Biology 2108 Final Exam Review

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All echinoderms (sea stars and sea urchins) have:

a water vascular system and five-fold symmetry.

Our ancestors were bipedal by at least ___ million years ago, as evidence suggest by the lucy skeleton.


Humans and chimpanzees last shared a common ancestor around _____ million years ago, and our genomes now differ by about _____%.

5-7, 1%

The concordance of the two great patterns in the history of life -- the branching order of the tree of life and the sequence of forms in the fossil record -- is powerful evidence in support of the theory of evolution. Which of the following imaginary examples of evidence would disprove the theory of evolution?

A fossil of a mammal that is older than fossils of the first reptiles

Coenocytic organization helped some single celled organisms develop a large size through nuclear divisions, even though these nuclei were not partitioned into individual cells. True or False


Complex multicellularity evolved at least six separate times in different eukaryotic groups True or False


Describe the symbiotic relationship between nitrogen fixing bacteria and plants

Bacteria converts nitrogen to nitrogen gas so plants can use it. Plants provide carbohydrates for the bacteria.

Why is bulk flow a necessity for complex multicellularity?

Bulk flow allows for further diffusion for the transportation of water from the roots to the xylem.

In these plants CO2 enters the leaf by diffusion rather than active transport

C3,C4, and CAM

These plants convert CO2 to an organic acid to prevent photorespiration


These plants close their stomata during the day to avoid water loss


These plants take in the CO2 they need at night


____ effectively limits how large a bacterium can grow. The bigger the bacterial cell, the less likely that nutrients can reach the cell's interior.


This gene is thought to be related to the human capacity for speech.


All organisms capable of photosynthesis have chloroplasts. True or False


Transpiration is the movement of water from the atmosphere into the plant. True or False


Cells in complex multicellular organisms maintain a full range of functions including reproduction. True or False

False , complex multicellular organisms dont need full range of function

Bacteria and Archaea can reproduce by either conjugation or sexual reproduction True or False

False, bacteria and archaea cannot reproduce sexually

Transduction is a type of horizontal gene transfer during which genetic information is transferred from one bacterium to another via a pilus True or False

False, conjugation is this gene transfer

A steady decrease in photosynthesis and an increase in volcanic activity have caused atmospheric CO2 levels to rise over the past 200 years. True or False

False, fossil fuels are the main reason for the increase of CO2 levels

The initial depolarization associated with an action potential is the consequence of the opening of voltage-gated calcium channels at the axon hillock True or False

False, opening of the voltage gated sodium channels spark the membrane potential

Plasmodesmata are specialized channels used to transport signaling molecules and nutrients in animal cells True or False

False, plasmodesmata are narrow channels that facilitate communication

Ancestors of yeast did not have hyphae which is why yeast do not posses them. The synapomorphy of hyphae developed later. True or False

False, the ancestor of yeast did contain hyphae

Put these in order in which they took place in the history of life Oxygen builds up in the atmosphere First eukaryotic life First plants appear First prokaryotic life First photosynthetic organisms appear

First prokaryotic life First photosynthetic organisms appear Oxygen builds up in the atmosphere First eukaryotic life First plants appear

Which trait is found in land plants but not in any green algae?

Formation of embryo protected within the parent

Which of the following is an example of a mutualistic association involving a fungus?

Fungal hyphae penetrate a plant root, then provide the plant with nutrients and receive organic molecules in return

___ are chemical signaling molecules that influence physiology and development.


Animals, along with choanoflagellates and fungi, are apart of the clade Ospisthokants. True or False


If plants consume CO2 during photosynthesis, why hasn't all the atmospheric CO2 been used up?

Respiration uses CO2 as a by product

What was a major challenge that early land plants faced, and bryophytes still face, in adapting an ancestral aquatic reproductive cycle to land?

Successful fertilization by free-swimming sperm is rare, because it generally requires continuous water films connecting male and female gametophytes.

What was the major challenge that plants faced as they transitioned to life on land?

The major challenge was the intake of CO2 without drying out.

Which of the following statements describes Neanderthals?

