BIOLOGY Final Exam Questions/ Important things to know

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Ch.1 What is the scientific method?

How experiments are conducted and results

Ch.14 What is changes in the gene pool of a population from one generation to the next. In other words evolutionary change within a population?

Its called micro evolution.

Ch.1 What is the Response to Environment, organisms react when the environment interacts with them in a way they adjust the way they do things in order for them to survive, known as?

Its one of the properties of life

Ch.1 What is Order, is characterized by things in sequence, such as the uniform development of 10 digits on every hand, and symmetry on the left and right side of the body, known as?

Its one of the properties of life.

Ch.1 How does science connect to technology?

Scientist use technology in research

Ch.9 The Mendelian law states that each gamete will carry only one allele for every genetic locus?

That is Mendels Law of Segregation

Ch 1. How many species have Biologists identify? What do the total number of species range from?

1.8 million species identified. They range from 10 million to more than 100 million species

Ch.1 What can a cell do that is connected to the properties of life?

A cell can do regulation, energy processing and have response to the environment.

Ch.9 Who started modern genetics in 1860?

A monk named Gregor Mendel

Ch.14 What is a polypoid?

A polypoid is a species formed with more than two complete sets of chromosomes as a result of an accident of cell division. examples of this is cotton, wheat and potatoes.

Ch.1. What is the scientific name of red pandas? What animal are they actually closely related to?

Ailurus fulgens. They are actually closely related to Raccoons.

Ch.1 What is technology?

Applying scientific knowledge for specific purposes

Ch.1 Giant pandas and red pandas are both in what family?

Bear family

Ch.1. What is something regarding population is happening to red pandas and giant pandas?

Both are going extinct

Ch.1 How do scientist connect species together?

By using evidence of comparing their fossils and living organisms

Ch.1. What domains do biologist all agree on?

Domain Bacteria and Archea, Domain Eukarya.

Ch.1 What is the biology process?

First its careful observation(observing), then hypothesis(predicting) , then scientific test(experiment), then theory(conclusion)

Ch.1 What are the taxonomy groups?

Genus to Family to Order to Class then last Phylum

Ch.14 What creates opportunities for speciation?

Geographic isolation does this.

Ch.14 What is species?

Is a group of populations whose members can produce fertile offspring. So offspring that can continue to pass on the genes and DNA.

Ch.14 What is phylogenetic species concept?

It defines a species as the smallest group of individuals that share common ancestor. This analyses distinguishes groups from a species by comparing things like DNA sequences or biochemical pathways.

Ch. 10 What is every nucleotide composed of?

It has a nitrogenous base (carries info), five-carbon sugar( provides structural base) and a phosphate group( allow nucleotide to join together)

Ch.15 What is one thing that the studies of rRNA have shown?

It has shown for instance, that fungi are more closely related to animals than green plants. (this info could not come from morphological comparisons alone)

Ch.14 What is specification?

It is the evolution of a new species. When one species splits into two or more species diverging itself over time from its parent species and becomes a new species.

Ch.14 What is the meaning of the existence of biological factors( barriers) that impede members of two species from producing viable, fertile offspring?

It means reproductive isolation

Ch.14 How many years did it take for us to reach to the species we are today?

It took over 3.5 billion years

Ch.15 What was the first major spilt in the history of life? What happened after this event?

It was the spilt of domain bacteria from domain eukarya and domain archaea. After this happened their was the seperation of domain archaea and domain eukarya

Ch.14 What is biological species concept?

It when a species as a group of populations whose members have the potential to interbreed in nature and produce viable, fertile offspring but do not produce viable, fertile offspring with members of other such groups.

Ch.9 What is a X-linked gene? How many copies do males and females have? Why are the vast majority of sex-linked genes x linked genes?

Its a gene located on the X chromosome. Males only have one copy while females have two. They are known as that because X chromosomes contain more genes then Y.

Ch.9 What does character mean in terms of genetics?

Its a heritable feature that varies (looks different/different form) among individuals within a population. (For instance eye color in humans)

Ch.14 Whats an hybrid zone?

Its a region in which memebers of different species meet and mate , producing at least some hybrid offspring

Ch.15 What is the three domain system?

Its a system of taxonomic classification based on three basic groups, Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.

Ch.15 What is a molecular clock?

Its a theoretical construct that estimates the time required for a given amount of evolutionary change.

Ch.9 What is a trait?

Its a variant of a character found within a population, ( such as purple or white flowers in pea plants)

Ch.9 What is Hemophilla?

Its a x linked trait recessive trait.

