BIS 270 Exam 1 Study Guide

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When firms find themselves in situations where they are both competitors and partners, the situation is called _____. A. crowdsourcing B. coopetition C. collaborative filtering D. strategic balancing E. straddling


Amazon does not _____. A. keep project teams small enough to be fed by "two pizzas" B. offer web-based services C. own the inventory of items sold through the "Fulfilled by Amazon" program D. focus on long-term goals E. allow third-party sellers to use its website


Among the many ad products Facebook offers are "___________," which increase the reach of an item that a firm shares. A. Patron Posts B. Perfect Posts C. Promoted Posts D. Percentage Posts E. Pretty Posts


Economists often consider that the marginal costs of digital goods A. are valuable, rare, imperfectly imitable, and non-substitutable. B. are increasing. C. are effectively zero. D. are infinite. E. are decreasing.


Engineering the posting of positive comments and reviews of a firm's product and services on feedback forums is known as _____. A. censoring B. lobbying C. astroturfing D. sensationalism E. framing


Facebook has been used by over _________ different advertisers, and many of these are small businesses using the firm's self-service ad platform. A. none of the above B. 10 million C. 1 million D. 100 thousand E. 10 thousand


Facebook's mobile ads now bring in more than ____ percent of the firm's ad revenue. A. 80 B. none of the above C. 90 D. 18 E. 68


What concept related to staying power is also known by the phrases "being sticky," "creating friction," and "lock-in"? A. Platforms B. Complementary benefits C. Switching costs D. Network internality E. Exchange


What do developers feel is the key to viable, large-scale prediction markets? A. Financial commitment B. None of the above C. Decentralization D. Wisdom of crowds E. Internet trolls


The shift from physical to digital product offerings is often described as a shift from A. long tail to longer tail. B. churn to burn. C. Switching costs to network effects. D. scale economies to scope. E. atoms to bits.


The three sources of scale advantage which the Netflix DVD-by-mail business had over rivals imitating its effort were: A. brand, scale, data. B. network effects, switching costs, brand. C. Cinematch, collaborative filtering, the long tail. D. Foresee, Nielsen, ACSI. E. a warehouse network, customer base, and long tail selection.


What did Waze offer Google? A. All of the above. B. Better advertising accuracy via crowdsourcing. C. Better voice-enabled search via crowdsourcing. D. Better pricing via crowdsourcing. E. Better maps through crowdsourcing.


Netflix doesn't just see growth as a way to advance profitability; it sees it as a vital competitive asset to keep competitors at bay. A. True B. False


Netflix has had to craft different kinds of _________________ to maintain its spot as the world's largest streaming service. A. competitive advantages B. subscriptions C. content D. technical shifts E. business models


Which of the following is a significant advantage of the long tail model on which Netflix is based? A. Scale advantage B. Absolute advantage C. Scope advantage D. Zero competition E. High bargaining power


An exabyte is bigger than a petabyte. A. True B. False


By mid-2018, Instagram and WhatsApp Story features were larger than all of Snapchat’s daily active user base. A. True B. False


Netflix runs on Amazon Web Services. A. True B. False


The price/performance improvements in Moore's Law apply to: A. silicon-based computing and storage components. B. none of the above. C. hard drives. D. all of the above. E. telecommunications devices.


When offerings are roughly the same, they are more commodity than differentiated. A. True B. False


In tech circles, low latency is not good. A. True B. False


Twitter is larger than other social media sources. A. True B. False


Performing the same tasks better than how rivals perform them is known as ______. A. strategic effectiveness B. operational positioning C. operational effectiveness D. strategic positioning E. network effects


Amazon spent _______ billion on shipping costs in 2018. A. none of the above B. $35.6 C. $10 D. $27.8 E. $17.8


Much of this waste ends up in China, South Asia, or sub-Saharan Africa, where it is processed in dreadful conditions. A. True B. False


A company using a(n) _____ strategy would seek to create and compete in uncontested market spaces, rather than competing in spaces and ways that have attracted many, similar rivals. A. blue ocean B. open source C. top of the pyramid D. blood-red E. skimming


A decision situation where one party has more or better information than its counterparty is known as _____. A. information asymmetry B. information overload C. data hoarding D. price transparency E. market manipulationb


A larger number of skilled workers who can use a given technology exists as a result of network effects. A. True B. False


A(n) _____ to social media refers to an established online presence where customers can reach and interact with a firm. A. embassy approach B. customized approach C. personal approach D. dual approach E. two-way approach


Amazon offers free WiFi-connected buttons that consumers can scatter throughout their homes for fast reordering. A. True B. False


Amazon offers personal cloud storage options for all forms of media, including books, games, music, and video. It even offers file storage akin to Dropbox and Google Drive. A. True B. False


Amazon's purchase of Whole Foods is seen as a win-win for both firms. A. True B. False


An industry practice whereby content is available to a given distribution channel for a specified time period, usually under a different revenue model is known as _____. A. windowing B. stalling C. pre-empting D. hoarding E. scheduling


Apple created a robot with twenty-nine free-standing arms that can disassemble, repurpose, and recycle components in returned iPhones. A. True B. False


Apple reduced the switching costs and increased Mac adoptions when the switched from the PowerPC to using Windows-compatible Intel microprocessors. A. True B. False


As of mid-2019, six of the ten most popular Internet sites among US users focused on social media, peer-produced content. A. True B. False


At the time of its IPO, Facebook earned no money from mobile advertising, but today mobile brings in the majority of the firm's ad revenue. A. True B. False


Benefits derived by interaction among members of a single class of participants are called _____ exchange benefits. A. same-side B. cross-side C. dedicated D. renewed E. concentrated


Blogging can be an effective tool for firms to share opinions directly with the public without communication being filtered by a journalist or narrowed by the editor of a third-party publication. A. True B. False


Cable subscribers who drop premium cable channels are referred to as _____. A. cord shavers B. frenemies C. slim jims and/or slim janes D. disintermediators E. disrupters


Channel conflict is when firms see distribution partners as potential rivals. A. True B. False


China's WeChat's 2016 payment processing volume is roughly two times greater than all of PayPal's 2015 volume? A. True B. False


Concern over managing a firm's online image has led to the rise of an industry known as online reputation management. A. True B. False


Critics worry that for billions of low-income users, Facebook will come to represent the only Internet they know and have access to, deepening the roots and entanglement vines of the firm's walled garden. A. True B. False


Customers who purchase Kindle products buy significantly more products from Amazon than those who do not own a Kindle. A. True B. False


Envelopment is a strategy in which a firm seeks to: A. conquer a new market by making it a subset, component, or feature of its primary offering. B. enter an uncontested, low profit market instead of competing in saturated, high profit markets. C. exchange its technical expertise in one area with another firm to effectively suit its resource capabilities. D. migrate to a different core competency by cutting itself off from its loss making efforts. E. acquire a rival firm and assimilate its technology and marketing strategy.


