BIOL 1020 Chapter 29 Respiratory System Adaptive Quiz

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Which statement describes a force that is NOT involved in inhaling air into the lungs?

Air moves from lower pressure to higher pressure.

Why was a "live high, train low" training regimen developed?

Altitude effects on the respiratory system indicated that oxygen-carrying capacity could be enhanced by living at altitudes with less oxygen available.

What happens to people living at high altitudes to increase their oxygen-carrying capacity?

An elevation in red blood cell production increases their oxygen-carrying capacity.

During the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City, world records were set in sprinting events. What was the scientific reason behind this phenomenon?

At higher altitude, there is less air resistance.

Which statement is TRUE regarding a "live high, train low" training regimen?

Athletes must experience hypoxia at least 12 to 20 hours a day for 3 weeks to see benefits.

Which description does NOT accompany an increase in breathing rate?

Blood pH decreases.

How are alveoli and red blood cells similar?

Both contain oxygen.

What effect does an increase in carbon dioxide within the blood have on the respiratory system?

Breathing rate increases.

_____ is a gas produced during exercise that increases breathing rate.

Carbon dioxide

Why is the partial pressure of oxygen lower in tissues than in the lungs?

Cells in tissues are using aerobic respiration.

Which statement does NOT explain why scientists are interested in learning about altitude effects on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems?

Climate change is increasing the altitude for people living at sea level and will affect the cardiovascular and respiratory systems in these populations.

Why is it difficult to enforce the International Olympic Committee's official ban on the use of erythropoietin (EPO)?

EPO is a natural hormone and is present in everyone.

Which statement is FALSE regarding hemoglobin?

Each hemoglobin molecule can carry up to two molecules of oxygen.

Hemoglobin binds oxygen "reversibly." What does this mean?

Hemoglobin binds oxygen in the lungs and releases it in the tissues.

Which statement is TRUE at any partial pressure of oxygen in tissues?

Hemoglobin releases more oxygen as temperature increases.

What characteristics of red blood cells make them efficient at carrying oxygen?

Hemoglobin, which binds oxygen, exists within red blood cells.

Why is the use of hypoxic chambers allowed if they have a similar effect to blood doping, which is illegal?

Hypoxic chambers are seen as a variation on natural training regimens.

Which statement is FALSE regarding the effect an increased production of ATP has on respiration?

It causes a decrease in the breathing rate.

One training device currently sold is a face mask that restricts air flow. The idea behind this device is that chest muscles will be forced to work harder to pull air in and push air out. How might this device be beneficial?

It could ultimately increase lung capacity.

Which statement is FALSE regarding blood doping with erythropoietin?

It increases a person's lung capacity.

_____ is a highly successful swimmer who uses a hypoxic chamber and has won more Olympic medals than anyone in history.

Michael Phelps

Which statement is FALSE regarding the cardiorespiratory system?

More oxygen binds to hemoglobin when its partial pressure is low.

Which statement is FALSE regarding gas exchange in the cardiorespiratory system?

Oxygen-rich blood comes from the lungs through the right side of the heart to the tissues.

What happens when a person breathes in a paper bag?

Rebreathing carbon dioxide decreases the pH of the person's blood.

You would be least likely to find a hypoxic chamber in the bedroom of an elite athlete living in _____.

South Sudan

Occasionally, a lung may spontaneously collapse as air fills the space between the outer surface of the lung and the inner surface of the chest cavity. Which statement would most likely be TRUE for someone with a collapsed lung?

The air surrounding the lung would make it more difficult to inflate the lung.

Which statement is FALSE regarding alveoli?

The bronchi bring air directly from the trachea to the alveoli.

Which statement is FALSE regarding the bronchi?

The bronchi bring air directly from the trachea to the alveoli.

What are the forces involved in exhaling air from the lungs?

The diaphragm and rib muscles relax.

Which statement is FALSE regarding the diaphragm?

The diaphragm initiates the breathing rate.

Which term is defined CORRECTLY?

