BIOL ch 9

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fat pad

-act as protective packing material in joint periphery -can fill spaces when joint shape changes

special movement: protraction

-anterior movement from anatomic position -ex: jutting jaw anteriorly at temporomandibular joint

angular motion: extension

-anterior-posterior plane, but opposite of flexion -increase angle between articulating bones -ex: straightening your fingers after making a fist

elbow is very stable because

-articular capsule is thick -bony surfaces of humerus and ulna interlock closely -multiple, strong ligaments reinforce articular capsule: radial collateral ligament, ulnar collateral ligament, annular ligament

structures of the knee joint

-articular of the knee joint -quadriceps femoris muscle tendon -patellar ligament -fibular collateral ligament -tibial collateral ligament -medial meniscus and lateral meniscus -cruciate ligaments -anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) -posterior cruciate ligament (PCL)

plane joint

-articular surface flat -simplest, least mobile synovial articulation -uniaxial: limited side-to-side gliding movement In a single plane -intercarpal joints, intertarsal joints

shoulder joint: glenohumeral (shoulder) joint

-ball and socker joint: formed by head of humerus and glenoid cavity of scapula -permits greatest range of motion of any joint in the body: most unstable and most frequently dislocated -fibrocartilaginous glenoid labrum encircles socket -abundant bursae: decrease friction where tendons and muscle extend across capsule

which articulations are found in the talocrural (ankle) joint? -between talus and fibula -between tibia and talus -between tibia and calcaneus

-between talus and fibula -between tibia and talus

lateral ligament

-binds fibula to foot on lateral side -prevents over inversion -prone to sprain and tears

deltoid ligament

-binds tibia to foot on medial side -prevents over eversion

pivot joint

-bone with round surface fits into ligament ring -uniaxial joint: rotation on longitudinal axis -atlantoaxial joint


-bound by interosseous membrane, broad ligamentous sheet -found b/t radius and ulna and b/t tibia and fibula -function amphiarthroses -provide pivot for two long bones


-composed of dense regular CT -not part of the synovial joint itself -attach muscle to bone -help stabilze joints

saddle joint

-convex and concave surfaces resembling saddle shape -biaxial -articulation between a carpal bone (the trapezium) and first metacarpal

hinge joint

-convex surface within concave depression -uniaxial: like the hinge of a door -elbow joint, knee joint, IP (interphalangeal) joint

glenhumeral (shoulder) joint supporting ligaments and tendons

-coracoacromial ligament, coracohumeral ligament, glenohumeral ligament -tendon of long head of biceps brachii

hip joint

-coxal joint -articulation between the head of the femur and acetabulum of the os coxae -acetabular labrum -more stable, less mobile than glenohumeral joint

cruciate ligament

-cross each other -deep to articular capsule

medial meniscus and lateral meniscus

-deep to articular capsule within knee joint -c-shaped fibrocartilage pads on top of tibial condyles -cushioning between articular surfaces -partially stabilize joint medially and laterally

select all the tissue that form during fibrous, cartilaginous, and synovial joint development -dense fibrous connective tissue -hyaline cartilage -fibrocartilage -elastic cartilage

-dense fibrous connective tissue -hyaline cartilage -fibrocartilage


-dense regular CT -connect one bone to another -stabilze, strengthen, and reinforce synovial joints -extrinsic ligaments -intrinsic ligaments

Select all that are classified as special movements -depression -circumduction -inversion -dorsiflexion

-depression -inversion -dorsiflexion

levers have the ability to alter which of the following? -direction of applied force -distance moved -energy of movement -speed of movement

-direction of applied force -distance moved -speed of movement

third class lever

-effort applied between resistance and fulcrum -ex: forceps -most common in body -ex: at elbow joint; joint is fulcrum; biceps tendon applies effort; weight in hand provides resistance

which is true of a first class lever system? -effort arm and resistance arm may be same length -fulcrum between point of effort and point of resistance -effort arm is always shorter than resistance arm

-effort arm and resistance arm may be same length -fulcrum between point of effort and point of resistance

select all the movement performed by the temprormandibular joint -elevation -depression -gliding -protraction

-elevation -depression -gliding -protraction

tendon sheaths

-elongated bursae -wrap around tendons where friction is excessive -common in wrist and ankle


-elongated, rigid object -rotates around fixed point-fulcrum -levers have the ability to alter the speed and distance of movement produced by force. -direction of applied force, and the force strength -effort, resistance, effort arm, resistance arm

