BioEthics : Natural Inclinations and Natural Law

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To love the Good and supernatural inclination to Hope and Charity

Duty to do good and avoid evil. Duty to love all others out of love for God and to work for one's salvation. Willingness to suffer for others out of love for God and others.

To live in community and supernatural inclination to share in unity of Trinity

Duty to enter into loving relationships with others (even our enemies out of charity - love of friendship of God). Duty to respect the dignity of all humans from conception to natural death. Duty against racism and unjust discrimination. Duty to share in and transform culture.

For the body to be alive and healthy

Duty to live a healthy lifestyle. Duty to take medical treatment necessary for following calling from God. The principle of totality and integrity.

To Seek the bodily Good and Holy Spirit gifts of fear of the Lord and fortitude.

Duty to properly train emotions. Duty to seek morally necessary activities that are pleasurable in proper amount and way (with self-control and fortitude). Duty to have proper emotional love for others.

To procreate and raise children as humans (Since humans have a different end, this inclination is different in humans than in other animals).

Duty to raise holy children. Duty to only have sex within marriage between a man and a woman. Duty to be open to life. Duty to obey parents and proper authority figures.

to Natural Happiness

Duty to seek true happiness (vs. false happiness). All legitimate rights are for things necessary for true happiness.

Material goods necessary for performing proper actions (and only those necessary)

Duty to use material goods in accord with Catholic Social teaching: as ordered to true health and happiness.

To act freely - because of the intellect and will, humans are naturally inclined to free actions.

Principle of inner freedom - this also comes from the natural inclination to virtue. Duty to work for good laws within the state based on legitimate rights.

To know the Truth and supernatural inclination of faith

To learn the truths of faith, Duty to form your conscience, principle of professional communication; principle of stewardship and creativity - e.g. you are using your creativity in accord with the truths gleaned from human nature (i.e. natural law). Duty to learn vocation (divine calling).

to God

duty to worship God and seek God. Duty to seek eternal union with God (supernatural inclination)

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