Biology II (DE), Chapter 13 Notes

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Blood Vessels

? are known as tubes of the heart


A solid, wall-like ? separates the atrium and ventricle on the right side from their counterparts on the left


At the base of the aorta is the aortic valve which has ? cusps

Adipose Tissue, Myocardium

The deeper portion of the epicardium contains ?, particularly along the paths of coronary arteries and cardiac veins that carry blood through the ?


The heart is bordered laterally by the ?

Between blood in the capillaries and air in the alveoli

Where does gas exchange occur?


A heartbeat through a stethoscope sounds like "?"

Functional Synctium

A mass of merging cells that function as a unit is called a ?


About ?% of the returning blood enters the ventricles prior to contraction


Arteries carry blood ? from the heart


Arterioles branch out into the tiniest tubes known as ?

Tricuspid Valve

As the right atrial wall contracts, the blood passes through the ? and enters the chamber of the right ventricle

Pericardial Cavity

Between the parietal and visceral layers of the pericardium is a space known as the ?

Mitral Valve

Blood passes from the left atrium into the left ventricle through the ? (bicuspid valve)


Blood that is low in oxygen and high in carbon dioxide enters the ? atrium through the venae cavae and coronary sinus

Myocardial Capillaries

Branches of the cardiac veins, whose paths roughly parallel to those of the coronary arteries drain blood so that there is passageway through the ?


Branches of the coronary arteries feed the many capillaries of the ?

Venules, Veins

Capillaries converge into ? which in turn converge into ? that return blood to the heart, completing the closed system of blood circulation


Cardiac Muscle Fibers function much like those of the ? muscles, but the fibers connect in branching networks


Detours in circulation may supply oxygen and nutrients into the myocardium when a coronary artery is ?

Carbon Dioxide, Left

Freshly oxygenated blood, low in ?, returns to the heart through the pulmonary veins that lead to the ? atrium


From the pulmonary arteries, blood enters the capillaries associated with the ? (microscopic air sacs) of the lungs

14 cm. long and 9 cm. wide

How long and wide is the average adult's heart


How many chambers does the heart have?


How many hollow chambers is the heart divided into?

2.5 billion

How many times does the heart contract in an average lifetime?

7,000 liters

How much blood does the heart pump through the body each day?


In order for the heart to supply blood to body tissues, myocardial cells require a constant supply of freshly ? blood

Pulmonary and Systemic

List the 2 circuits the cardiovascular system is comprised of:

-Outer Epicardium -Middle Myocardium -Inner Endocardium

List the 3 distinct layers the walls of the heart are composed of:

-Atria (Upper Chambers) -Ventricles (Lower Chambers)

List the chambers of the heart:

Right and Left Coronary Arteries

List the first 2 branches of the aorta:


Rings of ? connective tissue surround the pulmonary trunk and aorta at their proximal ends


Serous fluid within the pericardial membranes reduce ? as the heart moves within them

Chordae Tendineae

Strong fibrous strings called ? attach to the cusps of the tricuspid valve on the ventricular side


The ? consists mostly of cardiac muscle tissue that pumps blood out of the heart chambers


The ? consists of epithelium and connective tissue that contains many elastic and collagenous fibers

Pericardial Cavity

The ? contains a small volume of serous fluid


The ? corresponds to the visceral pericardium and it protects the heart by reducing friction

Coronary Sinus

The ? drains blood into the right atrium from the myocardium of the heart itself

Coronary Sinus

The ? empties into the right atrium


The ? encloses the heart and the proximal ends of the large blood vessels to which it attaches

Parietal Pericardium

The ? forms the inner lining of the fibrous pericardium


The ? has thin walls and receive blood returning to the heart


The ? is a hollow, cone-shaped, muscular pump


The ? is the inner layer of the walls of the heart


The ? is the thick, middle layer of the walls of the heart

Aortic Valve

The ? opens and allows blood to leave the left ventricle as it contracts

Mitral Valve

The ? prevents blood from flowing back into the left atrium from the ventricle


The ? receive blood from the atria and contract to force blood out of the heart into the arteries

Left Atrium

The ? receives blood from the lungs through 4 pulmonary veins- 2 from the right lung and 2 from the left lung

Atrial Systole, Ventricular Distole

The action of the heart chambers are regulated so that the atria contracts, which is known as ? and while the ventricles relax, which is known as ?


The arteries connect to smaller-diameter vessels called ?


The base of the pulmonary trunk is a pulmonary valve with ? cusps

Purkinjie Fibers

The endocardium contains blood vessels and some specialized cardiac muscle fibers called ?