Which of the following are locations where you would find a synchondrosis -epiphyseal plate in children -between the bones of the skull in adults -the first sternocostal joint (between the first rib and the sternum) -between each rib and its costal cartilage

-epiphyseal plate in children -the first sternocostal joint(between the first rib and the sternum) -between each rib and its costal cartilage

movements of the TMJ

-exhibits hinge, gliding, and some pivot joint movements -functions like a hinge during mandible depression and elevation -glides during protraction for biting, side to side grinding

articular capsule in the hip joint

-extends from acetabulum to trochanters -encloses femoral head and neck

posterior cruciate ligament (PCL)

-extends from anteroinferior femur to posterior tibia -prevents hyperflexion and posterior displacement of tibia

anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)

-extends from posterior femur to anterior tibia -prevents hyperextension and anterior displacement of tibia

angular motion: hyperextension

-extension beyond normal range of motion -possible with extensively mobile joints or an injury


-fibrous, saclike structures containing synovial fluid -lined internally by synovial membrane -found in synovial joints where bones, ligaments, muscles, skin, or tendon rub together -connected to or separated from joint cavity -alleviate friction


-found b/t some skull bones -very short fibers -interlocking, irregular edges -increase stability and decrease risk of fracture -function as synarthroses -allow growth in childhood -become ossified synostoses in older adults

first class levers

-fulcrum is between effort and resistance -ex: pair of scissors: effort applied to handle of scissors, fulcrum along the middle of scissors -ex: atlanto-occipital joint of the neck

which are classifed as synovial joints? -bodies of intervertebral joints -glenohumeral -elbow -knee joint

-glenohumeral -elbow -knee joint

four types of motion occur at synovial joints

-gliding -angular -rotational -special movement: motions that occur only at specific joints


-group of inflammatory or degenerative diseases of joints that occurs in various forms. -symptoms: swelling of the joint, pain, and stiffness -most prevalent crippling disease in the US -Common form: gouty arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis

temporomandibular joint (TMJ) features

-head of mandible articulates with temporal bone -only mobile joint between bones in the skull -has loose articular capsule; surround joint, promotes extensive range of motion -has articular disc; thick pad of fibrocartilage, divides synovial cavity into two chambers

select all that are components of the hip joint -head of the femur -acetabulum -acetabular labrum -anular ligament

-head of the femur -acetabulum -acetabular labrum

talocrural joint

-highly modified hinge joint -permits dorsiflexion and plantar flexion -includes two articulation within one articular capsule: between distal end of tibia and talus, between distal end of fibula and lateral aspect of talus

articular cartilage

-hyaline cartilage on bone surface at joint -functions: reduces friction during movement, acts as a cushion to absorb joint compression, prevents damage to articulating end of bones -lacks a perchondrium -avascular

Choose the accurate statement(s) regarding the types of fibrous joints -the attachment of a tooth to its socket is classified as a joint called a syndesmosis -in a syndesmosis, the fibers are longer and the attached bones are more movable -in gomphoses joints, two bone are linked by cartilage -in sutures and gomphoses, the fibers are very short and allow for litlle or no movement -sutures are immovable or only slightly movable fibrous joints that closely bind the bones of the skull to each other

-in a syndesmosis, the fibers are longer and the attached bones are more movable -in sutures and gophoses, the fibers are very short and allow for little or no movement -sutures are immovable or only slightly movable fibrous joints that closely bind the bones of the skull to each other

Choose the factors that detemine a joint's range of motion -tendons limit a joint's range of motion, but muscles play a minor role -in many cases, joint movement is limited by the shapes of the bone surfaces -bones are joined by ligaments that limit their movement -in many joints, pairs of muscles oppose each other and moderate the speed and range of joint motion -the articular surfaces of bones are designed is such a way as to always permit the greatest range of motion at a joint