They are a species that is closely related to but distinct from, Homo sapiens

The original caption to this figure states that "the bones are homologous but the wings are not". What does this imply about the last common ancestor of the bats and birds?

This implies that the birds and bats are in a polyphletic group and these traits shared didn't come from a common ancestor. The latest ancestor has the same bones but the wings were developed by a mutation.

All of the cells in simple multicellular organisms are exposed to the environment. True or False


In a food web, decomposers are chemoheterotrophs True or False


In a food web, primary consumers are chemoheterotrophs True or False


Only bacteria and archaea can use nitrogen for their metabolic processes True or False


Photosynthesis evolved first in prokaryotes over a billion years ago True or False


Some archaea can inhabit environments with a pH of 1 or below True or False


The charge difference between the inside and outside of a neuron due to differences in charged ions is the cell's membrane potential True or False


The phylum Mollusca contain the gastropods such as snails and slugs. The word gastropod means "stomach foot". True or False


Double fertilization in angiosperms results in a:

a diploid embryo and a triploid endosperm

Chordates all possess which of the following, at least during embryological development?

a dorsal nerve cord, a post anal tail, and a notocord

Mollusks are distinguished from other animal groups by the presence of

a mantle that plays a role in breathing and excretion, a toothlike radula in some

The fungi are most closely related to:

arthropods, which are organisms that also produce chitin.

Karogamy and meiosis take place in elongated, saclike cells in which of the following groups of fungi?


Which of these is NOT a reason that spore dispersal is an important part of reproduction? a) It allows for escape from pathogens and parasites. b) It reduces competition for resources with closely related individuals. c) It can lead to increased outcrossing and gene flow in a population. d) It allows a single successful genotype to spread over more geographic area.

all above are important reasons for spore dispersal

Toadstools (i.e., mushrooms with a central stalk and a cap with gills) are an example of which type of fungus?


If all of the fungi on Earth ceased to exist, what would happen to the local carbon cycle?

because fungi are decomposers, less CO2 would be released back into the atmosphere

Which factor increases an organism's chance of becoming a fossil?

being buries soon after death

A protosome is distinguished by a(n):

blastopore that becomes a mouth

Which of the following plants would likely be the first to colonize a newly formed volcanic island ( and environment with very little soil and limited room for roots to grow) ?


MOST of the height growth of a plant is due to:

changes in cell dimension but not cell number in the elongation zone

For the first 2 billion years of its history, Earth's atmosphere lacked( or had very little) oxygen. Which of the following organisms produced most of the oxygen that now makes up for the current atmosphere of Earth?


Sexual fusion brings two haploid cells together to produce a:

diploid cell

Which trait distinguishes gymnosperms from ferns?

dominant sporophyte generation

A truck driver is transporting a load of unripened bananas in an air-tight vehicle, and decides to stop and eat an apple after checking on his cargo. He opens the back of his truck and, while walking around the unripened bananas, he decides the apple is overripe and drops it. When the bananas are finally delivered days later, he is surprised to find that all of his bananas have ripened. Why?

exposure of the banana to the apple (and its ethylene) instigated their ripening

Pectins are crucial for the molecular mechanisms of adhesion in animals. True or False

false, pectins act as an adhesive in plants not animals

Which of the following statements comparing fungal and animal nutrition is CORRECT?

fungi digest and absorb food, whereas animals can ingest and digest food

Frogs, birds, rabbits and lizards all have different forelimbs, which makes sense when you consider their different lifestyles. Interestingly, all of their forelimbs share the same set of bones—the ulna, the radius, and the humerus. These same bones are also seen in fossils of the extinct animal Eusthenopteron, which demonstrates common ancestry among these four groups of animals. Hence, these forelimbs are an example of:


In some of the earliest plant fossils, there is evidence of mycorrhizal associations. Fungi may have been instrumental in plant colonization of land by:

increasing nutrient uptake by early plant species

Many antibiotics work by inhibiting the synthesis of peptidoglycan, a component of the bacterial cell wall. What is a possible mechanism of action for anti-fungal drugs?

inhibiting the synthesis of chitin in fungi

Why was the advent of the amniotic egg so important in the evolution of terrestrial vertebrates?

it completely removed the dependence of water on reproduction

Which of the compounds found in wood are difficult to degrade( or break apart)?

lignin and cellulose

When identifying evolutionary relationships between human populations this material is often compared.

mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA)

The network of branching filaments that form the main body of a multicellular fungus is the:


Human development retains features of the juvenile state


Sponges have ____ symmetry.