Ch.1 What is it called when researchers involve themselves in the beginning of an experiment, enroll a group of participants in a cohort and study them over time?

Its called a Prospective Study

Ch.9 What is the single gene called located on a sex chromosome? Where are they mostly located on humans?

Its called a sex-linked gene. They are mostly located on the X chromosome

Ch.14 What type of radiation is it called, when an evolutionary change in which groups of organism form many new species whose adaptations allow them to fill new or vacant ecological roles in their communities called? What animal has been to known to have experinced this?

Its called adaptive radiation. It has been Darwins finches.

Ch.1 What is the experiment called when a researcher manipulates one component in a system and observes the effects of this change( involves independent and dependent variable?

Its called an Controlled Experiment.

Ch.1 What is Energy Processing, organisms take in energy and use it to power all they do, known as?

Its one of the properties of life

Ch.1 What is Evolutionary Adaption, species evolving over time as individuals with heritable traits that are best suited to their environments having greater reproductive success, known as?

Its one of the properties of life

Ch.1 What is Growth and Development, inherited info encoded in DNA that controls the pattern of growing and developing in all organisms?

Its one of the properties of life

Ch.1 What is Regulation, organisms having regulatory mechanisms that maintain a beneficiary internal environment, know as ?

Its one of the properties of life

Ch.1 What is Reproduction, organisms producing the same organism, known as?

Its one of the properties of life

Ch.14 What is Reproductive isolation?

Its when one or more type of reproductive barrier-biological features of the organism that prevent individual of different species from interbreeding successfully. Like a fly won't breed with a cow or chicken because of this very principle.

Ch.1. What are the names three kingdoms under Domain Eukarya? What are they exactly?

Kingdom Plantae, which consists of plants the eat via photosynthesis Kingdom Fungi, organisms that decompose organic waste and absorb the nutrients into their cells Kingdom Animalia, obtain food by eating other animals

Ch.1. Describe some adaptions in red pandas form?

Long tails helps them balance in tree, also can wrap around them for warmth. Small thumb helps them hold bamboo.

Ch.1. Where are red pandas mostly found? Do giant pandas live in similar regions?

Mountainous forest in Asia. Yes

Ch.14 What are hybrids?

Offspring that results from the mating of individuals from two different species or from two true-breeding varieties of the same species

Ch.9 How many autosomes (non-sex chromosomes) do both males and females have? What does an offspring's sex depend on?

Over 44 of them. It depends on whether the sperm the cell that fertilizes the egg bears an X chromosome or a Y chromosome.

Ch.9 How were Inuit able to eat such high levels of fat?

Over ten of thousands of years, the Inuit population had gotten a genetic mutation that changed the way their bodies metabolized fats.

Ch.14 What barrier prevents hybrid offspring not to produce and remain sterile(look for very specific examples in the answer choice given?)

Post zygotic barriers

Ch.9 What do you call an individual who is heterozygous for a disease allele and does not display symptoms of this disease ?

That individual is called an carrier.

Ch.15 What is the third domain contains all of the eukaryotes including, kingdoms Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia as well as protists?

That is Domain Eukarya

Ch.14. What is formation of new species in populations that are geographically isolated from one another. In other words when populations are separated by a geographic barrier and reproduce when in different places.

That is allopatric speciation.

Ch.15 What is the scientific discipline that uses nucleic acids or other molecules in different species to infer evolutionary relationships?

That is molecular systematics

Ch.15 What is the method that uses DNA and (nucleic acids) or other molecule to infer relatedness and evolutionary relationships between different species?

That is molecular systematics.

Ch.1. What is the approach to understanding the natural world based on evidence that can be proven?

That is science

Ch.9 What refers to organisms for which sexual reproduction produces offspring with inherited traits that are the same of those from the parents.

That is true-breeding

Ch.9 Who suggested that particles called "pangenes" travel from each part of an organisms body to the eggs or sperm and then are passed to the next generation. ( changes that occurred in an organisms life was passed on in this way)? Is this correct?

That was Hippocrates(460 BCE-370BCE). No

Ch.9 What diet is one of the most extreme in the Western World? What is it high in?

The Inuit diet that consists of food obtained by hunting large land mammals(such as caribou and polar bears) and marine animals (whales, seals and fish). Its high in protein and very high in fat.

Ch.14 What barrier prevents mating or fertilization between species?

The type of barrier is called Prezygotic barriers

Ch.9 What do genes retain generation after generation?

Their individuality(identity)

Ch.15 Which protists are closely related to animals?