-in many case, joint movement is limited by the shapes of the bone surfaces -bones are joined by ligaments that limit their movement -in many joints, pairs of muscles oppose each other and moderate the speed and range of joint motion

synovial joints movement: angular motion

-increase or decrease angle between two bones -includes specific types: flexion and extension, hyperextension, lateral flexion, abduction and adduction, circumduction

special movement: depression

-inferior movement of a body part -ex: movement of mandible while opening mouth

elbow joint

-is a hinge joint composed of two articulation -humeroulnar joint and humeroradial joint both enclosed within a single articular capsule

knee joint

-largest and most complex diarthrosis -primarily a hinge joint -capable of slight rotation and lateral gliding when flexed -composed of two separate articulation: tibiofemoral joint and patellofemoral joint

angular motion: abduction

-lateral movement of body part away from midline -ex: arm or thigh moved laterally from body midline

retinacular fibers

-ligamentous fibers of artiular capsule -reflect and femur neck -retinacular arteries here; supply most blood to femur head and neck

special movement: dorsiflexion

-limited to ankle joint -talocrural (ankle) joint bent so the dorsum (superior surface) of foot moves toward the leg -ex: when digging in your heels

hip joint: intrascapsular ligaments

-lliofemoral ligament -ischiofemoral ligament -pubofemoral ligament -ligament of the head of femus become taut when hip extended

synovial fluid functions

-lubricates-articular cartilage on articulating surfaces -nourishes the chondrocytes- of articular cartilage -acts as a shocker absorber-distributes stresses and forces evenly across the articular surface

anatomical features of talocrural joint

-medial and lateral malleoli of tibia and fibula: prevent talus from sliding medially or laterally -articular capsule covers distal tibia, medial malleolus, later malleolus, and talus -deltoid ligament -lateral ligament -anterior and posterior tibiofibular ligament

angular motion: adduction

-medial movement of body part toward midline -ex: arm or thigh brough back toward midline

TMJ disorders

-most common due to alteration in the ligaments securing the joint -articular disc forced out of normal positon -clicking or popping heard as person opens or closes mouth -possible pain in joint, paranasal sinuses, tympanic membrane, oral cavity, eyes, and teeth

angular motion: Flexion

-movement in an anterior-posterior plane -decreases the angle between bones: brings bones closer together -ex: bending fingers

special movement: opposition

-movement of thumb toward tips of fingers at carpometacarpal joint -enables the thumb to grasp object

Range of motion at joints

-no movement to extensive movement -structures of each joint determines its mobility or stability -inverse relationship (trade off) between mobility and stability ex: skull sutures are imobile but very stable

sensory receptors and blood vessels

-numerous in synovial joint -receptores detect painful stimuli, report on movement and stretch

special movement: eversion

-occurs only at intertarsal joints of foot -sole turns laterally

special movement: inversion

-occurs only at intertarsal joints of the foot -sole turns medially

which of the following commonly occur at the joints in elderly individuals -osteoarthritis -rheumatoid arthritis -articular cartilage begins to break down in weight-bearing joints -joints become more flexible

-osteoarthritis -articular cartilage begins to break down in weight-bearing joints

condylar joint

-oval, convex surface articulating with concave surface -biaxial -MP (metacarpophalangeal or metatarsophalangeal) joints

each form of arthritis presents the same symptoms, which are -fractures -pain -sprains -stiffness -swelling

-pain -stiffness -swelling


-peg in a socket -articulations of teeth with sockets of mandible and maxillae -tooth held in place by fibrous periodontal membranes -function as synarthroses

shoulder joint: acromioclavicular joint

-plane joint -formed from acromion and lateral end of clavicle -fibrocartilaginous articular disc within joint cavity -joint capsule strengthened superiorly by acrominoclavicular ligament -clavicle bound to coracoid process by coracoclavicular ligament: if torn, acromion and clavicle no loner align (shoulder separation)

special movement: retraction

-posterior movement from anatomic position -ex: pulling jaw posteriorly at temprormandibular joint

angular motion: circumduction

-proximal end of appendage relatively stationary -distal end makes a circular motion -movement makes an imaginary cone shape -ex: drawing a circle on the blackboard

fibular collateral ligament

-reinforces lateral surface of joint -extends from femur to fibula -prevents hyperadduction

tibial collateral ligament

-reinforces medial surface of joint -extends from femur to tibia -prevents hyperabduction

second class lever

-resistance is between fulcrum and effort -small force able to balance larger weight -ex: wheelbarrow, fulcrum far from effort -rare in the body -ex: standing on tiptoe

sternoclavicular joint

-saddle joint -formed by manubrium and sternal end of clavicle -fibrocartilaginous articular disc; partitions joints into two parts forming two synovial cavities -elevation, depression, circumduction of clavicle possible -stability provided by fibers and ligaments; makes very stable and diffcult to dislocate

support of the hip joint

-secured by articular capsule, ligaments, and muscles -articular capsule -retinacular fibers

ligament of the head of femur (ligamentum teres)

