biology chapter 5

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What physical property is shared by dietary fats, cholesterol, and anabolic steroids?

They are all nonpolar.

define facilitated diffusion

a form of passage transport. molecules move across the plasma membrane using a transport protein

what is an inhibitor?

a molecule that can bind with an enzyme and disrupt it's function

what are isomers and give an example of 2 of them

a molecule with the same number and kinds of atoms, but vary in arrangement of atoms glucose and fructose

what is an enzyme?

a protein that speeds up chemicals reactions without itself being changed

extracellular matrix

a sticky substance in animals cells that helps hold each cell together

what are plant cell walls composed of?


What force allows a "water walker" insect to stay on top of a pond?


what is the function of the mitochondrion?

converts chemical fuel into packets of chemical energy (ATP) that can power the cell

There is a net diffusion of water out of an animal cell when it is placed in a(n) solution.


The ideal osmotic environment for a plant cell is a(n) environment.


The light reactions produce _____.

oxygen, NADPH, and ATP

what are the most diverse biological molecule in your body?


During the light reactions of photosynthesis, chlorophyll absorbs energy from sunlight. This energy is used to __________.

split water to produce O2 and high-energy electrons

grana (granum)

stacks of discs in the chloroplast where photosynthesis reactions take place each individual disc is called a thykoid

what are carbohydrates?

sugars and large molecules made from sugars

how does a photostem work? how are ATP and NAPDH created?

sunlight hits the chlorophyll in the photostem and excites an electron. this electron moves up and when it comes back down, produces energy that converts ADP into ATP. The electron then does the same process to convert NADP+ into NAPDH. This all occurs when the electron breaks apart a water molecule. The byproduct is o2


the amount of disorder or randomness (heat) that leaves a system

define energy

the capacity to do work

what is the stroma?

the fluid in the interior of the chloroplast. this is where the calvin cycle takes place


the production of RNA from DNA in the nucleus


the production of proteins in the ribosomes

A polypeptide consists of many ___________ joined together by ___________ bonds.

amino acids; peptide

what is an ion?

an element with more or less electrons

how do most animals store excess sugars?

as glycogen granules in liver and muscle cells

how do cells regulate their PH levels?

through the use of buffers

what is the function of the mitochondria?

breaks down sugars made by the chloroplast and creates ATP

what are the fundamental units of life?


what process produces ATP?

cellular respiration

What are the three organelles that plant cells have but animal cells do not?

chloroplast, central vacuole, cell wall

define passive transport

does NOT require energy from the cell. examples are diffusion and facilitated diffusion

what is the final step in cellular respiration?

electron transport chain

Which organelles comprise the endomembrane system of a cell?

endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosome

The ____________________ builds compounds, whereas the ________________ breaks things down.

endoplasmic reticulum; lysosome

Incoming photons of light energy initiate photosynthesis by _____.

exciting electrons in pigment molecules within the photosystems, raising them to a higher energy level

aerobic respiration occurs through a process of _____


A plant cell placed in a(n) solution will lose water and plasmolyze.


The ideal osmotic environment for an animal cell is a(n) environment.


what do ribosomes do?

make proteins

what are carbohydrates made of?

monosaccharides (simple sugars) glucose and fructose are monosaccharides

what are the functions of the central vacuole?

regulates cytoplasm composition, creates internal pressure, and stores cell compounds

what is the function of smooth ER?

the construction of lipids

what is work?

the movement of an object against an opposing force

what is the one property that all lipids share?

they are all hydophobic

how many different kinds of amino acids are there?


how many chromosomes does every human have?


how many naturally occurring elements are there on earth?


During cellular respiration, a portion of the energy contained in the food you eat is used to make __________ molecules.


what are the inputs of the calvin cycle?


electron transport chain

ATP is synthesized from phosphate and ADP this produces the most ATP of any of the other cycles

what is the output of the calvin cycle?

G3P this is then made into glucose that can be sent to the mitochondria to make ATP via cellular respiration stored as carbohydrates (starches) or used to make cellulose

what is a common example of an ionic bond?

NaCl salt

____________ bonds hold the atoms together within a molecule of water, and __________ bonds act between molecules of water to hold them together.

Polar covalent; hydrogen

define diffusion

a form of passage transport. molecules move across the plasma membrane by crossing the lipid bilayer

what type of organic molecule is cholesterol?

a lipid

define exocytosis

a process by which the contents of a cell vacuole are released to the exterior through fusion of the vacuole membrane with the cell membrane.

what is a substrate?

a specific substance on which an enzyme acts

what is the building blocks of all proteins?

amino acids

how do plants store some of the excess sugar they produce?

as polysaccharide starch consisting of long , twisted, unbranched chains of glucose molecules

inputs and outputs of the Calvin cycle?