The larynx houses the vocal cords.

Which statement is FALSE regarding high altitudes?

The partial pressure of carbon dioxide is higher than at sea level.

What can happen when breathing is hindered by asthma or obesity?

The person is unable to unload carbon dioxide from the lungs, resulting in acidosis

How would a dietary deficiency of iron affect gas exchange in the tissues?

The person would not be able to make the heme groups in hemoglobin, resulting in reduced oxygen transport to the tissues.

Which statement is FALSE for a person who is exercising?

Their hemoglobin gives up less oxygen as their blood pH drops.

Which statement is FALSE regarding hypoxic chambers?

There are absolutely no adverse effects associated with this procedure.

Why are the respiratory and cardiovascular systems often referred to as the "cardiorespiratory system"?

These two systems work closely together to ultimately provide gas exchange for tissues.

How do the kidneys influence gas exchange in the cardiorespiratory system?

They secrete a hormone that simulates red blood cell production, leading to an increase in oxygen carrying capacity.

People can control their breathing rate voluntarily. How would intentionally slowing your breathing rate during exercise, using voluntary hypoventilation, affect your body?

Your blood pH would decrease.

What can cause an increase in blood pH?

a decrease in CO2

To study the effects of a "live high, train low" altitude-training regimen, maximal oxygen uptake and 3000-m race times were measured for 22 elite distance runners before and after using altitude training. What indicators would scientists use to show that altitude training is useful for improving performance?

a statistically significant decrease in 3000-m race times

The potentially fatal condition that results when the level of carbon dioxide in the blood rises too high is called _____.


The structures in the lungs that are closely associated with capillaries and permit gas exchange are called _____.


The tiny air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occurs are called _____.


What is the pathway air takes as it is exhaled from the lungs to the nose and mouth?

alveoli, bronchi, trachea, larynx, pharynx

Which adaptation would be useful to increase oxygen availability to body cells?

an adaptation that increases the number of red blood cells in circulation

What anatomical structure controls breathing rate?


Emphysema is a disease that reduces the surface area of alveoli by causing alveolar walls to burst. How might emphysema affect the respiratory system?

by decreasing the amount of oxygen absorbed

When the amount of oxygen available to the respiratory system decreases, how does the body respond to the decreased oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood?

by increasing the number of red blood cells

Increasing the amount of _____ in the blood does NOT increase oxygen-carrying capacity.

carbon dioxide

As carbon dioxide dissolves within plasma, _____ is produced.

carbonic acid

During inhalation, the diaphragm _____ and moves _____ to _____ the chest cavity volume.

contracts; down; increase

One physiological change that occurs in the tissues during exercise causing hemoglobin to release more oxygen is a(n) _____.

decrease in pH

When body temperature increases, hemoglobin saturation _____.


The sheetlike muscle that helps increase and decrease the size of the chest cavity to allow air to move in and out of the lungs is called the _____.


The process used to move oxygen from alveoli into capillaries is called _____.


How many globin chains exist in one hemoglobin molecule?


What is the maximum number of molecules of oxygen each hemoglobin molecule picks up from alveoli?


An athlete experiencing an increase in maximum oxygen uptake has a competitive advantage because he or she _____.

has an increased ability to use aerobic respiration

What adverse effects could result from sleeping in a hypoxia chamber for extended periods of time?

headaches and trouble sleeping

The iron-containing _____ group in hemoglobin is the component that binds oxygen.


The molecule in red blood cells that reversibly binds oxygen is called _____.