-small ligament from acetabulum to fovea of head of femur -does not provide stability -contains artery supplying head of femur

joint cavity

-space b/t articulating bones -lined by synovial membrane secreting synovial fluid

ligaments of the TMJ

-sphenomandibular ligament: extends anteriorly and inferiorly from sphenoid to mandible -temporomandibular ligament: extends inferiorly and posteriorly from articular tubercle to mandible

ball and socket joint

-spherical head of one bone fitting into cuplike socket -multiaxial, permitting movement in three planes -most freely mobile type of joint -glenohumeral (shoulder) joint, hip joint

radial collateral ligament

-stabilizes joint at lateral surface -extends around head of radius

ulnar collateral ligament

-stabilizes medial side of the joint -extends from medial epicondyle of humerus to coronoid and olecranon of ulna

select all the joints associated with shoulder movement -sternoclavicular -claviculohumeral -acromioclavicular -glenohumeral

-sternoclavicular -acrominoclavicular -glenohumeral

glenohumeral (shoulder) joint: most joint stability due to rotator cuff muscles

-subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor -work as a group to hold head of humerus in glenoid cavity -tendons encircle joint and fuse with articular capsule

special movement: elevation

-superior movement of a body part -ex: movement of mandible when closing mouth

annular ligament

-surrounds the neck of the radius -binds head of the radius to the ulna

special movement: plantar flexion

-talocrural joint bend so dorsum pointed inferiorly -ex: ballerina on tiptoes in full plantar flexion

intrinsic ligaments

-thickening of the articular capsule itself -include ligaments outside and within the articular capsule

angular motion: lateral flexion

-trunk of body moving in coronal plane laterally -occurs between vertebrae in the cervical and lumbar region

synovial joints movement: gliding

-two opposing surfaces sliding back and forth or side to side -only limited movement possible in any direction -typically occurs along planes joints: carpals or tarsals

Movement of a bone at a synovial joint may be decribed in one of three ways

-uniaxial -biaxial -multiaxial or triaxial

the plane joint between the acromion and the lateral end of the clavicle is the _______ joint a. acromioclavicular b. sternoclavicular c. glenohumeral d. radioulnar

a. acromioclavicular

how are syndesmoses classified in terms of mobility? a. amphiarthrotic b. synarthrotic c. diarthrotic

a. amphiarthrotic

the talocrural joint is more commonly called the _____ joint a. ankle b. elbow c. shoulder d. hip

a. ankle

which ligament failed to keep the head of the radius in place when the mother pulled on the boy's elbow? a. anular ligament b. ulnar collateral ligament c. radial collateral ligament d. coronoid ligament

a. anular ligament

one part of the elbow join is the humeroradial joint where the _____ of the humerus articulates with the ____ of the radius a. capitulum; head b. trochlea; radial notch c. radial notch; head

a. capitulum; head

A metacarpophalangeal (MP) joint, which has oval articulaing surfaces and permits movement in two planes, is what type of synovial joint? a. condylar b. plane c. hinge d. saddle

a. condylar

_____ is the movement is an anterior-posterior plane that increases the angle between the articulating bones. a. extension b. flexion

a. extension

______ is movement in an anterior-posterior plane that decreases the angle between the articulating bones a. flexion b. extension c. adduction

a. flexion

greatest range of motion a. glenohumeral joint b. coxal joint

a. glenohumeral joint

indistinct or absent ligament a. glenohumeral joint b. coxal joint

a. glenohumeral joint

most frequently dislocated joint a. glenohumeral joint b. coxal joint

a. glenohumeral joint

most unstable joint a. glenohumeral joint b. coxal joint

a. glenohumeral joint

the coxal joint is the articulation between the _____ of the femur and the ____ of the os coxae a. head; acetabulum b. head; ischium c. trochanter; ilium d. trochanter; pubis

a. head; acetabulum

the elbow joint is a _____ joint a. hinge b. ball and socket c. condyloid d. planar

a. hinge

which of the following are categorized as symphyses? a. intervertebral joints b. sternocostal joints c. knee joints d. squamous sutures

a. intervertebral joint

the temporomandibular joint has a _____ articular capsule a. loose b. tight

a. loose

_____ rotation turns the anterior surface of the femur or humerus medially a. medial b. lateral

a. medial

fibrocarilage is a _____ resists compression and acts as a shock absorber a. symphysis b. synchondrosis c. synovial joint