Facebook actually cut back on ads in news feeds, resulting in higher profits. A. True B. False


Netflix doesn't actually own full, worldwide rights to many "Netflix Original" titles like House of Cards. A. True B. False


Facebook has offered a system where website operators can choose to accept a user's Facebook credentials for logging in. Users appreciate this feature because: A. they can access content without having to create a new account. B. website operators typically charge them for logging in. C. Facebook can track these movements and update friends via feeds. D. they dislike having to visit Facebook first before visiting other Web sites. E. they log into Facebook multiple times a day.


Firms enjoy _____ when they are able to leverage the cost of an investment across increasing units of production. A. scale economies B. high stock market valuations C. economies of scope D. complementary benefits E. absolute advantage


Firms that manufacture products where silicon-based components represent a large portion of the product's cost of goods are likely to carry as little inventory as possible because: A. depreciation rates of chip-based electronics are high. B. silicon chips are susceptible to physical and electronic damage if left unused for long periods of time. C. they are always in short-supply because of huge demand. D. with technology moving away from silicon based chips, it is prudent to maintain limited inventories. E. moving excess inventory between warehouses is expensive.


Flash memory is non-volatile memory. A. True B. False


Flash memory is solid-state memory.


For years, Netflix was known for best-in-class service, regularly and repeatedly ranking atop multiple customer satisfaction surveys. A. True B. False


From the privacy and user-content fiascos faced by Facebook, managers can learn that: A. violation of public trust can lead to intense public scrutiny and regulatory consequences. B. a large number of passionate users is essential to get a firm to act more democratically. C. high switching costs don't prevent users from migrating to other services. D. advertising revenues need not be the only source of income for social networks. E. users usually trust a firm's ability to secure their content if advertising partners include well-known firms that consumers likely already trust.


Giving away products for half of a two-sided market is an extreme example of _____. A. seed the market B. seed convergence C. backward compatibility D. market stabilizing E. forward marketing


Identify the true statement about Amazon. A. Amazon takes a relatively long-term view with respect to investing in initiatives and its commitment to grow profitable businesses. B. Amazon made profits from the first year of its operation. C. Amazon focuses on the immediate harvesting of profits to gain a strategic advantage in the market. D. Amazon is the second largest online retailer in the world. E. Amazon's profitability has remained constant over the years and analysts continue to predict profits for the firm's future.


In 2018, a research firm, Cambridge Analytica, detailed a surreptitious campaign to harvest user data on a wide scale—unleashing a big firestorm for Facebook. A. True B. False


In a significant "big data" play for more accurate consumer targeting, Facebook now allows advertisers to combine externally collected data with Facebook's insights. A. True B. False


In an example of how Moore's Law and buying at scale can reduce costs, the original MagicBand prototype came in at around $35 but costs fell below $5 by rollout. A. True B. False


In the chip industry, "fabs" are: A. chip manufacturing factories. B. silicon wafers. C. small devices enabling the "Internet of Things." D. none of the above. E. the computing cores of multicore devices.


Internet and tech-leveraging businesses are said to be highly scalable when profit margins often improve as firms leverage their infrastructure base across a growing number of customers. A. True B. False


It can be easier to recruit employees before a firm goes public, since staff granted shares and options may see an upside at IPO. A. True B. False


Keeping control of its own shipping needs allows Amazon to save about a third in costs that would normally go to third parties. A. True B. False


Large firms that find new markets attractive but don't yet have products ready for delivery might _______ efforts in order to cause potential adaptors to sit on the fence. A. preannounce B. none of the above C. delay D. accelerate E. not convey


Mandated for Wikipedia contributions, this editorial style is free of bias and opinion: A. Neutral point of view B. Ombudsman approach C. Bohemian style D. Independent observation E. Non-stereotypical writing style


Many say we are currently in the sixth wave of computing can be considered the era of pervasive computing, where technology is fast and so inexpensive that it is becoming ubiquitously woven into products. A. True B. False


Many wikis also serve as knowledge management systems that act as a sort of collective corporate memory that's vital for sharing skills, learning, and preserving expertise when employees leave the firm. A. True B. False


Mobile ads present such an opportunity in part because users check their phones so much, offering a chance to show many more ads throughout the day. A. True B. False


Modern supercomputing is typically done via a technique called massively parallel processing. A. True B. False


Moore's Law typically applies to _____. A. microprocessors and chip-based storage B. optical fiber C. magnetic tapes D. hard drives E. DVDs


Moore's Law will likely come to an end during your lifetime. A. True B. False


Moving first pays off when lead time is used to create: A. critical resources for competitive advantage. B. network effects. C. multiple variants of the same product. D. affiliate programs. E. information asymmetry in the market.


Much of the infrastructure used by Netflix to deliver streaming is actually provided by Amazon. A. True B. False


Netflix leveraged crowdsourcing by offering one million dollars to the first team to: A. improve accuracy of its movie recommendations by 10 percent. B. write code for collaborative filtering software for its Cinematch feature. C. develop a set-top box that offered movie streaming to television sets. D. aggregate data from its vast network of subscribers. E. come up with a model for cost-effective delivery of its DVD-by-mail service


One yet-to-be-proven technology that could blow the lid off what's possible today is quantum computing. A. True B. False


Pricing that shifts over time usually based on conditions that change the demand is called ______________. A. dynamic pricing B. deliberate pricing C. timely pricing D. fluid pricing E. departure pricing


Products and services that can be considered to be a "platform" allow for the development and integration of software products and other complementary goods are known. A. True B. False


Publicly declared affiliations, political or religious views, excessive contact, declined participation, and other factors might lead to awkward or strained employee relationships. A. True B. False


Rapid obsolescence of technology products contributes to the growing problem of e-waste management. A. True B. False


Relate your understanding of Netflix dominance in the DVD-by-mail business to what you learned in the Strategy and Technology chapter: what three resources for competitive advantage did Netflix create in this market that rivals Blockbuster and Walmart couldn't match? A. Brand, scale, data asset B. Bargaining power with suppliers, bargaining power with buyers, substitute goods C. IPO, publicity, awareness D. Lower search costs, proxy of quality, inspiring trust


SDK are tools that allow the creation of products or add-ons for a specific operating system. A. True B. False


SMART is an acronym for social media awareness teams. A. True B. False


Selling more goods often gives Amazon bargaining power with suppliers. A. True B. False


Social networks are a hothouse for "_________" media, where enthusiast-consumers can help spread the word about products and services. A. earned B. paid C. mainstream D. owned


Some networks are curating user feeds, so it's not guaranteed that what you're posting on social networks will even be seen A. True B. False


Technology such as the Vitality Corp. GlowCap applies technology to: A. improve patient adherence to prescription schedules. B. security technology to ensure products are only used by their owners. C. lower instances of medical fraud. D. change color based on the weather and other atmospheric indicators. E. enable IBM's Smarter Planet initiative.


