Na+ reabsorbed C. Na+ filtered - Na+ secreted D. Na+ filtered - Na+ reabsorbed E. Na+ reabsorbed - Na+ filtered


The ascending limb of the loop of Henle functions to _________. A. reabsorb water only B. reabsorb NaCl and water C. secrete NaCl and water D. reabsorb NaCl but not water


The macula densa contributes to the regulation of blood pressure by _______. A. stimulating constriction of the efferent arteriole B. constricting in response to sympathetic activity C. releasing renin in response to low Na+ in the renal tubule D. releasing a paracrine regulator that alters juxtaglomerular cells' renin secretion E. secreting atrial natriuretic peptide when blood pressure is increased above normal


Water movement across the proximal tubule epithelium occurs because ________. A. of the high concentration of proteins in the renal medullary interstitial space B. the balance of Starling's forces across the epithelial barrier favors movement out of the tubule C. there is an abundance of ATP-driven water pumps in the basolateral membrane of the epithelial cells, keeping the cytosol water concentration low D. the active transport of solutes from the lumen to the interstitial fluid creates an osmotic gradient


Which is TRUE about the filtrate in the nephron in the cortical collecting duct when the plasma vasopressin concentration is high? A. it is not affected by vasopressin, but constitutive reabsorption of NaCl reduces the osmolarity to about 80 mOsm/L B. it becomes extremely concentrated, with an osmolarity of about 1400 mOsm/L C. it is not affected by vasopressin, maintaining an osmolarity near 100 mOsm/L equilibrates with the cortical interstitial fluid at an osmolarity of about 300 mOsm/L


Which is true about the function of the vasa recta? A. They reabsorb water, but not NaCl B. They reabsorb NaCl, but not water C. The osmolarity of blood leaving them is normally lower than the osmolarity of blood entering them D. The volume of blood leaving them is normally higher than the volume of blood entering them E. The osmolarity of blood leaving them is normally the same as the osmolarity of blood entering them


Which of these results in a decreased renal blood flow and an increase in glomerular filtration rate? A. dilation of afferent arterioles B. constriction of afferent arterioles C. dilation of efferent arterioles D. constriction of efferent arterioles


The macula densa cells ________. (select all that apply) A. convert angiotensin I to angiotensin II B. contain baroreceptors important for regulating GFR C. secrete renin when the blood pressure is low D. produce paracrine factors that can stimulate juxtaglomerular cells to secrete renin E. respond to the amount of Na+ in the renal filtrate

D and E

The reabsorption of water is physiologically controlled mainly in the ______. (select all that apply) A. ascending limb of loop of Henle B. glomerulus C. descending limb of loop of Henle D. cortical collecting duct E. medullary collecting duct F. proximal tubule

D and E

For a typical, healthy person in NaCl balance, which of the following output pathways generally removes the largest amount of NaCl from the body? A. insensible loss (skin) B. feces C. metabolism D. sweating E. urine


Vasopressin and angiotensin II both stimulate _________. A. K+ secretion in distal tubule B. aldosterone secretion C. aquaporin insertion in plasma membranes D. urea secretion and recycling E. arteriolar constriction


Which of these is the MAJOR hormone that determines the long-term Na+ excretion by altering the rate of tubular Na+ reabsorption? A. vasopressin B. atrial natriuretic hormone C. parathyroid hormone D. angiotensin II E. aldosterone


A decrease in ___ is part of the physiological compensation for the loss of Na+ and H2O resulting from diarrhea.


New HCO3 enters renal capillaries when _____ is excreted in the urine


When blood __ levels are high, aldosterone secretion is inhibited.


In the cortical collecting duct, the reabsorption of __ is coupled to the secretion of __


True or false: Cardiovascular baroreceptors simultaneously initiate reflexes that regulate blood pressure and regulate total-body sodium


True or false: the epithelial cells of the descending and ascending limbs of the loop of Henle reabsorb significant amounts of ions and water.


In the thick region of the ascending limb of the loop of Henle, Na+ and Cl- are reabsorbed by _____ _______

active cotransport

Dilation of the _______ arterioles and constriction of the _______ arterioles would result in increased glomerular filtration rate.