a. symphysis

in terms of mobility, immobile joints are classifed as a. synarthroses b. diarthroses c. amphiarthroses

a. synarthroses

the joint capsule has an inner layer called the a. synovial membrane b. fibrous layer c. articular cartilage

a. synovial membrane

Plane a. uniaxial b. biaxial c. multiaxial

a. uniaxial

hinge a. uniaxial b. biaxial c. multiaxial

a. uniaxial

pivot a. uniaxial b. biaxial c. multiaxial

a. uniaxial

synovial fluid is located _____ a synovial cavity a. within b. around

a. within

which type of angular motion: lifting the arm out to the side of your body in a coronal plane


which type of angular motion: spreading your fingers apart


All symphyses are ______ - thus they allow _________

amphiarthroses; slightly mobility

lever: effort

applied to one point


applying mechanical principles to biology

synovial joint basic features

articular capsule and joint cavity synovial fluid articular cartilage ligaments, nerves, and blood vessels

Which synovial joint characteristics composed of dense connective tissue?

articular capsule: fibrous layer

Which synovial joint characteristics stabilizes and strengthen the joint?

articular capsule: fibrous layer

Which synovial joint characteristics is composed of areolar connective tissue?

articular capsule: synovial membrane

Which synovial joint characteristics lines the articular capsule?

articular capsule: synovial memebrane

Which synovial joint characteristics is composed of hyaline cartilage?

articular cartilage

Which synovial joint characteristics reduces friction between bones?

articular cartilage


articulation places of contact between bones, bone and cartilage, or bones an teeth

In the body, an example of a first class lever is the ________

atlanto-occipital joint of the neck

which is a function of synovial fluid? a. holds bones together b. acts as a shock absorber c. circulated white blood cells

b. acts as a shock absorber

a joint capsule is also called a(n) ______ capsule a. bursa b. articulating c. tendon

b. articulating

a joint is also known as a(n) a. ligament b. articulation c. tendon d. synapse

b. articulation

condylar a. uniaxial b. biaxial c. multiaxial

b. biaxial

saddle a. uniaxial b. biaxial c. multiaxial

b. biaxial

biomechanics is applying mechanical principles to a. physics b. biology c. chemistry

b. biology

in the field of _____, it is useful to compare the joint movements and muscle contractions to the mechanics of a lever a. mechanobiology b. biomechanics c. lever mechanics d. osteomechanics

b. biomechanics

the sternoclavicular joint is between the sternal end of the clavicle and the manubrium of the sternum; it is a _____ type of synovial joint a. saddle b. condylar c. pivot

b. condylar

complete capsule around joint a. glenohumeral joint b. coxal joint

b. coxal joint

deep bony socket a. glenohumeral joint b. coxal joint

b. coxal joint

has intracapsular ligament for reinforcement a. glenohumeral joint b. coxal joint

b. coxal joint

ligamentum teres a. glenohumeral joint b. coxal joint

b. coxal joint

_____ is the inferior movement of a part of the body a. retraction b. depression c. protraction

b. depression

functionally, all synovial joints are classifed as a. amphiarthroses b. diarthroses c. synarthroses

b. diarthroses

the opposite of depression is a. pronation b. elevation c. rotation

b. elevation

which is a location of a synchondrosis? a. between vertebrae b. epiphyseal plate c. between cranial bones d. between pelvic bones

b. epiphyseal plate

straightening your arm at the elbow is an example of a. flexion b. extension c. abduction

b. extension

dense regular connective tissue connect bones in a. cartilaginous b. fibrous c. synovial

b. fibrous

when bones are brought closer together as the angle between them decreases, it is called a. pronation b. flexion c. abduction d. extension

b. flexion

a lever rotates around a fixed point called a(n) a. effort b. fulcrum c. resistance

b. fulcrum

_______ is a simple movement in which two opposing surfaces slide slightly back and forth or side to side with respect to one another a. condylar b. gliding c. flexion

b. gliding

planar joints are also called _____ joints a. pivot b. gliding c. hinge

b. gliding

which type of rotation turns the anterior surface of the femur or humerus laterally? a. medial b. lateral

b. lateral

the patella moves along the patellar surface of the femur in the ____ joint a. talocrural b. patellofemoral c. tibiofemoral