The Kickstarter effort Cognitoy was able to get supercomputer smarts inside a child's toy by leveraging IBM's Watson Cloud. A. True B. False


The phenomenon of ________________________________________ exists when increasing numbers of users lower the value of a product or service. A. Congestion effects B. Scalability C. The Osborne effect D. Bloating E. Blue ocean strategy


The process of separating out the densely packed materials inside tech products, so that value in e-waste can be effectively harvested is an extremely _____ process. A. labor-intensive B. skill-intensive C. environment-friendly D. low-cost E. automated


The three sources of value for network effects include __________, staying power, and complementary benefits. A. exchange B. profitability C. scope D. scale E. supply chains


The version history and roll back features of wikis is considered to be more clear, allowing users to be able to see who made what edits, than collaborating simultaneously in a tool such as Google Docs or Office365. A. True B. False


To avoid the hardware cost of getting its content to the television, the firm developed a software platform and makes this available to manufacturers seeking to include Netflix access in their devices. A. True B. False


To become the Web's leading photo-sharing service, Facebook didn't acquire anyone. The site simply turned on a substandard photo-sharing feature and quickly became the biggest photo-sharing site on the Web. A. True B. False


Twitter ads are billed on pay per performance when there is a retweet, follow, buy, or other engagement with a promotion. A. True B. False


Twitter initially made its data available for free to other developers via API (application programming interface). A. True B. False


Two strategic assets considered vital to Facebook's enduring competitive advantage in social networking are switching costs and network effects. A. True B. False


Website operators can recommend Amazon products on their site, and Amazon gives the affiliate a percentage of sales generated from these promotions. A. True B. False


What feature of Facebook helps new applications gain visibility among users? A. News feeds B. Mutual friend approval C. Tweets D. Scraps E. User verification


When taken together, these features enlist websites to serve as vassal states in the Facebook empire. A. API to integrate Facebook logon, likes, and other open graph features into other sites B. Facebook Messenger's app store C. Photos D. Facebook's equity stake in all firms that have a fan page on the service


Which of the following facts is true with respect to the current electronic waste scenario? A. There is more gold in one pound of electronic waste than in one pound of mined ore. B. Harvesting value in electronic waste is a skill-intensive process and requires specialization. C. E-waste management is not too difficult to monitor and track. D. Trade in e-waste is transparent and strictly monitored by environmental agencies worldwide. E. Sending e-waste abroad can be costlier than dealing with it at home.


Which of the following is one of the differences between Twitter and Facebook? A. Twitter settings allow asymmetrical following, unlike Facebook. B. Unlike Facebook, Twitter allows users to post videos and photos on their homepages. C. Facebook allows users to block unwanted followers, unlike Twitter. D. Facebook is designed to provide rapid notification to a user's readership, unlike Twitter. E. Unlike Facebook, Twitter offers users the ability to post status messages.


Which of the following is true about Facebook and Twitter feeds? A. All Twitter posts appear in the feeds of followers with an open Twitter app, but Facebook posts are curated and only appear in the feeds of some friends and fans. B. All Facebook posts appear in friend feeds, but Twitter posts are curated and only appear in the feeds of some followers. C. They function nearly identically. D. Corporate posts will only appear in the feeds of Facebook fans and Twitter followers if they leverage paid media.


Which of the following is true? A. The three pillars of Amazon's business are large selection, convenience, and lower prices. B. Amazon's profitability has remained constant over the years and analysts continue to predict profits for the firm's future. C. Amazon is no longer the world's largest online retailer. D. Amazon got its start selling games online. E. Amazon's strength lies in being always able to sell well directly to its customers.


Which of the following online efforts has crowd wisdom as its underlying principle? A. Wiki B. Blogs C. RSS feeds D. Social networks E. Microblogging


Which of the following statements is true about Facebook's acquisition of WhatsApp? A. WhatsApp's share of the global mobile messaging market was so much greater than Facebook's, Zuckerberg saw WhatsApp as the best way for Facebook to remain relevant in this market. B. WhatsApp had fewer global users than SnapChat, but SnapChat refused Facebook's acquisition offer, so the WhatsApp purchase made Facebook a strong number-two player in mobile messaging. C. WhatsApp was popular in markets where Facebook is blocked by local governments. D. WhatsApp's average revenue per user in developing markets is actually higher than Facebook's. E. While WhatsApp's messaging lagged Facebook's in the high-growth markets of India, Brazil, and Mexico, the service was growing at a faster rate.


Which of the following was responsible for luring firms such as Walmart and Blockbuster into direct competition with Netflix? A. The Netflix IPO B. The concept of crowdsourcing C. The ease of acquiring digital distribution rights D. The low costs associated with streaming content online E. The popularity of the blu-ray disc


Why did Hastings regret going public as early as he did? A. Going public required the firm to reveal financial results, sharing its success with the world and attracting rivals. B. Public firms pay far more taxes than private ones. C. the firm waited it could have raised more cash. D. Going public required Hastings to give up a share of the firm, prompting his eagerness to affiliate with Microsoft and Facebook.


Wikis can be effective for group work and team meetings, since they can be used for everything from posting an agenda in advance, to prompting users to share documents before face-to-face brainstorming and feedback. A. True B. False


_____ are links in a blog post that refer readers back to cited sources. A. Trackbacks B. Blog rolls C. Uniform resource locators D. Torrents E. Redirectors


_____ is a marketing term referring to the rate at which customers leave a product or service. A. Churn rate B. Transit rate C. Jump D. Crossover number E. Attrition


_____ refer(s) to a limit imposed by the Internet service provider on the total amount of traffic that a given subscriber can consume. A. Bandwidth caps B. Price ceilings C. Spectrum D. Long tail E. Net neutrality


_____ refer(s) to competing by offering a superior generation of technology that is so much greater to existing offerings that the value overcomes the total resistance that older technologies might enjoy via exchange, switching cost, and complementary benefits. A. Technological leapfrogging B. Exchange power C. Economies of scale D. Cross-side exchange E. Technological power


_____ refers to the long-term viability of a product or service. A. Staying power B. Network internality C. Exchange D. Lock-in E. Complementary benefit


Amazon has a $100 million fund to developers enhancing technologies and developing new apps. A. True B. False

A. True

The Apple Store represents a key distribution channel for the firm and the single most successful retail chain as defined by sales per square foot in the United States. A. True B. False

A. True

When network effects are strong, the best (e.g. the highest quality or most superior product) does not necessarily win. A. True B. False

A. True

Transitioning the Netflix to a future where Internet streaming dominates and DVDs go away resulted in a smooth transition and record profits. A. True B. False


A firm's__________is the symbolic embodiment of all the information connected with a product or service. A. marketing B. brand C. strategy D. vision


A(n) _____ is an online community that allows users to establish a personal profile and communicate with others. A. social bookmarking site B. social network C. offline discussion board D. public listing E. SMS system


A/B Testing refers to an effort where prices fluctuate based on supply and demand conditions. A. True B. False


Agency pricing refers to a situation where retailers buy books at the price specified by suppliers, but can then sell at any price they want. A. True B. False


Amazon has found that collaborative filtering software is cumbersome and slows their productivity and revenues. A. True B. False


Amazon has gotten physical without a full-fledged investment in storefronts. The firm has 300 Amazon popup stores, temporary kiosk-style spots in malls or other heavy-traffic retail spaces. A. True B. False


Amazon was wise to base Fire products off of Android, since this means that all Android tablet apps will work on the Kindle Fire. A. True B. False


Amazon's AWS industrial cloud computing products have struggled to gain traction against stronger, tech-centric products offered by industry leaders Google and Microsoft, but Bezos remains undeterred and will continue to invest despite Amazon's meager cloud computing market share. A. True B. False