Humans evolved from which of the following groups? a. chimpanzees b. gibbons c. gorilla d. all of the above e. none of the above

none of the above

In most plants, during the day the stomata are

open to take in CO2

Using the simplest explanation requiring the fewest steps to design a phylogenetic tree


Which of the following features is not common to both bacteria and archaea? a. circular chromosomes b. peptidoglycan cell walls c. single-celled structure d. presence of both heterotrophic and autotrophic species e. ribosomes

petidoglycan cell walls

Cnidarians have _____ symmetry.


What is the main limitation of cell size?

rate of diffusion

Seed germination in very small seeds is stimulated by ___ light


The amniotes include:

reptiles, birds, mammals

Among the environments listed below, in which are fossils MOST likely to form?

shallow lake bed

Giberellic Acid:

stimulates stem elongation

A trait that appears in the ancestor of a monophyletic group and is passed on to its descendants


Unlike xylem, phloem is made up of cells:

that are still metabolically active.

Transpiration is best defined as:

the evaporative loss of water through the stomata.

Applying fungicides to plants may result in a phosphorus deficiency. What is the most likely explanation for this observation?

the fungicide destroys mycorrhizal symbionts

How can chimpanzees and humans be so different with such similar genomes?

the genetic differences could have occured in genes responsible for development

A benefit of sexual reproduction in plants is

the improved ability of plants to adapt to new environments

Which character is least useful for developing a phylogenetic tree?

the one where the entire group shares the same trait because you can differentiate from the group

A major evolutionary constraint on the height growth of gametophytes in ferns, lycophytes, and bryophytes is thought to be imposed by :

the reliance of swimming sperm on environmental water

Endosperm is a tissue that is present in which of the following structures? A. the eggs of green algae B. the spores of bryophytes C. the spores of lycophytes D. the seeds of gymnosperms E. the seeds of angiosperms

the seeds of the angiosperms

When looking at the carbon isotopes present in the atmosphere, scientists determined that 13C and 14C levels have decreased over time. What did researchers conclude from these observations?

the use of fossil fuels is responsible for increased atmospheric CO2

The major defining characteristics of arthrophods are

their jointed legs and complex mouth parts

How do sphagnum mosses contribute to the carbon cycle?

they acidify their environment, which limits decomposition and CO2 release from peat bogs

A photoreceptor in seeds detects the ratio of red to far red light, preventing seeds from germinating when:

they are in the shade of another plant

What is the function of root hairs?

they increase the surface area of root-to-soil contact for water and nutrient uptake

How do eukaryotic cells build and maintain genetic diversity?

through sexual reproduction

Why do fungi produce fruiting bodies?

to enhance spore dispersal

The significance of the dead cells of the xylem forming a hollow conduit is:

to form a continuous column of water that extends from roots to leaves

Which of the following is not one of the evolutionary adaptations on land shared by all land plants?

water transport by xylem because not all plants have a xylem

Exposure to light redistributes auxin to the opposite side of the stem or root that is exposed to light. In stems, this redistribution of auxin causes the stem to grow and bend toward the light. In contrast, roots bend away from the light as they grow. What may be an advantage of the difference in bending of roots and stems?

when roots grow away from the light, they will grow deeper into the soil where they can absorb water and nutrients

Yeast are unicellular fungi that do not produce hyphae. However they are descended from a common ancestor that did produce hyphae. Which of the following statements explain why yeasts do not produce hyphae?

yeast grow in nutrient rich environments, so they do not require hyphal growth to reach regions high in nutrients

In the life cycle of mosses and ferns, which of the following structures are diploid (2n) ?

zygote and sporophyte

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