BIOL132 Chapter 6-10

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Which of the following foods is a high-quality protein snack that can replace a snack that contains animal proteins?

6 whole-wheat crackers

The RDA for vitamin C is?

90 mg/day for men, 75 mg/day for women

________ is a condition characterized by the accumulation of scar tissue in the liver leading to its irreversible damage.

Cirrhosis of the liver

Which of the following foods is naturally a good source of high-quality protein?

Fat-free milk

Which of the following explains why folate is critical to the health of a newly conceived embryo?

Folate is needed for proper cell division.

Vitamin B-12 is supplied mostly in

foods of animal origin.

Which of the following is considered an essential amino acid?


What is the RDA for folate?

400 DFE

What is the RDA for vitamin D?

15 g/day

What is the RDA for vitamin E?

15 mg/day

Chase is a 22-year-old college student. According to recommendations of the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR), fat should comprise ________% of his total energy intake each day.

20 to 35

Which of the following is a common sign or symptom of a food allergy? a. vomiting and/ or diarrhea b. swollen lips c. hives c. all of the choices

All of the choices are correct

Which of the following are associated with having a fat malabsortion issue?

All of the choices are correct.

Which of the following statements about kwashiorkor is true? a. Kwashiorkor results from consuming adequate energy, but insufficient high-quality protein. b. Kwashiorkor often develops in toddlers when their mother gives birth to another child. c. Kwashiorkor is most common in developing countries. d. All of the choices

All of the choices are correct.

Which of the following fatty acids is an essential fatty acid?

Alpha-linolenic acid

Which of the following foods is naturally a rich source of monounsaturated fatty acids?

Canola oil

Which of the followings statements is true?

Certain fish, such as salmon, are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

Folate in foods can be destroyed by

Consuming a diet high in processed meats

Which of the following practices is associated with an increased risk of cancer?

Consuming a diet high in processed meats

Which catabolic hormone is made in the adrenal glands and is often called the "stress hormone?"


________ are considered cancerous tumors.

Malignant tumors

Instructions for making proteins are coded in a cell's ________.


Which of the following substances is a fat-soluble vitamin that has antioxidant activity?


Which of the following statements is true? a. Edema is a major sign of protein-energy malnutrition. b. Protein-energy malnutrition affects babies while they are breastfeeding. c. In the United States, teenagers have the greatest risk of protein-energy malnutrition. d. Compared to children in other parts of the world, impoverished children in the United States have the highest risk of protein-energy malnutrition.

Edema is a major sign of protein-energy malnutrition.

Which of the following chemical pathways of glucose catabolism produces the highest amount of ATP molecules?

Electron chain transport

________ contains riboflavin and can pick up two hydrogen ions and two electrons.


Check any accurate statement from the list below.

Glycogen is stored in the liver and muscles.

Which of the following is the best source of beta-carotene?

Grilled sweet potatoes

Why is taking excess amounts of fat-soluble vitamins more likely to cause toxicity than taking excesses of water-soluble vitamins?

In general, excesses of fat-soluble vitamins cannot be excreted as easily as water-soluble vitamins.

Which of the following statements is true?

In nature, fatty acids typically have even numbers of carbon atoms.

Which of the following lipoproteins contains the highest percentage of cholesterol?


Which of the following statements describes lactic acid?

Lactic acid is made under anaerobic conditions.

________ is added to refined grain products as part of the enrichment process.


________ is the study of how nutrients affect the expression of a person's genome.


Cameron was born with a condition that requires him to limit eating foods that contain phenylalanine. Based on this information, Cameron has ________.


All forms of vitmain B-6 form what coenzyme?


________ is the most biologically active form of vitamin A in the body.


Which of the following menu items does not contain complementary protein?

Salad made with apples, pears, and grapes

________ is a component of pyridoxal phosphate (PLP).

Vitamin B-6

Your best friend eats plenty of meats and dairy products but avoids eating fruits and vegetables. She bruises easily, her sores take a long time to heal, and her gums bleed when she brushes her teeth. Based on this information, which of the following vitamins is most likely to be deficient in her diet?

Vitamin C

________ are fat-soluble vitamins.

Vitamins K, D, and A

Which of the following compounds can human cells metabolize for energy? Check all that apply. A) Lipids B) Alcohol C) Water D) Proteins

a. lipids d. protein

Which of the following amino acids can be made by the human body?