In the micturition reflex, stretch receptors in the bladder wall activate _______ neurons, which enter the spinal cord and stimulate _______ neurons to the bladder and inhibit _______ neurons to the internal urethral sphincter.


The hormone ________ increases the reabsorption of Na+ from the tubular fluid by stimulating synthesis of ion channels and pumps in the distal tubule and cortical collecting duct cells


Because small intestinal secretions are _______, a person with diarrhea experiences a net ____ of H+


When the kidneys respond to acidosis, ____ (all, some, or none?) of the filtered HCO3- is reabsorbed, and the pH of the urine ________.


Aquaporins regulated by vasopressin are inserted on the _____ surface of collecting duct epithelial cells


When plasma vasopressin concentrations are high, water permeability of the ________ membrane of _________ cells ________

apical/collecting duct/increases

The epithelial cell membrane region facing the renal interstitium is called the _________ membrane


A person with a chronic metabolic acidosis will have arterial PCO2 values that are ___________ normal


The kidneys maintain a stable plasma hydrogen ion concentration by regulating plasma ______ concentration


When ____ _______ increases, the secretion of the enzyme, renin from the juxtaglomerular apparatus, is inhibited.

blood pressure

Any substance that can reversibly bind H+ is called a ______.


The _______ (ascending or descending?) limb of the loop of Henle does not reabsorb NaCl.


The smooth muscle that makes up the wall of the urinary bladder is called the ________ muscle


The disorder associated with the control of or response to vasopressin is referred to as ______ ______.

diabetes insipidus

The filtrate entering the descending limb of the loop of Henle is more ________ than the filtrate at the start of the ascending limb.


Immediately after passing through the ascending limb of the loop of Henle, tubular fluid enters the _______ _________ _______

distal convoluted tubule

In response to alkalosis, the kidneys ________ large quantities of ___


________ ____ ________ is a disease caused by a genetic mutation in a transport protein that reduces the reabsorption of glucose

familial renal glucosuria

If a substance undergoes net tubular reabsorption in the kidney, its _______ ____ will be greater than its _______ ____

filtered load/excretion rate

With hypoventilation a net ____ of H+ occurs, whereas with hyperventilation, a net ____ of H+ occurs.


The volume of fluid filtered from renal glomerular capillaries into Bowman's capsules per unit of time is referred to as the ______ _______ ____

glomerular filtration rate

_______ doesn't normally appear in the urine because it is reabsorbed at the same rate at which it is filtered.


Human appetite for salt is mainly _______


Urea is reabsorbed from the collecting duct back into the interstitial fluid of the inner medulla of the kidney because it contributes to the ____ ________ _________

high medullary osmolarity

Urea contributes to the ___ osmolarity of the _____ __________ __________

high/renal medullary interstitium

Filtration of materials from the blood into the Bowman's capsule is favored by the relatively high ______ pressure of the ________ ________

hydrostatic/glomerular capillaries

A decrease in arterial plasma hydrogen ion concentration causes reflex ________ by the lungs


________ plasma K+ levels directly cause ________ aldosterone secretion


Excreting HCO3- in urine _________ the plasma H+ concentration.


If arterial plasma hydrogen ion concentration _________, cells in the renal tubules synthesize and release new bicarbonate ions into plasma


For the average individual, the primary source of NaCl on a daily basis is ________; the largest amount of NaCl loss from the body is __ _____

ingestion/in urine

Vasopressin secretion is _________ (inhibited or stimulated?) by ethanol consumption


Normally, an individual is not aware of the continuous loss of water from the surface of the skin and respiratory passages, which is called _______ water loss


The compound _____ is found in some fruits and vegetables, and its renal plasma clearance rate is equal to the kidney's glomerular filtration rate


The intrarenal baroreceptors are the _________ cells and when blood pressure decreases they _________their secretion of _____


All H+ from nonvolatile acids is eliminated from the bloodstream by the ____ (what organs?)