Another bonus of the system: since it was based on web technology and apps, costs were especially low, coming in under budget at less than $10 million total. A. True B. False


As many as ____________ automated “bots” were used with the express purpose of sowing confusion during the 2016 U.S. presidential election. A. 30,000 B. 50,000 C. 40,000 D. 10,000 E. 20,000


Bezos is regarded as such a successful CEO in part based on his relentless focus on his firm's quarterly performance. A. True B. False


Bloggers and other users of social media often refer to the MSM. This phrase stands for Media Social Methods. A. True B. False


Businesses benefit from economies of scale when the cost of an investment can be spread across increasing units of operational effectiveness or in serving a small supplier base. A. True B. False


Buying Twitch was bad investment for Amazon, as far fewer users tune in to watch other people play video games than tune in to watch conventional television network shows. A. True B. False


By default, a post by a "liked" firm or friend will appear in your feed. A. True B. False


Cluster computing utilizes a cluster of software and processor resources within individual PCs. A. True B. False


Computers help make sure shelvers stack similar items next to each other. The goal? Make sure that if an order picker seeks something like Legos, they'll find all of the firm's offerings in one spot. A. True B. False


Corporations will want to be cautious about what is posted to wikis since wikis can be accessed by anyone. A. True B. False


Creating MyMagic+ was easy because systems were built from scratch, minimizing the amount of work integrating the new effort with existing systems. A. True B. False


Despite the potential impact of crowdsourcing, very few big brands are taking advantage of this method. A. True B. False


Don't confuse blogs with conventional search engine results. Blogs are very important, but they do not influence the content that appears in searches through Google or Bing. A. True B. False


Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg's ad industry experience was cultivated at Yahoo! A. True B. False


Facebook acquired Instagram for $ ___________. A. 100 million B. 1 billion C. 2 billion D. none of the above E. 10 billion


Facebook has lots of upsides in part because its audience in key demographics is so much smaller than conventional television networks. A. True B. False


Facebook is so strong due to a team of domain experts. Genius developers are allowed to stay focused on a single project, perhaps throughout their career, serving as a resource for all new employees that enter that group. A. True B. False


Facebook leads social media innovation and rarely imitates products from competitors. A. True B. False


Fees for transactions handled by blockchain vs. centralized markets are higher, and since blockchains are peer-produced infrastructure, the cost to run such market should be very high. A. True B. False


France and China demonstrate that Netflix will have an even easier time expanding internationally than in the US, as these nations have less restrictive laws as a result of not having Hollywood-sized domestic media industries. A. True B. False


FreshDirect's tech-efficient model actually leads to lower margins than its traditional grocery peers, but the firm makes this up with a greater sales volume. A. True B. False


Highlighting both a challenge and opportunity, Facebook's international users still contribute only a small fraction of the firm's overall ad revenue. A. True B. False


In order to achieve a negative cash conversion cycle a firm would want to: A. decrease its account payable terms and increase its inventory turns. B. increase its account payable period and its inventory turns. C. decrease its account payable period and its inventory turns. D. increase its account payable terms and decrease its inventory turns.


In order to expand earned-media reach, organizations should include a request at the end of their Facebook posts that requests that users reshare the information. A. True B. False


In the context of network effects, the term "network" refers to: A. the physical wires or wireless systems that connect pieces of electronics used by network users. B. a common user base, utilized to communicate and share with one another. C. a series of points or nodes interconnected by communication paths. D. a system of intersecting lines or channels. E. a communication system consisting of a group of broadcast stations.


Many leading content outlets use Facebook Instant Articles feature because: A. All of the above B. Articles load faster, increasing the likelihood that they'll be read (and ads will be served) C. These articles strip out Google ads and use Facebook's less expensive ads. D. Bloggers bypass the mainstream media (MSM) and share via Facebook, getting a cut of any subscription revenue for commercial sign-ups E. Facebook leverages the front-facing camera on your mobile phone to watch where users look, offering feedback to content providers on effective ad copy and placement


Most successful firms typically leverage a single key resource for competitive advantage to create lasting, above-average industry profits. A. True B. False


Multicore processors have been a boon to technology firms, since any software executing on a multi-core system runs faster by a multiple of the number of cores (e.g. quad core chips run traditional software 4 times as fast). A. True B. False


Netflix has been able to rapidly add the streaming business with similar cost economics and product offerings because the fundamentals of this business are very similar to the firm's DVD-by-mail business, just streamed over the Internet. A. True B. False


Netflix uses its substantial data asset to: A. none of the above B. all of the above C. tailor promotions of existing content. D. drive software redesign and improve the user experience. E. evaluate potential licensing deals.


Network effects are sometimes called _____. A. the Osborne Effect B. Metcalfe's Law C. Moore's Law D. leverage effects E. network internalities


Non-Practicing Entities(NPEs), more commonly known as _________, hold intellectual property not with the goal of bringing novel innovations to market but instead in hopes that they can sue or extort large settlements from others. A. exploiters B. Market holders C. start-up stoppers D. patent trolls


One challenge for Facebook Mobile is newsfeed ads. Users tend to ignore ads in their newsfeed even more than they do ads that appear on the side of conventional web pages. A. True B. False


One of the biggest problems facing Internet access for the world's poor is that such a small percentage of the global population living poverty lives near a mobile cellphone tower. A. True B. False


OpenTable's network effects are due entirely to the large number of consumers who use the service. A. True B. False


Silicon chips are preferred over solid state electronics devices which are more likely to fail and draw greater amounts of power. A. True B. False


Staying power is important in technology industries because technology products such as office suite software, smartphone, laptops, and servers are so pricey. A. True B. False


Technology means FreshDirect's labor costs are higher than rivals', but the firm makes up for this in other ways. A. True B. False


Technology products are considered to be price inelastic. A. True B. False


The "First Sale Doctrine" refers to an over-100-year-old U.S. Supreme Court ruling that allows Netflix to stream a nearly unlimited catalog of movies and television programs. A. True B. False


The AWS business is promising for Amazon in that it is used by more firms than any other effort. However, like many of Amazon's other "long bet" gambits, AWS has yet to earn any money. A. True B. False


The Amazon Go retail features stores: A. without registers. B. all of the above. C. without cashiers. D. scanning app store entry. E. artificial intelligence to assist with completing purchases.