Obtaining energy from fat depends on the ________. Check all that apply. A) availability of hormone-sensitive lipase B) quantity of triglycerides stored in the adipocytes C) activation of fatty acids by binding to coenzyme A D) action of the carnitine

all of the above

Carmen is an active child who is allergic to peanuts. While attending a classroom party, Carmen accidentally was exposed to trail mix that contained peanuts, and she rapidly developed ________ as a result.


Mia lacks sufficient amounts of intrinsic factor. As such, she is at risk for ________.


A common role of B vitamins is that they ________.

are important in energy metabolism as part of coenzymes

Bill would like to follow recommendations that would reduce his risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Based on this information, Bill should ________.

become more physically active

The liver recycles bile salts to make new ________.


The liver uses cholesterol to make ________.


John had six alcoholic drinks at each event over the week, he is classified as a ________.

binge drinker

Consuming too much avidin, a protein found in raw egg whites, may inhibit ________ absorption.


Metabolic reactions that break down larger molecules into smaller ones are classified as ________.


The breakdown of glycogen into individual glucose molecules is an example of ________.


When Thompson was 5 years of age, he began to complain that his stomach hurt, especially after eating meals and snacks. He also experienced chronic diarrhea. His parents noticed that he could eat poultry, meat, dairy foods, fruits, and vegetables without developing any intestinal problems, but he would get a "tummy ache" soon after eating sandwiches, cookies, crackers, or pancakes. Based on this information, Thompson's parents should have him evaluated for ________.

celiac disease

Series of specific chemical reactions in the cell are known as ________.

chemical pathways

A dipeptide is formed when two amino acids bond through a ________ reaction.


Which of the following hormones increases gluconeogenesis in the liver?


Consuming too much protein or excess amino acids can contribute to ________.


Excessive vitamin D intakes can result in ________.

deposition of calcium in soft tissues

An amino acid does not contain a(n) ________.

fatty acid group

As a smoker, Chantalle's need for vitamin C is ________ that of a non-smoker.

greater than

Albert is a healthy, 23-year-old college student. He would like to know more about his risk of cardiovascular disease, so he can take preventive measures, if they are necessary. Albert should ________.

have a lipoprotein profile performed on a sample of his blood

Having high blood levels of ________ may increase a person's risk of CVD.


Children eating large amounts of carrots can develop


A high intake of vitamin E can

interfere with vitamin K's blood-clotting activity.

Dana wants to reduce her blood cholesterol level by eating ________.

less beef

________ acid is an essential fatty acid.


The synthesis of fatty acids is known as ________.


The ________ is the primary site for nonessential amino acid production in humans.


The synthetic form of vitamin K is called ________.


________ is a component of the coenzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide.


An early symptom of vitamin A deficiency is ________.

night blindness

Which of the following B-vitamins is found in the widest variety of foods (i.e., different food groups such as vegetables, grains, meat)?

pantothenic acid

To protect riboflavin from destruction by sunlight, milk and milk products are packaged in

paper and opaque plastic cartons.

Lecithin is a type of ________.


In the body, lipids ________.

provide insulation against cold temperatures

Beta-carotene is also called

provitamin A

Through the process of glycolysis, glucose is converted into two molecules of ________.


Isaac is an 8-year-old child who has African ancestry. He lives in Chicago and does not spend much time outdoors. He does not like to consume dairy foods because he has lactose intolerance. His diet consists primarily of enriched white bread, peanut butter, chicken, pork, apples, bananas, and green vegetables. Based on this information, Isaac has a high risk of __________.


A scientist has isolated a fatty acid that has 26 carbons bonded together. All of the carbon atoms in the chain are connected by single bonds. The only other elements in the compound are hydrogen and oxygen. Based on this information, the compound is a(n) ________ fatty acid.


Which of the following foods is naturally a rich source of polyunsaturated fatty acids?

soybean oil

The body uses cholesterol to make __________.

steroid hormones

Sean has carpal tunnel syndrome. A few months ago, he began taking megadoses of vitamin B-6, when he read that the vitamin can cure the disorder. Today, Sean reported to his friends that his hands were feeling numb and his walking is unsteady. Based on this information, Sean should ________.

stop taking vitamin B-6, because he is showing signs and symptoms of vitamin B-6 toxicity

Energy is defined as ________.

the capacity to perform work

The human body can absorb some of the ________ that is synthesized by intestinal bacteria.

vitamin K

In the United States, newborns receive an injection of ________ to prevent ________.

vitamin K; bleeding

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