ATP + NADPH + 3CO 2 → G3P

What is the difference between lactic acid fermentation and alcohol fermentation?

Alcohol fermentation produces carbon dioxide, but lactic acid fermentation does not.

How do we derive energy from fats?

Breakdown products from fatty acids bypass glycolysis and feed directly into the citric acid cycle.

_____ are found only in plant cells, but _____ are found in both plant and animal cells.

Central vacuoles; ribosomes

what is a common example of a covalent bond?

H2o water

Why do plants have two photosystems?

One photosystem stores energy in the form of ATP and the other photosystem stores energy in the form of NADPH

If you could track all of the carbon atoms that are present in a sugar molecule that undergoes cellular respiration, where would those carbon atoms end up?

They would be converted to carbon dioxide.

what is a polysaccharide? give 2 examples

a complex carbohydrate made by joining many monosaccharides together into a long chain. starch and cellulose

what is a triglyceride?

a dietary fat that consists of a molecule of glycerol linked to three molecules of fatty acids

what is a disaccharide? list a common disaccharide

a double sugar formed by joining 2 monosaccharides. sucrose

what is a poly peptide?

a long chain of amino acids. usually hundreds to thousands of amino acids long


a long extension that can move the cell by whipping back and forth

what is a lysosome?

a membrane enclosed sack of digestive enzymes

why are all organisms on earth "carbon-based-life forms"?

because carbon can bond with up to 4 different elements

light reactions

capture sunlight and provide high energy molecules to the calvin cycle Convert energy from the sun into chemical energy

what sucrose?

common table sugar

The plasma membrane forms a pocket that pinches inward, forming a vesicle that contains material from outside the cell. This describes the process of


In cellular respiration, most energy is released and transferred to ATP when _____.

high-energy electrons "fall" to lower energy levels

An animal cell placed in a(n) solution will gain water, swell, and possibly burst.


where is a common place in the body that hydrolysis happens?

in the digestive system

A plant cell surrounded by a(n) solution will be flaccid (limp).


You create a new variety of cheese that has very little water. Which of the following is true?

it is high in fat

During dehydration synthesis reactions, monomers are ___________, and water is ____________.

joined together; removed

what is the first stage of the light reactions?

light from the sun is captured and stored in high-energy molecules of ATP and NADPH (electrons)

The thylakoid membranes bring together the components necessary to carry out the _____

light reactions

what are the 2 stages of photosynthesis?

light reactions and the calvin cycle

what are steroids?

lipids that contain four fused chemical rings made primarily of carbon

list the 4 classes of organic molecules

lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids

what is the function of the chloroplast?

makes food by converting light energy into chemical energy

give a common example of a molecule with a nonpolar covalent bond


what is the primary site for cellular respiration?


what is the function of the Golgi apparatus?

modifies and packages proteins

what are all cell membranes made of?

phospholipid bilayers

list 4 kinds of lipids

phospholipids cholesterol triglyceride steroid hormones

what types of cells have a mitochondria?

plant and animal cells

what are most of the living macromolecules living in cells?


define active transport

requires energy from the cell. molecules move against their concentration gradient. it moves from low concentration to high concentration

aerobic respiration

requires oxygen

what is a functional group?

set of atoms that are attached to the carbon skeleton

what are anabolic steroids?

synthetic variants that of testosterone that mimic it's effects


takes place in the cytoplasm. involves splitting a molecule of glucose. this produces ATP and high-energy electrons

citric acid cycle

takes place in the fluid within the mitochondria. completes the burning of glucose, breaking down pruvic acid into co2


the primary pigment in chloraplast

define metabolism

the sum total of all the chemical reactions that take place in your body

define endocytosis

the taking in of matter by a living cell by invagination of its membrane to form a vacuole.

how are trans fats made?

through a manufacturing process called hydrogenation

what is cholesterol used for?

to help maintain fluidity synthesize several lipid hormones

what is the function of the rough ER(endoplasmic reticulum)?

to manufactor proteins

Energy is conserved. This means that in any system, _____.

total energy input equals total energy output

calvin cycle

uses high energy molecules to produce sugars from CO2

what is a peptide bond?

when amino acids are joined together through dehydration synthesis

dehydration synthesis

when monomers are linked together to form bigger polymers. as each new monomer is added to the chain, one molecule of water is released

hydrolysis reaction

when polymers are broken down into monomers that make them up. during hydrolysis, a water molecule is split and it's atoms are used to separate a monomer from the rest of the chain

what do ribosomes do?

work with mRNA to synthesis protein

do rough endoplasmic reticulum contain ribosomes?


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