The Amazon cloud computing product known as Workspaces allows firms to manage their inventory and fulfillment within Amazon's own warehouses. A. True B. False


The Netflix DVD-by-mail allowed users to pay per movie, akin to rental but with the efficiencies of an Internet business with inventory delivered via the mail. A. True B. False


The bread of devices running iOS, and the various versions of the fragmented iOS operating system present a far greater challenge for developers than the fairly unified Android standard. A. True B. False


The failure of China's WeChat platform shows the folly of trying to create an application platform through a mobile app. A. True B. False


The phenomenon known as ___________________ exists when a firm's potential partners see the firm as a threat. This threat could come because it offers competing products or services via alternative channels or because the firm works closely with especially threatening competitors. A. disintermediation B. channel conflict C. imprints D. agency E. disambiguation


The price/performance curves shown in this chapter allow the manager to calibrate precise estimates on future computing capabilities and costs. A. True B. False


The use of Kiva robots has also allowed Amazon to radically reduce headcount, saving the firm additional money by cutting its workforce. A. True B. False


Which of the following describes the relationship between Apple's iOS and Google Maps. A. Apple's initially poor map offering caused many users to delete Apple Maps, leading to Google's dominance of mapping on iOS. B. Apple's control of iOS gave it control of the distribution channel to reach its users, kicking Google out as the default mapping app and capturing the majority of user engagement. C. Apple was able to leverage the success of Apple Maps to create a successful mapping product on Android, rivaling Google's in reach. D. Google's dominance of apps and its offering mapping before Apple's market entry has helped keep it the dominant mapping option on iOS.


Which of the following is a benefit from MyMagic+? A. Cutting turnstile transaction time B. All of the above C. Increasing the amount of money guests spend in park D. Allowing the park to serve more customers E. Reducing the likelihood that frustrated customers will leave for a rival Orlando theme park.


Which of the following is perhaps the most significant contributor to Facebook's ability to strengthen and deliver user value from the social graph? A. Games B. Feeds C. Messages D. Profiles E. Events


Which of the following is true of Amazon? A. Amazon has centered its focus on quarterly results. B. went seven whole years without turning a profit. C. Amazon has limited its product categories to only books. D. Amazon's profitability has remained constant over the years and analysts continue to predict profits in the firm's future. E. Amazon initially adopted the domain of a non-profit organization.


Which of the following refers to a substance such as silicon dioxide that is used inside most computer chips and is capable of enabling as well as inhibiting the flow of electricity? A. Volatile memory B. Semiconductor C. Surge suppressor D. Optical fiber line E. IoT


While Amazon is the largest online retailer, the firm has struggled with customer satisfaction, largely because processes are automated and the firm offers little phone support or human assistance. The firm allows this tradeoff because it helps cut costs. A. True B. False


While Amazon took several years to turn a profit, the firm has been known for consistent and growing profits ever since. A. True B. False


While blogs are effective for communicating with the public, firms shouldn't use blogs for internal communication since everyone can see them. A. True B. False


With _____, firms place special software on its existing PCs or servers that enable these computers to work together on a common problem. A. sequential processing B. grid computing C. cloud computing D. software as a service E. pipelining


You are at a packed stadium for the big game and you want to upload a photo of your team's touchdown using Instagram. Your mobile phone shows five bars of service, but you still can't access the Internet. This is likely an example of _______________. A. envelopment B. congestion effects C. The Osbourne Effect D. network effects E. convergence


Your firm had better lawyer up! Studies have shown that patents are the single most-important factor for enabling a firm to profit from innovations. A. True B. False


_____ has allowed Amazon to radically drop the price of Kindle offerings, while increasing device functionality. A. Publisher subsidies B. Moore's Law C. Network Effects D. Metcalfe's Law E. Robotics-driven inventory turns


________ are promotions that are not paid for or owned but rather grow organically from customer efforts or other favorable publicity. Examples include positive tweets, referring Facebook posts, and pins on Pinterest. A. Owned media B. Earned media C. Paid media D. S.M.A.R.T. efforts E. Inbound marketing


________ refers to efforts where an organization pays to leverage a channel or promote a message. Paid media efforts include things such as advertisement and sponsorships. A. Earned media B. Paid media C. Owned media D. Inbound marketing E. S.M.A.R.T. efforts


_________________ was once the domain of governments and high-end research labs, performing tasks such as simulating the explosion of nuclear devices, or analyzing large-scale weather and climate phenomena. A. Digital InfrastIn tech circles, low latency is not good.ructure B. Supercomputing C. Cloud computing D. Grid computing E. All computing hardware


For providers of commodity products, how does the Internet typically impact price transparency and information asymmetry? A. Price transparency decreases while information asymmetry increases. B. Both price transparency and information asymmetry increase C. Price transparency increases while information asymmetry decreases D. Both price transparency and information asymmetry decrease. E. Both price transparency and information asymmetry decrease


GitHub and Stack Overflow are websites that are especially useful for students and professionals focusing on the _______________________ industries. A. photography B. sales and marketing C. software development D. political science E. journalism and publishing


Managers looking for advice on properly dealing with obsolete technology hardware can: A. consult the e-Stewards program. B. investigate resources provided by the Basel Action Network. C. all of the above D. look for partners with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications. E. seek advice from the International Association of Electronics Recyclers.


Many entrepreneurs accept start-up capital from _____, investor groups that provide funding in exchange for a stake in the firm and often, a degree of managerial control usually in the form of a voting seat, or seats on the firm's board of directors. A. credit unions B. personal financiers C. venture capital firms D. financial institutions E. money lenders


One of the reasons behind Beacon's failure is a common one: managers failed to completely consider the components and interplay among elements in an information system. Which of the following is not a component of an information system (IS)? A. Software B. Data C. None of the above, all of the above are components of IS D. Hardware E. Procedures F. People


Online journal entries, usually made in a reverse chronological order, are known as _____. A. e-mail B. bookmarks C. blogs D. wikis E. torrents


Open source software refers to: A. software programs that tell other programs how to get a service to perform a task such as send or receive data. B. software that, theoretically, can be expanded infinitely by including similar code from other software. C. free software whose source code is available for modification by anyone. D. software that can increase the speed of Internet transmissions by opening up multiple pathways for message packets. E. a clutch of software programs controlled by a single source program that monitors data transmissions between individual software.


Physician social network "_________" is a godsend to physicians looking to gain peer opinion on confounding cases or other medical questions. A. Ask a Doc B. Diagnose C. Sermo D. Promo


Pioneered by Facebook but now adopted by most services, _____ provide a timely list of the activities of and public messages from people, groups, and organizations that an individual has an association with. A. hash tags B. profiles C. feeds D. walls E. comments


Programming hooks, or guidelines published by firms that tell other programs how to get a service to perform a task such as send or receive data, are known as _____. A. standard design structures B. information reproducing frameworks C. application programming interfaces D. collaborative filtering software E. service design frameworks


Relating the Facebook platform to sources of value from network effects, developers creating applications create ___________________ that have the potential to add value to Facebook beyond what the firm itself provides to its users. A. opportunity costs B. unique selling propositions C. complementary benefits D. business intelligence E. vertical niches

C.'s Chatter, Microsoft's Yammer, HipChat, and Slack are all services that have been billed as "_____________." A. Twitter for Excellence B. None of the above C. Twitter for the Enterprise D. Twitter for the Experts.