During water diuresis vasopressin is _____ and there are ______ aquaporins in the apical membrane of collecting duct cells


Compared to plasma, sweat has a _______ concentration of NaCl


The patch of specialized tubule cells in the nephron wall where the ascending limb of the loop of Henle meets the distal convoluted tubule, which also makes up part of the juxtaglomerular apparatus, is called the ______ _____.

macula densa

Urea is absorbed from the _______ ________ ____ of the nephron then diffuses through the interstitial spaces to the _____ __ ____

medullary collecting duct/loop of Henle

The production of large volumes of urine due to the presence of unabsorbed glucose in the tubular lumen is a result of the disease diabetes ______


Substances can be excreted at a higher rate than they are filtered by the kidney if they are secreted by ______ ________.

nephron tubules

______ are the plasma-processing functional units of the kidneys that are responsible for the formation of urine


Dividing the number of osmoles of solute that must be excreted each day by the maximum concentration of urine that can be produced equals a quantity called the ________ _____ ___

obligatory water loss

How many layers of epithelial cells make up the walls of the nephron tubule?


Sensory receptors in the hypothalamus that respond to changes in the proportions of water and solute in plasma are called _________.


The layer of Bowman's capsule immediately adjacent to glomerular capillaries is composed of modified epithelial cells called _________


Of all the ions regulated by the kidney, the one that must be the most tightly regulated in the extracellular fluid to maintain proper function of excitable tissues such as the brain, heart, and skeletal muscles is ________


An increase in Na+ excretion associated with increased arterial blood pressure is called ______ ________

pressure natriuresis

The primary mechanism driving Na+ reabsorption is _______ ______ _______ at the _________ surface of tubular epithelial cells

primary active transport/basolateral

Transport of Na+ from proximal tubule epithelial cell cytosol to the interstitial fluid occurs by ______ ______ transport in exchange for __

primary active/K+

______ _______ is responsible for active reabsorption of most of the filtered ions, passive transport of Cl-, water, and urea, and the major site of solute secretion. ______ ________ and _________ _____ are responsible for hormonally-controlled fine-tuning of the reabsorption and in a few cases, secretion of ions that determines the final amounts excreted in the urine. _____ __ _____ is responsible for reabsorption of significant quantities of water and ions, but few other transport processes

proximal tubule/distal tubule/collecting duct/loop of henle

_____ _______ is the volume of plasma from which a given substance is completely removed per unit time

renal clearance

The major mechanism for regulation of body potassium is the control of ____ ________

renal excretion

What is the mode of transport by which glucose, amino acids, and other organic substances are moved from the renal filtrate into renal epithelial cells with Na+?

secondary active transport

If a substance occurs at a higher concentration in urine than its concentration in the initial filtrate, the substance must undergo tubular ________. (secretion or reabsorption)


The rate of tubular reabsorption at which all carrier-mediated transporters for a given solute are fully saturated is called the _______ __________.

transport maximum

True or false: The pH of the ECF is tightly regulated, because the tertiary structure of proteins such as metabolic enzymes is highly sensitive to the free H+ concentration


True or false: the amount of water and ions reabsorbed by the nephron is typically more than 99% of the amount filtered


The movement of a filtered substance from the lumen of the tubule to the lumen of the peritubular capillaries is called _______ __________.

tubular reabsorption

When the clearance of a filterable substance is less than the GFR, that substance must undergo some ______ ________

tubular reabsorption

____ is secreted into the loop of Henle and is a critical component of the renal medullary osmotic gradient


_____, compared to other substances filtered at the glomerulus, undergoes the smallest fractional reabsorption by the kidney.


The peritubular capillaries surrounding the loops of Henle in the medulla of the kidney are called the ____ _____

vasa recta

A hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary that controls water reabsorption in the collecting ducts of the nephron is called __________; another name for it is __________ hormone.


Regulation of Na+ excretion is primarily used to maintain homeostasis of extracellular fluid _______; regulation of water excretion is primarily used to maintain homeostasis of extracellular fluid ________.


The reabsorption of urea by diffusion in the proximal tubule is directly dependent upon the reabsorption of ______.


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