The fibrous pericardium is a ? connective tissue


The fibrous rings, together with other masses of dense connective tissue in the portion of the septum between the ventricles (interventricular septum), constitute the "?" of the heart


The heart chambers function in a ? fashion


The heart has 2 ? chambers on the bottom


The heart has 2 ? chambers on the top

Vertebral Column, Sternum

The heart is located posteriorly by the ? and anteriorly by the ?

Body Tissues

The heart must beat continually to supply blood to ?


The heart's distal end extends ? and to the left, terminating as a bluntly pointed apex at the level of the 5th intercostal space

Body Size

The heart's size varies with ?

Visceral Pericardium (Epicardium)

The innermost layer of the sac, the ? (?), covers the heart


The left and right coronary arteries supply blood to the tissues of the ?


The left and right pulmonary arteries lead to the ?

Mitral Valve

The left atrium contracts and blood moves through the ? and into the chamber of the left ventricle

Atrioventricular Valves

The mitral and tricuspid valves are called ? because they are between the atria and ventricles


The muscular pump forces blood through the ?

Pulmonary Trunk

The only exit for blood is through the ?

Aortic Valve

The openings of the left and right coronary arteries lie just beyond the ?

Fibrous Pericardium

The pericardium consists of an outer bag known as the ?


The pulmonary and aortic valves are called "?" because of the half-moon shapes of their cusps

Deoxygenated, Carbon Dioxide

The pulmonary circuit sends oxygen depleted (?) blood to the lungs to pick up oxygen and unload ?

Superior and Inferior Vena Cava

The right atrium receives blood from 2 large veins- the ? and the ?


The right ventricle has a ? muscular wall than the left ventricle

Heart Vales and Muscle FIbers

The rings of the heart provide firm attachments for the ? and for ?

Cardiac Cycle

The series of events that occurs during heart actions constitutes a complete heartbeat, or the ?

Oxygenated, Wastes

The systemic circuit sends oxygen-rich (?) blood and nutrients to all body cells and removes ?


Veins carry blood ? the heart

Coronary Sinus

Veins join an enlarged vein on the heart's posterior surface known as the ?

The site of nutrient, electrolyte, gas, and waste exchange

What are capillaries?

Circulatory System

What do the structures of the heart (the pump and its vessels) form?


What does deoxygenated blood pass through?


What does oxygenated blood pass through?


What does the heart lie within?

-Lies within the thoracic cavity -Rests on the diaphragm

What does the heart lie within? What does the heart rest on?

Left and Right Pulmonary Arteries

What does the pulmonary trunk divide into?

Allows blood to leave the right ventricle and prevents backflow into the ventricular chamber

What does the pulmonary valve with 3 cusps allow?

Pressure within the heart chambers rises and falls; these changes open and close the valves

What happens during the cardiac cycle?

Vibrations in the heart tissues associated with the closing of the valves

What is the cause of the sounds a heartbeat makes through a stethoscope?

Papillary Muscles and Chordae Tendineae

What prevents the mitral valve from swinging back into the left atrium during ventricular contraction

Tissues would lack a supply of oxygen and nutrients and wastes would accumulate

What would happen with no circulation in the body?

When the ventricle contracts

When do the papillary muscles contract?

During Ventricular Contraction when the A-V valves close

When does the first part of a heart sound (lubb) occur?

During Ventricular Relaxation when the pulmonary and aortic valves are closing

When does the second part of a heart sound (dupp) occur?


When the atria contracts, the remaining ?% of returning blood is pushed into the ventricles

Mitral Valve, Aorta

When the left ventricle contracts, the ? closes passively and the only exit is through a large artery known as the ?


When the left ventricular wall contracts, the mitral valve closes and blood moves through the aortic valve and into the ? and its branches

Tricuspid Valve

When the muscular wall of the right ventricle contracts, the blood inside its chamber is put under increasing pressure, and the ? closes passively


When the pressure in the ventricles is ?, early in diastole, the pressure difference between the atria and ventricles causes the A-V valves to open and the ventricles to fill

Pulmonary Valve

When the right ventricular contracts, the ? closes and blood moves through the ? and into the pulmonary trunk and its branches (pulmonary arteries)


When the ventricles contract during the cardiac cycle, ventricular pressure rises sharply, and as soon as the ventricular pressure exceeds the atrial pressure, the ? valves closes

Chordae Tendineae

When ventricular pressure occurs during the cardiac cycle, at the same time the papillary muscles contract and pull on the ?

Atrial and Ventricular Walls

Where are the 2 structures of mass merging cells, also known as a functional synctium, located in the heart?


Which rib does the base of the heart, which attaches to several large blood vessels, lie beneath?

Left Ventricle

Which ventricle must force blood to all other parts of the body against a much greater resistance flow?

Atrial and Ventricular Synctium

Within the cardiac muscle fibers, the ? and ? are connected by fibers of the cardiac conduction system

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