Streaming licensing fees have become an important part of studio profitability, and an increase in Netflix __________ offers the firm even more leverage. A. All of the above B. scheduling C. streaming scale D. promotions E. DVD rentals


The Facebook-backed Libra cryptocurrency seeks to serve the _________ adults worldwide who don't have a bank account. A. 3 billion B. 830 million C. 1.7 billion D. 904,000 E. 100 million


The _____ problem exists when savvy rivals watch a pioneer's efforts, learn from their successes and missteps, and then enter the market quickly with a comparable or superior product at a lower cost. A. side step B. first-mover C. fast follower D. circumnavigation E. copyright infringement


The cost a consumer incurs when moving from one product to another is known as _____. A. fixed costs B. marginal costs C. switching costs D. variable costs E. opportunity costs


The final stage of getting a product to the consumer, typically by small delivery van or other vehicle, is known as _____________. A. complete delivery B. every-mile delivery C. last-mile delivery D. destination delivery E. last fulfillment


The multiple-brain approach to solving problems is not suitable for problems: A. which use resources over a network. B. which use more processing power. C. involving huge amounts of data. D. that are linear. E. that can be split up into smaller pieces.


The phrase _____ is used to refer to situations in which users collaboratively work to create contents, products, and services. Examples include social media as well as service like Skype and BitTorrent. A. collaborative filtering B. disintermediation C. peer production D. user aggregation E. coopetition


The phrase __________ refers to the number of times inventory is sold or used during the course of a year. A. total cost of inventory B. return on investment C. inventory turns D. economy of scale E. churn rate


The phrase ________________ refers to the positive influence created when someone finds out that others are doing something. A. viral marketing B. blue ocean strategy C. social proof D. cross-side benefits


The term _________________ refers to leveraging consumers to promote a product or service. A. network effects B. social sharing C. viral marketing D. the collaboration economy


What reason did Mark Zuckerberg give for acquiring Oculus VR? A. To acquire a firm that had already acquired a massive end-user customer base. B. To acquire a firm that already had a huge stable of third-party applications, practically ensuring Oculus will be the dominant VR platform. C. To start building what Zuckerberg hopes is the next major computing platform that will come after mobile. D. To keep pace with earlier virtual reality acquisitions made by Amazon, Apple, and Google. E. To remove competition from an even younger entrepreneur than Zuckerberg who threatens Facebook with smarts and talent.


What was the biggest problem with the rollout of Facebook's Beacon platform? A. It was an "opt in" service. B. It was an "opt out" program. C. It was a credits-based rewards system. D. It failed to leverage the social graph in any manner. E. It forced consumers to pay for using the service.


When two or more markets, once considered distinctly separate, begin to offer similar features and capabilities, they are said to undergo _____. A. assimilation B. tie-ups C. convergence D. envelopment E. annihilation


Which of the following is a benefit derived from Amazon's use of Kiva robots in its fulfillment centers? A. Allows warehouses to store more product B. Cuts average order fulfillment time C. All of the above D. Reduces unload time for inbound inventory


Which of the following is a strategy for competing in markets with network effects? A. Limiting backward compatibility B. Discouraging the redefinition of markets C. Subsidizing product adoption D. Inhibiting viral promotions E. Restricting development of complementary goods


Which of the following is true about Facebook Messenger? A. None of the above B. It is now used as a tool for customer support and service C. All of the above D. It has become a payments platform E. It is a Skype competitor


Which of the following observations is true? A. Low entry barriers nearly guarantee the success of Web-based business models. B. Barring a few exceptions, most established offline firms have caught up with today's Internet leaders. C. Internet businesses have relatively low barriers to entry. D. The barriers to entry for most firms that compete on technology-alone are always extremely high. E. Timing and technology are sufficient to yield sustainable competitive advantages.


Which of the following would not be considered as contributing to the "complementary benefits" value of network effects? A. Books and magazines about the product B. Qualified labor skilled in using the product C. None of the above D. Third-party apps that work with the product E. Hardware that can communicate with and be controlled by the product


Which statement best describes the relationship between network effects and innovation? A. More often than not, network effects foster innovation B. Network effects decrease innovation within a standard but increase the number of innovative offerings that compete against a strongly established standard. C. Network effects increase innovation within a standard but decrease the number of innovative offerings that compete against a strongly established standard. D. More often than not, network effects limit innovation E. None of the above


Why is it potentially easier for services delivered over mobile apps to recreate a social graph than it is for users of a browser-based service? A. Apps are not part of the dark web, so content can be easily imported B. APIs expose an entire user's social graph C. Smartphones can access a user's address book D. The unlimited data plans that most smartphone users subscribe to make data extraction from Facebook essentially free E. Apps use a universal cookie, enabling apps to freely access data from other apps


_____ are costs that customers incur when moving from one product to another. A. Fixed costs B. Loyalty costs C. Switching costs D. Variable costs E. Marginal costs


_____ is the idea that a group of amateur individuals collectively have more insight than a single or small group of trained professionals. A. Disintermediation B. A walled garden C. Wisdom of crowds D. Outsourcing E. Astroturfing


_____ refers to a false online persona created to promote a particular point of view often in praise of a firm, product, or individual. A. Astroturfing B. Deceit post C. Sock puppet D. Mirage E. Image illusion


______ is performing different tasks than rivals or the same tasks in different ways. A. Vertical integration B. Operational effectiveness C. Strategic positioning D. Multi-tasking E. Strategic effectiveness


________ are media from communication channels that an organization controls. These can include firm-run blogs and websites, any firm-distributed corporate mobile website or app, and organization accounts on social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, and Instagram. A. Earned media B. nbound marketing C. Owned media D. S.M.A.R.T. efforts E. Paid media


The term _____ refers to a collection of computing resources available for access over the Internet. A. deep Web B. RSS feed C. crowdsourcing D. cloud E. walled garden


A key advance of the Oculus Rift was: A. It integrated seamlessly with existing Xbox games, displaying the firm's entire library in full, immersive virtual reality. B. The first version was a stand-alone product, used without requiring integration with PCs, smartphones, or other devices. C. It was complete and selling to consumers at the time of Facebook's acquisition of the parent firm D. It didn't make users puke.


A(n) ___________________ is measured each time an ad is served to a user for viewing, i.e. each time an ad appears on someone's screen. A. page view B. install C. hit D. impression


Advertising can build _____, but brands are built through _____. A. product value; pricing strategies B. image; television promotion C. recognition; viral campaigns D. awareness; customer experience E. customer loyalty; funding


An increase in the number of subscribers of yellow pages creates a rise in the number of advertisers. This is an example of _____ exchange benefits. A. straddled B. same-sided C. interlinked D. cross-side E. rectilinear


Cameras, MP3 players, USB drives, and mobile phones often use _____ which holds data even when the power is off. A. virtual memory B. primary memory C. volatile memory D. flash memory E. cache memory


Data from MyMagic+ helps Disney A. know when to add more staff at rides and restaurants. B. know how to stock restaurants, snack bars, and souvenir stands. C. know how many costumed cast members should be roaming in various areas of the park. D. all of the above E. none of the above


Facebook's _______________ effort, where users were asked to look at Facebook phrases and offer translation suggestions for their local language, helped the firm rapidly deploy versions in dozens of markets. A. creative marketing B. none of the above C. callout promos D. crowdsourcing localization E. collaborative partnerships


FreshDirect should be safe from competition with traditional grocery stores (since they would be straddling two models instead of getting FreshDirect's singular efficiency), and new startups are likely going to struggle to match FreshDirect's scale and brand. However, Amazon presents a particularly strong challenger to FreshDirect. Why? A. Amazon's drones will offer faster delivery than FreshDirect trucks B. Amazon's president, Jeff Bezos, grew up on a farm and has deep knowledge and personal relationships that will help implement a farm-to-table rival C. Amazon and Google have partnered to create a joint venture combining their strengths to create an online grocery powerhouse D. Amazon has deep pockets and is aggressively seeking to expand into groceries


Identify the accurate statement about Amazon. A. Amazon does not allow third-party sellers to use its website. B. The A/B testing used in Amazon is particularly difficult to run over the C. Internet on a firm's website. C. Amazon looks to make money directly from Kindle hardware sales. D. Amazon employees are given the freedom to challenge even the most senior managers to all the way up to the founder.


