Biology-Unit 2-Quiz 4

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Small units of carbon compounds can be put together in repeated combination to form very large molecules. These large molecules are called _______ and the process of putting them together is called polymerization

adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine.

The four different bases in DNA are:


The four major divisions of biological organic substances carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids are ________

a sugar, a phosphate group and a base

The molecule of DNA is a double chain polymer of three basic parts:

hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen

The most common elements that bond with carbon are:


The organic chemicals which help cell walls to conserve internal fluids are _____.


The oxygen-transporting protein in the blood is called:

sources of energy

Therefore, carbon compounds can serve as ___________ because energy is liberated from carbon molecules when the bonds are broken.

are usually ions of the original elements

When compounds which are formed from ionic bonds decompose, the products:

-adding together the reactant building blocks -removing water from them -forming covalent bonds between them

When the biological system builds up a polymer, it does so by:

antibodies, enzymes, hormones

Which of the following chemicals are proteins?

carbohydrate polymers formed

Which statement represents dehydration synthesis?

amino acids

_______ are the building blocks of proteins


_______ is an example of a complex sugar.


_______ molecules carry out the special instructions coded in the DNA for the manufacture (synthesis) of proteins


_______ play vital functional roles as enzymes, antibodies, certain hormones, and oxygen carriers for cells and tissues.

Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen

_______, ________, ________ are the elements found in carbohydrates


________ compounds, on the other hand, are not good sources of energy because they decompose into ions which form new ionic bonds as soon as the molecules are broken


________ is located in the nucleus of the cell while RNA can be located in the nucleus but also is found outside the nucleus in the cytoplasm.


________ stored in the body are the most highly concentrated source of energy. In fact, they provide twice as many calories (a measure of energy) as does the same mass of carbohydrates or proteins


__________ are one of the major constituents of the cell membrane.


___________ are a complex arrangement of carbon atoms into four-ring structures. They include cholesterol, which is a component of cell membranes


____________ are similar to fats in that they usually contain glycerol and fatty acids (two rather than three as do fats). They additionally contain a phosphate group.


(or deoxyribonucleic acid) A complex molecule containing the genetic code.


(or ribonucleic acid) A nucleic acid which participates in the synthesis of proteins.


A group of organic compounds including fats, steroids, and phospholipids.


A large complex organic molecule consisting of a large number of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds


A polymer of simple sugars (monosaccharides).


A protein specialized to defend the body against disease


A reaction in which two or more molecules unite, forming a more complex molecule


a polymer of glucose units


an acid located in the cell nucleus

nucleic acid

A sequence of sugars, phosphates and nitrogenous organic bases: DNA and RNA


A simple sugar (C6H12O6) occurring in plant and animal tissues


A sugar or polymer of sugar; contains the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen


A sugar or polymer of sugar; contains the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.


A two-sugar polymer

- it can form very large molecules by bonding with other carbon atoms to form molecules of various shapes and sizes -carbon bonding is almost entirely covalent. This property enables decomposition of molecules to occur readily.

Carbon has properties that give it particular importance to life:


Carbon must form _______ covalent bonds to complete its outermost energy level


Carrying the genetic code and determining an organism's structure and function are the functions of:

sulfur and phosphorus

Chemically, proteins always contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. Many proteins also contain:

steroids, phospholipids, fats

Choose from the following list the three groups of lipids:


Fats are products of ________ reactions

glycerol and fatty acids

Fats have two basic components (they are a product of synthesis reactions:

-They are not soluble in water -the H/O ratio is different

How do lipids differ from carbohydrates?

RNA is usually single-stranded The sugar in RNA is ribose, and the base uracil substitutes for thymine.

How does RNA differ from DNA?


In addition to the elements found in carbohydrates and lipids, proteins contain the element __________


Just as these large molecules were synthesized from smaller molecules, they can be decomposed back into smaller molecules. In the breaking of the covalent bond, water is added and energy is liberated. This type of reaction is called:

carbohydrates polymers proteins nucleic acids

Large organic molecules which are synthesized from multiple identical subunits are:

do not

Lipid compounds ______ resemble each other structurally.

organic solvents

Lipids are soluble in solvents called:


Many elements bond to carbon by exchanging electrons t/f

silk, cotton, wood and natural rubber,

Many naturally occurring substances, such as _______, ______, ______, and _______ are polymers


More than _______ different amino acids occur in nature


Nucleic acids contribute ______ to the mass of the cell. However, they are the largest and most specialized molecules in living organisms.

deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA) and ribonucleic acids (RNA).

Nucleic acids exist in two forms:


Organic compounds consisting of various compounds of sugar are generally called:

phosphorus, sulfur, metals, and halogens

Other elements such as ______, _______, ______, and ________ (fluorine and chlorine) also frequently bond with carbon.

meat, milk, fish, eggs, cheese, and some beans.

Proteins are derived from:

protein fats nucleic acids carbohydrates

(Select all that apply.) The four organic molecules common to organisms are _____.


. Hydrogen (H) is present in twice the amount of carbon (C) or oxygen (O). The basic formula is ________

dehydration synthesis

A bonding of subunits to form a polymer with the loss of water


A chemical compound in which each molecule is made up of two or more simpler molecules strung together.


A chemical synthesized by an organism which aids in the control of a specific function in the organism.


C6H12O6 is a type of:

readily available

Carbohydrates are not the only source of energy, but they are the most ____________ source of chemical energy and are used by many cells in preference to other energy sources


Starch will turn a drop of the iodine from red-brown to _____

amino acids; protein

Sugars combine with _______ and ______ to form important compounds that hold cells together


The "uprights" of the ladder are repeating units of a sugar molecule called deoxyribose and a phosphate group and these are linked to one another to form a ________, often called sugar-phosphate backbone


The _______ molecule has genetic information contained within its structure

adenine always pairs with thymine and guanine with cytosine

The bases forming the rungs are always found in paired sets:

amino acid

The basic building block of proteins; contains a carboxyl group (-COOH) and an amino group (-NH2).

peptide bonds

The bonds between amino acids are called:.


The breakdown of large molecules into smaller molecules with water being a reactant.


The common name for C6H12O6 is _____.


The complex sugars are generally called .


the building block, or monomer, of a carbohydrate


the chemistry of life is centered on the chemistry of the element __________

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