b. patellofemoral

most knee ligament become taut upon extension of the joint, except for one. which knee ligament becomes taut upon flexion of the joint and prevent hyperflexion of the joint? a. anterior cruciate ligament b. posterior cruciate ligament c. patellar ligament d. tibial collateral ligament

b. posterior cruciate ligament

which knee joint ligament helps to maintain the alignment of the condyles between the femur and tibia and to limit the anterior movement of the tibia on the femur? a. tibial collateral ligament b. posterior cruciate ligament c. anterior cruciate ligament d. fibular collateral ligament

b. posterior cruciate ligament

how is a gomphosis characterized, in terms of movement? a. amphiarthrosis b. synarthrosis c. diarthrosis

b. synarthrosis

which joint is a diarthrosis? a. symphysis b. synchondrosis c. syndemosis d. saddle

b. synchondrosis

what type of structure is formed when two bones previously connected by a suture fuse? a. gomphosis b. synostosis c. symphysis d. syndemosis

b. synostosis

clicking or popping noise may be heard as the person opens or closes in the mouth when there is damage to the a. atlantaxial b. temporomandibular

b. temporomandibular

the doctor mentions that this type of injury is common in children younger than 5 years of age. What is one reason for this? a. the olecranon of the ulna does not fit it properly with the olecranon fossa of the radius b. the head of the radius is not fully formed c. the medial and lateral epicondyle epiphyseal plates have not yet fused to the rest of the humerus d. the articular capsule of the elbow joint is weak in its anterior surface

b. the head of the radius is not fully formed

synovial fluid is a ______ substance a. gel-like b. viscous, oily c. thin, watery

b. viscous, oily

which joint function inability to circumduct

ball and socket replaced by hinge

tibiofemoral joint

between condyles of femur and condyles of tibia

patellofemoral joint

between patella and patellar surface of femur

a major dynamic stabilizer of anterior displacement of the humerus is the _______, which lies in the intertuburcular groove and attaches to the superior aspect of the glenoid rim.

biceps brachii tendon

multiaxial joint

bone moves in multiple planes or axes

synovial joints movement: rotation

bone pivots on its own longitudinal axis

fibrous joint

bones held together by dense connective tissue have no joint cavity immobile or only slightly mobile ex: gomphosis, suture, syndemosis

synovial joint

bones joined by liagments with fluid-filled joint cavity separating bone surfaces includes most joints in body freely mobile ex: glenohumeral (shoulder) joint, temporomandibular joint, elbow joint, knee joint ex: planes, hinge, pivot, condylar, saddle, ball and socket

cartilaginous joints

bones joints by cartilage hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage b/t bones lack joint cavity immobile or slight mobile ex: synchondrosis, symphysis

biaxial joint

bones move in two planes or axes

uniaxial joint

bones moves in just one plane or axis

abduction and adduction are types of _____ motion a. rotational b. gliding c. angular

c. angular

a symphysis is a type of ______ joint a. synovial b. fibrous c. cartilaginous

c. cartilaginous

an example of _____ is moving the mandible to open the mouth a. eversion b. inversion c. depression

c. depression

what term describes the movement of the foot that turns the sole outward or laterally? a. dorsiflexion b. inversion c. eversion d. plantar flexion

c. eversion

sutures are _____ joints. a. cartilaginous b. synovial c. fibrous

c. fibrous

syndesmoses are _____ joints a. cartilaginous b. synovial c. fibrous

c. fibrous

the ______ layer of the synovial joint stregthens the joint to prevent the bones from being pull apart a. articular b. synovial c. fibrous

c. fibrous

which of the following joints exhibits the greatest range of mobility? a. knee joint b. hip joint c. glenohumeral joint d. elbow joint

c. glenohumeral joint

what bony feature caused the prominent bump on the lateral side of the elbow? a. lateral epicondyle of the humerus b. coronoid process of the ulna c. head of the radius d. radial collateral ligament

c. head of the radius

the knee is primarily a _____ joint a. saddle b. planar c. hinge d. ball and socket

c. hinge

ball and socket a. uniaxial b. biaxial c. multiaxial

c. multiaxial

hip (coxal) joint a. uniaxial b. biaxial c. multiaxial

c. multiaxial

the patella moves along the patellar surface of the femur in the ____ joint a. talocrural b. tibiofemoral c. patellofemoral