In which ways is Amazon becoming a publisher? A. Amazon has begun to produce television shows to be aired over its video streaming network. B. None of the above, Amazon recognizes that if it publishes products it risks losing key suppliers. C. Amazon is a publisher of video games. D. All of the above. E. The firm has its own book publishing divisions.


Marketing managers need to understand key assets they need for the digital age. What key asset did Netflix embarrassingly fail to secure when rebranding the DVD-by-mail business as Qwikster? A. The images used at launch B. The Facebook page C. The Trademark D. The Twitter account E. The Internet domain name


Microprocessors with two or more (typically lower power) calculating processor cores on the same piece of silicon are known as: A. multicore processors. B. sequenced processors. C. co-processors. D. paralleled processors. E. cloud processors.


Network markets comprised of two distinct categories of participants, both of which are needed to deliver value for the network to work, are called _____. A. twin markets B. straddled markets C. consolidated markets D. two-sided markets E. dual benefit markets


One way firms seek to strengthen their platforms and encourage third parties to develop complementary goods is by: A. vertical integration. B. inimitable value chains. C. creating a walled garden. D. offering APIs.


One way to address the problem of densely packed, overheating chip designs is with _____________. A. satellite processing B. new operating systems C. air-cooled processor D. multicore microprocessors E. All of the above


Polling a diverse crowd and aggregating opinions, in order to form a forecast of an eventual outcome to leverage the wisdom of crowds, is known as _____. A. referendum B. secondary market research C. psychometry D. a prediction market E. reputation monitoring


Sometimes technology can sound geeky and so technical that executives might think that it doesn't require managerial or investor attention. However, many investing in the telecom sector suffered from a lack of insight into how a key technology was impacting their industry. Telecom firms failed to anticipate the impact of a technology known as ____________ which enabled existing fiber to carry more transmissions than ever before. A. open source software B. cloud computing C. radio frequency identification (RFID) D. dense wave division multiplexing (DWDM)


Storage that retains data even when powered down is called: A. random access memory. B. static memory. C. dynamic memory. D. nonvolatile memory. E. delay line memory.


Streaming content has increased a viewing habit of consumer multiple episodes or whole seasons of programing, known as: A. comfort consumption. B. virtual DVR. C. convenience programing. D. binge watching. E. None of the above


The __________is the set of activities through which a product or service is created and delivered to customers. A. sales goal B. brand value C. product plan D. value chain


The ability to take advantage of complementary products developed for a prior generation of technology is known as _____. A. convergence B. envelopment C. retrospective leverage D. backward compatibility E. technology mapping


The advancing price/performance curve of technology is empowering the planet. Underscoring this, economist Jeffrey Sachs has stated that "____________ is the single most transformative technology for world economic development." A. big data B. M-Pesa C. Esoko D. the cell phone E. cloud computing


The phenomenon whereby firms can make money by selling a near-limitless selection of less popular products is known as _____. A. economies of scale B. the product lifecycle C. economies of scope D. the long tail E. the grey market


The phrase _____ refers to the global mapping of users, organizations, and how they are connected. A. blog B. index C. feed D. social graph E. network internality


The phrase ____________________ is often used to refer to the emergence of technology in products where low-cost sensors, computing, and communication put embedded smarts in all sorts of mundane devices so that these products can communicate with one another for data collection, analysis, and collective action. A. Intranets B. Elastic computing C. Solid State D. The Internet of Things E. The Singularity


The resource-based view of competitive advantage states that for a firm to maintain sustainable competitive advantage it must control a set of exploitable resources that have four critical characteristics. What are these characteristics? A. Inventory turns, high margins, long account payable periods, brand building relationships B. A website, an app, cloud-based systems, a savvy technology staff C. Operational effectiveness, strategic positioning, scale, distribution channels D. Rareness, value, imperfect imitability, nonsubstitutability


The roll back feature of a wiki page allows: A. organize content on the wiki page in chronological order. B. posting of hash tags that link to related wiki pages. C. users to post messages, photos, and videos. D. restoration of the wiki page to a prior version. E. users to edit content on the wiki page.


The term __________________________________ refers to taking a job traditionally performed by a designated agent and contracting it out to an undefined generally large group of people in the form of an open call A. viral sourcing B. outsourcing C. collaborative filtering D. crowdsourcing E. open source


The term __________________________________________________ refers to showing ads for products and services from a site that a user has previously visited. A. cookied product sales B. flash sales C. A/B testing D. retargeting E. affiliate programs


Which of the following factors shifts bargaining power to the suppliers of streaming video content? A. The content is most often unique and highly differentiated. B. A small number of suppliers controls content, creating an oligopoly. C. A growing number of buyers increases demand. D. All of the above E. Streaming goods are licensed for a fixed time period vs. DVDs that can be used as long as they are owned.


Which of the following is an economic measure of the full cost of owning a product? A. Product lifecycle B. Fixed cost C. List price D. Total cost of ownership E. Lifetime value of a customer


Which of the following is not considered a criteria necessary for prediction markets to function properly? A. Be diverse B. Offer a collective verdict C. Be independent D. Be related E. Be decentralized


Which of the following is one of Porter's five forces? A. Value chain B. Brand recognition C. Marketing segmentation D. Bargaining power of buyers E. Eliminating competition


Which of the following is true of Amazon Web Services (AWS)? A. Amazon does not offer corporate-quality computing. B. AWS forms a large percentage of Amazon's overall revenue. C. AWS is a fool-proof system. D. It allows anyone with a credit card to access industrial-strength, scalable computing resources. E. AWS doesn't provide services such as programming environments and networking services.


While Gordon Moore's paper originally stated that Moore's Law meant a doubling of transistor density roughly every two years, and some suggest a doubling every two and a half years, the managerial definition of Moore's Law that you'll often see appearing in the trade press is: ______________________. A. transistor density is halved every 18 months. B. costs relative to chip performance double every 18 months. C. hard drive storage per dollar doubles every year. D. chip performance per dollar doubles every 18 months. E. microprocessor's become cheaper over time.