Which factor(s) increase(s) oxygen binding to hemoglobin?

higher oxygen partial pressure, lower temperature, and higher pH

To improve his performance, Michael Phelps sleeps in a device that creates an artificial low-oxygen environment. This device is called a(n) _____.

hypoxic chamber

Increasing the number of capillaries associated with alveoli would be expected to _____.

increase carbon dioxide being released to the alveoli

One of the main ways that pH is lowered and breathing rate is increased is by a(n) _____.

increase in carbon dioxide

What physiological effect does NOT result from living at high altitudes?

increased breathing rate

During exercise, breathing rate _____.

increases primarily in response to carbon dioxide levels increasing

During an endurance event, muscle cells use aerobic respiration to produce ATP. As a result, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood _____ and pH _____.

increases; decreases

Which method would improve a male athlete's ability to exercise longer and harder?

increasing his lung capacity

Which description would NOT speed the rate at which oxygen is delivered to tissues?

increasing the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the lungs

A deficiency of the element _____ affects oxygen-carrying capacity.


When the respiratory system is unable to provide adequate oxygen over an extended period of time, you would expect to see an increase in the number of red blood cells. Patients with _____ failure may be unable to respond normally.


Which anatomical structure secretes erythropoietin (EPO)?


Our vocal cords are housed within the _____.


Which of these would you expect to increase oxygen-carrying capacity the most?

living at high altitude for 6 weeks

The kidneys secrete the hormone erythropoietin in response to hypoxia. What does the term "hypoxia" mean?

low oxygen levels

Ordinary gymgoers who exercise twice a week in hypoxic rooms are likely to see _____.

no significant improvement in their maximum oxygen uptake

Altitude sickness is an illness that _____.

occurs when moving suddenly to an altitude with a lower partial pressure of oxygen

A respiratory surface allows _____ to enter the bloodstream and _____ to exit the bloodstream in the lungs.

oxygen; carbon dioxide

Some people have been known to use the dangerous practice of hyperventilating to allow themselves to hold their breath for a longer period. Hyperventilation causes carbon dioxide levels to decrease, which decreases the drive to breathe. How would hyperventilation affect blood pH levels?

pH would increase.

What is the pathway air takes as it travels from the nose and mouth to the lungs?

pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, alveoli

Athletes interested in increasing their red blood cells counts could _____.

remove their own blood, store it, and then transfuse it back into their bodies

Which muscle(s) assist(s) in breathing?

rib muscles and diaphragm

Which body system is directly affected by erythropoietin?

skeletal system

Which athletic training situation mimics high-altitude training?

sleeping in a low-oxygen chamber and transfusing red blood cells into the circulation

Erythropoietin (EPO) is a hormone that increases a person's oxygen-carrying capacity because it _____.

stimulates the production of red blood cells

Side effects of blood doping with erythropoietin (EPO) include _____.


If the alveoli in your lungs were spread flat, they would occupy a space similar to the size of a(n) _____.

tennis court

What is the particular feature of altitude that increases the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood?

the reduced partial pressure of oxygen

Why do athletes use altitude training?

to improve their ability to take up and transport oxygen

What is the purpose of the respiratory system?

to take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide

How many β globin chains exist in one hemoglobin molecule?


Human populations living at high elevations, such as the Himalayas, have physical adaptations that allow them to get sufficient oxygen. Which statement correctly describes adaptations that could allow them to get more oxygen in a high elevation environment?

wide, muscular chests

The structure called the trachea is commonly known as the _____.


What is the order of events during inhalation? 1. The volume of the chest cavity increases. 2. The pressure inside the lungs increases. 3. Air flows out of the lungs. 4. The volume of the chest cavity decreases. 5. The diaphragm and rib muscles contract. 6. Air flows into the lungs. 7. The pressure inside the lungs decreases. 8. The diaphragm and rib muscles relax.

5, 1, 7, 6

What is the order of events during exhalation? 1. The volume of the chest cavity increases. 2. The pressure inside the lungs increases. 3. Air flows out of the lungs. 4. The volume of the chest cavity decreases. 5. The diaphragm and rib muscles contract. 6. Air flows into the lungs. 7. The pressure inside the lungs decreases. 8. The diaphragm and rib muscles relax.

8, 4, 2, 3

When the partial pressure of oxygen is close to 100 mmHg, as it is in the alveoli, the percent of hemoglobin saturation is approximately _____.


What sport scandal lead to the formation of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)?

1998 Tour de France

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