c. patellofemoral

which is the simplest synovial articulation, and is the least mobile? a. condylar b. biaxial c. plane d. triaxial

c. plane

the sternoclavicular joint is a ______ joint a. hinge b. ball and socket c. saddle

c. saddle

an articulation in which bones are joined by hyaline cartilage is called a a. suture b. synostosis c. synchondrosis d. gomphosis

c. synchondrosis

which type of joint contains bones that are separated by a joint cavity? a. cartilaginous b. fibrous c. synovial

c. synovial

damage to the _____ joint may cause headaches and sinus pressure a. atlantoaxial b. atlanto-occipital c. temporomandibular

c. temporomandibular

the ______ joint is the articulation formed at the point where the head of the mandible articulates with tubercle of the temporal bone anteriorly and the mandibular fossa posteriorly a. temporoparietal b. temperosphenoidal c. temporomandibular

c. temporomandibular

In this type of lever, the effort is located between the resistance and the fulcrum. An example would be your knee joint. a. first class b. second class c. third class d. two or the above are correct

c. third class

in the body, one example of activity at a second class lever is the

calcaneal tendon attachment to the heel

humeroradial joint

capitulum of humerus articulating with head of radius

which joint embryology: mesenchyme turns into fibrocartilage or hyaline cartilage

cartilaginous joint

which type of angular motion a move that can involve all of the angular movement?


which type of angular motion: a continous sequence of all other angula motions


inner synovial membrane

composed primarily of areolar connective tissue covers internal joint surfaces not covered by cartilage helps produce synovial fluid

which of the following is a function of synovial fluid? a. lubricates the joints b. provides nutrients for the articular cartilage c. absorbs shock within the joint d. all of these are correct

d. all of these are correct

while robert was running, he stepped into a pothole and twisted his right ankle. a swelling appeared along the lateral side of this ankle. which ligament was injured, and what movement result in the injury? a. deltoid ligament, caused by overeversion of the foot b. lateral ligament, caused by overeversion of the foot c. deltoid ligament, caused by overinversion of the foot d. lateral ligament, caused by overinversion of the foot

d. lateral ligament, caused by overinversion of the foot

which of the following ligaments does not provide stability to the hip joint? a. ischiofemoral ligament b. pubofemoral ligament c. ilifemoral ligament d. ligament of the head of the femur

d. ligament of the head of the femur

which joint permits the movements of plantar flexion and dorsiflexion? a. hip b. knee c. sternoclavicular d. talocrural

d. talocrural

one part of the elbow joint is where the trochlear notch of the _____ articulates with the ______ of the humerus a. radius; glenoid cavity b. radius; radial notch c. ulna; glenoid cavity d. ulna; trochlea

d. ulna; trochlea

synovial joints movement: special movement

does not readily fit other functional categories

articular capsule or joint capsule

each synovial joint is composed of a double layer capsule outlayer: fibrous layer innerlayer: synovial membrane

a third class lever is observed when the _____ is applied between the resistance and the fulcrum


articular capsule

encloses only medial, lateral, and posterior knee regions

patellar ligament

extends from patella to tibial tuberosity

tendons help stabilize joints because they form part of the synovial joint itself true or false


the only gomphosis in the human body is between the radius and the ulna true or false


a symphysis has a pad _____ between the articulating bones.


acetabular labrum

fibrocartilaginous ring that deepens sockets

which joint embryology: mesenchyme turns into dense regular connective tissue

fibrous joint

what are the structural classes of the joints?

fibrous joint cartilaginous joints synoival joints

a lever system in which the fulcrum is located between the point of effort and the point of resistance is a ______ class lever


Three classes of levers

first class second class third class

which class levers: atlanto-occipital joint of the neck

first class lever

which class levers: children playing on a seesaw

first class lever

which class levers: rocking of the foot on the tibia with raised toes

first class lever

which type of angular motion: movement at the neck when you look down


which type of angular motion: moving the forearm toward the arm at the elbow


outer fibrous layer

formed from dense connective tissue strengthens joints to prevent bones being pulled apart


freely movable joints synovial joints

a first-class lever has a _____ in the middle, between the effort and the resistance.


the ______, or shoulder joint, sacrifices stability for mobility and therfore requires active stabilization from muscles and passive stabilization from ligamentous structures


lining the rum of the glenoid fossa is a ring of fibrocartilage called the _______, which serves to deepen the extremely shallow articulating surface of the glenoid.