Why is Apple Pay an example of a two-sided network? A. Listings attract advertisers and vice versa B. None of the above - Apple Pay is not a two-sided network C. Products attract sellers and vice versa D. Buyers attract sellers and vice versa E. Greenfield efforts attract localization efforts and vice versa


_____ are products or services that are nearly identically offered from multiple vendors. A. Giffen goods B. Luxury goods C. Complementary goods D. Commodities E. Veblen goods


_____ involves leveraging a firm's customers to promote a product or service. A. Envelopment B. Convergence C. Product championing D. Viral promotion E. Advertising


_____ refer(s) to the payments made by suppliers to retailers for prime shelf space. A. Acquisition fees B. Royalty C. Franchisee fees D. Slotting fees E. Skimming price


_____ refers to replacing computing hardware that a firm might otherwise purchase with a service delivered online. A. Sequential processing B. Grid computing C. Massively parallel computing D. Cloud computing E. Internet crossover


____________ are special-purpose computing devices that don't have an operating system and can't do as much as general purpose computers or smart phones. A. RAM devices B. Solid state electronics C. Hard disks D. Microcontrollers E. Silicon chips


A website anyone can edit directly within a Web browser is known as a _______. A. microblog B. blog C. cloud site D. torrent E. wiki


A(n) _____ is the one that derives most of its value from a single class of users. A. concentrated market B. one-off market C. two-sided market D. monopoly E. one-sided market


A(n) _____ refers to a market dominated by a small number of powerful sellers. A. monopsony B. horizontal market C. duopoly D. monopoly E. oligopoly


Advantages related to a firm's size are referred to as _____. A. growth advantages B. absolute advantages C. location advantages D. switching advantages E. scale advantages


Amazon reports a negative cash conversion cycle, which means it: A. does not allow third-party sellers to use its website. B. focuses on advancing profit harvesting. C. defers profits in order to invest in long-term opportunities. D. sells goods after it pays the suppliers. E. sells goods before it has to pay its suppliers.


Discarded, often obsolete, technology is more generally known as _____. A. digital junk B. jetsam C. spam D. flotsam E. electronic waste


Facebook allows any developer to add a Facebook "Like" button to their site with just a few lines of HTML code. What advantage do websites leverage by integrating this feature? A. Staying power B. Co-identification C. Envelopment D. Peer production E. Viral distribution


Fire OS is a _____________ of the Android operating system, a copy that has been modified so much that it has become a distinctly separate product. A. firefly B. cookie C. bot D. applet E. fork


In the 1990s, wave four of evolving computing came in the form of _________________. A. mobile phones B. cloud computing C. None of the above D. social media E. Internet computing


Longtime Amazon shipping partner _______ dropped the firm in 2019 for both air and ground deliveries. A. Lyft B. Uber C. UPS D. USPS E. FedEx


Moore's Law occurs because: A. better cooling technologies are becoming available. B. prices of chips halve every eighteen months. C. it is possible to reduce the number of chips per silicon wafer. D. the demand for computers is increasing. E. the distance between pathways inside silicon chips is getting smaller.


Removing an organization from a firm's distribution channel thereby collapsing the path between supplier and customer is known as _____. A. privatization B. digital distribution C. outsourcing D. expulsion E. disintermediation


Sites that cannot be indexed by Google and other search engines are referred to as the _____. A. black net B. black hole C. semantic Web D. walled garden E. deep Web


The "three Rs" emphasized in the social media policy guidelines of most organizations relate to: A. revenue, recovery, and robustness. B. reliability, readability, and responsiveness. C. relativity, retention, and rectitude. D. reappraisal, readiness, and restitution. E. representation, responsibility, and respect.


The Purdue - Amazon bookstore partnership has lowered text book cost by _______ percent. A. 14 B. 44 C. 50 D. 54 E. 40


The _____ is considered the brain of a computing device. A. cache memory B. logic and arithmetic unit C. central processing unit D. data storage unit E. microprocessor


The bulk of Facebook's revenue is earned through: A. loaning user information to data mining organizations. B. selling applications developed on its platform. C. Its role as an online banker. D. gaming. E. advertising.


The phenomenon of _________________________ exists when the value of a product or service increases along with a growing number of users. A. strategic positioning B. scale economies C. straddling D. switching costs E. network effects


The phrase ______________ refers to efforts where participants share access to products and services rather than having ownership. A. Open Source B. Social Media C. Peer Production D. Tencent QQ E. Collaborative consumption


Which additional factors favor the competitive dynamics of smartphone apps over browser-based desktop services? A. Smartphone apps also get an icon on the home screen. B. Limited screen real-estate on mobile devices C. Smartphone apps can use push notifications. D. Smartphones apps can access a phone's media library and cloud storage. E. All of the above


Which of the following factors can weaken buyer bargaining power? A. Availability of substitute technologies B. Weak network effects C. Multiple suppliers D. Small customer base E. High switching costs


Which of the following is not considered one of the four "Ms" of social media engagement: A. Megaphone B. Magnet C. Monitor D. Monetize


Which of the following is the temporary storage that provides fast access for executing computer programs and files? A. Magnetic disk storage B. Read-only memory C. Hard disk D. Compact disk memory E. Random-access memory


Which of the following summarizes network effects? A. Revenue = number of products sold x price B. Profit = sales x profit margin C. Lifetime value of a customer = Volume of each purchase made by the customer D. Value = number of consumers x profits E. More users = more value


Which term refers to a classification of software that monitors trends among customers and uses this data to personalize an individual customer's experience? A. Cloud computing B. Data warehousing C. Crowdsourcing D. The long tail E. Collaborative filtering


While some debate the size of the "long tail," one fact that is critical to keep above this debate is that: A. more than 95 percent of the titles in the inventories of physical storefronts are viewed every three months. B. it makes business sense for offline firms to stock obscure titles. C. the low cost of storefront maintenance make physical retail store models attractive. D. a large collection of titles is not important in attracting subscriptions from customers. E. selection attracts customers and the Internet allows large-selection inventory efficiencies that offline firms can't match.


_____ is the concern that an advertisement will run near offensive material, embarrassing an advertiser and degrading their brands. A. Reputation management B. Information manipulation C. Encroachment D. Advertising proximity E. Content adjacency


_____ occur(s) when others take advantage of a user or service without providing any sort of reciprocal benefits. A. Network effects B. Switching costs C. The fast follower problem D. The Osborne effect E. The free rider problem


_____ refer(s) to systems distributed throughout the Internet that help to improve the delivery speeds of Web pages and other media, typically by spreading access across multiple sites located closer to users. A. Link farms B. Data communication networks C. Service-oriented architecture D. Broadband networks E. Content delivery networks


_____ refers to attempts by an organization to occupy more than one position while failing to match the benefits of a more efficient, singularly focused rival. A. Merging B. Segmenting C. Slotting D. Branding E. Straddling


______ is financial performance that consistently outperforms the industry average. A. Relative cost advantage B. Superior value chain analysis C. Operational effectiveness D. Strategic positioning E. Sustainable competitive advantage


______ is the rate at which the demand for a product or service fluctuates with price change. A. Supply dynamics B. Cost variance C. Market shift D. Demand mobility E. Price elasticity


lthough Netflix had a larger distribution network than rivals, other firms could build a similarly large warehouse network. What additional advantage made this more profitable for Netflix than newcomers? A. The computing power in the firm's proprietary data centers, which no rivals could replicate. B. The long tail of products inside warehouses that rivals could never match. C. The bread of the firm's physical retail store network. D. The extent of analyst support in the investing community. E. The size of the firm's customer base, which enabled economies of scale.


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