They are Amoebas

Ch.15 What two cellular organelles are only found in eukaryotes?

They are Mitochondria and Chloroplast.(But are lineages of domain Bacteria)

Ch.9 Is recessive X-linked traits expressed more in men or in women?

They are expressed much more in men because men only need one X chromosome

Ch.9 Where are Inuit people (Eskimos) located in ( where are they indigenous to)?

They are located in the arctic regions of Greenland, Canada, and Alaska.

Ch.1. What is Domain Eukarya? What do they include? Is this the main domain humans live in?

They are organisms with complex cells. Are mostly single celled organisms. They include Protists. Yes it is the main domain and the third one. It also does not contain free flowing DNA. It has a organized location for it genetic material.

Ch.9 How are inherited traits passed?

They are passed through parent to offspring

Ch.1. What is Domain Bacteria and Archea? Where do they tend to live?

They both consist of relatively simple cells. They live in places like salty lakes and boiling hot springs. Are in a two domain systems.

Ch.15 How does mitochondria and chloroplast (both only in Eukaryotes) contain DNA lineages from bacteria?

They have it because of horizontal gene transfer of ancestors of both mitochondrial and eukaryotes. Also gene transfer between ancestors of chloroplast and green plants

Ch.15 What is Bacteria and Archae?

They make up a group of two prokaryotic domains of life.

Ch.15 Where did Domain Eukaraya orginate from?

They originate from a prokaryotic lineage that diverged from the archaeal lineage some 2.8 billion years ago

Ch.9 How do researchers learn about ancestry on human males?

They study the Y chromosomes of DNA, be-cause the Y chromosome passes intact from father to son.

Ch.14 What concept has been used to identify most off the 1.8 million species that have been names to date? Identifies species in terms of their ecological details such as what they eat and where they are found.

This concept is called morphological species concept.

What event results in the added diversity seen in gametes. It occurs when two homologous chromosomes exchanges information producing a recombinant chromosome

This event is called crossing over

Ch.9 What is the transmission of traits from one generation to the next? What is the scientific study of this called?

This is called Heredity

Ch.15 What is the transfer called in which genes are transferred from one genome to another through mechanisms such as plasmid exchange and viral infection, and even through the fusion of different organisms?

This is called horizontal gene transfer.

Ch.14 What speciation is it when a new speices arises within the same geogrpahic area as its parent species. When accidents during cell divison result in extra sets of chromosomes?

This is called sympatric speciation

What is the name given to the region in chromosomes that holds the genes?

This place is called locis.

Is it true that its called Cancer when there are Errors in the regulation of cell division resulting in uncontrolled cell growth results on what condition?


Ch.1 Are two species that have closely related DNA sequences likely to be related


Ch.14 When a offspring has a odd number of chromosomes is it sterile?

Yes its sterile.

Ch.9 Do Inuit suffer less heart attacks then people in the United States?

Yes they do

Ch.1 Do single cellular bacteria and other unicellular organisms outnumber multi cellular organisms on earth?

Yes they do!

Ch.1 What did Darwin believe?

believed that species that live today arose from ancestors different then them. This is known as descent with modification

Ch.1. What is Taxonomy?

branch of biology that names and classifies species and arranges species into a hierarchy of broader groups.

Ch.1 What are controlled experiments with humans called?

clinical trails or clinical studies

Ch.14 What is sexual selection?

its a form of natural selection in which individuals with certain traits are more likely to obtain mates.

Ch.1 What is Observational Studies? What two types of study's does it include?

its an experiment that includes recording/comparing what you see. The two types of studies, it includes is Retrospective studies and Prospective studies.

Ch.1 What is an independent variable?

its the factor that is manipulated

Ch.1 What is the simple definition of science?

its the pursuit of understanding natural phenomena

Ch.1. What is Biology? What is Life?

its the scientific study of life which is exploring the properties and processes of different things.

Ch.1 What is an dependent variable?

measure used to judge the outcome of the experiment

Ch.1 What is evolution?

process of change that has transformed life on earth from its earliest forms to the organisms living today.

Ch.1 What happened on November 1859?

researcher Charles Darwin releases a book on the evolutionary view of life.

Ch.1. What is emergent properties?

they are new properties that arise with each step upward in the hierarchy of life.

Ch.1 What do large cohorts help us do?

they help us understand the affects of dieting, exercise, etc

Ch.1 What does scientific discoveries lead to?

they lead to advancement in technology

Ch.1 What is Retrospective study's?

when researchers interview or look at death certificates or medical records to identify factors that led to certain outcomes

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