BIOL 544 Animal Physiology Exam 3

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A. hypothyroidism (cretinism). B. a slowing of mental functions. C. a low metabolic rate. and D. a goiter.

A deficiency in dietary iodine can cause:

includes all muscle fibers connected to one motor axon

A motor unit in muscles

1. hormone, 2. second messenger

Epinephrine activates the cyclic AMP pathway in liver cells. In this example, epinephrine is a _____1_______ and c-AMP is a _____2________.

primarily affects liver cells. and increases ketogenesis


more glucose

Glucocorticoids produce


Glucocorticoids stimulate

cells within the same organism

Hormones are signals used in the chemical communication between:

results in an increased heart rate


striated muscles ONLY

Insects have the following muscle type(s):

an open circulatory system (insects have blood mixed with interstitial fluid)

Organisms in which the circulating body fluid is NOT distinct from the fluid that directly surrounds the body's cells are likely to have

A. stress B. a diurnal rhythm C. corticotropin releasing hormone D. adrenocorticotrophic hormone E. All of the above***

Secretion of glucocorticoids is promoted by:

A. diffuse randomly into and out of nontarget cells without binding to receptors. B. promote metabolic changes which are long-lasting. and C. are retained preferentially by receptor protein molecules in target cells.

Steroids are hormones which:

provide a means of rapidly transmitting the action potential from the surface into the central portions of the muscle fiber

The T-Tubules

A. Ecdysone and B. High concentration of Juvenile hormone.

The development of a small larva into a bigger (next instar) larva requires the presence of which hormone(s) in the hemolymph of insects?

the duration of the active state of the muscle

The difference between a muscle twitch and tetanus is due to:

fatty acids

The energy used for muscle contractions after 30 minutes mostly comes from:

Carbohydrates (NOT Amines, steroids or peptides)

The following group of chemicals is NOT a major class of hormones

Action potentials can spread from cell to cell in single-unit, but not in a multi-unit muscle

The major physiological difference between single-unit smooth muscle and multi-unit smooth muscle is:

maintain homeostasis

The primary purpose of the endocrine system is to :

remove the inhibition of the reaction between actin filaments and myosin filaments

The primary role of calcium in the activation of skeletal muscle is to:

activate myosin molecules so they can interact with actin filaments

The primary role of calcium in the activation of smooth muscle is to:

divergent action

The same hormone can result in different end effects in the same cell or tissue due to

peptide hormones and prostaglandins

The second messenger model explains the mode of action of

hormone-specific receptors in target cells

The specific actions of hormones is due to:


The thick filament of a myofibril of a skeletal muscle contains a protein called:

increases metabolism.

Thyroid hormones

is due to loss of beta cells in the pancreas

Type 1 diabetes

is caused by a reduction sensitivity in target cells

Type 2 diabetes

A. a muscle membrane depolarization. and B. interaction of DH receptors with R receptors

What is needed to release calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum?

To bind with troponin, changing its shape so the actin filament is exposed

What is the role of calcium in muscle contractions?

The muscle becomes rigid due to failure of cross-bridges to detach from actin filaments

What will happen to the muscle contraction if ATP is unavailable?

A. a lipid soluble hormone B. a steroid and C. insulin

When a certain gland extract gland is applied to a variety of cells, only a few cells respond. When a G-Protein inhibitor is first applied to these cells and then the extract is applied, these few cells still respond. Therefore, the gland extract may contain

a peptide hormone -cAMP uses water soluble hormones, this is one of them (not c-AMP bc not a hormone and not steroid hormone bc not water-soluble)

When a certain gland extract gland is applied to some cells, these cells respond by starting cell division. However, when a c-AMP inhibitor is first applied to the cell and then the gland extract is applied, the cells do not divide. Therefore, the gland extract most likely contains


Which hormone(s) would most likely be released in increased amounts in response to HIGH blood-glucose levels (hyperglycemia)?

glucocorticoids and growth hormone

Which hormones promote gluconeogenesis?

Carbohydrates (Amines, Steroids, Peptides and Prostaglandins DO)

Which of the following groups of chemicals does NOT contain hormones?

Posterior pituitary (NOT anterior pituitary, thyroid gland, adrenal cortex or parathyroid gland)

Which of these is a neurosecretory organ, rather than a true endocrine gland?

ADH (NOT ACTH, FSH, Growth hormone or TSH)

Which of these pituitary hormones is NOT released in response to a releasing hormone from the hypothalamus?

A. ATP binds to myosin, causing myosin head to detach from actin B. Myosin Head Performs power stroke, pulling on thin filament C. myosin head is reset or bent back like a spring D. Myosin head with bound ADP attaches to actin E. All of the above***

Which of these processes is part of cross-bridge cycling in sarcomeres?

cocking behavior

Which phase occurs first in the sequence during the locust jump?

Indirect muscles

Which type of insect muscle allows for the highest wing beat?

the left front leg and the right middle leg and the left hind leg together

With the tripod, gait insect moves

increase blood-glucose levels.

Cortisone and cortisol are hormones released from the adrenal gland. Their function is

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