glenoid labrum

a motion in which the angle between the bones does not change and only limited movement is possible in any direction is called

gliding or uniaxial

which joint function decreased tooth stability and resilience

gomphoses replaced by pivot

which type of angular motion: increasing joint angle beyond normal



immobile joints fibrous or cartilaginous joints

ischiofemoral ligament

intracapsular ligament posteriorly located

a third class lever is found at the

joint between the humerus and ulna

Which synovial joint characteristics contains synovial fluid?

joint cavity

Which synovial joint characteristics separates articulating bones?

joint cavity

the bones in a synovial joints are separated by a space called

joint cavity

rotational motion: supination

later rotation of forearm so palm of hand anterior

lliofemoral ligament

ligament providing support for anterior articular capsule

lever: resistance

located at some other point

rotational motion: Pronation

medial rotation of forearm so palm of hand posterior

special movement: reposition

opposite of opposition


pads of fibrocartilage b/t articulating bones resist compression and act as shock absorbers allow slight mobility (amphiarthroses)

lever: effort arm

part of lever from fulcrum to point of effort

lever: resistance arm

part of lever from fulcrum to point of resistance

quadriceps femoris muscle tendon

passes over knee's anterior surface, surrounds patella

extrinsic ligaments

physically separated from articular capsule

example of symphyses include the _________, which is located between the right and left public bones and the __________, where the bodies of adjacent vertebrae are both separated and united by the intervertebral discs.

pubic symphysis; intervertebral joint

in a second class lever, the ______ is between the fulcrum and the applied effort


a lever is a(n) ______ object that rotates around a point called a(n) _______

rigid; fulcrum

the four muscles of the _______ all originate on the scapula and produce forces that keep the humeral head in contact with the glenoid during movements powered by the larger musculature (e.g. latissimus dorsi, deltoid, pectoralis major) crossing the joint

rotator cuffs

which class levers: flexing the calf muscles and rolling onto the balls of the feet

second class lever

which class levers: sitting in a chair and raising the knee

second class lever

The fibrocartilage resist both compression and tension stresses and acts as a resilient ______

shock absorber


slightly mobile joints fibrous or carilaginous joints

In second class lever, a _____ force can balance ____ weight in this type of lever because the effort is always farther from the fulcrum than the resistance.

small; large

joints is classified by

structure function


study of joints

immobile (synarthrotic) fibrous joints that are found between the bones of the skull are called


which joint function decrease in nervous system protection

sutures replaced by plane joints

Which joint functions decreased mobility of vertebral column?

symphyses replaced by synostoses

what are the functional classification of joints?

synarthroses amphiarthroses diarthroses


synchodrosis bone joined by hyaline cartilage immobile (synarthroses)

which joint functions inability to pronate, or supinate

syndesmoses replaced by synostoses

which joint functions unfuses os coxa resulting in separated ilia, pubis, and ischia in adulthood

synostoses replaced by synchondroses

the fluid that nourishes the condrocytes of the articular cartilage in a synovial joint is called

synovial fluid

which joint embryology: central mesenchyme forms menisci

synovial joint

which joint embryology: lateral mesynchyme forms articular capsule

synovial joint

which joint function increase in respiratory difficulty

synovial rib attachments replaced by syndesmoses

structures that are composed of dense regular connective tissue and attach muscles to bones are called


when analyzing synovial joint movement and muscle contraction, anatomist often compare the movement to

the mechanics of a lever

which class levers: bending at the knee

third class lever

which class levers: flexing the elbow

third class lever

the knee has two articulations, the ______ joint and the patellofemoral joint

tibiofemoral; femoropatellar

spanning the intertuburcular groove of the proximal humerus, the ______ ligament works to keep the ciceps tendon in place during contractions of the biceps muscle

transverse humeral

pubofemoral ligament

triangular thickening of capsule's inferior region

humeroulnar joint

trochlear notch of ulna articulating with trochlea of humerus

The cartilage found between the articulating bones is either hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage true or false


bones articulate at the joint true or false


like fibrous joints, cartilaginous joints also lack a joint cavity. they may be either immobile or slightly mobile true or false


rotational motion: medial rotation

turns anterior surface of bone medially

rotational motion: lateral rotation

turns anterior surfaces of bone laterally

synovial fluid

viscous, oily substance located within a synovial joint. product of both synovial membrane cells and the filtrate formed from blood plasma

Ensembles d'études connexes

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